bool DB::createTable(){ /*resetuję bazę*/ QMessageBox msgB; msgB.addButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgB.addButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); msgB.setText(UTF("Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować bazę danych?")); int ret = msgB.exec(); if (ret != QMessageBox::Ok){ return false; } QSqlQuery query; query.exec("DROP TABLE quotes"); query.exec("CREATE TABLE quotes (id int primary key, " "quotation TEXT)"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(101, 'Jakis pierwszy cytat.')"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(102, 'Jakis drugi cytat.')"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(103, 'Jakis trzeci cytat.')"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(104, 'Jakis czwarty cytat.')"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(105, 'Jakis piaty cytat.')"); query.exec(UTF("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(106, 'Jakis szósty cytat.')")); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(107, 'Jakis siódmy cytat.')"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(108, 'Jakis ósmy cytat.')"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(109, 'Jakis dziewiaty cytat.')"); query.exec("INSERT INTO quotes VALUES(111, 'Jakis dziesiaty cytat.')"); return true; }
bool DB::createConnection() { data = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); data.setHostName("localhost"); data.setDatabaseName(DBNAME); if (! { QMessageBox::critical(0, UTF("Nie można otworzyć bazy!"), UTF("Broblemy z otworzeniem bazy danych!"), QMessageBox::Cancel); return false; } return true; }
// s_Path = "[Gmail]/Sent" // ATTENTION: s_Path is case sensitive! // If you never call this function the default folder is "INBOX". void cImap::SelectFolder(const wstring s_Path) { try { if (mi_Folder && ms_Folder == s_Path) return; // already selected Connect(); if (s_Path.find('\\') != string::npos) throw exception("Please use slashes instead of backslashes in folder paths!"); utility::path i_Path = utility::path::fromString('/', UTF(s_Path)); ref<net::folder> i_NewFolder = mi_Store->getFolder(i_Path); i_NewFolder->open(net::folder::MODE_READ_WRITE); // this creates a new connection to the server if (mi_Folder) mi_Folder->close(true); mi_Folder = i_NewFolder; ms_Folder = s_Path; } catch (...) { // throw; } }
// u16_Server = hostname of SMTP server // u16_Port = 0 to use the default port, otherwise the user defined port // e_Security = The encryption mode // If the server sends a certificate that is not signed with a root certificate: // b_AllowInvalidCerts = true -> only write an ERROR to the Trace output. // b_AllowInvalidCerts = false -> throw an exception and do not send the email. // u16_ResIdCert = The IDR identifier in the RCDATA Resources of RootCA.txt. (IDR_ROOT_CA) cSmtp::cSmtp(const wchar_t* u16_Server, vmime_uint16 u16_Port, cCommon::eSecurity e_Security, bool b_AllowInvalidCerts, vmime_uint16 u16_ResIdCert) { ms_Server = UTF(u16_Server); mu16_Port = u16_Port; me_Security = e_Security; mu16_ResIdCert = u16_ResIdCert; mb_AllowInvalidCerts = b_AllowInvalidCerts; }
void MainClientWindow::btnNewPressed() { ui->quoteArea->setHtml(UTF("<p style=\"color=green;font-size=larger;\"><Ładowanie.../p>")); QString q = UTF("Pusty cytat"); try { q = client->getQuote(boost::bind(progressSetter, ui->progressBar, _1)); } catch (errnoException& e) { ui->quoteArea->setHtml("<p style=\"color:red;\">" + e.to_str() + "</p>"); ui->progressBar->setValue(ui->progressBar->minimum()); return ; } ui->quoteArea->setHtml(q); }
void cSmtp::SetAuthData(const wchar_t* u16_User, const wchar_t* u16_Password) { ms_User = UTF(u16_User); ms_Password = UTF(u16_Password); }
void cPop3::SelectFolder(const wstring s_Path) { try { Connect(); mi_Inbox = mi_Store->getFolder(vmime::net::folder::path(vmime::net::folder::path::component(UTF(s_Path)))); mi_Inbox->open(net::folder::MODE_READ_WRITE); } catch(...) { throw; } }
const utfchar* Author() { return UTF("Bj�rn Olievier"); };
const utfchar* Version() { return UTF("1"); };
const utfchar* Name() { return UTF("WaveOut output plugin"); };
const utfchar* Author(){ return UTF("Daniel �nnerby"); };
const utfchar* Name(){ return UTF("Taglib 1.5 plugin"); };