Exemplo n.º 1
// This function is called periodically and provides us with a time reference
// and method of implementing delayed or time-dependent operations.
// \param ulIndex is the index of the USB controller for which this tick
// is being generated.
// \param ulTimemS is the elapsed time in milliseconds since the last call
// to this function.
// \return None.
static void
BulkTickHandler(void *pvInstance, unsigned long ulTimemS)
    tBulkInstance *psInst;
    unsigned long ulSize;
    const tUSBDBulkDevice *psDevice;

    ASSERT(pvInstance != 0);

    // Create the instance pointer.
    psDevice = (const tUSBDBulkDevice *)pvInstance;

    // Get our instance data pointer.
    psInst = psDevice->psPrivateBulkData;

    // Do we have a deferred receive waiting
    if(psInst->usDeferredOpFlags & (1 << BULK_DO_PACKET_RX))
        // Yes - how big is the waiting packet?
        ulSize = USBEndpointDataAvail(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint);

        // Tell the client that there is a packet waiting for it.
        psDevice->pfnRxCallback(psDevice->pvRxCBData, USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE,
                                ulSize, (void *)0);

Exemplo n.º 2
//! Determines whether a packet is available and, if so, the size of the
//! buffer required to read it.
//! \param pvInstance is the pointer to the device instance structure as
//! returned by USBDBulkInit().
//! This function may be used to determine if a received packet remains to be
//! read and allows the application to determine the buffer size needed to
//! read the data.
//! \return Returns 0 if no received packet remains unprocessed or the
//! size of the packet if a packet is waiting to be read.
unsigned int
USBDBulkRxPacketAvailable(void *pvInstance)
    unsigned int ulEPStatus;
    unsigned int ulSize;
    tBulkInstance *psInst;


    // Get our instance data pointer
    psInst = ((tUSBDBulkDevice *)pvInstance)->psPrivateBulkData;

    // Does the relevant endpoint FIFO have a packet waiting for us?
    ulEPStatus = USBEndpointStatus(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint);

    if(ulEPStatus & USB_DEV_RX_PKT_RDY)
        // Yes - a packet is waiting.  How big is it?
        ulSize = USBEndpointDataAvail(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint);

        return (ulSize);
        // There is no packet waiting to be received.
        return (0);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Receives notifications related to data received from the host.
// \param psDevice is the device instance whose endpoint is to be processed.
// \param ulStatus is the USB interrupt status that caused this function to
// be called.
// This function is called from HandleEndpoints for all interrupts signaling
// the arrival of data on the bulk OUT endpoint (in other words, whenever the
// host has sent us a packet of data).  We inform the client that a packet
// is available and, on return, check to see if the packet has been read.  If
// not, we schedule another notification to the client for a later time.
// \return Returns \b true on success or \b false on failure.
static tBoolean
ProcessDataFromHost(const tUSBDBulkDevice *psDevice, unsigned int ulStatus, 
                                                            unsigned int ulIndex)
    unsigned int ulEPStatus;
    unsigned int ulSize;
    tBulkInstance *psInst;

    // Get a pointer to our instance data.
    psInst = psDevice->psPrivateBulkData;

    // Get the endpoint status to see why we were called.
    ulEPStatus = USBEndpointStatus(g_USBInstance[ulIndex].uiBaseAddr, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint);

    // Clear the status bits.
    USBDevEndpointStatusClear(g_USBInstance[ulIndex].uiBaseAddr, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint, ulEPStatus);

    // Has a packet been received?
    if(ulEPStatus & USB_DEV_RX_PKT_RDY)
        // Set the flag we use to indicate that a packet read is pending.  This
        // will be cleared if the packet is read.  If the client doesn't read
        // the packet in the context of the USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE callback,
        // the event will be signaled later during tick processing.
        SetDeferredOpFlag(&psInst->usDeferredOpFlags, BULK_DO_PACKET_RX, true);

        // How big is the packet we've just been sent?
        ulSize = USBEndpointDataAvail(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint);

        // The receive channel is not blocked so let the caller know
        // that a packet is waiting.  The parameters are set to indicate
        // that the packet has not been read from the hardware FIFO yet.
                                USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE, ulSize,
                                (void *)0);
        // No packet was received.  Some error must have been reported.  Check
        // and pass this on to the client if necessary.
        if(ulEPStatus & USB_RX_ERROR_FLAGS)
            // This is an error we report to the client so...
                                    (ulEPStatus & USB_RX_ERROR_FLAGS),
                                    (void *)0);
        return (false);

    return (true);
Exemplo n.º 4
//! Reads a packet of data received from the USB host via the bulk data
//! interface.
//! \param pvInstance is the pointer to the device instance structure as
//! returned by USBDBulkInit().
//! \param pcData points to a buffer into which the received data will be
//! written.
//! \param ulLength is the size of the buffer pointed to by pcData.
//! \param bLast indicates whether the client will make a further call to
//! read additional data from the packet.
//! This function reads up to \e ulLength bytes of data received from the USB
//! host into the supplied application buffer.  If the driver detects that the
//! entire packet has been read, it is acknowledged to the host.
//! The \e bLast parameter is ignored in this implementation since the end of
//! a packet can be determined without relying upon the client to provide
//! this information.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes of data read.
unsigned int
USBDBulkPacketRead(void *pvInstance, unsigned char *pcData,
                   unsigned int ulLength, tBoolean bLast)
    unsigned int ulEPStatus, ulPkt;
    unsigned int  ulCount;
    tBulkInstance *psInst;
    int iRetcode;


    // Get our instance data pointer
    psInst = ((tUSBDBulkDevice *)pvInstance)->psPrivateBulkData;

    // Does the relevant endpoint FIFO have a packet waiting for us?
    ulEPStatus = USBEndpointStatus(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint);

    if(ulEPStatus & USB_DEV_RX_PKT_RDY)
        // How many bytes are available for us to receive?
        ulPkt = USBEndpointDataAvail(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint);

        // Get as much data as we can.
        ulCount = ulLength;
        iRetcode = USBEndpointDataGet(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint,
                                      pcData, &ulCount);

        // Did we read the last of the packet data?
        if(ulCount == ulPkt)
            // Clear the endpoint status so that we know no packet is
            // waiting.
            USBDevEndpointStatusClear(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint,

            // Acknowledge the data, thus freeing the host to send the
            // next packet.
            USBDevEndpointDataAck(psInst->ulUSBBase, psInst->ucOUTEndpoint,

            // Clear the flag we set to indicate that a packet read is
            // pending.
            SetDeferredOpFlag(&psInst->usDeferredOpFlags, BULK_DO_PACKET_RX,

        // If all went well, tell the caller how many bytes they got.
        if(iRetcode != -1)
            return (ulCount);

    // No packet was available or an error occurred while reading so tell
    // the caller no bytes were returned.
    return (0);
Exemplo n.º 5
// This function is called to handle the interrupts on the isochronous endpoint
// for the audio device class.
static void
HandleEndpoints(void *pvAudioDevice, uint32_t ui32Status)
    uint32_t ui32EPStatus;
    tAudioInstance *psInst;
    tUSBDAudioDevice *psAudioDevice;
    uint32_t ui32Size;

    ASSERT(pvAudioDevice != 0);

    // The audio device structure pointer.
    psAudioDevice = (tUSBDAudioDevice *)pvAudioDevice;

    // Create a pointer to the audio instance data.
    psInst = &psAudioDevice->sPrivateData;

    // Read out the current endpoint status.
    ui32EPStatus = MAP_USBEndpointStatus(USB0_BASE, psInst->ui8OUTEndpoint);

    // See if there is a receive interrupt pending.
    if(ui32Status & ((uint32_t)0x10000 << USBEPToIndex(psInst->ui8OUTEndpoint)))
        // Get the amount of data available in the FIFO.
        ui32Size = USBEndpointDataAvail(psInst->ui32USBBase,

        // Clear the status bits.
        MAP_USBDevEndpointStatusClear(USB0_BASE, psInst->ui8OUTEndpoint,

        // Configure the next DMA transfer.
        USBLibDMATransfer(psInst->psDMAInstance, psInst->ui8OUTDMA,
                          psInst->sBuffer.pvData, ui32Size);
    else if((USBLibDMAChannelStatus(psInst->psDMAInstance,
                                    psInst->ui8OUTDMA) ==
                              psInst->ui8OUTEndpoint, USB_EP_DEV_OUT);

        // Acknowledge that the data was read, this will not cause a bus
        // acknowledgment.
        MAP_USBDevEndpointDataAck(USB0_BASE, psInst->ui8OUTEndpoint, 0);

        // Inform the callback of the new data.