Exemplo n.º 1
	//Attemp to compute POINT-TO set via the IR type.
	virtual MD * comp_point_to_via_type(IR const* ir)
		IR_AI * ai = IR_ai(ir);
		IS_TRUE0(ir && ai);

		TBAA_AI * ty = (TBAA_AI*)ai->get(IRAI_TBAA);
		if (ty == NULL) { return NULL; }

		MD * md = m_tyid2md.get(ty->tyid);
		if (md != NULL) {
			return md;

		CHAR buf[64];
		sprintf(buf, "dummy%d", ty->tyid);
		VAR * dummy = m_var_mgr->register_var(buf,
											D_MC, D_UNDEF,
											0, 1, 1, VAR_GLOBAL);
		VAR_is_addr_taken(dummy) = true;
		VAR_allocable(dummy) = false;

		MD dummy_md;
		MD_base(&dummy_md) = dummy;
		MD_size(&dummy_md) = 0;
		MD_ty(&dummy_md) = MD_UNBOUND;
		MD_is_addr_taken(&dummy_md) = true;
		MD * entry = m_md_sys->register_md(dummy_md);
		m_tyid2md.set(ty->tyid, entry);
		return entry;
Exemplo n.º 2
//Try to generate a MD to represent dedicated string md.
//In case, e.g: android/external/tagsoup/src/org/ccil/cowan/tagsoup/HTMLSchema.java
//There is a function allocates 3000+ string variable.
//Each string has been taken address.
//That will inflate may_point_to_set too much.
//In this situation, AA can be conservatively regard all string variables
//as same unbounded MD.
MD const* RegionMgr::genDedicateStrMD()
    if (!m_is_regard_str_as_same_md) {
        return NULL;

    //Regard all string variables as same unbound MD.
    if (m_str_md == NULL) {
        SYM * s = addToSymbolTab("DedicatedVarBeRegardedAsString");
        VAR * sv = get_var_mgr()->registerStringVar("DedicatedStringVar", s, 1);
        VAR_allocable(sv) = false;
        VAR_is_addr_taken(sv) = true;
        MD md;
        MD_base(&md) = sv;
        MD_ty(&md) = MD_UNBOUND;
        MD const* e = m_md_sys->registerMD(md);
        ASSERT0(MD_id(e) > 0);
        m_str_md = e;
    return m_str_md;
Exemplo n.º 3
	void handle_ld(IR * ld, MD2MDS * mx)
		IS_TRUE0(IR_type(ld) == IR_LD && mx);
		IR_AI * ai = IR_ai(ld);
		if (ai == NULL) { return; }

		TBAA_AI * ty = (TBAA_AI*)ai->get(IRAI_TBAA);
		if (ty == NULL) { return; }

		MD * md = m_tyid2md.get(ty->tyid);
		if (md != NULL) {
			MD const* t = alloc_ld_md(ld);
			set_point_to_set_add_md(t, *mx, md);

		CHAR buf[64];
		sprintf(buf, "dummy%d", ty->tyid);
		VAR * dummy = m_var_mgr->register_var(buf,
											D_MC, D_UNDEF,
											0, 1, 1, VAR_GLOBAL);
		VAR_is_addr_taken(dummy) = true;
		VAR_allocable(dummy) = false;

		MD dummy_md;
		MD_base(&dummy_md) = dummy;
		MD_size(&dummy_md) = 0;
		MD_ty(&dummy_md) = MD_UNBOUND;
		MD_is_addr_taken(&dummy_md) = true;
		MD * entry = m_md_sys->register_md(dummy_md);
		m_tyid2md.set(ty->tyid, entry);

		MD const* t = alloc_ld_md(ld);
		set_point_to_set_add_md(t, *mx, entry);