Exemplo n.º 1
rc_t run (void)
    VFSManager * manager;
    rc_t rc = 0, orc = 0;

    STSMSG (1, ("Make VFSManager"));
    rc = VFSManagerMake (&manager);
    STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
    if (rc == 0)
#if 1
        static const char name[] = "test-kfs-manager-data-file";
        static const char name[] = 
        VPath * path;

        STSMSG (1, ("Make test VPath file '%s'",name));
        rc = VPathMake (&path, name);
        STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
        if (rc == 0)
            KFile * file;

            STSMSG (1, ("Open File for write using manager and path"));
            rc = VFSManagerCreateFile (manager, &file, false, 0666, kcmCreate,
            STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", rc, rc));
            if (rc == 0)
                char buff[4096];
                size_t ix;
                size_t num_writ;
                uint64_t tot_writ = 0;

                for (ix = 0; ix < sizeof buff; ++ix)
                    buff[ix] = 'A' + (ix%26);

                STSMSG (1, ("writing to file"));
                for (ix = 0; ix < 32; ++ix)
                    rc = KFileWrite (file, tot_writ, buff, sizeof buff, &num_writ);
                    if (rc == 0)
                        tot_writ += num_writ;

                STSMSG (1, ("Release file - it should whack"));
                orc = KFileRelease (file);
                STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
                if (rc == 0) rc = orc;

#if 1
                STSMSG (1, ("Remove file"));
                orc = VFSManagerRemove (manager, true, path);
                STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
                if (rc == 0) rc = orc;
            STSMSG (1, ("Release VPath - it should Whack"));
            orc = VPathRelease (path);
            STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
            if (rc == 0) rc = orc;
        STSMSG (1, ("Release VFSManager - it should Whack"));
        orc = VFSManagerRelease (manager);
        STSMSG (2, ("rc %R", orc, orc));
        if (rc == 0) rc = orc;
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Try to locate in RefSeq Archives:
 * check for pattern '(\w{4}\d{2})[\.\d]+'; the archive is $1
 * use the scheme "x-ncbi-legrefseq" for vfs to recognize special case
rc_t SRAPathFullREFSEQArchive(NCBISRAPath const *self,
                              char const rep[],
                              char const vol[],
                              char const accession[],
                              char path[],
                              size_t path_max
    size_t const rep_sz = strlen(rep);
    size_t const vol_sz = strlen(vol);
    char const *const rep_sep = (rep_sz > 0 && rep[rep_sz - 1] != '/') ? "/" : "";
    char const *const vol_sep = (vol_sz > 0 && vol[vol_sz - 1] != '/') ? "/" : "";
    size_t sz;
    unsigned i;
    VFSManager *vfs;
    rc_t rc = VFSManagerMake(&vfs);
    VPath *vpath;
    KDirectory const *dir;
    KPathType type;
    if (rc)
        return rc;
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        int const ch = accession[i];
        if (ch == 0 || !isalpha(ch))
            return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);
    for ( ; ; ++i) {
        int const ch = accession[i];
        if (ch == 0)
        if (ch != '.' && !isdigit(ch))
            return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);
    if (i < 8)
        return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);
    rc = string_printf(path, path_max, &sz, "x-ncbi-legrefseq:%s%s%s%s%.6s", rep, rep_sep, vol, vol_sep, accession);
    if (rc) return rc;
    i = sz;
    rc = VPathMake(&vpath, path + 17);
    if (rc) return rc;

    rc = VFSManagerOpenDirectoryRead(vfs, &dir, vpath);
    if (rc) return rc;
    type = KDirectoryPathType(dir, "tbl/%s", accession);
    if (type != kptDir)
        return RC(rcSRA, rcMgr, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcIncorrect);

    rc = string_printf(path + i, path_max - i, &sz, "#tbl/%s", accession);
    return rc;