Exemplo n.º 1
void ProgressReporter::PrintBar() {
    int barLength = TerminalWidth() - 28;
    int totalPlusses = std::max(2, barLength - (int)title.size());
    int plussesPrinted = 0;

    // Initialize progress string
    const int bufLen = title.size() + totalPlusses + 64;
    std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[bufLen]);
    snprintf(buf.get(), bufLen, "\r%s: [", title.c_str());
    char *curSpace = buf.get() + strlen(buf.get());
    char *s = curSpace;
    for (int i = 0; i < totalPlusses; ++i) *s++ = ' ';
    *s++ = ']';
    *s++ = ' ';
    *s++ = '\0';
    fputs(buf.get(), stdout);

    std::chrono::milliseconds sleepDuration(250);
    int iterCount = 0;
    while (!exitThread) {

        // Periodically increase sleepDuration to reduce overhead of
        // updates.
        if (iterCount == 10)
            // Up to 0.5s after ~2.5s elapsed
            sleepDuration *= 2;
        else if (iterCount == 70)
            // Up to 1s after an additional ~30s have elapsed.
            sleepDuration *= 2;

        Float percentDone = Float(workDone) / Float(totalWork);
        int plussesNeeded = std::round(totalPlusses * percentDone);
        while (plussesPrinted < plussesNeeded) {
            *curSpace++ = '+';
        fputs(buf.get(), stdout);

        // Update elapsed time and estimated time to completion
        Float seconds = ElapsedMS() / 1000.f;
        Float estRemaining = seconds / percentDone - seconds;
        if (percentDone == 1.f)
            printf(" (%.1fs)       ", seconds);
        else if (!std::isinf(estRemaining))
            printf(" (%.1fs|%.1fs)  ", seconds,
                   std::max((Float)0., estRemaining));
            printf(" (%.1fs|?s)  ", seconds);
Exemplo n.º 2
/** Helper function for Error(), Warning(), etc.

    @param type   The type of message being printed (e.g. "Warning")
    @param p      Position in source file that is connected to the message
                  being printed
    @param fmt    printf()-style format string
    @param args   Arguments with values for format string % entries
static void
lPrint(const char *type, bool isError, SourcePos p, const char *fmt,
       va_list args) {
    char *errorBuf, *formattedBuf;
    if (vasprintf(&errorBuf, fmt, args) == -1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "vasprintf() unable to allocate memory!\n");

    int indent = 0;
    if (p.first_line == 0) {
        // We don't have a valid SourcePos, so create a message without it
        if (asprintf(&formattedBuf, "%s%s%s%s%s: %s%s", lStartBold(),
                     isError ? lStartRed() : lStartBlue(), type,
                     lResetColor(), lStartBold(), errorBuf,
                     lResetColor()) == -1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "asprintf() unable to allocate memory!\n");
        indent = lFindIndent(1, formattedBuf);
    else {
        // Create an error message that includes the file and line number
        if (asprintf(&formattedBuf, "%s%s:%d:%d: %s%s%s%s: %s%s",
                     lStartBold(), p.name, p.first_line, p.first_column,
                     isError ? lStartRed() : lStartBlue(), type,
                     lResetColor(), lStartBold(), errorBuf,
                     lResetColor()) == -1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "asprintf() unable to allocate memory!\n");
        indent = lFindIndent(3, formattedBuf);
    // Don't indent too much with long filenames
    indent = std::min(indent, 8);

    // Now that we've done all that work, see if we've already printed the
    // exact same error message.  If so, return, so we don't redundantly
    // print it and annoy the user.
    static std::set<std::string> printed;
    if (printed.find(formattedBuf) != printed.end())

    PrintWithWordBreaks(formattedBuf, indent, TerminalWidth(), stderr);

Exemplo n.º 3
// ProgressReporter Method Definitions
ProgressReporter::ProgressReporter(int tw, const std::string &title)
    : totalWork(tw) {
    int barLength = TerminalWidth() - 28;
    totalPlusses = std::max(2, barLength - (int)title.size());
    plussesPrinted = 0;
    workDone = 0;
    startTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    outFile = stdout;
    // Initialize progress string
    const int bufLen = title.size() + totalPlusses + 64;
    buf = new char[bufLen];
    snprintf(buf, bufLen, "\r%s: [", title.c_str());
    curSpace = buf + strlen(buf);
    char *s = curSpace;
    for (int i = 0; i < totalPlusses; ++i) *s++ = ' ';
    *s++ = ']';
    *s++ = ' ';
    *s++ = '\0';
    if (!PbrtOptions.quiet) {
        fputs(buf, outFile);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
usage(int ret) {
    printf("\nusage: ispc\n");
    printf("    [--addressing={32,64}]\t\tSelect 32- or 64-bit addressing. (Note that 32-bit\n");
    printf("                          \t\taddressing calculations are done by default, even\n");
    printf("                          \t\ton 64-bit target architectures.)\n");
    printf("    [--arch={%s}]\t\tSelect target architecture\n",
    printf("    [--c++-include-file=<name>]\t\tSpecify name of file to emit in #include statement in generated C++ code.\n");
    printf("    [--colored-output]\t\tAlways use terminal colors in error/warning messages.\n");
    printf("    ");
    char cpuHelp[2048];
    sprintf(cpuHelp, "[--cpu=<cpu>]\t\t\tSelect target CPU type\n<cpu>={%s}\n",
    PrintWithWordBreaks(cpuHelp, 16, TerminalWidth(), stdout);
    printf("    [-D<foo>]\t\t\t\t#define given value when running preprocessor\n");
    printf("    [--dev-stub <filename>]\t\tEmit device-side offload stub functions to file\n");
    printf("    [--emit-asm]\t\t\tGenerate assembly language file as output\n");
    printf("    [--emit-c++]\t\t\tEmit a C++ source file as output\n");
    printf("    [--emit-llvm]\t\t\tEmit LLVM bitode file as output\n");
    printf("    [--emit-obj]\t\t\tGenerate object file file as output (default)\n");
    printf("    [--force-alignment=<value>]\t\tForce alignment in memory allocations routine to be <value>\n");
    printf("    [-g]\t\t\t\tGenerate debugging information\n");
    printf("    [--help]\t\t\t\tPrint help\n");
    printf("    [--help-dev]\t\t\tPrint help for developer options\n");
    printf("    [--host-stub <filename>]\t\tEmit host-side offload stub functions to file\n");
    printf("    [-h <name>/--header-outfile=<name>]\tOutput filename for header\n");
    printf("    [-I <path>]\t\t\t\tAdd <path> to #include file search path\n");
    printf("    [--instrument]\t\t\tEmit instrumentation to gather performance data\n");
    printf("    [--math-lib=<option>]\t\tSelect math library\n");
    printf("        default\t\t\t\tUse ispc's built-in math functions\n");
    printf("        fast\t\t\t\tUse high-performance but lower-accuracy math functions\n");
    printf("        svml\t\t\t\tUse the Intel(r) SVML math libraries\n");
    printf("        system\t\t\t\tUse the system's math library (*may be quite slow*)\n");
    printf("    [-MMM <filename>\t\t\t\tWrite #include dependencies to given file.\n");
    printf("    [--nostdlib]\t\t\tDon't make the ispc standard library available\n");
    printf("    [--nocpp]\t\t\t\tDon't run the C preprocessor\n");
    printf("    [-o <name>/--outfile=<name>]\tOutput filename (may be \"-\" for standard output)\n");
    printf("    [-O0/-O1]\t\t\t\tSet optimization level (-O1 is default)\n");
    printf("    [--opt=<option>]\t\t\tSet optimization option\n");
    printf("        disable-assertions\t\tRemove assertion statements from final code.\n");
    printf("        disable-fma\t\t\tDisable 'fused multiply-add' instructions (on targets that support them)\n");
    printf("        disable-loop-unroll\t\tDisable loop unrolling.\n");
    printf("        fast-masked-vload\t\tFaster masked vector loads on SSE (may go past end of array)\n");
    printf("        fast-math\t\t\tPerform non-IEEE-compliant optimizations of numeric expressions\n");
    printf("        force-aligned-memory\t\tAlways issue \"aligned\" vector load and store instructions\n");
    printf("    [--pic]\t\t\t\tGenerate position-independent code\n");
#endif // !ISPC_IS_WINDOWS
    printf("    [--quiet]\t\t\t\tSuppress all output\n");
    printf("    ");
    char targetHelp[2048];
    sprintf(targetHelp, "[--target=<t>]\t\t\tSelect target ISA and width.\n"
            "<t>={%s}", Target::SupportedTargets());
    PrintWithWordBreaks(targetHelp, 24, TerminalWidth(), stdout);
    printf("    [--version]\t\t\t\tPrint ispc version\n");
    printf("    [--werror]\t\t\t\tTreat warnings as errors\n");
    printf("    [--woff]\t\t\t\tDisable warnings\n");
    printf("    [--wno-perf]\t\t\tDon't issue warnings related to performance-related issues\n");
    printf("    <file to compile or \"-\" for stdin>\n");
Exemplo n.º 5
// Error Reporting Functions
static void processError(const char *format, va_list args,
		const char *errorType, int disposition) {
	// Report error
	if (disposition == PBRT_ERROR_IGNORE)
	//	fprintf(stdout, format, args);
	// Build up an entire formatted error string and print it all at once;
	// this way, if multiple threads are printing messages at once, they
	// don't get jumbled up...
	std::string errorString;

	//	    // Print line and position in input file, if available
	//	    extern int line_num;
	//	    if (line_num != 0) {
	//	        extern string current_file;
	//	        errorString += current_file;
	//	        char buf[16];
	//	        sprintf(buf, "(%d): ", line_num);
	//	        errorString += buf;
	//	    }

	// Print formatted error message
	int width = max(20, TerminalWidth() - 2);
	errorString += errorType;
	errorString += ": ";
	int column = errorString.size();

#if !defined(PBRT_IS_WINDOWS)
	char *errorBuf;
	if (vasprintf(&errorBuf, format, args) == -1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vasprintf() unable to allocate memory!\n");
	char errorBuf[2048];
	vsnprintf_s(errorBuf, sizeof(errorBuf), _TRUNCATE, format, args);

	const char *msgPos = errorBuf;
	while (true) {
		while (*msgPos != '\0' && isspace(*msgPos))
		if (*msgPos == '\0')

		const char *wordEnd = findWordEnd(msgPos);
		if (column + wordEnd - msgPos > width) {
			errorString += "\n    ";
			column = 4;
		while (msgPos != wordEnd) {
			errorString += *msgPos++;
		errorString += ' ';

	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errorString.c_str());

	if (disposition == PBRT_ERROR_ABORT) {
#if defined(PBRT_IS_WINDOWS)
#if !defined(PBRT_IS_WINDOWS)
Exemplo n.º 6
static void processError(const char *format, va_list args,
                         const char *errorType, int disposition) {
    // Report error
    if (disposition == PBRT_ERROR_IGNORE) return;

    // Build up an entire formatted error string and print it all at once;
    // this way, if multiple threads are printing messages at once, they
    // don't get jumbled up...
    std::string errorString;

    // Print line and position in input file, if available
    extern int line_num;
    if (line_num != 0) {
        extern std::string current_file;
        errorString += current_file;
        errorString += StringPrintf("(%d): ", line_num);

    // Print formatted error message
    int width = std::max(20, TerminalWidth() - 2);
    errorString += errorType;
    errorString += ": ";
    int column = errorString.size();

    std::string message = StringVaprintf(format, args);

    const char *msgPos = message.c_str();
    while (true) {
        while (*msgPos != '\0' && isspace(*msgPos)) ++msgPos;
        if (*msgPos == '\0') break;

        const char *wordEnd = findWordEnd(msgPos);
        if (column + wordEnd - msgPos > width) {
            errorString += "\n    ";
            column = 4;
        while (msgPos != wordEnd) {
            errorString += *msgPos++;
        errorString += ' ';

    // Print the error message (but not more than one time).
    static std::string lastError;
    static std::mutex mutex;
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
    if (errorString != lastError) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", errorString.c_str());
        lastError = errorString;

    if (disposition == PBRT_ERROR_ABORT) {
#if defined(PBRT_IS_WINDOWS)