Exemplo n.º 1
void C_ArchiveCVars (FConfigFile *f, uint32 filter)
	FBaseCVar *cvar = CVars;

	while (cvar)
		if ((cvar->Flags &
			== filter)
			UCVarValue val;
			val = cvar->GetGenericRep (CVAR_String);
			// [BB] This is ancient code from Skulltag...
			if ( filter == (CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_USERINFO) )
				char	szString[64];

				strncpy( szString, val.String, 63 );
				szString[63] = 0;
				V_UnColorizeString( szString, 64 );
				f->SetValueForKey (cvar->GetName (), szString);
				f->SetValueForKey (cvar->GetName (), val.String);
		cvar = cvar->m_Next;
Exemplo n.º 2
// [BB] Version of V_UnColorizeString that accepts a FString as argument and doesn't need ulMaxStringLength.
void V_UnColorizeString( FString &String )
    const int length = static_cast<int> (String.Len());
    // [BB] The temporary array is twice as big, because every converted color code
    // increases the length of the string by one.
    char *tempCharArray = new char[2*length+1];
    // [BB] We only need to copy length chars, because that's length = String.Len().
    strncpy( tempCharArray, String.GetChars(), length );
    tempCharArray[length] = 0;
    V_UnColorizeString( tempCharArray, 2*length );
    String = tempCharArray;
    delete[] tempCharArray;
Exemplo n.º 3
// [RC] Conforms names to meet standards.
void V_CleanPlayerName( char *pszString )
    char	*pszStart;
    char	*p;
    char	c;
    ULONG	ulStringLength;
    ULONG   ulTotalLength;
    ULONG   ulNonWhitespace;
    char	szColorlessName[256];

    ulStringLength = static_cast<ULONG>(strlen( pszString ));
    ulTotalLength = 0;
    ulNonWhitespace = 0;

    // Start at the beginning of the string.
    p = pszString;
    pszStart = pszString;

    // The name must be longer than three characters.
    if ( ulStringLength < 3 )
        strcpy( pszString, "Player" );

    // Go through and remove the illegal characters.
    while ( (c = *p++) )
        if ( !v_IsCharAcceptableInNames(c) )
            ULONG	ulPos;
            ulStringLength = static_cast<ULONG>(strlen( pszString ));

            // Shift the rest of the string back one.
            for ( ulPos = 0; ulPos < ulStringLength; ulPos++ )
                pszString[ulPos] = pszString[ulPos + 1];

            // Don't skip a character.

    // Cut the string at its new end.
    *pszString = 0;

    // [BB] Remove any trailing incomplete escaped color codes. Since we just removed
    // quite a bit from the string, it's possible that those are there now.
    // Note: We need to work on pszStart now, by now pszString only contains a pointer
    // to the end of the string.
    // [BB] I don't want to implement the trailing crap removement for escaped and
    // unescaped color codes, so I have to uncolorize, clean and colorize the name here.
    // Not so efficient, but V_CleanPlayerName is called seldom enough so that this
    // doesn't matter.
    FString tempString = pszStart;
    V_UnColorizeString ( tempString );
    V_RemoveTrailingCrapFromFString ( tempString );
    // [BB] If the name uses color codes, make sure that it is terminated with "\\c-".
    // V_RemoveTrailingCrapFromFString removes all trailing color codes including "\\c-".
    // This is necessary to catch incomplete color codes before the trailing "\\c-".
    // Hence, we have to re-add "\\c-" here.
    if ( ( tempString.IndexOf ( "\\c" ) != -1 ) )
        // [BB] In the uncolorized string, color codes need one additional char, take this
        // into account when checking whether the name is too long.
        FString tempColorizedString = tempString.GetChars();
        V_ColorizeString ( tempColorizedString );
        const unsigned int numColorCodes = tempString.Len() - tempColorizedString.Len();

        if ( tempString.Len() > MAXPLAYERNAME - 3 + numColorCodes )
            tempString = tempString.Left ( MAXPLAYERNAME - 3 + numColorCodes );
            V_RemoveTrailingCrapFromFString ( tempString );
        tempString += "\\c-";
    V_ColorizeString ( tempString );
    sprintf ( pszStart, "%s", tempString.GetChars() );

    // Determine the name's actual length.
    strncpy( szColorlessName, pszStart, 256 );
    V_RemoveColorCodes( szColorlessName );

    p = szColorlessName;
    ulNonWhitespace = 0;
    while ( (c = *p++) )
        if ( !v_IsCharacterWhitespace(c) )

    // Check the length again, as characters were removed.
    if ( ulNonWhitespace < 3 )
        strcpy( pszStart, "Player" );
Exemplo n.º 4
BOOL CALLBACK settings_ServerTab_MOTDCallback( HWND hDlg, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
	switch ( Message )
	case WM_CLOSE:

		EndDialog( hDlg, -1 );
			SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_MOTD, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, 512, 0 );

			// Initialize the MOTD. We have to turn "\n" into carriage returns.
				char	szBuffer[512];
				char	szInputString[512];
				char	*psz;
				char	*pszString;
				char	c;

				strncpy( szInputString, g_fsMOTD.GetChars( ), 512 );
				szInputString[512-1] = 0;

				// Nifty little trick to turn "\n" into '\n', while maintaining the "\c" color codes.
				V_ColorizeString( szInputString );
				V_UnColorizeString( szInputString, 256 );

				pszString = szInputString;
				psz = szBuffer;

				while ( 1 )
					c = *pszString++;
					if ( c == '\0' )
						*psz = c;
					if ( c == '\n' )
						*psz++ = '\r';
					*psz++ = c;

				SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_MOTD, szBuffer );
				SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, IDC_MOTD, EM_SETSEL, -1, 0 ); // [RC] Why doesn't this work?
			switch ( LOWORD( wParam ))
			case IDOK:
					// MOTD. Zip up those linebreaks into \ns.
					char	szBuffer[1024];
					GetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_MOTD, szBuffer, 1024 );
						char	szString[1024+64];
						char	*psz;
						char	*pszString;
						char	c;

						psz = szBuffer;
						pszString = szString;
						while ( 1 )
							c = *psz++;
							if ( c == 0 )
								*pszString = c;
							else if ( c == '\r' )
								*pszString++ = '\\';
								*pszString++ = 'n';
								*pszString++ = c;

						g_fsMOTD = szString;
				EndDialog( hDlg, -1 );
			case IDCANCEL:

				EndDialog( hDlg, -1 );

		return ( FALSE );

	return ( TRUE );