Exemplo n.º 1
void WorldSession::HandleCalendarGetCalendar(WorldPacket& /*recv_data*/)
    ObjectGuid guid = _player->GetObjectGuid();
    DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: Received opcode CMSG_CALENDAR_GET_CALENDAR [%s]", guid.GetString().c_str());

    time_t currTime = time(nullptr);


    CalendarInvitesList invites;
    sCalendarMgr.GetPlayerInvitesList(guid, invites);

    data << uint32(invites.size());
    DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_CALENDAR, "Sending > %u invites", uint32(invites.size()));

    for (CalendarInvitesList::const_iterator itr = invites.begin(); itr != invites.end(); ++itr)
        CalendarEvent const* event = (*itr)->GetCalendarEvent();
        MANGOS_ASSERT(event);                           // TODO: be sure no way to have a null event

        data << uint64(event->EventId);
        data << uint64((*itr)->InviteId);
        data << uint8((*itr)->Status);
        data << uint8((*itr)->Rank);

        data << uint8(event->IsGuildEvent());
        data << event->CreatorGuid.WriteAsPacked();
        DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_CALENDAR, "invite> EventId[" UI64FMTD "], InviteId[" UI64FMTD "], status[%u], rank[%u]",
                         event->EventId, (*itr)->InviteId, uint32((*itr)->Status), uint32((*itr)->Rank));

    CalendarEventsList events;
    sCalendarMgr.GetPlayerEventsList(guid, events);

    data << uint32(events.size());
    DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_CALENDAR, "Sending > %u events", uint32(events.size()));

    for (CalendarEventsList::const_iterator itr = events.begin(); itr != events.end(); ++itr)
        CalendarEvent const* event = *itr;

        data << uint64(event->EventId);
        data << event->Title;
        data << uint32(event->Type);
        data << secsToTimeBitFields(event->EventTime);
        data << uint32(event->Flags);
        data << int32(event->DungeonId);
        data << event->CreatorGuid.WriteAsPacked();

        std::string timeStr = TimeToTimestampStr(event->EventTime);
        DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_CALENDAR, "Events> EventId[" UI64FMTD "], Title[%s], Time[%s], Type[%u],  Flag[%u], DungeonId[%d], CreatorGuid[%s]",
                         event->EventId, event->Title.c_str(), timeStr.c_str(), uint32(event->Type),
                         uint32(event->Flags), event->DungeonId, event->CreatorGuid.GetString().c_str());

    data << uint32(currTime);                               // server time
    data << secsToTimeBitFields(currTime);                  // zone time ??

    ByteBuffer dataBuffer;
    uint32 boundCounter = 0;
    for (uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_DIFFICULTY; ++i)
        Player::BoundInstancesMap boundInstances = _player->GetBoundInstances(Difficulty(i));
        for (Player::BoundInstancesMap::const_iterator itr = boundInstances.begin(); itr != boundInstances.end(); ++itr)
            if (itr->second.perm)
                DungeonPersistentState const* state = itr->second.state;
                dataBuffer << uint32(state->GetMapId());
                dataBuffer << uint32(state->GetDifficulty());
                dataBuffer << uint32(state->GetResetTime() - currTime);
                dataBuffer << uint64(state->GetInstanceId());   // instance save id as unique instance copy id

    data << uint32(boundCounter);

    data << uint32(1135753200);                             // Constant date, unk (28.12.2005 07:00)

    // Reuse variables
    boundCounter = 0;
    std::set<uint32> sentMaps;

    for (MapDifficultyMap::const_iterator itr = sMapDifficultyMap.begin(); itr != sMapDifficultyMap.end(); ++itr)
        uint32 map_diff_pair = itr->first;
        uint32 mapId = PAIR32_LOPART(map_diff_pair);
        MapDifficultyEntry const* mapDiff = itr->second;

        // skip mapDiff without global reset time
        if (!mapDiff->resetTime)

        // skip non raid map
        MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(mapId);
        if (!mapEntry || !mapEntry->IsRaid())

        // skip already sent map (not same difficulty?)
        if (sentMaps.find(mapId) != sentMaps.end())

        uint32 resetTime = sMapPersistentStateMgr.GetScheduler().GetMaxResetTimeFor(mapDiff);

        dataBuffer << mapId;
        dataBuffer << resetTime;

        DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_CALENDAR, "MapId [%u] -> Reset Time: %u", mapId, resetTime);
        dataBuffer << int32(0); // showed 68400 on map 509 must investigate more
    DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_CALENDAR, "Map sent [%u]", boundCounter);

    data << uint32(boundCounter);

    // TODO: Fix this, how we do know how many and what holidays to send?
    uint32 holidayCount = 0;
    data << uint32(holidayCount);
    /*for (uint32 i = 0; i < holidayCount; ++i)
        HolidaysEntry const* holiday = sHolidaysStore.LookupEntry(666);

        data << uint32(holiday->Id);                        // m_ID
        data << uint32(holiday->Region);                    // m_region, might be looping
        data << uint32(holiday->Looping);                   // m_looping, might be region
        data << uint32(holiday->Priority);                  // m_priority
        data << uint32(holiday->CalendarFilterType);        // m_calendarFilterType

        for (uint8 j = 0; j < MAX_HOLIDAY_DATES; ++j)
            data << uint32(holiday->Date[j]);               // 26 * m_date -- WritePackedTime ?

        for (uint8 j = 0; j < MAX_HOLIDAY_DURATIONS; ++j)
            data << uint32(holiday->Duration[j]);           // 10 * m_duration

        for (uint8 j = 0; j < MAX_HOLIDAY_FLAGS; ++j)
            data << uint32(holiday->CalendarFlags[j]);      // 10 * m_calendarFlags

        data << holiday->TextureFilename;                   // m_textureFilename (holiday name)

Exemplo n.º 2
    // handle list mail command
    static bool HandleListMailCommand(ChatHandler* handler, char const* args)
        Player* target;
        ObjectGuid targetGuid;
        std::string targetName;
        PreparedStatement* stmt = NULL;

        if (!*args)
            return false;

        ObjectGuid parseGUID(HIGHGUID_PLAYER, uint32(atol((char*)args)));

        if (sObjectMgr->GetPlayerNameByGUID(parseGUID, targetName))
            target = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(parseGUID);
            targetGuid = parseGUID;
        else if (!handler->extractPlayerTarget((char*)args, &target, &targetGuid, &targetName))
            return false;

        stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_MAIL_LIST_COUNT);
        stmt->setUInt32(0, targetGuid.GetCounter());
        PreparedQueryResult queryResult = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
        if (queryResult)
            Field* fields       = queryResult->Fetch();
            uint32 countMail    = fields[0].GetUInt64();

            std::string nameLink = handler->playerLink(targetName);
            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_LIST_MAIL_HEADER, countMail, nameLink.c_str(), targetGuid.GetCounter());

            stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_MAIL_LIST_INFO);
            stmt->setUInt32(0, targetGuid.GetCounter());
            PreparedQueryResult queryResult = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);

            if (queryResult)
                    Field* queryFields      = queryResult->Fetch();
                    uint32 messageId        = queryFields[0].GetUInt32();
                    uint32 senderId         = queryFields[1].GetUInt32();
                    std::string sender      = queryFields[2].GetString();
                    uint32 receiverId       = queryFields[3].GetUInt32();
                    std::string receiver    = queryFields[4].GetString();
                    std::string subject     = queryFields[5].GetString();
                    uint64 deliverTime      = queryFields[6].GetUInt32();
                    uint64 expireTime       = queryFields[7].GetUInt32();
                    uint32 money            = queryFields[8].GetUInt32();
                    uint8 hasItem           = queryFields[9].GetUInt8();
                    uint32 gold = money / GOLD;
                    uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER;
                    uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER;
                    std::string receiverStr = handler->playerLink(receiver);
                    std::string senderStr = handler->playerLink(sender);
                    handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_LIST_MAIL_INFO_1, messageId, subject.c_str(), gold, silv, copp);
                    handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_LIST_MAIL_INFO_2, senderStr.c_str(), senderId, receiverStr.c_str(), receiverId);
                    handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_LIST_MAIL_INFO_3, TimeToTimestampStr(deliverTime).c_str(), TimeToTimestampStr(expireTime).c_str());

                    if (hasItem == 1)
                        QueryResult result2;
                        result2 = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT item_guid FROM mail_items WHERE mail_id = '%u'", messageId);
                        if (result2)
                                uint32 item_guid = (*result2)[0].GetUInt32();
                                stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_MAIL_LIST_ITEMS);
                                stmt->setUInt32(0, item_guid);
                                PreparedQueryResult result3 = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
                                if (result3)
                                        Field* fields3          = result3->Fetch();
                                        uint32 item_entry       = fields3[0].GetUInt32();
                                        uint32 item_count       = fields3[1].GetUInt32();
                                        QueryResult result4;
                                        result4 = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT name, quality FROM item_template WHERE entry = '%u'", item_entry);
                                        Field* fields1          = result4->Fetch();
                                        std::string item_name   = fields1[0].GetString();
                                        int item_quality        = fields1[1].GetUInt8();
                                        if (handler->GetSession())
                                            uint32 color = ItemQualityColors[item_quality];
                                            std::ostringstream itemStr;
                                            itemStr << "|c" << std::hex << color << "|Hitem:" << item_entry << ":0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0|h[" << item_name << "]|h|r";
                                            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_LIST_MAIL_INFO_ITEM, itemStr.str().c_str(), item_entry, item_guid, item_count);
                                            handler->PSendSysMessage(LANG_LIST_MAIL_INFO_ITEM, item_name.c_str(), item_entry, item_guid, item_count);
                                    while (result3->NextRow());
                            while (result2->NextRow());
                while (queryResult->NextRow());
            return true;
        return true;