Exemplo n.º 1
// Purpose: Turns 'this' into an exact replica of 'pObject'.
// Input  : pObject - Object to replicate.
//			bUpdateDependencies - 
// Output : 
CMapClass *CMapLine::CopyFrom(CMapClass *pObject, bool bUpdateDependencies)
	CMapLine *pFrom = dynamic_cast <CMapLine *>(pObject);

	if (pFrom != NULL)
		CMapClass::CopyFrom(pObject, bUpdateDependencies);

		if (bUpdateDependencies)
			m_pStartEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pStartEntity, pFrom->m_pStartEntity);
			m_pEndEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pEndEntity, pFrom->m_pEndEntity);
			m_pStartEntity = pFrom->m_pStartEntity;
			m_pEndEntity = pFrom->m_pEndEntity;

		strcpy(m_szStartValueKey, pFrom->m_szStartValueKey);
		strcpy(m_szStartKey, pFrom->m_szStartKey);

		strcpy(m_szEndValueKey, pFrom->m_szEndValueKey);
		strcpy(m_szEndKey, pFrom->m_szEndKey);

Exemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: Updates the cached pointers to our start and end entities by looking
//			for them in the given world.
// Input  : pWorld - World to search.
void CMapLine::UpdateDependencies(CMapWorld *pWorld, CMapClass *pObject)
	CMapClass::UpdateDependencies(pWorld, pObject);

	if (pWorld == NULL)

	CMapEntity *pEntity = dynamic_cast <CMapEntity *> (m_pParent);
	Assert(pEntity != NULL);

	if (pEntity != NULL)
		const char *pszValue = pEntity->GetKeyValue(m_szStartValueKey);
		m_pStartEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pStartEntity, pWorld->FindChildByKeyValue(m_szStartKey, pszValue));

		if (m_szEndValueKey[0] != '\0')
			pszValue = pEntity->GetKeyValue(m_szEndValueKey);
			m_pEndEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pEndEntity, pWorld->FindChildByKeyValue(m_szEndKey, pszValue));
			// We don't have an end entity specified, use our parent as the end point.
			m_pEndEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pEndEntity, GetParent());

Exemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: Called just after this object has been removed from the world so
//			that it can unlink itself from other objects in the world.
// Input  : pWorld - The world that we were just removed from.
//			bNotifyChildren - Whether we should forward notification to our children.
void CMapLine::OnRemoveFromWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld, bool bNotifyChildren)
	CMapClass::OnRemoveFromWorld(pWorld, bNotifyChildren);

	// Detach ourselves from the endpoint entities.
	m_pStartEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pStartEntity, NULL);
	m_pEndEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pEndEntity, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 4
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pObj - 
// Output : CMapClass *
CMapClass *CMapKeyFrame::CopyFrom(CMapClass *pObj, bool bUpdateDependencies)
	CMapClass::CopyFrom(pObj, bUpdateDependencies);

	CMapKeyFrame *pFrom = dynamic_cast<CMapKeyFrame*>( pObj );
	Assert( pFrom != NULL );

	m_qAngles = pFrom->m_qAngles;
	m_Angles = pFrom->m_Angles;
	m_flSpeed = pFrom->m_flSpeed;
	m_flMoveTime = pFrom->m_flMoveTime;

	if (bUpdateDependencies)
		m_pNextKeyFrame = (CMapKeyFrame *)UpdateDependency(m_pNextKeyFrame, pFrom->m_pNextKeyFrame);
		m_pNextKeyFrame = pFrom->m_pNextKeyFrame;

	m_bRebuildPath = true;

	return this;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Purpose: 
// Input  : key - 
//			value - 
void CMapLine::OnParentKeyChanged( const char* key, const char* value )
	CMapWorld *pWorld = (CMapWorld *)GetWorldObject(this);
	if (pWorld != NULL)
		if (stricmp(key, m_szStartValueKey) == 0)
			m_pStartEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pStartEntity, pWorld->FindChildByKeyValue(m_szStartKey, value));
		else if (stricmp(key, m_szEndValueKey) == 0)
			m_pEndEntity = (CMapEntity *)UpdateDependency(m_pEndEntity, pWorld->FindChildByKeyValue(m_szEndKey, value));
Exemplo n.º 6
// Purpose: Called just after this object has been removed from the world so
//			that it can unlink itself from other objects in the world.
// Input  : pWorld - The world that we were just removed from.
//			bNotifyChildren - Whether we should forward notification to our children.
void CMapKeyFrame::OnRemoveFromWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld, bool bNotifyChildren)
	CMapClass::OnRemoveFromWorld(pWorld, bNotifyChildren);

	// Detach ourselves from the next keyframe in the path.
	m_pNextKeyFrame = (CMapKeyFrame *)UpdateDependency(m_pNextKeyFrame, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 7
// Purpose: 
// Input  : pszValue - 
//			pWorld - The world object that we are contained in.
void CMapSideList::BuildFaceListForValue(char const *pszValue, CMapWorld *pWorld)
	CMapFaceList NewFaces;
	pWorld->FaceID_StringToFaceLists(&NewFaces, NULL, pszValue);

	// Detach from the faces that are not in the new list. Go
	// in reverse order since we are removing items as we go.
	if (m_Faces.Count() > 0)
		for (int i = m_Faces.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			CMapFace *pFace = m_Faces.Element(i);
			ASSERT(pFace != NULL);
			if ((pFace != NULL) && (NewFaces.Find(pFace) == -1))
				CMapSolid *pSolid = (CMapSolid *)pFace->GetParent();
				UpdateDependency(pSolid, NULL);

	// Attach to the faces that are not in the old list.
	for (int i = 0; i < NewFaces.Count(); i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = NewFaces.Element(i);
		ASSERT(pFace != NULL);

		if ((pFace != NULL) && (m_Faces.Find(pFace) == -1))
			CMapSolid *pSolid = (CMapSolid *)pFace->GetParent();
			UpdateDependency(NULL, pSolid);

Exemplo n.º 8
// Purpose: Called just after this object has been removed from the world so
//			that it can unlink itself from other objects in the world.
// Input  : pWorld - The world that we were just removed from.
//			bNotifyChildren - Whether we should forward notification to our children.
void CMapSideList::OnRemoveFromWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld, bool bNotifyChildren)
	CMapClass::OnRemoveFromWorld(pWorld, bNotifyChildren);

	for (int i = 0; i < m_Faces.Count(); i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = m_Faces.Element(i);
		CMapSolid *pSolid = (CMapSolid *)pFace->GetParent();
		UpdateDependency(pSolid, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 9
// Purpose: 
// Input  : List - 
void CMapSideList::RemoveFacesNotInList(CMapObjectList &List)
	if (m_Faces.Count() > 0)
		for (int i = m_Faces.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
			CMapFace *pFace = m_Faces.Element(i);

			if (FindFaceIDInList(pFace->GetFaceID(), List) == NULL)
				CMapSolid *pSolid = (CMapSolid *)pFace->GetParent();
				UpdateDependency(pSolid, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 10
// Purpose: Called from OnClone and OnPaste, updates references to face IDs 
//			in the one solid with references to corresponding face IDs in
//			another solid.
// Input  : pOrigSolid - Solid with faces to find.
//			pNewSolid - Solid with faces to replace with.
// Output : Returns true if it replaced at least one face.
bool CMapSideList::ReplaceSolidFaces(CMapSolid *pOrigSolid, CMapSolid *pNewSolid)
	bool bDidSomething = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < pOrigSolid->GetFaceCount(); i++)
		CMapFace *pFace = pOrigSolid->GetFace(i);

		int nIndex = m_Faces.FindFaceID(pFace->GetFaceID());
		if (nIndex != -1)
			// Replace the element in our face list and unlink
			// us from the original solid, relinking us to the new solid.
			m_Faces.Element(nIndex) = pNewSolid->GetFace(i);
			UpdateDependency(pOrigSolid, pNewSolid);
			bDidSomething = true;

Exemplo n.º 11
// Purpose: Turns us into an exact copy of the given object.
// Input  : pFrom - Object to copy.
// Input  : bUpdateDependencies - Whether we should link to any other objects
//				in the world when we copy pointers.
CMapClass *CMapSideList::CopyFrom(CMapClass *pOther, bool bUpdateDependencies)
	CMapSideList *pFrom = dynamic_cast <CMapSideList *>(pOther);
	ASSERT(pFrom != NULL);

	CMapClass::CopyFrom(pOther, bUpdateDependencies);

	strcpy(m_szKeyName, pFrom->m_szKeyName);
	m_Faces = pFrom->m_Faces;

	if (bUpdateDependencies)
		for (int i = 0; i < m_Faces.Count(); i++)
			CMapFace *pFace = m_Faces.Element(i);
			CMapSolid *pSolid = (CMapSolid *)pFace->GetParent();
			UpdateDependency(pSolid, NULL);

Exemplo n.º 12
// Purpose: 
void CMapKeyFrame::SetNextKeyFrame(CMapKeyFrame *pNext)
	m_pNextKeyFrame = (CMapKeyFrame *)UpdateDependency(m_pNextKeyFrame, pNext);
Exemplo n.º 13
// Purpose: 
void CMapKeyFrame::SetAnimator(CMapAnimator *pAnimator)
	m_pAnimator = (CMapAnimator *)UpdateDependency(m_pAnimator, pAnimator);