Exemplo n.º 1
 * udisks_daemon_util_on_user_seat:
 * @daemon: A #UDisksDaemon.
 * @object: The #GDBusObject that the call is on or %NULL.
 * @user: The user to check for.
 * Checks whether the device represented by @object (if any) is plugged into
 * a seat where the caller represented by @user is logged in and active.
 * This works if @object is a drive or a block object.
 * Returns: %TRUE if @object is on the same seat as one of @user's
 *  active sessions, %FALSE otherwise.
udisks_daemon_util_on_user_seat (UDisksDaemon          *daemon,
                                 UDisksObject          *object,
                                 uid_t                  user)
  /* if we don't have systemd, assume it's always the same seat */
  return TRUE;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  char *session = NULL;
  char *seat = NULL;
  const gchar *drive_seat;
  UDisksObject *drive_object = NULL;
  UDisksDrive *drive = NULL;

  /* if we don't have logind, assume it's always the same seat */
    return TRUE;

      UDisksLinuxBlockObject *linux_block_object;
      UDisksBlock *block;
      linux_block_object = UDISKS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object);
      block = udisks_object_get_block (UDISKS_OBJECT (linux_block_object));
      if (block != NULL)
          drive_object = udisks_daemon_find_object (daemon, udisks_block_get_drive (block));
          g_object_unref (block);
  else if (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_DRIVE_OBJECT (object))
      drive_object = g_object_ref (object);

  if (drive_object == NULL)
    goto out;

  drive = udisks_object_get_drive (UDISKS_OBJECT (drive_object));
  if (drive == NULL)
    goto out;

  drive_seat = udisks_drive_get_seat (drive);

  if (drive_seat != NULL && sd_uid_is_on_seat (user, TRUE, drive_seat) > 0)
      ret = TRUE;
      goto out;

  free (seat);
  free (session);
  g_clear_object (&drive_object);
  g_clear_object (&drive);
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * udisks_linux_block_object_trigger_uevent:
 * @object: A #UDisksLinuxBlockObject.
 * Triggers a 'change' uevent in the kernel.
 * The triggered event will bubble up from the kernel through the udev
 * stack and will eventually be received by the udisks daemon process
 * itself. This method does not wait for the event to be received.
udisks_linux_block_object_trigger_uevent (UDisksLinuxBlockObject *object)
  gchar* path = NULL;
  gint fd = -1;

  g_return_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object));

  /* TODO: would be nice with a variant to wait until the request uevent has been received by ourselves */

  path = g_strconcat (g_udev_device_get_sysfs_path (object->device->udev_device), "/uevent", NULL);
  fd = open (path, O_WRONLY);
  if (fd < 0)
      udisks_warning ("Error opening %s: %m", path);
      goto out;

  if (write (fd, "change", sizeof "change" - 1) != sizeof "change" - 1)
      udisks_warning ("Error writing 'change' to file %s: %m", path);
      goto out;

  if (fd >= 0)
    close (fd);
  g_free (path);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * udisks_linux_block_object_uevent:
 * @object: A #UDisksLinuxBlockObject.
 * @action: Uevent action or %NULL
 * @device: A new #UDisksLinuxDevice device object or %NULL if the device hasn't changed.
 * Updates all information on interfaces on @object.
udisks_linux_block_object_uevent (UDisksLinuxBlockObject *object,
                                  const gchar            *action,
                                  UDisksLinuxDevice      *device)
  g_return_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object));
  g_return_if_fail (device == NULL || UDISKS_IS_LINUX_DEVICE (device));

  if (device != NULL)
      g_object_unref (object->device);
      object->device = g_object_ref (device);
      g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (object), "device");

  update_iface (object, action, block_device_check, block_device_connect, block_device_update,
                UDISKS_TYPE_LINUX_BLOCK, &object->iface_block_device);
  update_iface (object, action, filesystem_check, filesystem_connect, filesystem_update,
                UDISKS_TYPE_LINUX_FILESYSTEM, &object->iface_filesystem);
  update_iface (object, action, swapspace_check, swapspace_connect, swapspace_update,
                UDISKS_TYPE_LINUX_SWAPSPACE, &object->iface_swapspace);
  update_iface (object, action, encrypted_check, encrypted_connect, encrypted_update,
                UDISKS_TYPE_LINUX_ENCRYPTED, &object->iface_encrypted);
  update_iface (object, action, loop_check, loop_connect, loop_update,
                UDISKS_TYPE_LINUX_LOOP, &object->iface_loop);
  update_iface (object, action, partition_table_check, partition_table_connect, partition_table_update,
                UDISKS_TYPE_LINUX_PARTITION_TABLE, &object->iface_partition_table);
  update_iface (object, action, partition_check, partition_connect, partition_update,
                UDISKS_TYPE_LINUX_PARTITION, &object->iface_partition);
Exemplo n.º 4
static gboolean
bcache_block_check (UDisksObject *object)
  UDisksLinuxDevice *device = NULL;
  gboolean rval = FALSE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object), FALSE);

  /* Check device name */
  device = udisks_linux_block_object_get_device (UDISKS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object));
  rval = g_str_has_prefix (g_udev_device_get_device_file (device->udev_device),
  return rval;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * udisks_linux_drive_object_get_block:
 * @object: A #UDisksLinuxDriveObject.
 * @get_hw: If the drive is multipath, set to %TRUE to get a path device instead of the multipath device.
 * Gets a #UDisksLinuxBlockObject representing a block device associated with @object.
 * Returns: A #UDisksLinuxBlockObject or %NULL. The returned object
 * must be freed with g_object_unref().
UDisksLinuxBlockObject *
udisks_linux_drive_object_get_block (UDisksLinuxDriveObject   *object,
                                     gboolean                  get_hw)
  GDBusObjectManagerServer *object_manager;
  UDisksLinuxBlockObject *ret;
  GList *objects;
  GList *l;

  /* TODO: actually look at @get_hw */

  ret = NULL;

  object_manager = udisks_daemon_get_object_manager (object->daemon);
  objects = g_dbus_object_manager_get_objects (G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (object_manager));
  for (l = objects; l != NULL; l = l->next)
      GDBusObjectSkeleton *iter_object = G_DBUS_OBJECT_SKELETON (l->data);
      UDisksBlock *block;
      UDisksLinuxDevice *device;
      gboolean is_disk;

      if (!UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (iter_object))

      device = udisks_linux_block_object_get_device (UDISKS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (iter_object));
      is_disk = (g_strcmp0 (g_udev_device_get_devtype (device->udev_device), "disk") == 0);
      g_object_unref (device);

      if (!is_disk)

      block = udisks_object_peek_block (UDISKS_OBJECT (iter_object));
      if (g_strcmp0 (udisks_block_get_drive (block),
                     g_dbus_object_get_object_path (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object))) == 0)
          ret = g_object_ref (iter_object);
          goto out;

  g_list_foreach (objects, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
  g_list_free (objects);
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * udisks_linux_block_object_reread_partition_table:
 * @object: A #UDisksLinuxBlockObject.
 * Requests the kernel to re-read the partition table for @object.
 * The events from any change this may cause will bubble up from the
 * kernel through the udev stack and will eventually be received by
 * the udisks daemon process itself. This method does not wait for the
 * event to be received.
udisks_linux_block_object_reread_partition_table (UDisksLinuxBlockObject *object)
  const gchar *device_file;
  gint fd;

  g_return_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object));

  device_file = g_udev_device_get_device_file (object->device->udev_device);
  fd = open (device_file, O_RDONLY);
  if (fd == -1)
      udisks_warning ("Error opening %s: %m", device_file);
      if (ioctl (fd, BLKRRPART) != 0)
          udisks_warning ("Error issuing BLKRRPART to %s: %m", device_file);
      close (fd);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * udisks_linux_drive_object_is_not_in_use:
 * @object: A #UDisksLinuxDriveObject.
 * @cancellable: (allow-none): A #GCancellable or %NULL.
 * @error: A #GError or %NULL.
 * Checks if the drive represented by @object is in use and sets
 * @error if so.
 * Returns: %TRUE if @object is not is use, %FALSE if @error is set.
udisks_linux_drive_object_is_not_in_use (UDisksLinuxDriveObject   *object,
                                         GCancellable             *cancellable,
                                         GError                  **error)
  GDBusObjectManagerServer *object_manager;
  const gchar *drive_object_path;
  gboolean ret = TRUE;
  GList *objects = NULL;
  GList *l;

  g_return_val_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_DRIVE_OBJECT (object), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (cancellable == NULL || G_IS_CANCELLABLE (cancellable), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, FALSE);

  drive_object_path = g_dbus_object_get_object_path (G_DBUS_OBJECT (object));

  object_manager = udisks_daemon_get_object_manager (object->daemon);
  objects = g_dbus_object_manager_get_objects (G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER (object_manager));

  /* Visit all block devices related to the drive... */
  for (l = objects; l != NULL; l = l->next)
      GDBusObjectSkeleton *iter_object = G_DBUS_OBJECT_SKELETON (l->data);
      UDisksBlock *block;
      UDisksFilesystem *filesystem;

      if (!UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (iter_object))

      block = udisks_object_peek_block (UDISKS_OBJECT (iter_object));
      filesystem = udisks_object_peek_filesystem (UDISKS_OBJECT (iter_object));

      if (g_strcmp0 (udisks_block_get_drive (block), drive_object_path) != 0)

      /* bail if block device is mounted */
      if (filesystem != NULL)
          if (g_strv_length ((gchar **) udisks_filesystem_get_mount_points (filesystem)) > 0)
              g_set_error (error,
                           "Device %s is mounted",
                           udisks_block_get_preferred_device (block));
              ret = FALSE;
              goto out;

      /* bail if block device is unlocked (LUKS) */
      if (is_block_unlocked (objects, g_dbus_object_get_object_path (G_DBUS_OBJECT (iter_object))))
          g_set_error (error,
                       "Encrypted device %s is unlocked",
                       udisks_block_get_preferred_device (block));
          ret = FALSE;
          goto out;

  g_list_free_full (objects, g_object_unref);
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * udisks_linux_block_object_get_device:
 * @object: A #UDisksLinuxBlockObject.
 * Gets the current #UDisksLinuxDevice for @object. Connect to
 * #GObject::notify to track changes to the #UDisksLinuxBlockObject:device
 * property.
 * Returns: A #UDisksLinuxDevice. Free with g_object_unref().
UDisksLinuxDevice *
udisks_linux_block_object_get_device (UDisksLinuxBlockObject *object)
  g_return_val_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object), NULL);
  return g_object_ref (object->device);
Exemplo n.º 9
 * udisks_linux_block_object_get_daemon:
 * @object: A #UDisksLinuxBlockObject.
 * Gets the daemon used by @object.
 * Returns: A #UDisksDaemon. Do not free, the object is owned by @object.
UDisksDaemon *
udisks_linux_block_object_get_daemon (UDisksLinuxBlockObject *object)
  g_return_val_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object), NULL);
  return object->daemon;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * udisks_daemon_util_on_same_seat:
 * @daemon: A #UDisksDaemon.
 * @object: The #GDBusObject that the call is on or %NULL.
 * @process: The process to check for.
 * Checks whether the device represented by @object (if any) is plugged into
 * a seat where the caller represented by @process is logged in.
 * This works if @object is a drive or a block object.
 * Returns: %TRUE if @object and @process is on the same seat, %FALSE otherwise.
udisks_daemon_util_on_same_seat (UDisksDaemon          *daemon,
                                 UDisksObject          *object,
                                 pid_t                  process)
  /* if we don't have systemd, assume it's always the same seat */
  return TRUE;
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  char *session = NULL;
  char *seat = NULL;
  const gchar *drive_seat;
  UDisksObject *drive_object = NULL;
  UDisksDrive *drive = NULL;

  /* if we don't have logind, assume it's always the same seat */
    return TRUE;

      UDisksLinuxBlockObject *linux_block_object;
      UDisksBlock *block;
      linux_block_object = UDISKS_LINUX_BLOCK_OBJECT (object);
      block = udisks_object_get_block (UDISKS_OBJECT (linux_block_object));
      if (block != NULL)
          drive_object = udisks_daemon_find_object (daemon, udisks_block_get_drive (block));
          g_object_unref (block);
  else if (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_DRIVE_OBJECT (object))
      drive_object = g_object_ref (object);

  if (drive_object == NULL)
    goto out;

  drive = udisks_object_get_drive (UDISKS_OBJECT (drive_object));
  if (drive == NULL)
    goto out;

  /* It's not unexpected to not find a session, nor a seat associated with @process */
  if (sd_pid_get_session (process, &session) == 0)
    sd_session_get_seat (session, &seat);

  /* If we don't know the seat of the caller, we assume the device is always on another seat */
  if (seat == NULL)
    goto out;

  drive_seat = udisks_drive_get_seat (drive);
  if (g_strcmp0 (seat, drive_seat) == 0)
      ret = TRUE;
      goto out;

  free (seat);
  free (session);
  g_clear_object (&drive_object);
  g_clear_object (&drive);
  return ret;