Exemplo n.º 1
int Controls_Handle_Keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
       According to zoom factor we will use a desired_step matching it in order to have smooth movement over the image
       RefreshDesiredStep_AccordingToPosition calculates it and loads it in frame.desired_step variable
   // RefreshDesiredStep_AccordingToPosition();
    char label[256]={0};

    int nokey=0;
    if (PrintDevMsg()) fprintf(stderr,"Key %u \n",key);
    switch (key)
        case 1 : /* UP */    MoveToPicture(D_UP); break;
        case 2 : /* DOWN */  MoveToPicture(D_DOWN); break;
        case 3 : /* LEFT */  MoveToPicture(D_LEFT); break;
        case 4 : /* RIGHT */ MoveToPicture(D_RIGHT); break;

        case 9 : /* TAB */   frame.show_information=550; /* 550 is the time !*/ break;
        case '`' : /*Tilda button*/ frame.show_time=550; break;

        case 13  : /* ENTER */ ToggleAutomaticSlideshow(); break;
        case ' ' : /* SPACE */ ToggleAutomaticSlideshow(); break;

        //Buttons 0  -  9 , directory transactions
        case 48+0 : /*Number 0*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),0)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+1 : /*Number 1*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),1)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+2 : /*Number 2*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),2)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+3 : /*Number 3*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),3)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+4 : /*Number 4*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),4)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+5 : /*Number 5*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),5)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+6 : /*Number 6*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),6)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+7 : /*Number 7*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),7)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+8 : /*Number 8*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),8)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;
        case 48+9 : /*Number 9*/ if (PerformDirectoryTransaction(GetPictureDirectoryListIndex(frame.active_image_place),9)>0)  {TriggerNextPictureSlideShow(); usleep(10000); return 0; } break;

        case 'o': ResetCameraOrientation();
                  NewLabel(frame.desired_x,frame.desired_y,(char *) "Reset Camera to center..!");

        case 'u': CreateObjectFountain(2); /*"PARTICLE" EFFECT*/ break;
        case 'i': CreateObjectFountain(3); /*"PARTICLE" EFFECT*/ break;
        case 'k': CreateObjectFountain(6); /*"PARTICLE" EFFECT*/ break;
        case 'j': return 1; /*This key is reserved for fullscreen*/ break;
        //case 'j': CreateObjectFountain(5); /*"PARTICLE" EFFECT*/ break;

        case 'q': RotatePictureLeft(); break;
        case 'e': RotatePictureRight();  break;

        case 'r': MoveDestinationCenter(D_OUT); /*frame.desired_z+=frame.desired_step;*/ break;
        case 'f': MoveDestinationCenter(D_IN); /*frame.desired_z-=frame.desired_step;*/ break;
        case 'a': MoveDestinationCenter(D_LEFT); /*frame.desired_x+=frame.desired_step;*/ break;
        case 'd': MoveDestinationCenter(D_RIGHT); /*frame.desired_x-=frame.desired_step;*/ break;
        case 's': MoveDestinationCenter(D_UP); /*frame.desired_y+=frame.desired_step;*/ break;
        case 'w': MoveDestinationCenter(D_DOWN); /*frame.desired_y-=frame.desired_step;*/ break;
        case '-': if ( frame.time_ms_between_two_transitions >= 100 )
                     { SetTransitionTime(frame.time_ms_between_two_transitions-100);  }
        case '+': SetTransitionTime(frame.time_ms_between_two_transitions+100); break;
        case 'z': frame.angle_x-=0.5; break;
        case 'c': frame.angle_x+=0.5; break;
        case 't': frame.angle_y-=0.5; break;
        case 'g': frame.angle_y+=0.5; break;
        case 'y': frame.angle_z-=0.5; break;
        case 'h': frame.angle_z+=0.5; break;
        case 'n': ChangeLayout();
                  sprintf(label," Layout set to %s (%u)",GetLayoutName(),frame.layout.layout_mode);
                  NewLabel(frame.desired_x,frame.desired_y,(char *) label);
                  break; //if (ENABLE_WIGGLING) {ENABLE_WIGGLING=0;} else {ENABLE_WIGGLING=1;}
        case 'm': ToggleTransitionMode(); break;

        case 153: MoveToPicture(D_UP);   MoveToPicture(D_UP);   MoveToPicture(D_UP);  MoveToPicture(D_UP);
                  sprintf(label," Go To %u/%u",frame.active_image_place,frame.total_images);
                  NewLabel(frame.desired_x,frame.desired_y,(char *) label);
                  break; //PAGE UP
        case 161: MoveToPicture(D_DOWN); MoveToPicture(D_DOWN); MoveToPicture(D_DOWN); MoveToPicture(D_DOWN);
                  sprintf(label," Go To %u/%u",frame.active_image_place,frame.total_images);
                  NewLabel(frame.desired_x,frame.desired_y,(char *) label);
                  break; //PAGE DOWN

        case 'b':  break;

       default : nokey=1;

  return nokey;
Exemplo n.º 2
int parseArguments(int argc, char *argv[])

    if ( argc <1 )
       fprintf(stderr,"Something weird is happening , argument zero should be executable path :S \n");
       return 1;
     } else
    if ( argc == 1 )
       fprintf(stderr,"Usage flashyslideshow \"path\\to\\directory\\of\\album\"\n\n");
       strncpy((char * ) frame.program_data_directory,argv[0],MAX_PATH);
     } else
        int i=0;
        for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-web")==0)
                   { //Recursive Directory command
                       fprintf(stderr,"Web Interface Enabled %u - %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                       if (!WebInterfaceCompiledIn())
                            //Web interface has been enabled by user BUT its not compiled in! :S
                            EmmitDialogWarning( (char *) "Please note that this build of FlashySlideshow hasn't got a compiled in WebInterface..!\n To download it run ./update_from_git.sh from the project's root dir and enable it at the CMake file..\n\n\nCheck here for more info :\nhttps://github.com/AmmarkoV/FlashySlideshows\n");
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-r")==0)
                   { //Recursive Directory command
                       fprintf(stderr,"Recursive Directory Enabled %u - %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-fullscreen")==0)
                   { //Fullscreen window
                       fprintf(stderr,"Auto Fullscreen %u - %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-play")==0)
                   { //Recursive Directory command
                       fprintf(stderr,"AutoStarting Playback %u - %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-sfx")==0)
                   { //Sound Effects command
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Sound Effects Enabled %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-file_move")==0)
                   { //Move Files command
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Move Sorting Enabled with keys 0 to 9 %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-file_resize")==0)
                   { //Resize Files command
                        if (i+1<=argc)
                         fprintf(stderr,"%u Move Resized Enabled at Resolution %s with keys 0 to 9 %s\n",i,argv[i+1],argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-file_copy")==0)
                   { //File Copy command
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Move Sorting Enabled with keys 0 to 9 %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-file_link")==0)
                   { //File Copy command
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Link Sorting Enabled with keys 0 to 9 %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-no_hud")==0)
                   { //File Copy command
                       fprintf(stderr,"Hud Disabled..");
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-no_background")==0)
                   { //File Copy command
                       fprintf(stderr,"Background Disabled..");
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-fd")==0)
                   { //Face Detection command
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Face Detection Enabled %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-v")==0)
                   { //Visuals Enabled command
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Visuals Enabled %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-m")==0)
                   { //Mipmaping Enabled command
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Mipmaping Enabled %s\n",i,argv[i]);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-q")==0)
                   { //Quality command
                      if (i+1<=argc)
                       frame.quality_setting=atoi(argv[i+1]); // Quality
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Image Quality %s = %s ( %u )\n",i,argv[i],argv[i+1],frame.quality_setting);
                       if (frame.quality_setting>=3) { frame.try_for_best_render_quality=1; }
                       fprintf(stderr,"   Rendering Quality Switch %u\n",frame.try_for_best_render_quality);
                       //THIS HAS A SECOND PAYLOAD THAT HAPPENS AFTERWARDS----> to initialize frame.gpu.maximum_frame_total_size
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-images_per_line")==0)
                   { //Images per line command
                      if (i+1<=argc)
                        frame.images_per_line=atoi(argv[i+1]); // Background
                        fprintf(stderr,"%u Images per line Manually Chosen %s = %s ( %u )\n",i,argv[i],argv[i+1],frame.images_per_line);
                        frame.active_image_x=((unsigned int) frame.images_per_line/2);

                        frame.desired_x=frame.vx; frame.desired_y=frame.vy; frame.desired_z=GetLayoutMaximumZ()-0.5;

                        fprintf(stderr,"Setting Center to %u,%u (%u) --> coords %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f\n",frame.active_image_x,frame.active_image_y,frame.active_image_place,frame.vx,frame.vy,frame.vz);

                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-b")==0)
                   { //Quality command
                      if (i+1<=argc)
                        frame.background_number=atoi(argv[i+1]); // Background
                        fprintf(stderr,"%u Frame Background Manually Chosen %s = %s ( %u )\n",i,argv[i],argv[i+1],frame.background_number);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-d")==0)
                   { //Transition delay command
                      if (i+1<=argc)
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Transition Delay %s = %s ( %u ) \n",i,argv[i],argv[i+1],frame.time_ms_between_two_transitions);
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-t")==0)
                   { //Transition Type command
                      if (i+1<=argc)
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Transition Type %s=%s\n",i,argv[i],argv[i+1]);
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='0' ) { fprintf(stderr,"3D Seek\n");      frame.transitions.transition_mode=0; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='1' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Immediate\n");    frame.transitions.transition_mode=1; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='2' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Transparency\n"); frame.transitions.transition_mode=2; }  else
                                               { fprintf(stderr,"Incorrect Transition Type..\n"); }
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-l")==0)
                   { //Layout Type command
                      if (i+1<=argc)
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Layout Type %s=%s\n",i,argv[i],argv[i+1]);
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='0' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Basic Layout\n");      frame.layout.layout_mode=0; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='1' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Expo\n");    frame.layout.layout_mode=1; } else
                                               { fprintf(stderr,"Incorrect Layout Type..\n"); }
                   } else
             if (strcmp(argv[i],"-s")==0)
                   { //Sorting Type command
                      if (i+1<=argc)
                       fprintf(stderr,"%u Sorting Type %s=%s\n",i,argv[i],argv[i+1]);
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='0' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Ascending Name\n"); frame.sort_type=0; frame.sort_ascending=1; frame.sort_randomization=0; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='1' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Ascending Date\n"); frame.sort_type=1; frame.sort_ascending=1; frame.sort_randomization=0;  } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='2' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Ascending Size\n"); frame.sort_type=2; frame.sort_ascending=1; frame.sort_randomization=0; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='3' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Descending Name\n"); frame.sort_type=0; frame.sort_ascending=0; frame.sort_randomization=0; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='4' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Descending Date\n"); frame.sort_type=1; frame.sort_ascending=0; frame.sort_randomization=0; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='5' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Descending Size\n"); frame.sort_type=2; frame.sort_ascending=0; frame.sort_randomization=0; } else
                       if  ( *argv[i+1]=='r' ) { fprintf(stderr,"Randomized\n"); frame.sort_randomization=1; }  else
                                               { fprintf(stderr,"Incorrect Sorting Type..\n"); }

       strncpy((char * ) frame.program_data_directory,argv[0],MAX_PATH);
       strncpy((char * ) frame.album_directory,argv[argc-1],MAX_PATH);

       if ( strncmp((char*)frame.album_directory,"pick",4)==0 )
           /* PICK ALBUM DIR VIA GUI */
           if ( LaunchGUI_PickDir() == 0 )  { fprintf(stderr,"No dir selected! \n"); return 0; }
    strcat((char * ) frame.album_directory,"/");
    fprintf(stderr,"Slideshow directory is = %s (%u chars) \n", frame.album_directory ,(unsigned int) strlen((char*) frame.album_directory));

    return 1;