Exemplo n.º 1
static void TEST_URL_Encoding(void)
    typedef struct {
        const char* src_buf;
        size_t      src_size;
        size_t      src_read;
        const char* dst_buf;
        size_t      dst_size;
        size_t      dst_written;
        int/*bool*/ ok;
    } STestArg;

    static const STestArg s_TestEncode[] = {
        { "",           0, 0,  "",    0, 0, 1/*true*/ },
        { "abc",        3, 3,  "abc", 3, 3, 1/*true*/ },
        { "_ _%_;_\n_", 7, 0,  "",    0, 0, 1/*true*/ },
        { "_ _%_;_\n_", 0, 0,  "",    0, 0, 1/*true*/ },
        { "_ _%_;_\n_", 0, 0,  "",    7, 0, 1/*true*/ },
        {   "_ _%_;_\n_:_\\_\"_", 15, 15,
            "_+_%25_%3B_%0A_%3A_%5C_%22_", 27, 27, 1/*true*/
        {   "_ _%_;_\n_:_\\_\"_", 15, 13,
            "_+_%25_%3B_%0A_%3A_%5C_%22_", 25, 23, 1/*true*/
        { "_%_", 3, 1,  "_%25_", 2, 1, 1/*true*/ },
        {   "_ _%_;_\n_", 7, 7,
            "_+_%25_%3B_%0A", 100, 11, 1/*true*/

    static const STestArg s_TestDecode[] = {
        { "",    0, 0,   "", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%25", 1, 0,   "", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%25", 2, 0,   "", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%25", 3, 3,  "%", 1, 1,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%25", 3, 0,  "%", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%%%", 2, 0,   "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "%%%", 3, 0,   "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "%xy", 3, 0,   "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "\n",  1, 0,   "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "a\t", 2, 1,  "a", 1, 1,  1/*true*/ },
        { "#\n", 1, 0,   "", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%a-", 3, 0,   "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "%a-", 3, 0,   "", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        {   "_+_%25_%3B_%0A_%3A_%5C_%22_", 27, 27,
            "_ _%_;_\n_:_\\_\"_", 15, 15, 1/*true*/
        {   "_+_%25_%3B_%0A_%3A_%5C_%22_", 25, 23,
            "_ _%_;_\n_:_\\_\"_", 13, 13, 1/*true*/
        {   "_+_%25_%3B_%0A_%3A_%5C_%22_", 27, 23,
            "_ _%_;_\n_:_\\_\"_", 13, 13, 1/*true*/

    static const STestArg s_TestDecodeEx[] = {
        { "",    0, 0,    "", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%25", 3, 0,   "%", 0, 0,  1/*true*/ },
        { "%%%", 2, 0,    "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "%xy", 3, 0,    "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "\n",  1, 0,    "", 1, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { ">>a", 3, 3, ">>a", 3, 3,  1/*true*/ },
        { ">b[", 3, 3, ">b[", 4, 3,  1/*true*/ },
        { ">b]", 3, 2, ">b",  3, 2,  1/*true*/ },
        { "[b]", 3, 2, "[b",  3, 2,  1/*true*/ },
        { "<b>", 3, 0,   "",  3, 0,  0/*false*/ },
        { "<e>", 3, 0,   "",  5, 0,  0/*false*/ }

    size_t i;
    size_t src_read, dst_written;
    char   dst[1024];

#define ARRAY_DIM(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof((arr)[0]))

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "URL encoding test started");

    for (i = 0;  i < ARRAY_DIM(s_TestEncode);  i++) {
        const STestArg* arg = &s_TestEncode[i];
        URL_Encode(arg->src_buf, arg->src_size, &src_read,
                   dst, arg->dst_size, &dst_written);
        assert(src_read == arg->src_read);
        assert(dst_written == arg->dst_written);
        assert(!dst_written  ||  !memcmp(dst, arg->dst_buf, dst_written));

    for (i = 0;  i < ARRAY_DIM(s_TestDecode);  i++) {
        const STestArg* arg = &s_TestDecode[i];
        int/*bool*/ ok = URL_Decode(arg->src_buf, arg->src_size, &src_read,
                                    dst, arg->dst_size, &dst_written);
        assert(ok == arg->ok);
        assert(src_read == arg->src_read);
        assert(dst_written == arg->dst_written);
        assert(!dst_written  ||  !memcmp(dst, arg->dst_buf, dst_written));

    for (i = 0;  i < ARRAY_DIM(s_TestDecodeEx);  i++) {
        const STestArg* arg = &s_TestDecodeEx[i];
        int/*bool*/ ok = URL_DecodeEx(arg->src_buf, arg->src_size, &src_read,
                                      dst, arg->dst_size, &dst_written, "[>");
        assert(ok == arg->ok);
        assert(src_read == arg->src_read);
        assert(dst_written == arg->dst_written);
        assert(!dst_written  ||  !memcmp(dst, arg->dst_buf, dst_written));

    CORE_LOG(eLOG_Note, "URL encoding test completed");
Exemplo n.º 2
char* prov_auth_construct_sas_token(PROV_AUTH_HANDLE handle, const char* token_scope, const char* key_name, size_t expiry_time)
    char* result;
    char expire_token[64] = { 0 };

    if (handle == NULL || token_scope == NULL || key_name == NULL)
        LogError("Invalid handle parameter handle: %p, token_scope: %p, key_name: %p", handle, token_scope, key_name);
        result = NULL;
    else if (handle->sec_type == PROV_AUTH_TYPE_X509)
        LogError("Invalid type for operation");
        result = NULL;
    else if (size_tToString(expire_token, sizeof(expire_token), expiry_time) != 0)
        result = NULL;
        LogError("Failure creating expire token");
        size_t len = strlen(token_scope) + strlen(expire_token) + 3;
        char* payload = malloc(len + 1);
        if (payload == NULL)
            result = NULL;
            LogError("Failure allocating payload for sas token.");
            unsigned char* data_value;
            size_t data_len;
            (void)sprintf(payload, "%s\n%s", token_scope, expire_token);

            /* Codes_SRS_SECURE_ENCLAVE_CLIENT_07_031: [ prov_auth_get_certificate shall import the specified cert into the client using hsm_client_get_cert secure enclave function. ] */
            if (sign_sas_data(handle, payload, &data_value, &data_len) == 0)
                STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedSignature;
                STRING_HANDLE base64Signature;
                STRING_HANDLE sas_token_handle;
                if ((base64Signature = Azure_Base64_Encode_Bytes(data_value, data_len)) == NULL)
                    result = NULL;
                    LogError("Failure constructing base64 encoding.");
                else if ((urlEncodedSignature = URL_Encode(base64Signature)) == NULL)
                    result = NULL;
                    LogError("Failure constructing url Signature.");
                    sas_token_handle = STRING_construct_sprintf("SharedAccessSignature sr=%s&sig=%s&se=%s&skn=%s", token_scope, STRING_c_str(urlEncodedSignature), expire_token, key_name);
                    if (sas_token_handle == NULL)
                        result = NULL;
                        LogError("Failure constructing url Signature.");
                        const char* temp_sas_token = STRING_c_str(sas_token_handle);
                        if (mallocAndStrcpy_s(&result, temp_sas_token) != 0)
                            LogError("Failure allocating and copying string.");
                            result = NULL;
                result = NULL;
                LogError("Failure generate sas token.");
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
    STRING_HANDLE result = NULL;
    char tokenExpirationTime[32] = { 0 };

    /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_001: [If key is NULL then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/
    /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_003: [If scope is NULL then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/
    /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_007: [If keyName is NULL then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/
    if ((key == NULL) ||
        (scope == NULL) ||
        (keyName == NULL))
        LogError("Invalid Parameter to SASToken_Create. handle key: %p, handle scope: %p, handle keyName: %p\r\n", key, scope, keyName);
        BUFFER_HANDLE decodedKey;
        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_029: [The key parameter is decoded from base64.]*/
        if ((decodedKey = Base64_Decoder(STRING_c_str(key))) == NULL)
            /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_030: [If there is an error in the decoding then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/
            LogError("Unable to decode the key for generating the SAS.\r\n");
            /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_026: [If the conversion to string form fails for any reason then SASToken_Create shall return NULL.]*/
            if (size_tToString(tokenExpirationTime, sizeof(tokenExpirationTime), expiry) != 0)
                LogError("For some reason converting seconds to a string failed.  No SAS can be generated.\r\n");
                STRING_HANDLE toBeHashed = NULL;
                BUFFER_HANDLE hash = NULL;
                if (((hash = BUFFER_new()) == NULL) ||
                    ((toBeHashed = STRING_new()) == NULL) ||
                    ((result = STRING_new()) == NULL))
                    LogError("Unable to allocate memory to prepare SAS token.\r\n")
                    /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_009: [The scope is the basis for creating a STRING_HANDLE.]*/
                    /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_010: [A "\n" is appended to that string.]*/
                    /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_011: [tokenExpirationTime is appended to that string.]*/
                    if ((STRING_concat_with_STRING(toBeHashed, scope) != 0) ||
                        (STRING_concat(toBeHashed, "\n") != 0) ||
                        (STRING_concat(toBeHashed, tokenExpirationTime) != 0))
                        LogError("Unable to build the input to the HMAC to prepare SAS token.\r\n");
                        result = NULL;
                        STRING_HANDLE base64Signature = NULL;
                        STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedSignature = NULL;
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_013: [If an error is returned from the HMAC256 function then NULL is returned from SASToken_Create.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_012: [An HMAC256 hash is calculated using the decodedKey, over toBeHashed.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_014: [If there are any errors from the following operations then NULL shall be returned.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_015: [The hash is base 64 encoded.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_028: [base64Signature shall be url encoded.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_016: [The string "SharedAccessSignature sr=" is the first part of the result of SASToken_Create.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_017: [The scope parameter is appended to result.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_018: [The string "&sig=" is appended to result.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_019: [The string urlEncodedSignature shall be appended to result.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_020: [The string "&se=" shall be appended to result.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_021: [tokenExpirationTime is appended to result.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_022: [The string "&skn=" is appended to result.]*/
                        /*Codes_SRS_SASTOKEN_06_023: [The argument keyName is appended to result.]*/
                        if ((HMACSHA256_ComputeHash(BUFFER_u_char(decodedKey), BUFFER_length(decodedKey), (const unsigned char*)STRING_c_str(toBeHashed), STRING_length(toBeHashed), hash) != HMACSHA256_OK) ||
                            ((base64Signature = Base64_Encode(hash)) == NULL) ||
                            ((urlEncodedSignature = URL_Encode(base64Signature)) == NULL) ||
                            (STRING_copy(result, "SharedAccessSignature sr=") != 0) ||
                            (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, scope) != 0) ||
                            (STRING_concat(result, "&sig=") != 0) ||
                            (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, urlEncodedSignature) != 0) ||
                            (STRING_concat(result, "&se=") != 0) ||
                            (STRING_concat(result, tokenExpirationTime) != 0) ||
                            (STRING_concat(result, "&skn=") != 0) ||
                            (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, keyName) != 0))
                            LogError("Unable to build the SAS token.\r\n");
                            result = NULL;
                            /* everything OK */

    return result;