Exemplo n.º 1
static OCStackResult OCParseSecurityPayload(OCPayload** outPayload, CborValue* rootValue)
    CborError err;
    char *securityData = NULL;

    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, "Invalid parameter");
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, "Invalid cbor");

    CborValue strVal;

    err = cbor_value_enter_container(rootValue, &strVal);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed entering container");
    if (cbor_value_is_text_string(&strVal))
        size_t len = 0;
        err = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&strVal, &securityData, &len, NULL);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed reading security data");
        *outPayload = (OCPayload *)OCSecurityPayloadCreate(securityData);
        VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, *outPayload, "Invalid cbor");
        ret = OC_STACK_OK;

    return ret;

Exemplo n.º 2
static CborError OCTagsCborToPayload(CborValue *tagsMap, OCTagsPayload **tagsPayload)
    CborError cborFindResult = CborErrorOutOfMemory;
    OCTagsPayload *tags = (OCTagsPayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCTagsPayload));
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, tags, "Failed allocating tags");

    cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME, &tags->n.deviceName);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding deviceName");

        char *deviceId = NULL;
        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID, &deviceId);
        if (deviceId)
            memcpy(tags->di.id, deviceId, strlen(deviceId));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding deviceId");

    cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_TTL, &tags->ttl);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding ttl");

    *tagsPayload = tags;
    return cborFindResult;

    return cborFindResult;
Exemplo n.º 3
static OCStackResult OCParseDevicePayload(OCPayload **outPayload, CborValue *rootValue)
    OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
    CborError err = CborNoError;
    OCDevicePayload *out = NULL;
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, "Invalid param outPayload");
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, rootValue, "Invalid param rootValue");

    *outPayload = NULL;

    out = (OCDevicePayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCDevicePayload));
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, out, "Failed allocating device payload")
    out->base.type = PAYLOAD_TYPE_DEVICE;

    if (cbor_value_is_map(rootValue))
        // Device ID
        size_t len = 0;
        CborValue curVal;
        err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID, &curVal);
        if (cbor_value_is_valid(&curVal))
            err = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &out->sid, &len, NULL);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "to find device id in device payload");
        // Device Name
        err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME, &curVal);
        if (cbor_value_is_valid(&curVal))
            err = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&curVal, &out->deviceName, &len, NULL);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "to find device name in device payload");
        // Device Spec Version
        err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_SPEC_VERSION, &curVal);
        if (cbor_value_is_valid(&curVal))
            err = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&curVal, &out->specVersion, &len, NULL);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "to find spec version in device payload");
        // Data Model Version
        err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_DATA_MODEL_VERSION, &curVal);
        if (cbor_value_is_valid(&curVal))
            err = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&curVal, &out->dataModelVersion, &len, NULL);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "to find data model version in device payload");
        err = cbor_value_advance(rootValue);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "to advance device payload");

        *outPayload = (OCPayload *)out;
        return OC_STACK_OK;

    return ret;
static CborError OCTagsCborToPayload(CborValue *tagsMap, OCTagsPayload **tagsPayload)
    CborError cborFindResult = CborErrorOutOfMemory;
    OCTagsPayload *tags = (OCTagsPayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCTagsPayload));
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, tags, "Failed allocating tags");

    if (cbor_value_is_map(tagsMap))
        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME, &tags->n.deviceName);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding deviceName");
        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DREL, &tags->drel);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding drel");
        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_RTS, &tags->rts);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding rts");
        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_BASE_URI, &tags->baseURI);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding baseURI");
        char *deviceId = NULL;
        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID, &deviceId);
        if (deviceId)
            memcpy(tags->di.id, deviceId, strlen(deviceId));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding deviceId");
            uint64_t value = 0;
            cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_HOSTING_PORT, &value);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding port");
            tags->port = value;
            value = 0;
            cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_BITMAP, &value);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding bitmap");
            tags->bitmap = value;
            value = 0;
            cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_INS, &value);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding ins");
            tags->ins = value;
            value = 0;
            cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_TTL, &value);
            tags->ttl = value;
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding ttl");
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_advance(tagsMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed advancing bitmap");
    *tagsPayload = tags;
    return cborFindResult;

    return cborFindResult;
Exemplo n.º 5
static int64_t OCConvertRepMap(CborEncoder *map, const OCRepPayload *payload)
    int64_t err = CborNoError;
    CborEncoder repMap;
    err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(map, &repMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating rep map");
    err |= OCConvertSingleRepPayload(&repMap, payload);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed converting single rep payload");
    err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(map, &repMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing rep map");
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int64_t OCConvertArray(CborEncoder *parent, const OCRepPayloadValueArray *valArray)
    int64_t err = CborNoError;
    CborEncoder array;
    err |= cbor_encoder_create_array(parent, &array, valArray->dimensions[0]);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating rep array");

    for (size_t i = 0; i < valArray->dimensions[0]; ++i)
        if (0 != valArray->dimensions[1])
            CborEncoder array2;
            err |= cbor_encoder_create_array(&array, &array2, valArray->dimensions[1]);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating rep array2");

            for (size_t j = 0; j < valArray->dimensions[1]; ++j)
                if (0 != valArray->dimensions[2])
                    CborEncoder array3;
                    err |= cbor_encoder_create_array(&array2, &array3, valArray->dimensions[2]);
                    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating rep array3");

                    for(size_t k = 0; k < valArray->dimensions[2]; ++k)
                        err |= OCConvertArrayItem(&array3, valArray,
                            j * valArray->dimensions[2] +
                            i * valArray->dimensions[2] * valArray->dimensions[1] +
                        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding rep array3 value");
                    err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&array2, &array3);
                    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing rep array3");
                    err |= OCConvertArrayItem(&array2, valArray, i * valArray->dimensions[1] + j);
                    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding rep array2 value");
            err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&array, &array2);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing rep array2");
            err |= OCConvertArrayItem(&array, valArray, i);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding rep array value");
    err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(parent, &array);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing rep array");

    return err;
Exemplo n.º 7
static int64_t OCTagsPayloadToCbor(OCTagsPayload *tags, CborEncoder *setMap)
    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(setMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME in tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(setMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID,
        (char *)tags->di.id);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID in tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(setMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_TTL, &tags->ttl);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_TTL in tags map");
    return cborEncoderResult;
Exemplo n.º 8
static OCStackResult OCParsePresencePayload(OCPayload **outPayload, CborValue *rootValue)
    OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;
    OCPresencePayload *payload = NULL;
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, "Invalid Parameter outPayload");

    *outPayload = NULL;

    payload = (OCPresencePayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCPresencePayload));
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, payload, "Failed allocating presence payload");
    payload->base.type = PAYLOAD_TYPE_PRESENCE;

    if (cbor_value_is_map(rootValue))
        CborValue curVal;

        // Sequence Number
        CborError err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_NONCE, &curVal);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed finding nonce tag");
        err = cbor_value_get_uint64(&curVal, (uint64_t *)&payload->sequenceNumber);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed finding nonce value");

        // Max Age
        err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_TTL, &curVal);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed finding ttl tag");
        err = cbor_value_get_uint64(&curVal, (uint64_t *)&payload->maxAge);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed finding ttl value");

        // Trigger
        err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_TRIGGER, &curVal);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed finding trigger tag");
        err = cbor_value_get_simple_type(&curVal, (uint8_t *)&payload->trigger);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed finding trigger value");

        // Resource type name
        err = cbor_value_map_find_value(rootValue, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, &curVal);
        if (cbor_value_is_valid(&curVal))
            size_t len = 0;
            err = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&curVal, &payload->resourceType, &len, NULL);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed finding resource type value");

        err = cbor_value_advance(rootValue);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed advancing root value");

        *outPayload = (OCPayload *)payload;
        return OC_STACK_OK;
    OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "CBOR error Parse Presence Payload");
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 9
static int64_t OCConvertSingleRepPayload(CborEncoder *repMap, const OCRepPayload *payload)
    int64_t err = CborNoError;
    OCRepPayloadValue *value = payload->values;
    while (value)
        err |= cbor_encode_text_string(repMap, value->name, strlen(value->name));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding tag name");

        switch (value->type)
            case OCREP_PROP_NULL:
                err |= cbor_encode_null(repMap);
            case OCREP_PROP_INT:
                err |= cbor_encode_int(repMap, value->i);
            case OCREP_PROP_DOUBLE:
                err |= cbor_encode_double(repMap, value->d);
            case OCREP_PROP_BOOL:
                err |= cbor_encode_boolean(repMap, value->b);
            case OCREP_PROP_STRING:
                err |= cbor_encode_text_string(repMap, value->str, strlen(value->str));
            case OCREP_PROP_BYTE_STRING:
                err |= cbor_encode_byte_string(repMap, value->ocByteStr.bytes, value->ocByteStr.len);
            case OCREP_PROP_OBJECT:
                err |= OCConvertRepMap(repMap, value->obj);
            case OCREP_PROP_ARRAY:
                err |= OCConvertArray(repMap, &value->arr);
                OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "Invalid Prop type: %d", value->type);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding single rep value");
        value = value->next;

    return err;
static int64_t AddTextStringToMap(CborEncoder* map, const char* key, const char* value)
    int64_t err = cbor_encode_text_string(map, key, strlen(key));
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting key value");
    err |= cbor_encode_text_string(map, value, strlen(value));
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 11
static int64_t OCConvertDevicePayload(OCDevicePayload *payload, uint8_t *outPayload,
        size_t *size)
    if (!payload)
        return CborUnknownError;
    int64_t err = CborNoError;
    CborEncoder encoder;

    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, *size, 0);
    CborEncoder repMap;
    err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &repMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating device map");

    // Resource Type
    if (payload->types)
        OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Payload has types");
        err |= OCStringLLJoin(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, payload->types);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding resource type tag/value.");

    if (payload->interfaces)
        OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Payload has interface");
        err |= OCStringLLJoin(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, payload->interfaces);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding interface type tag/value.");

    // Device ID
    err |= AddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID) - 1 , payload->sid);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding device id");

    // Device Name
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME) - 1, payload->deviceName);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding device name");

    // Device Spec Version
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_SPEC_VERSION,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_SPEC_VERSION) - 1, payload->specVersion);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding data spec version");

    // Device data Model Version
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_DATA_MODEL_VERSION,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_DATA_MODEL_VERSION) - 1, payload->dataModelVersion);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding data model version");

    err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &repMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing device map");

    return checkError(err, &encoder, outPayload, size);
static int64_t AddStringLLToMap(CborEncoder *map, const char *tag, const OCStringLL *strType)
    CborEncoder array;
    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;
    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(map, tag, strlen(tag));
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed encoding string tag name");
    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_array(map, &array, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed creating stringLL array");
    while (strType)
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&array, strType->value, strlen(strType->value));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed encoding string value");
        strType = strType->next;
    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(map, &array);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing string array");
    return cborEncoderResult;
Exemplo n.º 13
static CborError FindStringLLInMap(const CborValue *linksMap, const char *tag, OCStringLL **links)
    size_t len;
    CborValue rtArray;
    OCStringLL* llPtr = *links;
    CborError cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(linksMap, tag, &rtArray);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding tag");

    CborValue rtVal;
    cborFindResult = cbor_value_enter_container(&rtArray, &rtVal);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed entering container");

    while (cbor_value_is_text_string(&rtVal))
        if (llPtr == NULL)
            llPtr = (OCStringLL *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCStringLL));
            VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, llPtr, "Failed allocating OCStringLL");
            *links = llPtr;
        else if (llPtr)
            while (llPtr->next)
                llPtr = llPtr->next;
            llPtr->next = (OCStringLL *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCStringLL));
            llPtr = llPtr->next;
            VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, llPtr, "Failed allocating OCStringLL->next");
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&rtVal, &(llPtr->value), &len, NULL);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed duplicating value");
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_advance(&rtVal);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed advancing OCStringLL");

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_leave_container(&rtArray, &rtVal);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed leaving container");

    return cborFindResult;
static int64_t ConditionalAddIntToMap(CborEncoder *map, const char *tags, const uint64_t *value)
    int64_t err = CborNoError;
    if (*value)
        err |= cbor_encode_text_string(map, tags, strlen(tags));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "failed setting value");
        err |= cbor_encode_uint(map, *value);
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 15
static int64_t OCConvertPresencePayload(OCPresencePayload *payload, uint8_t *outPayload,
        size_t *size)
    int64_t err = CborNoError;
    CborEncoder encoder;

    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, *size, 0);
    CborEncoder map;
    err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &map, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating presence map");

    // Sequence Number
    err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OC_RSRVD_NONCE, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_NONCE) - 1);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding nonce tag to presence map");
    err |= cbor_encode_uint(&map, payload->sequenceNumber);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding nonce value to presence map");

    // Max Age
    err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OC_RSRVD_TTL, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_TTL) - 1);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding ttl tag to presence map");
    err |= cbor_encode_uint(&map, payload->maxAge);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding ttl value to presence map");

    // Trigger
    err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OC_RSRVD_TRIGGER, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_TRIGGER) - 1);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding trigger tag to presence map");
    err |= cbor_encode_simple_value(&map, payload->trigger);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding trigger value to presence map");

    // Resource type name
    if (payload->trigger != OC_PRESENCE_TRIGGER_DELETE)
        err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&map, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE,
                sizeof(OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE) - 1, payload->resourceType);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding resource type to presence map");

    // Close Map
    err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &map);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing presence map");

    return checkError(err, &encoder, outPayload, size);
Exemplo n.º 16
static CborError OCParseStringLL(CborValue *map, char *type, OCStringLL **resource)
    CborValue val;
    CborError err = cbor_value_map_find_value(map, type, &val);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "to find StringLL TAG");

    if (cbor_value_is_text_string(&val))
        char *input = NULL;
        char *savePtr = NULL;
        size_t len = 0;

        err = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&val, &input, &len, NULL);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "to find StringLL value");

        if (input)
            char *curPtr = strtok_r(input, " ", &savePtr);
            while (curPtr)
                char *trimmed = InPlaceStringTrim(curPtr);
                if (trimmed[0] !='\0')
                    if (!OCResourcePayloadAddStringLL(resource, trimmed))
                        return CborErrorOutOfMemory;
                curPtr = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savePtr);
    return err;
Exemplo n.º 17
static int64_t OCConvertRepPayload(OCRepPayload *payload, uint8_t *outPayload, size_t *size)
    CborEncoder encoder;
    int64_t err = CborNoError;

    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, *size, 0);

    size_t arrayCount = 0;
    for (OCRepPayload *temp = payload; temp; temp = temp->next)
    CborEncoder rootArray;
    if (arrayCount > 1)
        err |= cbor_encoder_create_array(&encoder, &rootArray, arrayCount);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding rep root map");

    while (payload != NULL && (err == CborNoError))
        CborEncoder rootMap;
        err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(((arrayCount == 1)? &encoder: &rootArray),
                                            &rootMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating root map");

        // Only in case of collection href is included.
        if (arrayCount > 1 && payload->uri && strlen(payload->uri) > 0)
            OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Payload has uri");
            err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_HREF, strlen(OC_RSRVD_HREF));
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding rep href tag");
            err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&rootMap, payload->uri, strlen(payload->uri));
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding rep href value");
        if (payload->types)
            OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Payload has types");
            err |= OCStringLLJoin(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, payload->types);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding resource type.");
        if (payload->interfaces)
            OIC_LOG(INFO, TAG, "Payload has interfaces");
            err |= OCStringLLJoin(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, payload->interfaces);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding platform interface type.");

        err |= OCConvertSingleRepPayload(&rootMap, payload);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting rep payload");

        // Close main array
        err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(((arrayCount == 1) ? &encoder: &rootArray),
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing root map");
        payload = payload->next;
    if (arrayCount > 1)
        err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &rootArray);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing root array");

    return checkError(err, &encoder, outPayload, size);
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Updates the Secure Virtual Resource(s) into the Persistent Storage.
 * This function stores cbor-payload of each resource by appending resource name,
 * and empty payload implies deleting the value
 * @param rsrcName - pointer of character string for the SVR name (e.g. "acl")
 * @param psPayload - pointer of the updated Secure Virtual Resource(s)
 * @param psSize - the updated size of Secure Virtual Resource(s)
 * @return OCStackResult - result of updating Secure Virtual Resource(s)
OCStackResult UpdateSecureResourceInPS(const char *rsrcName, const uint8_t *psPayload, size_t psSize)
    OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "UpdateSecureResourceInPS IN");
    if (!rsrcName)
        return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;

    size_t dbSize = 0;
    size_t outSize = 0;
    uint8_t *dbData = NULL;
    uint8_t *outPayload = NULL;

    uint8_t *aclCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *pstatCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *doxmCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *amaclCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *svcCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *credCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *pconfCbor = NULL;

    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;
    OCStackResult ret = GetSecureVirtualDatabaseFromPS(NULL, &dbData, &dbSize);
    if (dbData && dbSize)
        size_t aclCborLen = 0;
        size_t pstatCborLen = 0;
        size_t doxmCborLen = 0;
        size_t amaclCborLen = 0;
        size_t svcCborLen = 0;
        size_t credCborLen = 0;
        size_t pconfCborLen = 0;

        // Gets each secure virtual resource from persistent storage
        // this local scoping intended, for destroying large cbor instances after use
            CborParser parser;  // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init|
            CborValue cbor;     // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init|
            cbor_parser_init(dbData, dbSize, 0, &parser, &cbor);
            CborValue curVal = {0};
            CborError cborFindResult = CborNoError;

            cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME, &curVal);
            if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal))
                cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &aclCbor, &aclCborLen, NULL);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding ACL Name Value.");
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME, &curVal);
            if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal))
                cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &pstatCbor, &pstatCborLen, NULL);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding PSTAT Name Value.");
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, &curVal);
            if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal))
                cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &doxmCbor, &doxmCborLen, NULL);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult,  "Failed Finding DOXM Name Value.");
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME, &curVal);
            if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal))
                cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &amaclCbor, &amaclCborLen, NULL);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding AMACL Name Value.");
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME, &curVal);
            if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal))
                cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &svcCbor, &svcCborLen, NULL);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding SVC Name Value.");
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME, &curVal);
            if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal))
                cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &credCbor, &credCborLen, NULL);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding CRED Name Value.");
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&cbor, OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME, &curVal);
            if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_byte_string(&curVal))
                cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_byte_string(&curVal, &pconfCbor, &pconfCborLen, NULL);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding PCONF Name Value.");

        // Updates the added |psPayload| with the existing secure virtual resource(s)
        // this local scoping intended, for destroying large cbor instances after use
            size_t size = aclCborLen + pstatCborLen + doxmCborLen + amaclCborLen
                        + svcCborLen + credCborLen + pconfCborLen + psSize + 255;
            // This added '255' is arbitrary value that is added to cover the name of the resource, map addition and ending

            outPayload = (uint8_t *) OICCalloc(1, size);
            VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, ERROR);
            CborEncoder encoder;  // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init|
            cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, size, 0);
            CborEncoder secRsrc;  // will be initialized in |cbor_encoder_create_map|
            cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &secRsrc, CborIndefiniteLength);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PS Map.");

            if (psPayload && psSize)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, rsrcName, strlen(rsrcName));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value Tag");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, psPayload, psSize);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value.");
            if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME, rsrcName) && aclCborLen)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ACL Name.");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, aclCbor, aclCborLen);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ACL Value.");
            if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME, rsrcName) && pstatCborLen)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PSTAT Name.");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, pstatCbor, pstatCborLen);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PSTAT Value.");
            if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, rsrcName) && doxmCborLen)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Doxm Name.");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, doxmCbor, doxmCborLen);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Doxm Value.");
            if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME, rsrcName) && amaclCborLen)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Amacl Name.");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, amaclCbor, amaclCborLen);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Amacl Value.");
            if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME, rsrcName) && svcCborLen)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SVC Name.");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, svcCbor, svcCborLen);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SVC Value.");
            if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME, rsrcName) && credCborLen)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Cred Name.");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, credCbor, credCborLen);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Cred Value.");
            if (strcmp(OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME, rsrcName) && pconfCborLen)
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_PCONF_NAME));
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Pconf Name.");
                cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, pconfCbor, pconfCborLen);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Pconf Value.");

            cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &secRsrc);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Closing Array.");
            outSize = encoder.ptr - outPayload;
    else if (psPayload && psSize)
        size_t size = psSize + 255;
        // This added '255' is arbitrary value that is added to cover the name of the resource, map addition and ending

        outPayload = (uint8_t *) OICCalloc(1, size);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, ERROR);
        CborEncoder encoder;  // will be initialized in |cbor_parser_init|
        cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, size, 0);
        CborEncoder secRsrc;  // will be initialized in |cbor_encoder_create_map|
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &secRsrc, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PS Map.");

        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&secRsrc, rsrcName, strlen(rsrcName));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value Tag");
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_byte_string(&secRsrc, psPayload, psSize);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Value.");

        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &secRsrc);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Closing Array.");
        outSize = encoder.ptr - outPayload;

    if (outPayload && outSize)
        OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Writting in the file: %zu", outSize);
        OCPersistentStorage* ps = SRMGetPersistentStorageHandler();
        if (ps)
            FILE *fp = ps->open(SVR_DB_DAT_FILE_NAME, "wb");
            if (fp)
                size_t numberItems = ps->write(outPayload, 1, outSize, fp);
                if (outSize == numberItems)
                    OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Written %zu bytes into SVR database file", outSize);
                    ret = OC_STACK_OK;
                    OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "Failed writing %zu in the database", numberItems);
                OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "File open failed.");

    OIC_LOG(DEBUG, TAG, "UpdateSecureResourceInPS OUT");

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 19
OCStackResult CBORPayloadToPstat(const uint8_t *cborPayload, const size_t size,
                                 OicSecPstat_t **secPstat)
    if (NULL == cborPayload || NULL == secPstat || NULL != *secPstat || 0 == size)
        return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;

    OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_ERROR;
    *secPstat = NULL;

    CborValue pstatCbor;
    CborParser parser;
    CborError cborFindResult = CborNoError;
    char *strUuid = NULL;
    size_t len = 0;

    cbor_parser_init(cborPayload, size, 0, &parser, &pstatCbor);
    CborValue pstatMap = { .parser = NULL };

    OicSecPstat_t *pstat = NULL;
    cborFindResult = cbor_value_enter_container(&pstatCbor, &pstatMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding PSTAT Map.");

    pstat = (OicSecPstat_t *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OicSecPstat_t));

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_ISOP_NAME, &pstatMap);
    if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_boolean(&pstatMap))
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_boolean(&pstatMap, &pstat->isOp);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding isOp Value.");

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_NAME, &pstatMap);
    if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_text_string(&pstatMap))
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&pstatMap, &strUuid , &len, NULL);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding Device Id Value.");
        ret = ConvertStrToUuid(strUuid , &pstat->deviceID);
        OICFree(strUuid );
        strUuid  = NULL;

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_CM_NAME, &pstatMap);
    if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap))
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->cm);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding CM.");

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_TM_NAME, &pstatMap);
    if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap))
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->tm);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding TM.");

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_OM_NAME, &pstatMap);
    if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap))
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->om);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding OM.");

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_SM_NAME, &pstatMap);
    if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_integer(&pstatMap))
        pstat->smLen = 1;
        pstat->sm = (OicSecDpom_t*)OICCalloc(pstat->smLen, sizeof(OicSecDpom_t));
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_get_int(&pstatMap, (int *) &pstat->sm[0]);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding SM.");


    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&pstatCbor, OIC_JSON_ROWNERID_NAME, &pstatMap);
    if (CborNoError == cborFindResult && cbor_value_is_text_string(&pstatMap))
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_dup_text_string(&pstatMap, &strUuid , &len, NULL);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed Finding ROwner Id Value.");
        ret = ConvertStrToUuid(strUuid , &pstat->rownerID);
        OICFree(strUuid );
        strUuid  = NULL;

    *secPstat = pstat;
    ret = OC_STACK_OK;

    if (CborNoError != cborFindResult)
        OIC_LOG(ERROR, TAG, "CBORPayloadToPstat failed");
        pstat = NULL;
        *secPstat = NULL;
        ret = OC_STACK_ERROR;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 20
static int64_t OCConvertPlatformPayload(OCPlatformPayload *payload, uint8_t *outPayload,
        size_t *size)
    int64_t err = CborNoError;
    CborEncoder encoder;

    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, *size, 0);

    CborEncoder repMap;
    err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &repMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating platform map");

    // Platform ID
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_PLATFORM_ID,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_PLATFORM_ID) - 1, payload->info.platformID);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding platform id");

    // MFG Name
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_MFG_NAME,
        sizeof(OC_RSRVD_MFG_NAME) - 1, payload->info.manufacturerName);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding mfg name");

    // MFG Url
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_MFG_URL,
        sizeof(OC_RSRVD_MFG_URL) - 1, payload->info.manufacturerUrl);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding mfg url");

    // Model Num
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_MODEL_NUM,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_MODEL_NUM) -1, payload->info.modelNumber);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding model num");

    // Date of Mfg
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_MFG_DATE,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_MFG_DATE) - 1, payload->info.dateOfManufacture);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding mfg date");

    // Platform Version
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_PLATFORM_VERSION,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_PLATFORM_VERSION) - 1, payload->info.platformVersion);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding platform version");

    // OS Version
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_OS_VERSION,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_OS_VERSION) - 1, payload->info.operatingSystemVersion);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding OS version");

    // Hardware Version
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_HARDWARE_VERSION,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_HARDWARE_VERSION) - 1, payload->info.hardwareVersion);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding HW version");

    // Firmware Version
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_FIRMWARE_VERSION,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_FIRMWARE_VERSION) - 1, payload->info.firmwareVersion);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding firmware version");

    // Support URL
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_SUPPORT_URL,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_SUPPORT_URL) - 1, payload->info.supportUrl);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding support url");

    // System Time
    err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_SYSTEM_TIME,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_SYSTEM_TIME) - 1, payload->info.systemTime);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding system time");

    // Resource type
    if (payload->rt)
        err |= OCStringLLJoin(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, payload->rt);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding resource type.");

    // Resource interfaces
    if (payload->interfaces)
        err |= OCStringLLJoin(&repMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, payload->interfaces);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding platform interface type.");

    // Close Map
    err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &repMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing rep map");

    return checkError(err, &encoder, outPayload, size);
Exemplo n.º 21
static CborError OCLinksCborToPayload(CborValue *links, OCLinksPayload **linksPayload)
    OCLinksPayload *setLinks = NULL;
    CborValue linksMap;
    CborValue linksArray;
    CborError cborFindResult = CborErrorOutOfMemory;

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(links, OC_RSRVD_LINKS, &linksArray);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding links array");

    cborFindResult = cbor_value_enter_container(&linksArray, &linksMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed entering links map container");

    while (cbor_value_is_map(&linksMap))
        setLinks = (OCLinksPayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCLinksPayload));
        VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, setLinks, "Failed allocating setLinks");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_HREF, &setLinks->href);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding href value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_REL, &setLinks->rel);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding rel value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringLLInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, &setLinks->rt);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding rt value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringLLInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, &setLinks->itf);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding itf value");

        // Policy
        CborValue policyMap;
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_map_find_value(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_POLICY, &policyMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "to find policy tag");

        // Bitmap
        cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(&policyMap, OC_RSRVD_BITMAP, (uint64_t *) &setLinks->p);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding bitmap value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_TITLE, &setLinks->title);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding title value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_URI, &setLinks->anchor);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding uri value");

        cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INS, (uint64_t *) &setLinks->ins);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding ins value");

        cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_TTL, &setLinks->ttl);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding ttl");

        cborFindResult = FindStringLLInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_MEDIA_TYPE, &setLinks->type);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding mt value");

        if (!*linksPayload)
            *linksPayload = setLinks;
            OCLinksPayload *temp = *linksPayload;
            while (temp->next)
                temp = temp->next;
            temp->next = setLinks;
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_advance(&linksMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed advancing links map");

    return cborFindResult;

    return cborFindResult;
Exemplo n.º 22
static int64_t OCConvertDiscoveryPayload(OCDiscoveryPayload *payload, uint8_t *outPayload,
        size_t *size)
    CborEncoder encoder;
    int64_t err = CborNoError;

    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, *size, 0);

    if (payload->resources)
        The format for the payload is "modelled" as JSON.

        [                                                       // rootArray
            {                                                   // rootMap
                "di" : UUID,                                    // device ID
                "rt": "oic.wk.res"
                "if":"oic.if.ll oic.if.baseline"
                "di": "0685B960-736F-46F7-BEC0-9E6CBD61ADC1",
                links :[                                        // linksArray contains maps of resources
                                href, rt, if, policy            // Resource 1
                                href, rt, if, policy            // Resource 2
        // Open the main root array
        CborEncoder rootArray;
        size_t resourceCount =  OCDiscoveryPayloadGetResourceCount(payload);
        err |= cbor_encoder_create_array(&encoder, &rootArray, 1);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating discovery root array");

        // Open the root map in the root array
        CborEncoder rootMap;
        err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&rootArray, &rootMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating discovery map");

        // Insert Name
        err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME,
                sizeof(OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME) - 1, payload->name);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting name");

        // Insert Device ID into the root map
        err |= AddTextStringToMap(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID) - 1,
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting device id");

        // Insert Resource Type
        err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE,
                sizeof(OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE) - 1, payload->type);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting RT");

        // Insert interfaces
        if (payload->interface)
            err |= OCStringLLJoin(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, payload->interface);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding interface types tag/value");

        // Insert baseURI if present
        err |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_BASE_URI,
                                            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_BASE_URI) - 1,
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting baseURI");

        // Insert Links into the root map.
        CborEncoder linkArray;
        err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&rootMap, OC_RSRVD_LINKS, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_LINKS) - 1);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting links array tag");
        err |= cbor_encoder_create_array(&rootMap, &linkArray, resourceCount);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed setting links array");

        for(size_t i = 0; i < resourceCount; ++i)
            CborEncoder linkMap;
            OCResourcePayload *resource = OCDiscoveryPayloadGetResource(payload, i);
            VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, resource, "Failed retrieving resource");

            // resource map inside the links array.
            err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&linkArray, &linkMap, LINKS_MAP_LEN);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed creating links map");

            // Below are insertions of the resource properties into the map.
            // Uri
            err |= AddTextStringToMap(&linkMap, OC_RSRVD_HREF, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_HREF) - 1,
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding uri to links map");

            // Resource Type
            if (resource->types)
                err |= OCStringLLJoin(&linkMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, resource->types);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding resourceType tag/value to links map");
            // Interface Types
            if (resource->interfaces)
                err |= OCStringLLJoin(&linkMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, resource->interfaces);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding interfaces tag/value to links map");

            // Policy
            CborEncoder policyMap;
            err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&linkMap, OC_RSRVD_POLICY, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_POLICY) - 1);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding policy tag to links map");
            err |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&linkMap, &policyMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding policy map to links map");

            // Bitmap
            err |=  cbor_encode_text_string(&policyMap, OC_RSRVD_BITMAP, sizeof(OC_RSRVD_BITMAP) - 1);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding bitmap tag to policy map");
            err |= cbor_encode_uint(&policyMap, resource->bitmap);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding bitmap value to policy map");

            if (resource->secure)
                err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&policyMap, OC_RSRVD_SECURE,
                        sizeof(OC_RSRVD_SECURE) - 1);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding secure tag to policy map");
                err |= cbor_encode_boolean(&policyMap, OC_RESOURCE_SECURE);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding secure value to policy map");
            if ((resource->secure && resource->port != 0) || payload->baseURI)
                err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&policyMap, OC_RSRVD_HOSTING_PORT,
                        sizeof(OC_RSRVD_HOSTING_PORT) - 1);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding secure port tag");
                err |= cbor_encode_uint(&policyMap, resource->port);
                VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding secure port value");

            err |= cbor_encode_text_string(&policyMap, OC_RSRVD_TCP_PORT,
                                           sizeof(OC_RSRVD_TCP_PORT) - 1);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding tcp port tag");
            err |= cbor_encode_uint(&policyMap, resource->tcpPort);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed adding tcp port value");

            err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&linkMap, &policyMap);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing policy map");

            // Finsihed encoding a resource, close the map.
            err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&linkArray, &linkMap);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing link map");
        // Close links array inside the root map.
        err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&rootMap, &linkArray);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing link array");
        // close root map inside the root array.
        err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&rootArray, &rootMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing root map");
        // Close the final root array.
        err |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &rootArray);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, err, "Failed closing root array");

    return checkError(err, &encoder, outPayload, size);
static int64_t OCTagsPayloadToCbor(OCTagsPayload *tags, CborEncoder *setMap)
    CborEncoder tagsMap;
    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;
    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(setMap, &tagsMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to create tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME, tags->n.deviceName);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME in tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID,
            (char *)tags->di.id);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID in tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_RTS, tags->rts);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_RTS in tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_DREL, tags->drel);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_DREL in tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_BASE_URI, tags->baseURI);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_BASE_URI in tags map");

        uint64_t value = tags->bitmap;
        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_BITMAP, &value);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_BITMAP in tags map");

        value = tags->port;
        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_HOSTING_PORT, &value);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_HOSTING_PORT in tags map");

        value = tags->ins;
        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_INS, &value);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_INS in tags map");

        value = tags->ttl;
        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&tagsMap, OC_RSRVD_TTL, &value);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_TTL in tags map");

    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(setMap, &tagsMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to close container");

    return cborEncoderResult;
static int64_t OCLinksPayloadToCbor(OCLinksPayload *rtPtr, CborEncoder *setMap)
    CborEncoder linksArray;
    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;

    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_array(setMap, &linksArray, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to create Links array");

    while (rtPtr)
        CborEncoder linksMap;
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&linksArray, &linksMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to create Links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_HREF, rtPtr->href);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_HREF in Links map");

        cborEncoderResult|= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_REL, rtPtr->rel);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_REL in Links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_TITLE, rtPtr->title);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_TITLE in Links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_URI, rtPtr->uri);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_URI in Links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= AddStringLLToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, rtPtr->rt);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_RT in Links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= AddStringLLToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, rtPtr->itf);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_ITF in Links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= AddStringLLToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_MEDIA_TYPE, rtPtr->mt);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_MT in Links map");

            uint64_t value = rtPtr->ins;
            cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INS, &value);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_INS in Links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&linksArray, &linksMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing Links map");

        rtPtr = rtPtr->next;
    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(setMap, &linksArray);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing links array");

    return cborEncoderResult;
int64_t OCRDPayloadToCbor(const OCRDPayload *rdPayload, uint8_t *outPayload, size_t *size)
    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborErrorIO;
    int flags = 0;
    CborEncoder encoder;
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, rdPayload, "Invalid input parameter rdPayload");
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, "Invalid input parameter outPayload");
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, size, "Invalid input parameter size");

    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, *size, flags);

    if (rdPayload->rdDiscovery)
        CborEncoder map;
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &map, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to create discovery map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&map, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME,
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME in map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&map, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID,
            (char *)rdPayload->rdDiscovery->di.id);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID in map");

            uint64_t value = rdPayload->rdDiscovery->sel;
            cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&map, OC_RSRVD_RD_DISCOVERY_SEL, &value);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add RD_DISCOVERY_SEL in map");
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &map);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing discovery map");
    else if (rdPayload->rdPublish)
        CborEncoder colArray;
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_array(&encoder, &colArray, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to create collection array");

        OCResourceCollectionPayload *rdPublish = rdPayload->rdPublish;
        while (rdPublish)
            cborEncoderResult |= OCTagsPayloadToCbor(rdPublish->tags, &colArray);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed adding tags payload");
            cborEncoderResult |= OCLinksPayloadToCbor(rdPublish->setLinks, &colArray);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed adding setLinks payload");
            rdPublish = rdPublish->next;
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &colArray);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing collection array");
        CborEncoder map;
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &map, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed entering discovery map");
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &map);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing discovery map");

    if (cborEncoderResult == CborErrorOutOfMemory)
        *size += encoder.ptr - encoder.end;
        *size = encoder.ptr - outPayload;

    return cborEncoderResult;

    return cborEncoderResult;
static CborError OCLinksCborToPayload(CborValue *linksArray, OCLinksPayload **linksPayload)
    CborValue linksMap;
    OCLinksPayload *setLinks = NULL;
    CborError cborFindResult = cbor_value_enter_container(linksArray, &linksMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed entering links map container");

    while (cbor_value_is_map(&linksMap))
        setLinks = (OCLinksPayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCLinksPayload));
        VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, setLinks, "Failed allocating setLinks");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_HREF, &setLinks->href);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding href value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_REL, &setLinks->rel);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding rel value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_TITLE, &setLinks->title);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding title value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_URI, &setLinks->uri);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding uri value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringLLInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, &setLinks->rt);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding rt value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringLLInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, &setLinks->itf);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding itf value");

        cborFindResult = FindStringLLInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_MEDIA_TYPE, &setLinks->mt);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding mt value");

            uint64_t value = 0;
            cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INS, &value);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding ins value");
            setLinks->ins = value;

        if (!*linksPayload)
            *linksPayload = setLinks;
            OCLinksPayload *temp = *linksPayload;
            while (temp->next)
                temp = temp->next;
            temp->next = setLinks;
        cborFindResult = cbor_value_advance(&linksMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed advancing links map");

    return cborFindResult;

    return cborFindResult;
Exemplo n.º 27
OCStackResult PstatToCBORPayload(const OicSecPstat_t *pstat, uint8_t **payload, size_t *size)
    if (NULL == pstat || NULL == payload || NULL != *payload || NULL == size)
        return OC_STACK_INVALID_PARAM;

    size_t cborLen = *size;
    if (0 == cborLen)
        cborLen = CBOR_SIZE;

    *payload = NULL;
    *size = 0;

    OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_ERROR;

    CborEncoder encoder;
    CborEncoder pstatMap;
    char* strUuid = NULL;

    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;

    uint8_t *outPayload = (uint8_t *)OICCalloc(1, cborLen);
    VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, ERROR);
    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, cborLen, 0);

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &pstatMap, PSTAT_MAP_SIZE);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Pstat Map.");

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, OIC_JSON_ISOP_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ISOP Name Tag.");
    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_boolean(&pstatMap, pstat->isOp);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ISOP Name Value.");

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Device Id Tag.");
    ret = ConvertUuidToStr(&pstat->deviceID, &strUuid);
    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, strUuid, strlen(strUuid));
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Device Id Value.");
    strUuid = NULL;

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, OIC_JSON_CM_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding CM Name Tag.");
    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_int(&pstatMap, pstat->cm);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding CM Name Value.");

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, OIC_JSON_TM_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding TM Name Tag.");
    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_int(&pstatMap, pstat->tm);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding TM Name Value.");

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, OIC_JSON_OM_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding OM Name Tag.");
    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_int(&pstatMap, pstat->om);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding OM Name Value.");

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, OIC_JSON_SM_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SM Name Tag.");
    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_int(&pstatMap, pstat->sm[0]);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SM Name Value.");

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, OIC_JSON_ROWNERID_NAME,
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ROwner Id Tag.");
    ret = ConvertUuidToStr(&pstat->rownerID, &strUuid);
    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&pstatMap, strUuid, strlen(strUuid));
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ROwner Id Value.");
    strUuid = NULL;

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &pstatMap);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding Closing PSTAT Map.");

    if (CborNoError == cborEncoderResult)
        *size = encoder.ptr - outPayload;
        *payload = outPayload;
        ret = OC_STACK_OK;
    if ((CborErrorOutOfMemory == cborEncoderResult) && (cborLen < CBOR_MAX_SIZE))
        // reallocate and try again!
        // Since the allocated initial memory failed, double the memory.
        cborLen += encoder.ptr - encoder.end;
        cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;
        ret = PstatToCBORPayload(pstat, payload, &cborLen);
        if (OC_STACK_OK == ret)
            *size = cborLen;

    if ((CborNoError != cborEncoderResult) || (OC_STACK_OK != ret))
        outPayload = NULL;
        *payload = NULL;
        *size = 0;
        ret = OC_STACK_ERROR;

    return ret;
OCStackResult OCRDCborToPayload(const CborValue *cborPayload, OCPayload **outPayload)
    CborValue *rdCBORPayload = (CborValue *)cborPayload;
    OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_NO_MEMORY;
    CborError cborFindResult;

    OCRDPayload *rdPayload = OCRDPayloadCreate();
    VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, rdPayload, "Failed allocating rdPayload");


    if (cbor_value_is_array(rdCBORPayload))
        OCLinksPayload *linksPayload = NULL;
        OCTagsPayload *tagsPayload = NULL;

        while (cbor_value_is_container(rdCBORPayload))
            // enter tags map
            CborValue tags;
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_enter_container(rdCBORPayload, &tags);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed entering tags container.");

            cborFindResult= OCTagsCborToPayload(&tags, &tagsPayload);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed parsing tags payload.");
            OCTagsLog(DEBUG, tagsPayload);

            cborFindResult = OCLinksCborToPayload(&tags, &linksPayload);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed parsing links payload.");
            OCLinksLog(DEBUG, linksPayload);

            // Move from tags payload to links array.
            cborFindResult = cbor_value_advance(rdCBORPayload);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed advancing rdCborPayload.");
        rdPayload->rdPublish = OCCopyCollectionResource(tagsPayload, linksPayload);
        VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, rdPayload->rdPublish, "Failed allocating rdPayload->rdPublish");
    else if (cbor_value_is_map(rdCBORPayload))
        rdPayload->rdDiscovery = (OCRDDiscoveryPayload *)OICCalloc(1, sizeof(OCRDDiscoveryPayload));
        VERIFY_PARAM_NON_NULL(TAG, rdPayload->rdDiscovery, "Failed allocating discoveryPayload");

        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(rdCBORPayload, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME,
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_NAME.");
        char *deviceId = NULL;
        cborFindResult = FindStringInMap(rdCBORPayload, OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID, &deviceId);
        if (deviceId)
            memcpy(rdPayload->rdDiscovery->di.id, deviceId, strlen(deviceId));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding OC_RSRVD_DEVICE_ID.");

            uint64_t value = 0;
            cborFindResult = FindIntInMap(rdCBORPayload, OC_RSRVD_RD_DISCOVERY_SEL, &value);
            VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed finding OC_RSRVD_RD_DISCOVERY_SEL.");
            rdPayload->rdDiscovery->sel = value;

        cborFindResult =  cbor_value_advance(rdCBORPayload);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborFindResult, "Failed advancing rdCBORPayload.");
    OIC_LOG_PAYLOAD(DEBUG, (OCPayload *) rdPayload);
    *outPayload = (OCPayload *)rdPayload;
    return OC_STACK_OK;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 29
static void ConvertJsonToCBOR(const char *jsonFileName, const char *cborFileName)
    char *jsonStr = NULL;
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    FILE *fp1 = NULL;
    uint8_t *aclCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *pstatCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *doxmCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *amaclCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *svcCbor = NULL;
    uint8_t *credCbor = NULL;
    cJSON *jsonRoot = NULL;
    OCStackResult ret = OC_STACK_ERROR;
    size_t size = GetJSONFileSize(jsonFileName);
    if (0 == size)
        OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Failed converting to JSON");

    jsonStr = (char *)OICMalloc(size + 1);

    fp = fopen(jsonFileName, "r");
    if (fp)
        size_t bytesRead = fread(jsonStr, 1, size, fp);
        jsonStr[bytesRead] = '\0';

        OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Read %zu bytes", bytesRead);
        fp = NULL;
        OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Unable to open JSON file!!");
        goto exit;

    jsonRoot = cJSON_Parse(jsonStr);

    cJSON *value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonRoot, OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME);
    //printf("ACL json : \n%s\n", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(value));
    size_t aclCborSize = 0;
    if (NULL != value)
        OicSecAcl_t *acl = JSONToAclBin(jsonStr);
        ret = AclToCBORPayload(acl, &aclCbor, &aclCborSize);
        if(OC_STACK_OK != ret)
            OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Failed converting Acl to Cbor Payload");
            goto exit;
        printf("ACL Cbor Size: %zd\n", aclCborSize);

    value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonRoot, OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME);
    size_t pstatCborSize = 0;
    if (NULL != value)
        OicSecPstat_t *pstat = JSONToPstatBin(jsonStr);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, pstat, FATAL);
        ret = PstatToCBORPayload(pstat, &pstatCbor, &pstatCborSize);
        if(OC_STACK_OK != ret)
            OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Failed converting Pstat to Cbor Payload");
            goto exit;
        printf("PSTAT Cbor Size: %zd\n", pstatCborSize);
    value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonRoot, OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME);
    size_t doxmCborSize = 0;
    if (NULL != value)
        OicSecDoxm_t *doxm = JSONToDoxmBin(jsonStr);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, doxm, FATAL);
        ret = DoxmToCBORPayload(doxm, &doxmCbor, &doxmCborSize);
        if(OC_STACK_OK != ret)
            OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Failed converting Doxm to Cbor Payload");
            goto exit;
        printf("DOXM Cbor Size: %zd\n", doxmCborSize);
    value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonRoot, OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME);
    size_t amaclCborSize = 0;
    if (NULL != value)
        OicSecAmacl_t *amacl = JSONToAmaclBin(jsonStr);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, amacl, FATAL);
        ret = AmaclToCBORPayload(amacl, &amaclCbor, &amaclCborSize);
        if(OC_STACK_OK != ret)
            OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Failed converting Amacl to Cbor Payload");
            goto exit;
        printf("AMACL Cbor Size: %zd\n", amaclCborSize);
    value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonRoot, OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME);
    size_t svcCborSize = 0;
    if (NULL != value)
        OicSecSvc_t *svc = JSONToSvcBin(jsonStr);
        ret = SVCToCBORPayload(svc, &svcCbor, &svcCborSize);
        if(OC_STACK_OK != ret)
            OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Failed converting Svc to Cbor Payload");
            goto exit;
        printf("SVC Cbor Size: %zd\n", svcCborSize);
    value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsonRoot, OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME);
    //printf("CRED json : \n%s\n", cJSON_PrintUnformatted(value));
    size_t credCborSize = 0;
    int secureFlag = 0;
    if (NULL != value)
        OicSecCred_t *cred = JSONToCredBin(jsonStr);
        VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, cred, FATAL);
        ret = CredToCBORPayload(cred, &credCbor, &credCborSize, secureFlag);
        if(OC_STACK_OK != ret)
            OIC_LOG (ERROR, TAG, "Failed converting Cred to Cbor Payload");
            goto exit;
        printf("CRED Cbor Size: %zd\n", credCborSize);

    CborEncoder encoder;
    size_t cborSize = aclCborSize + pstatCborSize + doxmCborSize + svcCborSize + credCborSize + amaclCborSize;

    printf("Total Cbor Size : %zd\n", cborSize);
    cborSize += 255; // buffer margin for adding map and byte string
    uint8_t *outPayload = (uint8_t *)OICCalloc(1, cborSize);
    VERIFY_NON_NULL(TAG, outPayload, ERROR);
    cbor_encoder_init(&encoder, outPayload, cborSize, 0);
    CborEncoder map;
    CborError cborEncoderResult = cbor_encoder_create_map(&encoder, &map, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Creating Main Map.");
    if (aclCborSize > 0)
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_ACL_NAME));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ACL Name.");
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_byte_string(&map, aclCbor, aclCborSize);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding ACL Value.");

    if (pstatCborSize > 0)
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_PSTAT_NAME));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PSTAT Name.");
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_byte_string(&map, pstatCbor, pstatCborSize);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding PSTAT Value.");
    if (doxmCborSize > 0)
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_DOXM_NAME));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding DOXM Name.");
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_byte_string(&map, doxmCbor, doxmCborSize);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding DOXM Value.");
    if (amaclCborSize > 0)
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_AMACL_NAME));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding AMACL Name.");
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_byte_string(&map, amaclCbor, amaclCborSize);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding AMACL Value.");
    if (svcCborSize > 0)
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_SVC_NAME));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SVC Name.");
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_byte_string(&map, svcCbor, svcCborSize);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding SVC Value.");
    if (credCborSize > 0)
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_text_string(&map, OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME, strlen(OIC_JSON_CRED_NAME));
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding CRED Name.");
        cborEncoderResult = cbor_encode_byte_string(&map, credCbor, credCborSize);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Adding CRED Value.");

    cborEncoderResult = cbor_encoder_close_container(&encoder, &map);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed Closing Container.");

    size_t s = encoder.ptr - outPayload;
    OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Payload size %zu", s);

    fp1 = fopen(cborFileName, "w");
    if (fp1)
        size_t bytesWritten = fwrite(outPayload, 1, s, fp1);
        if (bytesWritten == s)
            OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, TAG, "Written %zu bytes", bytesWritten);
            OIC_LOG_V(ERROR, TAG, "Failed writing %zu bytes", s);
        fp1 = NULL;

    return ;
Exemplo n.º 30
static int64_t OCLinksPayloadToCbor(OCLinksPayload *links, CborEncoder *setMap)
    CborEncoder linksArray;
    int64_t cborEncoderResult = CborNoError;

    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(setMap, OC_RSRVD_LINKS,
        sizeof(OC_RSRVD_LINKS) - 1);

    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_array(setMap, &linksArray, CborIndefiniteLength);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to create Links array");

    while (links)
        CborEncoder linksMap;
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&linksArray, &linksMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to create links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_HREF, links->href);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_HREF in links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_REL, links->rel);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_REL in links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= AddStringLLToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_RESOURCE_TYPE, links->rt);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_RT in links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= AddStringLLToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INTERFACE, links->itf);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_ITF in links map");

        // Policy
        CborEncoder policyMap;
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_POLICY,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_POLICY) - 1);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed adding policy tag to links map");
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_create_map(&linksMap, &policyMap, CborIndefiniteLength);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed adding policy map to links map");

        // Bitmap
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_text_string(&policyMap, OC_RSRVD_BITMAP,
            sizeof(OC_RSRVD_BITMAP) - 1);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed adding bitmap tag to policy map");
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encode_uint(&policyMap, links->p);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed adding bitmap value to policy map");

        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&linksMap, &policyMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing policy map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_TITLE, links->title);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_TITLE in links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddTextStringToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_URI, links->anchor);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_URI in links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_INS, (uint64_t *) &links->ins);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_INS in links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= ConditionalAddIntToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_TTL, &links->ttl);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_TTL in links map");

        cborEncoderResult |= AddStringLLToMap(&linksMap, OC_RSRVD_MEDIA_TYPE, links->type);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed to add OC_RSRVD_MT in links map");

        // Finsihed encoding a resource, close the map.
        cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(&linksArray, &linksMap);
        VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing links map");

        links = links->next;
    cborEncoderResult |= cbor_encoder_close_container(setMap, &linksArray);
    VERIFY_CBOR_SUCCESS(TAG, cborEncoderResult, "Failed closing links array");

    return cborEncoderResult;