Exemplo n.º 1
void CardWindow::Paint(HDC hdc)
    int i;
    RECT rect;
    HPALETTE hOldPal;

    hOldPal = UseNicePalette(hdc, __hPalette);

    //    Clip the card stacks so that they won't
    //    get painted over
    for(i = 0; i < nNumCardRegions; i++)

    //    Clip the buttons
    for(i = 0; i < nNumButtons; i++)

    //    Now paint the whole screen with background colour,
    GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rect);

    //PaintRect(hdc, &rect, MAKE_PALETTERGB(crBackgnd));
    PaintCardRgn(hdc, 0, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom, 0, 0);
    SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL);

    //    Don't let cards draw over buttons, so clip buttons again
    for(i = 0; i < nNumButtons; i++)

    //    Paint each card stack in turn
    for(i = 0; i < nNumCardRegions; i++)

    //    Paint each button now
    SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL);

    for(i = 0; i < nNumButtons; i++)

    RestorePalette(hdc, hOldPal);
Exemplo n.º 2
void CardButton::Redraw()
    HDC hdc = GetDC((HWND)parentWnd);

    HPALETTE hOldPal = UseNicePalette(hdc, __hPalette);

    Draw(hdc, !fButtonDown);

    RestorePalette(hdc, hOldPal);

    ReleaseDC((HWND)parentWnd, hdc);
Exemplo n.º 3
void CardWindow::SetBackColor(COLORREF cr)
    crBackgnd = cr;
    int i;

    // Create the exact palette we need to render the buttons/stacks
    RestorePalette(__hdcPlaceHolder, __holdplacepal);


    __hPalette = CreateCardPalette();

    // re-create the place-holder!
    HDC hdc = GetDC(m_hWnd);


    __holdplacepal = UseNicePalette(__hdcPlaceHolder, __hPalette);

    __hbmPlaceHolder = CreateSinkBmp(hdc, __hdcPlaceHolder, crBackgnd, __cardwidth, __cardheight);
    //SelectObject(__hdcPlaceHolder, __hbmPlaceHolder);

    //reset all buttons to same colour
    for(i = 0; i < nNumButtons; i++)
        if(Buttons[i]->GetStyle() & CB_PUSHBUTTON)
            Buttons[i]->SetBackColor(ColorScaleRGB(crBackgnd, RGB(255,255,255), 0.1));

    for(i = 0; i < nNumCardRegions; i++)

    ReleaseDC(m_hWnd, hdc);
Exemplo n.º 4
CardWindow::CardWindow() : m_hWnd(0)
    HDC hdc = GetDC(0);

    nNumButtons       = 0;
    nNumCardRegions   = 0;
    nNumDropZones     = 0;
    nBackCardIdx      = 53;

    ResizeWndCallback = 0;
    hbmBackImage      = 0;
    hdcBackImage      = 0;


    //All colours (buttons, highlights, decks)
    //are calculated off this single base colour
    crBackgnd = PALETTERGB(0,80,0);//PALETTERGB(0,64,100);

    // If uCardBitmapRef was previously zero, then
    // load the card bitmaps
    if(1 == InterlockedIncrement(&uCardBitmapRef))

        __hPalette  = CreateCardPalette();

        __hdcPlaceHolder  = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);

        __holdplacepal  = UseNicePalette(__hdcPlaceHolder, __hPalette);

        __hbmPlaceHolder  = CreateSinkBmp(hdc, __hdcPlaceHolder, crBackgnd, __cardwidth, __cardheight);


    ReleaseDC(0, hdc);

    //register the window class if necessary
        fRegistered = true;

Exemplo n.º 5
void CardRegion::PrepareDragBitmapsThreed(int numtodrag)
    RECT rect;
    HDC hdc;
    int icard;
    int numunder = 0;
    int iwhichcard;

    int numcards = cardstack.NumCards();

    //work out how big the bitmaps need to be
    nDragCardWidth  = (numtodrag - 1) * abs(xoffset) + __cardwidth;
    nDragCardHeight = (numtodrag - 1) * abs(yoffset) + __cardheight;

    //Create bitmap for the back-buffer
    hdc = GetDC(NULL);
    hdcBackGnd = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
    hbmBackGnd = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);
    SelectObject(hdcBackGnd, hbmBackGnd);

    //create bitmap for the drag-image
    hdcDragCard = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
    hbmDragCard = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);
    SelectObject(hdcDragCard, hbmDragCard);
    ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);

    UseNicePalette(hdcBackGnd,  __hPalette);
    UseNicePalette(hdcDragCard, __hPalette);

    //grab the first bit of background so we can prep the back buffer; do this by
    //rendering the card stack (minus the card we are dragging) to the temporary
    //background buffer, so it appears if we have lifted the card from the stack
    //--SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);
    //--PaintRect(hdcBackGnd, &rect, crBackgnd);

    int threedadjust = numcards  % nThreedCount == 0;

    numunder = CalcApparentCards(numcards);
    iwhichcard = (numcards+numtodrag) - numunder - 1;
    if(nThreedCount == 1) iwhichcard = 0;

    int xoff = calc_offset(xoffset, numunder, numtodrag, numunder);
    int yoff = calc_offset(yoffset, numunder, numtodrag, numunder);

    parentWnd.PaintCardRgn(hdcBackGnd, 0,0,    nDragCardWidth,nDragCardHeight,    xpos - xoff,ypos - yoff);

    //    Render the cardstack into the back-buffer. The stack
    //    has already had the dragcards removed, so just draw
    //    what is left
    for(icard = 0; icard < numunder; icard++)
        Card card = cardstack.cardlist[iwhichcard];
        int nCardVal = card.FaceUp() ? card.Idx() : nBackCardIdx;

                xoffset * icard - xoffset*(numunder-numtodrag+threedadjust),
                yoffset * icard - yoffset*(numunder-numtodrag+threedadjust),


    // If there are no cards under this one, just draw the place holder
    if(numcards == 0)
        case CS_EI_NONE:
            //no need! we've already cleared the whole
            //back-buffer before the main loop!
            //SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, __cardwidth, __cardheight);
            //PaintRect(hdcBackGnd, &rect, MAKE_PALETTERGB(crBackgnd));

        case CS_EI_SUNK:
            DrawCard(hdcBackGnd, 0, 0, __hdcPlaceHolder, __cardwidth, __cardheight);

        case CS_EI_CIRC:
        case CS_EI_X:
            CardBlt(hdc, 0, 0, uEmptyImage);

    //    now render the drag-cards into the dragcard image
    PaintRect(hdcDragCard, &rect, crBackgnd);

    for(icard = 0; icard < numtodrag; icard++)
        Card card = dragstack.cardlist[icard];
        int nCardVal = card.FaceUp() ? card.Idx() : nBackCardIdx;

        CardBlt(hdcDragCard, xoffset * icard, yoffset * icard, nCardVal);
Exemplo n.º 6
void CardRegion::PrepareDragBitmaps(int numtodrag)
    RECT rect;
    HDC hdc;
    int icard;
    int numcards = cardstack.NumCards();
    int xoff, yoff;

    if(nThreedCount > 1)

    //work out how big the bitmaps need to be
    nDragCardWidth  = (numtodrag - 1) * abs(xoffset) + __cardwidth;
    nDragCardHeight = (numtodrag - 1) * abs(yoffset) + __cardheight;

    //Create bitmap for the back-buffer
    hdc = GetDC(NULL);
    hdcBackGnd = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
    hbmBackGnd = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);
    SelectObject(hdcBackGnd, hbmBackGnd);

    //Create bitmap for the drag-image
    hdcDragCard = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
    hbmDragCard = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);
    SelectObject(hdcDragCard, hbmDragCard);
    ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);

    UseNicePalette(hdcBackGnd,  __hPalette);
    UseNicePalette(hdcDragCard, __hPalette);

    int realvisible = numcards / nThreedCount;

    //if(numcards > 0 && realvisible == 0) realvisible = 1;
    int iwhichcard = numcards - 1;
    if(nThreedCount == 1) iwhichcard = 0;

    //grab the first bit of background so we can prep the back buffer; do this by
    //rendering the card stack (minus the card we are dragging) to the temporary
    //background buffer, so it appears if we have lifted the card from the stack
    //PaintRect(hdcBackGnd, &rect, crBackgnd);
    SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight);

    xoff = calc_offset(xoffset, numcards, numtodrag, realvisible);
    yoff = calc_offset(yoffset, numcards, numtodrag, realvisible);

    parentWnd.PaintCardRgn(hdcBackGnd, 0, 0, nDragCardWidth, nDragCardHeight, xpos - xoff,    ypos - yoff);

    //    Render the cardstack into the back-buffer. The stack
    //    has already had the dragcards removed, so just draw
    //    what is left
    for(icard = 0; icard < realvisible; icard++)
        Card card = cardstack.cardlist[iwhichcard];
        int nCardVal;

        nCardVal = card.FaceUp() ? card.Idx() : nBackCardIdx;

        xoff = xoffset * icard + calc_offset(xoffset, numcards, numtodrag, realvisible);//- xoffset * ((numcards+numtodrag) / nThreedCount - numtodrag);
        yoff = yoffset * icard + calc_offset(yoffset, numcards, numtodrag, realvisible);//- yoffset * ((numcards+numtodrag) / nThreedCount - numtodrag);

        CardBlt(hdcBackGnd, xoff, yoff, nCardVal);

    // If there are no cards under this one, just draw the place holder
    if(numcards == 0)
        int xoff = 0, yoff = 0;

        if(xoffset < 0)    xoff = nDragCardWidth  -  __cardwidth;
        if(yoffset < 0)    yoff = nDragCardHeight -  __cardheight;

        case CS_EI_NONE:
            //No need to draw anything: We already cleared the
            //back-buffer before the main loop..

            //SetRect(&rc, xoff, yoff, xoff+ __cardwidth, yoff + __cardheight);
            //PaintRect(hdcBackGnd, &rc, MAKE_PALETTERGB(crBackgnd));
            //parentWnd.PaintCardRgn(hdcBackGnd, xoff, yoff, __cardwidth, __cardheight, xpos, ypos);// + xoff, ypos + yoff);

        case CS_EI_SUNK:
            DrawCard(hdcBackGnd, xoff, yoff, __hdcPlaceHolder, __cardwidth, __cardheight);

        case CS_EI_CIRC:
        case CS_EI_X:
            CardBlt(hdc, xoff, yoff, uEmptyImage);

    //    now render the drag-cards into the dragcard image
    PaintRect(hdcDragCard, &rect, crBackgnd);

    for(icard = 0; icard < numtodrag; icard++)
        int nCardVal;

        if(xoffset >= 0) xoff =  xoffset * icard;
        else              xoff = -xoffset * (numtodrag - icard - 1);

        if(yoffset >= 0) yoff =  yoffset * icard;
        else             yoff = -yoffset * (numtodrag - icard - 1);

        Card card = dragstack.cardlist[icard];

        nCardVal = card.FaceUp() ? card.Idx() : nBackCardIdx;

        CardBlt(hdcDragCard, xoff, yoff, nCardVal);