Exemplo n.º 1
Vec2d ParametricCubic::CalcGradient( double t ) const
	double	dx = m_x.CalcGradient(t);
	double	dy = m_y.CalcGradient(t);
	return Vec2d(dx, dy);
Exemplo n.º 2
Explosion::Explosion(Vec3d &position, GLfloat scale, Vec2d damageRange) : Entity(game->getAnimationManager()->get("fireball"), position, Vec2d(scale, scale))
	game->getSoundEngine()->play3DSound(game->getResourceManager()->get("grenade_explode"),mPosition, 2.0f * scale, randomFloat(0.75, 1.25));

	mDamageRange = damageRange;

	mDamage = -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
Vec2d ParametricCubic::Calc( double t ) const
	double	x = m_x.CalcY(t);
	double	y = m_y.CalcY(t);
	return Vec2d(x, y);
Exemplo n.º 4
 Vec2d Delta () const { return Vec2d (p2.X()-p1.X(), p2.Y()-p1.Y()); }
Exemplo n.º 5
inline Vec2d operator- (const Point2d & p1, const Point2d & p2)
  return Vec2d (p1.X() - p2.X(), p1.Y() - p2.Y());
Exemplo n.º 6
WorkerBee::onState(State state, sf::Time dt)
    Vec2d empty(-1.0, -1.0);

    // first state
    if (state == IN_HIVE) {
        // if bee has pollen transfer it to hive
        if (getPollen() > 0) {
            flower_location_ = empty;
        } else {
            // if bee has not enough energy to leave hive, eat its nectar
            if (getEnergy() < energy_leave_hive_
                && getHive().getNectar() > 0) {
            // if there is a flower in memory and enough energy, target move
            // to this flower
            else if (flower_location_ != empty
                     && getEnergy() > energy_collect_pollen_) {
                // change state to to flower
            } else {

    // second state
    else if (state == TO_FLOWER) {

        if (getEnergy() < energy_collect_pollen_) {

        Flower* flower  = getAppEnv().getCollidingFlower(getVisionRange());

        if (flower) {
            if (isPointInside(flower->getPosition())) {
        } else if (isPointInside(flower_location_)) {
            // go back to hive and clear location

    // third state
    else if (state == COLLECT_POLLEN) {
        // if there is a flower at flower location and it has pollen and
        // bee has not enough pollen, eat pollen from flower
        Flower* flower(getAppEnv().getCollidingFlower(getCollider()));
        if ((getPollen() < max_pollen_)
            && (flower != nullptr)
            && (flower->getPollen() > 0)) {
            eatPollen(flower, dt);
        } else {
            // else skip collection
    } else if (state == RETURN_HIVE) {
        // if bee is in hive change state to in hive
        if (getHive().isColliderInside(getCollider())) {
Exemplo n.º 7
void PSSMLTRenderer::SampleAndEvaluatePath( const std::shared_ptr<Sampler>& sampler, PathSampleRecord& record )
	Ray ray;
	Intersection isect;
	Vec3d throughput(1.0);
	int depth = 0;
	Vec3d L;

	// Raster position
	Vec2d rasterPos(sampler->Next(), sampler->Next());
	record.pixelPos.x = (int)(rasterPos.x * config->width);
	record.pixelPos.y = (int)(rasterPos.y * config->height);

	// Generate ray
	double _;
	scene->Camera()->SampleAndEvaluate(rasterPos, ray, _);

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	// Initial intersection
	if (!scene->Intersect(ray, isect))
		record.L = L;
		record.I = RenderUtils::Luminance(L);

	if (isect.primitive->Light() != nullptr)
		auto& light = isect.primitive->Light();
		L += light->Evaluate(-ray.d, isect.gn);

	// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

	while (true)
		auto& bsdf = isect.primitive->Bsdf();

		// Explicit (direct) light sampling
		// We do not handle the light path with length 1 (EL path)

		if (isect.primitive != nullptr)
			auto positionSample = Vec2d(sampler->Next(), sampler->Next());

			// Sample a light
			std::shared_ptr<AreaLight> light;
			double lightSelectionPdf;
			scene->SampleLight(positionSample.x, light, lightSelectionPdf);

			// Sample a position on the light
			AreaLight::SampleRecord lightSampleRec;
			lightSampleRec.positionSample = positionSample;

			// Check visibility
			Ray shadowRay;
			auto d = lightSampleRec.p - isect.p;
			shadowRay.d = Math::Normalize(d);
			shadowRay.o = isect.p;
			shadowRay.minT = isect.rayEpsilon;
			shadowRay.maxT = Math::Length(d) * (1.0 - Eps);

			Intersection shadowIsect;

			if (!scene->Intersect(shadowRay, shadowIsect))
				// Evaluate Le (with cosine term)
				auto Le = light->EvaluateCos(-shadowRay.d, lightSampleRec.n) / lightSelectionPdf;

				// Convert to Le / p_\sigma
				auto dist2 = Math::Length2(d);
				Le /= Vec3d(dist2);

				// Prepare for BSDF evaluation
				BSDFRecord bsdfRec;
				bsdfRec.type = BSDFType::All;
				bsdfRec.adjoint = false;
				bsdfRec.wi = isect.worldToShading * -ray.d;
				bsdfRec.wo = isect.worldToShading * shadowRay.d;

				// Evaluate BSDF (with cosine term)
				auto f = bsdf->Evaluate(bsdfRec, isect);

				if (f != Vec3d())
					// Calculate PDF for light and BSDF (in solid angle measure)
					double dDotN = Math::Dot(-shadowRay.d, lightSampleRec.n);
					double lightPdf =
						dDotN <= 0
							? 0.0
							: lightSelectionPdf *		// Selection
								lightSampleRec.pdf *	// p_A(x_n)
								dist2 / dDotN;			// Convert to p_\sigma(x_{n-1}\to x_n)

					if (lightPdf > 0)
						// It should be positive
						double bsdfPdf = bsdf->Pdf(bsdfRec);

						// MIS weight (for direct light sampling)
						double w = lightPdf / (lightPdf + bsdfPdf);

						// Record color
						L += throughput * f * Le * w;

		// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

		// BSDF sampling

		BSDFSample bsdfSample;
		bsdfSample.u = Vec2d(sampler->Next(), sampler->Next());
		bsdfSample.uComponent = sampler->Next();

		BSDFRecord bsdfRec;
		bsdfRec.type = BSDFType::All;
		bsdfRec.adjoint = false;
		bsdfRec.wi = isect.worldToShading * -ray.d;

		double bsdfPdf;
		auto f = bsdf->SampleAndEvaluate(bsdfRec, bsdfSample, bsdfPdf, isect);

		if (bsdfPdf == 0.0 || f == Vec3d())
			record.L = L;
			record.I = RenderUtils::Luminance(L);

		// Convert to world coordinates
		bsdfRec.wo = isect.shadingToWorld * bsdfRec.wo;

		// Update throughput
		throughput *= f;

		// Setup next ray
		ray.d = bsdfRec.wo;
		ray.o = isect.p;
		ray.minT = isect.rayEpsilon;
		ray.maxT = Inf;

		// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

		// Check intersection
		if (!scene->Intersect(ray, isect))
			record.L = L;
			record.I = RenderUtils::Luminance(L);

		auto light = isect.primitive->Light();

		if (light != nullptr)
			// Intersected with L

			// Evaluate Le
			auto Le = light->Evaluate(-ray.d, isect.gn);

			if ((bsdfRec.sampledType & BSDFType::Delta) != 0)
				// Disable MIS if last intersection is specular interaction
				L += throughput * Le;
				// Calculate PDF for light (in solid angle measure)
				double dist2 = Math::Length2(ray.o - isect.p);
				double dDotN = Math::Dot(-ray.d, isect.gn);
				double lightPdf =
					dDotN <= 0
						? 0.0
						: scene->LightSelectionPdf() *	// Selection
							light->PdfPosition() *		// p_A(x_n)
							dist2 / dDotN;				// Convert to p_\sigma(x_{n-1}\to x_n)

				// MIS weight (for BSDF sampling)
				double w = bsdfPdf / (lightPdf + bsdfPdf);

				// Record color
				L += throughput * Le * w;

		// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

		if (++depth >= config->rrDepth)
			// Russian roulette for path termination
			double p = Math::Min(0.5, RenderUtils::Luminance(throughput));

			if (sampler->Next() > p)

			throughput /= Vec3d(p);

	record.L = L;
	record.I = RenderUtils::Luminance(L);
Exemplo n.º 8
	std::vector<Vec2d> Tangents(const Arc &arc) {
		auto radius_inv = (1.f/arc.circle.radius);
		auto d0 = (arc.endpoints.pts[0] - arc.circle.center) * radius_inv;
		auto d1 = (arc.endpoints.pts[1] - arc.circle.center) * radius_inv;
		return {Vec2d(-d0[1], d0[0]), Vec2d(-d1[1], d1[0])};
Exemplo n.º 9
void SwampMonster::attack()
	Vec3d playerPos = game->getPlayer()->getPosition() - mPosition;

	//Vec2d angle(atan2(playerPos.X-mPosition.X, playerPos.Z-mPosition.Z));


	playerPos /= 8;


	game->getEntityManager()->add(New Projectile(mPosition,playerPos,game->getAnimationManager()->get("fireball"),Vec2d(5,10),ENTITY_ATTACK_ENEMY));

Exemplo n.º 10
void Enemy::onUpdate()
	if(invisibility) invisibility--;

	Vec2i facing = intToDir(dir);

	if(level.getAIFlags(position) & 2)
		// Vergiftung

	if(contamination <= 0) burst();

		// den nächsten Spieler suchen, der für den Gegner sichtbar ist
		Player* p_closestPlayer = 0;
		int closestDist = 0;
		const std::list<Player*>& players = Player::getInstances();
		for(std::list<Player*>::const_iterator i = players.begin(); i != players.end(); ++i)
				int dist = (position - (*i)->getPosition()).lengthSq();
				if(dist < closestDist || !p_closestPlayer)
						p_closestPlayer = *i;
						closestDist = dist;

			targetPosition = p_closestPlayer->getPosition();
			interest += 2225 - closestDist;

		thinkCounter = random(2, 5);

	if(subType == 0)
		int oldDir = dir;

		if(moveCounter-- <= 0 && fabs(shownDir - dir) < 0.4)
			int r = random(0, 8);
			if(interest >= 10000) r = random(0, 40);

			if(contamination < 50)
				if(random() % 2) r = 0;

			interest /= 2;

			case 0:
					int d = random(-22, 22) / 10;
					if(d) dir += d, anim += 16;
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
				if(!tryToMove(facing)) dir += random(-22, 22) / 10;
				anim += 16;
				if(r >= 6 && targetPosition.x != -1)
					// zum Ziel laufen
					Vec2i toTarget = targetPosition - position;
					if(toTarget.x && toTarget.y) toTarget.value[random(0, 1)] = 0;
					int d = dirToInt(toTarget);
					toTarget = intToDir(d);
						dir = d;
						anim += 16;
						interest *= 2;

			if(position == targetPosition || interest < 10)
				targetPosition = Vec2i(-1, -1);
				interest = 0;

			while(dir < 0) dir += 4, shownDir += 4.0;
			dir %= 4;

			moveCounter = random(4, 7);

		if(anim) anim--;

		double dd = static_cast<double>(dir) - shownDir;
		if(dd > 2.0) shownDir += 4.0;
		else if(dd < -2.0) shownDir -= 4.0;
		shownDir = 0.125 * dir + 0.875 * shownDir;

			if(oldDir != dir)
				// Kratz-Sound abspielen
				Engine::inst().playSound("enemy1_turn.ogg", false, 0.1, -100);
				soundCounter = random(15, 55);
		else soundCounter--;

				int s = random(0, 1);
				std::string sound;
				if(s == 0) sound = "enemy1_burp1.ogg";
				else if(s == 1) sound = "enemy1_burp2.ogg";
				Engine::inst().playSound(sound, false, 0.1);

				// Rülpspartikel erzeugen
				ParticleSystem* p_particleSystem = level.getParticleSystem();
				ParticleSystem::Particle p;
				for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					p.lifetime = random(50, 75);
					p.damping = 0.99f;
					p.gravity = random(-0.005f, -0.02f);
					p.positionOnTexture = Vec2b(96, 32);
					p.sizeOnTexture = Vec2b(16, 16);
					p.position = position * 16 + Vec2i(8 + random(-4, 4), 6);
					p.velocity = Vec2d(random(-0.5, 0.5), random(-1.0, -0.5));
					p.color = Vec4d(random(0.8, 1.0), random(0.8, 1.0), random(0.8, 1.0), 0.25);
					p.deltaColor = Vec4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -p.color.a / p.lifetime);
					p.rotation = random(-0.5f, 0.5f);
					p.deltaRotation = random(-0.05f, 0.05f);
					p.size = random(0.2f, 1.0f);
					p.deltaSize = random(0.0f, 0.01f);
	else if(subType == 1)
		if(random() % 2) anim++;

		if(moveCounter-- <= 0)
			int r = random(0, 1);
			if(interest > 6000) r = random(0, 50);

			if(contamination < 50)
				if(random() % 2) r = 0;

			interest /= 2;

			case 0:
				tryToMove(intToDir(random(0, 4)));
				if(targetPosition.x != -1)
					// zum Ziel laufen
					Vec2i toTarget = targetPosition - position;
					if(toTarget.x && toTarget.y) toTarget.value[random(0, 1)] = 0;
					int d = dirToInt(toTarget);
					toTarget = intToDir(d);
					if(tryToMove(toTarget)) interest *= 2;
					// Wo ist die Spur am heißesten?
					int bestDir = 0;
					uint bestTrace = 0;
					for(int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
						uint trace = level.getAITrace(position + intToDir(dir));
						if(trace > bestTrace)
							bestTrace = trace;
							bestDir = dir;

						Vec2i bestDirV = intToDir(bestDir);
							// Das ging nicht. Ist da ein anderer Gegner?
							bool reduceTrace = true;
							Object* p_obj = level.getFrontObjectAt(position + bestDirV);
								// Wenn da ein anderer Gegner ist, ist es egal.
								if(p_obj->getType() == "Enemy") reduceTrace = false;

								// Die Spur dort etwas uninteressanter machen!
								level.setAITrace(position + bestDirV, bestTrace / 2);
							if(bestTrace > 850) interest = 160000;
							else if(bestTrace > 100) interest = 20000;

			if(position == targetPosition || interest < 10)
				targetPosition = Vec2i(-1, -1);
				interest = 0;

			moveCounter = random(4, 7);

		if(height == 0.0)
			if(!(random() % 25))
				vy = random(40.0, 80.0);
				height = 0.5;
			height += 0.02 * vy;
			vy -= 0.02 * 400.0;

			if(height < 0.5)
				height = 0.0;
				vy = 0.0;

		int pr = 700;
		if(interest >= 10000) pr = 350;
		if(!(random() % pr))
			// Lachen abspielen
			Engine::inst().playSound("enemy2_laugh.ogg", false, 0.15, -100);

		if(interest >= 40000)
			if(!(random() % 200))
				// Knurren abspielen
				Engine::inst().playSound("enemy2_growl.ogg", false, 0.15, -100);

		if(interest >= 10000)
			// Feuer
			ParticleSystem* p_particleSystem = level.getParticleSystem();
			ParticleSystem* p_fireParticleSystem = level.getFireParticleSystem();
			ParticleSystem::Particle p;
			p.lifetime = random(40, 50);
			p.damping = 0.9f;
			p.gravity = -0.04f;
			p.positionOnTexture = Vec2b(32, 0);
			p.sizeOnTexture = Vec2b(16, 16);
			const double r = random(0.0, 6.283);
			const Vec2d vr(sin(r), cos(r));
			p.position = position * 16 + Vec2d(7.5, 7.5 - height) + 7.5 * vr;
			p.velocity = vr;
			p.color = Vec4d(random(0.5, 1.0), random(0.8, 1.0), random(0.0, 0.25), random(0.2, 0.4));
			const double dc = -1.5 / (p.lifetime + random(-25, 25));
			p.deltaColor = Vec4d(dc, dc, dc, -p.color.a / p.lifetime);
			p.rotation = random(0.0f, 10.0f);
			p.deltaRotation = random(-0.1f, 0.1f);
			p.size = random(0.5f, 0.9f);
			p.deltaSize = random(0.0075f, 0.015f);
			if(random() % 2) p_particleSystem->addParticle(p);
			else p_fireParticleSystem->addParticle(p);

	if(eatCounter) eatCounter--;
Exemplo n.º 11
void SimUIForm::FingerHandler::EnterSelect(Event *pevt) {
    // Leave current modes
    // Form a box around the two down points
    Rect rc;
    if (m_x1 < m_x2) {
        rc.left = m_x1;
        rc.right = m_x2;
    } else {
        rc.left = m_x2;
        rc.right = m_x1;
    if (m_y1 < m_y2) {
        rc.top = m_y1;
        rc.bottom = m_y2;
    } else {
        rc.top = m_y2;
        rc.bottom = m_y1;

    // Initialize the drag rect. It expects a bottom left coordinate
    // system. If the rect is rotated 90 cw, then it fits SimUI's
    // coordinate system if x/y are swapped.
    DPoint pt0, pt1, pt2;
    pt0.x = rc.top;
    pt0.y = rc.left;
    pt1.x = rc.bottom;
    pt1.y = rc.left;
    pt2.x = rc.bottom;
    pt2.y = rc.right;
    DragRect drc;
    drc.Init(pt0, pt1, pt2);

    // Figure out the tracking masks

#define kcpCloseEnough 32.0

    DPoint ptA;
    ptA.x = m_y1;
    ptA.y = m_x1;
    m_maskA = drc.HitTest(ptA, &m_vOffsetA);
    if (m_vOffsetA.mag() > kcpCloseEnough) {
        m_vOffsetA = Vec2d(0, 0);

    DPoint ptB;
    ptB.x = m_y2;
    ptB.y = m_x2;
    m_maskB = drc.HitTest(ptB, &m_vOffsetB);
    if (m_vOffsetB.mag() > kcpCloseEnough) {
        m_vOffsetB = Vec2d(0, 0);

    // Show the drag rect


    // Redraw the screen so the selection updates
    gevm.SetRedrawFlags(kfRedrawDirty | kfRedrawBeforeTimer);

    // Set selection based on this rect

    // Enter FHS_SELECT mode
    m_state = FHS_SELECT;
Exemplo n.º 12
void Enemy::onCollect(Player* p_player)
	if(p_player->isTeleporting()) return;

	if(subType == 0)
			ParticleSystem* p_particleSystem = level.getParticleSystem();
			ParticleSystem::Particle p;

			// die Metzelei hinter einer Staubwolke verstecken
			for(int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
				p.lifetime = 100;
				p.damping = 0.99f;
				p.gravity = 0.005f;
				p.positionOnTexture = Vec2b(0, 0);
				p.sizeOnTexture = Vec2b(16, 16);
				p.position = position * 16 + Vec2i(random(4, 12), random(4, 12));
				double a = random(0.0, 1000.0);
				p.velocity = Vec2d(sin(a), cos(a)) * random(0.05, 1.0);
				double c = random(0.6, 1.0);
				p.color = p_player->getDebrisColor();
				p.color.a *= random(0.5f, 1.2f);
				p.deltaColor = Vec4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -p.color.a / p.lifetime);
				p.rotation = random(0.0f, 10.0f);
				p.deltaRotation = random(-0.1f, 0.1f);
				p.size = random(0.3f, 0.5f);
				p.deltaSize = random(0.01f, 0.05f);

			Engine::inst().playSound("enemy1_eat.ogg", false, 0.1);
			p_player->censored = true;
			moveCounter = 130;
			eatCounter = 130;
			burpCounter = 100;

			slideDir = -1;
	else if(subType == 1)
			ParticleSystem* p_particleSystem = level.getParticleSystem();
			ParticleSystem::Particle p;

			// die Metzelei hinter einer Staubwolke verstecken
			for(int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
				p.lifetime = 100;
				p.damping = 0.99f;
				p.gravity = 0.005f;
				p.positionOnTexture = Vec2b(0, 0);
				p.sizeOnTexture = Vec2b(16, 16);
				p.position = position * 16 + Vec2i(random(4, 12), random(4, 12));
				double a = random(0.0, 1000.0);
				p.velocity = Vec2d(sin(a), cos(a)) * random(0.05, 1.0);
				double c = random(0.6, 1.0);
				p.color = p_player->getDebrisColor();
				p.color.a *= random(0.5f, 1.2f);
				p.deltaColor = Vec4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -p.color.a / p.lifetime);
				p.rotation = random(0.0f, 10.0f);
				p.deltaRotation = random(-0.1f, 0.1f);
				p.size = random(0.3f, 0.5f);
				p.deltaSize = random(0.01f, 0.05f);

			Engine::inst().playSound("enemy2_eat.ogg", false, 0.1);
			p_player->censored = true;
			moveCounter = 130;
			eatCounter = 130;
			burpCounter = 100;

			slideDir = -1;
Exemplo n.º 13
Range2<double> Range2<double>::Empty()
    return Range2<double>(Vec2d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX), Vec2d(-DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX));
Exemplo n.º 14
Sprite::Sprite(Texture *texture)
	mpTexture = texture;
	mScale = Vec2d(1,1);
	mSize = Vec2d(mpTexture->getWidth(), mpTexture->getHeight());
Exemplo n.º 15
void Monster::think(const double elapsedTime)

    if(!mIsDying && mHealth <= 0)

        if(mPosition.Y > -0.5)
            mVelocity.Y -= 0.005;
            mPosition += mVelocity;

            if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X + mVelocity.X), int(mPosition.Z)).type == TYPE_WALL)
                mVelocity.X = -mVelocity.X;

                mVelocity *= MONSTER_DAMPING;

            if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z + mVelocity.Z)).type == TYPE_WALL)
                mVelocity.Z = -mVelocity.Z;

                mVelocity *= MONSTER_DAMPING;

            mIsStunned = false;
            mPosition.Y = -0.5;

        if(mDeathTimer.getElapsedTime() >= 500)
            mShouldDelete = true;


        if(mFreezeTimer.getElapsedTime() < 5000)

        Vec2d motion = Vec2d(playerPos.X-mPosition.X,playerPos.Z-mPosition.Z);


        motion /= 35;

        if((playerPos.X - mPosition.X) + (playerPos.Z - mPosition.Z) < 0.3)
            int goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal;
            playerPos = mPosition;
            for(int i = -1; i < 2; ++i)
                for(int j = -1; j < 2; ++j)
                    if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).type != TYPE_WALL && goalStr < game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal && game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal < 100)
                        goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal;
                        playerPos.X = mPosition.X + i;
                        playerPos.Z = mPosition.Z + j;

        game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(playerPos.X), int(playerPos.Z), 0);
        game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z), 0);

        //Increase position of monster.
        mPosition -= Vec3d(motion.X(),0,motion.Y());
        Vec2d motion = Vec2d(playerPos.X-mPosition.X,playerPos.Z-mPosition.Z);


        motion /= 50;

        if((playerPos.X - mPosition.X) + (playerPos.Z - mPosition.Z) < 0.3)
            int goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal;
            playerPos = mPosition;
            for(int i = -1; i < 2; ++i)
                for(int j = -1; j < 2; ++j)
                    if(game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).type != TYPE_WALL && goalStr < game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal && game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal < 100)
                        goalStr = game->getCurrentMap()->getTile(i + int(mPosition.X), j + int(mPosition.Z)).goodCreatureGoal;
                        playerPos.X = mPosition.X + i;
                        playerPos.Z = mPosition.Z + j;

        game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(playerPos.X), int(playerPos.Z), 0);
        game->getCurrentMap()->setGoal(int(mPosition.X), int(mPosition.Z), 0);

        //Increase position of monster.
        mPosition += Vec3d(motion.X(),0,motion.Y());

    /*if(rand() % 500 == 0)

    if(rand() % 5000 == 0)

Exemplo n.º 16
// Called from the constructor.
// Set the initial bed shape from a list of points.
// Deduce the bed shape type(rect, circle, custom)
// This routine shall be smart enough if the user messes up
// with the list of points in the ini file directly.
void BedShapePanel::set_shape(ConfigOptionPoints* points)
	auto polygon = Polygon::new_scale(points->values);

	// is this a rectangle ?
	if (points->size() == 4) {
		auto lines = polygon.lines();
		if (lines[0].parallel_to(lines[2]) && lines[1].parallel_to(lines[3])) {
			// okay, it's a rectangle
			// find origin
            coordf_t x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;
            x_max = x_min = points->values[0](0);
			y_max = y_min = points->values[0](1);
			for (auto pt : points->values)
                x_min = std::min(x_min, pt(0));
                x_max = std::max(x_max, pt(0));
                y_min = std::min(y_min, pt(1));
                y_max = std::max(y_max, pt(1));

            auto origin = new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(-x_min, -y_min) };

			auto optgroup = m_optgroups[SHAPE_RECTANGULAR];
			optgroup->set_value("rect_size", new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min) });//[x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min]);
			optgroup->set_value("rect_origin", origin);

	// is this a circle ?
		// Analyze the array of points.Do they reside on a circle ?
		auto center = polygon.bounding_box().center();
		std::vector<double> vertex_distances;
		double avg_dist = 0;
		for (auto pt: polygon.points)
			double distance = (pt - center).cast<double>().norm();
			avg_dist += distance;

		avg_dist /= vertex_distances.size();
		bool defined_value = true;
		for (auto el: vertex_distances)
			if (abs(el - avg_dist) > 10 * SCALED_EPSILON)
				defined_value = false;
		if (defined_value) {
			// all vertices are equidistant to center
			auto optgroup = m_optgroups[SHAPE_CIRCULAR];
			boost::any ret = wxNumberFormatter::ToString(unscale<double>(avg_dist * 2), 0);
 			optgroup->set_value("diameter", ret);

	if (points->size() < 3) {
		// Invalid polygon.Revert to default bed dimensions.
		auto optgroup = m_optgroups[SHAPE_RECTANGULAR];
		optgroup->set_value("rect_size", new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(200, 200) });
		optgroup->set_value("rect_origin", new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(0, 0) });

	// This is a custom bed shape, use the polygon provided.
	// Copy the polygon to the canvas, make a copy of the array.
	m_canvas->m_bed_shape = points->values;
Exemplo n.º 17
void Curve::computeCurvatureAndOrientation ()
	const_vertex_iterator v = vertices_begin(), vend = vertices_end(), v2, prevV, v0;
	Vec2d p0, p1, p2;
	Vec3r p;

	p = (*v)->point2d();
	p0 = Vec2d(p[0], p[1]);
	prevV = v;
	p = (*v)->point2d();
	p1 = Vec2d(p[0], p[1]);
	Vec2d prevDir(p1 - p0);

	for (; v! = vend; ++v) {
		v2 = v;
		if (v2 == vend)
		Vec3r p2 = (*v2)->point2d();

		Vec2d BA = p0 - p1;
		Vec2d BC = p2 - p1;
		real lba = BA.norm(), lbc = BC.norm();
		Vec2d normalCurvature = BA + BC;
		Vec2d dir = Vec2d(BC - BA);
		Vec2d normal = Vec2d(-dir[1], dir[0]);

		real curvature = normalCurvature * normal;
		if (lba + lbc > MY_EPSILON)
			curvature /= (0.5 * lba + lbc);
		if (dir.norm() < MY_EPSILON)
			dir = 0.1 * prevDir;

		prevV = v;
		p0 = p1;
		p1 = p2;
		prevDir = dir;
	(*v)->setDirectionFredo((*v)->point2d() - (*prevV)->point2d());
	v0 = vertices_begin();
	v2 = v0;
	(*v0)->setDirectionFredo((*v2)->point2d() - (*v0)->point2d());

	//closed curve case one day...


	//numerical degeneracy verification... we'll see later
	const_vertex_iterator vLastReliable = vertices_begin();

	v = vertices_begin();
	p = (*v)->point2d();
	p0 = Vec2d(p[0], p[1]);
	prevV = v;
	p = (*v)->point2d();
	p1 = Vec2d(p[0], p[1]);
	bool isReliable = false;
	if ((p1 - p0).norm > EPS_CURVA) {
		vLastReliable = v;
		isReliable = true;

	for (; v != vend; ++v) {
		v2 = v;
		if (v2 == vend)
		Vec3r p2 = (*v2)->point2d();

		Vec2d BA = p0 - p1;
		Vec2d BC = p2 - p1;
		real lba = BA.norm(), lbc = BC.norm();

		if ((lba + lbc) < EPS_CURVA) {
			isReliable = false;
			cerr << "/";
		else {
			if (!isReliable) {  //previous points were not reliable
				const_vertex_iterator vfix = vLastReliable;
				for (; vfix != v; ++vfix) {
			isReliable = true;
			vLastReliable = v;
		prevV = v;
		p0 = p1;
		p1 = p2;
Exemplo n.º 18
// Update the bed shape from the dialog fields.
void BedShapePanel::update_shape()
	auto page_idx = m_shape_options_book->GetSelection();
	if (page_idx == SHAPE_RECTANGULAR) {
		Vec2d rect_size(Vec2d::Zero());
		Vec2d rect_origin(Vec2d::Zero());
			rect_size = boost::any_cast<Vec2d>(m_optgroups[SHAPE_RECTANGULAR]->get_value("rect_size")); }
		catch (const std::exception & /* e */) {
		try {
			rect_origin = boost::any_cast<Vec2d>(m_optgroups[SHAPE_RECTANGULAR]->get_value("rect_origin"));
		catch (const std::exception & /* e */) {
		auto x = rect_size(0);
		auto y = rect_size(1);
		// empty strings or '-' or other things
		if (x == 0 || y == 0)	return;
		double x0 = 0.0;
		double y0 = 0.0;
		double x1 = x;
		double y1 = y;

		auto dx = rect_origin(0);
		auto dy = rect_origin(1);

		x0 -= dx;
		x1 -= dx;
		y0 -= dy;
		y1 -= dy;
		m_canvas->m_bed_shape = {	Vec2d(x0, y0),
									Vec2d(x1, y0),
									Vec2d(x1, y1),
									Vec2d(x0, y1)};
	else if(page_idx == SHAPE_CIRCULAR) {
		double diameter;
			diameter = boost::any_cast<double>(m_optgroups[SHAPE_CIRCULAR]->get_value("diameter"));
		catch (const std::exception & /* e */) {
 		if (diameter == 0.0) return ;
		auto r = diameter / 2;
		auto twopi = 2 * PI;
		auto edges = 60;
		std::vector<Vec2d> points;
		for (size_t i = 1; i <= 60; ++i) {
			auto angle = i * twopi / edges;
			points.push_back(Vec2d(r*cos(angle), r*sin(angle)));
		m_canvas->m_bed_shape = points;

//	$self->{on_change}->();
Exemplo n.º 19
void TestApp::test_vector2(void)
	Console::write_line(" Header: cl_vector.h");
	Console::write_line("  Class: Vec2");

	Console::write_line("   Function: rotate()");
		Vec2i test_a;
		Vec2i hotspot(1,3);

		test_a = Vec2i(4,5);
		test_a.rotate(hotspot, Angle(0, angle_degrees));
		if (test_a != Vec2i(4, 5))  fail();

		test_a = Vec2i(4,5);
		test_a.rotate(hotspot, Angle(90, angle_degrees));
		if (test_a != Vec2i(-1, 6))  fail();

		test_a = Vec2i(4,5);
		test_a.rotate(hotspot, Angle(180, angle_degrees));
		if (test_a != Vec2i(-2, 1))  fail();

		test_a = Vec2i(4,5);
		test_a.rotate(hotspot, Angle(270, angle_degrees));
		if (test_a != Vec2i(3, 0))  fail();

		test_a = Vec2i(4,5);
		test_a.rotate(hotspot, Angle(360, angle_degrees));
		if (test_a != Vec2i(4, 5))  fail();

		test_a = Vec2i(4,5);
		test_a.rotate(Vec2i(0,0), Angle(180, angle_degrees));
		if (test_a != Vec2i(-4, -5))  fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: distance()");
		Vec2d test_a(2.0,3.0);
		Vec2d test_b(3.0,4.0);

		if (test_a.distance(test_b) != sqrt(1.0 + 1.0 ))  fail();
	Console::write_line("   Function: normalize()");
		Vec2d testi(3.0,4.0);
		if (testi !=  Vec2d(3.0/sqrt(25.0), 4.0/sqrt(25.0)))  fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: static normalize()");
		Vec2d testi(3.0,4.0);
		if (Vec2d::normalize(testi) !=  Vec2d(3.0/sqrt(25.0), 4.0/sqrt(25.0)))  fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: length()");
		Vec2d testi(3.0,4.0);
		if (testi.length() != sqrt(25.0 ))  fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: dot()");
		Vec2d test_a(3.0,4.0);
		Vec2d test_b(13.0,14.0);
		if (test_a.dot(test_b) != ((3.0 * 13.0)+ (4.0*14.0)))  fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: operator += (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd += Vec2d(1.0, 2.0);

		if (testd.x != 3.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 5.5) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		testi += Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 3) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator += ( Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd += valued;

		if (testd.x != 4.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 5.5) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi += valuei;
		if (testi.x != 4) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator + (Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd = testd + valued;

		if (testd.x != 4.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 5.5) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi = testi + valuei;
		if (testi.x != 4) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator + (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd = testd + Vec2d(1.5, 2.5);

		if (testd.x != 4.0) fail();
		if (testd.y != 6.0) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		testi = testi + Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 3) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator -= (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd -= Vec2d(1.0, 2.0);

		if (testd.x != 1.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.5) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		testi -= Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 1) fail();
		if (testi.y != 1) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator -= ( Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd -= valued;

		if (testd.x != 0.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.5) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi -= valuei;
		if (testi.x != 0) fail();
		if (testi.y != 1) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator - (Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd = testd - valued;

		if (testd.x != 0.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.5) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi = testi - valuei;
		if (testi.x != 0) fail();
		if (testi.y != 1) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator - (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd = testd - Vec2d(1.5, 2.5);

		if (testd.x != 1.0) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.0) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		testi = testi - Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 1) fail();
		if (testi.y != 1) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator *= (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd *= Vec2d(1.0, 2.0);

		if (testd.x != 2.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 7.0) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		testi *= Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 2) fail();
		if (testi.y != 6) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator *= ( Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd *= valued;

		if (testd.x != 5.0) fail();
		if (testd.y != 7.0) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi *= valuei;
		if (testi.x != 4) fail();
		if (testi.y != 6) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: operator * (Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd = testd * valued;

		if (testd.x != 5.0) fail();
		if (testd.y != 7.0) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi = testi * valuei;
		if (testi.x != 4) fail();
		if (testi.y != 6) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator * (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd = testd * Vec2d(1.5, 2.5);

		if (testd.x != 3.75) fail();
		if (testd.y != 8.75) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		testi = testi * Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 2) fail();
		if (testi.y != 6) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator /= (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd /= Vec2d(1.0, 2.0);

		if (testd.x != 2.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.75) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 10);
		testi /= Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 2) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator /= ( Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd /= valued;

		if (testd.x != 1.25) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.75) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 10);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi /= valuei;
		if (testi.x != 1) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: operator / (Type value)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		double valued = 2.0;
		testd = testd / valued;

		if (testd.x != 1.25) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.75) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 10);
		int valuei = 2;
		testi = testi / valuei;
		if (testi.x != 1) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator / (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd = testd / Vec2d(1.0, 2.5);

		if (testd.x != 2.5) fail();
		if (testd.y != 1.4) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 10);
		testi = testi / Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 2) fail();
		if (testi.y != 5) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator = (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		testd = Vec2d(1.0, 2.0);

		if (testd.x != 1.0) fail();
		if (testd.y != 2.0) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		testi = Vec2i(1, 2);
		if (testi.x != 1) fail();
		if (testi.y != 2) fail();


	Console::write_line("   Function: operator == (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		if (testd == Vec2d(1.0, 2.0)) fail();
		if (testd == Vec2d(2.5, 2.0)) fail();
		if (!(testd == Vec2d(2.5, 3.5))) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		if (testi == Vec2i(1, 2)) fail();
		if (testi == Vec2i(2, 2)) fail();
		if (!(testi == Vec2i(2, 3))) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: operator != (const Vec2<Type>& vector)");
		Vec2d testd(2.5, 3.5);
		if (!(testd != Vec2d(1.0, 2.0))) fail();
		if (!(testd != Vec2d(2.5, 2.0))) fail();
		if ((testd != Vec2d(2.5, 3.5))) fail();

		Vec2i testi(2, 3);
		if (!(testi != Vec2i(1, 2))) fail();
		if (!(testi != Vec2i(2, 2))) fail();
		if ((testi != Vec2i(2, 3))) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: round()");
		Vec2d testd(2.0, 2.5);

		if (testd.x != 2.0) fail();
		if (testd.y != 3.0) fail();

		Vec2f testf(2.0f, 2.5f);

		if (testf.x != 2.0f) fail();
		if (testf.y != 3.0f) fail();

	Console::write_line("   Function: static round()");
		Vec2d testd(2.0, 2.5);
		Vec2d destd = Vec2d::round(testd);

		if (destd.x != 2.0) fail();
		if (destd.y != 3.0) fail();

		Vec2f testf(2.0f, 2.5f);
		Vec2f destf = Vec2f::round(testf);

		if (destf.x != 2.0f) fail();
		if (destf.y != 3.0f) fail();
Exemplo n.º 20
void BedShapePanel::build_panel(ConfigOptionPoints* default_pt)
//  on_change(nullptr);

	auto box = new wxStaticBox(this, wxID_ANY, _(L("Shape")));
	auto sbsizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer(box, wxVERTICAL);

	// shape options
    m_shape_options_book = new wxChoicebook(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, 
                           wxSize(25*wxGetApp().em_unit(), -1), wxCHB_TOP);

	auto optgroup = init_shape_options_page(_(L("Rectangular")));
		ConfigOptionDef def;
		def.type = coPoints;
		def.default_value = new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(200, 200) };
		def.label = L("Size");
		def.tooltip = L("Size in X and Y of the rectangular plate.");
		Option option(def, "rect_size");

		def.type = coPoints;
		def.default_value = new ConfigOptionPoints{ Vec2d(0, 0) };
		def.label = L("Origin");
		def.tooltip = L("Distance of the 0,0 G-code coordinate from the front left corner of the rectangle.");
		option = Option(def, "rect_origin");

		optgroup = init_shape_options_page(_(L("Circular")));
		def.type = coFloat;
		def.default_value = new ConfigOptionFloat(200);
		def.sidetext = L("mm");
		def.label = L("Diameter");
		def.tooltip = L("Diameter of the print bed. It is assumed that origin (0,0) is located in the center.");
		option = Option(def, "diameter");

		optgroup = init_shape_options_page(_(L("Custom")));
		Line line{ "", "" };
		line.full_width = 1;
		line.widget = [this](wxWindow* parent) {
			auto btn = new wxButton(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Load shape from STL...")), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
			auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);

			btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, ([this](wxCommandEvent e)

			return sizer;

	Bind(wxEVT_CHOICEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, ([this](wxCommandEvent e)

	// right pane with preview canvas
	m_canvas = new Bed_2D(this);
	m_canvas->m_bed_shape = default_pt->values;

	// main sizer
	auto top_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
	top_sizer->Add(sbsizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLeft | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, 10);
	if (m_canvas)
		top_sizer->Add(m_canvas, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10) ;


Exemplo n.º 21
Vec3d CubeMap::getColor(ray r) const {

	int axis, front, left, right, top, bottom;
	double u,v;
	Vec3d dir = r.getDirection();
	if (fabs(dir[0]) > fabs(dir[1]))
		if (fabs(dir[0]) > fabs(dir[2])) {
			axis = 0;
			bottom = 3;
			top = 2;
			if (dir[0] > 0.0) {
				front = 0;
				left = 4;
				right = 5;
			else {
				front = 1;
				left = 5;
				right = 4;
		else {
			axis = 2;
			bottom = 3;
			top = 2;
			if (dir[2] > 0.0) {
				front = 5;
				left = 0;
				right = 1;
			else {
				front = 4;
				left = 1;
				right = 0;
		if (fabs(dir[1]) > fabs(dir[2])) {
			axis = 1;
			left = 1;
			right = 0;
			if (dir[1] > 0.0) {
				front = 2;
				bottom = 4;
				top = 5;
			else {
				front = 3;
				bottom = 5;
				top = 4;
		else {
			axis = 2;
			bottom = 3;
			top = 2;
			if (dir[2] > 0.0) {
				front = 5;
				left = 0;
				right = 1;
			else {
				front = 4;
				left = 1;
				right = 0;

	if (axis == 0) {
		u = dir[2]/dir[0];
		if (dir[0] > 0.0) v = dir[1]/dir[0];
		else v = -dir[1]/dir[0];
	else if (axis == 1) {
		if (dir[1] > 0.0) u = dir[0]/dir[1];
		else u = -dir[0]/dir[1];
		v = dir[2]/dir[1];
	else if (axis == 2) {
		u = -dir[0]/dir[2];
		if (dir[2] > 0.0) v = dir[1]/dir[2];
		else v = -dir[1]/dir[2];

	u = (u + 1.0)/2.0;
	v = (v + 1.0)/2.0;

	int filterwidth = traceUI->getFilterWidth();
	if (r.type() != ray::VISIBILITY || filterwidth == 1) return tMap[front]->getMappedValue(Vec2d(u, v));
	int fw = (filterwidth + 1)/2 - 1;
	int rm = filterwidth - fw;
	int width = tMap[front]->getWidth();
	int height = tMap[front]->getHeight();
	double delu = 1.0/width;
	double delv = 1.0/height;
	int x = floor(0.5 + u * (width - 1));
	int y = floor(0.5 + v * (height - 1));
	double startu = delu * (x - fw);
	double startv = delv * (y - fw);
	double nextu = startu;
	double nextv = startv;
	double xslope = 1.0/(((double)filterwidth + 1) / 2.0 * delu);
	double yslope = 1.0/(((double)filterwidth + 1) / 2.0 * delv);
	double correct = 0.0;
	Vec3d thePixel = Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	for (int jj = -fw; jj < rm; jj++) {
		for (int ii = -fw; ii < rm; ii++) {
			int xindex = x + ii;
			int yindex = y + jj;
			if (xindex < 0 && yindex < 0) continue;
			if (xindex >= width && yindex >= height) continue;
			if (xindex >= width && yindex < 0) continue;
			if (xindex < 0 && yindex >= height) continue;
			int theMap = front;
			if (yindex < 0) {
				theMap = bottom;
				if (axis == 0)
					if (dir[0] > 0) {
						yindex = height - 1 - xindex;
						xindex = width + jj;
					else {
						yindex = xindex;
						xindex = -1 - jj;
				else if (axis == 1)
					if (dir[1] > 0) yindex = height + jj;
					else {
						yindex = -1 - jj;
						xindex = width - 1 - xindex;
				else if (axis == 2)
					if (dir[2] > 0) {
						yindex = -1 - jj;
						xindex = width - 1 - xindex;
					else yindex = height + jj;
			else if (yindex >= height) {
				theMap = top;
				if (axis == 0)
					if (dir[0] > 0) {
						yindex = xindex;
						xindex = width - jj;
					else {
						yindex = height - 1 - xindex;
						xindex = jj - 1;
				else if (axis == 1)
					if (dir[1] > 0)  {
						yindex = height - jj;
						xindex = width - 1 - xindex;
					else yindex = jj - 1;
				else if (axis == 2)
					if (dir[2] > 0) {
						yindex =  height - jj;
						xindex = width - 1 - xindex;
					else yindex = jj - 1;
			else if (xindex < 0) {
				theMap = left;
				if (axis == 0  || axis == 2) xindex = width + ii;
				else if (axis == 1)
					if (dir[1] > 0)  {
						xindex = width - 1 - yindex;
						yindex = height + ii;
					else {
						xindex = yindex;
						yindex = -1 - ii;
			else if (xindex >= width) {
				theMap = right;
				if (axis == 0  || axis == 2) xindex = ii - 1;
				else if (axis == 1)
					if (dir[1] > 0)  {
						xindex = yindex;
						yindex = height - ii;
					else {
						xindex = width - 1 - yindex;
						yindex = ii - 1;
			double du = u - nextu;
			double dv = v - nextv;
			double weight = (1.0 - fabs(du * xslope)) * (1.0 - fabs(dv * yslope));
			nextu += delu;
			correct += weight;
			thePixel += tMap[theMap]->getPixelAt(xindex, yindex) * weight;
		nextu = startu;
		nextv += delv;
	thePixel /= correct;
	return thePixel;
Exemplo n.º 22
Pointfs FillOctagramSpiral::_generate(coord_t min_x, coord_t min_y, coord_t max_x, coord_t max_y)
    // Radius to achieve.
    coordf_t rmax = std::sqrt(coordf_t(max_x)*coordf_t(max_x)+coordf_t(max_y)*coordf_t(max_y)) * std::sqrt(2.) + 1.5;
    // Now unwind the spiral.
    coordf_t r = 0;
    coordf_t r_inc = sqrt(2.);
    Pointfs out;
    out.push_back(Vec2d(0, 0));
    while (r < rmax) {
        r += r_inc;
        coordf_t rx = r / sqrt(2.);
        coordf_t r2 = r + rx;
        out.push_back(Vec2d( r,  0.));
        out.push_back(Vec2d( r2, rx));
        out.push_back(Vec2d( rx, rx));
        out.push_back(Vec2d( rx, r2));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(0.,  r));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(-rx, r2));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(-rx, rx));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(-r2, rx));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(-r,  0.));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(-r2, -rx));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(-rx, -rx));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(-rx, -r2));
        out.push_back(Vec2d(0., -r));
        out.push_back(Vec2d( rx, -r2));
        out.push_back(Vec2d( rx, -rx));
        out.push_back(Vec2d( r2+r_inc, -rx));
    return out;
Exemplo n.º 23
 Vec2d Delta () const { return Vec2d (p2->X()-p1->X(), p2->Y()-p1->Y()); }
Exemplo n.º 24
triangulatePoints(InputArrayOfArrays _points2d, InputArrayOfArrays _projection_matrices,
                  OutputArray _points3d)
    // check
    size_t nviews = (unsigned) _points2d.total();
    CV_Assert(nviews >= 2 && nviews == _projection_matrices.total());

    // inputs
    size_t n_points;
    vector<Mat_<double> > points2d(nviews);
    vector<Matx34d> projection_matrices(nviews);
        vector<Mat> points2d_tmp;
        n_points = points2d_tmp[0].cols;

        vector<Mat> projection_matrices_tmp;

        // Make sure the dimensions are right
        for(size_t i=0; i<nviews; ++i) {
            CV_Assert(points2d_tmp[i].rows == 2 && points2d_tmp[i].cols == n_points);
            if (points2d_tmp[i].type() == CV_64F)
                points2d[i] = points2d_tmp[i];
                points2d_tmp[i].convertTo(points2d[i], CV_64F);

            CV_Assert(projection_matrices_tmp[i].rows == 3 && projection_matrices_tmp[i].cols == 4);
            if (projection_matrices_tmp[i].type() == CV_64F)
              projection_matrices[i] = projection_matrices_tmp[i];
              projection_matrices_tmp[i].convertTo(projection_matrices[i], CV_64F);

    // output
    _points3d.create(3, n_points, CV_64F);
    cv::Mat points3d = _points3d.getMat();

    // Two view
    if( nviews == 2 )
        const Mat_<double> &xl = points2d[0], &xr = points2d[1];

        const Matx34d & Pl = projection_matrices[0];    // left matrix projection
        const Matx34d & Pr = projection_matrices[1];    // right matrix projection

        // triangulate
        for( unsigned i = 0; i < n_points; ++i )
            Vec3d point3d;
            triangulateDLT( Vec2d(xl(0,i), xl(1,i)), Vec2d(xr(0,i), xr(1,i)), Pl, Pr, point3d );
            for(char j=0; j<3; ++j)
                points3d.at<double>(j, i) = point3d[j];
    else if( nviews > 2 )
        // triangulate
        for( unsigned i=0; i < n_points; ++i )
            // build x matrix (one point per view)
            Mat_<double> x( 2, nviews );
            for( unsigned k=0; k < nviews; ++k )
                points2d.at(k).col(i).copyTo( x.col(k) );

            Vec3d point3d;
            nViewTriangulate( x, projection_matrices, point3d );
            for(char j=0; j<3; ++j)
                points3d.at<double>(j, i) = point3d[j];
Exemplo n.º 25
inline Vec2d operator+ (const Vec2d & v1, const Vec2d & v2)
  return Vec2d (v1.X() + v2.X(), v1.Y() + v2.Y());
Exemplo n.º 26
double TileNode::Transition::getCost(const Vec2d& selfSpeed, const TileNode& thisNode)
	static const double TURN_PENALTY                  = Map::NORMAL_TURN_COST;
	static const double TURN_180_PENALTY              = 4 * Map::NORMAL_TURN_COST;
	static const double WAYPOINT_OUT_OF_ORDER_PENALTY = Map::NORMAL_TURN_COST; // TODO - increase?     // it's not so good to go through incorrect waypoint
	static const double ZIGZAZ_TURN_PRIZE             = -Map::NORMAL_TURN_COST / 1.5;  // zigzag turn is slightly better then usual turn

	double cost = Map::NORMAL_TURN_COST;

	AbsoluteDirection previousTurn = m_cachedParent == nullptr ? m_turnedDirection/*assume no change*/ : m_cachedParent->m_transition.m_turnedDirection;
	if (m_turnedDirection != previousTurn)
		cost += TURN_PENALTY;

	AbsoluteDirection minDirection = std::min(m_turnedDirection, previousTurn);
	AbsoluteDirection maxDirection = std::max(m_turnedDirection, previousTurn);

	if ((minDirection == AbsoluteDirection::LEFT && maxDirection == AbsoluteDirection::RIGHT)
	 || (minDirection == AbsoluteDirection::UP   && maxDirection == AbsoluteDirection::DOWN))
		cost += TURN_180_PENALTY;

	TileNode* prePrevious = m_cachedParent != nullptr ? m_cachedParent->m_transition.m_cachedParent : nullptr;
	bool isZigzag = m_isZigzag // already calculated
		|| ( prePrevious != nullptr
		  && prePrevious->m_transition.m_turnedDirection == m_turnedDirection
		  && m_cachedParent->m_transition.m_turnedDirection != m_turnedDirection );

	if (isZigzag)

	m_isZigzag = isZigzag;
	if (m_cachedParent != nullptr)
		m_cachedParent->m_transition.m_isZigzag = isZigzag;

	if (thisNode.m_isWaypoint)

	// speed vector may become a bonus or penalty for transitions near start
	bool isMoving = selfSpeed.m_x != 0 || selfSpeed.m_y != 0;
	if (m_cachedParent != nullptr && isMoving)
		int tilesFromStart = 0;
		Vec2d correctedSpeed = selfSpeed;
		TileNode* previousNode = m_cachedParent->m_transition.m_cachedParent;
		while (previousNode != nullptr)
			correctedSpeed /= 2;  // further from start -> less penalty
			previousNode = previousNode->m_transition.m_cachedParent;

			if (++tilesFromStart > 2)
				// too far, no sense to calculate
				correctedSpeed = Vec2d(0, 0);

		// remove "noise"
		if (std::abs(correctedSpeed.m_x) < 1)
			correctedSpeed.m_x = 0;
		if (std::abs(correctedSpeed.m_y) < 1)
			correctedSpeed.m_y = 0;

		// todo - use tilesFromStart?
		Vec2d turnVector = Vec2d::fromPoint(thisNode.m_pos - m_cachedParent->m_pos);
		double directionPrize = Vec2d::dot(correctedSpeed, turnVector) / selfSpeed.length(); // [-1; +1]

		// almost no penalty after log2(8) = 3 tiles
		static const double SPEED_VECTOR_PENALTY = -Map::NORMAL_TURN_COST * 16;  // negative prize * negative penalty = positive cost incerment
		static const double SPEED_VECTOR_PRIZE   = -Map::NORMAL_TURN_COST * 2;   // positive prize * negative penalty = negative cost increment

		double costIncrement = directionPrize > 0 ? directionPrize * SPEED_VECTOR_PRIZE : directionPrize * SPEED_VECTOR_PENALTY;
		double newCost = cost + costIncrement;
		cost = std::max(newCost, Map::MIN_TURN_COST);

	return cost;		