Exemplo n.º 1
static void 
        Widget child,
        Widget parent,
        Position *xRtn,
        Position *yRtn )
    Display 	*disp;
    int 	max_w, max_h;
    Position 	x, y;

    x = HALFDIFF(XtWidth(parent), XtWidth(child));
    y = HALFDIFF(XtHeight(parent), XtHeight(child));
     * find root co-ords of the parent's center
    if (XtIsRealized (parent))
      XtTranslateCoords(parent, x, y, &x, &y);
     * try to keep the popup from dribbling off the display
    disp = XtDisplay (child);
    max_w = DisplayWidth  (disp, DefaultScreen (disp));
    max_h = DisplayHeight (disp, DefaultScreen (disp));
    if ((x + (int)TotalWidth  (child)) > max_w) 
      x = max_w - TotalWidth  (child);
    if ((y + (int)TotalHeight (child)) > max_h) 
      y = max_h - TotalHeight (child);
    if (x < 0) x = 0;
    if (y < 0) y = 0;

    *xRtn = x;
    *yRtn = y;
Exemplo n.º 2
void PopupMenu::updateLayout(void)
    //Determine the Max Preferred Width of my MenuItems
    Real32 MaxWidth(0);
    Real32 TotalHeight(0);
    for(UInt32 i(0) ; i<getMFChildren()->size() ; ++i)
        if(MaxWidth < getChildren(i)->getRequestedSize().x())
            MaxWidth = getChildren(i)->getRequestedSize().x();
        TotalHeight += getChildren(i)->getRequestedSize().y();
            TotalHeight += 1.0f;

    //Set My preferred Size
    Pnt2f TopLeft, BottomRight;
    Pnt2f InsetsTopLeft, InsetsBottomRight;
    getBounds(TopLeft, BottomRight);
    getInsideInsetsBounds(InsetsTopLeft, InsetsBottomRight);

    Vec2f InsetSize( (BottomRight-TopLeft) - (InsetsBottomRight-InsetsTopLeft) );
    setPreferredSize(Vec2f(MaxWidth+InsetSize.x(), TotalHeight+InsetSize.y()));

    //Sneakily set my size

    getInsideInsetsBounds(InsetsTopLeft, InsetsBottomRight);

    //Now position and size the Items
    Real32 TopOffset(InsetsTopLeft.y());
    for(UInt32 i(0) ; i<getMFChildren()->size() ; ++i)
        getChildren(i)->setSize(Vec2f(MaxWidth, getChildren(i)->getRequestedSize().y()));
        getChildren(i)->setPosition(Pnt2f(InsetsTopLeft.x(), TopOffset));

        TopOffset += getChildren(i)->getRequestedSize().y() +1;