Exemplo n.º 1
void MojoWhereMatcher::ValidateClause(const MojObject& clause) const
	LOG_AM_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__);
	LOG_AM_DEBUG("Validating where clause \"%s\"",

	if (!clause.contains(_T("prop"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a property "
			"to operate on");

	MojObject prop;
	clause.get(_T("prop"), prop);

	if (!clause.contains(_T("op"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a test "
			"operation to perform");

	MojObject op;
	clause.get(_T("op"), op);

	if (!clause.contains(_T("val"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a value to "
			"test against");
Exemplo n.º 2
void MojoWhereMatcher::ValidateClause(const MojObject& clause) const
	MojLogInfo(s_log, _T("Validating where clause \"%s\""),

	if (!clause.contains(_T("prop"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a property "
			"to operate on");

	MojObject prop;
	clause.get(_T("prop"), prop);

	if (!clause.contains(_T("op"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a test "
			"operation to perform");

	MojObject op;
	clause.get(_T("op"), op);

	if (!clause.contains(_T("val"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a value to "
			"test against");
Exemplo n.º 3
bool LicenseSystem::LoadLicense()


    FileSystem* filesystem = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
    String licenseFilePath = filesystem->GetAppPreferencesDir("AtomicEditor", "License");
    licenseFilePath = AddTrailingSlash(licenseFilePath);
    licenseFilePath += "AtomicLicense";

    if (!filesystem->FileExists(licenseFilePath))
        return false;

    SharedPtr<File> file(new File(context_, licenseFilePath, FILE_READ));

    file->ReadInt(); // version

    String key = file->ReadString();
    if (!ValidateKey(key))
        return false;

    key_ = key;

    licenseWindows_ = file->ReadBool();
    licenseMac_ = file->ReadBool();
    licenseAndroid_ = file->ReadBool();
    licenseIOS_ = file->ReadBool();
    licenseHTML5_ = file->ReadBool();
    licenseModule3D_ = file->ReadBool();

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
static int TraditionalGenerate (TRI_key_generator_t* const generator,
                                const size_t maxLength,
                                const TRI_voc_tick_t tick,
                                const char* const userKey,
                                char* const outBuffer,
                                size_t* const outLength,
                                bool isRestore) {
  traditional_keygen_t* data;
  char* current;

  data = (traditional_keygen_t*) generator->_data;
  assert(data != NULL);

  current = outBuffer;

  if (userKey != NULL) {
    size_t userKeyLength;

    // user has specified a key
    if (! data->_allowUserKeys && ! isRestore) {
      // we do not allow user-generated keys

    userKeyLength = strlen(userKey);
    if (userKeyLength > maxLength) {
      // user key is too long
    else if (userKeyLength == 0) {
      // user key is empty

    // validate user-supplied key
    if (! ValidateKey(userKey)) {

    memcpy(outBuffer, userKey, userKeyLength);
    current += userKeyLength;
  else {
    // user has not specified a key, generate one based on tick
    current += TRI_StringUInt64InPlace(tick, outBuffer);

  // add 0 byte
  *current = '\0';

  if (current - outBuffer > (int) maxLength) {

  *outLength = (current - outBuffer);

Exemplo n.º 5
bool FileStorage::Validate() const
	if (RequireKey())
		return ValidateKey(Key());

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
char InputManager::GetUserInput() const
	char keyPressed = CHAR_NOT_VALID;
	if (_kbhit())
		keyPressed = _getch();
	return keyPressed;
Exemplo n.º 7
//definition of class methods
void ConfigurableImpl::SetParameter( const uint64 & actualKey, eDataType type, const CombinedDataValue & value ) {
    uint64 key = ModifyKey( actualKey );
    if ( mTreatKeyAsCaseInsensitiveCharBuffer )
        key = ConvertToLowerCase( key );
    eConfigurableErrorCode validKey = ValidateKey( key );
    eDataType oldType = kDTNone;
    CombinedDataValue oldValue;
    if ( validKey == kCECNone ) {
        AutoSharedLock lock( GetMutex(), true );
        if ( mKeysSet ) {
            auto it = mKeysSet->find( key );
            if ( it == mKeysSet->end() )
                NotifyError( "Key is not supported", key, kCECKeyNotSupported, type, value, oldType, oldValue );

        eConfigurableErrorCode validValue = ValidateValue( key, type, value );

        if ( validValue == kCECNone && mKeyValueTypeMap ) {
            auto it = mKeyValueTypeMap->find( key );
            if ( it != mKeyValueTypeMap->end() ) {
                if ( type != it->second ) {
                    validValue = kCECValueTypeNotSupported;

        if ( validValue == kCECNone && !mAllowDifferentValueTypesForExistingEntries ) {
            auto it = mMap.find( key );
            if ( it != mMap.end() && it->second.first != type )
                validValue = kCECPreviousTypeDifferent;

        if ( validValue == kCECNone ) {
            TypeValuePair pair;
            pair.first = type;
            pair.second = value;
            mMap[ key ] = pair;
        } else {
            auto it = mMap.find( key );
            if ( it != mMap.end() ) {
                oldType = it->second.first;
                oldValue = it->second.second;
            NotifyError( "Validation failed for the parameter, type and value combination", key, validValue, type,
                         value, oldType, oldValue );
    } else {
        NotifyError( "Key is not valid", key, validKey, type, value, oldType, oldValue );
Exemplo n.º 8
bool TRI_ValidateDocumentIdKeyGenerator (char const* key,
                                         size_t* split) {
  char const* p = key;
  char c = *p;

  // extract collection name
  if (! (c == '_' || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'))) {
    return false;


  while (1) {
    c = *p;

    if (c == '_' || c == '-' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) {

    if (c == '/') {

    return false;

  if (p - key > TRI_COL_NAME_LENGTH) {
    return false;

  // store split position
  *split = p - key;
  // validate document key
  return ValidateKey(p);
void MojoNewWhereMatcher::ValidateClause(const MojObject& clause) const
	LOG_AM_TRACE("Entering function %s", __FUNCTION__);
	LOG_AM_DEBUG("Validating where clause \"%s\"",

	bool found = false;

	if (clause.contains(_T("and"))) {
		found = true;

		MojObject andClauses;
		clause.get(_T("and"), andClauses);

	if (clause.contains(_T("or"))) {
		if (found) {
			throw std::runtime_error("Only one of \"and\", \"or\", or a valid "
				"clause including \"prop\", \"op\", and a \"val\"ue to "
				"compare against must be present in a clause");

		found = true;

		MojObject orClauses;
		clause.get(_T("or"), orClauses);

	if (!clause.contains(_T("prop"))) {
		if (!found) {
			throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain \"or\", "
				"\"and\", or a \"prop\"erty to compare against");
		} else {
	} else if (found) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Only one of \"and\", \"or\", or a valid "
			"clause including \"prop\", \"op\", and a \"val\"ue to "
			"compare against must be present in a clause");

	MojObject prop;
	clause.get(_T("prop"), prop);

	if (!clause.contains(_T("val"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a value to "
			"test against");

	MojObject val;
	clause.get(_T("val"), val);

	if (!clause.contains(_T("op"))) {
		throw std::runtime_error("Each where clause must contain a test "
			"operation to perform");

	MojObject op;
	clause.get(_T("op"), op);
	ValidateOp(op, val);
Exemplo n.º 10
bool TRI_ValidateKeyKeyGenerator (char const* key) {
  return ValidateKey(key);
Exemplo n.º 11
bool CSphConfigParser::Parse ( const char * sFileName, const char * pBuffer )
	const int L_STEPBACK	= 16;
	const int L_TOKEN		= 64;
	const int L_BUFFER		= 8192;

	FILE * fp = NULL;
	if ( !pBuffer )
		// open file
		fp = fopen ( sFileName, "rb" );
		if ( !fp )
			return false;

	// init parser
	m_sFileName = sFileName;
	m_iLine = 0;
	m_iWarnings = 0;

	char * p = NULL;
	char * pEnd = NULL;

	char sBuf [ L_BUFFER ];

	char sToken [ L_TOKEN ];
	int iToken = 0;
	int iCh = -1;

	enum { S_TOP, S_SKIP2NL, S_TOK, S_TYPE, S_SEC, S_CHR, S_VALUE, S_SECNAME, S_SECBASE, S_KEY } eState = S_TOP, eStack[8];
	int iStack = 0;

	int iValue = 0, iValueMax = 65535;
	char * sValue = new char [ iValueMax+1 ];

	#define LOC_ERROR(_msg) { strncpy ( m_sError, _msg, sizeof(m_sError) ); break; }
	#define LOC_ERROR2(_msg,_a) { snprintf ( m_sError, sizeof(m_sError), _msg, _a ); break; }
	#define LOC_ERROR3(_msg,_a,_b) { snprintf ( m_sError, sizeof(m_sError), _msg, _a, _b ); break; }
	#define LOC_ERROR4(_msg,_a,_b,_c) { snprintf ( m_sError, sizeof(m_sError), _msg, _a, _b, _c ); break; }

	#define LOC_PUSH(_new) { assert ( iStack<int(sizeof(eStack)/sizeof(eState)) ); eStack[iStack++] = eState; eState = _new; }
	#define LOC_POP() { assert ( iStack>0 ); eState = eStack[--iStack]; }
	#define LOC_BACK() { p--; }

	m_sError[0] = '\0';

	for ( ; ; p++ )
		// if this line is over, load next line
		if ( p>=pEnd )
			char * szResult = pBuffer ? GetBufferString ( sBuf, L_BUFFER, pBuffer ) : fgets ( sBuf, L_BUFFER, fp );
			if ( !szResult )
				break; // FIXME! check for read error

			int iLen = strlen(sBuf);
			if ( iLen<=0 )
				LOC_ERROR ( "internal error; fgets() returned empty string" );

			p = sBuf;
			pEnd = sBuf + iLen;
			if ( pEnd[-1]!='\n' )
				if ( iLen==L_BUFFER-1 )
					LOC_ERROR ( "line too long" );

		// handle S_TOP state
		if ( eState==S_TOP )
			if ( isspace(*p) )				continue;

			if ( *p=='#' )
				if ( !pBuffer && m_iLine==1 && p==sBuf && p[1]=='!' )
					CSphVector<char> dResult;
					if ( TryToExec ( p+2, pEnd, sFileName, dResult ) )
						Parse ( sFileName, &dResult [0] );
				} else
					LOC_PUSH ( S_SKIP2NL );

			if ( !sphIsAlpha(*p) )			LOC_ERROR ( "invalid token" );
											iToken = 0; LOC_PUSH ( S_TYPE ); LOC_PUSH ( S_TOK ); LOC_BACK(); continue;

		// handle S_SKIP2NL state
		if ( eState==S_SKIP2NL )
			LOC_POP ();
			p = pEnd;

		// handle S_TOK state
		if ( eState==S_TOK )
			if ( !iToken && !sphIsAlpha(*p) )LOC_ERROR ( "internal error (non-alpha in S_TOK pos 0)" );
			if ( iToken==sizeof(sToken) )	LOC_ERROR ( "token too long" );
			if ( !sphIsAlpha(*p) )			{ LOC_POP (); sToken [ iToken ] = '\0'; iToken = 0; LOC_BACK(); continue; }
			if ( !iToken )					{ sToken[0] = '\0'; }
											sToken [ iToken++ ] = *p; continue;

		// handle S_TYPE state
		if ( eState==S_TYPE )
			if ( isspace(*p) )				continue;
			if ( *p=='#' )					{ LOC_PUSH ( S_SKIP2NL ); continue; }
			if ( !sToken[0] )				{ LOC_ERROR ( "internal error (empty token in S_TYPE)" ); }
			if ( IsPlainSection(sToken) )	{ if ( !AddSection ( sToken, sToken ) ) break; sToken[0] = '\0'; LOC_POP (); LOC_PUSH ( S_SEC ); LOC_PUSH ( S_CHR ); iCh = '{'; LOC_BACK(); continue; }
			if ( IsNamedSection(sToken) )	{ m_sSectionType = sToken; sToken[0] = '\0'; LOC_POP (); LOC_PUSH ( S_SECNAME ); LOC_BACK(); continue; }
											LOC_ERROR2 ( "invalid section type '%s'", sToken );

		// handle S_CHR state
		if ( eState==S_CHR )
			if ( isspace(*p) )				continue;
			if ( *p=='#' )					{ LOC_PUSH ( S_SKIP2NL ); continue; }
			if ( *p!=iCh )					LOC_ERROR3 ( "expected '%c', got '%c'", iCh, *p );
											LOC_POP (); continue;

		// handle S_SEC state
		if ( eState==S_SEC )
			if ( isspace(*p) )				continue;
			if ( *p=='#' )					{ LOC_PUSH ( S_SKIP2NL ); continue; }
			if ( *p=='}' )					{ LOC_POP (); continue; }
			if ( sphIsAlpha(*p) )			{ LOC_PUSH ( S_KEY ); LOC_PUSH ( S_TOK ); LOC_BACK(); iValue = 0; sValue[0] = '\0'; continue; }
											LOC_ERROR2 ( "section contents: expected token, got '%c'", *p );


		// handle S_KEY state
		if ( eState==S_KEY )
			// validate the key
			if ( !ValidateKey ( sToken ) ) 

			// an assignment operator and a value must follow
			LOC_POP (); LOC_PUSH ( S_VALUE ); LOC_PUSH ( S_CHR ); iCh = '='; 
			LOC_BACK(); // because we did not work the char at all

		// handle S_VALUE state
		if ( eState==S_VALUE )
			if ( *p=='\n' )					{ AddKey ( sToken, sValue ); iValue = 0; LOC_POP (); continue; }
			if ( *p=='#' )					{ AddKey ( sToken, sValue ); iValue = 0; LOC_POP (); LOC_PUSH ( S_SKIP2NL ); continue; }
			if ( *p=='\\' )					
				// backslash at the line end: continuation operator; let the newline be unhanlded
				if ( p[1]=='\r' || p[1]=='\n' ) { LOC_PUSH ( S_SKIP2NL ); continue; }

				// backslash before number sign: comment start char escaping; advance and pass it
				if ( p[1]=='#' ) { p++; }

				// otherwise: just a char, pass it
			if ( iValue<iValueMax )			{ sValue[iValue++] = *p; sValue[iValue] = '\0'; }

		// handle S_SECNAME state
		if ( eState==S_SECNAME )
			if ( isspace(*p) )				{ continue; }
			if ( !sToken[0]&&!sphIsAlpha(*p)){ LOC_ERROR2 ( "named section: expected name, got '%c'", *p ); }
			if ( !sToken[0] )				{ LOC_PUSH ( S_TOK ); LOC_BACK(); continue; }
											if ( !AddSection ( m_sSectionType.cstr(), sToken ) ) break; sToken[0] = '\0';
			if ( *p==':' )					{ eState = S_SECBASE; continue; }
			if ( *p=='{' )					{ eState = S_SEC; continue; }
											LOC_ERROR2 ( "named section: expected ':' or '{', got '%c'", *p );

		// handle S_SECBASE state
		if ( eState==S_SECBASE )
			if ( isspace(*p) )				{ continue; }
			if ( !sToken[0]&&!sphIsAlpha(*p)){ LOC_ERROR2 ( "named section: expected parent name, got '%c'", *p ); }
			if ( !sToken[0] )				{ LOC_PUSH ( S_TOK ); LOC_BACK(); continue; }

			// copy the section
			assert ( m_tConf.Exists ( m_sSectionType ) );

			if ( !m_tConf [ m_sSectionType ].Exists ( sToken ) )
				LOC_ERROR4 ( "inherited section '%s': parent doesn't exist (parent name='%s', type='%s')", 
					m_sSectionName.cstr(), sToken, m_sSectionType.cstr() );

			CSphConfigSection & tDest = m_tConf [ m_sSectionType ][ m_sSectionName ];
			tDest = m_tConf [ m_sSectionType ][ sToken ];

			// mark all values in the target section as "to be overridden"
			tDest.IterateStart ();
			while ( tDest.IterateNext() )
				tDest.IterateGet().m_bTag = true;

			eState = S_SEC;
			LOC_PUSH ( S_CHR );
			iCh = '{';

		LOC_ERROR2 ( "internal error (unhandled state %d)", eState );

	#undef LOC_POP
	#undef LOC_PUSH
	#undef LOC_ERROR

	if ( !pBuffer )
		fclose ( fp );

	SafeDeleteArray ( sValue );

	if ( m_iWarnings>WARNS_THRESH )
		fprintf ( stdout, "WARNING: %d more warnings skipped.\n", m_iWarnings-WARNS_THRESH );

	if ( strlen(m_sError) )
		int iCol = (int)(p-sBuf+1);

		int iCtx = Min ( L_STEPBACK, iCol ); // error context is upto L_STEPBACK chars back, but never going to prev line
		const char * sCtx = p-iCtx+1;
		if ( sCtx<sBuf )
			sCtx = sBuf;

		char sStepback [ L_STEPBACK+1 ];
		memcpy ( sStepback, sCtx, iCtx );
		sStepback[iCtx] = '\0';

		fprintf ( stdout, "ERROR: %s in %s line %d col %d.\n", m_sError, m_sFileName.cstr(), m_iLine, iCol );
		return false;

	return true;