Exemplo n.º 1
VPRIVATE Vrc_Codes BEMparm_parseTREE_ORDER(BEMparm *thee, Vio *sock) {

    char tok[VMAX_BUFSIZE];
    int ti;

    VJMPERR1(Vio_scanf(sock, "%s", tok) == 1);
    if (sscanf(tok, "%d", &ti) == 0) {
        Vnm_print(2, "NOsh:  Read non-integer (%s) while parsing TREE_ORDER \
keyword!\n", tok);
        return VRC_WARNING;
    } else if (ti <= 0) {
Exemplo n.º 2
 * ***************************************************************************
 * Routine:  vioutl
 * Purpose:  Vio state utility.
 * Author:   Michael Holst
 * ***************************************************************************
VPUBLIC int vioutl(int *socknum, char mode[1])
    Vio *sock = &theVio[*socknum];
    char pmode[VMAX_ARGLEN];

    VASSERT( (0 <= *socknum) && (*socknum < MAXVIO) );

    pmode[0] = mode[0];
    pmode[1] = '\0';

    if ( !strcmp(pmode,"o") ) {

        if ( sock->rwkey == VIO_R ) {
            /* BLOCKING READ (blocking accept) */
            VJMPERR1( 0 <= Vio_accept(sock,0) );
        } else if ( sock->rwkey == VIO_W ) {
            /* BLOCKING WRITE (blocking connect) */
            VJMPERR1( 0 <= Vio_connect(sock,0) );
        } else { VJMPERR1(0); }

        return 0;

    } else if (!strcmp(pmode,"c")) {

        if ( sock->rwkey == VIO_R ) {
        } else if ( sock->rwkey == VIO_W ) {
        } else { VJMPERR1(0); }

        return 0;

    } else { VJMPERR1(0); }

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
VPRIVATE Vrc_Codes FEMparm_parseDOMAINLENGTH(FEMparm *thee, Vio *sock) {

    int i;
    double tf;
    char tok[VMAX_BUFSIZE];

    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
        VJMPERR1(Vio_scanf(sock, "%s", tok) == 1);
        if (sscanf(tok, "%lf", &tf) == 0) {
            Vnm_print(2, "parseFE:  Read non-double (%s) while parsing \
DOMAINLENGTH keyword!\n", tok);
            return VRC_FAILURE;
        thee->glen[i] = tf;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * ***************************************************************************
 * Routine:  vioctr
 * Purpose:  Construct the Vio object.
 * Author:   Michael Holst
 * ***************************************************************************
VPUBLIC int vioctr(char type[4], char frmt[3],
    char *host, int *lenh, char *file, int *lenf,
    char mode[1])
    int i, socknum;
    char phost[VMAX_ARGLEN], pfile[VMAX_ARGLEN], ptype[VMAX_ARGLEN];
    char pfrmt[VMAX_ARGLEN], pmode[VMAX_ARGLEN];
    Vio *sock;

#if 0
    Vio sockSize;
    fprintf(stderr,"vioctr: Vio structure size is exactly <%d> bytes.\n",
        sizeof(sockSize) );

    for (i=0; i<4; i++) ptype[i] = type[i];
    ptype[4] = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) pfrmt[i] = frmt[i];
    pfrmt[3] = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<*lenh; i++) phost[i] = host[i];
    phost[*lenh] = '\0';
    for (i=0; i<*lenf; i++) pfile[i] = file[i];
    pfile[*lenf] = '\0';
    pmode[0] = mode[0];
    pmode[1] = '\0';

    VASSERT( (0 <= stackPtr) && (stackPtr < MAXVIO) );

    socknum = stackPtr;
    stackPtr = stack[socknum];
    sock = &theVio[socknum];
    VJMPERR1(0 != Vio_ctor2(sock, ptype, pfrmt, phost, pfile, pmode));

    return socknum;

    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * ***************************************************************************
 * Routine:  Gem_formChk
 * Purpose:  Check the self-consistency of the geometry datastructures.
 * Notes:    key==0 --> check: min (just vertices and simplices)
 *           key==1 --> check: min + simplex ring
 *           key==2 --> check: min + simplex ring + edge ring
 *           key==3 --> check: min + simplex ring + edge ring + conform
 * Author:   Michael Holst
 * ***************************************************************************
VPUBLIC void Gem_formChk(Gem *thee, int key)
    int i, j, k;
    int l, m, bndVert, bndFace;
    int edgeOrderProb, conformCount, fType[4];
    double svol;
    VV *vx, *v[4];
    SS *sm, *sm0, *sm1, *sm2;
    EE *eg;

    /* input check and some i/o */
    VASSERT( (key >= 0) && (key <= 3) );

    /* go through all vertices and check for consistency */
    Vnm_tstart(80, "form check");
    Vnm_print(0,"Gem_formChk: Topology check on: "
        "<%d> SS, <%d> EE, <%d> VV:\n",
        Gem_numSS(thee), Gem_numEE(thee), Gem_numVV(thee));
    Vnm_print(0,"Gem_formChk: ..VV..\n");
    bndVert = 0;
    for (i=0; i<Gem_numVV(thee); i++) {
        vx = Gem_VV(thee,i);
        if ( (i>0) && (i % VPRTKEY) == 0 ) Vnm_print(0,"[CV:%d]",i);
        VJMPERR1( !Vnm_sigInt() );

        /* check basic data */
        if ((int)VV_id(vx)!=i)
            Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: VV_id BAD vtx <%d>\n", i);
        if (key == 0) {
            if (VV_firstSS(vx) != VNULL)
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: firstS BAD vtx <%d>\n",i);
            if (VV_firstEE(vx) != VNULL)
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: firstE BAD vtx <%d>\n",i);
        } else if (key == 1) {
            if (VV_firstSS(vx) == VNULL)
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: firstS BAD vtx <%d>\n",i);
            if (VV_firstEE(vx) != VNULL)
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: firstE BAD vtx <%d>\n",i);
        } else if ((key == 2) || (key == 3)) {
            if (VV_firstSS(vx) == VNULL)
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: firstS BAD vtx <%d>\n",i);
            if ((VV_firstEE(vx) == VNULL) && (Gem_numEE(thee) > 0))
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: firstE BAD vtx <%d>\n",i);
        } else { VASSERT(0); }

        /* boundary data */
        if ( VBOUNDARY( VV_type(vx) ) ) bndVert++;
    if (bndVert != Gem_numBV(thee))
        Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: bndVert BAD\n");

    /* go through all edges and check for consistency */
    if (key >= 2) {
        Vnm_print(0,"Gem_formChk: ..EE..\n");
        edgeOrderProb = 0;
        for (i=0; i<Gem_numEE(thee); i++) {
            eg = Gem_EE(thee,i);
            if ( (i>0) && (i % VPRTKEY) == 0 ) Vnm_print(0,"[CE:%d]",i);
            VJMPERR1( !Vnm_sigInt() );

            /* check basic data */
            /* (edge re-orderings ok; may not be error) */
            if ((int)EE_id(eg) != i) edgeOrderProb = 1;
            if ( EE_vertex(eg,0) == VNULL )
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: vertex0 BAD edge <%d>\n",i);
            if ( EE_vertex(eg,1) == VNULL )
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: vertex1 BAD edge <%d>\n",i);

            /* check edge ring consistencies */
            if ( ! VV_edgeInRing(EE_vertex(eg,0), eg) )
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: edgeInRing0 BAD edge <%d>\n",i);
            if ( ! VV_edgeInRing(EE_vertex(eg,1), eg) )
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: edgeInRing1 BAD edge <%d>\n",i);

            /* check midpoint data; should be VNULL */
            if ( EE_midPoint(eg) != VNULL )
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: midPoint BAD edge <%d>\n",i);
        if (edgeOrderProb)
            Vnm_print(0,"Gem_formChk: WARNING noncons edge order..)\n");

    /* go through all simplices and check for consistency */
    Vnm_print(0,"Gem_formChk: ..SS..\n");
    bndFace = 0;
    for (i=0; i<Gem_numSS(thee); i++) {
        sm = Gem_SS(thee,i);
        if ( (i>0) && (i % VPRTKEY) == 0 ) Vnm_print(0,"[CS:%d]",i);
        VJMPERR1( !Vnm_sigInt() );

        if ( (int)SS_id(sm) != i )
            Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: SS_id BAD sim <%d>\n",i);

        /* check for well-ordering of vertices through positive volume */
        svol = Gem_simplexVolume(thee,sm);
        if (svol <= VSMALL)
            Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: Degenerate sim <%d> has volume <%g>\n",
                i, svol);

        /* another check for well-ordering of vertices via positive volume */
        if ( !Gem_orient(thee,sm) )
            Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: sim <%d> is badly ordered\n", i);

        /* no simplices should be marked for refinement/unrefinement */
        if ( SS_refineKey(sm,0) != 0 )
            Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: SS_refineKey BAD sim <%d>\n",i);
        if ( SS_refineKey(sm,1) != 0 )
            Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: SS_refineKey BAD sim <%d>\n",i);

        /* get simplex face info */
        for (j=0; j<4; j++) fType[j] = SS_faceType(sm,j);

        /* check vertex data and simplex ring structure */
        for (j=0; j<Gem_dimVV(thee); j++) {
            v[j] = SS_vertex(sm,j);
            if ( v[j] == VNULL )
                Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: v[%d] BAD sim <%d>\n",j,i);
            if (key >= 1) {
                if ( ! VV_simplexInRing( v[j], sm ) )
                    Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: sInR BAD sim <%d>\n",i);

        /* check simplex ring, boundary faces count, vertex type */
        for (j=0; j<Gem_dimVV(thee); j++) {

            /* boundary vertex check */
            if ( VBOUNDARY(fType[j]) ) {
                for (k=1; k<Gem_dimVV(thee); k++) {
                    l=(j+k) % Gem_dimVV(thee);
                    if ( VINTERIOR( VV_type(SS_vertex(sm,l)) ) )
                        Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: Dv[%d] BAD sim <%d>\n",

            /* face check with all nabors; verify we are conforming */
            if (key >= 3) {
                k=(j+1) % Gem_dimVV(thee);
                l=(k+1) % Gem_dimVV(thee);
                m=(l+1) % Gem_dimVV(thee);
                conformCount = 0;
                for (sm0=VV_firstSS(v[k]); sm0!=VNULL;sm0=SS_link(sm0,v[k])) {
                    for (sm1=VV_firstSS(v[l]);sm1!=VNULL;sm1=SS_link(sm1,v[l])){
                        if (Gem_dim(thee) == 2) {
                            if ((sm0!=sm) && (sm0==sm1)) conformCount++;
                        } else {
                            for (sm2=VV_firstSS(v[m]); sm2!=VNULL; 
                              sm2=SS_link(sm2,v[m])) {
                                if ((sm0!=sm) && (sm0==sm1) && (sm0==sm2)) {
                if ( VBOUNDARY(fType[j]) ) {
                    if ( conformCount != 0 ) {
                        Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: conform BAD sim <%d>",i);
                        Vnm_print(2,"..face <%d> should NOT have a nabor\n",j);
                } else {
                    if ( conformCount < 1 ) {
                        Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: conform BAD sim <%d>",i);
                        Vnm_print(2,"..face <%d> should have a nabor\n",j);
                    if ( conformCount > 1 ) {
                        Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: conform BAD sim <%d>",i);
                        Vnm_print(2,"..face <%d> has more than one nabor\n",j);

    if ( bndFace != Gem_numBF(thee) )
        Vnm_print(2,"Gem_formChk: numBF count BAD\n");
    Vnm_print(0,"Gem_formChk: ..done.\n");

    /* return with no errors */
    Vnm_tstop(80, "form check");

    Vnm_print(0,"Gem_formChk: ..done.  [Early termination was forced]\n");
    Vnm_tstop(80, "form check");