Exemplo n.º 1
// Purpose: Composes a path and filename together, inserting a path separator
//			if need be
// Input:	path - path to use
//			filename - filename to use
//			dest - buffer to compose result in
//			destSize - size of destination buffer
void V_ComposeFileName( const char *path, const char *filename, char *dest, int destSize )
	V_strncpy( dest, path, destSize );
	V_AppendSlash( dest, destSize );
	V_strncat( dest, filename, destSize, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	V_FixSlashes( dest );
Exemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *path - 
//			*extension - 
//			pathStringLength - 
void V_DefaultExtension( char *path, const char *extension, int pathStringLength )
	Assert( path );
	Assert( pathStringLength >= 1 );
	Assert( extension );
	Assert( extension[0] == '.' );

	char    *src;

	// if path doesn't have a .EXT, append extension
	// (extension should include the .)
	src = path + V_strlen(path) - 1;

	while ( !PATHSEPARATOR( *src ) && ( src > path ) )
		if (*src == '.')
			// it has an extension

	// Concatenate the desired extension
	V_strncat( path, extension, pathStringLength, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	static char *BuildDecoratedName(Action<CTFBot> *action, char *buf)
		V_strncat(buf, action->GetName(), 256);
		if (action->m_ActionChild != nullptr) {
			V_strncat(buf, "( ", 256);
			BuildDecoratedName(action->m_ActionChild, buf);
			V_strncat(buf, " )", 256);
		if (action->m_ActionWeSuspended != nullptr) {
			V_strncat(buf, "<<", 256);
			BuildDecoratedName(action->m_ActionWeSuspended, buf);
		return buf;
Exemplo n.º 4
void V_MakeAbsolutePath( char *pOut, int outLen, const char *pPath, const char *pStartingDir )
	if ( V_IsAbsolutePath( pPath ) )
		// pPath is not relative.. just copy it.
		V_strncpy( pOut, pPath, outLen );
		// Make sure the starting directory is absolute..
		if ( pStartingDir && V_IsAbsolutePath( pStartingDir ) )
			V_strncpy( pOut, pStartingDir, outLen );
			if ( !_getcwd( pOut, outLen ) )
				Error( "V_MakeAbsolutePath: _getcwd failed." );

			if ( pStartingDir )
				V_AppendSlash( pOut, outLen );
				V_strncat( pOut, pStartingDir, outLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

		// Concatenate the paths.
		V_AppendSlash( pOut, outLen );
		V_strncat( pOut, pPath, outLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );

	if ( !V_RemoveDotSlashes( pOut ) )
		Error( "V_MakeAbsolutePath: tried to \"..\" past the root." );

	V_FixSlashes( pOut );
Exemplo n.º 5
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *in - 
//			inputbytes - 
//			*out - 
//			outsize - 
void V_binarytohex( const byte *in, int inputbytes, char *out, int outsize )
	Assert( outsize >= 1 );
	char doublet[10];
	int i;


	for ( i = 0; i < inputbytes; i++ )
		unsigned char c = in[i];
		V_snprintf( doublet, sizeof( doublet ), "%02x", c );
		V_strncat( out, doublet, outsize, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Exemplo n.º 6
FSReturnCode_t FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths( CFSSearchPathsInit &initInfo )
	if ( !initInfo.m_pFileSystem || !initInfo.m_pDirectoryName )
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths: Invalid parameters specified." );

	KeyValues *pMainFile, *pFileSystemInfo, *pSearchPaths;
	FSReturnCode_t retVal = LoadGameInfoFile( initInfo.m_pDirectoryName, pMainFile, pFileSystemInfo, pSearchPaths );
	if ( retVal != FS_OK )
		return retVal;
	// All paths except those marked with |gameinfo_path| are relative to the base dir.
	char baseDir[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetBaseDir( baseDir, sizeof( baseDir ) ) )
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetBaseDir failed." );

	initInfo.m_ModPath[0] = 0;

	#define GAMEINFOPATH_TOKEN		"|gameinfo_path|"
	#define BASESOURCEPATHS_TOKEN	"|all_source_engine_paths|"

	bool bLowViolence = IsLowViolenceBuild();
	bool bFirstGamePath = true;
	for ( KeyValues *pCur=pSearchPaths->GetFirstValue(); pCur; pCur=pCur->GetNextValue() )
		const char *pPathID = pCur->GetName();
		const char *pLocation = pCur->GetString();
		if ( Q_stristr( pLocation, GAMEINFOPATH_TOKEN ) == pLocation )
			pLocation += strlen( GAMEINFOPATH_TOKEN );
			FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, initInfo.m_pDirectoryName, pLocation, bLowViolence );
		else if ( Q_stristr( pLocation, BASESOURCEPATHS_TOKEN ) == pLocation )
			// This is a special identifier that tells it to add the specified path for all source engine versions equal to or prior to this version.
			// So in Orange Box, if they specified:
			//		|all_source_engine_paths|hl2
			// it would add the ep2\hl2 folder and the base (ep1-era) hl2 folder.
			// We need a special identifier in the gameinfo.txt here because the base hl2 folder exists in different places.
			// In the case of a game or a Steam-launched dedicated server, all the necessary prior engine content is mapped in with the Steam depots,
			// so we can just use the path as-is.

			// In the case of an hldsupdatetool dedicated server, the base hl2 folder is "..\..\hl2" (since we're up in the 'orangebox' folder).
			pLocation += strlen( BASESOURCEPATHS_TOKEN );

			// Add the Orange-box path (which also will include whatever the depots mapped in as well if we're 
			// running a Steam-launched app).
			FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, baseDir, pLocation, bLowViolence );

			if ( FileSystem_IsHldsUpdateToolDedicatedServer() )
				// If we're using the hldsupdatetool dedicated server, then go up a directory to get the ep1-era files too.
				char ep1EraPath[MAX_PATH];
				V_snprintf( ep1EraPath, sizeof( ep1EraPath ), "..%c%s", CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, pLocation );
				FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, baseDir, ep1EraPath, bLowViolence );
			FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( initInfo, pPathID, &bFirstGamePath, baseDir, pLocation, bLowViolence );


	// Set up search paths for add-ons
	if ( IsPC() )
		FileSystem_UpdateAddonSearchPaths( initInfo.m_pFileSystem );

	// these specialized tool paths are not used on 360 and cause a costly constant perf tax, so inhibited
	if ( IsPC() )
		// Create a content search path based on the game search path
		const char *pGameRoot = getenv( GAMEROOT_TOKEN );
		const char *pContentRoot = getenv( CONTENTROOT_TOKEN );

		if ( pGameRoot && pContentRoot )
			int nLen = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, NULL, 0 );
			char *pSearchPath = (char*)stackalloc( nLen * sizeof(char) );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, pSearchPath, nLen );
			char *pPath = pSearchPath;
			while( pPath )
				char *pSemiColon = strchr( pPath, ';' );
				if ( pSemiColon )
					*pSemiColon = 0;

				Q_StripTrailingSlash( pPath );
				Q_FixSlashes( pPath );

				const char *pCurPath = pPath;
				pPath = pSemiColon ? pSemiColon + 1 : NULL;

				char pRelativePath[MAX_PATH];
				char pContentPath[MAX_PATH];
				if ( !Q_MakeRelativePath( pCurPath, pGameRoot, pRelativePath, sizeof(pRelativePath) ) )

				Q_ComposeFileName( pContentRoot, pRelativePath, pContentPath, sizeof(pContentPath) );
				initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pContentPath, "CONTENT" );

			// Add the "platform" directory as a game searchable path
			char pPlatformPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_ComposeFileName( pGameRoot, "platform", pPlatformPath, sizeof(pPlatformPath) );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pPlatformPath, "GAME", PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pContentRoot, "CONTENTROOT" );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pGameRoot, "GAMEROOT" );
			// Come up with some reasonable default
			int nLen = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "MOD", false, NULL, 0 );
			char *pSearchPath = (char*)stackalloc( nLen * sizeof(char) );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "MOD", false, pSearchPath, nLen );
			char *pSemiColon = strchr( pSearchPath, ';' );
			if ( pSemiColon )
				*pSemiColon = 0;

			char pGameRootPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_strncpy( pGameRootPath, pSearchPath, sizeof(pGameRootPath) );
			Q_StripTrailingSlash( pGameRootPath );
			Q_StripFilename( pGameRootPath );

			char pContentRootPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_strncpy( pContentRootPath, pGameRootPath, sizeof(pContentRootPath) );
			char *pGame = Q_stristr( pContentRootPath, "game" );

			if ( pGame )
				Q_strcpy( pGame, "content" );

			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pContentRootPath, "CONTENTROOT" );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( pGameRootPath, "GAMEROOT" );

		// Also, mark specific path IDs as "by request only". That way, we won't waste time searching in them
		// when people forget to specify a search path.
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "contentroot", true );
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "gameroot", true );
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "content", true );

	// Also, mark specific path IDs as "by request only". That way, we won't waste time searching in them
	// when people forget to specify a search path.
	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "executable_path", true );
	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "gamebin", true );
	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( "mod", true );

	// Add the write path last.
	if ( initInfo.m_ModPath[0] != 0 )
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( initInfo.m_ModPath, "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH", PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

#ifdef _DEBUG	

#if defined( ENABLE_RUNTIME_STACK_TRANSLATION ) && !defined( _X360 )
	//copy search paths to stack tools so it can grab pdb's from all over. But only on P4 or Steam Beta builds
	if( (CommandLine()->FindParm( "-steam" ) == 0) || //not steam
		(CommandLine()->FindParm( "-internalbuild" ) != 0) ) //steam beta is ok
		char szSearchPaths[4096];
		//int CBaseFileSystem::GetSearchPath( const char *pathID, bool bGetPackFiles, char *pPath, int nMaxLen )
		int iLength1 = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "EXECUTABLE_PATH", false, szSearchPaths, 4096 );
		if( iLength1 == 1 )
			iLength1 = 0;

		int iLength2 = initInfo.m_pFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAMEBIN", false, szSearchPaths + iLength1, 4096 - iLength1 );
		if( (iLength2 > 1) && (iLength1 > 1) )
			szSearchPaths[iLength1 - 1] = ';'; //replace first null terminator

		const char *szAdditionalPath = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-AdditionalPDBSearchPath" );
		if( szAdditionalPath && szAdditionalPath[0] )
			int iLength = iLength1;
			if( iLength2 > 1 )
				iLength += iLength2;

			if( iLength != 0 )
				szSearchPaths[iLength - 1] = ';'; //replaces null terminator
			V_strncpy( &szSearchPaths[iLength], szAdditionalPath, 4096 - iLength );			

		//Append the perforce symbol server last. Documentation says that "srv*\\perforce\symbols" should work, but it doesn't.
		//"symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\perforce\symbols" which the docs say is the same statement, works.
			V_strncat( szSearchPaths, ";symsrv*symsrv.dll*\\\\perforce\\symbols", 4096 );

		SetStackTranslationSymbolSearchPath( szSearchPaths );
		//MessageBox( NULL, szSearchPaths, "Search Paths", 0 );

	return FS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Models require specialized group handling to generate intermediate lod culled
// versions that are then used as the the source for target conversion.
bool PreprocessModelFiles( CUtlVector<fileList_t> &fileList )
	if ( !InitStudioByteSwap() )
		return false;

	CUtlVector< CUtlString > updateList;
	CUtlRBTree< CUtlString, int > visitedModels( 0, 0, ModelNamesLessFunc );

	char szSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
	strcpy( szSourcePath, g_szSourcePath );
	V_StripFilename( szSourcePath );
	if ( !szSourcePath[0] )
		strcpy( szSourcePath, "." );
	V_AppendSlash( szSourcePath, sizeof( szSourcePath ) );

	char szModelName[MAX_PATH];
	for ( int i=0; i<fileList.Count(); i++ )
		V_strncpy( szModelName, fileList[i].fileName.String(), sizeof( szModelName ) );

		if ( V_stristr( szModelName, ".360." ) )
			// must ignore any target files

		// want only model related files
		char *pExtension = V_stristr( szModelName, ".mdl" );
		if ( !pExtension )
			pExtension = V_stristr( szModelName, ".dx90.vtx" );
			if ( !pExtension )
				pExtension = V_stristr( szModelName, ".vvd" );
				if ( !pExtension )
					pExtension = V_stristr( szModelName, ".ani" );
					if ( !pExtension )
						pExtension = V_stristr( szModelName, ".phy" );
						if ( !pExtension )
							pExtension = V_stristr( szModelName, ".vsi" );
							if ( !pExtension )

		*pExtension = '\0';
		V_strncat( szModelName, ".mdl", sizeof( szModelName ) );
		if ( visitedModels.Find( szModelName ) != visitedModels.InvalidIndex() )
			// already processed
		visitedModels.Insert( szModelName );

		// resolve to full source path
		const char *ptr = szModelName;
		if ( !strnicmp( ptr, ".\\", 2 ) )
			ptr += 2;
		else if ( !strnicmp( ptr, szSourcePath, strlen( szSourcePath ) ) )
			ptr += strlen( szSourcePath );
		char szCleanName[MAX_PATH];
		strcpy( szCleanName, szSourcePath );
		strcat( szCleanName, ptr );
		char szFullSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
		_fullpath( szFullSourcePath, szCleanName, sizeof( szFullSourcePath ) );

		// any one dirty component generates the set of all expected files
		if ( ModelNeedsUpdate( szFullSourcePath ) )
			int index = updateList.AddToTail();
			updateList[index].Set( szFullSourcePath );

	Msg( "\n" );
	Msg( "Model Pre Pass: Updating %d Models.\n", updateList.Count() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < updateList.Count(); i++ )
		if ( !GenerateModelFiles( updateList[i].String() ) )
			int error = g_errorList.AddToTail();
			g_errorList[error].result = false;
			g_errorList[error].fileName.Set( updateList[i].String() );

	// iterate error list
	if ( g_errorList.Count() )
		Msg( "\n" );
		for ( int i = 0; i < g_errorList.Count(); i++ )
			Msg( "ERROR: could not pre-process model: %s\n", g_errorList[i].fileName.String() );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
// Rebuilds all of a MDL's components.
static bool GenerateModelFiles( const char *pMdlFilename )
	CUtlBuffer	tempBuffer;
	int			fileSize;
	int			paddedSize;
	int			swappedSize;

	// .mdl
	CUtlBuffer mdlBuffer;
	if ( !scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( pMdlFilename, mdlBuffer ) )
		return false;
	if ( !Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( (studiohdr_t *)mdlBuffer.Base() ))
		Msg("%s needs to be recompiled\n", pMdlFilename );

	// .vtx
	char szVtxFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVtxFilename, sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szVtxFilename, ".dx90.vtx", sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer vtxBuffer;
	bool bHasVtx = ReadFileToBuffer( szVtxFilename, vtxBuffer, false, true );
	// .vvd
	char szVvdFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVvdFilename, sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szVvdFilename, ".vvd", sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer vvdBuffer;
	bool bHasVvd = ReadFileToBuffer( szVvdFilename, vvdBuffer, false, true );

	if ( bHasVtx != bHasVvd )
		// paired resources, either mandates the other
		return false;

	// a .mdl file that has .vtx/.vvd gets re-processed to cull lod data
	if ( bHasVtx && bHasVvd )
		// cull lod if needed
		IMdlStripInfo *pStripInfo = NULL;
		bool bResult = mdllib->StripModelBuffers( mdlBuffer, vvdBuffer, vtxBuffer, &pStripInfo );
		if ( !bResult )
			return false;
		if ( pStripInfo )
			// .vsi
			CUtlBuffer vsiBuffer;
			pStripInfo->Serialize( vsiBuffer );

			// save strip info for later processing
			char szVsiFilename[MAX_PATH];
			V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVsiFilename, sizeof( szVsiFilename ) );
			V_strncat( szVsiFilename, ".vsi", sizeof( szVsiFilename ) );
			WriteBufferToFile( szVsiFilename, vsiBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );

	// .ani processing may further update .mdl buffer
	char szAniFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szAniFilename, sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szAniFilename, ".ani", sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer aniBuffer;
	bool bHasAni = ReadFileToBuffer( szAniFilename, aniBuffer, false, true );
	if ( bHasAni )
		// Some vestigal .ani files exist in the tree, only process valid .ani
		if ( ((studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base())->numanimblocks != 0 )
			// .ani processing modifies .mdl buffer
			fileSize = aniBuffer.TellPut();
			paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
			aniBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
			tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
			V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szAniFilename, sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
			V_strncat( szAniFilename, ".360.ani", sizeof( szAniFilename ) );
			swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szAniFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), aniBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
			if ( swappedSize > 0 )
				// .ani buffer is replaced with swapped data
				aniBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
				WriteBufferToFile( szAniFilename, aniBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
				return false;				

	// .phy
	char szPhyFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szPhyFilename, sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szPhyFilename, ".phy", sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
	CUtlBuffer phyBuffer;
	bool bHasPhy = ReadFileToBuffer( szPhyFilename, phyBuffer, false, true );
	if ( bHasPhy )
		fileSize = phyBuffer.TellPut();
		paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
		phyBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szPhyFilename, sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
		V_strncat( szPhyFilename, ".360.phy", sizeof( szPhyFilename ) );
		swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szPhyFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), phyBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
		if ( swappedSize > 0 )
			// .phy buffer is replaced with swapped data
			phyBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
			WriteBufferToFile( szPhyFilename, phyBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
			return false;				

	if ( bHasVtx )
		fileSize = vtxBuffer.TellPut();
		paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
		vtxBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVtxFilename, sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
		V_strncat( szVtxFilename, ".dx90.360.vtx", sizeof( szVtxFilename ) );
		swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szVtxFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), vtxBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
		if ( swappedSize > 0 )
			// .vtx buffer is replaced with swapped data
			vtxBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
			WriteBufferToFile( szVtxFilename, vtxBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
			return false;				

	if ( bHasVvd )
		fileSize = vvdBuffer.TellPut();
		paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
		vvdBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
		V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szVvdFilename, sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
		V_strncat( szVvdFilename, ".360.vvd", sizeof( szVvdFilename ) );
		swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szVvdFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), vvdBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, (studiohdr_t*)mdlBuffer.Base(), CompressFunc );
		if ( swappedSize > 0 )
			// .vvd buffer is replaced with swapped data
			vvdBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
			WriteBufferToFile( szVvdFilename, vvdBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
			return false;				

	// swap and write final .mdl
	fileSize = mdlBuffer.TellPut();
	paddedSize = fileSize + BYTESWAP_ALIGNMENT_PADDING;
	mdlBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
	tempBuffer.EnsureCapacity( paddedSize );
	char szMdlFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_StripExtension( pMdlFilename, szMdlFilename, sizeof( szMdlFilename ) );
	V_strncat( szMdlFilename, ".360.mdl", sizeof( szMdlFilename ) );
	swappedSize = StudioByteSwap::ByteswapStudioFile( szMdlFilename, tempBuffer.Base(), mdlBuffer.PeekGet(), fileSize, NULL, CompressFunc );
	if ( swappedSize > 0 )
		// .mdl buffer is replaced with swapped data
		mdlBuffer.Put( tempBuffer.Base(), swappedSize );
		WriteBufferToFile( szMdlFilename, mdlBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS );
		return false;				

	return true;
// Generate a tree containing files from a reslist.  Returns TRUE if successful.
bool LoadReslist( const char *pReslistName, CUtlRBTree< CUtlString, int > *pTree )
	CUtlBuffer buffer;
	if ( !scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( pReslistName, buffer, true ) )
		return false;

	char szBasename[MAX_PATH];
	V_FileBase( pReslistName, szBasename, sizeof( szBasename ) );

	characterset_t breakSet;
	CharacterSetBuild( &breakSet, "" );

	// parse reslist
	char szToken[MAX_PATH];
	char szBspName[MAX_PATH];
	szBspName[0] = '\0';
	for ( ;; )
		int nTokenSize = buffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) );
		if ( nTokenSize <= 0 )

		// reslists are pc built, filenames can be sloppy
		V_strlower( szToken );
		V_FixSlashes( szToken );
		V_RemoveDotSlashes( szToken );

		// can safely cull filetypes that are ignored by queued loader at runtime
		bool bKeep = false;
		const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( szToken );
		if ( !pExt )
			// unknown
		else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "vmt" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "vhv" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "mdl" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "raw" ) || 
				!V_stricmp( pExt, "wav" ) )
			bKeep = true;
		else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "mp3" ) )
			// change to .wav
			V_SetExtension( szToken, ".wav", sizeof( szToken ) );
			bKeep = true;
		else if ( !V_stricmp( pExt, "bsp" ) )
			// reslists erroneously have multiple bsps
			if ( !V_stristr( szToken, szBasename ) )
				// wrong one, cull it
				// right one, save it
				strcpy( szBspName, szToken );
				bKeep = true;

		if ( bKeep )
			FindOrAddFileToResourceList( szToken, pTree );

	if ( !szBspName[0] )
		// reslist is not bsp derived, nothing more to do
		return true;

	CUtlVector< CUtlString > bspList;
	bool bOK = GetDependants_BSP( szBspName, &bspList );
	if ( !bOK )
		return false;
	// add all the bsp dependants to the resource list
	for ( int i=0; i<bspList.Count(); i++ )
		FindOrAddFileToResourceList( bspList[i].String(), pTree );

	// iterate all the models in the resource list, get all their dependents
	CUtlVector< CUtlString > modelList;
	for ( int i = pTree->FirstInorder(); i != pTree->InvalidIndex(); i = pTree->NextInorder( i ) )
		const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( pTree->Element( i ).String() );
		if ( !pExt || V_stricmp( pExt, "mdl" ) )

		if ( !GetDependants_MDL( pTree->Element( i ).String(), &modelList ) )
			return false;

	// add all the model dependents to the resource list
	for ( int i=0; i<modelList.Count(); i++ )
		FindOrAddFileToResourceList( modelList[i].String(), pTree );

	// check for optional commentary, include wav dependencies
	char szCommentaryName[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_szGamePath, szBspName, szCommentaryName, sizeof( szCommentaryName ) );
	V_StripExtension( szCommentaryName, szCommentaryName, sizeof( szCommentaryName ) );
	V_strncat( szCommentaryName, "_commentary.txt", sizeof( szCommentaryName ) );
	CUtlBuffer commentaryBuffer;
	if ( ReadFileToBuffer( szCommentaryName, commentaryBuffer, true, true ) )
		// any single token may be quite large to due to text
		char szCommentaryToken[8192];
		for ( ;; )
			int nTokenSize = commentaryBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szCommentaryToken, sizeof( szCommentaryToken ) );
			if ( nTokenSize < 0 )
			if ( nTokenSize > 0 && !V_stricmp( szCommentaryToken, "commentaryfile" ) )
				// get the commentary file
				nTokenSize = commentaryBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szCommentaryToken, sizeof( szCommentaryToken ) );
				if ( nTokenSize > 0 )
					// skip past sound chars
					char *pName = szCommentaryToken;
					while ( *pName && IsSoundChar( *pName ) )
					char szWavFile[MAX_PATH];
					V_snprintf( szWavFile, sizeof( szWavFile ), "sound/%s", pName );
					FindOrAddFileToResourceList( szWavFile, pTree );

	// check for optional blacklist
	char szBlacklist[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_szGamePath, "reslistfixes_xbox.xsc", szBlacklist, sizeof( szBlacklist ) );
	CUtlBuffer blacklistBuffer;
	if ( ReadFileToBuffer( szBlacklist, blacklistBuffer, true, true ) )
		for ( ;; )
			int nTokenSize = blacklistBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) );
			if ( nTokenSize <= 0 )

			bool bAdd;
			if ( !V_stricmp( szToken, "-" ) )
				bAdd = false;
			else if ( !V_stricmp( szToken, "+" ) )
				bAdd = true;
				// bad syntax, skip line
				Msg( "Bad Syntax, expecting '+' or '-' as first token in reslist fixup file '%s'.\n", szBlacklist );

			// get entry
			nTokenSize = blacklistBuffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) );
			if ( nTokenSize <= 0 )

			if ( bAdd )	
				FindOrAddFileToResourceList( szToken, pTree );
				RemoveFileFromResourceList( szToken, pTree );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
void CSun::Activate()

	// Find our target.
	if ( m_bUseAngles )
		SetupLightNormalFromProps( GetAbsAngles(), m_flYaw, m_flPitch, m_vDirection.GetForModify() );
		m_vDirection = -m_vDirection.Get();
		CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FindEntityByName( 0, m_target );
		if( pEnt )
			Vector vDirection = GetAbsOrigin() - pEnt->GetAbsOrigin();
			VectorNormalize( vDirection );
			m_vDirection = vDirection;

	// Default behavior
	if ( m_nOverlaySize == -1 )
		m_nOverlaySize = m_nSize;

	// Cache off our image indices
	if ( m_strMaterial == NULL_STRING )
		m_strMaterial = AllocPooledString( "sprites/light_glow02_add_noz.vmt" );
		const char *pExtension = V_GetFileExtension( STRING( m_strMaterial ) );
		if ( !pExtension )
			char szFixedString[MAX_PATH];
			V_strncpy( szFixedString, STRING( m_strMaterial ), sizeof( szFixedString ) );
			V_strncat( szFixedString, ".vmt", sizeof( szFixedString ) );
			m_strMaterial = AllocPooledString( szFixedString );

	if ( m_strOverlayMaterial == NULL_STRING )
		m_strOverlayMaterial = AllocPooledString( "sprites/light_glow02_add_noz.vmt" );
		const char *pExtension = V_GetFileExtension( STRING( m_strOverlayMaterial ) );
		if ( !pExtension )
			char szFixedString[MAX_PATH];
			V_strncpy( szFixedString, STRING( m_strOverlayMaterial ), sizeof( szFixedString ) );
			V_strncat( szFixedString, ".vmt", sizeof( szFixedString ) );
			m_strOverlayMaterial = AllocPooledString( szFixedString );

	m_nMaterial = PrecacheModel( STRING( m_strMaterial ) );
	m_nOverlayMaterial = PrecacheModel( STRING( m_strOverlayMaterial ) );
Exemplo n.º 11
//	ExcludePathsDlg_Populate
//	Generate a path table.
void ExcludePathsDlg_Populate( HWND hWnd, bool bRefresh )
	struct GamePath_t 
		CUtlString	pathName;
		bool		bIsModPath;

	CUtlVector< GamePath_t > gamePaths;		

	// can skip the time consuming directory scan, unless forced
	if ( bRefresh || !g_PathTable.Count() )

		for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_GameNames ); i++ )
			char szTargetPath[MAX_PATH];
			V_strncpy( szTargetPath, g_localPath, sizeof( szTargetPath ) );
			V_AppendSlash( szTargetPath, sizeof( szTargetPath ) );
			V_strncat( szTargetPath, g_GameNames[i].pName, sizeof( szTargetPath ) );

			GamePath_t gamePath;
			gamePath.pathName = szTargetPath;
			gamePath.bIsModPath = g_GameNames[i].bIsModPath;
			gamePaths.AddToTail( gamePath );

		// iterate all game paths
		for ( int i = 0; i < gamePaths.Count(); i++ )
			CUtlVector< CUtlString > dirList;
			RecurseFileTree_r( g_localPath, gamePaths[i].pathName.String(), 0, dirList, gamePaths[i].bIsModPath );

	// reset the tree
	HWND hWndTree = GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDC_PATHS_TREE );
	TreeView_DeleteAllItems( hWndTree );

	// reset and add root
	// only the root is at depth 0
	AddItemToTree( hWndTree, ROOT_NAME, 0, false );

	// build the tree view
	for ( int iIndex = g_PathTable.FirstInorder(); iIndex != g_PathTable.InvalidIndex(); iIndex = g_PathTable.NextInorder( iIndex ) )
		// due to sorting, number of slashes is depth
		const char *pString = g_PathTable[iIndex].pathName.String();
		int depth = 0;
		for ( int j = 0; j < (int)strlen( pString ); j++ )
			if ( pString[j] == '\\' )
		if ( !depth )
			depth = 1;

		char szPath[MAX_PATH];
		V_FileBase( pString, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
		AddItemToTree( hWndTree, szPath, depth, g_PathTable[iIndex].bIsModPath );

	HTREEITEM hTreeRoot = TreeView_GetRoot( hWndTree );
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_ExcludePaths.Count(); i++ )
		HTREEITEM hTree = ExcludePathsDlg_Find_r( hWndTree, hTreeRoot, 0, "", g_ExcludePaths[i].String() );
		if ( hTree )
			ExcludePathsDlg_SetCheckState_r( hWndTree, hTree, 0, true );

	// expand the root node to show state
	ExcludePathsDlg_ExpandToShowState_r( hWndTree, hTreeRoot, 0 );