Exemplo n.º 1
bool NDG3D::StartUp3D()
  // Purpose : Setup script, building operators, grid, metric,
  //           and connectivity tables for 3D meshes of tetrahedra.

  // Definition of constants
  Np = (N+1)*(N+2)*(N+3)/6; Nfp = (N+1)*(N+2)/2; Nfaces=4; NODETOL = 1e-7;

  // Compute nodal set
  DVec x1,y1,z1;
  Nodes3D(N, x1,y1,z1);
  xyztorst(x1,y1,z1, r,s,t);

  // Build reference element matrices
  V = Vandermonde3D(N,r,s,t); invV = inv(V);
  MassMatrix = trans(invV)*invV;
  ::Dmatrices3D(N, r, s, t, V, Dr, Ds, Dt);

  // build coordinates of all the nodes
  IVec va = EToV(All,1), vb = EToV(All,2), vc = EToV(All,3), vd = EToV(All,4);
  x = 0.5*(-(1.0+r+s+t)*VX(va) + (1.0+r)*VX(vb) + (1.0+s)*VX(vc) + (1.0+t)*VX(vd));
  y = 0.5*(-(1.0+r+s+t)*VY(va) + (1.0+r)*VY(vb) + (1.0+s)*VY(vc) + (1.0+t)*VY(vd));
  z = 0.5*(-(1.0+r+s+t)*VZ(va) + (1.0+r)*VZ(vb) + (1.0+s)*VZ(vc) + (1.0+t)*VZ(vd));

  // find all the nodes that lie on each edge
  IVec fmask1,fmask2,fmask3,fmask4;
  fmask1 = find( abs(1.0+t),     '<', NODETOL); 
  fmask2 = find( abs(1.0+s),     '<', NODETOL);
  fmask3 = find( abs(1.0+r+s+t), '<', NODETOL);
  fmask4 = find( abs(1.0+r),     '<', NODETOL);
  Fmask.resize(Nfp,4);                          // set shape (M,N) before concat()
  Fmask = concat(fmask1,fmask2,fmask3,fmask4);  // load vector into shaped matrix

  Fx=x(Fmask,All); Fy=y(Fmask,All); Fz=z(Fmask,All);

  // Create surface integral terms

  // calculate geometric factors and normals
  Fscale = sJ.dd(J(Fmask,All));

  // Build connectivity matrix
  tiConnect3D(EToV, EToE, EToF); 

  // Build connectivity maps

  // Compute weak operators (could be done in preprocessing to save time)
  DMat Vr,Vs,Vt;  GradVandermonde3D(N, r, s, t, Vr, Vs, Vt);

  VVT = V*trans(V);
  Drw = (V*trans(Vr))/VVT; Dsw = (V*trans(Vs))/VVT; Dtw = (V*trans(Vt))/VVT;

  return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
ObjExplosion::ObjExplosion(const Point3d& pos, const Point3d& vel):
	Drawable3D(std::string("explosion"), pos, vel),
		for(int i =0;i != 100;i ++){
			double vx = VX() +rand()%1000/(double)1-50;
			double vy = VY()+ rand()%1000/(double)1-50;
			double vz = VZ()+ rand()%1000/(double)1-50;
			std::cout << pos.z << std::endl;

				Sparkle(pos, Point3d(vx,vy,vz))
Exemplo n.º 3
void Obj3DDrawable::update(Uint32 ticks){

// 	setPosition(getPosition((double)ticks/10*getVelocity() ));

		Point3d(X()+VX()/1000*ticks, Y()+VY()/1000*ticks, Z()+VZ()/1000*ticks )

///	std::cout << Z() << std::endl;
//	std::cout << VZ()<< std::endl;

	ticks = ticks;//delete this line

	for(std::vector<Line3d>::iterator i = lines.begin();i != lines.end();i ++){
		projectedLines. push_back(Viewpoint::getInstance().lookAtLine3D(*i));

Exemplo n.º 4
void Block3DDrawable::update(Uint32 ticks){

//	turningRight = true;
	//	accelerating = true;	
//	double currentSpeed= sqrt(VX()*VX()+VY()*VY() + VZ()*VZ());	

	//	std::cout << currentSpeed << std::endl;
/*	if(accelerating && currentSpeed < topSpeed){
	//not accelerating
/*	if(!accelerating && currentSpeed >0){
		if(VX()> VX()*acceleration*(VX()/currentSpeed)*ticks/1000){
		if(VY()> VY()*acceleration*(VY()/currentSpeed)*ticks/1000){
		if(VZ()> VZ()*acceleration*(VZ()/currentSpeed)*ticks/1000){
	//turning right
//		std::cout << "turning" << std::endl;
		VZ(VZ()- VX()*0.1);
		VX(VX()+ VZ()*0.1);

//		std::cout << "turning" << std::endl;
		VZ(VZ()+ VX()*0.1);
		VX(VX()- VZ()*0.1);


	//turning left


//	turningRight = false;
//	turningLeft = false;
	accelerating = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
void NDG3D::Hrefine3D(IVec& refineflag)
  DVec lVX("lVX"), lVY("lVY"), lVZ("lVZ");

  int a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, 
      f=6, g=7, h=8, i=9, j=10;

  //             a b c d  e    f    g    h    i    j
  lVX.load(10, " 0 1 0 0  0.5  0.5  0.0  0.0  0.5  0.0 ");
  lVY.load(10, " 0 0 1 0  0.0  0.5  0.5  0.0  0.0  0.5 ");
  lVZ.load(10, " 0 0 0 1  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.5  0.5  0.5 ");

  assert(4 == Nfaces);

  IMat lEToV(8,4, "lEToV"), im84(8,4, "im84"), oFnodes(4,6, "oFnodes");

  set84(lEToV, 8,4, 
           a, e, g, h,
	         e, b, f, i,
	         g, f, c, j,
	         h, i, j, d,
	         e, g, h, i,
	         h, i, g, j,
	         e, f, g, i,
	         g, i, f, j);

  set46(oFnodes, 4,6, 
           a, e, b, f, c, g,
	         a, e, b, i, d, h,
	         b, f, c, j, d, i,
	         a, g, c, j, d, h);

  IMat vnum(gRowData, 4,3, "1 2 3  1 2 4  2 3 4  3 1 4");

  int lK = lEToV.num_rows();
  IMat lBCType(lK, Nfaces), tm1, tm2;
  IVec tv(3),tv1,tv2, oFn,vnp,ksids;
  int kk=0,ff=0,oo=0;
  for (kk=1; kk<=lK; ++kk) {
    for (ff=1; ff<=Nfaces; ++ff) {
      for (oo=1; oo<=Nfaces; ++oo) 
        oFn = oFnodes.get_row(oo);
        vnp = vnum.get_row(ff);
        tm1 = lEToV(kk, vnp);  const IVec& knodes = dynamic_cast<const IVec&>(tm1);

      //tv = intersect(lEToV(k, vnum(p,All)), oFnodes(o,All));
        tv = intersect(knodes, oFn);

        if ( tv.length()==3 ) {
	        lBCType(kk, ff) = oo;

  int NV = VX.length()+1;
  int sp_len = NV + NV*NV;

  // sparse buffers   nnz  vals,triplet
  CSd newVX(sp_len,1,  NV,    1,  1);
  CSd newVY(sp_len,1,  NV,    1,  1);
  CSd newVZ(sp_len,1,  NV,    1,  1);

  Index1D II(1, NV-1);
  newVX(II,1) = VX;
  newVY(II,1) = VY;
  newVZ(II,1) = VZ;

  IVec ids("ids");
  int oldK = K, f1=0;

  for (int k1=1; k1<=oldK; ++k1) {
    if (refineflag(k1)) 
      a = EToV(k1,1); 
      b = EToV(k1,2); 
      c = EToV(k1,3); 
      d = EToV(k1,4);

      e = NV + std::max(a*NV+b, b*NV + a);
      f = NV + std::max(b*NV+c, c*NV + b);
      g = NV + std::max(a*NV+c, c*NV + a);
      h = NV + std::max(a*NV+d, d*NV + a);
      i = NV + std::max(b*NV+d, d*NV + b);
      j = NV + std::max(c*NV+d, d*NV + c);

    //ks = [k1, K+1:K+7];
      IVec ks(1, k1);  ks.append(Range(K+1,K+7));

      // EToV(ks,:) = [a e g h;
		  //               e b f i;
		  //               g f c j;
		  //               h i j d;
		  //               e g h i;
		  //               h i g j;
		  //               e f g i;
		  //               g i f j];

      set84(im84, 8,4, 
            a, e, g, h,
		        e, b, f, i,
		        g, f, c, j,
		        h, i, j, d,
		        e, g, h, i,
		        h, i, g, j,
		        e, f, g, i,
		        g, i, f, j);

    //EToV(ks,All) = im84;
      EToV.merge_rows(ks, im84);

      for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1) 
        tv = lBCType(All,f1);
        ids = find(tv, '!', 0);
        ksids = ks(ids);
        tm1 = lBCType(ids,f1);
        tm2 = BCType(k1, (const IVec&)tm1);

        // expand BCType to accommodate new range
        int maxI=ksids.max_val(), maxR=BCType.num_rows();
        if (maxI>maxR) {BCType.realloc(maxI, BCType.num_cols());}

        BCType(ksids,f1) = trans(tm2);

      K += 7;

      newVX.set1(e,1, 0.5*(VX(a)+VX(b))); 
      newVX.set1(f,1, 0.5*(VX(b)+VX(c)));
      newVX.set1(g,1, 0.5*(VX(c)+VX(a)));
      newVX.set1(h,1, 0.5*(VX(a)+VX(d)));
      newVX.set1(i,1, 0.5*(VX(b)+VX(d)));
      newVX.set1(j,1, 0.5*(VX(c)+VX(d)));

      newVY.set1(e,1, 0.5*(VY(a)+VY(b)));
      newVY.set1(f,1, 0.5*(VY(b)+VY(c)));
      newVY.set1(g,1, 0.5*(VY(c)+VY(a)));
      newVY.set1(h,1, 0.5*(VY(a)+VY(d)));
      newVY.set1(i,1, 0.5*(VY(b)+VY(d)));
      newVY.set1(j,1, 0.5*(VY(c)+VY(d)));

      newVZ.set1(e,1, 0.5*(VZ(a)+VZ(b)));
      newVZ.set1(f,1, 0.5*(VZ(b)+VZ(c)));
      newVZ.set1(g,1, 0.5*(VZ(c)+VZ(a)));
      newVZ.set1(h,1, 0.5*(VZ(a)+VZ(d)));
      newVZ.set1(i,1, 0.5*(VZ(b)+VZ(d)));
      newVZ.set1(j,1, 0.5*(VZ(c)+VZ(d)));

  // drop duplicates and sort

//ids = sort(unique(EToV(:)), 'ascend');
  ids = unique(EToV);

  int len=ids.max_val(); 
  IVec gnum(len);
  gnum(ids) = Range(1,ids.length());

  VX = full( newVX, ids );
  VY = full( newVY, ids );
  VZ = full( newVZ, ids );

  // EToV = gnum(EToV);
  EToV.set_map(EToV, gnum);

  int NV_old = NV-1;        // local counters
  this->Nv = VX.length();   // update member variable

  umLOG(1, "Hrefine3D [%d] : old Nv = %4d, new Nv = %4d\n", ++refine_count, NV_old, Nv);
  umLOG(1, "                old K  = %4d, new K  = %4d\n\n", oldK, K);

#if (0)
  tetramesh(EToV, [VX', VY', VZ'])

Exemplo n.º 6
/** Periodic function
void meteo_stick_periodic(void)
  // Read ADC
  // Read PWM
  meteo_stick.humidity_period = pwm_input_period_tics[MS_HUMIDITY_PWM_INPUT];
  meteo_stick.current_humidity = get_humidity(meteo_stick.humidity_period);

  if (meteo_stick.eeprom.data_available) {
    // Extract calibration data
    if (!mtostk_populate_cal_from_buffer(&meteo_stick.calib, (uint8_t *)(meteo_stick.eeprom.rx_buf + 3))) {
      // Extraction failed
      // Force number of calibration to 0 for all sensors
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < MTOSTK_NUM_SENSORS; i++) {
        meteo_stick.calib.params[i].num_temp = 0;
  } else if (meteo_stick.eeprom.spi_trans.status == SPITransDone) {
    // Load reading request (reading 1Kb from address 0x0)
    eeprom25AA256_read(&meteo_stick.eeprom, 0x0, 1024);

  // Log data
#if LOG_MS
  if (pprzLogFile != -1) {
    if (!log_ptu_started) {
      if (meteo_stick.eeprom.data_available) {
        // Print calibration data in the log header
        sdLogWriteLog(pprzLogFile, "# Calibration data (UUID: %s)\n#\n", meteo_stick.calib.uuid);
        int i, j, k;
        for (i = 0; i < MTOSTK_NUM_SENSORS; i++) {
          sdLogWriteLog(pprzLogFile, "# Sensor: %d, time: %d, num_temp: %d, num_coeff: %d\n", i,
          if (meteo_stick.calib.params[i].timestamp == 0) {
            continue; // No calibration
          for (j = 0; j < meteo_stick.calib.params[i].num_temp; j++) {
            sdLogWriteLog(pprzLogFile, "#  Reference temp: %.2f\n", meteo_stick.calib.params[i].temps[j]);
            sdLogWriteLog(pprzLogFile, "#  Coeffs:");
            for (k = 0; k < meteo_stick.calib.params[i].num_coeff; k++) {
              sdLogWriteLog(pprzLogFile, " %.5f", meteo_stick.calib.params[i].coeffs[j][k]);
            sdLogWriteLog(pprzLogFile, "\n");
        sdLogWriteLog(pprzLogFile, "#\n");
                      "P(adc) T(adc) H(ticks) P_diff(adc) P(hPa) T(C) H(\%) CAS(m/s) FIX TOW(ms) WEEK Lat(1e7rad) Lon(1e7rad) HMSL(mm) GS(cm/s) course(1e7rad) VZ(cm/s)\n");
        log_ptu_started = TRUE;
                    "P(adc) T(adc) H(ticks) P_diff(adc) P(hPa) T(C) H(\%) CAS(m/s) FIX TOW(ms) WEEK Lat(1e7rad) Lon(1e7rad) HMSL(mm) GS(cm/s) course(1e7rad) VZ(cm/s)\n");
      log_ptu_started = TRUE;
    } else {