int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc < 4) UsageExit(); #ifdef WIN32 // Windows requires this to start up the networking API WORD versionWanted = MAKEWORD(1, 1); WSADATA wsaData; (void) WSAStartup(versionWanted, &wsaData); #else // avoid SIGPIPE signals caused by sending on a closed socket signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif bool isSend = false; if (strcmp(argv[1], "send") == 0) isSend = true; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "receive") != 0) UsageExit(); const char * fileName = argv[2]; ip_address ip = isSend ? GetHostByName(argv[3]) : 0; uint16 port = 0; const char * portColon = strchr(argv[3], ':'); port = portColon ? atoi(portColon+1) : 0; if (port == 0) port = 9999; if (isSend) SendFile(ip, port, fileName); else ReceiveFile(port, fileName); printf("Exiting, bye!\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) UsageExit(); LoadFile(argv[1]); Initialize(); XEvent ev; while (1) { // イベントループ XNextEvent(disp, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case Expose: puts("recalc"); Recalculate(); puts ("redraw"); Redraw(); break; case KeyPress: HandleKeyPress((XKeyEvent *) &ev); break; default: ; } } CleanUp(); }
int main (int argc,char **argv ) { #ifdef _DEBUG printf("SIZE OF CELL: %d\n",sizeof(Cell)); printf("SIZE OF EdiTCOmmitData: %d\n",sizeof(EditCommitAuxData)); printf("SIZE OF RenderAuxData: %d\n",sizeof(RenderAuxData)); printf("SIZE OF FBOOL: %d\n",sizeof(FBool)); printf("SIZE OF BoolVector: %d\n",sizeof(BoolVector)); printf("SIZE OF Chain<GIndex>: %d\n",sizeof(Chain<GIndex>)); printf("SIZE OF std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>: %d\n",sizeof(std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>)); printf("waste: %d\n",sizeof(FBool)*5+sizeof(BoolVector)*3+sizeof(Chain<GIndex>)+sizeof(std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int>)); printf("SIZE OF Chain<GIndex>: %d\n",sizeof(Chain<GIndex>)); printf("SIZE OF Chain<OFace>: %d\n",sizeof(Chain<OFace>)); printf("SIZE OF Chain<OVertex>: %d\n",sizeof(Chain<OVertex>)); printf("SIZE OF Chain<OVertex>::Chunk: %d\n",sizeof(Chain<OVertex>::Chunk)); printf("SIZE OF CachePolicy: %d\n",sizeof(CachePolicy)); printf("SIZE OF std::string: %d\n",sizeof(std::string)); printf("SIZE OF vcgMesh: %d\n",sizeof(vcgMesh)); printf("SIZE OF Impostor: %d\n",sizeof(Impostor)); #endif std::vector<std::wstring> refvecFiles; std::wstring refcstrRootDirectory(L"."); std::wstring refcstrExtension(L"ply"); bool bSearchSubdirectories = true; // _CrtSetBreakAlloc(1281429); std::vector<std::string> files_to_load; struct stat buf; { int c; int digit_optind = 0; unsigned int meshadded = 0, max_meshes = 1000 /*std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/, min_meshes = 0, min_meshes_aln = 0, max_meshes_aln= 1000 /*std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/, cache_memory_limit = 200, berkeley_page_size = 1024, side_factor = 50; std::string ocmename,tra_ma_file; bool logging = false; bool save_impostors = false; bool overwrite_database = false; bool transform = false; bool verify = false; bool only_vertices = false; bool compute_normals = false; bool all_plys = false; bool compute_stats = false; bool recompute_impostors = false; vcg::Matrix44f tra_ma;tra_ma.SetIdentity(); #ifdef _DEBUG printf("ocme builder DEBUG MODE\n"); #endif std::string stat_file = std::string(""); if(argc==1) UsageExit(); while (1) { int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1; c = getopt (argc, argv, "IVFsqciosnvp:t:m:l:f:L:a:A:k:S:"); if (c == EOF) break; switch (c) { case 'q': verify = true; break; case 'i': save_impostors = true; break; case 'I': recompute_impostors = true; break; case 'n': compute_normals = true; break; case 's': only_vertices = true; break; case 'V': compute_stats = true; break; #ifdef _WIN32 case 'F': all_plys = true; SearchDirectory(refvecFiles,refcstrRootDirectory,refcstrExtension,false); break; #endif case 't': transform = true; printf("filename %s\n",optarg );tra_ma_file = std::string(optarg); LoadTraMa(tra_ma_file.c_str(),tra_ma); break; case 'S': printf("filename %s\n",optarg );stat_file = std::string(optarg); break; case 'o': overwrite_database = true; break; case 'f': printf("filename %s\n",optarg );ocmename = std::string(optarg); break; case 'a': min_meshes_aln = atoi(optarg); break; case 'k': side_factor = atoi(optarg); break; case 'A': max_meshes_aln = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': min_meshes = atoi(optarg); break; case 'L': max_meshes = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': cache_memory_limit = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': berkeley_page_size = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': logging = true; break; default: printf("unknown parameter 0%o ??\n", c); UsageExit(); } } /* .................................. */ Impostor::Gridsize()= 8; if(stat_file.empty()) stat_file = ocmename + std::string("_log.txt"); lgn = new Logging(stat_file.c_str()); lgn->Append("starting"); lgn->Push(); TIM::Begin(1); STAT::Begin(N_STAT); meshona = new OCME(); meshona->params.side_factor = side_factor; meshona->oce.cache_policy->memory_limit = cache_memory_limit * (1<<20); lgn->off = !logging; if(!verify && !compute_stats && !recompute_impostors){ meshona->streaming_mode = true; int start = clock(); int totalstart = start; #ifdef SIMPLE_DB if(overwrite_database) meshona->Create((std::string(ocmename)).c_str(),berkeley_page_size); else meshona->Open((std::string(ocmename)+std::string(".socm")).c_str()); #else if(overwrite_database) meshona->Create((std::string(ocmename) +std::string(".kch") ).c_str(),berkeley_page_size); else meshona->Open((std::string(ocmename)+std::string(".kch")).c_str()); #endif if(all_plys) for(int i = 0 ; i < refvecFiles.size() ;++i) files_to_load.push_back( std::string( refvecFiles[i].begin(),refvecFiles[i].end())); else for(int i = optind ; (i < argc) ;++i) files_to_load.push_back(argv[i]); for(int i = min_meshes; (i < files_to_load.size())&& (i<max_meshes)&& !Interrupt();++i){ unsigned int wh = std::string(files_to_load[i]).find(std::string(".aln")); if(wh == std::string(files_to_load[i]).length()-4) // it is an aln file { std::vector<std::pair<std::string,vcg::Matrix44f> > aln; LoadAln(files_to_load[i].c_str(),aln); printf("aln.size() = %d\n",aln.size()); for(unsigned int idm = min_meshes_aln; (idm< std::min(max_meshes_aln,aln.size())) && !Interrupt();++idm){ STAT::Reset(); start = clock(); vcgMesh m; stat(aln[idm].first.c_str(),&buf); ++meshona->stat.n_files; meshona->stat.input_file_size+=buf.st_size; TIM::Begin(0); vcg::tri::io::ImporterPLY<vcgMesh>::Open(m,aln[idm].first.c_str()); TIM::End(0); meshona->stat.n_triangles += m.fn; meshona->stat.n_vertices += m.fn; printf("%d of %d in %f sec\n",idm,aln.size(),(clock()-start)/float(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); vcg::tri::UpdatePosition<vcgMesh>::Matrix(m,aln[idm].second); unsigned int newstart = clock(); if(!m.face.empty()){ if(only_vertices){ if(compute_normals) vcg::tri::UpdateNormals<vcgMesh>::PerVertexPerFace(m); m.fn = 0; } if(transform){ sprintf(lgn->Buf(),"Apply transform" ); lgn->Push(); vcg::tri::UpdatePosition<vcgMesh>::Matrix(m,tra_ma); } meshona->AddMesh(m); ++meshadded; } printf("Sizeof meshona->oce %d\n", meshona->oce.SizeOfMem()); samples.push_back(Sample( m.fn,(clock()-newstart)/float(CLOCKS_PER_SEC),meshona->cells.size(), STAT::V(0),STAT::V(1),STAT::V(6),STAT::V(3),STAT::V(5))); PrintFacesSec(); } } else // It is a ply file { STAT::Reset(); start = clock(); vcgMesh m; unsigned long n_faces =0; sprintf(lgn->Buf(),"Adding mesh %s (%d of %d)..Loading",files_to_load[i].c_str(),i, files_to_load.size()); lgn->Push(); stat(files_to_load[i].c_str(),&buf); meshona->stat.input_file_size+=buf.st_size; if(buf.st_size < 100 * (1<<20)) // if(false) {// if the file is less that 50MB load the mesh in memory and then add it int mask = 0; TIM::Begin(0); AttributeMapper am; vcg::tri::io::ImporterPLY<vcgMesh>::LoadMask(files_to_load[i].c_str(),mask); if(mask & vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR){ m.vert.EnableColor(); am.vert_attrs.push_back("Color4b"); } vcg::tri::io::ImporterPLY<vcgMesh>::Open(m,files_to_load[i].c_str(),cb); meshona->stat.n_triangles += m.fn; meshona->stat.n_vertices +=; if(transform){ sprintf(lgn->Buf(),"Apply transform" ); lgn->Push(); vcg::tri::UpdatePosition<vcgMesh>::Matrix(m,tra_ma); // vcg::tri::io::ExporterPLY<vcgMesh>::Save(m,std::string(argv[i]).append("T.ply").c_str()); } TIM::End(0); n_faces = m.fn; sprintf(lgn->Buf(),"loaded in %f seconds\n",(clock()-start)/float(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); lgn->Push(); assert( MemDbg::CheckHeap(0)); ++meshona->stat.n_files; if(only_vertices){ if(compute_normals) { vcg::tri::UpdateNormals<vcgMesh>::PerVertexPerFace(m); am.vert_attrs.push_back("Normal3f"); } m.fn = 0; } meshona->AddMesh(m,am); ++meshadded; sprintf(lgn->Buf(),"#cells: %d \n", meshona->cells.size()); lgn->Push(); } else { TIM::Begin(2); // if the file is more that 50 MB build directly from file n_faces = vcg::tri::io::ImporterOCMPLY<vcgMesh>::Open(m,meshona,files_to_load[i].c_str(),tra_ma,true,cb); TIM::End(2); } sprintf(lgn->Buf(),"added in %f seconds\n",(clock()-start)/float(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); lgn->Push(); samples.push_back(Sample( n_faces,(clock()-start)/float(CLOCKS_PER_SEC),meshona->cells.size(), STAT::V(0),STAT::V(1),STAT::V(6),STAT::V(3),STAT::V(5))); PrintFacesSec(); printf("accesses % d \n",STAT::V(N_ACCESSES)); } } meshona->RemoveEmptyCells(); start = clock(); printf("number of cells: %d \n number of chains %d\n", meshona->cells.size(), meshona->oce.chains.size()); if(save_impostors){ vcgMesh impostorMesh; vcg::tri::io::PlyInfo pi; pi.mask |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR | vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL; impostorMesh.vert.EnableColor(); meshona->ImpostorsToMesh(impostorMesh); vcg::tri::io::ExporterPLY<vcgMesh>::Save(impostorMesh,(std::string(ocmename)+std::string("_imp.ply")).c_str(),pi.mask); } meshona->Close(true); TIM::End(1); PrintFacesSec(); printf("closed %ld seconds\n",(clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("total %ld seconds\n",(clock()-totalstart)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); // PrintStats(); } else { #ifdef SIMPLE_DB meshona->Open(( ocmename+std::string(".socm")).c_str()); #else meshona->Open(( ocmename+std::string(".kch")).c_str()); #endif if(verify) meshona->Verify(); if(compute_stats){ meshona->ComputeStatistics(); printf("tri: %d, ver %d]\n",meshona->stat.n_triangles,meshona->stat.n_vertices); } if(recompute_impostors) meshona->ComputeImpostors(); meshona->Close(false); } delete meshona; } samples.clear(); MemDbg::End(); MemDbg::DumpMemoryLeaks(); }
/******************************************************************************* MAIN FUNCTION *******************************************************************************/ int main(int ac, char **av) { FILE *fp; int fd; int pid; int i, j, ln, err, kf, dRet; int init_only_one = 0; int verbose_flag = 0; char buf[BUF_SIZE]; char fname[BUF_SIZE]; char block_name[BUF_SIZE]; char tmpbuf[128], errbuf[2048]; signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, init_isr); dRet = dGetUserPermission(); if( dRet == 0 ) { sprintf(errbuf, "INAVLID USER PERMISSION\n" ); PrintOut(TIFB_FAIL, errbuf); return 1; } dRet = dGetBlocks(FILE_MC_INIT,STR_TSW_COM); if( dRet < 0 ){ sprintf(errbuf, "FAILED IN McInit\n" ); PrintOut(TIFB_FAIL, errbuf); return 1; } else{ dCurrBlockCnt = dRet; } if( init_proc() < 0 ){ exit(0); } if (ac == 1) /*** ALL START ********************************************/ { strcpy(fname, FILE_MC_INIT); /*** "McInit" File ****************************/ } else if (ac > 3) { UsageExit(); } else { for(i = 1;i < ac;i++) { if (av[i][0] != '-') { UsageExit(); } else if(av[i][1] == 'b') { if( ac < 3 ) { UsageExit(); } else /*** ONLY ONE BLOCK START *****************************/ { ++i; init_only_one = 1; for(j = 0;j < strlen(av[i]);j++) block_name[j] = toupper(av[i][j]); block_name[j] = 0; } } else if( av[i][1] == 'v' ) /*** ALL START ************************/ { verbose_flag = 1; } else if(av[i][1] == 'd') { /* FOR SYSTEM AUTO RESTART : WAIT BOOTTING COMPLETE */ sleep(300); verbose_flag = 1; } else { UsageExit(); } } } //freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout); /*** 한개 블럭을 기동 시킴 ************************************************/ if (init_only_one) { pid = InitOnlyOneBlock(block_name); if(pid > 0) { sprintf(errbuf, "NEW BLOCK : %s\n PROCESS ID: %d\n", block_name, pid); PrintOut(TIFB_SUCCESS, errbuf); for(i=0; i< dCurrBlockCnt; i++) { if( STR_TSW_COM[i] == NULL ) continue; if( !strcasecmp(block_name, STR_TSW_COM[i]) ) { send_pid_msg(i, pid); break; } } } exit(0); } /*************************************************************************** READ FIDB_FILE, SET SHARED MEMORY VALUE ***************************************************************************/ if ((fd = open (FILE_FIDB, O_RDONLY, 0666)) < 0) { } else { remove( FILE_FIDB ); } strcpy(fname, FILE_MC_INIT); if((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { sprintf(errbuf, "CAN'T OPEN FILE %s\n", fname); PrintOut(TIFB_FAIL, errbuf); exit(1); } ln = cntr = 0; /*************************************************************************** READ McInit File. SET blocks(bname, fname) VALUE ***************************************************************************/ while(fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, fp) != NULL) { ln++; if (AnalyzeLine(buf) < 0) { fclose(fp); close(fd); sprintf(errbuf, "SYNTAX ERROR (FILE: %s, LINE: %d)\n", fname, ln); PrintOut(TIFB_FAIL, errbuf); exit(1); } } fclose(fp); /*************************************************************************** WHEN ALL BLOCK IS STARTED, CHECK 2 TIMES ***************************************************************************/ if( verbose_flag == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\tBlocks to initialize are follows.\n"); PrintBlocks(); fprintf(stderr, "\tDo you want initialize (y/n) ? "); err = GetYorN(); if(err == _NO) { sprintf(errbuf, "STOPPED BY USER REQUEST\n"); PrintOut(TIFB_SUCCESS, errbuf); exit(0); } fprintf(stderr, "\n\tDo you really want initialize (y/n) ? "); err = GetYorN(); if(err == _NO) { sprintf(errbuf, "STOPPED BY USER REQUEST\n"); PrintOut(TIFB_SUCCESS, errbuf); exit(0); } } sprintf(errbuf, "MAIN COMPUTER PROCESSS INITIALIZATION STARTED\n"); PrintOut( TIFB_SUCCESS , errbuf ); signal(SIGINT, init_isr); /*** 프로세스 기동을 개시함 ***********************************************/ for(i=0; i<cntr; i++) { /*** 파일의 존재 및 수행가능성 조사 ***********************************/ if( IsCorrectBlock(i) < 0 ) { if( verbose_flag == 1 ) { continue; } else { sprintf(errbuf, "FILE %s DOES NOT EXIST\n", blocks[i].fname); PrintOut(TIFB_FAIL, errbuf); fprintf(stderr, "\n\tDo you want to continue (y/n) ? "); err = GetYorN(); if(err == _YES) { inits[i].isinit = _FALSE; continue; } else { final_isr(); } } } /*** 이미 실행중인지 여부를 검사 **************************************/ if ( (pid = GetProcessID(blocks[i].bname)) > 0 ) { /* 이미 실행중인 경우 */ if( verbose_flag == 1 ) { err = _YES ; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\n\tBlock \"%s\" is already running.\n", blocks[i].bname); fprintf(stderr, "\tDo you want replace block \"%s\" (y/n) ? ", blocks[i].bname); err = GetYorN(); } if(err == _NO) { inits[i].isinit = _FALSE; continue; } else { /* New Version of Killing */ kf = kill(pid, SIGTERM); if (kf < 0) { //sleep(2); if (kill(pid, SIGTERM) < 0) { if (errno == ESRCH) kf = 0; } else { kf = 0; } } if ( kf && kill(pid, SIGKILL) < 0) { if( verbose_flag == 1 ) { err = _YES ; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\tCan't kill process \"%d\"(%s)\n", pid, blocks[i].bname); fprintf(stderr, "\tDo you want to continue (y/n) ? "); err = GetYorN(); } if(err == _YES) { inits[i].isinit = _FALSE; continue; } else { final_isr(); } } else { sprintf(errbuf, "PROCESS %s(PID=%d) KILLED\n", blocks[i].fname, pid); PrintOut(TIFB_SUCCESS, errbuf); } } } signal(SIGTERM, init_isr); /*********************************************************************** PROCESS START ***********************************************************************/ err = ProcessStart(i); if(err == -1) { if( verbose_flag == 1 ) { continue; } else { sprintf(errbuf, "CAN'T START PROCESS BLOCK: %s\n", blocks[i].bname); PrintOut(TIFB_FAIL, errbuf); fprintf(stderr, "\tDo you want to continue (y/n) ? "); } } else if(err == -2) { if( verbose_flag == 1 ) { continue; } else { sprintf(errbuf, "PROGRAM NAME %s DOES NOT MEET NAME CONVENTION\n", blocks[i].fname); strcat(errbuf, " ABANDON EXECUTING PROCESS\n"); PrintOut(TIFB_FAIL, errbuf); fprintf(stderr, "\tDo you want to continue (y/n) ? "); } } if(err < 0) { if( verbose_flag == 1 ) { err = _YES; } else { err = GetYorN(); } if(err == _NO) { final_isr(); } else { inits[i].isinit = _FALSE; continue; } } else { sprintf(errbuf, "A PROCESS INIAILIZATION SUCCESS\n"); sprintf(tmpbuf, " BLOCK NAME : %s\n", blocks[i].bname); strcat(errbuf, tmpbuf); sprintf(tmpbuf, " PROGRAM NAME : %s\n", blocks[i].fname); strcat(errbuf, tmpbuf); sprintf(tmpbuf, " PROCESS ID : %d\n", err); strcat(errbuf, tmpbuf); PrintOut(TIFB_SUCCESS, errbuf); sleep(1); for(j=0; j< dCurrBlockCnt; j++) { if( STR_TSW_COM[i] == NULL ) continue; if( !strcasecmp(blocks[i].bname, STR_TSW_COM[j]) ) { send_pid_msg(j, err ); break; } } inits[i].isinit = _TRUE; inits[i].pid = err; } } PrintSuccessBlocks(); printf("UPRESTO co. GTAM\n\n"); exit(1); }