Exemplo n.º 1
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::openFootnote(const librevenge::RVNGPropertyList & /*propList*/)
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK

	if (!m_bInSection)
		X_CheckDocumentError(appendStrux(PTX_Section, PP_NOPROPS));
		m_bInSection = true;

	std::string footnoteId = UT_std_string_sprintf("%i", UT_rand());

	PP_PropertyVector propsArray = {
		"type",	"footnote_ref",
		"footnote-id", footnoteId
	X_CheckDocumentError(appendObject(PTO_Field, propsArray));

	const PP_PropertyVector attribs = {
		"footnote-id", footnoteId
	X_CheckDocumentError(appendStrux(PTX_SectionFootnote, attribs));

	X_CheckDocumentError(appendStrux(PTX_Block, PP_NOPROPS));
	m_bRequireBlock = false;

	// just change the type.
	propsArray[1] = "footnote_anchor";
	X_CheckDocumentError(appendObject(PTO_Field, propsArray));
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::openEndnote(const WPXPropertyList & /*propList*/)
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	const gchar** propsArray = NULL;
	UT_String endnoteId;
	propsArray = static_cast<const gchar **>(UT_calloc(7, sizeof(gchar *)));
	propsArray [0] = "type";
	propsArray [1] = "endnote_ref";
	propsArray [2] = "endnote-id";
	propsArray [3] = endnoteId.c_str();
	propsArray [4] = NULL;
	propsArray [5] = NULL;
	propsArray [6] = NULL;
	X_CheckDocumentError(appendObject(PTO_Field, propsArray));

	const gchar * attribs[3] ={"endnote-id", endnoteId.c_str(), NULL};
	m_bRequireBlock = false;

	propsArray = static_cast<const gchar **>(UT_calloc(7, sizeof(gchar *)));
	propsArray [0] = "type";
	propsArray [1] = "endnote_anchor";
	propsArray [2] = "endnote-id";
	propsArray [3] = endnoteId.c_str();
	propsArray [4] = NULL;
	propsArray [5] = NULL;
	propsArray [6] = NULL;
	X_CheckDocumentError(appendObject(PTO_Field, propsArray));
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::defineUnorderedListLevel(const WPXPropertyList &propList)
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: defineUnorderedListLevel\n"));

	int listID = 0, level = 1;
	WPXString textBeforeNumber, textAfterNumber;
	float listLeftOffset = 0.0f;
	float listMinLabelWidth = 0.0f;
	if (propList["libwpd:id"])
		listID = propList["libwpd:id"]->getInt();
	if (propList["libwpd:level"])
		level = propList["libwpd:level"]->getInt();
	if (propList["text:space-before"])
		listLeftOffset = propList["text:space-before"]->getDouble();
	if (propList["text:min-label-width"])
		listMinLabelWidth = propList["text:min-label-width"]->getDouble();

	if (!m_pCurrentListDefinition || m_pCurrentListDefinition->getOutlineHash() != listID)
		if (m_pCurrentListDefinition)
			delete (m_pCurrentListDefinition);
		m_pCurrentListDefinition = new ABI_ListDefinition(listID);

	if (!m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListID(level))
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->setListID(level, UT_rand());
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->setListLeftOffset(level, listLeftOffset);
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->setListMinLabelWidth(level, listMinLabelWidth);
		_updateDocumentUnorderedListDefinition(m_pCurrentListDefinition, level);
Exemplo n.º 4
void IE_Imp_WordPerfect::openOrderedListLevel(const librevenge::RVNGPropertyList &propList)
	if (m_bHdrFtrOpenCount) return; // HACK
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("AbiWordPerfect: openOrderedListLevel\n"));
	int listID = 0, startingNumber = 0, level = 1;
	char listType = '1';
	UT_UTF8String textBeforeNumber, textAfterNumber;
	float listLeftOffset = 0.0f;
	float listMinLabelWidth = 0.0f;
	if (propList["librevenge:id"])
		listID = propList["librevenge:id"]->getInt();
	if (propList["text:start-value"])
		startingNumber = propList["text:start-value"]->getInt();
	if (propList["librevenge:level"])
		level = propList["librevenge:level"]->getInt();
	if (propList["style:num-prefix"])
		textBeforeNumber += propList["style:num-prefix"]->getStr().cstr();
	if (propList["style:num-suffix"])
		textAfterNumber += propList["style:num-suffix"]->getStr().cstr();
	if (propList["style:num-format"])
		listType = propList["style:num-format"]->getStr().cstr()[0];
	if (propList["text:space-before"])
		listLeftOffset = propList["text:space-before"]->getDouble();
	if (propList["text:min-label-width"])
		listMinLabelWidth = propList["text:min-label-width"]->getDouble();

	if (!m_pCurrentListDefinition || 
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->getOutlineHash() != listID ||
		(m_pCurrentListDefinition->getLevelNumber(level) != startingNumber && 
		 level == 1))
		if (m_pCurrentListDefinition)
			delete (m_pCurrentListDefinition);

		m_pCurrentListDefinition = new ABI_ListDefinition(listID);
	if (!m_pCurrentListDefinition->getListID(level))
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->setListType(level, listType);
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->setListID(level, UT_rand());
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->setListLeftOffset(level, listLeftOffset);
		m_pCurrentListDefinition->setListMinLabelWidth(level, listMinLabelWidth);
		_updateDocumentOrderedListDefinition(m_pCurrentListDefinition, level, listType, textBeforeNumber, textAfterNumber, startingNumber);

Exemplo n.º 5
std::string UT_createTmpFile(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& extension)
	const gchar *filename = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), prefix.c_str(), NULL);
	UT_return_val_if_fail(filename, "");

	std::string sName = filename;

	UT_UTF8String rand = UT_UTF8String_sprintf("%X", UT_rand() * 0xFFFFFF);
	sName += rand.utf8_str();
	sName += extension;

	FILE* f = fopen (sName.c_str(), "w+b");
	if (!f)
		return "";

	return sName;
Exemplo n.º 6
void UT_UUIDGenerator__test(UT_UUIDGenerator* self)
  // test hashes ...
  UT_DEBUGMSG(("------------------------- Testing uuid hash() ---------------------------\n"));
  std::vector<test_record> v;
  const UT_uint32 iMax = 512000;
  const UT_uint32 iMsg = 5000;
  const UT_uint32 iTest = 10;
  UT_uint32 iColHTotal = 0;
  UT_uint32 iDeltaMinH = 0xffffffff;

  // create a dummy uuid instance ...
    self->m_pUUID = new UT_UUID;

  for (UT_uint32 k = 0; k < iTest; ++k)
    UT_uint32 j;
    UT_uint32 iColH = 0;
    UT_uint32 iDMinH = 0xffffffff;


    for(j = 0; j < iMax; ++j)

      // on similar strings, the glib hash performs much better;
      // let's test it on random strings
      UT_uint32 * p = (UT_uint32 *)&(self->m_pUUID->m_uuid);

      for(UT_uint32 n = 0; n < 4; n++)
        p[n] = UT_rand();

      test_record t;
      t.val = self->m_pUUID->hash32();
      t.indx = j;

//      if(0 == j % iMsg)
//        UT_DEBUGMSG(("Round %d: Generating rand %d of %d\n", k, j, iMax));


    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), s_cmp_hash);

    for(j = 0; j < iMax - 1; ++j)
      const test_record &t1 = v.at(j);
      const test_record &t2 = v.at(j+1);

      if(t1.val == t2.val)
        UT_DEBUGMSG(("Round %04d: uuid hash() collision (value: %u)\n", k, t1.val));
        UT_uint32 i1 = t1.indx > t2.indx ? t1.indx : t2.indx;
        UT_uint32 i2 = t1.indx < t2.indx ? t1.indx : t2.indx;
        iDMinH = iDMinH < (UT_uint32)(i1-i2) ? iDMinH : (UT_uint32)i1-i2;

//      if(0 == j % iMsg)
//        UT_DEBUGMSG(("Round %04d: testing %d of %d\n", k, j, iMax));

    UT_DEBUGMSG(("RESULTS: round %04u: %u hash collisions (min distance %u)\n",
                 k, iColH, iDMinH));

    iColHTotal += iColH;
    iDeltaMinH = iDeltaMinH < iDMinH ? iDeltaMinH : iDMinH;

  UT_DEBUGMSG(("CUMULATIVE RESULTS (of %d): %d hash collisions (min distance %d)\n",
               iMax*iTest, iColHTotal, iDeltaMinH));

  // delete the dummy uuid instance so that any genuine calls to the
  // hash functions allocate a proper derived instance
    delete self->m_pUUID;
    self->m_pUUID = NULL;

  UT_DEBUGMSG(("---------------------- Testing uuid hash END --------------------------\n"));