Exemplo n.º 1
Entity & declare_element_side(
  BulkData & mesh ,
  const stk::mesh::EntityId global_side_id ,
  Entity & elem ,
  const unsigned local_side_id ,
  Part * part )
  verify_declare_element_side(mesh, elem, local_side_id);

  const CellTopologyData * const elem_top = get_cell_topology_new( elem ).getCellTopologyData();
  ThrowErrorMsgIf( elem_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "] has no defined topology");

  const CellTopologyData * const side_top = elem_top->side[ local_side_id ].topology;

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( side_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], local_side_id = " <<
      local_side_id << ", side has no defined topology" );

  PartVector empty_parts ;

  Entity & side = mesh.declare_entity( side_top->dimension , global_side_id, empty_parts );
  return declare_element_side( elem, side, local_side_id, part);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool field_data_valid( const FieldBase & f ,
                       const Bucket & k ,
                       unsigned ord ,
                       const char * required_by )
  const MetaData * const k_mesh_meta_data = & MetaData::get(k);
  const MetaData * const f_mesh_meta_data = & MetaData::get(f);
  const bool ok_mesh_meta_data  = k_mesh_meta_data == f_mesh_meta_data ;
  const bool ok_ord     = ord < k.size() ;
  const bool exists     = ok_mesh_meta_data && ok_ord &&
                          NULL != field_data( f , k.begin() );

  if ( required_by && ! exists ) {
    std::ostringstream msg_begin ;
    msg_begin << "For args: " ;
    msg_begin << f << " , " ;
    msg_begin << k << " , " ;
    msg_begin << ord << " , " ;
    msg_begin << required_by ;
    msg_begin << "; operation FAILED with " ;
    ThrowErrorMsgIf( ! ok_mesh_meta_data,
                     msg_begin.str() << " different MetaData");
    ThrowErrorMsgIf( ! ok_ord, msg_begin.str() <<
                     " Ordinal " <<  ord << " >= " << " size " << k.size());
    ThrowErrorMsg( msg_begin.str() << " no data");

  return exists ;
Exemplo n.º 3
PropertyBase *
MetaData::get_property_base( const std::string    & name ,
                             const std::type_info & type ,
                                   unsigned         size ) const
  PropertyBase * p = NULL ;
    std::vector< PropertyBase * >::const_iterator i ;
    for ( i = m_properties.begin() ;
          i != m_properties.end() && not_equal_case( (*i)->name() , name ) ;
          ++i );

    if ( i != m_properties.end() ) {
      const bool error_type =         ( (*i)->m_type != type );
      const bool error_size = size && ( (*i)->m_size != size );

      ThrowErrorMsgIf( error_type,
                       "For property name " << name << ": " <<
                       " actual_type(" << (*i)->m_type.name() <<
                       ") != request_type(" << type.name() << ")");

      ThrowErrorMsgIf( error_size,
                       "For property name " << name << ": " <<
                       " actual_size(" << (*i)->m_size <<
                       ") != request_size(" << size << ")") ;
      p = *i;
  return p ;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool EntityRepository::destroy_relation( Entity & e_from,
                                         Entity & e_to,
                                         const RelationIdentifier local_id )
  TraceIfWatching("stk::mesh::impl::EntityRepository::destroy_relation", LOG_ENTITY, e_from.key());

  bool caused_change_fwd = e_from.m_entityImpl.destroy_relation(e_to, local_id);

  // Relationships should always be symmetrical
  if ( caused_change_fwd ) {
    bool caused_change_inv = e_to.m_entityImpl.destroy_relation(e_from, local_id);
    ThrowErrorMsgIf( !caused_change_inv,
        " Internal error - could not destroy inverse relation of " <<
        print_entity_key( e_from ) << " to " << print_entity_key( e_to ) <<
        " with local relation id of " << local_id);

  // It is critical that the modification be done AFTER the relations are
  // changed so that the propagation can happen correctly.
  if ( caused_change_fwd ) {

  return caused_change_fwd;
Exemplo n.º 5
void EntityRepository::declare_relation( Entity & e_from,
                                         Entity & e_to,
                                         const RelationIdentifier local_id,
                                         unsigned sync_count )
  TraceIfWatching("stk::mesh::impl::EntityRepository::declare_relation", LOG_ENTITY, e_from.key());

  bool caused_change_fwd =
    e_from.m_entityImpl.declare_relation( e_to, local_id, sync_count);

  // Relationships should always be symmetrical
  if ( caused_change_fwd ) {

    // the setup for the converse relationship works slightly differently
    bool is_converse = true;
    bool caused_change_inv =
      e_to.m_entityImpl.declare_relation( e_from, local_id, sync_count,
                                          is_converse );

    ThrowErrorMsgIf( !caused_change_inv,
        " Internal error - could not create inverse relation of " <<
        print_entity_key( e_from ) << " to " << print_entity_key( e_to ));

  // It is critical that the modification be done AFTER the relations are
  // added so that the propagation can happen correctly.
  if ( caused_change_fwd ) {
Exemplo n.º 6
void FieldBaseImpl::verify_and_clean_restrictions(
  const char       * arg_method ,
  const Part& superset,
  const Part& subset,
  const PartVector & arg_all_parts )
  TraceIfWatching("stk::mesh::impl::FieldBaseImpl::verify_and_clean_restrictions", LOG_FIELD, m_ordinal);

  FieldRestrictionVector & restrs = restrictions();

  //Check whether both 'superset' and 'subset' are in this field's restrictions.
  //If they are, make sure they are compatible and remove the subset restriction.
  FieldRestrictionVector::iterator superset_restriction = restrs.end();
  FieldRestrictionVector::iterator subset_restriction = restrs.end();
  for (FieldRestrictionVector::iterator i = restrs.begin() ; i != restrs.end() ; ++i ) {
    if (i->part_ordinal() == superset.mesh_meta_data_ordinal()) {
      superset_restriction = i;
      if (subset_restriction != restrs.end() && subset_restriction->entity_rank() == superset_restriction->entity_rank()) break;
    if (i->part_ordinal() == subset.mesh_meta_data_ordinal()) {
      subset_restriction = i;
      if (superset_restriction != restrs.end() && subset_restriction->entity_rank() == superset_restriction->entity_rank()) break;

  if (superset_restriction != restrs.end() && subset_restriction != restrs.end() &&
      superset_restriction->entity_rank() == subset_restriction->entity_rank()) {
    ThrowErrorMsgIf( superset_restriction->not_equal_stride(*subset_restriction),
      "Incompatible field restrictions for parts "<<superset.name()<<" and "<<subset.name());

Exemplo n.º 7
Entity & declare_element( BulkData & mesh ,
                          Part & part ,
                          const EntityId elem_id ,
                          const EntityId node_id[] )
  FEMMetaData & fem_meta = FEMMetaData::get(mesh);
  const CellTopologyData * const top = fem_meta.get_cell_topology( part ).getCellTopologyData();

  ThrowErrorMsgIf(top == NULL,
                  "Part " << part.name() << " does not have a local topology");

  PartVector empty ;
  PartVector add( 1 ); add[0] = & part ;

  const EntityRank entity_rank = fem_meta.element_rank();

  Entity & elem = mesh.declare_entity( entity_rank, elem_id, add );

  const EntityRank node_rank = fem_meta.node_rank();

  for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < top->node_count ; ++i ) {
    //declare node if it doesn't already exist
    Entity * node = mesh.get_entity( node_rank , node_id[i]);
    if ( NULL == node) {
      node = & mesh.declare_entity( node_rank , node_id[i], empty );

    mesh.declare_relation( elem , *node , i );
  return elem ;
Exemplo n.º 8
const std::string& MetaData::entity_rank_name( EntityRank entity_rank ) const
  ThrowErrorMsgIf( entity_rank >= m_entity_rank_names.size(),
      "entity-rank " << entity_rank <<
      " out of range. Must be in range 0.." << m_entity_rank_names.size());

  return m_entity_rank_names[entity_rank];
Exemplo n.º 9
Entity * EntityRepository::get_entity(const EntityKey &key) const
  ThrowErrorMsgIf( ! entity_key_valid( key ),
      "Invalid key: " << entity_rank(key) << " " << entity_id(key));

  const EntityMap::const_iterator i = m_entities.find( key );

  return i != m_entities.end() ? i->second : NULL ;
Exemplo n.º 10
void BulkData::generate_new_entities(const std::vector<size_t>& requests,
                                 std::vector<Entity *>& requested_entities)

  typedef stk_classic::parallel::DistributedIndex::KeyType KeyType;
  std::vector< std::vector<KeyType> >
  m_entities_index.generate_new_keys(requests, requested_key_types);

  //generating 'owned' entities
  Part * const owns = & m_mesh_meta_data.locally_owned_part();

  std::vector<Part*> rem ;
  std::vector<Part*> add;
  add.push_back( owns );

  unsigned cnt=0;
  for (std::vector< std::vector<KeyType> >::const_iterator itr = requested_key_types.begin(); itr != requested_key_types.end(); ++itr) {
    const std::vector<KeyType>& key_types = *itr;
    for (std::vector<KeyType>::const_iterator
        kitr = key_types.begin(); kitr != key_types.end(); ++kitr) {

  for (std::vector< std::vector<KeyType> >::const_iterator itr = requested_key_types.begin(); itr != requested_key_types.end(); ++itr) {
    const std::vector<KeyType>& key_types = *itr;
    for (std::vector<KeyType>::const_iterator
        kitr = key_types.begin(); kitr != key_types.end(); ++kitr) {
      EntityKey key(&(*kitr));
      std::pair<Entity *, bool> result = m_entity_repo.internal_create_entity(key);

      //if an entity is declare with the declare_entity function in
      //the same modification cycle as the generate_new_entities
      //function, and it happens to generate a key that was declare
      //previously in the same cycle it is an error
      ThrowErrorMsgIf( ! result.second,
                       "Generated " << print_entity_key(m_mesh_meta_data, key) <<
                       " which was already used in this modification cycle.");

      // A new application-created entity

      Entity* new_entity = result.first;

      m_entity_repo.set_entity_owner_rank( *new_entity, m_parallel_rank);
      m_entity_repo.set_entity_sync_count( *new_entity, m_sync_count);

      //add entity to 'owned' part
      change_entity_parts( *new_entity , add , rem );
Exemplo n.º 11
void EntityRepository::destroy_later( Entity & e, Bucket* nil_bucket )
  TraceIfWatching("stk::mesh::impl::EntityRepository::destroy_later", LOG_ENTITY, e.key());

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( e.log_query() == EntityLogDeleted,
                   "double deletion of entity: " << print_entity_key( e ));

  change_entity_bucket( *nil_bucket, e, 0);
  e.m_entityImpl.log_deleted(); //important that this come last
Exemplo n.º 12
bool element_side_polarity( const Entity & elem ,
                            const Entity & side , int local_side_id )
  // 09/14/10:  TODO:  tscoffe:  Will this work in 1D?
  FEMMetaData &fem_meta = FEMMetaData::get(elem);
  const bool is_side = side.entity_rank() != fem_meta.edge_rank();
  const CellTopologyData * const elem_top = get_cell_topology( elem ).getCellTopologyData();

  const unsigned side_count = ! elem_top ? 0 : (
                                is_side ? elem_top->side_count
                                        : elem_top->edge_count );

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( elem_top == NULL,
                   "For Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], element has no defined topology");

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( local_side_id < 0 || static_cast<int>(side_count) <= local_side_id,
    "For Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], " <<
    "side: " << print_entity_key(side) << ", " <<
    "local_side_id = " << local_side_id <<
    " ; unsupported local_side_id");

  const CellTopologyData * const side_top =
    is_side ? elem_top->side[ local_side_id ].topology
            : elem_top->edge[ local_side_id ].topology ;

  const unsigned * const side_map =
    is_side ? elem_top->side[ local_side_id ].node
            : elem_top->edge[ local_side_id ].node ;

  const PairIterRelation elem_nodes = elem.relations( FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );
  const PairIterRelation side_nodes = side.relations( FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );

  const unsigned n = side_top->node_count;
  bool good = false ;
  for ( unsigned i = 0 ; !good && i < n ; ++i ) {
    good = true;
    for ( unsigned j = 0; good && j < n ; ++j ) {
      good = side_nodes[(j+i)%n].entity() == elem_nodes[ side_map[j] ].entity();
  return good ;
Exemplo n.º 13
void EntityRepository::internal_expunge_entity( EntityMap::iterator i )
  TraceIfWatching("stk::mesh::impl::EntityRepository::internal_expunge_entity", LOG_ENTITY, i->first);

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( i->second == NULL,
                   "For key " << entity_rank(i->first) << " " <<
                   entity_id(i->first) << ", value was NULL");

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( i->first != i->second->key(),
    "Key " << print_entity_key(MetaData::get( *i->second ), i->first) <<
    " != " << print_entity_key(i->second));

  Entity* deleted_entity = i->second;

  destroy_fmwk_attr(deleted_entity->m_fmwk_attrs, m_use_pool);
  destroy_entity(deleted_entity, m_use_pool);
  i->second = NULL;
  m_entities.erase( i );
Exemplo n.º 14
Entity & declare_element_side(
  Entity & elem ,
  Entity & side,
  const unsigned local_side_id ,
  Part * part )
  BulkData & mesh = BulkData::get(side);

  verify_declare_element_side(mesh, elem, local_side_id);

  const CellTopologyData * const elem_top = get_cell_topology_new( elem ).getCellTopologyData();

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( elem_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "] has no defined topology" );

  const CellTopologyData * const side_top = elem_top->side[ local_side_id ].topology;

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( side_top == NULL,
      "Element[" << elem.identifier() << "], local_side_id = " <<
      local_side_id << ", side has no defined topology" );

  const unsigned * const side_node_map = elem_top->side[ local_side_id ].node ;

  PartVector add_parts ;

  if ( part ) { add_parts.push_back( part ); }

  mesh.change_entity_parts(side, add_parts);

  mesh.declare_relation( elem , side , local_side_id );

  PairIterRelation rel = elem.relations( FEMMetaData::NODE_RANK );

  for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < side_top->node_count ; ++i ) {
    Entity & node = * rel[ side_node_map[i] ].entity();
    mesh.declare_relation( side , node , i );

  return side ;
Exemplo n.º 15
Part * MetaData::get_part( const std::string & p_name ,
                           const char * required_by ) const
  const PartVector & all_parts = m_part_repo.get_all_parts();

  Part * const p = find( all_parts , p_name );

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( required_by && NULL == p,
                   "Failed to find part with name " << p_name <<
                   " for method " << required_by );

  return p ;
Exemplo n.º 16
void communicate_field_data_verify_read( CommAll & sparse )
  std::ostringstream msg ;
  int error = 0 ;
  for ( unsigned p = 0 ; p < sparse.parallel_size() ; ++p ) {
    if ( sparse.recv_buffer( p ).remaining() ) {
      msg << "P" << sparse.parallel_rank()
          << " Unread data from P" << p << std::endl ;
      error = 1 ;
  all_reduce( sparse.parallel() , ReduceSum<1>( & error ) );
  ThrowErrorMsgIf( error, msg.str() );
Exemplo n.º 17
void MetaData::declare_part_relation(
  Part & root_part ,
  relation_stencil_ptr stencil ,
  Part & target_part )
  require_not_relation_target( &root_part );

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( !stencil, "stencil function pointer cannot be NULL" );

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( 0 != target_part.subsets().size() ||
                   0 != target_part.intersection_of().size() ||
                   1 != target_part.supersets().size(),
                   "target Part[" << target_part.name() <<
                   "] cannot be a superset or subset" );

  PartRelation tmp ;
  tmp.m_root = & root_part ;
  tmp.m_target = & target_part ;
  tmp.m_function = stencil ;

  m_part_repo.declare_part_relation( root_part, tmp, target_part );
Exemplo n.º 18
void PartImpl::set_primary_entity_rank( EntityRank entity_rank )
  TraceIfWatching("stk_classic::mesh::impl::PartImpl::set_primary_entity_rank", LOG_PART, m_universe_ordinal);
  if ( entity_rank == m_entity_rank ) return;

  const bool rank_already_set = m_entity_rank != InvalidEntityRank && entity_rank != m_entity_rank;
//const bool has_subsets = m_subsets.size() > 0;
//ThrowErrorMsgIf( has_subsets, " Error: Part '" << m_name  << "' has subsets");
  if ( entity_rank == InvalidEntityRank ) return;
  ThrowErrorMsgIf( rank_already_set, " Error: Different entity rank has already been set on Part");

  m_entity_rank = entity_rank;
Exemplo n.º 19
void skin_mesh( BulkData & mesh, Selector const& element_selector, PartVector const& skin_parts,
                const Selector * secondary_selector)
    ThrowErrorMsgIf( mesh.in_modifiable_state(), "mesh is not SYNCHRONIZED" );

    Selector *air = nullptr;
    Selector tmp;

    if(secondary_selector != nullptr)
        tmp = !(*secondary_selector);
        air = &tmp;

    stk::mesh::ElemElemGraph elem_elem_graph(mesh, element_selector, air);
Exemplo n.º 20
void BulkData::internal_verify_change_parts( const MetaData   & meta ,
                                             const Entity     & entity ,
                                             const OrdinalVector & parts ) const
  const std::vector<std::string> & rank_names = meta.entity_rank_names();
  const EntityRank undef_rank  = InvalidEntityRank;
  const EntityRank entity_rank = entity.entity_rank();

  bool ok = true ;
  std::ostringstream msg ;

  for ( OrdinalVector::const_iterator
        i = parts.begin() ; i != parts.end() ; ++i ) {

    const Part * const p = meta.get_parts()[*i] ;
    const unsigned part_rank = p->primary_entity_rank();

    bool intersection_ok, rel_target_ok, rank_ok;
    internal_basic_part_check(p, entity_rank, undef_rank, intersection_ok, rel_target_ok, rank_ok);

    if ( !intersection_ok || !rel_target_ok || !rank_ok ) {
      if ( ok ) {
        ok = false ;
        msg << "change parts for entity " << print_entity_key( entity );
        msg << " , { " ;
      else {
        msg << " , " ;

      msg << p->name() << "[" ;
      if ( part_rank < rank_names.size() ) {
        msg << rank_names[ part_rank ];
      else {
        msg << part_rank ;
      msg << "] " ;
      if ( !intersection_ok ) { msg << "is_intersection " ; }
      if ( !rel_target_ok )   { msg << "is_relation_target " ; }
      if ( !rank_ok )         { msg << "is_bad_rank " ; }

  ThrowErrorMsgIf( !ok, msg.str() << "}" );
Exemplo n.º 21
MetaData::MetaData(const std::vector<std::string>& entity_rank_names)
  : m_commit( false ),
    m_part_repo( this ),
    m_universal_part( NULL ),
    m_owns_part( NULL ),
    m_shares_part( NULL ),
    m_field_relations( ),
    m_properties( ),
    m_entity_rank_names( entity_rank_names )
  ThrowErrorMsgIf( entity_rank_names.empty(), "entity ranks empty" );

  // Declare the predefined parts

  m_universal_part = m_part_repo.universal_part();
  m_owns_part = & declare_part( std::string("{OWNS}") );
  m_shares_part = & declare_part( std::string("{SHARES}") );
Exemplo n.º 22
Entity declare_element(BulkData & mesh,
        PartVector & parts,
        const EntityId elem_id,
        const EntityIdVector & node_ids)
    MetaData & fem_meta = MetaData::get(mesh);
    stk::topology top = fem_meta.get_topology(*parts[0]);
    ThrowAssert(node_ids.size() >= top.num_nodes());

    ThrowErrorMsgIf(top == stk::topology::INVALID_TOPOLOGY,
            "Part " << parts[0]->name() << " does not have a local topology");

    PartVector empty;

    const EntityRank entity_rank = stk::topology::ELEMENT_RANK;

    Entity elem = mesh.declare_entity(entity_rank, elem_id, parts);

    const EntityRank node_rank = stk::topology::NODE_RANK;

    Permutation perm = stk::mesh::Permutation::INVALID_PERMUTATION;
    OrdinalVector ordinal_scratch;
    PartVector part_scratch;

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < top.num_nodes(); ++i)
        //declare node if it doesn't already exist
        Entity node = mesh.get_entity(node_rank, node_ids[i]);
            node = mesh.declare_entity(node_rank, node_ids[i], empty);

        mesh.declare_relation(elem, node, i, perm, ordinal_scratch, part_scratch);
    return elem;
Exemplo n.º 23
CellTopology get_cell_topology_new( const Bucket & bucket)
  const BulkData   &  bulk_data = BulkData::get(bucket);
  const FEMMetaData & fem_meta_data = FEMMetaData::get(bulk_data);
  const PartVector & all_parts = fem_meta_data.get_parts();

  CellTopology cell_topology;

  const std::pair< const unsigned *, const unsigned * > supersets = bucket.superset_part_ordinals();

  if (supersets.first != supersets.second) {
    const Part *first_found_part = NULL;

    for ( const unsigned * it = supersets.first ; it != supersets.second ; ++it ) {

      const Part & part = * all_parts[*it] ;

      if ( part.primary_entity_rank() == bucket.entity_rank() ) {

        CellTopology top = fem_meta_data.get_cell_topology( part );

        if ( ! cell_topology.getCellTopologyData() ) {
          cell_topology = top ;

          if (!first_found_part)
            first_found_part = &part;
        else {
          ThrowErrorMsgIf( top.getCellTopologyData() && top != cell_topology,
            "Cell topology is ambiguously defined. It is defined as " << cell_topology.getName() <<
            " on part " << first_found_part->name() << " and as " << top.getName() << " on its superset part " << part.name() );

  return cell_topology ;  
Exemplo n.º 24
void MetaData::set_entity_rank_names(const std::vector<std::string> &entity_rank_names)
  ThrowErrorMsgIf( entity_rank_names.empty(), "entity ranks empty" );

  m_entity_rank_names = entity_rank_names;
Exemplo n.º 25
void FieldBaseImpl::insert_restriction(
  const char     * arg_method ,
  EntityRank       arg_entity_rank ,
  const Selector & arg_selector ,
  const unsigned * arg_stride,
  const void*      arg_init_value )
  TraceIfWatching("stk::mesh::impl::FieldBaseImpl::insert_restriction", LOG_FIELD, m_ordinal);

  FieldRestriction tmp( arg_entity_rank , arg_selector );

    unsigned i = 0 ;
    if ( m_field_rank ) {
      for ( i = 0 ; i < m_field_rank ; ++i ) { tmp.stride(i) = arg_stride[i] ; }
    else { // Scalar field is 0 == m_field_rank
      i = 1 ;
      tmp.stride(0) = 1 ;
    // Remaining dimensions are 1, no change to stride
    for ( ; i < MaximumFieldDimension ; ++i ) {
      tmp.stride(i) = tmp.stride(i-1) ;

    for ( i = 1 ; i < m_field_rank ; ++i ) {
      const bool bad_stride = 0 == tmp.stride(i) ||
                              0 != tmp.stride(i) % tmp.stride(i-1);
      ThrowErrorMsgIf( bad_stride,
          arg_method << " FAILED for " << *this <<
          " WITH BAD STRIDE!");

  if (arg_init_value != NULL) {
    //insert_restriction can be called multiple times for the same field, giving
    //the field different lengths on different mesh-parts.
    //We will only store one initial-value array, we need to store the one with
    //maximum length for this field so that it can be used to initialize data
    //for all field-restrictions. For the parts on which the field is shorter,
    //a subset of the initial-value array will be used.
    //We want to end up storing the longest arg_init_value array for this field.
    //Thus, we call set_initial_value only if the current length is longer
    //than what's already been stored.

    //length in bytes is num-scalars X sizeof-scalar:

    size_t num_scalars = 1;
    //if rank > 0, then field is not a scalar field, so num-scalars is
    //obtained from the stride array:
    if (m_field_rank > 0) num_scalars = tmp.stride(m_field_rank-1);

    size_t sizeof_scalar = m_data_traits.size_of;
    size_t nbytes = sizeof_scalar * num_scalars;

    size_t old_nbytes = 0;
    if (get_initial_value() != NULL) {
      old_nbytes = get_initial_value_num_bytes();

    if (nbytes > old_nbytes) {
      set_initial_value(arg_init_value, num_scalars, nbytes);

    FieldRestrictionVector & srvec = selector_restrictions();

    bool restriction_already_exists = false;
    for(FieldRestrictionVector::const_iterator it=srvec.begin(), it_end=srvec.end();
        it!=it_end; ++it) {
      if (tmp == *it) {
        restriction_already_exists = true;
        if (tmp.not_equal_stride(*it)) {
          ThrowErrorMsg("Incompatible selector field-restrictions!");

    if ( !restriction_already_exists ) {
      // New field restriction, verify we are not committed:
      ThrowRequireMsg(!m_meta_data->is_commit(), "mesh MetaData has been committed.");
      srvec.push_back( tmp );
Exemplo n.º 26
void FieldBaseImpl::insert_restriction(
  const char     * arg_method ,
  EntityRank       arg_entity_rank ,
  const Part     & arg_part ,
  const unsigned * arg_stride,
  const void*      arg_init_value )
  TraceIfWatching("stk::mesh::impl::FieldBaseImpl::insert_restriction", LOG_FIELD, m_ordinal);

  FieldRestriction tmp( arg_entity_rank , arg_part.mesh_meta_data_ordinal() );

    unsigned i = 0 ;
    if ( m_field_rank ) {
      for ( i = 0 ; i < m_field_rank ; ++i ) { tmp.stride(i) = arg_stride[i] ; }
    else { // Scalar field is 0 == m_field_rank
      i = 1 ;
      tmp.stride(0) = 1 ;
    // Remaining dimensions are 1, no change to stride
    for ( ; i < MaximumFieldDimension ; ++i ) {
      tmp.stride(i) = tmp.stride(i-1) ;

    for ( i = 1 ; i < m_field_rank ; ++i ) {
      const bool bad_stride = 0 == tmp.stride(i) ||
                              0 != tmp.stride(i) % tmp.stride(i-1);
      ThrowErrorMsgIf( bad_stride,
          arg_method << " FAILED for " << *this <<
          " WITH BAD STRIDE " <<
          print_restriction( tmp, arg_entity_rank, arg_part, m_field_rank ));;

  if (arg_init_value != NULL) {
    //insert_restriction can be called multiple times for the same field, giving
    //the field different lengths on different mesh-parts.
    //We will only store one initial-value array, we need to store the one with
    //maximum length for this field so that it can be used to initialize data
    //for all field-restrictions. For the parts on which the field is shorter,
    //a subset of the initial-value array will be used.
    //We want to end up storing the longest arg_init_value array for this field.
    //Thus, we call set_initial_value only if the current length is longer
    //than what's already been stored.

    //length in bytes is num-scalars X sizeof-scalar:

    size_t num_scalars = 1;
    //if rank > 0, then field is not a scalar field, so num-scalars is
    //obtained from the stride array:
    if (m_field_rank > 0) num_scalars = tmp.stride(m_field_rank-1);

    size_t sizeof_scalar = m_data_traits.size_of;
    size_t nbytes = sizeof_scalar * num_scalars;

    size_t old_nbytes = 0;
    if (get_initial_value() != NULL) {
      old_nbytes = get_initial_value_num_bytes();

    if (nbytes > old_nbytes) {
      set_initial_value(arg_init_value, num_scalars, nbytes);

    FieldRestrictionVector & restrs = restrictions();

    FieldRestrictionVector::iterator restr = restrs.begin();
    FieldRestrictionVector::iterator last_restriction = restrs.end();

    restr = std::lower_bound(restr,last_restriction,tmp);

    const bool new_restriction = ( ( restr == last_restriction ) || !(*restr == tmp) );

    if ( new_restriction ) {
      // New field restriction, verify we are not committed:
      ThrowRequireMsg(!m_meta_data->is_commit(), "mesh MetaData has been committed.");
      unsigned num_subsets = 0;
      for(FieldRestrictionVector::iterator i=restrs.begin(), iend=restrs.end(); i!=iend; ++i) {
        if (i->entity_rank() != arg_entity_rank) continue;

        const Part& partI = *m_meta_data->get_parts()[i->part_ordinal()];
        bool found_subset = contain(arg_part.subsets(), partI);
        if (found_subset) {
          ThrowErrorMsgIf( i->not_equal_stride(tmp),
            arg_method << " FAILED for " << *this << " " <<
            print_restriction( *i, arg_entity_rank, arg_part, m_field_rank ) <<
            print_restriction( tmp, arg_entity_rank, arg_part, m_field_rank ));
          *i = tmp;

        bool found_superset = contain(arg_part.supersets(), partI);
        if (found_superset) {
          ThrowErrorMsgIf( i->not_equal_stride(tmp),
            arg_method << " FAILED for " << *this << " " <<
            print_restriction( *i, arg_entity_rank, arg_part, m_field_rank ) <<
            print_restriction( tmp, arg_entity_rank, arg_part, m_field_rank ));
          //if there's already a restriction for a superset of this part, then 
          //there's nothing to do and we're out of here..
      if (num_subsets == 0) {
        restrs.insert( restr , tmp );
      else {
        //if subsets were found, we replaced them with the new restriction. so now we need
        //to sort and unique the vector, and trim it to remove any duplicates:
        std::sort(restrs.begin(), restrs.end());
        FieldRestrictionVector::iterator it = std::unique(restrs.begin(), restrs.end());
        restrs.resize(it - restrs.begin());
    else {
      ThrowErrorMsgIf( restr->not_equal_stride(tmp),
          arg_method << " FAILED for " << *this << " " <<
          print_restriction( *restr, arg_entity_rank, arg_part, m_field_rank ) <<
          print_restriction( tmp, arg_entity_rank, arg_part, m_field_rank ));
Exemplo n.º 27
STKUNIT_UNIT_TEST(UnitTestingOfThrowMacros, testUnit)
  // Setting assert handler to NULL should cause exception
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(stk::set_assert_handler(0), std::runtime_error);

  // Check that Throw*Msg works
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(), std::runtime_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(), std::invalid_argument);

  // Check that Throw* works
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(false), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(false), std::runtime_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(false), std::invalid_argument);

  // Check that macro interacts appropriately with if statements
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(check_interaction_with_if(), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(check_interaction_with_if(false), std::logic_error);

  // Check that usage of ThrowRequireMsg/ThrowAssertMsg does not change program
  // semantics. Code blocks that are not contained within braces seem to be
  // the most likely to be problematic.

  bool expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");
    expected_execution_path = true;

  expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    ThrowAssertMsg(false, "test");
    expected_execution_path = true;

  expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    expected_execution_path = true;

  // These next four statements are to check compilation success

  if (false)
    ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");

  if (false)
    ThrowAssertMsg(false, "test");

  if (false)

  if (false)

  // Check that do-while still works, again, we are mostly checking compilation
  // success here.

  do ThrowRequireMsg(true, "test");
  while (false);

  do ThrowAssertMsg(true, "test");
  while (false);

  // Check that message with put-tos compiles

  int temp = 0;
  ThrowRequireMsg(true, "test: " << temp << " blah");
  ThrowAssertMsg(true, "test: " << temp << " blah");

  // Check that assert behaves as expected (throws in debug, not in opt)
#ifdef NDEBUG
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_assert(), std::logic_error);

  // Check that ThrowErrorMsg works

  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(test_no_expr_error(), std::runtime_error);
  // Check that setting handler for asserts works.

  stk::ErrorHandler orig = stk::set_assert_handler(test_assert_handler);

  ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(), std::logic_error);

  // Check that setting handler for errors works.

  orig = stk::set_error_handler(test_error_handler);

  ThrowErrorMsgIf(true, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(), std::runtime_error);

  // Check that setting handler for invalid args works.

  orig = stk::set_invalid_arg_handler(test_invarg_handler);

  ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf(true, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(), std::invalid_argument);
Exemplo n.º 28
bool test_change_owner_with_constraint( stk_classic::ParallelMachine pm )
  bool success = true ;

  const unsigned p_rank = stk_classic::parallel_machine_rank( pm );
  const unsigned p_size = stk_classic::parallel_machine_size( pm );

  if ( p_size != 2 ) { return success ; }

  std::vector<std::string> rank_names = stk_classic::mesh::fem::entity_rank_names(spatial_dimension);
  const stk_classic::mesh::EntityRank constraint_rank = rank_names.size();
  stk_classic::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData fem_meta_data( spatial_dimension, rank_names );
  const stk_classic::mesh::EntityRank element_rank = fem_meta_data.element_rank();

  VectorField * coordinates_field =
    & put_field(
        fem_meta_data.universal_part() ,

  stk_classic::mesh::Part & owned_part = fem_meta_data.locally_owned_part();
  stk_classic::mesh::Part & quad_part  = stk_classic::mesh::fem::declare_part<Quad4>( fem_meta_data, "quad");


  stk_classic::mesh::BulkData bulk_data( stk_classic::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get_meta_data(fem_meta_data),
                                 100 );

  unsigned nx = 3;
  unsigned ny = 3;

  if ( p_rank==0 )
    const unsigned nnx = nx + 1 ;
    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx ; ++ix ) {
        stk_classic::mesh::EntityId elem = 1 + ix + iy * nx ;
        stk_classic::mesh::EntityId nodes[4] ;
        nodes[0] = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[1] = 2 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[2] = 2 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;
        nodes[3] = 1 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;

        stk_classic::mesh::fem::declare_element( bulk_data , quad_part , elem , nodes );

    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny+1 ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx+1 ; ++ix ) {
        stk_classic::mesh::EntityId nid = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        stk_classic::mesh::Entity * n = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, nid );
        double * const coord = stk_classic::mesh::field_data( *coordinates_field , *n );
        coord[0] = .1*ix;
        coord[1] = .1*iy;
        coord[2] = 0;


  if ( p_size>1 )
    std::vector<stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc> ep;

    if ( p_rank==0 )
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK,  3 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK,  4 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK,  7 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK,  8 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 11 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 12 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 15 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 16 ), 1 ) );

      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( element_rank, 3 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( element_rank, 6 ), 1 ) );
      ep.push_back( stk_classic::mesh::EntityProc( bulk_data.get_entity( element_rank, 9 ), 1 ) );

    bulk_data.change_entity_owner( ep );


    if ( p_rank==1 )
      // create constraint

      stk_classic::mesh::Entity * n10 = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 10 );
      stk_classic::mesh::Entity * n11 = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 11 );
      stk_classic::mesh::Entity * n12 = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 12 );

      stk_classic::mesh::PartVector add;
      add.push_back( &owned_part );
      const stk_classic::mesh::EntityId c_entity_id = 1;
      stk_classic::mesh::Entity & c = bulk_data.declare_entity( constraint_rank, c_entity_id, add );
      bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n10 , 0 );
      bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n11 , 1 );
      bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n12 , 2 );


    stk_classic::mesh::Entity * n10 = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, 10 );

    if ( p_rank==0 or p_rank==1 )
      ThrowErrorMsgIf( !stk_classic::mesh::in_shared( *n10 ), "NODE[10] not shared" );


    if ( p_rank==1 )
      // destroy constraint

      stk_classic::mesh::Entity * c1 = bulk_data.get_entity( constraint_rank, 1 );

      ThrowErrorMsgIf( !bulk_data.destroy_entity( c1 ),
                       "failed to destroy constraint" );


    if ( p_rank==0 or p_rank==1 )
      ThrowErrorMsgIf( stk_classic::mesh::in_shared( *n10 ), "NODE[10] shared" );

  return success ;