Exemplo n.º 1
	returns a pointer to the requested WindowFactory object
WindowFactory* WindowFactoryManager::getFactory(const String& type) const
    // first, dereference aliased types, as needed.
    String targetType(getDereferencedAliasType(type));

    // try for a 'real' type
    WindowFactoryRegistry::const_iterator pos = d_factoryRegistry.find(targetType);

    // found an actual factory for this type
    if (pos != d_factoryRegistry.end())
        return pos->second;
    // no concrete type, try for a falagard mapped type
        FalagardMapRegistry::const_iterator falagard = d_falagardRegistry.find(targetType);

        // found falagard mapping for this type
        if (falagard != d_falagardRegistry.end())
            // recursively call getFactory on the target base type
            return getFactory(falagard->second.d_baseType);
        // type not found anywhere, give up with an exception.
            throw UnknownObjectException("WindowFactoryManager::getFactory - A WindowFactory object, an alias, or mapping for '" + type + "' Window objects is not registered with the system.");
Exemplo n.º 2
Image& ImageManager::create(const String& type, const String& name)
    if (d_images.find(name) != d_images.end())
            "Image already exists: " + name));

    ImageFactoryRegistry::iterator i(d_factories.find(type));

    if (i == d_factories.end())
            "Unknown Image type: " + type));

    ImageFactory* factory = i->second;
    Image& image = factory->create(name);
    d_images[name] = std::make_pair(&image, factory);

    char addr_buff[32];
    sprintf(addr_buff, "%p", static_cast<void*>(&image));

        "[ImageManager] Created image: '" + name + "' (" + addr_buff + 
        ") of type: " + type);

    return image;
Exemplo n.º 3
	Return the tab button for the given tab content window
TabButton* TabControl::getButtonForTabContents(Window* wnd) const
    for (size_t i = 0; i < d_tabButtonVector.size (); ++i)
        if (d_tabButtonVector [i]->getTargetWindow () == wnd)
            return d_tabButtonVector [i];

	throw UnknownObjectException("TabControl::getButtonForTabContents - The Window object is not a tab contents.");
Exemplo n.º 4
Return whether the tab content window is currently selected.
size_t TabControl::getSelectedTabIndex() const
    for (size_t i = 0; i < d_tabButtonVector.size (); ++i)
        if (d_tabButtonVector [i]->isSelected ())
            return i;

	throw UnknownObjectException("TabControl::getSelectedTabIndex - Current tab not in list?");
    Get the named WindowRenderer
WindowRendererFactory* WindowRendererManager::getFactory(const String& name) const
    WR_Registry::const_iterator i = d_wrReg.find(name);
    if (i != d_wrReg.end())
        return (*i).second;
    CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("There is no WindowRendererFactory named '"+name+"' available"));
Exemplo n.º 6
Texture& Direct3D10Renderer::getTexture(const String& name) const
    TextureMap::const_iterator i = d_textures.find(name);
    if (i == d_textures.end())
        CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("Texture does not exist: " + name));

    return *i->second;
Exemplo n.º 7
Image& ImageManager::get(const String& name) const
    ImageMap::const_iterator i = d_images.find(name);
    if (i == d_images.end())
            "Image not defined: " + name));

    return *i->second.first;
Exemplo n.º 8
Texture& DirectFBRenderer::getTexture(const String& name) const
    TextureMap::const_iterator i = d_textures.find(name);
    if (i == d_textures.end())
            "No texture named '" + name + "' is available."));

    return *i->second;
Exemplo n.º 9
NamedElement* NamedElement::getChildElement(const String& name_path) const
    NamedElement* e = getChildByNamePath_impl(name_path);

    if (e)
        return e;

    CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("The Element object "
        "referenced by '" + name_path + "' is not attached to Element at '"
        + getNamePath() + "'."));
Exemplo n.º 10
	return the Image object for the named image
	const Image& Imageset::getImage(const String& name) const
		ImageRegistry::const_iterator	pos = d_images.find(name);

		if (pos == d_images.end())
			throw	UnknownObjectException("Imageset::getImage - The Image named '" + name + "' could not be found in Imageset '" + d_name + "'.");

		return pos->second;
Exemplo n.º 11
Scheme& SchemeManager::get(const String& object_name) const
    SchemeRegistry::const_iterator i(d_registeredSchemes.find(object_name));

    if (i == d_registeredSchemes.end())
        throw UnknownObjectException(
        "No object of type '" + d_resourceType + "' named '" + object_name +
        "' is present in the collection.");

    return *i->second;
Exemplo n.º 12
    const ImagerySection& WidgetLookFeel::getImagerySection(const CEGUI::String& section) const
        ImageryList::const_iterator imgSect = d_imagerySections.find(section);

        if (imgSect == d_imagerySections.end())
            throw UnknownObjectException("WidgetLookFeel::getImagerySection - unknown imagery section '" + section +  "' in look '" + d_lookName + "'.");

        return (*imgSect).second;
Exemplo n.º 13
void NamedElement::removeChild(const String& name_path)
    NamedElement* e = getChildByNamePath_impl(name_path);

    if (e)
        CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("The Element object "
            "referenced by '" + name_path + "' is not attached to Element at '"
            + getNamePath() + "'."));
Exemplo n.º 14
	Set the current value of a property
void PropertySet::setProperty(const String& name,const String& value)
	PropertyRegistry::iterator pos = d_properties.find(name);

	if (pos == d_properties.end())
		CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("There is no Property named '" + name + "' available in the set."));

	pos->second->set(this, value);
Exemplo n.º 15
    const NamedArea& WidgetLookFeel::getNamedArea(const String& name) const
        NamedAreaList::const_iterator area = d_namedAreas.find(name);

        if (area == d_namedAreas.end())
            throw UnknownObjectException("WidgetLookFeel::getNamedArea - unknown named area: '" + name +  "' in look '" + d_lookName + "'.");

        return (*area).second;
Exemplo n.º 16
	Return a pointer to the named window
Window* WindowManager::getWindow(const String& name) const
	WindowRegistry::const_iterator pos = d_windowRegistry.find(name);

	if (pos == d_windowRegistry.end())
		throw UnknownObjectException("WindowManager::getWindow - A Window object with the name '" + name +"' does not exist within the system");

	return pos->second;
Exemplo n.º 17
	Returns a pointer to the Scheme object with the specified name.
Scheme* SchemeManager::getScheme(const String& name) const
	SchemeRegistry::const_iterator pos = d_schemes.find(name);

	if (pos == d_schemes.end())
		throw UnknownObjectException("SchemeManager::getScheme - A Scheme object with the specified name '" + name +"' does not exist within the system");

	return pos->second;
Exemplo n.º 18
	Returns a pointer to the Imageset object with the specified name
Imageset* ImagesetManager::getImageset(const String& name) const
	ImagesetRegistry::const_iterator	pos = d_imagesets.find(name);

	if (pos == d_imagesets.end())
		throw UnknownObjectException("ImagesetManager::getImageset - No Imageset named '" + name + "' is present in the system.");

	return pos->second;
Exemplo n.º 19
    const StateImagery& WidgetLookFeel::getStateImagery(const CEGUI::String& state) const
        StateList::const_iterator imagery = d_stateImagery.find(state);

        if (imagery == d_stateImagery.end())
            throw UnknownObjectException("WidgetLookFeel::getStateImagery - unknown state '" + state + "' in look '" + d_lookName + "'.");

        return (*imagery).second;
Exemplo n.º 20
    const WidgetLookFeel& WidgetLookManager::getWidgetLook(const String& widget) const
        WidgetLookList::const_iterator wlf = d_widgetLooks.find(widget);

        if (wlf != d_widgetLooks.end())
            return (*wlf).second;

        throw UnknownObjectException("WidgetLookManager::getWidgetLook - Widget look and feel '" + widget + "' does not exist.");
Exemplo n.º 21
	Return the help string for a property
const String& PropertySet::getPropertyHelp(const String& name) const
	PropertyRegistry::const_iterator pos = d_properties.find(name);

	if (pos == d_properties.end())
		CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("There is no Property named '" + name + "' available in the set."));

	return pos->second->getHelp();
Exemplo n.º 22
	Return a pointer to the named font
	FontBase* FontManager::getFont(const String& name) const
		FontRegistry::const_iterator pos = d_fonts.find(name);

		if (pos == d_fonts.end())
			throw UnknownObjectException("FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name '" + name +"' does not exist within the system");

		return pos->second;
Animation* AnimationManager::getAnimation(const String& name) const
    AnimationMap::const_iterator it = d_animations.find(name);

    if (it == d_animations.end())
        CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("Animation with name '" + name
            + "' not found."));

    return it->second;
Interpolator* AnimationManager::getInterpolator(const String& type) const
    InterpolatorMap::const_iterator it = d_interpolators.find(type);

    if (it == d_interpolators.end())
        CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("Interpolator of type '" + type +
            "' not found."));

    return it->second;
void AnimationManager::removeInterpolator(Interpolator* interpolator)
    InterpolatorMap::iterator it = d_interpolators.find(interpolator->getType());

    if (it == d_interpolators.end())
        CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("Interpolator of type '"
            + interpolator->getType() + "' not found."));

Exemplo n.º 26
    const String& XMLAttributes::getValue(const String& attrName) const
        AttributeMap::const_iterator pos = d_attrs.find(attrName);

        if (pos != d_attrs.end())
            return (*pos).second;
            throw UnknownObjectException("XMLAttributes::getValue - no value exists for an attribute named '" + attrName + "'.");
Exemplo n.º 27
void FactoryModule::registerFactory(const String& type_name)
    FactoryRegistry::iterator i = d_registry.begin();
    for ( ; i != d_registry.end(); ++i)
        if ((*i)->d_type == type_name)

    CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("No factory for type '" +
        type_name + "' in this module."));
Animation* AnimationManager::createAnimation(const String& name)
    if (isAnimationPresent(name))
        CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("Animation with name '"
            + name + "' already exists."));

    String finalName(name.empty() ? generateUniqueAnimationName() : name);

    Animation* ret = CEGUI_NEW_AO Animation(finalName);
    d_animations.insert(std::make_pair(finalName, ret));

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 29
Image& ImageManager::create(const XMLAttributes& attributes)
    static const String type_default("BasicImage");
    const String& type(attributes.getValueAsString(ImageTypeAttribute, type_default));
    const String& name(attributes.getValueAsString(ImageNameAttribute));

    if (name.empty())
            "Invalid (empty) image name passed to create."));

    if (d_images.find(name) != d_images.end())
            "Image already exists: " + name));

    ImageFactoryRegistry::iterator i(d_factories.find(type));

    if (i == d_factories.end())
            "Unknown Image type: " + type));

    ImageFactory* factory = i->second;
    Image& image = factory->create(attributes);

    // sanity check that the created image uses the name specified in the
    // attributes block
    if (image.getName() != name)
        const String message(
            "Factory for type: " + type + " created Image named: " +
            image.getName() + ".  Was expecting name: " + name);


    d_images[name] = std::make_pair(&image, factory);

    char addr_buff[32];
    sprintf(addr_buff, "%p", static_cast<void*>(&image));

        "[ImageManager] Created image: '" + name + "' (" + addr_buff + 
        ") of type: " + type);

    return image;
void AnimationManager::destroyAnimation(const String& name)
    AnimationMap::iterator it = d_animations.find(name);

    if (it == d_animations.end())
        CEGUI_THROW(UnknownObjectException("Animation with name '" + name
            + "' not found."));

    Animation* animation = it->second;

    CEGUI_DELETE_AO animation;