Exemplo n.º 1
// Adds an epoch/data pair to the dataStore.
// At this level, it just checks for errors in data size or epoch order.
bool CCSDSEMSegment::AddData(Real epoch, Rvector data)
   if (data.GetSize() != dataSize)
      std::ostringstream errmsg("");
      errmsg << segError;
      errmsg << "Data of type " << dataType;
      errmsg << " must contain " << dataSize;
      errmsg << " elements.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg.str());
   if ((epoch < startTime) || (epoch > stopTime))
      std::ostringstream errmsg("");
      errmsg << segError;
      errmsg << "Data epoch " << epoch << " must be between the start time, ";
      errmsg << startTime << ", and the stop time, " << stopTime;
      errmsg << ", for the segment.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg.str());
   if (!dataStore.empty())
      Real lastEpoch = dataStore.at(dataStore.size()-1)->epoch;
      if (epoch <= lastEpoch)
         std::string errmsg = segError;
         errmsg += "Epochs within DATA segment must be increasing.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   return true;
// Adds an epoch/data pair to the dataStore.
bool CCSDSAEMEulerAngleSegment::AddData(Real epoch, Rvector data)
   // First, check for data size and ordering
   CCSDSAEMSegment::AddData(epoch, data);
   // We need to store the angles in radians
   Rvector useData(3, data[0] * GmatMathConstants::RAD_PER_DEG,
                      data[1] * GmatMathConstants::RAD_PER_DEG,
                      data[2] * GmatMathConstants::RAD_PER_DEG);

   if (!ValidateEulerAngles(useData))
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "Data within DATA segment are not valid Euler Angles.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   EpochAndData *newData = new EpochAndData();
   newData->epoch = epoch;
   newData->data  = useData;

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("----> For (Euler Angle) segment number %d, added epoch = "
            "%12.10f and data = %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f\n",
            segmentNumber, epoch, useData[0], useData[1], useData[2]);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
UtilityException UtilityException::inherit(

	Exception cause;
	Exception::NamedErrorCode modErrorCode;

	try {
	catch (Exception &e) {
		modErrorCode = e.getNamedErrorCode();
		cause = e;
	catch (std::bad_alloc&) {
	catch (...) {

	return UtilityException(
			(namedErrorCode.isEmpty() ? modErrorCode : namedErrorCode),
			(message == NULL || strlen(message) == 0) ?
							cause.getField(Exception::FIELD_MESSAGE)) :
			fileNameLiteral, functionNameLiteral, lineNumber,
			causeInHandling, typeNameLiteral, stackTraceMode, literalFlags);
// Sets the corresponding meta data for the input field name.
bool CCSDSAEMEulerAngleSegment::SetMetaData(const std::string &fieldName,
                                const std::string &value)
            "Entering AEMEulerAngleSegment::SetMetaData with field %s and value %s\n",
            fieldName.c_str(), value.c_str());
   if (fieldName == "EULER_ROT_SEQ")
      // Checking here for valid Euler sequence; however, the standard states
      // that, while any sequence is allowed, symmetric ones are not
      // recommended.  We are not checking for that here at this time.
      if (!AttitudeConversionUtility::IsValidEulerSequence(value))
         std::string errmsg = segError;
         errmsg += "Invalid value for field EULER_ROT_SEQ.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      eulerRotSeq = value;
      GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(eulerRotSeq.substr(0,1), euler1);
      GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(eulerRotSeq.substr(1,1), euler2);
      GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(eulerRotSeq.substr(2,1), euler3);
      return true;
   // if it isn't handled here, call the parent class
   return CCSDSAEMSegment::SetMetaData(fieldName, value);
Exemplo n.º 5
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCSDSEMSegment* GetSegment(Integer num)
// Returns the segment number requested
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCSDSEMSegment* CCSDSEMReader::GetSegment(Integer num)
   if ((num < 0) || (num > numSegments))
      throw UtilityException(
            "EphemerisMessage:: segment number requested is out-of-range.");
   return segments.at(num);
Exemplo n.º 6
//  virtual Real Cofactor(int r, int c) const
Real Rmatrix::Cofactor(int r, int c) const
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Entering Cofactor with r     = %d and c     = %d\n"), r, c);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("                   and rowsD = %d and colsD = %d\n"), rowsD, colsD);
   if (isSizedD == false)
      throw TableTemplateExceptions::UnsizedTable();

   if (rowsD != colsD)
      throw Rmatrix::NotSquare();
   if (rowsD > 9)
      wxString errmsg = wxT("GMAT Cofactor method not yet optimized.  ");
      errmsg += wxT("Currently limited to matrices of size 9x9 or smaller.");
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   Rmatrix Minor(rowsD - 1, colsD - 1);
   Real Cof;
   // build the minor matrix
   int i, j, minorI, minorJ;
   for (i = 0, minorI = -1; i < rowsD; i++) 
      if (i != r) 
         for ( j = 0, minorJ = -1; j < colsD; j++) 
            if (j != c) 
               Minor(minorI, minorJ) = elementD[i*colsD + j]; 
            } // if (j != c) 
         } // for (j = ...
      } // if (i != r)
   } // for (i = ...
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("about to call Determinant on minor: \n%s\n"), (Minor.ToString()).c_str());

   Cof = Minor.Determinant();

   // if r+c is odd Cof is negative
   if ((r+c)%2 == 1)
      Cof = - Cof;
   return Cof;
// Validates the contents of the handled Euler Angle meta data elements.
bool CCSDSAEMEulerAngleSegment::Validate(bool checkData)
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Entering CCSDSAEMEulerAngleSegment::Validate\n");

   // Rotation Sequence
   if (eulerRotSeq == UNSET_STRING)
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "Required field EULER_ROT_SEQ is missing.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   if (interpolationMethod != "LAGRANGE")
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "Interpolation type \"";
      errmsg += interpolationMethod + "\" is not valid for Attitude type ";
      errmsg += "EULER_ANGLE.  The only supported value is \"LAGRANGE\".\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   return CCSDSAEMSegment::Validate(checkData);
Exemplo n.º 8
// Determines the indices of the first and last usable line of data, based
// on the usableStartTime and usableStopTime
bool CCSDSEMSegment::GetUsableIndexRange(Integer &first, Integer &last)
   #ifdef DEBUG_USABLE
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In GetUsableIndexRange, usableStart = %12.10f, usableStop = %12.10f\n",
            usableStartTime, usableStopTime);
   // If we are not using usableStartTime and usableStopTime, the range
   // covers the entire startTime-stopTime span
   first = 0;
   last  = (Integer) dataStore.size() - 1;

   // If we are using usableStartTime and usableStopTime, we need to figure
   // out which lines of data are included in that span
   if (usesUsableTimes)
      bool firstFound = false;
      for (Integer ii = 0; ii < (Integer) dataStore.size(); ii++)
         Real iiEpoch = dataStore.at(ii)->epoch;
         #ifdef DEBUG_USABLE
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("        ii = %d, epoch = %12.10f\n",
                  ii, iiEpoch);
         if (!firstFound && (iiEpoch > (usableStartTime - EPOCH_MATCH_TOLERANCE)))
            first      = ii;
            firstFound = true;
         else if (iiEpoch > (usableStopTime + EPOCH_MATCH_TOLERANCE))
            last = ii - 1;
      #ifdef DEBUG_USABLE
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In GetUsableIndexRange, first = %d, last = %d\n",
               first, last);
   if (first == last)
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "Only one data point available ";
      errmsg += "in usable epoch range.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
void  SpiceOrbitKernelReader::GetCoverageStartAndEnd(StringArray       &kernels,
                                                     Integer           forNaifId,
                                                     Real              &start,
                                                     Real              &end)
   // first check to see if a kernel specified is not loaded; if not,
   // try to load it
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
      if (!IsLoaded(kernels.at(ii)))   LoadKernel(kernels.at(ii));

   SpiceInt         idSpice     = forNaifId;
   SpiceInt         arclen      = 4;
   SpiceInt         typlen      = 5;
   bool             firstInt    = true;
   bool             idOnKernel  = false;
   ConstSpiceChar   *kernelName = NULL;
   SpiceInt         objId       = 0;
   SpiceInt         numInt      = 0;
   SpiceChar        *kernelType;
   SpiceChar        *arch;
   SpiceDouble      b;
   SpiceDouble      e;
   Real             bA1;
   Real             eA1;
   SPICEINT_CELL(ids, 200);
   SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(cover, 200000);
   char             kStr[5] = "    ";
   char             aStr[4] = "   ";

   // look through each kernel
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking coverage for ID %d on kernel %s\n"),
               forNaifId, (kernels.at(ii)).c_str());
      kernelName = kernels[ii].char_str();
      // check the type of kernel
      arch        = aStr;
      kernelType  = kStr;
      getfat_c(kernelName, arclen, typlen, arch, kernelType);
      if (failed_c())
         ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
         SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
         //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
         wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining type of kernel \"");
         errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
         errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
         delete [] err;
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel is of type %s\n"),
      // only deal with SPK kernels
      if (eqstr_c( kernelType, "spk" ))
         spkobj_c(kernelName, &ids);
         // get the list of objects (IDs) for which data exists in the SPK kernel
         for (SpiceInt jj = 0;  jj < card_c(&ids);  jj++)
            objId = SPICE_CELL_ELEM_I(&ids,jj);
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel contains data for object %d\n"),
                     (Integer) objId);
            // look to see if this kernel contains data for the object we're interested in
            if (objId == idSpice)
               idOnKernel = true;
         // only deal with kernels containing data for the object we're interested in
         if (idOnKernel)
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking kernel %s for data for object %d\n"),
                     (kernels.at(ii)).c_str(), (Integer) objId);
            scard_c(0, &cover);   // reset the coverage cell
            spkcov_c (kernelName, idSpice, &cover);
            if (failed_c())
               ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
               SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
               //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
               wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
               wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining coverage for SPK kernel \"");
               errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
               errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
               delete [] err;
               throw UtilityException(errmsg);
            numInt = wncard_c(&cover);
            #ifdef DEBUG_SPK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Number of intervals found =  %d\n"),
                     (Integer) numInt);
            if ((firstInt) && (numInt > 0))
               wnfetd_c(&cover, 0, &b, &e);
               if (failed_c())
                  ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
                  SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
                  //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
                  wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
                  wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting interval times for SPK kernel \"");
                  errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
                  errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
                  delete [] err;
                  throw UtilityException(errmsg);
               start    = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               end      = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               firstInt = false;
            for (SpiceInt jj = 0; jj < numInt; jj++)
               wnfetd_c(&cover, jj, &b, &e);
               bA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               eA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               if (bA1 < start)  start = bA1;
               if (eA1 > end)    end   = eA1;

   if (firstInt)
      wxString errmsg(wxT(""));
      errmsg << wxT("Error - no data available for body with NAIF ID ") << forNaifId << wxT(" on specified SPK kernels\n");
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
Exemplo n.º 10
//  virtual Real Determinant() const
Real Rmatrix::Determinant() const
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Entering Determinant with rowsD = %d and colsD = %d\n"), rowsD, colsD);
   if (isSizedD == false)
      throw TableTemplateExceptions::UnsizedTable();

   if (rowsD != colsD)
      throw Rmatrix::NotSquare();
   Real D;

   if (rowsD == 1)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Entering Determinant rowsD == 1 clause\n"));
      D = elementD[0];
   else if (rowsD == 2)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Entering Determinant rowsD == 2 clause\n"));
      D = elementD[0]*elementD[3] - elementD[1]*elementD[2];
   else if (rowsD == 3)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Entering Determinant rowsD == 3 clause\n"));
      D = elementD[0]*elementD[4]*elementD[8] +
         elementD[1]*elementD[5]*elementD[6] +
         elementD[2]*elementD[3]*elementD[7] -
         elementD[0]*elementD[5]*elementD[7] -
         elementD[1]*elementD[3]*elementD[8] -
      // Currently limited by inefficiencies in the algorithm
      if (rowsD > 9)
         wxString errmsg = wxT("GMAT Determinant method not yet optimized.  ");
         errmsg += wxT("Currently limited to matrices of size 9x9 or smaller.");
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Entering Determinant else clause\n"));
      D = 0.0;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < colsD; i++)
         Real c = Cofactor(0,i);
         #ifdef DEBUG_DETERMINANT
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Cofactor(0,%d) = %12.10f\n"), (Integer) i, c);
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("   now multiplying by element[%d] (%12.10f) to get %12.10f\n"),
                  (Integer) i, elementD[i], (elementD[i] * c));
         D += elementD[i] * c;
//         D += elementD[i]*Cofactor(0,i);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("... at end of summation, D = %12.10f\n"), D);
   return D;
Exemplo n.º 11
void SpiceAttitudeKernelReader::GetTargetOrientation(const wxString &objectName,
                                                     Integer           naifID,
                                                     Integer           forFrameNaifId,
                                                     const A1Mjd       &atTime,
//                                                     Real              tolerance,
                                                     Rmatrix33         &r33,
                                                     Rvector3          &angVel,
                                                     const wxString &referenceFrame)
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Entering GetTargetOrientation for object %s, with NAIF ID %d, at time %12.10f, with frame = %s\n"),
         objectName.c_str(), naifID, atTime.Get(), referenceFrame.c_str());
   wxString objectNameToUse = objectName;

   objectNameToUse       = GmatStringUtil::ToUpper(objectNameToUse);
   objectNameSPICE       = objectNameToUse.char_str();
   naifIDSPICE           = naifID;
   frameNaifIDSPICE      = forFrameNaifId;
   referenceFrameSPICE   = referenceFrame.char_str();
   etSPICE               = A1ToSpiceTime(atTime.Get());

//   boddef_c(objectNameSPICE, naifIDSPICE);        // CSPICE method to set NAIF ID for an object - is this valid for spacecraft?
   // Convert the time (in TDB) to spacecaft ticks
   SpiceDouble scTime;
   sce2c_c(naifIDSPICE, etSPICE, &scTime);
   if (failed_c())
      ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG"; // retrieve long error message, for now
      SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
      //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
      wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
      wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting spacecraft time (ticks) for object \"");
      errmsg += objectName + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
      errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
      delete [] err;
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   // get the tolerance in spacecraft clock ticks
   wxString    tolerance = wxT("01");  // this should probably be user input, or set as a constant
   ConstSpiceChar *tol = tolerance.char_str();
   SpiceDouble    tolTicks;
   sctiks_c(naifIDSPICE, tol, &tolTicks);
   if (failed_c())
      ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG"; // retrieve long error message, for now
      SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
      //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
      wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
      wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting tolerance (ticks) for object \"");
      errmsg += objectName + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
      errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
      delete [] err;
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("First, check for coverage for object \"%s\", with NAIF ID %d\n"),
         objectName.c_str(), naifID);
   Real beginCov = 0.0;
   Real endCov   = 0.0;
   GetCoverageStartAndEnd(loadedKernels, forFrameNaifId, beginCov, endCov, false);

   // Now get the C-matrix and angular velocity at the requested time
   SpiceDouble    cmat[3][3];
   SpiceDouble    av[3];
   SpiceBoolean   found;
   SpiceDouble    clkout;
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("about to call ckgpav: \n"));
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("   NAIF ID  = %d\n")
                                    wxT("   etSPICE  = %12.10f\n")
                                    wxT("   scTime   = %12.10fn")
                                    wxT("   tolTicks = %12.10f\n")
                                    wxT("   refFrame = %s\n"),
         (Integer) naifIDSPICE, (Real) etSPICE, (Real) scTime, (Real) tolTicks,
   ckgpav_c(frameNaifIDSPICE, scTime, tolTicks, referenceFrameSPICE, cmat, av, &clkout, &found);
//   ckgpav_c(naifIDSPICE, scTime, tolTicks, referenceFrameSPICE, cmat, av, &clkout, &found);
   if (failed_c())
      ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG"; // retrieve long error message, for now
      SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
      //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
      wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
      wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting C-matrix and/or angular velocity for object \"");
      errmsg += objectName + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
      errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
      delete [] err;
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   if (found == SPICEFALSE)
      wxString errmsg = wxT("Pointing data for object ");
      errmsg += objectName + wxT(" not found on loaded CK/SCLK kernels.\n");
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("results from ckgpav: \n"));
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("   cosMat = %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f\n")
                                    wxT("            %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f\n")
                                    wxT("            %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f\n"),
                                    (Real)cmat[0][0], (Real)cmat[0][1], (Real)cmat[0][2],
                                    (Real)cmat[1][0], (Real)cmat[1][1], (Real)cmat[1][2],
                                    (Real)cmat[2][0], (Real)cmat[2][1], (Real)cmat[2][2]);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("   angvel = %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f\n"),
                                   (Real)av[0], (Real)av[1], (Real)av[2]);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("   and clkout = %12.10f\n"), (Real) clkout);
   // Set output values
   r33.Set(cmat[0][0], cmat[0][1], cmat[0][2],
           cmat[1][0], cmat[1][1], cmat[1][2],
           cmat[2][0], cmat[2][1], cmat[2][2]);
   angVel.Set(av[0], av[1], av[2]);

Exemplo n.º 12
void  SpiceAttitudeKernelReader::GetCoverageStartAndEnd(StringArray       &kernels,
                                                        Integer           forNaifId,
                                                        Real              &start,
                                                        Real              &end,
                                                        bool              needAngVel)
   // first check to see if a kernel specified is not loaded; if not,
   // try to load it
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
      if (!IsLoaded(kernels.at(ii)))   LoadKernel(kernels.at(ii));

   SpiceInt         idSpice     = forNaifId;
   SpiceInt         arclen      = 4;
   SpiceInt         typlen      = 5;
   bool             firstInt    = true;
   bool             idOnKernel  = false;
   char             kStr[5]     = "    ";
   char             aStr[4]     = "   ";
   char             levelStr[8] = "SEGMENT";
   char             timeStr[4]  = "TDB";
   SpiceBoolean     needAv      = needAngVel;
   ConstSpiceChar   *kernelName = NULL;
   ConstSpiceChar   *level      = levelStr;
   ConstSpiceChar   *timeSys    = timeStr;
   SpiceDouble      tol         = 0.0;
   SpiceInt         objId       = 0;
   SpiceInt         numInt      = 0;
   SpiceChar        *kernelType;
   SpiceChar        *arch;
   SpiceDouble      b;
   SpiceDouble      e;
   Real             bA1;
   Real             eA1;
   SPICEINT_CELL(ids, 200);
   SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(cover, 200000);

   // look through each kernel
   for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < kernels.size(); ii++)
      #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking coverage for ID %d on kernel %s\n"),
               forNaifId, (kernels.at(ii)).c_str());
      kernelName = kernels[ii].char_str();
      // check the type of kernel
      arch        = aStr;
      kernelType  = kStr;
      getfat_c(kernelName, arclen, typlen, arch, kernelType);
      if (failed_c())
         ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
         SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
         SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
         getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
         wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii( err));
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining type of kernel \"");
         errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
         errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel is of type %s\n"),
      // only deal with CK kernels
      if (eqstr_c(kernelType, "ck") || eqstr_c(kernelType, "CK"))
         ckobj_c(kernelName, &ids);
         // get the list of objects (IDs) for which data exists in the CK kernel
         for (SpiceInt jj = 0;  jj < card_c(&ids);  jj++)
            objId = SPICE_CELL_ELEM_I(&ids,jj);
            #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Kernel contains data for object %d\n"),
                     (Integer) objId);
            // look to see if this kernel contains data for the object we're interested in
            if (objId == idSpice)
               idOnKernel = true;
//            if (objId == (idSpice * 1000))
//            {
//               idSpice     = idSpice * 1000;
//               naifIDSPICE = idSpice; // not the way to do this - should pass it back
//               idOnKernel  = true;
//               break;
//            }
         // only deal with kernels containing data for the object we're interested in
         if (idOnKernel)
            #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Checking kernel %s for data for object %d\n"),
                     (kernels.at(ii)).c_str(), (Integer) objId);
            scard_c(0, &cover);   // reset the coverage cell
            ckcov_c (kernelName, idSpice, needAv, level, tol, timeSys, &cover);
            if (failed_c())
               ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
               SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
               SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
               getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
               wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
               wxString errmsg = wxT("Error determining coverage for CK kernel \"");
               errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
               errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
               throw UtilityException(errmsg);
            numInt = wncard_c(&cover);
            #ifdef DEBUG_CK_COVERAGE
               MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Number of intervals found =  %d\n"),
                     (Integer) numInt);
            if ((firstInt) && (numInt > 0))
               wnfetd_c(&cover, 0, &b, &e);
               if (failed_c())
                  ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG";
                  SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
                  SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
                  getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
                  wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
                  wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting interval times for CK kernel \"");
                  errmsg += kernels.at(ii) + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
                  errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
                  throw UtilityException(errmsg);
               start    = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               end      = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               firstInt = false;
            for (SpiceInt jj = 0; jj < numInt; jj++)
               wnfetd_c(&cover, jj, &b, &e);
               bA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(b);
               eA1 = SpiceTimeToA1(e);
               if (bA1 < start)  start = bA1;
               if (eA1 > end)    end   = eA1;

   if (firstInt)
      char           itsName[256];
      SpiceChar      *itsNameSPICE = itsName;
      SpiceBoolean   found2;
      bodc2n_c(naifIDSPICE, 256, itsNameSPICE, &found2);
      if (found2 == SPICEFALSE)
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error - unable to find name for body in SPICE kernel pool");
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
         wxString nameStr = wxString::FromAscii(itsNameSPICE);
         wxString errmsg = wxT("Error - no data available for body ");
         errmsg += nameStr + wxT(" on specified CK kernels");
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
Exemplo n.º 13
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bool ParseFile()
// Parse the file, validating where possible
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CCSDSEMReader::ParseFile()
   if (isInitialized) return true;

   // Open the file for reading
   std::string   line;
   std::ifstream ephFile(emFile.c_str());
   if (!ephFile)  return false;

   // Ignore leading white space
   // check for an empty file
   if (ephFile.eof())
      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
      errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
      errmsg += "File appears to be empty.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   // Read the header data first - version number must be
   // on the first non-blank line
   std::string   firstWord, firstAllCaps;
   std::string   eqSign;

   // read the first line for the version number
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In CCSDSEMReader, line= %s\n", line.c_str());
   std::istringstream lineStr;
   lineStr >> firstWord;
   firstAllCaps = GmatStringUtil::ToUpper(firstWord);
   if (firstAllCaps == versionFieldName)
      lineStr >> eqSign;
      if (eqSign != "=")
         std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
         errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
         errmsg += "Equal sign missing or incorrect.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      std::string versionValue;
      lineStr >> versionValue;
      if (!GmatStringUtil::IsNumber(versionValue))
         std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
         errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
         errmsg += "Version number is not a valid real number.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      if (!IsValidVersion(versionValue))
         std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
         errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
         errmsg += "Version number is not valid.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      versionNumber = versionValue;
      versionFound  = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
// Determines whether or not the input time exactly matches an epoch from the
// dataStore.  If so, it returns the state at that epoch.  If not, and the
// interpolation degree = 0, it returns the last data before the input epoch.
// Otherwise, it calls the interpolation method to get the state.
Rvector CCSDSEMSegment::DetermineState(Real atEpoch)
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In DetermineState, epoch = %12.10f\n", atEpoch);
   // Make sure that if we are using usable times, we only check times
   // between usableStartTime and usableStopTime
   if (usesUsableTimes &&
      ((atEpoch < (usableStartTime - EPOCH_MATCH_TOLERANCE)) ||
       (atEpoch > (usableStopTime  + EPOCH_MATCH_TOLERANCE))))
      std::ostringstream errmsg;
      errmsg << "Specified epoch ";
      errmsg << atEpoch << " in segment ";
      errmsg << segmentNumber << " must be within usable time range.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg.str());
   bool      exactMatchFound = false;
   Integer   matchPos        = -1;
   for (unsigned int ii= 0; ii < dataStore.size(); ii++)
      Real theTime = (dataStore.at(ii))->epoch;

         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("----  data epoch(%d) = %12.10f \n",
               ii, theTime);
      if (GmatMathUtil::IsEqual(theTime, atEpoch, EPOCH_MATCH_TOLERANCE))
         exactMatchFound = true;
         matchPos        = ii;
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("---- EXACT MATCH to epoch = %12.10f\n",
      if (theTime < atEpoch)  matchPos = ii;
      // if the time is bigger, we've gone past and won't find an exact match
      else if (theTime > atEpoch) break;
   // if we didn't find an exact match OR an epoch less than the input
   // epoch, that is an error
   if (matchPos < 0)
      std::ostringstream errmsg;
      errmsg << "Error searching for epoch ";
      errmsg << atEpoch << " in segment ";
      errmsg << segmentNumber << ", within usable time range.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg.str());
   if (exactMatchFound || (interpolationDegree == 0))
      return (dataStore.at(matchPos))->data;
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In DetermineState, about to interpolate to time %12.10f\n", atEpoch);
      return Interpolate(atEpoch);
Exemplo n.º 15
// Sets the corresponding meta data for the input field name.
bool CCSDSEMSegment::SetMetaData(const std::string &fieldName,
                                 const std::string &value)
            "Entering EMSegment::SetMetaData with field %s and value %s\n",
            fieldName.c_str(), value.c_str());
   Real theTime;
   if (fieldName == "COMMENT")
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "OBJECT_NAME")
      objectName = value;
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "OBJECT_ID")
      objectID = value;
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "CENTER_NAME")
      centerName = value;
      return true;
   // @todo - check for this:
   // "The TIME_SYSTEM value must remain fixed within an AEM."
   else if (fieldName == "TIME_SYSTEM")
      timeSystem = GmatStringUtil::ToUpper(value);
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "START_TIME")
      theTime   = ParseEpoch(value);
      startTime = theTime;
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "USEABLE_START_TIME")
      theTime         = ParseEpoch(value);
      usableStartTime = theTime;
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "USEABLE_STOP_TIME")
      theTime        = ParseEpoch(value);
      usableStopTime = theTime;
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "STOP_TIME")
      theTime  = ParseEpoch(value);
      stopTime = theTime;
      return true;
   else if (fieldName == "INTERPOLATION_DEGREE")
      Integer theDegree;
      std::string trimmedValue = GmatStringUtil::Trim(value, GmatStringUtil::BOTH, true, true);
      bool isInt = GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(trimmedValue, theDegree);
      if (!isInt)
         std::string errmsg = segError;
         errmsg += "Value for INTERPOLATION_DEGREE is not ";
         errmsg += "a valid integer\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      interpolationDegree = theDegree;
      return true;
   return false;
Exemplo n.º 16
// Parse a time string read from the EM file and convert it to
// a Real (A1Mjd) epoch
Real CCSDSEMSegment::ParseEpoch(const std::string &epochString)
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("ParseEpoch -- epochString = \"%s\"\n",
   // The epochs can be in either of two formats:
   // YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmm
   // YYYY-DOYThh:mm:ss
   std::string yyyymmdd, hhmmss, YYstr, MMstr, DDstr, hhstr, mmstr, ssmmmstr;
   Integer year, month = 0, day, hour, minute;
   Real    seconds;
   bool    doyUsed = false;

   std::size_t tPos = epochString.find_first_of("Tt");
   if (tPos == std::string::npos)
      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file segment.  ";
      errmsg += "Missing or incorrectly formatted data Epoch.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   yyyymmdd   = epochString.substr(0,tPos);
   hhmmss     = epochString.substr(tPos+1);
   if ((hhmmss.length() < 8) ||
       (GmatStringUtil::NumberOfOccurrences(hhmmss, ':') != 2))
      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file segment.  ";
      errmsg += "hhmmss.sss part of Time \"" + epochString;
      errmsg += "\" is not formatted correctly.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   hhstr     = hhmmss.substr(0,2);
   mmstr     = hhmmss.substr(3,2);
   ssmmmstr  = hhmmss.substr(6);
   if ((!GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(hhstr, hour))     ||
       (!GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(mmstr, minute))   ||
       (!GmatStringUtil::ToReal(ssmmmstr, seconds)))
      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file segment.  ";
      errmsg += "hhmmss.sss part of Time \"" + epochString;
      errmsg += "\" is not formatted correctly.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   Integer numDashes     = GmatStringUtil::NumberOfOccurrences(yyyymmdd, '-');
   if (numDashes == 1)  // YYYY-DOYThh:mm:ss
      doyUsed   = true;
      YYstr     = yyyymmdd.substr(0,4);
      DDstr     = yyyymmdd.substr(5,3);
      if ((!GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(YYstr, year))     ||
          (!GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(DDstr, day)))
         std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file segment.  ";
         errmsg += "YYYY-DOY part of Time \"" + epochString;
         errmsg += "\" is not formatted correctly.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   else if (numDashes == 2)  // YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmm
      doyUsed   = false;
      YYstr     = yyyymmdd.substr(0,4);
      MMstr     = yyyymmdd.substr(5,2);
      DDstr     = yyyymmdd.substr(8,2);
      if ((!GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(YYstr, year))     ||
          (!GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(MMstr, month))    ||
          (!GmatStringUtil::ToInteger(DDstr, day)))
         std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file segment.  ";
         errmsg += "YYYY-MM-DD part of Time \"" + epochString;
         errmsg += "\" is not formatted correctly.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file segment.  ";
      errmsg += "Time \"" + epochString;
      errmsg += "\" is not formatted correctly.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("epochString = %s, yyyymmdd = %s, hhmmss = %s\n",
            epochString.c_str(), yyyymmdd.c_str(), hhmmss.c_str());
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("year = %d, month = %d, day = %d\n",
            year, month, day);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("hour = %d, minute = %d, seconds = %lf\n",
            hour, minute, seconds);

   if (doyUsed)
         UtcDate utc(year, day, hour, minute, seconds);
         #ifdef DEBUG_PARSE_EPOCH
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage(" --- UTC data to packed calendar string = %s\n",
         return utc.ToA1Mjd();
      catch (Date::LeapYearError &lye)
         std::ostringstream errmsg;

         errmsg << "Cannot read CCSDS file.  File contains time \"";
         errmsg << epochString << "\", which specifies day number ";
         errmsg << day << " for a non-leap year.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg.str());
      UtcDate utc(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds);
      #ifdef DEBUG_PARSE_EPOCH
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage(" --- UTC data to packed calendar string = %s\n",
      return utc.ToA1Mjd();

Exemplo n.º 17
// Rvector InterpolateSLERP(Real atEpoch)
// Interpolates the segment data using SLERP interpolation.
Rvector CCSDSEMSegment::InterpolateSLERP(Real atEpoch)

   // Adapted from MATLAB version:
   // YRL, Interpolate Quaternion using SLERP

   #ifdef DEBUG_SLERP
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(">>>> Entering SLERP (%d), atEpoch = %12.10f\n",
            segmentNumber, atEpoch);
   // Sanity Checks

   #ifdef DEBUG_SLERP
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(">>>> dataStore size = %d, first = %d, last = %d\n",
            (Integer) dataStore.size(), firstUsable, lastUsable);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(">>>> first time = %12.10f,  last time = %12.10f\n",
            dataStore.at(firstUsable)->epoch, dataStore.at(lastUsable)->epoch);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(">>>>       and requested epoch = %12.10f\n",
   Real minEpoch = dataStore.at(firstUsable)->epoch;
   Real maxEpoch = dataStore.at(lastUsable)->epoch;
   if ((atEpoch < minEpoch) || (atEpoch > maxEpoch))
      std::string errmsg = "Requested time for SLERP interpolation ";
      errmsg += "is out of usable epoch range.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   // Interpolation Algorithm (SLERP)
   // find correct (first largest) epoch in ephemeris data
   Real    anEpoch  = 0.0;
   Integer epochPos = 0;
   for (Integer ii = firstUsable; ii <= lastUsable; ii++)
      anEpoch = (dataStore.at(ii))->epoch;
      if ( anEpoch > atEpoch)
         epochPos = ii;
   #ifdef DEBUG_SLERP
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, minEpoch = %12.10f\n", minEpoch);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, maxEpoch = %12.10f\n", maxEpoch);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, epochPos = %d\n", epochPos);

   // Get times and data for points before and after requested time
   Real t1    = (dataStore.at(epochPos-1))->epoch;
   Real t2    = anEpoch;
   Rvector d1 = (dataStore.at(epochPos-1))->data;
   Rvector d2 = (dataStore.at(epochPos))->data;

   #ifdef DEBUG_SLERP
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, t1 = %12.10f\n", t1);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, t2 = %12.10f\n", t2);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, d1 = \n");
      for (Integer ii = 0; ii < (Integer) d1.GetSize(); ii++)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("    %12.10f\n", d1[ii]);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, d2 = \n");
      for (Integer ii = 0; ii < (Integer) d2.GetSize(); ii++)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("    %12.10f\n", d2[ii]);

   Real cosOmega = ( d1 * d2 ) / d1.GetMagnitude() / d2.GetMagnitude() ;
   Real sinOmega = GmatMathUtil::Sqrt(1.0 - GmatMathUtil::Pow(cosOmega,2));
   Real omega    = GmatMathUtil::ASin(sinOmega) ;

   Real t        = ( atEpoch - t1 ) / ( t2 - t1 ) ;
   Rvector dSlerp(dataSize);
   #ifdef DEBUG_SLERP
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, t        = %12.10f\n", t);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, cosOmega = %12.10f\n", cosOmega);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, sinOmega = %12.10f\n", sinOmega);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("In SLERP, omega    = %12.10f\n", omega);

   for (Integer jj = 0; jj < dataSize; jj++)
      if (sinOmega == 0)
         dSlerp[jj] = (1-t)*d1[jj] + t*d2[jj] ;
         dSlerp[jj] = (GmatMathUtil::Sin((1-t)*omega) * d1[jj] + GmatMathUtil::Sin(t*omega) * d2[jj]) / sinOmega;
   return dSlerp;
Exemplo n.º 18
// Rvector InterpolateLagrange(Real atEpoch)
// Interpolates the segment data using Lagrange interpolation.
Rvector CCSDSEMSegment::InterpolateLagrange(Real atEpoch)
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("\n atEpoch = %12.10f, ", atEpoch);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   dataStore size = %d", (Integer) dataStore.size());
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   firstUsable index = %d,  last Usable index = %d\n",
            firstUsable, lastUsable);
   // Adapted from MATLAB version:
   //   Author: Joel J. K. Parker <*****@*****.**>

   // Input parsing
   Integer n = interpolationDegree;

   // Sanity Checks
   Real minEpoch = dataStore.at(firstUsable)->epoch;
   Real maxEpoch = dataStore.at(lastUsable)->epoch;
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("\n n         = %d, ", n);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   min epoch = %12.10f", minEpoch);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   max epoch = %12.10f", maxEpoch);
   if ((atEpoch < (minEpoch - EPOCH_MATCH_TOLERANCE)) ||
       (atEpoch > (maxEpoch + EPOCH_MATCH_TOLERANCE)))
      std::string errmsg = "Requested time for LAGRANGE interpolation ";
      errmsg += "is out of usable epoch range.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

//   Integer numStates = dataStore.size();
   // The number of usable states we have
   Integer numStates = lastUsable - firstUsable + 1;
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("\n numStates = %d, ", numStates);
   if (n >= numStates)
      std::string errmsg = "Insufficient usable data for LAGRANGE interpolation.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   // Initialization
   Rvector state(dataSize);   // Creates a vector of zeroes

   // find intended position of epoch in ephemeris data
   // find correct (first largest) epoch in ephemeris data
   Real    anEpoch  = 0.0;
   Integer epochPos = 0;
   for (Integer ii = firstUsable; ii <= lastUsable; ii++)
      anEpoch = (dataStore.at(ii))->epoch;
      if ( anEpoch > atEpoch)
         epochPos = ii;
   Integer initIndex = -1;
   // pick starting point for interpolation data
   // (region ending just before epoch's position in the ephemeris)
   if (n >= (epochPos - firstUsable))  // was n + 1 and just epochPos
       initIndex = firstUsable; //  + 1; was +1     // was 1
       initIndex = epochPos - n; // was - (n+1);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("first epoch > input epoch is at index %d\n", epochPos);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("initIndex =  %d\n", initIndex);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("INTEGER_MAX = %d\n", GmatRealConstants::INTEGER_MAX);

   // slide interpolation data region forward until epoch is nearest
   // numerical center
   Real    pDiff = GmatRealConstants::REAL_MAX;
   Integer q     = -1;;
   Real    diff  = -999.99;
   for (Integer ii = initIndex; ii < (numStates-n); ii++) // was <= (numStates-n); ii++)
      Real dataEpoch     = dataStore.at(ii)->epoch;
      Real dataEpochN    = dataStore.at(ii+n)->epoch;
      diff = GmatMathUtil::Abs((dataEpoch + dataEpochN) / 2 - atEpoch);
      if (atEpoch > 21545.070626)
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("--- ii = %d\n", ii);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("----- epoch at ii = %12.10f\n", dataEpoch);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("----- epoch at ii+n = %12.10f\n", dataEpochN);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("----- pDiff= %12.10f\n", pDiff);
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("----- diff = %12.10f\n", diff);
      if (diff > pDiff) break;
      else              q = ii;
      pDiff = diff;

   Rvector d1(dataSize);

   Real    t1, t2;

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("\n Interpolating over %d (q) to %d (q+n)\n", q, (q+n));
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   epoch and Data at those points are:\n");
      for (Integer jj = q; jj <= q+n; jj++)
         // this is specific to Euler angles here ...
         Rvector theAngles = dataStore.at(jj)->data;
         Real    theEpoch  = dataStore.at(jj)->epoch;
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   %d     %12.10f       %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f\n",
               jj,  theEpoch,
               theAngles[0] * GmatMathConstants::DEG_PER_RAD,
               theAngles[1] * GmatMathConstants::DEG_PER_RAD,
               theAngles[2] * GmatMathConstants::DEG_PER_RAD);
   for (Integer ii = q; ii <= q+n; ii++)
      t1      = dataStore.at(ii)->epoch;
      d1      = dataStore.at(ii)->data;
      if (atEpoch > 21545.070626)

         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Using epoch %12.10f and data: ", t1);
         for (Integer nn = 0; nn < dataSize; nn++)
            MessageInterface::ShowMessage("   %12.10f ", d1[nn] * GmatMathConstants::DEG_PER_RAD);
      for (Integer jj = q; jj <= q+n; jj++)
         t2  = dataStore.at(jj)->epoch;
         if (ii != jj)
            d1    = d1 * ( (atEpoch - t2) / (t1 - t2) );
      state = state + d1;
   return state;
Exemplo n.º 19
Rvector6 SpiceOrbitKernelReader::GetTargetState(const wxString &targetName,
                                 const Integer     targetNAIFId,
                                 const A1Mjd       &atTime,
                                 const wxString &observingBodyName,
                                 const wxString &referenceFrame,
                                 const wxString &aberration)
            wxT("Entering SPKReader::GetTargetState with target = %s, naifId = %d, time = %12.10f, observer = %s\n"),
            targetName.c_str(), targetNAIFId, atTime.Get(), observingBodyName.c_str());
      Real start, end;
      GetCoverageStartAndEnd(loadedKernels, targetNAIFId, start, end);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("   coverage for object %s : %12.10f --> %12.10f\n"),
            targetName.c_str(), start, end);
   wxString targetNameToUse = GmatStringUtil::ToUpper(targetName);
   if (targetNameToUse == wxT("LUNA"))  // We use Luna, instead of Moon, for GMAT
      targetNameToUse        = wxT("MOON");
   if (targetNameToUse == wxT("SOLARSYSTEMBARYCENTER"))
      targetNameToUse = wxT("SSB");
   objectNameSPICE           = targetNameToUse.char_str();
   observingBodyNameSPICE    = observingBodyName.char_str();
   referenceFrameSPICE       = referenceFrame.char_str();
   aberrationSPICE           = aberration.char_str();
   // convert time to Ephemeris Time (TDB)
   etSPICE                   = A1ToSpiceTime(atTime.Get());
   naifIDSPICE               = targetNAIFId;
   boddef_c(objectNameSPICE, naifIDSPICE);        // CSPICE method to set NAIF ID for an object

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("SET NAIF Id for object %s to %d\n"),
            targetNameToUse.c_str(), targetNAIFId);
//      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(
//            wxT("In SPKReader::Converted (to TBD) time = %12.10f\n"), etMjdAtTime);
//      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("  then the full JD = %12.10f\n"),
//            (etMjdAtTime + GmatTimeConstants::JD_JAN_5_1941));
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("So time passed to SPICE is %12.14f\n"), (Real) etSPICE);
   SpiceDouble state[6];
   SpiceDouble oneWayLightTime;
   spkezr_c(objectNameSPICE, etSPICE, referenceFrameSPICE, aberrationSPICE,
            observingBodyNameSPICE, state, &oneWayLightTime);
   Real        ttMjdAtTime   = TimeConverterUtil::Convert(atTime.Get(), TimeConverterUtil::A1MJD,
                               TimeConverterUtil::TTMJD, GmatTimeConstants::JD_JAN_5_1941);
//   Real etJd                 = etMjdAtTime + GmatTimeConstants::JD_JAN_5_1941;
   Real ttJd                 = ttMjdAtTime + GmatTimeConstants::JD_JAN_5_1941;
   MessageInterface::ShowMessage(wxT("Asking CSPICE for state of body %s, with observer %s, referenceFrame %s, and aberration correction %s\n"),
         objectNameSPICE, observingBodyNameSPICE, referenceFrameSPICE, aberrationSPICE);
         wxT("           Body: %s   TT Time:  %12.10f  TDB Time: %12.10f   state:  %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f  %12.10f\n"),
         targetName.c_str(), ttJd, /*etJd,*/ state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4], state[5]);
   if (failed_c())
//      ConstSpiceChar option[] = wxT("SHORT"); // retrieve short error message, for now
//      SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_SHORT_MESSAGE;
//      SpiceChar      err[MAX_SHORT_MESSAGE];
      ConstSpiceChar option[] = "LONG"; // retrieve long error message, for now
      SpiceInt       numChar  = MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE;
      //SpiceChar      err[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      SpiceChar      *err = new SpiceChar[MAX_LONG_MESSAGE_VALUE];
      getmsg_c(option, numChar, err);
      wxString errStr(wxString::FromAscii(err));
      wxString errmsg = wxT("Error getting state for body \"");
      errmsg += targetName + wxT("\".  Message received from CSPICE is: ");
      errmsg += errStr + wxT("\n");
      delete [] err;
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
            wxT("In SPKReader::Called spkezr_c and got state out\n"));

   Rvector6 r6(state[0],state[1],state[2],state[3],state[4],state[5]);
   return r6;
Exemplo n.º 20
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void Initialize()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCSDSEMReader::Initialize()
   if (isInitialized) return;

      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Entering CCSDSEMReader::Initialize ...\n");
   // Check for the existence of the file
   if (!GmatFileUtil::DoesFileExist(emFile))
      std::string errmsg = "Specified ephemeris message file \" ";
      errmsg += emFile + "\" does not exist.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   // Parse the file
   bool fileParsed = ParseFile();
   if (!fileParsed)
      std::string errmsg = "There is an error opening or reading the ";
      errmsg += "ephemeris message file \"" + emFile + "\"\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("      in CCSDSEMReader::Initialize, file has been parsed.\n");

   // Validate the header data first
   if (versionNumber == "0.0")
      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
      errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
      errmsg += "Version number is missing or invalid.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   // These we ignore, so we won't write error messages for this, for now
//   if (originator == "")
//   {
//      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
//      errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
//      errmsg += "ORIGINATOR is missing or invalid.\n";
//      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
//   }
//   if (creationDate == "")
//   {
//      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
//      errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
//      errmsg += "CREATION_DATE is missing or invalid.\n";
//      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
//   }

   if (numSegments == 0)
      std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
      errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
      errmsg += "No segments found.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("      in CCSDSEMReader::Initialize, about to validate segments.\n");
   // Validate all of the segments
   bool segmentOK = true;
   for (Integer ii = 0; ii < numSegments; ii++)
      #ifdef DEBUG_INIT_EM_FILE
               "      in CCSDSEMReader::Initialize, about to validate segment %d <%p>.\n",
               ii, segments.at(ii));
      segmentOK = (segments.at(ii))->Validate();
      if (!segmentOK)
         std::stringstream errmsg("");
         errmsg << "There is an error validating segment ";
         errmsg << ii << ", contained in file " << emFile << ".\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg.str());
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("      in CCSDSEMReader::Initialize, segments have been validated.\n");
   // Validate that the segments' start and stop times are in the correct order
   Real currentStop  = (segments.at(0))->GetStopTime();
   Real segStart, segStop;
   for (Integer jj = 1; jj < numSegments; jj++)
      segStart   = (segments.at(jj))->GetStartTime();
      segStop    = (segments.at(jj))->GetStopTime();
      #ifdef DEBUG_INIT_EM_FILE
         MessageInterface::ShowMessage("--- last segment stop time = %12.10f, segment start = %12.10f\n",
               currentStop, segStart);
      if (segStart < currentStop)
         std::string errmsg = "Error reading ephemeris message file \"";
         errmsg += emFile + "\".  ";
         errmsg += "Segment start and stop times are not properly ordered.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
         currentStop = segStop;
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("      in CCSDSEMReader::Initialize, start and stop times have been checked.\n");

   isInitialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
// bool Initialize()
bool LeapSecsFileReader::Initialize()
   std::ifstream instream;
      if (!isInitialized)
         //if (instream == NULL)
         if (!instream.is_open())
            std::string errMsg = "Unable to locate leap second file "
               + withFileName + "\n";
            throw UtilityException(errMsg);
         bool    isOK           = true;
         Integer numLinesParsed = 0;
         while (!instream.eof())
            std::string line;
            if (!GmatStringUtil::IsBlank(line, true))
               if (!(isOK = Parse(line))) break;
         // Why personalization data written to this file?
         // Try closing before throwing an exception (LOJ: 2014.06.18)
         // Moved from below 
         #ifdef DEBUG_LEAP_SECOND_FILE
            ("LeapSecsFileReader::Initialize() 1 Closing leap second file\n");
         if (!isOK)
            std::string errMsg = "Unable to read leap second file "
                                 + withFileName + " - file is malformed\n";
            throw UtilityException(errMsg);
         if (numLinesParsed == 0)
            std::string errMsg = "Unable to read leap second file "
                                 + withFileName + " - file contains no data\n";
            throw UtilityException(errMsg);
   catch (...)
      if (instream.is_open())
         #ifdef DEBUG_LEAP_SECOND_FILE
            ("LeapSecsFileReader::Initialize() 2 Closing leap second file\n");
      //                               "Unknown Error in LeapSecondFileReader");
      // re-throw the exception

   isInitialized = true;
   return isInitialized;
Exemplo n.º 22
// Validates the contents of the handled common meta data elements and checks
// for the data.
bool CCSDSEMSegment::Validate(bool checkData)
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("Entering EMSegment::Validate ...\n");
   // Time system
   if (timeSystem == UNSET_STRING)
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "Required field TIME_SYSTEM is missing.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   if (timeSystem != "UTC")
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "Specified TIME_SYSTEM \"" + timeSystem;
      errmsg += "\" is not supported at this time.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   // Start and stop times
   if ((startTime == UNSET_REAL) || (stopTime == UNSET_REAL))
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "Required field START_TIME or STOP_TIME is missing.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
   if (startTime > stopTime)
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "START_TIME must be less than STOP_TIME.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   // Usable start and stop times
   if (((usableStartTime == UNSET_REAL) && (usableStopTime != UNSET_REAL)) ||
       ((usableStartTime != UNSET_REAL) && (usableStopTime == UNSET_REAL)))
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "If usable start and stop times are to be used, both ";
      errmsg += "USEABLE_START_TIME and USEABLE_STOP_TIME must be present ";
      errmsg += "in the segment.\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   if ((usableStartTime != UNSET_REAL) &&
       (usableStopTime  != UNSET_REAL))
      if ((usableStartTime < startTime) || (usableStartTime > stopTime))
         std::string errmsg = segError;
         errmsg += "USEABLE_START_TIME must be ";
         errmsg += "between START_TIME and STOP_TIME.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      if ((usableStopTime < startTime) || (usableStopTime > stopTime))
         std::string errmsg = segError;
         errmsg += "USEABLE_STOP_TIME must be ";
         errmsg += "between START_TIME and STOP_TIME.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      if (usableStartTime > usableStopTime)
         std::string errmsg = segError;
         errmsg += "USEABLE_START_TIME must be less than USEABLE_STOP_TIME.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      usesUsableTimes = true;
      usesUsableTimes = false;
   GetUsableIndexRange(firstUsable, lastUsable);

   // Interpolation
   if ((interpolationMethod == "LAGRANGE") || checkLagrangeOrder)
      if ((interpolationDegree < 0) || (interpolationDegree > 9))
         std::string errmsg = segError;
         errmsg += "Field INTERPOLATION_DEGREE is out-of-range.  For Lagrange ";
         errmsg += "interpolation, degree must be between 0 and 9.\n";
         throw UtilityException(errmsg);

   // Is there data?
   if (checkData && dataStore.empty())
      std::string errmsg = segError;
      errmsg += "File does not contain data for segment of ";
      errmsg += "data type " + dataType + "\n";
      throw UtilityException(errmsg);
      MessageInterface::ShowMessage("EXITing EMSegment::Validate ...\n");

   return true;