Exemplo n.º 1
 *		UuidFromStringW (RPCRT4.@)
    int i;

    if (!s) return UuidCreateNil( uuid );

    if (strlenW(s) != 36) return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;

    if ((s[8]!='-') || (s[13]!='-') || (s[18]!='-') || (s[23]!='-'))

    for (i=0; i<36; i++)
        if ((i == 8)||(i == 13)||(i == 18)||(i == 23)) continue;
        if (s[i] > 'f' || (!hex2bin[s[i]] && s[i] != '0')) return RPC_S_INVALID_STRING_UUID;


    uuid->Data1 = (hex2bin[s[0]] << 28 | hex2bin[s[1]] << 24 | hex2bin[s[2]] << 20 | hex2bin[s[3]] << 16 |
                   hex2bin[s[4]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[5]]  << 8 | hex2bin[s[6]]  << 4 | hex2bin[s[7]]);
    uuid->Data2 =  hex2bin[s[9]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[10]] << 8 | hex2bin[s[11]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[12]];
    uuid->Data3 = hex2bin[s[14]] << 12 | hex2bin[s[15]] << 8 | hex2bin[s[16]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[17]];

    /* these are just sequential bytes */
    uuid->Data4[0] = hex2bin[s[19]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[20]];
    uuid->Data4[1] = hex2bin[s[21]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[22]];
    uuid->Data4[2] = hex2bin[s[24]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[25]];
    uuid->Data4[3] = hex2bin[s[26]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[27]];
    uuid->Data4[4] = hex2bin[s[28]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[29]];
    uuid->Data4[5] = hex2bin[s[30]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[31]];
    uuid->Data4[6] = hex2bin[s[32]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[33]];
    uuid->Data4[7] = hex2bin[s[34]] << 4 | hex2bin[s[35]];
    return RPC_S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void _uuuid_create(struct uuuid_t** uuuid, int* status, int nil)
	struct uuuid_t* u;

	u = uuuid_new();

	if (!u) {
		*status = UUUID_ERR;

	if (nil)
		st = UuidCreateNil(&u->uuid);
		st = UuidCreate(&u->uuid);

	if (st != RPC_S_OK) {
		*status = UUUID_ERR;

	*uuuid = u;
	*status = UUUID_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
RTDECL(int)  RTUuidClear(PRTUUID pUuid)
    /* check params */
    AssertPtrReturn(pUuid, VERR_INVALID_POINTER);

    return RTErrConvertFromWin32(UuidCreateNil((UUID *)pUuid));
Exemplo n.º 4
void uuid_generate_time_safe(uuid_t out){
	UUID uuid;
	uuid.Data1 = htonl(uuid.Data1);
	uuid.Data2 = htons(uuid.Data2);
	uuid.Data3 = htons(uuid.Data3);
	memcpy(out, &uuid, UUID_T_LENGTH);
Exemplo n.º 5
void uuid_generate_random(uuid_t out){
	UUID uuid;
	uuid.Data1 = htonl(uuid.Data1);
	uuid.Data2 = htons(uuid.Data2);
	uuid.Data3 = htons(uuid.Data3);
	memcpy(out, &uuid, UUID_T_LENGTH);
Exemplo n.º 6
RPC_STATUS UuidFromStringA(RPC_CSTR StringUuid, UUID* Uuid)
	int index;
	BYTE bin[36];

	if (!StringUuid)
		return UuidCreateNil(Uuid);

	if (strlen((char*) StringUuid) != 36)

	if ((StringUuid[8] != '-') || (StringUuid[13] != '-') ||
	    (StringUuid[18] != '-') || (StringUuid[23] != '-'))

	for (index = 0; index < 36; index++)
		if ((index == 8) || (index == 13) || (index == 18) || (index == 23))

		if ((StringUuid[index] >= '0') && (StringUuid[index] <= '9'))
			bin[index] = StringUuid[index] - '0';
		else if ((StringUuid[index] >= 'a') && (StringUuid[index] <= 'f'))
			bin[index] = StringUuid[index] - 'a' + 10;
		else if ((StringUuid[index] >= 'A') && (StringUuid[index] <= 'F'))
			bin[index] = StringUuid[index] - 'A' + 10;

	Uuid->Data1 = ((bin[0] << 28) | (bin[1] << 24) | (bin[2] << 20) |
	               (bin[3] << 16) |
	               (bin[4] << 12) | (bin[5] << 8) | (bin[6] << 4) | bin[7]);
	Uuid->Data2 = ((bin[9] << 12) | (bin[10] << 8) | (bin[11] << 4) | bin[12]);
	Uuid->Data3 = ((bin[14] << 12) | (bin[15] << 8) | (bin[16] << 4) | bin[17]);
	Uuid->Data4[0] = ((bin[19] << 4) | bin[20]);
	Uuid->Data4[1] = ((bin[21] << 4) | bin[22]);
	Uuid->Data4[2] = ((bin[24] << 4) | bin[25]);
	Uuid->Data4[3] = ((bin[26] << 4) | bin[27]);
	Uuid->Data4[4] = ((bin[28] << 4) | bin[29]);
	Uuid->Data4[5] = ((bin[30] << 4) | bin[31]);
	Uuid->Data4[6] = ((bin[32] << 4) | bin[33]);
	Uuid->Data4[7] = ((bin[34] << 4) | bin[35]);
	return RPC_S_OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
void uuid_clear (uuid_t uu) {
    // all zeros, no change between GUID and UUID
    UuidCreateNil (reinterpret_cast<UUID*>(uu));
Exemplo n.º 8
/* clear.c */
void uuid_clear(uuid_t uu){
Exemplo n.º 9
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int i;
	char buf[MAX_PATH];

#ifdef _DEBUG
	_crtBreakAlloc = -1; // break on Nth memory allocation

	#if defined(TRACE)
	System::Diagnostics::Trace::Listeners->Add( gcnew System::Diagnostics::TextWriterTraceListener( System::Console::Out ) );
	System::Diagnostics::Trace::AutoFlush = true;

	WSADATA wsaData;
	int iResult;

	// Initialize Winsock
	iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
	if (iResult != 0) {
		printf_s( "WSAStartup failed: %d\n", iResult );
		goto returnFail;
	} else {
		printf_s( "WSAStartup succeeded\n" );

	// -- select agent and playback file --
	char *logPath = "..\\data\\";
	WCHAR logDirName[TOP_LOG_DIRS][256];
	int logDirCount;
	WCHAR logDirPath[MAX_PATH];
	WCHAR logName[10][256];
	int logCount;
	FILE *logF;
	FILE *settingsF;
	char AT_name[256];
	char UUIDString[256];

	int breakOnAlloc = -1;
	int optionNum;

	// get crt break val or use last settings
	printf( "0) Use last settings\n1) _crtBreakAlloc = -1 (disabled)\n2) Enter _crtBreakAlloc\n\nNOTE: To properly use _crtBreakAlloc you should:\n  a) ensure the desired log file is selected (e.g. run once with option 2)\n  b) run once with option 0 to determine the desired break value (because \n     selecting things in this menu unfortunately changes the allocation\n     count)\n  c) use option 2 to set the _crtDebugAlloc value\n  d) run with option 0 again so that the correct allocation count is used\n     from step b)\n\n" );
	do {
		printf( "Select an option: " );
		*buf = getchar();
		while( getchar() != '\n' ); // clear until return
	} while ( buf[0] - '0' < 0 || buf[0] - '0' >= 3 );

	optionNum = buf[0] - '0'; 

	if ( optionNum == 0 ) { // use last settings
		if ( fopen_s( &settingsF, "settings.txt", "r" ) ) {
			printf( "Couldn't open settings file\n" );
			goto returnFail; 
		fscanf_s( settingsF, "%d\n", &breakOnAlloc );
#ifdef _DEBUG
		_crtBreakAlloc = breakOnAlloc;
		fgetws( logDirPath, MAX_PATH, settingsF );
		logDirPath[wcslen(logDirPath)-1] = '\0'; // strip \n
		fgets( AT_name, 256, settingsF );
		AT_name[strlen(AT_name)-1] = '\0'; // strip \n
		fgets( UUIDString, 256, settingsF ); // no \n here
		fclose( settingsF );
	} else { 

		if ( optionNum == 2 ) { // get _crtBreakAlloc
			printf( "Enter value for _crtBreakAlloc: " );
			while( 1 != scanf_s( "%d", &breakOnAlloc ) ) {
				while( getchar() != '\n' ); // clear until return
			while( getchar() != '\n' ); // clear until return
#ifdef _DEBUG
		_crtBreakAlloc = breakOnAlloc;

		// enumerate log directories
		enumerateLogDirectories( logPath, logDirName, &logDirCount );

		printf( "0) Use last settings\n" );
		for ( i=0; i<logDirCount; i++ ) {
			printf( "%d) %ls\n", i+1, logDirName[i] );

		do {
			printf( "Select a directory: " );
			*buf = getchar();
			while( getchar() != '\n' ); // clear until return
		} while ( buf[0] - '0' < 0 || buf[0] - '0' >= logDirCount+1 );

		i = buf[0] - '0'; // use i to store selection

		if ( i == 0 ) { // use last settings
			if ( fopen_s( &settingsF, "settings.txt", "r" ) ) {
				printf( "Couldn't open settings file\n" );
				goto returnFail; 
			fscanf_s( settingsF, "%d\n", &i ); // throw away
			fgetws( logDirPath, MAX_PATH, settingsF );
			logDirPath[wcslen(logDirPath)-1] = '\0'; // strip \n
			fgets( AT_name, 256, settingsF );
			AT_name[strlen(AT_name)-1] = '\0'; // strip \n
			fgets( UUIDString, 256, settingsF ); // no \n here
			fclose( settingsF );
		} else {
			i--; // set i to the name index

			swprintf_s( logDirPath, MAX_PATH, L"%hs%s\\", logPath, logDirName[i] );

			// enumerate logs
			int page = 0;
			int moreLogs;
			do { 
				enumerateLogs( logDirPath, page, logName, &logCount, &moreLogs );

				printf( "Page %d\n", page );
				for ( i=0; i<logCount; i++ ) {
					printf( "%d) %.64ls\n", i, logName[i] );
				if ( page != 0 ) printf( "p) previous page\n" );
				if ( moreLogs ) printf( "n) next page\n" );

				do {
					printf( "Select a log: " );
					*buf = getchar();
					while( getchar() != '\n' ); // clear until return
				} while ( (buf[0] - '0' < 0 || buf[0] - '0' >= logCount) 
					&& (buf[0] != 'p' || page == 0) 
					&& (buf[0] != 'n' || !moreLogs) );

				if ( buf[0] == 'p' ) {
				} else if ( buf[0] == 'n' ) {
				} else {
			} while (1);

			i = buf[0] - '0'; // this is the log we want

			// open the log to parse the agent id
			sprintf_s( buf, MAX_PATH, "%ls%ls", logDirPath, logName[i] );
			if ( fopen_s( &logF, buf, "r" ) ) { 
				printf( "Failed to open log file! %s\n", buf );
				goto returnFail; 

			// clear first line
			fgets( buf, MAX_PATH, logF );
			// get agent type
			if ( 5 != fscanf_s( logF, "[%d:%d:%d.%d] %s\n", &i, &i, &i, &i, AT_name, 256 ) ) {
				printf( "Expected agent name\n" );
				goto returnFail; 
			// finish line
			fgets( buf, MAX_PATH, logF );
			// clear agent UUID line
			fgets( buf, MAX_PATH, logF );
			// get playbackfile UUID
			if ( 5 != fscanf_s( logF, "[%d:%d:%d.%d] AgentPlayback UUID %s\n", &i, &i, &i, &i, UUIDString, 256 ) ) {
				printf( "Expected agentplayback UUID\n" );
				goto returnFail; 

			fclose( logF );	

		// save settings for next time
		if ( fopen_s( &settingsF, "settings.txt", "w" ) ) {
			printf( "Couldn't save settings file\n" );
			goto returnFail; 
		fprintf_s( settingsF, "%d\n%ls\n%s\n%s", breakOnAlloc, logDirPath, AT_name, UUIDString );
		fclose( settingsF );

	if ( optionNum == 2 ) { 
		printf( "\nSettings saved, restart and run with option 0\n\n" );
		goto returnFail; 

	// -- Startup info --
	char *libraryPath = "library\\"; // library path
	sAddressPort ap;
	sprintf_s( ap.address, sizeof(ap.address), "" );
	sprintf_s( ap.port, sizeof(ap.port), "50000" );

	UUID ticket;
	UuidCreateNil( &ticket );
	int logLevel = 9;
	char logDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	WCHAR baseDirectory[512];

	GetCurrentDirectory( 512, baseDirectory );

	sprintf_s( logDirectory, MAX_PATH, "%ls", baseDirectory );
	// strip last directory to reach base path
	i = (int)wcslen(baseDirectory);
	while ( baseDirectory[i] != '\\' ) i--;
	baseDirectory[i] = '\0';

	SetCurrentDirectory( baseDirectory );

	char playbackFile[256];
	sprintf_s( playbackFile, 256, "%lsx %s.apb", logDirPath+1, UUIDString ); // strip off the leading . of ..\\

	if ( strcmp( AT_name, "AgentHost" ) != 0 ) { // regular agent
		WCHAR wbuf[512];

		char AT_object[256]; // agent template object
		sprintf_s( AT_object, 256, "%s.dll", AT_name );

		// -- Load agent DLL --
		HINSTANCE library = NULL;
		// set the current directory to the library path in case they need their own dlls
		SetCurrentDirectory( baseDirectory );
		wsprintf( wbuf, _T(".\\%hs%hs\\"), libraryPath, AT_name );
		SetCurrentDirectory( wbuf );
		// load the library
		wsprintf( wbuf, _T("%hs"), AT_object );
		library = LoadLibrary( wbuf );
		SetCurrentDirectory( baseDirectory );
		// set the directory back
		if ( library == NULL ) {
			printf_s( "LoadLibrary failed for %ls\n", wbuf );
			goto returnFail;

		// -- Spawn Agent --
		SpawnFuncPtr sfp;
		sfp = (SpawnFuncPtr)GetProcAddress( library, "Playback" );

		if ( sfp( &ap, &ticket, logLevel, logDirectory, PLAYBACKMODE_PLAYBACK, playbackFile ) ) {
			printf_s( "Failed to spawn agent\n" );
			goto returnFail;

		// -- Clean up -- 
		FreeLibrary( library );
	} else { // host
		int steps = 0;

		AgentHost *pHOST;

		SetCurrentDirectory( baseDirectory );
		pHOST = new AgentHost( ".\\library\\", LOG_LEVEL_ALL, logDirectory, PLAYBACKMODE_PLAYBACK, playbackFile );


		pHOST->start( NULL, NULL );

		while ( !pHOST->step() )


		delete pHOST;

	// Clean up Winsock

	#if defined(TRACE)
	System::Diagnostics::Trace::WriteLine( "--- Exit _tmain() for startup thread: AutonomicPlayback ---" );

	printf( "Finished. Press ENTER to exit..." );

	return 0;

	printf( "Finished. Press ENTER to exit..." );

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
void uuid_clear (uuid_t uu) {
    UuidCreateNil (reinterpret_cast<UUID*>(uu));