int main( int argc, const char* argv[])
	int rt = 0;
	std::auto_ptr<strus::ErrorBufferInterface> errorBuffer( strus::createErrorBuffer_standard( 0, 2));
	if (!errorBuffer.get())
		std::cerr << _TXT("failed to create error buffer") << std::endl;
		return -1;
	strus::ProgramOptions opt;
	bool printUsageAndExit = false;
		opt = strus::ProgramOptions(
				argc, argv, 11,
				"h,help", "v,version", "license", "t,tokenizer:", "n,normalizer:",
				"m,module:", "M,moduledir:", "q,quot:", "p,plain",
				"R,resourcedir:", "T,trace:");
		if (opt( "help")) printUsageAndExit = true;
		std::auto_ptr<strus::ModuleLoaderInterface> moduleLoader( strus::createModuleLoader( errorBuffer.get()));
		if (!moduleLoader.get()) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to create module loader"));

		if (opt("moduledir"))
			std::vector<std::string> modirlist( opt.list("moduledir"));
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator mi = modirlist.begin(), me = modirlist.end();
			for (; mi != me; ++mi)
				moduleLoader->addModulePath( *mi);
		if (opt("module"))
			std::vector<std::string> modlist( opt.list("module"));
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator mi = modlist.begin(), me = modlist.end();
			for (; mi != me; ++mi)
				if (!moduleLoader->loadModule( *mi))
					throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("error failed to load module %s"), mi->c_str());
		if (opt("license"))
			std::vector<std::string> licenses_3rdParty = moduleLoader->get3rdPartyLicenseTexts();
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ti = licenses_3rdParty.begin(), te = licenses_3rdParty.end();
			if (ti != te) std::cout << _TXT("3rd party licenses:") << std::endl;
			for (; ti != te; ++ti)
				std::cout << *ti << std::endl;
			std::cerr << std::endl;
			if (!printUsageAndExit) return 0;
		if (opt( "version"))
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus utilities version ") << STRUS_UTILITIES_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus module version ") << STRUS_MODULE_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus rpc version ") << STRUS_RPC_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus trace version ") << STRUS_TRACE_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus analyzer version ") << STRUS_ANALYZER_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("Strus base version ") << STRUS_BASE_VERSION_STRING << std::endl;
			std::vector<std::string> versions_3rdParty = moduleLoader->get3rdPartyVersionTexts();
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator vi = versions_3rdParty.begin(), ve = versions_3rdParty.end();
			if (vi != ve) std::cout << _TXT("3rd party versions:") << std::endl;
			for (; vi != ve; ++vi)
				std::cout << *vi << std::endl;
			if (!printUsageAndExit) return 0;
		else if (!printUsageAndExit)
			if (opt.nofargs() > 1)
				std::cerr << _TXT("too many arguments") << std::endl;
				printUsageAndExit = true;
				rt = 1;
			if (opt.nofargs() < 1)
				std::cerr << _TXT("too few arguments") << std::endl;
				printUsageAndExit = true;
				rt = 2;
		if (printUsageAndExit)
			std::cout << _TXT("usage:") << " strusAnalyze [options] <phrasepath>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "<phrasepath> = " << _TXT("path to phrase to analyze ('-' for stdin)") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "description: " << _TXT("tokenizes and normalizes a text segment") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "             " << _TXT("and prints the result to stdout.") << std::endl;
			std::cout << _TXT("options:") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-h|--help" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "   " << _TXT("Print this usage and do nothing else") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-v|--version" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Print the program version and do nothing else") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "--license" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Print 3rd party licences requiring reference") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-m|--module <MOD>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Load components from module <MOD>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-M|--moduledir <DIR>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Search modules to load first in <DIR>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-R|--resourcedir <DIR>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Search resource files for analyzer first in <DIR>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-t|--tokenizer <CALL>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Use the tokenizer <CALL> (default 'content')") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-n|--normalizer <CALL>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Use the normalizer <CALL> (default 'orig')") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-q|--quot <STR>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Use the string <STR> as quote for the result (default \"\'\")") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-p|--plain" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Do not print position and define default quotes as empty") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "-T|--trace <CONFIG>" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << _TXT("Print method call traces configured with <CONFIG>") << std::endl;
			std::cout << "    " << strus::string_format( _TXT("Example: %s"), "-T \"log=dump;file=stdout\"") << std::endl;
			return rt;
		// Declare trace proxy objects:
		typedef strus::Reference<strus::TraceProxy> TraceReference;
		std::vector<TraceReference> trace;
		if (opt("trace"))
			std::vector<std::string> tracecfglist( opt.list("trace"));
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ti = tracecfglist.begin(), te = tracecfglist.end();
			for (; ti != te; ++ti)
				trace.push_back( new strus::TraceProxy( moduleLoader.get(), *ti, errorBuffer.get()));

		std::string resultQuot = "'";
		bool resultPlain = false;
		if (opt( "plain"))
			resultPlain = true;
		if (opt( "quot"))
			resultQuot = opt[ "quot"];
		std::string docpath = opt[0];
		std::string tokenizer( "content");
		if (opt( "tokenizer"))
			tokenizer = opt[ "tokenizer"];
		std::string normalizer( "orig");
		if (opt( "normalizer"))
			normalizer = opt[ "normalizer"];
		// Set paths for locating resources:
		if (opt("resourcedir"))
			std::vector<std::string> pathlist( opt.list("resourcedir"));
				pi = pathlist.begin(), pe = pathlist.end();
			for (; pi != pe; ++pi)
				moduleLoader->addResourcePath( *pi);

		// Create root object for analyzer:
			analyzerBuilder( moduleLoader->createAnalyzerObjectBuilder());
		if (!analyzerBuilder.get()) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to create analyzer object builder"));

		// Create proxy objects if tracing enabled:
			std::vector<TraceReference>::const_iterator ti = trace.begin(), te = trace.end();
			for (; ti != te; ++ti)
				strus::AnalyzerObjectBuilderInterface* proxy = (*ti)->createProxy( analyzerBuilder.get());
				analyzerBuilder.reset( proxy);
		// Create objects for analyzer:
			analyzer( analyzerBuilder->createQueryAnalyzer());
		if (!analyzer.get()) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to create analyzer"));
		const strus::TextProcessorInterface* textproc = analyzerBuilder->getTextProcessor();
		if (!textproc) throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to get text processor"));

		// Create phrase type (tokenizer and normalizer):
		std::string phraseType;
		if (!strus::loadQueryAnalyzerPhraseType(
				*analyzer, textproc, phraseType, "", normalizer, tokenizer, errorBuffer.get()))
			throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("failed to load analyze phrase type"));

		// Load the phrase:
		std::string phrase;
		if (docpath == "-")
			unsigned int ec = strus::readStdin( phrase);
			if (ec) throw strus::runtime_error( _TXT( "error reading input from stdin (errno %u)"), ec);
			unsigned int ec = strus::readFile( docpath, phrase);
			if (ec) throw strus::runtime_error( _TXT( "error reading input file '%s' (errno %u)"), docpath.c_str(), ec);

		// Analyze the phrase and print the result:
		std::vector<strus::analyzer::Term> terms
			= analyzer->analyzePhrase( phraseType, phrase);

		std::sort( terms.begin(), terms.end(), TermOrder());

			ti = terms.begin(), te = terms.end();

		for (; ti != te; ++ti)
			if (!resultPlain)
				std::cout << ti->pos() << " ";
			std::cout << resultQuot << ti->value() << resultQuot << std::endl;
		if (errorBuffer->hasError())
			throw strus::runtime_error(_TXT("error in analyze phrase"));
		return 0;
	catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
		std::cerr << _TXT("ERROR ") << _TXT("out of memory") << std::endl;
	catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
		const char* errormsg = errorBuffer->fetchError();
		if (errormsg)
			std::cerr << _TXT("ERROR ") << e.what() << ": " << errormsg << std::endl;
			std::cerr << _TXT("ERROR ") << e.what() << std::endl;
	catch (const std::exception& e)
		std::cerr << _TXT("EXCEPTION ") << e.what() << std::endl;
	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 2
// This doesn't rewrite changes through properly so needs to have a substitution
// applied to its output.
ASTNode PropagateEqualities::propagate(const ASTNode& a, ArrayTransformer* at)
  ASTNode output;
  // if the variable has been solved for, then simply return it
  if (simp->InsideSubstitutionMap(a, output))
    return output;

  if (!alreadyVisited.insert(a.GetNodeNum()).second)
    return a;

  output = a;

  // traverse a and populate the SubstitutionMap
  const Kind k = a.GetKind();
  if (SYMBOL == k && BOOLEAN_TYPE == a.GetType())
    bool updated = simp->UpdateSubstitutionMap(a, ASTTrue);
    output = updated ? ASTTrue : a;
  else if (NOT == k)
    bool updated = searchXOR(a[0], ASTFalse);
    output = updated ? ASTTrue : a;
  else if (IFF == k || EQ == k)
    const ASTVec& c = a.GetChildren();

    if (c[0] == c[1])
      return ASTTrue;

    bool updated = simp->UpdateSubstitutionMap(c[0], c[1]);

    if (updated)
      // fill the arrayname readindices vector if e0 is a
      // READ(Arr,index) and index is a BVCONST
      int to;
      if ((to = TermOrder(c[0], c[1])) == 1 && c[0].GetKind() == READ)
        at->FillUp_ArrReadIndex_Vec(c[0], c[1]);
      else if (to == -1 && c[1].GetKind() == READ)
        at->FillUp_ArrReadIndex_Vec(c[1], c[0]);

    if (!updated)
      updated = searchTerm(c[0], c[1]);

    if (!updated)
      updated = searchTerm(c[1], c[0]);

    output = updated ? ASTTrue : a;
  else if (XOR == k)
    bool updated = searchXOR(a, ASTTrue);
    output = updated ? ASTTrue : a;

    if (updated)
      return output;

// The below block should be subsumed by the searchXOR function which
// generalises it.
// So the below block should never do anything..
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (a.Degree() != 2)
      return output;

    int to = TermOrder(a[0], a[1]);
    if (0 == to)
      if (a[0].GetKind() == NOT && a[0][0].GetKind() == EQ &&
          a[0][0][0].GetValueWidth() == 1 && a[0][0][1].GetKind() == SYMBOL)
        // (XOR (NOT(= (1 v)))  ... )
        const ASTNode& symbol = a[0][0][1];
        const ASTNode newN = nf->CreateTerm(
            ITE, 1, a[1], a[0][0][0], nf->CreateTerm(BVNEG, 1, a[0][0][0]));

        if (simp->UpdateSolverMap(symbol, newN))
          output = ASTTrue;
      else if (a[1].GetKind() == NOT && a[1][0].GetKind() == EQ &&
               a[1][0][0].GetValueWidth() == 1 &&
               a[1][0][1].GetKind() == SYMBOL)
        const ASTNode& symbol = a[1][0][1];
        const ASTNode newN = nf->CreateTerm(
            ITE, 1, a[0], a[1][0][0], nf->CreateTerm(BVNEG, 1, a[1][0][0]));

        if (simp->UpdateSolverMap(symbol, newN))
          output = ASTTrue;
      else if (a[0].GetKind() == EQ && a[0][0].GetValueWidth() == 1 &&
               a[0][1].GetKind() == SYMBOL)
        // XOR ((= 1 v) ... )

        const ASTNode& symbol = a[0][1];
        const ASTNode newN = nf->CreateTerm(
            ITE, 1, a[1], nf->CreateTerm(BVNEG, 1, a[0][0]), a[0][0]);

        if (simp->UpdateSolverMap(symbol, newN))
          output = ASTTrue;
      else if (a[1].GetKind() == EQ && a[1][0].GetValueWidth() == 1 &&
               a[1][1].GetKind() == SYMBOL)
        const ASTNode& symbol = a[1][1];
        const ASTNode newN = nf->CreateTerm(
            ITE, 1, a[0], nf->CreateTerm(BVNEG, 1, a[1][0]), a[1][0]);

        if (simp->UpdateSolverMap(symbol, newN))
          output = ASTTrue;
        return output;
      ASTNode symbol, rhs;
      if (to == 1)
        symbol = a[0];
        rhs = a[1];
        symbol = a[1];
        rhs = a[0];

      assert(symbol.GetKind() == SYMBOL);

      if (simp->UpdateSolverMap(symbol, nf->CreateNode(NOT, rhs)))
        output = ASTTrue;
  else if (AND == k)
    const ASTVec& c = a.GetChildren();
    ASTVec o;

    for (ASTVec::const_iterator it = c.begin(), itend = c.end(); it != itend;
      if (always_true)
      ASTNode aaa = propagate(*it, at);

      if (ASTTrue != aaa)
        if (ASTFalse == aaa)
          return ASTFalse;
    if (o.size() == 0)
      output = ASTTrue;
    else if (o.size() == 1)
      output = o[0];
    else if (o != c)
      output = nf->CreateNode(AND, o);
      output = a;

  return output;