
        \param       deps - dependencies

    StatisticalLogicalDiskEnumeration::StatisticalLogicalDiskEnumeration(SCXCoreLib::SCXHandle<DiskDepend> deps) : m_deps(0), m_sampler(0)
        m_log = SCXCoreLib::SCXLogHandleFactory::GetLogHandle(L"scx.core.common.pal.system.disk.statisticallogicaldiskenumeration");
        m_lock = SCXCoreLib::ThreadLockHandleGet();
        m_deps = deps;
#if defined(hpux)
        // Try to init LVM TAB and log errors.
        catch(SCXCoreLib::SCXException& e)
            SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, e.What());
       Discover physical disks.

       Logical disks are identified by the /etc/mnttab file (by design). Physical
       disks discovered will be those "hosting" the logical disks found. If ever
       seen in that file, the disk will be discovered. If the disk is removed it
       will be marked as offline.

       How to identify physical disks from logical disks:

       Linux --

       Logical disks are named things like /dev/hda0, /dev/hda1 and so on.
       The numeric value in the end of the name is the partition/logical ID
       of the physical disk. In the example above both logical disks are on
       physical disk /dev/hda.

       For LVM partitions on Linux have two entries for the same device.  An LVM
       device entry is stored in the /dev/mapper directory with a name in the form
       <logical-volume-group>-<logical-volume>.  There is also a device mapper (dm)
       device entry stored in the /dev directory in the form dm-<id>.  This is a
       1-to-1 relationship and the <id> is equal to the device minor ID that both
       device entries have in common.  Discovery of the physical device(s) that
       contain the LVM partition is done by mapping the LVM device to the dm device,
       then looking at the dm devices slave entries in Sysfs, and then finally
       performing the same conversion from a logical Linux partition name to a
       physical drive name that is done for all other partitions.

       Solaris --

       Logical disks are named things like /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0, /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1
       and so on. The last letter/numeric pair is the partition/logical ID
       of the physical disk. In the example above both logical disks are on
       physical disk /dev/dsk/c1t0d0.

       HPUX --

       Logical disks are logical volumes with names like /dev/vg00/lvol3.
       /dev/vg00 in the example name is the volume group name. Using the /etc/lvmtab
       file the volume group can be translated to a partition named /dev/disk/disk3_p2
       (or /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2 using a naming standard deprecated as of HPUX 11.3). The
       old naming standard works like the one for solaris while the new one identifies
       the physical disk as /dev/disk/disk3 in the example above.

       AIX --

       TODO: Document how disks are enumerated on AIX.
    void StatisticalPhysicalDiskEnumeration::FindPhysicalDisks()
        for (EntityIterator iter=Begin(); iter!=End(); iter++)
            SCXCoreLib::SCXHandle<StatisticalPhysicalDiskInstance> disk = *iter;
            disk->m_online = false;

        for (std::vector<MntTabEntry>::const_iterator it = m_deps->GetMNTTab().begin();
             it != m_deps->GetMNTTab().end(); it++)
            if ( ! m_deps->FileSystemIgnored(it->fileSystem) &&
                 ! m_deps->DeviceIgnored(it->device) &&
                 m_deps->LinkToPhysicalExists(it->fileSystem, it->device, it->mountPoint) )
                std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> devices = m_deps->GetPhysicalDevices(it->device);
                if (devices.size() == 0)
                    static SCXCoreLib::LogSuppressor suppressor(SCXCoreLib::eError, SCXCoreLib::eTrace);
                    std::wstringstream               out;

                    out << L"Unable to locate physical devices for: " << it->device;
                    SCX_LOG(m_log, suppressor.GetSeverity(out.str()), out.str());
                for (std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>::const_iterator dev_it = devices.begin();
                     dev_it != devices.end(); dev_it++)
                    SCXCoreLib::SCXHandle<StatisticalPhysicalDiskInstance> disk = AddDiskInstance(dev_it->first, dev_it->second);
#if defined(hpux)
                    if (0 != disk)
                        if (m_pathToRdev.end() == m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device))
                            SCXCoreLib::SCXFilePath fp(disk->m_device);
                        SCXASSERT(m_pathToRdev.end() != m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device));

                        scxlong diskInfoIndex = disk->FindDiskInfoByID(m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device)->second);
                        m_deps->AddDeviceInstance(disk->m_device, L"", diskInfoIndex, m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device)->second);

#if defined(sun)

       Discover logical disks.
       Logical disks are identified by the /etc/mnttab file (by design). If ever
       seen in that file, the disk will be discovered. If the disk is removed it 
       will be marked as offline.
    void StatisticalLogicalDiskEnumeration::FindLogicalDisks()
        for (EntityIterator iter=Begin(); iter!=End(); iter++)
            SCXCoreLib::SCXHandle<StatisticalLogicalDiskInstance> disk = *iter;
            disk->m_online = false;

        for (std::vector<MntTabEntry>::const_iterator it = m_deps->GetMNTTab().begin(); 
             it != m_deps->GetMNTTab().end(); it++)
            if ( ! m_deps->FileSystemIgnored(it->fileSystem) && ! m_deps->DeviceIgnored(it->device))
                SCXCoreLib::SCXHandle<StatisticalLogicalDiskInstance> disk = FindDiskByDevice(it->device);
                if (0 == disk)
                    disk = new StatisticalLogicalDiskInstance(m_deps);
                    disk->m_device = it->device;
                    disk->m_mountPoint = it->mountPoint;
                    disk->m_fsType = it->fileSystem;

#if defined(linux)
                    static SCXLVMUtils lvmUtils;

                    if (lvmUtils.IsDMDevice(it->device))
                            // Try to convert the potential LVM device path into its matching
                            // device mapper (dm) device path.
                            std::wstring dmDevice = lvmUtils.GetDMDevice(it->device);

                        catch (SCXCoreLib::SCXException& e)
                            static SCXCoreLib::LogSuppressor suppressor(SCXCoreLib::eWarning, SCXCoreLib::eTrace);
                            std::wstringstream               out;

                            out << L"An exception occurred resolving the dm device that represents the LVM partition " << it->device
                                << L" : " << e.What();
                            SCX_LOG(m_log, suppressor.GetSeverity(out.str()), out.str());
                    // no else required; device was not an LVM device


#if defined(hpux)
                    if (m_pathToRdev.end() == m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device))
                        SCXCoreLib::SCXFilePath fp(disk->m_device);
                    SCXASSERT(m_pathToRdev.end() != m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device));

                    m_deps->AddDeviceInstance(disk->m_device, L"", disk->FindLVInfoByID(m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device)->second), m_pathToRdev.find(disk->m_device)->second);
                disk->m_online = true;