void TskCarveExtractScalpel::processCarvedFiles(const std::string &outputFolderPath, const std::vector<TskCarveExtractScalpel::CarvedFile> &carvedFiles) const
        TskImgDB& imgDB = TskServices::Instance().getImgDB();
        const uint64_t sectorSize = 512;

        for (std::vector<CarvedFile>::const_iterator file = carvedFiles.begin(); file != carvedFiles.end(); ++file)
            std::stringstream filePath;
            filePath << outputFolderPath << Poco::Path::separator() << (*file).name;

            // Convert the starting offset (in bytes) of the carved file in the unallocated image file the and length of the carved file (in bytes)
            // into a range of "sectors."
            int fileStartSectorOffset = static_cast<int>((*file).offset / sectorSize); 
            int fileEndSectorOffset = static_cast<int>(((*file).offset + (*file).length) / sectorSize); 
            // Get the unallocated sectors run corresponding to the unallocated image file and map the file sector offsets to image sector offset and length. 
            std::auto_ptr<UnallocRun> run(imgDB.getUnallocRun((*file).id, fileStartSectorOffset));
            int numberOfRuns = 1;
            uint64_t sectorRunStart[] = { run->getAllocStart() + fileStartSectorOffset - run->getUnallocStart() };
            uint64_t sectorRunLength[] = { run->getAllocStart() + fileEndSectorOffset - run->getUnallocStart() - sectorRunStart[0] };

            // Add the mapping to the image database.
            uint64_t fileId;
            if (imgDB.addCarvedFileInfo(run->getVolId(), const_cast<wchar_t*>(TskUtilities::toUTF16((*file).name).c_str()), (*file).length, &sectorRunStart[0], &sectorRunLength[0], numberOfRuns, fileId) == -1)
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::processCarvedFiles : unable to save carved file info for '" << filePath.str() << "'";
                throw TskException(msg.str());

            TskServices::Instance().getFileManager().addFile(fileId, TskUtilities::toUTF16(filePath.str()));

            // Delete output (carved) files by default.
            std::string option = GetSystemProperty("CARVE_EXTRACT_KEEP_OUTPUT_FILES");
            std::transform(option.begin(), option.end(), option.begin(), ::toupper);
            bool deleteOutputFiles = (option != "TRUE");

            if (deleteOutputFiles)
                Poco::File file(filePath.str());

            if (imgDB.updateFileStatus(fileId, TskImgDB::IMGDB_FILES_STATUS_READY_FOR_ANALYSIS) == 1)
                std::stringstream msg;
                msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::processCarvedFiles : unable to update file status for '" << filePath.str() << "'";
                throw TskException(msg.str());
    catch (Poco::Exception &ex)
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::processCarvedFiles : Poco exception: " <<  ex.displayText();
        throw TskException(msg.str());
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Sets the location of the module given an absolute or relative location.
 * For relative paths we look for the
 * module first in PROG_DIR, then MODULE_DIR, then the
 * current directory, and 
 * finally the system path. Will throw an exception if the module cannot 
 * be found.
 * @param location Absolute or relative path string for module.
void TskModule::setPath(const std::string& location)
    if (location.empty()) 
        throw TskException("TskModule::setPath: location is empty or missing.");

    Poco::Path tempPath = location;

    if (!tempPath.isAbsolute())
        // If this is a relative path, then see if we can find the
        // executable either in PROG_DIR, in MODULE_DIR, in the current directory,
        // or on the system path.        
        std::string pathsToSearch = GetSystemProperty(TskSystemProperties::PROG_DIR); 
        if (!pathsToSearch.empty())
            pathsToSearch += Poco::Path::pathSeparator();
        pathsToSearch += GetSystemProperty(TskSystemProperties::MODULE_DIR);
        if (!pathsToSearch.empty())
            pathsToSearch += Poco::Path::pathSeparator();
        pathsToSearch += ".";

        if (!Poco::Path::find(pathsToSearch, location, tempPath))
            // if we didn't find them in the above paths, check on the path. 
            if (Poco::Environment::has("Path"))
                std::string systemPath = Poco::Environment::get("Path");
                if (!systemPath.empty())
                    Poco::Path::find(systemPath, location, tempPath);

    // Confirm existence of file at location.
    Poco::File moduleFile(tempPath);

    if (!moduleFile.exists())
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "TskModule::setPath - Module not found: "
            << tempPath.toString().c_str();
        throw TskException(msg.str());
    else {
        std::wstringstream msg;
        msg << L"TskModule::setPath - Module found at: "
            << tempPath.toString().c_str();

    m_modulePath = tempPath.toString();
Exemplo n.º 3
TskModule::Status TskReportPluginModule::report()
    const std::string MSG_PREFIX = "TskReportPluginModule::report : ";
    TskModule::Status status = TskModule::OK;
        if (!isLoaded())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << MSG_PREFIX << "'" << getPath() << "' is not loaded";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        if (!hasSymbol(TskPluginModule::REPORT_SYMBOL)) 
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << MSG_PREFIX << "'" << getPath() << "' does not define the '" << TskPluginModule::REPORT_SYMBOL << "' symbol";
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        typedef TskModule::Status (*ReportFunc)();
        ReportFunc report = (ReportFunc)getSymbol(TskPluginModule::REPORT_SYMBOL);
        status = report();
    catch (TskException &ex) 
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << MSG_PREFIX << "TskException executing report function of " << getName() << ": " << ex.message();
        status = TskModule::FAIL;
    catch (Poco::Exception &ex) 
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << MSG_PREFIX <<  "Poco::Exception executing report function of "  << getName() << ": " << ex.displayText();
        status = TskModule::FAIL;
    catch (std::exception &ex) 
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << MSG_PREFIX <<  "std::exception executing report function of "  << getName() << ": " << ex.what();
        status = TskModule::FAIL;
    catch (...)
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << MSG_PREFIX << "unrecognized exception executing report function of "  << getName();
        status = TskModule::FAIL;

    return status;
Exemplo n.º 4
std::vector<TskCarveExtractScalpel::CarvedFile> TskCarveExtractScalpel::parseCarvingResultsFile(int unallocImgId, const std::string &resultsFilePath) const
        std::vector<CarvedFile> carvedFiles;

        Poco::File resultsFile(resultsFilePath);
        if (!resultsFile.exists())
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::parseCarvingResultsFile : could not find Scalpel carving results file for unalloc img id " << unallocImgId;
            throw TskException(msg.str());
        std::ifstream resultsStream(resultsFilePath.c_str());
        if (!resultsStream)
            std::stringstream msg;
            msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::parseCarvingResultsFile : unable to open Scalpel carving results file for unalloc img id " << unallocImgId;
            throw TskException(msg.str());

        // Discard all of the file up to and including the header for the carved files list.
        std::string line;
        while (std::getline(resultsStream, line) && line.find("Extracted From") == std::string::npos);

        // Parse the files list.
        const std::size_t numberOfFileFields = 5;
        while (std::getline(resultsStream, line))
            // Tokenize the next line of the results file and see if it is part of the files list by checking the number of tokens.
            Poco::StringTokenizer tokenizer(line, "\t ", Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); 
            if (tokenizer.count() != numberOfFileFields)
                // No more files in the files list.

            carvedFiles.push_back(CarvedFile(unallocImgId, tokenizer[0], tokenizer[1], tokenizer[3]));


        return carvedFiles;
    catch (Poco::Exception &ex)
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "TskCarveExtractScalpel::parseCarvingResultsFile : Poco exception: " <<  ex.displayText();
        throw TskException(msg.str());
std::string TskSystemProperties::get(PredefinedProperty prop) const
    assert(prop >= PROG_DIR && prop < END_PROPS);
    if (prop < PROG_DIR || prop >= END_PROPS)
        throw TskException("TskSystemProperties::get : passed out of range prop argument");

    if (prop == CURRENT_TIME)
        // CURRENT_TIME is always computed upon request.
        return Poco::DateTimeFormatter::format(Poco::LocalDateTime(), "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S");

    std::string value = getProperty(predefPropNames[prop]);
    if (value.empty())
        if (prop == PROG_DIR)
            // If PROG_DIR has not been set, set it to the location of the currently executing program.
            value = TskUtilities::getProgDir();
            const_cast<TskSystemProperties*>(this)->set(prop, value);
        else if (prop == IMAGE_FILE)
            // If IMAGE_FILE has not been set, attempt to retrieve it from the image database.
            const std::vector<std::string> imgNames = TskServices::Instance().getImgDB().getImageNames();
            if (!imgNames.empty())
                value = imgNames[0];
                const_cast<TskSystemProperties*>(this)->set(prop, value);
            // Perhaps there is a default value.
            value = predefPropDefaults[prop];

    if (value.empty() && requiredProps.count(prop) != 0)
        // The empty property is an unset required property.
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << "TskSystemProperties::get : required predefined system property '" << predefPropNames[prop] << "' is not set";
        throw TskException(msg.str());

    return  expandMacros(value);
// Throw exception if the module does not have REPORT_SYMBOL
void TskReportPluginModule::checkInterface()
    if (!isLoaded())
        throw TskException("Module is not loaded");

    if (!hasSymbol(TskPluginModule::REPORT_SYMBOL)) {
        std::wstringstream msg;
        msg << L"TskReportPluginModule::checkInterface - Module does not contain the \""
            << TskPluginModule::REPORT_SYMBOL.c_str() << L"\" symbol : " << getPath().c_str();

        throw TskException("Module missing required symbol.");
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Confirm that an executable file exists at location.
void TskExecutableModule::setPath(const std::string& location)
        // Autogenerate filename extension if needed
        Poco::Path tempPath = location;
        if (tempPath.getExtension().empty())
            std::string os = Poco::Environment::osName();
            if (os.find("Windows") != std::string::npos ||
                os.find("CYGWIN")  != std::string::npos ||
                os.find("MINGW")   != std::string::npos )
            // Else we assume the user is on a platform that doesn't use executable extensions.

        // Call our parent to validate the location.

        m_name = Poco::Path(m_modulePath).getBaseName();

        // Verify that the file is executable.
        Poco::File exeFile(m_modulePath);

        if (!exeFile.canExecute())
            std::wstringstream msg;
            msg << L"TskExecutableModule::setPath - File is not executable: "
                << m_modulePath.c_str();
            throw TskException("File is not executable.");
    catch (TskException& tskEx)
        throw tskEx;
    catch(std::exception& ex)
        // Log a message and throw a framework exception.
        std::wstringstream msg;
        msg << "TskExecutableModule::setPath : " << ex.what();

        throw TskException("Failed to set location: " + m_modulePath);
Exemplo n.º 8
void TskCarvePrepSectorConcat::processFiles(const std::string &fileName) const
    if (fileName.empty())
        throw TskException("TskCarvePrepSectorConcat::processFiles : empty file name argument");

	std::string outputFolderPath;
    std::string outputFileName;
    size_t maxOutputFileSize;
    setUpForCarvePrep(outputFolderPath, outputFileName, maxOutputFileSize);

    // Get the file ids for any files with the the specified file name.
    TskImgDB &imgDB = TskServices::Instance().getImgDB();
    std::stringstream condition;
    condition << "WHERE files.name = " << "'" << fileName << "'";
    std::vector<uint64_t> fileIds = imgDB.getFileIds(condition.str());

    std::auto_ptr<SectorRuns> sectorRuns;
    for (std::vector<uint64_t>::const_iterator it = fileIds.begin(); it != fileIds.end(); ++it)
        if (sectorRuns.get()) 
            createUnallocSectorsImgFiles(outputFolderPath, outputFileName, maxOutputFileSize, *sectorRuns);
Exemplo n.º 9
string TskBlackboard::artTypeIDToTypeName(const int artifactTypeID){
    map<int, TskArtifactNames>::iterator it = artifact_type_table.find(artifactTypeID);
    if(it == artifact_type_table.end())
        throw TskException("No attribute type with that id");
        return it->second.typeName;
Exemplo n.º 10
string TskBlackboard::attrTypeIDToTypeDisplayName(const int attributeTypeID){
    map<int, TskAttributeNames>::iterator it = attribute_type_table.find(attributeTypeID);
    if(it == attribute_type_table.end())
        throw TskException("No attribute type with that id");
        return it->second.displayName;
Exemplo n.º 11
    Traverse the hierarchy inside the container
void TskL01Extract::traverse(ewf::libewf_file_entry_t *parent)
    static Poco::Path currPath;

    TskL01Extract::ArchivedFile fileInfo;
    fileInfo.entry   = parent;
    fileInfo.type    = getFileType(parent);
    fileInfo.size    = getFileSize(parent);
    fileInfo.ctime   = getEntryChangeTime(parent);
    fileInfo.crtime  = getCreationTime(parent);
    fileInfo.atime   = getAccessTime(parent);
    fileInfo.mtime   = getModifiedTime(parent);
    std::string name = getName(parent);

    bool saveDirectory = false;
    if ((fileInfo.type == 'd') && !name.empty())
        saveDirectory = true;

    if (saveDirectory)
        fileInfo.path = currPath;
    else if (fileInfo.type == 'f')
        Poco::Path tempPath = currPath;
        fileInfo.path = tempPath;

    int num = 0;
    ewf::libewf_error_t *ewfError = NULL;
    ewf::libewf_file_entry_get_number_of_sub_file_entries(parent, &num, &ewfError);
    if (num > 0)
        for (int i=0; i < num; ++i)
            ewf::libewf_file_entry_t *child = NULL;
            ewfError = NULL;
            if (ewf::libewf_file_entry_get_sub_file_entry(parent, i, &child, &ewfError) == -1)
                throw TskException("TskL01Extract::traverse - Error with libewf_file_entry_get_sub_file_entry: ");


    if (saveDirectory)
Exemplo n.º 12
int TskBlackboard::artTypeNameToTypeID(const string& artifactTypeString){
    map<int, TskArtifactNames>::iterator it = artifact_type_table.begin();
    for(it; it != artifact_type_table.end(); it++){
        if(artifactTypeString.compare(it->second.typeName) == 0)
            return it->first;
    throw TskException("No attribute type with that name");
Exemplo n.º 13
 * Set the scheduler service. 
 * Throws an exception if one has already been set. 
void TskServices::setScheduler(Scheduler &scheduler)
    if (m_scheduler) {
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::setScheduler - Scheduler has already been initialized.");
        throw TskException("Scheduler already initialized.");
    } else {
        m_scheduler = &scheduler;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Set the log service. 
 * Throws an exception if one has already been set. 
void TskServices::setLog(Log &log)
    if (m_log) {
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::setLog - Log has already been initialized.");
        throw TskException("Log already initialized.");
    } else {
        m_log = &log;
Exemplo n.º 15
void TskServices::setFileManager(TskFileManager& fileManager)
    if (m_fileManager) {
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::setFileManager - File Manager has already been initialized.");
        throw TskException("FileManager already initialized.");
    } else {
        m_fileManager = &fileManager;
Exemplo n.º 16
TskFileManager& TskServices::getFileManager()
    if (m_fileManager == NULL)
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::getFileManager - File Manager has not been initialized.");
        throw TskException("File Manager not initialized.");
    return *m_fileManager;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Return the blackboard service.  If no service was setup, an exception
 * is thrown.
 * @returns blackboard file reference. 
TskBlackboard& TskServices::getBlackboard()
    if (m_blackboard == NULL)
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::getBlackboard - Blackboard has not been initialized.");
        throw TskException("Blackboard not initialized.");
    return *m_blackboard;
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Set the system properties service. 
 * Throws an exception if one has already been set. 
void TskServices::setSystemProperties(TskSystemProperties& systemProperties)
    if (m_systemProperties) {
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::setSystemProperties - SystemProperties has already been initialized.");
        throw TskException("SystemProperties already initialized.");
    } else {
        m_systemProperties = &systemProperties;
Exemplo n.º 19
const uint8_t TskL01Extract::getFileType(ewf::libewf_file_entry_t *node)
    uint8_t type = 0;
    ewf::libewf_error_t *ewfError = NULL;
    if (ewf::libewf_file_entry_get_type(node, &type, &ewfError) == -1)
        throw TskException("TskL01Extract::getFileType - Error with libewf_file_entry_get_utf8_name: ");

    uint32_t flags = 0;
    ewfError = NULL;
    if (ewf::libewf_file_entry_get_flags(node, &flags, &ewfError) == -1)
        throw TskException("TskL01Extract::getFileType - Error with libewf_file_entry_get_flags: ");

    return type;
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Set the blackboard service. 
 * Throws an exception if one has already been set. 
void TskServices::setBlackboard(TskBlackboard& blackboard)
    if (m_blackboard) {
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::setBlackboard - Blackboard has already been initialized.");
        throw TskException("Blackboard already initialized.");
    } else {
        m_blackboard = &blackboard;
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Set the image file service. 
 * Throws an exception if one has already been set. 
void TskServices::setImageFile(TskImageFile& imageFile)
    if (m_imageFile) {
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::setImageFile - ImageFile has already been initialized.");
        throw TskException("ImageFile already initialized.");
    } else {
        m_imageFile = &imageFile;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Set the database service. 
 * Throws an exception if one has already been set. 
void TskServices::setImgDB(TskImgDB& imgDB)
    if (m_imgDB) {
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::setImgDB - ImgDB has already been initialized.");
        throw TskException("ImgDB already initialized.");
    } else {
        m_imgDB = &imgDB;
Exemplo n.º 23
int TskBlackboard::addArtifactType(const string& artifactTypeName, const string& displayName){
    map<int, TskArtifactNames>::iterator it = artifact_type_table.begin();
    for(it; it != artifact_type_table.end(); it++){
        if(artifactTypeName.compare(it->second.typeName) == 0)
            throw TskException("Attribute type with that name already exists");
    artifact_type_table.insert(pair<int, TskArtifactNames>(m_artifactIDcounter, TskArtifactNames(artifactTypeName, displayName)));
    return m_artifactIDcounter++;
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Return the image file service.  If no service was setup, an exception
 * is thrown.
 * @returns image file reference. 
TskImageFile& TskServices::getImageFile()
    if (m_imageFile == NULL)
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::getImageFile - ImageFile has not been initialized.");
        throw TskException("ImageFile not initialized.");

    return *m_imageFile;
Exemplo n.º 25
 * Return the system scheduler service.  If no service was setup, an exception
 * is thrown.
 * @returns scheduler reference. 
Scheduler& TskServices::getScheduler()
    if (m_scheduler == NULL)
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::getScheduler - Scheduler has not been initialized.");
        throw TskException("Scheduler not initialized.");

    return *m_scheduler;
Exemplo n.º 26
void TskReportPluginModule::checkInterface()
    const std::string MSG_PREFIX = "TskReportPluginModule::checkInterface : ";

    if (!isLoaded())
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << MSG_PREFIX << getPath() << " is not loaded";
        throw TskException(msg.str());

    if (!hasSymbol(TskPluginModule::REPORT_SYMBOL)) 
        std::stringstream msg;
        msg << MSG_PREFIX << getPath() << " does not define the required '" << TskPluginModule::REPORT_SYMBOL << "' symbol";
        throw TskException(msg.str());
void TskSystemProperties::set(PredefinedProperty prop, const std::string &value)
    assert(prop >= PROG_DIR && prop < END_PROPS);
    if (prop < PROG_DIR || prop >= END_PROPS)
        throw TskException("TskSystemProperties::set : passed out of range prop argument");

    set(predefPropNames[prop], value);
Exemplo n.º 28
 * Return the database service.  If no service was setup, an exception
 * is thrown.
 * @returns database reference. 
TskImgDB& TskServices::getImgDB()
    if (m_imgDB == NULL)
        LOGERROR(L"TskServices::getImgDB - ImgDB has not been initialized.");
        throw TskException("ImgDB not initialized.");

    return *m_imgDB;
Exemplo n.º 29
void TskFile::initialize()
    TskImgDB * imgDB = &TskServices::Instance().getImgDB();
    // getDB will throw exception if ImgDB has not been setup

    if (imgDB != NULL) {
        if (imgDB->getFileRecord(m_id, m_fileRecord)) {
            throw TskException("TskFile::initialize: Error looking up file: " + m_id);
Exemplo n.º 30
 * Run the module on the given file.
TskModule::Status TskExecutableModule::run(TskFile* fileToAnalyze)

    if (fileToAnalyze == NULL)
        LOGERROR(L"TskExecutableModule::run - Passed NULL file pointer.");
        throw TskException("Module execution failed.");

    return execute(fileToAnalyze);