Exemplo n.º 1
Cardinality& Cardinality::operator+=(const Cardinality& c) {
  if (isUnknown()) {
    return *this;
  } else if (c.isUnknown()) {
    d_card = s_unknownCard;
    return *this;

  if (c.isFinite() && isLargeFinite()) {
    return *this;
  } else if (isFinite() && c.isLargeFinite()) {
    d_card = s_largeFiniteCard;
    return *this;

  if (isFinite() && c.isFinite()) {
    d_card += c.d_card - 1;
    return *this;
  if (compare(c) == LESS) {
    return *this = c;
  } else {
    return *this;

Exemplo n.º 2
std::string PicklerPrivate::fromCaseString(uint32_t size) {
  std::stringstream ss;
  unsigned i;
  for(i = 0; i + 4 <= size; i += 4) {
    Block front = d_current.dequeue();
    BlockBody body = front.d_body;

    ss << getCharBlockBody(body,0)
       << getCharBlockBody(body,1)
       << getCharBlockBody(body,2)
       << getCharBlockBody(body,3);
  Assert(i == size - (size%4) );
  if(size % 4 != 0) {
    Block front = d_current.dequeue();
    BlockBody body = front.d_body;
    switch(size % 4) {
    case 1:
      ss << getCharBlockBody(body,0);
    case 2:
      ss << getCharBlockBody(body,0)
         << getCharBlockBody(body,1);
    case 3:
      ss << getCharBlockBody(body,0)
         << getCharBlockBody(body,1)
         << getCharBlockBody(body,2);
  return ss.str();
Exemplo n.º 3
/** Assigning multiplication of this cardinality with another. */
Cardinality& Cardinality::operator*=(const Cardinality& c) {
  if (isUnknown()) {
    return *this;
  } else if (c.isUnknown()) {
    d_card = s_unknownCard;
    return *this;

  if (c.isFinite() && isLargeFinite()) {
    return *this;
  } else if (isFinite() && c.isLargeFinite()) {
    d_card = s_largeFiniteCard;
    return *this;

  if (compare(0) == EQUAL || c.compare(0) == EQUAL) {
    return *this = 0;
  } else if (!isFinite() || !c.isFinite()) {
    if (compare(c) == LESS) {
      return *this = c;
    } else {
      return *this;
  } else {
    d_card -= 1;
    d_card *= c.d_card - 1;
    d_card += 1;
    return *this;

Exemplo n.º 4
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, TheoryOfMode m) throw() {
  switch(m) {
  default: return out << "TheoryOfMode!UNKNOWN";

Exemplo n.º 5
void AttributeManager::deleteAttributes(const AttrIdVec& atids) {
  typedef std::map<uint64_t, std::vector< uint64_t> > AttrToVecMap;
  AttrToVecMap perTableIds;

  for(AttrIdVec::const_iterator it = atids.begin(), it_end = atids.end(); it != it_end; ++it) {
    const AttributeUniqueId& pair = *(*it);
    std::vector< uint64_t>& inTable = perTableIds[pair.getTableId()];
  AttrToVecMap::iterator it = perTableIds.begin(), it_end = perTableIds.end();
  for(; it != it_end; ++it) {
    Assert(((*it).first) <= LastAttrTable);
    AttrTableId tableId = (AttrTableId) ((*it).first);
    std::vector< uint64_t>& ids = (*it).second;
    std::sort(ids.begin(), ids.end());

    switch(tableId) {
    case AttrTableBool:
      Unimplemented("delete attributes is unimplemented for bools");
    case AttrTableUInt64:
      deleteAttributesFromTable(d_ints, ids);
    case AttrTableTNode:
      deleteAttributesFromTable(d_tnodes, ids);
    case AttrTableNode:
      deleteAttributesFromTable(d_nodes, ids);
    case AttrTableTypeNode:
      deleteAttributesFromTable(d_types, ids);
    case AttrTableString:
      deleteAttributesFromTable(d_strings, ids);

    case AttrTableCDBool:
    case AttrTableCDUInt64:
    case AttrTableCDTNode:
    case AttrTableCDNode:
    case AttrTableCDString:
    case AttrTableCDPointer:
      Unimplemented("CDAttributes cannot be deleted. Contact Tim/Morgan if this behavior is desired.");

    case LastAttrTable:
Exemplo n.º 6
void ArithStaticLearner::iteMinMax(TNode n, NodeBuilder<>& learned){
  Assert(n.getKind() == kind::ITE);
  Assert(n[0].getKind() != EQUAL);

  TNode c = n[0];
  Kind k = oldSimplifiedKind(c);
  TNode t = n[1];
  TNode e = n[2];
  TNode cleft = (c.getKind() == NOT) ? c[0][0] : c[0];
  TNode cright = (c.getKind() == NOT) ? c[0][1] : c[1];

  if((t == cright) && (e == cleft)){
    TNode tmp = t;
    t = e;
    e = tmp;
    k = reverseRelationKind(k);
  //(ite (< x y) x y)
  //(ite (x < y) x y)
  //(ite (x - y < 0) x y)
  // ----------------
  // (ite (x - y < -c) )

  if(t == cleft && e == cright){
    // t == cleft && e == cright
    Assert( t == cleft );
    Assert( e == cright );
    case LT:   // (ite (< x y) x y)
    case LEQ: { // (ite (<= x y) x y)
      Node nLeqX = NodeBuilder<2>(LEQ) << n << t;
      Node nLeqY = NodeBuilder<2>(LEQ) << n << e;
      Debug("arith::static") << n << "is a min =>"  << nLeqX << nLeqY << endl;
      learned << nLeqX << nLeqY;
    case GT: // (ite (> x y) x y)
    case GEQ: { // (ite (>= x y) x y)
      Node nGeqX = NodeBuilder<2>(GEQ) << n << t;
      Node nGeqY = NodeBuilder<2>(GEQ) << n << e;
      Debug("arith::static") << n << "is a max =>"  << nGeqX << nGeqY << endl;
      learned << nGeqX << nGeqY;
    default: Unreachable();
Exemplo n.º 7
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Theory::Effort level){
  case Theory::EFFORT_STANDARD:
    os << "EFFORT_STANDARD"; break;
  case Theory::EFFORT_FULL:
    os << "EFFORT_FULL"; break;
    os << "EFFORT_COMBINATION"; break;
  case Theory::EFFORT_LAST_CALL:
    os << "EFFORT_LAST_CALL"; break;
  return os;
}/* ostream& operator<<(ostream&, Theory::Effort) */
Exemplo n.º 8
ConstraintCP SimplexDecisionProcedure::generateConflictForBasic(ArithVar basic) const {


  if(d_variables.cmpAssignmentLowerBound(basic) < 0){
    return d_linEq.generateConflictBelowLowerBound(basic, *d_conflictBuilder);
  }else if(d_variables.cmpAssignmentUpperBound(basic) > 0){
    return d_linEq.generateConflictAboveUpperBound(basic, *d_conflictBuilder);
    return NullConstraint;
Exemplo n.º 9
void PicklerPrivate::toCaseString(Kind k, const std::string& s) {
  d_current << mkConstantHeader(k, s.size());

  unsigned size = s.size();
  unsigned i;
  for(i = 0; i + 4 <= size; i += 4) {
    d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], s[i + 1],s[i + 2], s[i + 3]);
  switch(size % 4) {
  case 0: break;
  case 1: d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], '\0','\0', '\0'); break;
  case 2: d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], s[i + 1], '\0', '\0'); break;
  case 3: d_current << mkBlockBody4Chars(s[i + 0], s[i + 1],s[i + 2], '\0'); break;

Exemplo n.º 10
Cardinality::CardinalityComparison Cardinality::compare(const Cardinality& c) const throw() {
  if(isUnknown() || c.isUnknown()) {
    return UNKNOWN;
  } else if(isLargeFinite()) {
    if(c.isLargeFinite()) {
      return UNKNOWN;
    } else if(c.isFinite()) {
        return GREATER;
    } else {
      return LESS;
  } else if(c.isLargeFinite()) {
    if(isLargeFinite()) {
      return UNKNOWN;
    } else if(isFinite()) {
      return LESS;
    } else {
      return GREATER;
  } else if(isInfinite()) {
    if(c.isFinite()) {
      return GREATER;
    } else {
      return d_card < c.d_card ? GREATER :
               (d_card == c.d_card ? EQUAL : LESS);
  } else if(c.isInfinite()) {
    return LESS;
  } else {
    Assert(isFinite() && !isLargeFinite());
    Assert(c.isFinite() && !c.isLargeFinite());
    return d_card < c.d_card ? LESS :
             (d_card == c.d_card ? EQUAL : GREATER);

Exemplo n.º 11
  Node removeToFPGeneric (TNode node) {
    Assert(node.getKind() == kind::FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_GENERIC);
    FloatingPointToFPGeneric info = node.getOperator().getConst<FloatingPointToFPGeneric>();
    size_t children = node.getNumChildren();
    Node op;
    if (children == 1) {
      op = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(FloatingPointToFPIEEEBitVector(info.t.exponent(),
      return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(op, node[0]);
    } else {
      Assert(children == 2);
      TypeNode t = node[1].getType();
      if (t.isFloatingPoint()) {
	op = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(FloatingPointToFPFloatingPoint(info.t.exponent(),
      } else if (t.isReal()) {
	op = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(FloatingPointToFPReal(info.t.exponent(),
      } else if (t.isBitVector()) {
	op = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(FloatingPointToFPSignedBitVector(info.t.exponent(),
      } else {
	throw TypeCheckingExceptionPrivate(node, "cannot rewrite to_fp generic due to incorrect type of second argument");
      return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(op, node[0], node[1]);
    Unreachable("to_fp generic not rewritten");
Exemplo n.º 12
bool Relevancy::findSplitterRec(TNode node, 
                                SatValue desiredVal)
    << "findSplitterRec([" << node.getId() << "]" << node << ", " 
    << desiredVal << ", .. )" << std::endl; 


  /* Handle NOT as a special case */
  while (node.getKind() == kind::NOT) {
    desiredVal = invertValue(desiredVal);
    node = node[0];

  /* Avoid infinite loops */
  if(d_visited.find(node) != d_visited.end()) {
    Debug("decision") << " node repeated. kind was " << node.getKind() << std::endl;
    Assert(node.getKind() == kind::ITE);
    return false;

  /* Base case */
  if(checkJustified(node)) {
    return false;

   * If we have already explored the subtree for some desiredVal, we
   * skip this and continue exploring the rest
  if(d_polarityCache.find(node) == d_polarityCache.end()) {
    d_polarityCache[node] = desiredVal;
  } else {
    Assert(d_multipleBacktrace || options::decisionComputeRelevancy());
    return true;


#if defined CVC4_ASSERTIONS || defined CVC4_TRACING
  // We don't always have a sat literal, so remember that. Will need
  // it for some assertions we make.
  bool litPresent = d_decisionEngine->hasSatLiteral(node);
  if(Trace.isOn("decision")) {
    if(!litPresent) {
      Trace("decision") << "no sat literal for this node" << std::endl;
  //Assert(litPresent); -- fails

  // Get value of sat literal for the node, if there is one
  SatValue litVal = tryGetSatValue(node);

  /* You'd better know what you want */
  Assert(desiredVal != SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN, "expected known value");

  /* Good luck, hope you can get what you want */
  Assert(litVal == desiredVal || litVal == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN, 
         "invariant violated");

  /* What type of node is this */
  Kind k = node.getKind();	
  theory::TheoryId tId = theory::kindToTheoryId(k);

  /* Some debugging stuff */
  Trace("jh-findSplitterRec") << "kind = " << k << std::endl;
  Trace("jh-findSplitterRec") << "theoryId = " << tId << std::endl;
  Trace("jh-findSplitterRec") << "node = " << node << std::endl;
  Trace("jh-findSplitterRec") << "litVal = " << litVal << std::endl;

   * If not in theory of booleans, and not a "boolean" EQUAL (IFF),
   * then check if this is something to split-on.
  if(tId != theory::THEORY_BOOL
     //      && !(k == kind::EQUAL && node[0].getType().isBoolean()) 
     ) {

    // if node has embedded ites -- which currently happens iff it got
    // replaced during ite removal -- then try to resolve that first
    const IteList& l = getITEs(node);
    Debug("jh-ite") << " ite size = " << l.size() << std::endl;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
      Assert(l[i].getKind() == kind::ITE, "Expected ITE");
      Debug("jh-ite") << " i = " << i 
                      << " l[i] = " << l[i] << std::endl;
      if(d_visited.find(node) != d_visited.end() ) continue;
      if(findSplitterRec(l[i], SAT_VALUE_TRUE)) {
        return true;
    Debug("jh-ite") << " ite done " << l.size() << std::endl;

    if(litVal != SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) {
      return false;
    } else {
      /* if(not d_decisionEngine->hasSatLiteral(node))
         throw GiveUpException(); */
      SatVariable v = d_decisionEngine->getSatLiteral(node).getSatVariable();
      *d_curDecision = SatLiteral(v, desiredVal != SAT_VALUE_TRUE );
      Trace("decision") << "decision " << *d_curDecision << std::endl;
      Trace("decision") << "Found something to split. Glad to be able to serve you." << std::endl;
      return true;

  bool ret = false;
  SatValue flipCaseVal = SAT_VALUE_FALSE;
  switch (k) {

  case kind::CONST_BOOLEAN:
    Assert(node.getConst<bool>() == false || desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_TRUE);
    Assert(node.getConst<bool>() == true  || desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE);

  case kind::AND:
    if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE) ret = handleOrTrue(node, SAT_VALUE_FALSE);
    else                               ret = handleOrFalse(node, SAT_VALUE_TRUE);

  case kind::OR:
    if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE) ret = handleOrFalse(node, SAT_VALUE_FALSE);
    else                               ret = handleOrTrue(node, SAT_VALUE_TRUE);

  case kind::IMPLIES:
    Assert(node.getNumChildren() == 2, "Expected 2 fanins");
    if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE) {
      ret = findSplitterRec(node[0], SAT_VALUE_TRUE);
      if(ret) break;
      ret = findSplitterRec(node[1], SAT_VALUE_FALSE);
    else {
      if (tryGetSatValue(node[0]) != SAT_VALUE_TRUE) {
        ret = findSplitterRec(node[0], SAT_VALUE_FALSE);
        //if(!ret || !d_multipleBacktrace) 
      if (tryGetSatValue(node[1]) != SAT_VALUE_FALSE) {
        ret = findSplitterRec(node[1], SAT_VALUE_TRUE);
      Assert(d_multipleBacktrace, "No controlling input found (3)");

  case kind::XOR:
    flipCaseVal = SAT_VALUE_TRUE;
  case kind::IFF: {
    SatValue val = tryGetSatValue(node[0]);
    if (val != SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) {
      ret = findSplitterRec(node[0], val);
      if (ret) break;
      if (desiredVal == flipCaseVal) val = invertValue(val);
      ret = findSplitterRec(node[1], val);
    else {
      val = tryGetSatValue(node[1]);
      if (val == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) val = SAT_VALUE_FALSE;
      if (desiredVal == flipCaseVal) val = invertValue(val);
      ret = findSplitterRec(node[0], val);
      if(ret) break;
      Assert(false, "Unable to find controlling input (4)");

  case kind::ITE:
    ret = handleITE(node, desiredVal);

    Assert(false, "Unexpected Boolean operator");
  }//end of switch(k)

  if(ret == false) {
    Assert(litPresent == false || litVal ==  desiredVal,
           "Output should be justified");
  return ret;

}/* findRecSplit method */
Exemplo n.º 13
void BVMinisatSatSolver::unregisterVar(SatLiteral lit) {
  // this should only be called when user context is implemented
  // in the BVSatSolver
Exemplo n.º 14
SatValue CryptoMinisatSolver::solve(long unsigned int& resource) {
  // CMSat::SalverConf conf = d_solver->getConf();
  Unreachable("Not sure how to set different limits for calls to solve in Cryptominisat"); 
  return solve();
Exemplo n.º 15
bool JustificationHeuristic::findSplitterRec(TNode node, 
                                             SatValue desiredVal,
                                             SatLiteral* litDecision)
   * Main idea
   * Given a boolean formula "node", the goal is to try to make it
   * evaluate to "desiredVal" (true/false). for instance if "node" is a AND
   * formula we want to make it evaluate to true, we'd like one of the
   * children to be true. this is done recursively.

    << "findSplitterRec(" << node << ", " 
    << desiredVal << ", .. )" << std::endl; 

  /* Handle NOT as a special case */
  while (node.getKind() == kind::NOT) {
    desiredVal = invertValue(desiredVal);
    node = node[0];

  if(Debug.isOn("decision")) {
      Debug("decision") << "  justified, returning" << std::endl; 

  /* Base case */
  if (checkJustified(node)) {
    return false;

#if defined CVC4_ASSERTIONS || defined CVC4_DEBUG
  // We don't always have a sat literal, so remember that. Will need
  // it for some assertions we make.
  bool litPresent = d_decisionEngine->hasSatLiteral(node);
  if(Debug.isOn("decision")) {
    if(!litPresent) {
      Debug("decision") << "no sat literal for this node" << std::endl;
  //Assert(litPresent); -- fails

  // Get value of sat literal for the node, if there is one
  SatValue litVal = tryGetSatValue(node);

  /* You'd better know what you want */
  Assert(desiredVal != SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN, "expected known value");

  /* Good luck, hope you can get what you want */
  // if(not (litVal == desiredVal || litVal == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN)) {
  //   Warning() << "WARNING: IMPORTANT: Please look into this. Sat solver is asking for a decision" << std::endl
  //             << "when the assertion we are trying to justify is already unsat. OR there is a bug" << std::endl;
  //   GiveUpException();
  // }
  Assert(litVal == desiredVal || litVal == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN,
         "invariant violated");

  /* What type of node is this */
  Kind k = node.getKind();	
  theory::TheoryId tId = theory::kindToTheoryId(k);

  /* Some debugging stuff */
  Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << "kind = " << k << std::endl;
  Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << "theoryId = " << tId << std::endl;
  Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << "node = " << node << std::endl;
  Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << "litVal = " << litVal << std::endl;

   * If not in theory of booleans, and not a "boolean" EQUAL (IFF),
   * then check if this is something to split-on.
  if(tId != theory::THEORY_BOOL
     //      && !(k == kind::EQUAL && node[0].getType().isBoolean()) 
     ) {

    // if node has embedded ites -- which currently happens iff it got
    // replaced during ite removal -- then try to resolve that first
    const IteList& l = getITEs(node);
    Trace("jh-ite") << " ite size = " << l.size() << std::endl;
    for(IteList::const_iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) {
      if(d_visited.find(i->first) == d_visited.end()) {
        Debug("jh-ite") << "jh-ite: adding visited " << i->first << std::endl;
        if(findSplitterRec(i->second, SAT_VALUE_TRUE, litDecision))
          return true;
        Debug("jh-ite") << "jh-ite: removing visited " << i->first << std::endl;
      } else {
        Debug("jh-ite") << "jh-ite: already visited " << i->first << std::endl;

    if(litVal != SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) {
      return false;
    } else {
      /* if(not d_decisionEngine->hasSatLiteral(node))
         throw GiveUpException(); */
      SatVariable v = d_decisionEngine->getSatLiteral(node).getSatVariable();
      *litDecision = SatLiteral(v, desiredVal != SAT_VALUE_TRUE );
      Trace("decision") << "decision " << *litDecision << std::endl;
      Trace("decision") << "Found something to split. Glad to be able to serve you." << std::endl;
      return true;

  SatValue valHard = SAT_VALUE_FALSE;
  switch (k) {

  case kind::CONST_BOOLEAN:
    Assert(node.getConst<bool>() == false || desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_TRUE);
    Assert(node.getConst<bool>() == true || desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE);
    return false;

  case kind::AND:
    valHard = SAT_VALUE_TRUE;

  case kind::OR:
    if (desiredVal == valHard) {
      int n = node.getNumChildren();
      for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        if (findSplitterRec(node[i], valHard, litDecision)) {
          return true;
      Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == valHard,
             "Output should be justified");
      return false;
    else {
      SatValue valEasy = invertValue(valHard);
      int n = node.getNumChildren();
      for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << " node[i] = " << node[i] << " " 
                                 << tryGetSatValue(node[i]) << std::endl;
        if ( tryGetSatValue(node[i]) != valHard) {
          Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << "hi"<< std::endl;
          if (findSplitterRec(node[i], valEasy, litDecision)) {
            return true;
          Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == valEasy, "Output should be justified");
          return false;
      if(Debug.isOn("jh-findSplitterRec")) {
        Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << " * ** " << std::endl;
        Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << node.getKind() << " "
                                    << node << std::endl;
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < node.getNumChildren(); ++i) 
        Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << "child: " << tryGetSatValue(node[i]) 
                                    << std::endl;
        Debug("jh-findSplitterRec") << "node: " << tryGetSatValue(node)
                                    << std::endl;
      Assert(false, "No controlling input found (2)");

  case kind::IMPLIES:
    //throw GiveUpException();
    Assert(node.getNumChildren() == 2, "Expected 2 fanins");
    if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE) {
      if (findSplitterRec(node[0], SAT_VALUE_TRUE, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      if (findSplitterRec(node[1], SAT_VALUE_FALSE, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE, 
             "Output should be justified");
      return false;
    else {
      if (tryGetSatValue(node[0]) != SAT_VALUE_TRUE) {
        if (findSplitterRec(node[0], SAT_VALUE_FALSE, litDecision)) {
          return true;
        Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == SAT_VALUE_TRUE, 
               "Output should be justified");
        return false;
      if (tryGetSatValue(node[1]) != SAT_VALUE_FALSE) {
        if (findSplitterRec(node[1], SAT_VALUE_TRUE, litDecision)) {
          return true;
        Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == SAT_VALUE_TRUE, 
               "Output should be justified");
        return false;
      Assert(false, "No controlling input found (3)");

  case kind::IFF: 
    //throw GiveUpException();
    SatValue val = tryGetSatValue(node[0]);
    if (val != SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) {
      if (findSplitterRec(node[0], val, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE) val = invertValue(val);

      if (findSplitterRec(node[1], val, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == desiredVal, 
             "Output should be justified");
      return false;
    else {
      val = tryGetSatValue(node[1]);
      if (val == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) val = SAT_VALUE_FALSE;
      if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_FALSE) val = invertValue(val);
      if (findSplitterRec(node[0], val, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      Assert(false, "Unable to find controlling input (4)");
  case kind::XOR:
    //throw GiveUpException();
    SatValue val = tryGetSatValue(node[0]);
    if (val != SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) {
      if (findSplitterRec(node[0], val, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_TRUE) val = invertValue(val);

      if (findSplitterRec(node[1], val, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == desiredVal, 
             "Output should be justified");
      return false;
    else {
      SatValue val = tryGetSatValue(node[1]);
      if (val == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) val = SAT_VALUE_FALSE;
      if (desiredVal == SAT_VALUE_TRUE) val = invertValue(val);
      if (findSplitterRec(node[0], val, litDecision)) {
        return true;
      Assert(false, "Unable to find controlling input (5)");

  case kind::ITE: {
    //[0]: if, [1]: then, [2]: else
    SatValue ifVal = tryGetSatValue(node[0]);
    if (ifVal == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) {
      // are we better off trying false? if not, try true
      SatValue ifDesiredVal = 
        (tryGetSatValue(node[2]) == desiredVal ||
	 tryGetSatValue(node[1]) == invertValue(desiredVal))

      if(findSplitterRec(node[0], ifDesiredVal, litDecision)) {
	return true;
      Assert(false, "No controlling input found (6)");
    } else {

      // Try to justify 'if'
      if (findSplitterRec(node[0], ifVal, litDecision)) {
	return true;

      // If that was successful, we need to go into only one of 'then'
      // or 'else'
      int ch = (ifVal == SAT_VALUE_TRUE) ? 1 : 2;
      int chVal = tryGetSatValue(node[ch]);
      if( (chVal == SAT_VALUE_UNKNOWN || chVal == desiredVal)
	  && findSplitterRec(node[ch], desiredVal, litDecision) ) {
	return true;
    Assert(litPresent == false || litVal == desiredVal,
	   "Output should be justified");
    return false;

    Assert(false, "Unexpected Boolean operator");
  }//end of switch(k)

}/* findRecSplit method */
Exemplo n.º 16
/** Assigning exponentiation of this cardinality with another. */
Cardinality& Cardinality::operator^=(const Cardinality& c) {
  if (isUnknown()) {
    return *this;
  } else if (c.isUnknown()) {
    d_card = s_unknownCard;
    return *this;

  if (c.isFinite() && isLargeFinite()) {
    return *this;
  } else if (isFinite() && c.isLargeFinite()) {
    d_card = s_largeFiniteCard;
    return *this;

  if (c.compare(0) == EQUAL) {
    // (anything) ^ 0 == 1
    d_card = 2;  // remember, +1 for finite cardinalities
    return *this;
  } else if (compare(0) == EQUAL) {
    // 0 ^ (>= 1) == 0
    return *this;
  } else if (compare(1) == EQUAL) {
    // 1 ^ (>= 1) == 1
    return *this;
  } else if (c.compare(1) == EQUAL) {
    // (anything) ^ 1 == (that thing)
    return *this;
  } else if (isFinite() && c.isFinite()) {
    // finite ^ finite == finite
    try {
      // Note: can throw an assertion if c is too big for
      // exponentiation
      if (d_card - 1 >= 2 && c.d_card - 1 >= 64) {
        // don't bother, it's too large anyways
        d_card = s_largeFiniteCard;
      } else {
        d_card = (d_card - 1).pow(c.d_card.getUnsignedLong() - 1) + 1;
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException&) {
      d_card = s_largeFiniteCard;
    return *this;
  } else if (!isFinite() && c.isFinite()) {
    // inf ^ finite == inf
    return *this;
  } else {
    Assert(compare(2) != LESS && !c.isFinite(),
           "fall-through case not as expected:\n%s\n%s",
           this->toString().c_str(), c.toString().c_str());
    // (>= 2) ^ beth_k == beth_(k+1)
    // unless the base is already > the exponent
    if (compare(c) == GREATER) {
      return *this;
    d_card = c.d_card - 1;
    return *this;

Exemplo n.º 17
unsigned CryptoMinisatSolver::getAssertionLevel() const {
  Unreachable("No interface to get assertion level in Cryptominisat");
  return -1; 
Exemplo n.º 18
FloatingPoint Sampler::pickFpBiased(unsigned e, unsigned s)
  // The biased generation of random FP values is inspired by
  // PyMPF [0].
  // [0] https://github.com/florianschanda/PyMPF

  Random& rnd = Random::getRandom();

  BitVector zero(1);
  BitVector one(1, static_cast<unsigned int>(1));

  BitVector sign(1);
  BitVector exp(e);
  BitVector sig(s - 1);

  if (rnd.pickWithProb(probSpecial))
    // Generate special values

    uint64_t type = rnd.pick(0, 12);
    switch (type)
      // NaN
      // sign = 1, exp = 11...11, sig = 11...11
      case 0:
        sign = one;
        exp = BitVector::mkOnes(e);
        sig = BitVector::mkOnes(s - 1);

      // +/- inf
      // sign = x, exp = 11...11, sig = 00...00
      case 1:
        sign = one;
        // Intentional fall-through
      case 2: exp = BitVector::mkOnes(e); break;

      // +/- zero
      // sign = x, exp = 00...00, sig = 00...00
      case 3:
        sign = one;
        // Intentional fall-through
      case 4: break;

      // +/- max subnormal
      // sign = x, exp = 00...00, sig = 11...11
      case 5:
        sign = one;
        // Intentional fall-through
      case 6: sig = BitVector::mkOnes(s - 1); break;

      // +/- min subnormal
      // sign = x, exp = 00...00, sig = 00...01
      case 7:
        sign = one;
        // Intentional fall-through
      case 8: sig = BitVector(s - 1, static_cast<unsigned int>(1)); break;

      // +/- max normal
      // sign = x, exp = 11...10, sig = 11...11
      case 9:
        sign = one;
        // Intentional fall-through
      case 10:
        exp = BitVector::mkOnes(e) - BitVector(e, static_cast<unsigned int>(1));
        sig = BitVector::mkOnes(s - 1);

      // +/- min normal
      // sign = x, exp = 00...01, sig = 00...00
      case 11:
        sign = one;
        // Intentional fall-through
      case 12: exp = BitVector(e, static_cast<unsigned int>(1)); break;

      default: Unreachable();
    // Generate normal and subnormal values

    // 50% chance of positive/negative sign
    if (rnd.pickWithProb(0.5))
      sign = one;

    uint64_t pattern = rnd.pick(0, 5);
    switch (pattern)
      case 0:
        // sign = x, exp = xx...x0, sig = 11...11
        exp = pickBvUniform(e - 1).concat(zero);
        sig = BitVector::mkOnes(s - 1);

      case 1:
        // sign = x, exp = xx...x0, sig = 00...00
        exp = pickBvUniform(e - 1).concat(zero);

      case 2:
        // sign = x, exp = 0x...x1, sig = 11...11
        exp = zero.concat(pickBvUniform(e - 2).concat(one));
        sig = BitVector::mkOnes(s - 1);

      case 3:
        // sign = x, exp = xx...x0, sig = xx...xx
        exp = pickBvUniform(e - 1).concat(zero);
        sig = pickBvUniform(s - 1);

      case 4:
        // sign = x, exp = 0x...x1, sig = xx...xx
        exp = zero.concat(pickBvUniform(e - 2).concat(one));
        sig = pickBvUniform(s - 1);

      case 5:
        // sign = x, exp = xx...xx0xx...xx, sig = xx...xx
        uint64_t lsbSize = rnd.pick(1, e - 2);
        uint64_t msbSize = e - lsbSize - 1;
        BitVector lsb = pickBvUniform(lsbSize);
        BitVector msb = pickBvUniform(msbSize);
        exp = msb.concat(zero.concat(lsb));
        sig = pickBvUniform(s - 1);

      default: Unreachable();

  BitVector bv = sign.concat(exp.concat(sig));
  return FloatingPoint(e, s, bv);
Exemplo n.º 19
void Smt1Printer::toStream(std::ostream& out, const Model& m, const Command* c) const throw() {
  // shouldn't be called; only the non-Command* version above should be
Exemplo n.º 20
void BVMinisatSatSolver::renewVar(SatLiteral lit, int level) {
  // this should only be called when user context is implemented
  // in the BVSatSolver

Exemplo n.º 21
std::string toLFSCKind(Kind kind) {
    switch(kind) {
    // core kinds
    case kind::OR :
        return "or";
    case kind::AND:
        return "and";
    case kind::XOR:
        return "xor";
    case kind::EQUAL:
        return "=";
    case kind::IFF:
        return "iff";
    case kind::IMPLIES:
        return "impl";
    case kind::NOT:
        return "not";

    // bit-vector kinds
    case kind::BITVECTOR_AND :
        return "bvand";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_OR :
        return "bvor";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_XOR :
        return "bvxor";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_NAND :
        return "bvnand";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_NOR :
        return "bvnor";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_XNOR :
        return "bvxnor";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_COMP :
        return "bvcomp";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_MULT :
        return "bvmul";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_PLUS :
        return "bvadd";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SUB :
        return "bvsub";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_UDIV :
    case kind::BITVECTOR_UDIV_TOTAL :
        return "bvudiv";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_UREM :
    case kind::BITVECTOR_UREM_TOTAL :
        return "bvurem";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SDIV :
        return "bvsdiv";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SREM :
        return "bvsrem";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SMOD :
        return "bvsmod";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SHL :
        return "bvshl";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_LSHR :
        return "bvlshr";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_ASHR :
        return "bvashr";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_CONCAT :
        return "concat";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_NEG :
        return "bvneg";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_NOT :
        return "bvnot";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_ROTATE_LEFT :
        return "rotate_left";
        return "rotate_right";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_ULT :
        return "bvult";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_ULE :
        return "bvule";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_UGT :
        return "bvugt";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_UGE :
        return "bvuge";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SLT :
        return "bvslt";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SLE :
        return "bvsle";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SGT :
        return "bvsgt";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SGE :
        return "bvsge";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_EXTRACT :
        return "extract";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_REPEAT :
        return "repeat";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_ZERO_EXTEND :
        return "zero_extend";
    case kind::BITVECTOR_SIGN_EXTEND :
        return "sign_extend";
Exemplo n.º 22
Node Rewriter::rewriteTo(theory::TheoryId theoryId, Node node) {

  bool isEquality = node.getKind() == kind::EQUAL && (!node[0].getType().isBoolean());

  if(s_rewriteStack == NULL) {
    s_rewriteStack = new std::unordered_set<Node, NodeHashFunction>();

  Trace("rewriter") << "Rewriter::rewriteTo(" << theoryId << "," << node << ")"<< std::endl;

  // Check if it's been cached already
  Node cached = getPostRewriteCache(theoryId, node);
  if (!cached.isNull()) {
    return cached;

  // Put the node on the stack in order to start the "recursive" rewrite
  vector<RewriteStackElement> rewriteStack;
  rewriteStack.push_back(RewriteStackElement(node, theoryId));

  ResourceManager* rm = NULL;
  bool hasSmtEngine = smt::smtEngineInScope();
  if (hasSmtEngine) {
    rm = NodeManager::currentResourceManager();
  // Rewrite until the stack is empty
  for (;;){

    if (hasSmtEngine &&
		d_iterationCount % ResourceManager::getFrequencyCount() == 0) {
      d_iterationCount = 0;

    // Get the top of the recursion stack
    RewriteStackElement& rewriteStackTop = rewriteStack.back();

    Trace("rewriter") << "Rewriter::rewriting: " << (TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId << "," << rewriteStackTop.node << std::endl;

    // Before rewriting children we need to do a pre-rewrite of the node
    if (rewriteStackTop.nextChild == 0) {

      // Check if the pre-rewrite has already been done (it's in the cache)
      Node cached = Rewriter::getPreRewriteCache((TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId, rewriteStackTop.node);
      if (cached.isNull()) {
        // Rewrite until fix-point is reached
        for(;;) {
          // Perform the pre-rewrite
          RewriteResponse response = Rewriter::callPreRewrite((TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId, rewriteStackTop.node);
          // Put the rewritten node to the top of the stack
          rewriteStackTop.node = response.node;
          TheoryId newTheory = theoryOf(rewriteStackTop.node);
          // In the pre-rewrite, if changing theories, we just call the other theories pre-rewrite
          if (newTheory == (TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId && response.status == REWRITE_DONE) {
          rewriteStackTop.theoryId = newTheory;
        // Cache the rewrite
        Rewriter::setPreRewriteCache((TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.originalTheoryId, rewriteStackTop.original, rewriteStackTop.node);
      // Otherwise we're have already been pre-rewritten (in pre-rewrite cache)
      else {
        // Continue with the cached version
        rewriteStackTop.node = cached;
        rewriteStackTop.theoryId = theoryOf(cached);

    rewriteStackTop.original =rewriteStackTop.node;
    // Now it's time to rewrite the children, check if this has already been done
    Node cached = Rewriter::getPostRewriteCache((TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId, rewriteStackTop.node);
    // If not, go through the children
    if(cached.isNull()) {

      // The child we need to rewrite
      unsigned child = rewriteStackTop.nextChild++;

      // To build the rewritten expression we set up the builder
      if(child == 0) {
        if (rewriteStackTop.node.getNumChildren() > 0) {
          // The children will add themselves to the builder once they're done
          rewriteStackTop.builder << rewriteStackTop.node.getKind();
          kind::MetaKind metaKind = rewriteStackTop.node.getMetaKind();
          if (metaKind == kind::metakind::PARAMETERIZED) {
            rewriteStackTop.builder << rewriteStackTop.node.getOperator();

      // Process the next child
      if(child < rewriteStackTop.node.getNumChildren()) {
        // The child node
        Node childNode = rewriteStackTop.node[child];
        // Push the rewrite request to the stack (NOTE: rewriteStackTop might be a bad reference now)
        rewriteStack.push_back(RewriteStackElement(childNode, theoryOf(childNode)));
        // Go on with the rewriting

      // Incorporate the children if necessary
      if (rewriteStackTop.node.getNumChildren() > 0) {
        Node rewritten = rewriteStackTop.builder;
        rewriteStackTop.node = rewritten;
        rewriteStackTop.theoryId = theoryOf(rewriteStackTop.node);

      // Done with all pre-rewriting, so let's do the post rewrite
      for(;;) {
        // Do the post-rewrite
        RewriteResponse response = Rewriter::callPostRewrite((TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId, rewriteStackTop.node);
        // We continue with the response we got
        TheoryId newTheoryId = theoryOf(response.node);
        if (newTheoryId != (TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId || response.status == REWRITE_AGAIN_FULL) {
          // In the post rewrite if we've changed theories, we must do a full rewrite
          Assert(response.node != rewriteStackTop.node);
          //TODO: this is not thread-safe - should make this assertion dependent on sequential build
          Assert(s_rewriteStack->find(response.node) == s_rewriteStack->end());
          Node rewritten = rewriteTo(newTheoryId, response.node);
          rewriteStackTop.node = rewritten;
        } else if (response.status == REWRITE_DONE) {
	  RewriteResponse r2 = Rewriter::callPostRewrite(newTheoryId, response.node);
	  Assert(r2.node == response.node);
	  rewriteStackTop.node = response.node;
        // Check for trivial rewrite loops of size 1 or 2
        Assert(response.node != rewriteStackTop.node);
        Assert(Rewriter::callPostRewrite((TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.theoryId, response.node).node != rewriteStackTop.node);
	rewriteStackTop.node = response.node;
      // We're done with the post rewrite, so we add to the cache
      Rewriter::setPostRewriteCache((TheoryId) rewriteStackTop.originalTheoryId, rewriteStackTop.original, rewriteStackTop.node);

    } else {
      // We were already in cache, so just remember it
      rewriteStackTop.node = cached;
      rewriteStackTop.theoryId = theoryOf(cached);

    // If this is the last node, just return
    if (rewriteStack.size() == 1) {
      Assert(!isEquality || rewriteStackTop.node.getKind() == kind::EQUAL || rewriteStackTop.node.isConst());
      return rewriteStackTop.node;

    // We're done with this node, append it to the parent
    rewriteStack[rewriteStack.size() - 2].builder << rewriteStackTop.node;

}/* Rewriter::rewriteTo() */
Exemplo n.º 23
TheoryId Theory::theoryOf(TheoryOfMode mode, TNode node) {
  TheoryId tid = THEORY_BUILTIN;
  switch(mode) {
    // Constants, variables, 0-ary constructors
    if (node.isVar() || node.isConst()) {
      tid = Theory::theoryOf(node.getType());
    } else if (node.getKind() == kind::EQUAL) {
      // Equality is owned by the theory that owns the domain
      tid = Theory::theoryOf(node[0].getType());
    } else {
      // Regular nodes are owned by the kind
      tid = kindToTheoryId(node.getKind());
    // Variables
    if (node.isVar()) {
      if (Theory::theoryOf(node.getType()) != theory::THEORY_BOOL) {
        // We treat the variables as uninterpreted
        tid = s_uninterpretedSortOwner;
      } else {
        // Except for the Boolean ones, which we just ignore anyhow
        tid = theory::THEORY_BOOL;
    } else if (node.isConst()) {
      // Constants go to the theory of the type
      tid = Theory::theoryOf(node.getType());
    } else if (node.getKind() == kind::EQUAL) { // Equality
      // If one of them is an ITE, it's irelevant, since they will get replaced out anyhow
      if (node[0].getKind() == kind::ITE) {
        tid = Theory::theoryOf(node[0].getType());
      } else if (node[1].getKind() == kind::ITE) {
        tid = Theory::theoryOf(node[1].getType());
      } else {
        TNode l = node[0];
        TNode r = node[1];
        TypeNode ltype = l.getType();
        TypeNode rtype = r.getType();
        if( ltype != rtype ){
          tid = Theory::theoryOf(l.getType());
        }else {
          // If both sides belong to the same theory the choice is easy
          TheoryId T1 = Theory::theoryOf(l);
          TheoryId T2 = Theory::theoryOf(r);
          if (T1 == T2) {
            tid = T1;
          } else {
            TheoryId T3 = Theory::theoryOf(ltype);
            // This is a case of
            // * x*y = f(z) -> UF
            // * x = c      -> UF
            // * f(x) = read(a, y) -> either UF or ARRAY
            // at least one of the theories has to be parametric, i.e. theory of the type is different
            // from the theory of the term
            if (T1 == T3) {
              tid = T2;
            } else if (T2 == T3) {
              tid = T1;
            } else {
              // If both are parametric, we take the smaller one (arbitrary)
              tid = T1 < T2 ? T1 : T2;
    } else {
      // Regular nodes are owned by the kind
      tid = kindToTheoryId(node.getKind());
  Trace("theory::internal") << "theoryOf(" << mode << ", " << node << ") -> " << tid << std::endl;
  return tid;
Exemplo n.º 24
//corresponds to Check() in dM06
//template <SimplexDecisionProcedure::PreferenceFunction pf>
bool DualSimplexDecisionProcedure::searchForFeasibleSolution(uint32_t remainingIterations){
  TimerStat::CodeTimer codeTimer(d_statistics.d_searchTime);

  Debug("arith") << "searchForFeasibleSolution" << endl;
  Assert(remainingIterations > 0);

  while(remainingIterations > 0 && !d_errorSet.focusEmpty()){
    if(Debug.isOn("paranoid:check_tableau")){ d_linEq.debugCheckTableau(); }
    ArithVar x_i = d_errorSet.topFocusVariable();

    Debug("arith::update::select") << "selectSmallestInconsistentVar()=" << x_i << endl;
    if(x_i == ARITHVAR_SENTINEL){
      Debug("arith::update") << "No inconsistent variables" << endl;
      return false; //sat


    bool useVarOrderPivot = d_pivotsInRound.count(x_i) >=  options::arithPivotThreshold();

      << "pivots in rounds: " <<  d_pivotsInRound.count(x_i)
      << " use " << useVarOrderPivot
      << " threshold " << options::arithPivotThreshold()
      << endl;

    LinearEqualityModule::VarPreferenceFunction pf = useVarOrderPivot ?
      &LinearEqualityModule::minVarOrder : &LinearEqualityModule::minBoundAndColLength;

    //DeltaRational beta_i = d_variables.getAssignment(x_i);
    ArithVar x_j = ARITHVAR_SENTINEL;

    int32_t prevErrorSize CVC4_UNUSED = d_errorSet.errorSize();

    if(d_variables.cmpAssignmentLowerBound(x_i) < 0 ){
      x_j = d_linEq.selectSlackUpperBound(x_i, pf);
      if(x_j == ARITHVAR_SENTINEL ){
        // ++(d_statistics.d_statUpdateConflicts);
        // reportConflict(x_i);
        // ++(d_statistics.d_simplexConflicts);
        // Node conflict = d_linEq.generateConflictBelowLowerBound(x_i); //unsat
        // d_conflictVariable = x_i;
        // reportConflict(conflict);
        // return true;
        const DeltaRational& l_i = d_variables.getLowerBound(x_i);
        d_linEq.pivotAndUpdate(x_i, x_j, l_i);
    }else if(d_variables.cmpAssignmentUpperBound(x_i) > 0){
      x_j = d_linEq.selectSlackLowerBound(x_i, pf);
      if(x_j == ARITHVAR_SENTINEL ){
        // ++(d_statistics.d_statUpdateConflicts);
        // reportConflict(x_i);
        // ++(d_statistics.d_simplexConflicts);
        // Node conflict = d_linEq.generateConflictAboveUpperBound(x_i); //unsat
        // d_conflictVariable = x_i;
        // reportConflict(conflict);
        // return true;
        const DeltaRational& u_i = d_variables.getUpperBound(x_i);
        d_linEq.pivotAndUpdate(x_i, x_j, u_i);
    Assert(x_j != ARITHVAR_SENTINEL);

    bool conflict = processSignals();
    int32_t currErrorSize CVC4_UNUSED = d_errorSet.errorSize();

        << "#" << d_pivots
        << " c" << conflict
        << " d" << (prevErrorSize - currErrorSize)
        << " f"  << d_errorSet.inError(x_j)
        << " h" << d_conflictVariables.isMember(x_j)
        << " " << x_i << "->" << x_j
        << endl;

      return true;
  Assert(!d_errorSet.focusEmpty() || d_errorSet.errorEmpty());
  Assert(remainingIterations == 0 || d_errorSet.focusEmpty());

  return false;