Exemplo n.º 1
static PyObject *
tkwin_GetGC(TkWinObject * self, PyObject* args, PyObject * kwargs)
    Display * display;
    GC gc;
    unsigned long mask = 0;
    XGCValues values;
    PyObject * dict;

    if (PySequence_Length(args) > 0)
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &dict))
	    return NULL;
	dict = kwargs;

    display = Tk_Display(self->tkwin);

    if (dict)
	if (!PaxGC_MakeValues(dict, &mask, &values))
	    return NULL;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(self->tkwin, mask, &values);
    return PaxGC_FromGC(display, Tk_WindowId(self->tkwin), gc, PAXGC_SHARED,
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
    ClientData instanceData)	/* Information about widget. */
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC gc;
    TkScale *scalePtr = instanceData;

    gcValues.foreground = scalePtr->troughColorPtr->pixel;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(scalePtr->tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
    if (scalePtr->troughGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(scalePtr->display, scalePtr->troughGC);
    scalePtr->troughGC = gc;

    gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(scalePtr->tkfont);
    gcValues.foreground = scalePtr->textColorPtr->pixel;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(scalePtr->tkwin, GCForeground | GCFont, &gcValues);
    if (scalePtr->textGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(scalePtr->display, scalePtr->textGC);
    scalePtr->textGC = gc;

    if (scalePtr->copyGC == None) {
        gcValues.graphics_exposures = False;
        scalePtr->copyGC = Tk_GetGC(scalePtr->tkwin, GCGraphicsExposures,
    scalePtr->inset = scalePtr->highlightWidth + scalePtr->borderWidth;

     * Recompute display-related information, and let the geometry manager
     * know how much space is needed now.


    TkEventuallyRedrawScale(scalePtr, REDRAW_ALL);
Exemplo n.º 3
    HtmlImage2* pImage,
    int *pW,
    int *pH
    if (HtmlImagePixmap(pImage)) {
        Tk_Window win;
        XGCValues gc_values;
        GC gc;
        int i, j;

        if( pImage->tilepixmap ){
            goto return_tile; 

        if (!tilesize(pImage, &pImage->iTileWidth, &pImage->iTileHeight)) {
            goto return_original;

        win = pImage->pImageServer->pTree->tkwin;
        pImage->tilepixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(Tk_Display(win), Tk_WindowId(win),
            pImage->iTileWidth, pImage->iTileHeight, Tk_Depth(win)

        memset(&gc_values, 0, sizeof(XGCValues));
        gc = Tk_GetGC(win, 0, &gc_values);
        for (i = 0; i < pImage->iTileWidth; i += pImage->width){
            for (j = 0; j < pImage->iTileHeight; j += pImage->height){
                     pImage->pixmap, pImage->tilepixmap, gc, 0, 0, 
                     pImage->width, pImage->height, 
                     i, j
        Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(win), gc);

    *pW = pImage->iTileWidth;
    *pH = pImage->iTileHeight;
    return pImage->tilepixmap;

    *pW = pImage->width;
    *pH = pImage->height;
    return pImage->pixmap;
Exemplo n.º 4
int draw_image (ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv) {
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    Display *display;
    Window window;
    GC gc;
    Tk_Window interpWin;

    interpWin=(Tk_Window) cd;
    tkwin=Tk_NameToWindow (interp,".c",interpWin);
    display=Tk_Display (tkwin);
    window=Tk_WindowId (tkwin);
    gc=Tk_GetGC (tkwin,0,NULL);
    if (ximage!=NULL) {
        XPutImage (display,window,gc,ximage,0,0,0,0,RESX,RESY);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * DrawFocusRing --
 * 	Draw a dotted rectangle to indicate focus.
static void DrawFocusRing(
    Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable d, Tcl_Obj *colorObj, Ttk_Box b)
    XColor *color = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, colorObj);
    unsigned long mask = 0UL;
    XGCValues gcvalues;
    GC gc;

    gcvalues.foreground = color->pixel;
    gcvalues.line_style = LineOnOffDash;
    gcvalues.line_width = 1;
    gcvalues.dashes = 1;
    gcvalues.dash_offset = 1;
    mask = GCForeground | GCLineStyle | GCDashList | GCDashOffset | GCLineWidth;

    gc = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcvalues);
    XDrawRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, gc, b.x, b.y, b.width-1, b.height-1);
    Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * StippleOver --
 * 	Draw a stipple over the image area, to make it look "grayed-out"
 * 	when TTK_STATE_DISABLED is set.
static void StippleOver(
    ImageElement *image, Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable d, int x, int y)
    Pixmap stipple = Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj(NULL, tkwin, image->stippleObj);
    XColor *color = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, image->backgroundObj);

    if (stipple != None) {
	unsigned long mask = GCFillStyle | GCStipple | GCForeground;
	XGCValues gcvalues;
	GC gc;
	gcvalues.foreground = color->pixel;
	gcvalues.fill_style = FillStippled;
	gcvalues.stipple = stipple;
	gc = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcvalues);
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc);
	Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj(tkwin, image->stippleObj);
Exemplo n.º 7
static ClientData
    Tk_Window tkwin,		/* Token for window in which image will be
				 * used. */
    ClientData clientData)	/* Pointer to TImageMaster for image. */
    TImageMaster *timPtr = clientData;
    TImageInstance *instPtr;
    char buffer[100];
    XGCValues gcValues;

    sprintf(buffer, "%s get", timPtr->imageName);
    Tcl_SetVar(timPtr->interp, timPtr->varName, buffer,

    instPtr = (TImageInstance *) ckalloc(sizeof(TImageInstance));
    instPtr->masterPtr = timPtr;
    instPtr->fg = Tk_GetColor(timPtr->interp, tkwin, "#ff0000");
    gcValues.foreground = instPtr->fg->pixel;
    instPtr->gc = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
    return instPtr;
Exemplo n.º 8
void expose_handler (ClientData cd, XEvent *ev) {
    Display *display;
    Window window;
    Visual *visual;
    GC gc;
    int screen;
    int depth;
    Tk_Window tkwin;

    tkwin=(Tk_Window) cd;
    display=Tk_Display (tkwin);
    window=Tk_WindowId (tkwin);
    gc=Tk_GetGC (tkwin,0,NULL);
    visual=Tk_Visual (tkwin);
    if (ximage==NULL) {
        screen=DefaultScreen (display);
        depth=DisplayPlanes (display,screen);
        image_data=(char *) malloc (RESX*RESY);
        gen_image ();
Exemplo n.º 9
 * TextDraw --
 * 	Draw a text element.
 * 	Called by TextElementDraw() and LabelElementDraw().
static void TextDraw(TextElement *text, Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable d, Ttk_Box b)
    XColor *color = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, text->foregroundObj);
    int underline = -1;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC gc1, gc2;
    Tk_Anchor anchor = TK_ANCHOR_CENTER;
    TkRegion clipRegion = NULL;

    gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(text->tkfont);
    gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
    gc1 = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCFont | GCForeground, &gcValues);
    gcValues.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
    gc2 = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCFont | GCForeground, &gcValues);

     * Place text according to -anchor:
    Tk_GetAnchorFromObj(NULL, text->anchorObj, &anchor);
    b = Ttk_AnchorBox(b, text->width, text->height, anchor);

     * Clip text if it's too wide:
    if (b.width < text->width) {
	XRectangle rect;

	clipRegion = TkCreateRegion();
	rect.x = b.x;
	rect.y = b.y;
	rect.width = b.width + (text->embossed ? 1 : 0);
	rect.height = b.height + (text->embossed ? 1 : 0);
	TkUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, clipRegion, clipRegion);
	TkSetRegion(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc1, clipRegion);
	TkSetRegion(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc2, clipRegion);
#ifdef HAVE_XFT

    if (text->embossed) {
	Tk_DrawTextLayout(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, gc2,
	    text->textLayout, b.x+1, b.y+1, 0/*firstChar*/, -1/*lastChar*/);
    Tk_DrawTextLayout(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, gc1,
	    text->textLayout, b.x, b.y, 0/*firstChar*/, -1/*lastChar*/);

    Tcl_GetIntFromObj(NULL, text->underlineObj, &underline);
    if (underline >= 0) {
	if (text->embossed) {
	    Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, gc2,
		text->textLayout, b.x+1, b.y+1, underline);
	Tk_UnderlineTextLayout(Tk_Display(tkwin), d, gc1,
	    text->textLayout, b.x, b.y, underline);

    if (clipRegion != NULL) {
#ifdef HAVE_XFT
	XSetClipMask(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc1, None);
	XSetClipMask(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc2, None);
    Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc1);
    Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), gc2);
Exemplo n.º 10
    TreeDragImage dragImage,	/* Drag image record. */
    TreeDrawable td)		/* Where to draw. */
    DrawPixmap(tree->dragImage, tdrawable);

#elif 1 /* Use XOR dotted rectangles where possible. */
    TreeCtrl *tree = dragImage->tree;

    if (!dragImage->visible)

    if (dragImage->instanceStyle != NULL) {
	DragImage_DrawStyle(dragImage, td);
#endif /* DRAGIMAGE_STYLE */

    /* Yes this is XOR drawing but we aren't erasing the previous
     * dragimage as when TreeDragImage_IsXOR() returns TRUE. */
    TreeDragImage_DrawXOR(dragImage, td.drawable,
	0 - tree->xOrigin, 0 - tree->yOrigin);
#else /* */
    TreeCtrl *tree = dragImage->tree;
    GC gc;
    DragElem *elem;
#if 1 /* Stippled rectangles: BUG not clipped to contentbox. */
    XGCValues gcValues;
    unsigned long mask;
    XPoint points[5];

    if (!dragImage->visible)

    gcValues.stipple = Tk_GetBitmap(tree->interp, tree->tkwin, "gray50");
    gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
    mask = GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(tree->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);

    for (elem = dragImage->elem; elem != NULL; elem = elem->next) {
	XRectangle rect;
	rect.x = dragImage->x + elem->x /*- dragImage->bounds[0]*/ - tree->drawableXOrigin;
	rect.y = dragImage->y + elem->y /*- dragImage->bounds[1]*/ - tree->drawableYOrigin;
	rect.width = elem->width;
	rect.height = elem->height;

#ifdef WIN32
	/* XDrawRectangle ignores the stipple pattern. */
	points[0].x = rect.x, points[0].y = rect.y;
	points[1].x = rect.x + rect.width - 1, points[1].y = rect.y;
	points[2].x = rect.x + rect.width - 1, points[2].y = rect.y + rect.height - 1;
	points[3].x = rect.x, points[3].y = rect.y + rect.height - 1;
	points[4] = points[0];
	XDrawLines(tree->display, td.drawable, gc, points, 5, CoordModeOrigin);
#else /* !WIN32 */
	XDrawRectangle(tree->display, td.drawable, gc, rect.x, rect.y,
	    rect.width - 1, rect.height - 1);

    Tk_FreeGC(tree->display, gc);
#else /* Debug/test: gray rectangles */
    XColor *colorPtr;
    TkRegion rgn;

    if (!dragImage->visible)

    colorPtr = Tk_GetColor(tree->interp, tree->tkwin, "gray50");
    gc = Tk_GCForColor(colorPtr, Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin));

    rgn = Tree_GetRegion(tree);

    for (elem = dragImage->elem; elem != NULL; elem = elem->next) {
	XRectangle rect;
	rect.x = dragImage->x + elem->x /*- dragImage->bounds[0]*/ - tree->drawableXOrigin;
	rect.y = dragImage->y + elem->y /*- dragImage->bounds[1]*/ - tree->drawableYOrigin;
	rect.width = elem->width;
	rect.height = elem->height;
	TkUnionRectWithRegion(&rect, rgn, rgn);

    Tree_FillRegion(tree->display, td.drawable, gc, rgn);

    Tree_FreeRegion(tree, rgn);
#endif /* Debug/test: gray rectangles */
#endif /* XOR */
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: tk3d.c Projeto: aosm/tcl
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Place to store an error message. */
    Tk_Window tkwin,		/* Token for window in which border will be
				 * drawn. */
    Tk_Uid colorName)		/* String giving name of color for window
				 * background. */
    Tcl_HashEntry *hashPtr;
    TkBorder *borderPtr, *existingBorderPtr;
    int isNew;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    XColor *bgColorPtr;
    TkDisplay *dispPtr;

    dispPtr = ((TkWindow *) tkwin)->dispPtr;

    if (!dispPtr->borderInit) {

    hashPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&dispPtr->borderTable, colorName, &isNew);
    if (!isNew) {
	existingBorderPtr = (TkBorder *) Tcl_GetHashValue(hashPtr);
	for (borderPtr = existingBorderPtr; borderPtr != NULL;
		borderPtr = borderPtr->nextPtr) {
	    if ((Tk_Screen(tkwin) == borderPtr->screen)
		    && (Tk_Colormap(tkwin) == borderPtr->colormap)) {
		return (Tk_3DBorder) borderPtr;
    } else {
	existingBorderPtr = NULL;

     * No satisfactory border exists yet. Initialize a new one.

    bgColorPtr = Tk_GetColor(interp, tkwin, colorName);
    if (bgColorPtr == NULL) {
	if (isNew) {
	return NULL;

    borderPtr = TkpGetBorder();
    borderPtr->screen = Tk_Screen(tkwin);
    borderPtr->visual = Tk_Visual(tkwin);
    borderPtr->depth = Tk_Depth(tkwin);
    borderPtr->colormap = Tk_Colormap(tkwin);
    borderPtr->resourceRefCount = 1;
    borderPtr->objRefCount = 0;
    borderPtr->bgColorPtr = bgColorPtr;
    borderPtr->darkColorPtr = NULL;
    borderPtr->lightColorPtr = NULL;
    borderPtr->shadow = None;
    borderPtr->bgGC = None;
    borderPtr->darkGC = None;
    borderPtr->lightGC = None;
    borderPtr->hashPtr = hashPtr;
    borderPtr->nextPtr = existingBorderPtr;
    Tcl_SetHashValue(hashPtr, borderPtr);

     * Create the information for displaying the background color, but delay
     * the allocation of shadows until they are actually needed for drawing.

    gcValues.foreground = borderPtr->bgColorPtr->pixel;
    borderPtr->bgGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
    return (Tk_3DBorder) borderPtr;
Exemplo n.º 12
callGraphConsts::callGraphConsts(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window theTkWindow) {
   display = Tk_Display(theTkWindow); // needed in destructor

   textColor = Tk_GetColor(interp, theTkWindow, Tk_GetUid("black"));

    // Root Item FontStruct's:
    Tk_Uid rootItemFontName = Tk_GetOption( theTkWindow,
                                                "Font" );
    assert( rootItemFontName != NULL );
    rootItemFontStruct = Tk_GetFont( interp, theTkWindow, rootItemFontName );

    Tk_Uid rootItemItalicFontName = Tk_GetOption( theTkWindow,
                                                "Font" );
    assert( rootItemItalicFontName != NULL );
    rootItemItalicFontStruct = Tk_GetFont( interp, theTkWindow,
                                            rootItemItalicFontName );

   // Root Item Text GCs:
   XGCValues values;
   values.foreground = textColor->pixel;
   values.font = Tk_FontId(rootItemFontStruct);
   rootItemTextGC = Tk_GetGC(theTkWindow, GCForeground | GCFont, &values);

   values.font = Tk_FontId(rootItemItalicFontStruct);
   values.foreground = textColor->pixel;
   rootItemShadowTextGC = Tk_GetGC(theTkWindow, GCForeground | GCFont,

    // Listbox FontStruct's:
    Tk_Uid listboxItemFontName = Tk_GetOption( theTkWindow,
                                                "Font" );
    assert( listboxItemFontName );
    listboxItemFontStruct = Tk_GetFont(interp, 
                                        listboxItemFontName );
    Tk_Uid listboxItemItalicFontName = Tk_GetOption( theTkWindow,
                                                "Font" );
    assert( listboxItemItalicFontName );
    listboxItemItalicFontStruct = Tk_GetFont(interp,
                                        listboxItemItalicFontName );

   // Listbox Item Text GCs:
   values.foreground = textColor->pixel;
   values.font = Tk_FontId(listboxItemFontStruct);
   listboxItemGC = Tk_GetGC(theTkWindow, GCForeground | GCFont, &values);

   values.font = Tk_FontId(listboxItemItalicFontStruct);
   values.foreground = textColor->pixel;
   listboxItemShadowTextGC = Tk_GetGC(theTkWindow, GCForeground | GCFont,


   //Color for non-recursive nodes
   rootItemTk3DBordersByStyle[0] = Tk_Get3DBorder(interp, theTkWindow,

   //Color for recursive nodes
   rootItemTk3DBordersByStyle[1] = Tk_Get3DBorder(interp, theTkWindow,
   listboxItemTk3DBordersByStyle = rootItemTk3DBordersByStyle;
   // 3D borders for listbox:
   // It seems reasonable to use the exact same colors for shg listbox items:
   //listboxScrollbarBorder = rootItemBorder;
Exemplo n.º 13
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Used for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Rectangle item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    RectOvalItem *rectOvalPtr = (RectOvalItem *) itemPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC newGC;
    unsigned long mask;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    Tk_TSOffset *tsoffset;
    XColor *color;
    Pixmap stipple;
    Tk_State state;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);

    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **)objv, (char *) rectOvalPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;
    state = itemPtr->state;

     * A few of the options require additional processing, such as graphics
     * contexts.

    if (rectOvalPtr->outline.activeWidth > rectOvalPtr->outline.width ||
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.activeDash.number != 0 ||
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.activeColor != NULL ||
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.activeStipple != None ||
	    rectOvalPtr->activeFillColor != NULL ||
	    rectOvalPtr->activeFillStipple != None) {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;

    tsoffset = &rectOvalPtr->outline.tsoffset;
    flags = tsoffset->flags;
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_LEFT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[0] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_CENTER) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_RIGHT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[2] + 0.5);
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_TOP) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[1] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_MIDDLE) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_BOTTOM) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[2] + 0.5);

     * Configure the outline graphics context. If mask is non-zero, the gc has
     * changed and must be reallocated, provided that the new settings specify
     * a valid outline (non-zero width and non-NULL color)

    mask = Tk_ConfigOutlineGC(&gcValues, canvas, itemPtr,
    if (mask && \
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.width != 0 && \
	    rectOvalPtr->outline.color != NULL) {
	gcValues.cap_style = CapProjecting;
	mask |= GCCapStyle;
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    } else {
	newGC = None;
    if (rectOvalPtr->outline.gc != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), rectOvalPtr->outline.gc);
    rectOvalPtr->outline.gc = newGC;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;
    if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN) {
	ComputeRectOvalBbox(canvas, rectOvalPtr);
	return TCL_OK;

    color = rectOvalPtr->fillColor;
    stipple = rectOvalPtr->fillStipple;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (rectOvalPtr->activeFillColor!=NULL) {
	    color = rectOvalPtr->activeFillColor;
	if (rectOvalPtr->activeFillStipple!=None) {
	    stipple = rectOvalPtr->activeFillStipple;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (rectOvalPtr->disabledFillColor!=NULL) {
	    color = rectOvalPtr->disabledFillColor;
	if (rectOvalPtr->disabledFillStipple!=None) {
	    stipple = rectOvalPtr->disabledFillStipple;

    if (color == NULL) {
	newGC = None;
    } else {
	gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
	if (stipple != None) {
	    gcValues.stipple = stipple;
	    gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
	    mask = GCForeground|GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	} else {
	    mask = GCForeground;
#ifdef MAC_OSX_TK
	 * Mac OS X CG drawing needs access to the outline linewidth even for
	 * fills (as linewidth controls antialiasing).

	gcValues.line_width = rectOvalPtr->outline.gc != None ?
		rectOvalPtr->outline.gc->line_width : 0;
	mask |= GCLineWidth;
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (rectOvalPtr->fillGC != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), rectOvalPtr->fillGC);
    rectOvalPtr->fillGC = newGC;

    tsoffset = &rectOvalPtr->tsoffset;
    flags = tsoffset->flags;
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_LEFT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[0] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_CENTER) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_RIGHT) {
	tsoffset->xoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[2] + 0.5);
    if (flags & TK_OFFSET_TOP) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[1] + 0.5);
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_MIDDLE) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int)
    } else if (flags & TK_OFFSET_BOTTOM) {
	tsoffset->yoffset = (int) (rectOvalPtr->bbox[3] + 0.5);

    ComputeRectOvalBbox(canvas, rectOvalPtr);

    return TCL_OK;
Exemplo n.º 14
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Used for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Bitmap item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv.  */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    BitmapItem *bmapPtr = (BitmapItem *) itemPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC newGC;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    unsigned long mask;
    XColor *fgColor;
    XColor *bgColor;
    Pixmap bitmap;
    Tk_State state;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **) objv, (char *) bmapPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;

     * A few of the options require additional processing, such as those that
     * determine the graphics context.

    state = itemPtr->state;

    if (bmapPtr->activeFgColor!=NULL ||
	    bmapPtr->activeBgColor!=NULL ||
	    bmapPtr->activeBitmap!=None) {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;
    if (state == TK_STATE_HIDDEN) {
	ComputeBitmapBbox(canvas, bmapPtr);
	return TCL_OK;
    fgColor = bmapPtr->fgColor;
    bgColor = bmapPtr->bgColor;
    bitmap = bmapPtr->bitmap;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (bmapPtr->activeFgColor!=NULL) {
	    fgColor = bmapPtr->activeFgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->activeBgColor!=NULL) {
	    bgColor = bmapPtr->activeBgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->activeBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->activeBitmap;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (bmapPtr->disabledFgColor!=NULL) {
	    fgColor = bmapPtr->disabledFgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->disabledBgColor!=NULL) {
	    bgColor = bmapPtr->disabledBgColor;
	if (bmapPtr->disabledBitmap!=None) {
	    bitmap = bmapPtr->disabledBitmap;

    if (bitmap == None) {
	newGC = None;
    } else {
	gcValues.foreground = fgColor->pixel;
	mask = GCForeground;
	if (bgColor != NULL) {
	    gcValues.background = bgColor->pixel;
	    mask |= GCBackground;
	} else {
	    gcValues.clip_mask = bitmap;
	    mask |= GCClipMask;
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (bmapPtr->gc != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), bmapPtr->gc);
    bmapPtr->gc = newGC;

    ComputeBitmapBbox(canvas, bmapPtr);
    return TCL_OK;
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: tkImage.c Projeto: tcltk/tk
    Tk_Image image,		/* Token for image to redisplay. */
    Tcl_Interp *interp,
    Tk_Window tkwin,
    Tk_PostscriptInfo psinfo,	/* postscript info */
    int x, int y,		/* Upper-left pixel of region in image that
				 * needs to be redisplayed. */
    int width, int height,	/* Dimensions of region to redraw. */
    int prepass)
    Image *imagePtr = (Image *) image;
    int result;
    XImage *ximage;
    Pixmap pmap;
    GC newGC;
    XGCValues gcValues;

    if (imagePtr->masterPtr->typePtr == NULL) {
	 * No master for image, so nothing to display on postscript.

	return TCL_OK;

     * Check if an image specific postscript-generation function exists;
     * otherwise go on with generic code.

    if (imagePtr->masterPtr->typePtr->postscriptProc != NULL) {
	return imagePtr->masterPtr->typePtr->postscriptProc(
		imagePtr->masterPtr->masterData, interp, tkwin, psinfo,
		x, y, width, height, prepass);

    if (prepass) {
	return TCL_OK;

     * Create a Pixmap, tell the image to redraw itself there, and then
     * generate an XImage from the Pixmap. We can then read pixel values out
     * of the XImage.

    pmap = Tk_GetPixmap(Tk_Display(tkwin), Tk_WindowId(tkwin), width, height,

    gcValues.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
    newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
    if (newGC != NULL) {
	XFillRectangle(Tk_Display(tkwin), pmap, newGC, 0, 0,
		(unsigned) width, (unsigned) height);
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), newGC);

    Tk_RedrawImage(image, x, y, width, height, pmap, 0, 0);

    ximage = XGetImage(Tk_Display(tkwin), pmap, 0, 0,
	    (unsigned) width, (unsigned) height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);

    Tk_FreePixmap(Tk_Display(tkwin), pmap);

    if (ximage == NULL) {
	 * The XGetImage() function is apparently not implemented on this
	 * system. Just ignore it.

	return TCL_OK;
    result = TkPostscriptImage(interp, tkwin, psinfo, ximage, x, y,
	    width, height);

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 16
static void
    BitmapInstance *instancePtr)/* Instance to reconfigure. */
    BitmapMaster *masterPtr = instancePtr->masterPtr;
    XColor *colorPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC gc;
    unsigned int mask;
    Pixmap oldBitmap, oldMask;

     * For each of the options in masterPtr, translate the string form into an
     * internal form appropriate for instancePtr.

    if (*masterPtr->bgUid != 0) {
	colorPtr = Tk_GetColor(masterPtr->interp, instancePtr->tkwin,
	if (colorPtr == NULL) {
	    goto error;
    } else {
	colorPtr = NULL;
    if (instancePtr->bg != NULL) {
    instancePtr->bg = colorPtr;

    colorPtr = Tk_GetColor(masterPtr->interp, instancePtr->tkwin,
    if (colorPtr == NULL) {
	goto error;
    if (instancePtr->fg != NULL) {
    instancePtr->fg = colorPtr;

     * Careful: We have to allocate new Pixmaps before deleting the old ones.
     * Otherwise, The XID allocator will always return the same XID for the
     * new Pixmaps as was used for the old Pixmaps. And that will prevent the
     * data and/or mask from changing in the GC below.

    oldBitmap = instancePtr->bitmap;
    instancePtr->bitmap = None;
    oldMask = instancePtr->mask;
    instancePtr->mask = None;

    if (masterPtr->data != NULL) {
	instancePtr->bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(
		masterPtr->data, (unsigned) masterPtr->width,
		(unsigned) masterPtr->height);
    if (masterPtr->maskData != NULL) {
	instancePtr->mask = XCreateBitmapFromData(
		masterPtr->maskData, (unsigned) masterPtr->width,
		(unsigned) masterPtr->height);

    if (oldMask != None) {
	Tk_FreePixmap(Tk_Display(instancePtr->tkwin), oldMask);
    if (oldBitmap != None) {
	Tk_FreePixmap(Tk_Display(instancePtr->tkwin), oldBitmap);

    if (masterPtr->data != NULL) {
	gcValues.foreground = instancePtr->fg->pixel;
	gcValues.graphics_exposures = False;
	mask = GCForeground|GCGraphicsExposures;
	if (instancePtr->bg != NULL) {
	    gcValues.background = instancePtr->bg->pixel;
	    mask |= GCBackground;
	    if (instancePtr->mask != None) {
		gcValues.clip_mask = instancePtr->mask;
		mask |= GCClipMask;
	} else {
	    gcValues.clip_mask = instancePtr->bitmap;
	    mask |= GCClipMask;
	gc = Tk_GetGC(instancePtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    } else {
	gc = None;
    if (instancePtr->gc != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(instancePtr->tkwin), instancePtr->gc);
    instancePtr->gc = gc;

     * An error occurred: clear the graphics context in the instance to make
     * it clear that this instance cannot be displayed. Then report the error.

    if (instancePtr->gc != None) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(instancePtr->tkwin), instancePtr->gc);
    instancePtr->gc = None;
    Tcl_AppendObjToErrorInfo(masterPtr->interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
	    "\n    (while configuring image \"%s\")", Tk_NameOfImage(
Exemplo n.º 17
static int
    Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter for error reporting. */
    Tk_Canvas canvas,		/* Canvas containing itemPtr. */
    Tk_Item *itemPtr,		/* Rectangle item to reconfigure. */
    int objc,			/* Number of elements in objv. */
    Tcl_Obj *const objv[],	/* Arguments describing things to configure. */
    int flags)			/* Flags to pass to Tk_ConfigureWidget. */
    TextItem *textPtr = (TextItem *) itemPtr;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC newGC, newSelGC;
    unsigned long mask;
    Tk_Window tkwin;
    Tk_CanvasTextInfo *textInfoPtr = textPtr->textInfoPtr;
    XColor *selBgColorPtr;
    XColor *color;
    Pixmap stipple;
    Tk_State state;

    tkwin = Tk_CanvasTkwin(canvas);
    if (TCL_OK != Tk_ConfigureWidget(interp, tkwin, configSpecs, objc,
	    (const char **) objv, (char *) textPtr, flags|TK_CONFIG_OBJS)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;

     * A few of the options require additional processing, such as graphics
     * contexts.

    state = itemPtr->state;

    if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL || textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags |= TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;
    } else {
	itemPtr->redraw_flags &= ~TK_ITEM_STATE_DEPENDANT;

    if (state == TK_STATE_NULL) {
	state = Canvas(canvas)->canvas_state;

    color = textPtr->color;
    stipple = textPtr->stipple;
    if (Canvas(canvas)->currentItemPtr == itemPtr) {
	if (textPtr->activeColor != NULL) {
	    color = textPtr->activeColor;
	if (textPtr->activeStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->activeStipple;
    } else if (state == TK_STATE_DISABLED) {
	if (textPtr->disabledColor != NULL) {
	    color = textPtr->disabledColor;
	if (textPtr->disabledStipple != None) {
	    stipple = textPtr->disabledStipple;

    newGC = newSelGC = NULL;
    if (textPtr->tkfont != NULL) {
	gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(textPtr->tkfont);
	mask = GCFont;
	if (color != NULL) {
	    gcValues.foreground = color->pixel;
	    mask |= GCForeground;
	    if (stipple != None) {
		gcValues.stipple = stipple;
		gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
		mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	    newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
	mask &= ~(GCTile|GCFillStyle|GCStipple);
	if (stipple != None) {
	    gcValues.stipple = stipple;
	    gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
	    mask |= GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
	if (textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr != NULL) {
	    gcValues.foreground = textInfoPtr->selFgColorPtr->pixel;
	newSelGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, mask|GCForeground, &gcValues);
    if (textPtr->gc != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->gc);
    textPtr->gc = newGC;
    if (textPtr->selTextGC != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->selTextGC);
    textPtr->selTextGC = newSelGC;

    selBgColorPtr = Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->selBorder);
    if (Tk_3DBorderColor(textInfoPtr->insertBorder)->pixel
	    == selBgColorPtr->pixel) {
	if (selBgColorPtr->pixel == BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin))) {
	    gcValues.foreground = WhitePixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
	} else {
	    gcValues.foreground = BlackPixelOfScreen(Tk_Screen(tkwin));
	newGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, GCForeground, &gcValues);
    } else {
	newGC = NULL;
    if (textPtr->cursorOffGC != NULL) {
	Tk_FreeGC(Tk_Display(tkwin), textPtr->cursorOffGC);
    textPtr->cursorOffGC = newGC;

     * If the text was changed, move the selection and insertion indices to
     * keep them inside the item.

    textPtr->numBytes = strlen(textPtr->text);
    textPtr->numChars = Tcl_NumUtfChars(textPtr->text, textPtr->numBytes);
    if (textInfoPtr->selItemPtr == itemPtr) {

	if (textInfoPtr->selectFirst >= textPtr->numChars) {
	    textInfoPtr->selItemPtr = NULL;
	} else {
	    if (textInfoPtr->selectLast >= textPtr->numChars) {
		textInfoPtr->selectLast = textPtr->numChars - 1;
	    if ((textInfoPtr->anchorItemPtr == itemPtr)
		    && (textInfoPtr->selectAnchor >= textPtr->numChars)) {
		textInfoPtr->selectAnchor = textPtr->numChars - 1;
    if (textPtr->insertPos >= textPtr->numChars) {
	textPtr->insertPos = textPtr->numChars;

     * Restrict so that 0.0 <= angle < 360.0, and then recompute the cached
     * sine and cosine of the angle. Note that fmod() can produce negative
     * results, and we try to avoid negative zero as well.

    textPtr->angle = fmod(textPtr->angle, 360.0);
    if (textPtr->angle < 0.0) {
	textPtr->angle += 360.0;
    if (textPtr->angle == 0.0) {
	textPtr->angle = 0.0;
    textPtr->sine = sin(textPtr->angle * PI/180.0);
    textPtr->cosine = cos(textPtr->angle * PI/180.0);

    ComputeTextBbox(canvas, textPtr);
    return TCL_OK;
Exemplo n.º 18
    TreeMarquee marquee,	/* Marquee token. */
    TreeDrawable td)		/* Where to draw. */
#if 1 /* Use XOR dotted rectangles where possible. */
    TreeCtrl *tree = marquee->tree;

    if (!marquee->visible)

    /* Yes this is XOR drawing but we aren't erasing the previous
     * marquee as when TreeMarquee_IsXOR() returns TRUE. */
    TreeMarquee_DrawXOR(marquee, td.drawable,
	0 - tree->xOrigin, 0 - tree->yOrigin);
#else /* */
    TreeCtrl *tree = marquee->tree;
    int x, y, w, h;
    GC gc;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    unsigned long mask;
#ifdef WIN32
    XPoint points[5];
    XRectangle rect;
#if 0
    XColor *colorPtr;

    if (!marquee->visible)

    x = MIN(marquee->x1, marquee->x2);
    w = abs(marquee->x1 - marquee->x2) + 1;
    y = MIN(marquee->y1, marquee->y2);
    h = abs(marquee->y1 - marquee->y2) + 1;

#if 0
    colorPtr = Tk_GetColor(tree->interp, tree->tkwin, "gray50");
    gc = Tk_GCForColor(colorPtr, Tk_WindowId(tree->tkwin));

    XFillRectangle(tree->display, td.drawable, gc,
	x - tree->drawableXOrigin, y - tree->drawableYOrigin,
	w - 1, h - 1);
#else /* Stippled rectangles: BUG not clipped to contentbox. */
    gcValues.stipple = Tk_GetBitmap(tree->interp, tree->tkwin, "gray50");
    gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
    mask = GCStipple|GCFillStyle;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(tree->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);

#ifdef WIN32
    /* XDrawRectangle ignores the stipple pattern. */
    rect.x = x - tree->drawableXOrigin;
    rect.y = y - tree->drawableYOrigin;
    rect.width = w;
    rect.height = h;
    points[0].x = rect.x, points[0].y = rect.y;
    points[1].x = rect.x + rect.width - 1, points[1].y = rect.y;
    points[2].x = rect.x + rect.width - 1, points[2].y = rect.y + rect.height - 1;
    points[3].x = rect.x, points[3].y = rect.y + rect.height - 1;
    points[4] = points[0];
    XDrawLines(tree->display, td.drawable, gc, points, 5, CoordModeOrigin);
    XDrawRectangle(tree->display, td.drawable, gc,
	x - tree->drawableXOrigin, y - tree->drawableYOrigin,
	w - 1, h - 1);
    Tk_FreeGC(tree->display, gc);
#endif /* */
Exemplo n.º 19
    ClientData instanceData)	/* Information about widget. */
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC gc;
    unsigned long mask;
    TkMenuButton *mbPtr = instanceData;

    gcValues.font = Tk_FontId(mbPtr->tkfont);
    gcValues.foreground = mbPtr->normalFg->pixel;
    gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(mbPtr->normalBorder)->pixel;

     * Note: GraphicsExpose events are disabled in GC's because they're used
     * to copy stuff from an off-screen pixmap onto the screen (we know that
     * there's no problem with obscured areas).

    gcValues.graphics_exposures = False;
    mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont | GCGraphicsExposures;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (mbPtr->normalTextGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(mbPtr->display, mbPtr->normalTextGC);
    mbPtr->normalTextGC = gc;

    gcValues.foreground = mbPtr->activeFg->pixel;
    gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(mbPtr->activeBorder)->pixel;
    mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (mbPtr->activeTextGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(mbPtr->display, mbPtr->activeTextGC);
    mbPtr->activeTextGC = gc;

    gcValues.background = Tk_3DBorderColor(mbPtr->normalBorder)->pixel;

     * Create the GC that can be used for stippling

    if (mbPtr->stippleGC == None) {
        gcValues.foreground = gcValues.background;
        mask = GCForeground;
        if (mbPtr->gray == None) {
            mbPtr->gray = Tk_GetBitmap(NULL, mbPtr->tkwin, "gray50");
        if (mbPtr->gray != None) {
            gcValues.fill_style = FillStippled;
            gcValues.stipple = mbPtr->gray;
            mask |= GCFillStyle | GCStipple;
        mbPtr->stippleGC = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);

     * Allocate the disabled graphics context, for drawing text in its
     * disabled state.

    mask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFont;
    if (mbPtr->disabledFg != NULL) {
        gcValues.foreground = mbPtr->disabledFg->pixel;
    } else {
        gcValues.foreground = gcValues.background;
    gc = Tk_GetGC(mbPtr->tkwin, mask, &gcValues);
    if (mbPtr->disabledGC != None) {
        Tk_FreeGC(mbPtr->display, mbPtr->disabledGC);
    mbPtr->disabledGC = gc;


     * Lastly, arrange for the button to be redisplayed.

    if (Tk_IsMapped(mbPtr->tkwin) && !(mbPtr->flags & REDRAW_PENDING)) {
        Tcl_DoWhenIdle(TkpDisplayMenuButton, mbPtr);
        mbPtr->flags |= REDRAW_PENDING;
Exemplo n.º 20
    Tk_Window tkwin,		/* handle for resource alloc */
    Display *display,
    Drawable d,			/* what to draw on */
    int x, int y,		/* where to draw */
    Tk_3DBorder bgBorder,	/* colors of the border */
    XColor *indicatorColor,	/* color of the indicator */
    XColor *selectColor,	/* color when selected */
    XColor *disableColor,	/* color when disabled */
    int on,			/* are we on? */
    int disabled,		/* are we disabled? */
    int mode)			/* kind of indicator to draw */
    int ix, iy;
    int dim;
    int imgsel, imgstart;
    TkBorder *bg_brdr = (TkBorder*)bgBorder;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC copyGC;
    unsigned long imgColors[8];
    XImage *img;
    Pixmap pixmap;
    int depth;

     * Sanity check.

    if (tkwin == NULL || display == None || d == None || bgBorder == NULL
	    || indicatorColor == NULL) {

    if (disableColor == NULL) {
	disableColor = bg_brdr->bgColorPtr;

    if (selectColor == NULL) {
	selectColor = bg_brdr->bgColorPtr;

    depth = Tk_Depth(tkwin);

     * Compute starting point and dimensions of image inside button_images to
     * be used.

    switch (mode) {
    case CHECK_BUTTON:
	imgsel = on == 2 ? CHECK_DISON_OFFSET :
	imgsel += disabled && on != 2 ? CHECK_DISOFF_OFFSET : 0;
	imgstart = CHECK_START;

    case CHECK_MENU:
	imgsel = on == 2 ? CHECK_DISOFF_OFFSET :
	imgsel += disabled && on != 2 ? CHECK_DISOFF_OFFSET : 0;
	imgstart = CHECK_START + 2;
	imgsel += 2;

    case RADIO_BUTTON:
	imgsel = on == 2 ? RADIO_DISON_OFFSET :
	imgsel += disabled && on != 2 ? RADIO_DISOFF_OFFSET : 0;
	imgstart = RADIO_START;

    case RADIO_MENU:
	imgsel = on == 2 ? RADIO_DISOFF_OFFSET :
	imgsel += disabled && on != 2 ? RADIO_DISOFF_OFFSET : 0;
	imgstart = RADIO_START + 3;
	imgsel += 3;

     * Allocate the drawing areas to use. Note that we use double-buffering
     * here because not all code paths leading to this function do so.

    pixmap = Tk_GetPixmap(display, d, dim, dim, depth);
    if (pixmap == None) {

    x -= dim/2;
    y -= dim/2;

    img = XGetImage(display, pixmap, 0, 0,
	    (unsigned int)dim, (unsigned int)dim, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
    if (img == NULL) {

     * Set up the color mapping table.

    TkpGetShadows(bg_brdr, tkwin);

    imgColors[0 /*A*/] =
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, bg_brdr->bgColorPtr)->pixel;
    imgColors[1 /*B*/] =
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, bg_brdr->bgColorPtr)->pixel;
    imgColors[2 /*C*/] = (bg_brdr->lightColorPtr != NULL) ?
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, bg_brdr->lightColorPtr)->pixel :
    imgColors[3 /*D*/] =
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, selectColor)->pixel;
    imgColors[4 /*E*/] = (bg_brdr->darkColorPtr != NULL) ?
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, bg_brdr->darkColorPtr)->pixel :
    imgColors[5 /*F*/] =
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, bg_brdr->bgColorPtr)->pixel;
    imgColors[6 /*G*/] =
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, indicatorColor)->pixel;
    imgColors[7 /*H*/] =
	    Tk_GetColorByValue(tkwin, disableColor)->pixel;

     * Create the image, painting it into an XImage one pixel at a time.

    for (iy=0 ; iy<dim ; iy++) {
	for (ix=0 ; ix<dim ; ix++) {
	    XPutPixel(img, ix, iy,
		    imgColors[button_images[imgstart+iy][imgsel+ix] - 'A'] );

     * Copy onto our target drawable surface.

    memset(&gcValues, 0, sizeof(gcValues));
    gcValues.background = bg_brdr->bgColorPtr->pixel;
    gcValues.graphics_exposures = False;
    copyGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, 0, &gcValues);

    XPutImage(display, pixmap, copyGC, img, 0, 0, 0, 0,
	    (unsigned int)dim, (unsigned int)dim);
    XCopyArea(display, pixmap, d, copyGC, 0, 0,
	    (unsigned int)dim, (unsigned int)dim, x, y);

     * Tidy up.

    Tk_FreeGC(display, copyGC);
    Tk_FreePixmap(display, pixmap);
Exemplo n.º 21
static void IndicatorElementDraw(
    void *clientData, void *elementRecord, Tk_Window tkwin,
    Drawable d, Ttk_Box b, unsigned int state)
    IndicatorSpec *spec = clientData;
    IndicatorElement *indicator = elementRecord;
    Display *display = Tk_Display(tkwin);
    Ttk_Padding padding;
    XColor *fgColor, *frameColor, *shadeColor, *indicatorColor, *borderColor;

    int index, ix, iy;
    XGCValues gcValues;
    GC copyGC;
    unsigned long imgColors[8];
    XImage *img;

    Ttk_GetPaddingFromObj(NULL, tkwin, indicator->marginObj, &padding);
    b = Ttk_PadBox(b, padding);

    if (   b.x < 0
	|| b.y < 0
	|| Tk_Width(tkwin) < b.x + spec->width
	|| Tk_Height(tkwin) < b.y + spec->height)
	/* Oops!  not enough room to display the image.
	 * Don't draw anything.

     * Fill in imgColors palette:
     * (SHOULD: take light and shade colors from the border object,
     * but Tk doesn't provide easy access to these in the public API.)
    fgColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->foregroundObj);
    frameColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->backgroundObj);
    shadeColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->shadeColorObj);
    indicatorColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->colorObj);
    borderColor = Tk_GetColorFromObj(tkwin, indicator->borderColorObj);

    imgColors[0 /*A*/] = shadeColor->pixel;
    imgColors[1 /*B*/] = indicatorColor->pixel;
    imgColors[2 /*C*/] = frameColor->pixel;
    imgColors[3 /*D*/] = indicatorColor->pixel;
    imgColors[4 /*E*/] = borderColor->pixel;
    imgColors[5 /*F*/] = frameColor->pixel;
    imgColors[6 /*G*/] = fgColor->pixel;
    imgColors[7 /*H*/] = fgColor->pixel;

     * Create a scratch buffer to store the image:
    img = XGetImage(display,d, 0, 0,
	    (unsigned int)spec->width, (unsigned int)spec->height,
	    AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
    if (img == NULL)

     * Create the image, painting it into an XImage one pixel at a time.
    index = Ttk_StateTableLookup(spec->map, state);
    for (iy=0 ; iy<spec->height ; iy++) {
	for (ix=0 ; ix<spec->width ; ix++) {
	    XPutPixel(img, ix, iy,
		imgColors[spec->pixels[iy][index*spec->width+ix] - 'A'] );

     * Copy onto our target drawable surface.
    memset(&gcValues, 0, sizeof(gcValues));
    copyGC = Tk_GetGC(tkwin, 0, &gcValues);

    TkPutImage(NULL, 0, display, d, copyGC, img, 0, 0, b.x, b.y,
               spec->width, spec->height);

     * Tidy up.
    Tk_FreeGC(display, copyGC);