void ConvectionDiffusionFE<TDomain>::
add_def_A_elem(LocalVector& d, const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[])
//	request geometry
	const TFEGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFEGeom>::get(m_lfeID, m_quadOrder);

	number integrand, shape_u;
	MathMatrix<dim,dim> D;
	MathVector<dim> v, Dgrad_u, grad_u;

//	loop integration points
	for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
	// 	get current u and grad_u
		VecSet(grad_u, 0.0);
		shape_u = 0.0;
		for(size_t j = 0; j < geo.num_sh(); ++j)
			VecScaleAppend(grad_u, u(_C_,j), geo.global_grad(ip, j));
			shape_u += u(_C_,j) * geo.shape(ip, j);

	// 	Diffusion
			MatVecMult(Dgrad_u, m_imDiffusion[ip], grad_u);
			VecSet(Dgrad_u, 0.0);

	// 	Convection
			VecScaleAppend(Dgrad_u, -1*shape_u, m_imVelocity[ip]);

	// 	Convection
			VecScaleAppend(Dgrad_u, 1.0, m_imFlux[ip]);

	//	loop test spaces
		for(size_t i = 0; i < geo.num_sh(); ++i)
		//	compute integrand
			integrand = VecDot(Dgrad_u, geo.global_grad(ip, i));

		// 	add Reaction Rate
				integrand += m_imReactionRate[ip] * shape_u * geo.shape(ip, i);

		// 	add Reaction
				integrand += m_imReaction[ip] * geo.shape(ip, i);

		//	multiply by integration weight
			integrand *= geo.weight(ip);

		//	add to local defect
			d(_C_, i) += integrand;
void ConvectionDiffusionFE<TDomain>::
lin_def_diffusion(const LocalVector& u,
                      std::vector<std::vector<MathMatrix<dim,dim> > > vvvLinDef[],
                      const size_t nip)
//	request geometry
	const TFEGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFEGeom>::get(m_lfeID, m_quadOrder);

	MathVector<dim> grad_u;

//	loop integration points
	for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
	// 	get current u and grad_u
		VecSet(grad_u, 0.0);
		for(size_t j = 0; j < geo.num_sh(); ++j)
			VecScaleAppend(grad_u, u(_C_,j), geo.global_grad(ip, j));

	//	loop test spaces
		for(size_t i = 0; i < geo.num_sh(); ++i)
			for(size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)dim; ++k)
				for(size_t j = 0; j < (size_t)dim; ++j)
					(vvvLinDef[ip][_C_][i])(k,j) = grad_u[j] * geo.global_grad(ip, i)[k]
												* geo.weight(ip);
void ConvectionDiffusionFE<TDomain>::
add_jac_A_elem(LocalMatrix& J, const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[])
//	request geometry
	const TFEGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFEGeom>::get(m_lfeID, m_quadOrder);

	MathVector<dim> v, Dgrad;

//	loop integration points
	for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
	//	loop trial space
		for(size_t j = 0; j < geo.num_sh(); ++j)
		//	Diffusion
				MatVecMult(Dgrad, m_imDiffusion[ip], geo.global_grad(ip, j));
				VecSet(Dgrad, 0.0);

		//  Convection
				VecScaleAppend(Dgrad, -1*geo.shape(ip,j), m_imVelocity[ip]);

		//	no explicit dependency on m_imFlux

		//	loop test space
			for(size_t i = 0; i < geo.num_sh(); ++i)
			//	compute integrand
				number integrand = VecDot(Dgrad, geo.global_grad(ip, i));

			// 	Reaction
					integrand += m_imReactionRate[ip] * geo.shape(ip, j) * geo.shape(ip, i);

			//	no explicit dependency on m_imReaction

			//	multiply by weight
				integrand *= geo.weight(ip);

			//	add to local matrix
				J(_C_, i, _C_, j) += integrand;
void ConvectionDiffusionFVCR<TDomain>::
lin_def_diffusion(const LocalVector& u,
                      std::vector<std::vector<MathMatrix<dim,dim> > > vvvLinDef[],
                      const size_t nip)
//  get finite volume geometry
	static const TFVGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFVGeom>::get();

//	get conv shapes
//	const IConvectionShapes<dim>& convShape = get_updated_conv_shapes(geo);

//	reset the values for the linearized defect
	for(size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ++ip)
		for(size_t c = 0; c < vvvLinDef[ip].size(); ++c)
			for(size_t sh = 0; sh < vvvLinDef[ip][c].size(); ++sh)
				vvvLinDef[ip][c][sh] = 0.0;

//  loop Sub Control Volume Faces (SCVF)
	for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_scvf(); ++ip)
	// get current SCVF
		const typename TFVGeom::SCVF& scvf = geo.scvf(ip);

	// 	compute gradient at ip
		MathVector<dim> grad_u;	VecSet(grad_u, 0.0);
		for(size_t sh = 0; sh < scvf.num_sh(); ++sh)
			VecScaleAppend(grad_u, u(_C_,sh), scvf.global_grad(sh));

	//	compute the lin defect at this ip
		MathMatrix<dim,dim> linDefect;

	//	part coming from -\nabla u * \vec{n}
		for(size_t k=0; k < (size_t)dim; ++k)
			for(size_t j = 0; j < (size_t)dim; ++j)
				linDefect(j,k) = (scvf.normal())[j] * grad_u[k];

	//	add contribution from convection shapes
	//	if(convShape.non_zero_deriv_diffusion())
		//	for(size_t sh = 0; sh < scvf.num_sh(); ++sh)
			//	MatAdd(linDefect, convShape.D_diffusion(ip, sh), u(_C_, sh));

	//	add contributions
		vvvLinDef[ip][_C_][scvf.from()] -= linDefect;
		vvvLinDef[ip][_C_][scvf.to()  ] += linDefect;
void ConvectionDiffusionFVCR<TDomain>::
ex_grad(MathVector<dim> vValue[],
        const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
        number time, int si,
        const LocalVector& u,
        GridObject* elem,
        const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[],
        const MathVector<TFVGeom::dim> vLocIP[],
        const size_t nip,
        bool bDeriv,
        std::vector<std::vector<MathVector<dim> > > vvvDeriv[])
// 	Get finite volume geometry
	static const TFVGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFVGeom>::get();

//	reference element
	typedef typename reference_element_traits<TElem>::reference_element_type

//	reference dimension
	static const int refDim = ref_elem_type::dim;

//	number of shape functions
	static const size_t numSH =	ref_elem_type::numCorners;

	if(vLocIP == geo.scvf_local_ips())
	//	Loop Sub Control Volume Faces (SCVF)
		for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_scvf(); ++ip)
		// 	Get current SCVF
			const typename TFVGeom::SCVF& scvf = geo.scvf(ip);

			VecSet(vValue[ip], 0.0);
			for(size_t sh = 0; sh < scvf.num_sh(); ++sh)
				VecScaleAppend(vValue[ip], u(_C_, sh), scvf.global_grad(sh));

				for(size_t sh = 0; sh < scvf.num_sh(); ++sh)
					vvvDeriv[ip][_C_][sh] = scvf.global_grad(sh);
// 	general case
	//	get trial space
		LagrangeP1<ref_elem_type>& rTrialSpace = Provider<LagrangeP1<ref_elem_type> >::get();

	//	storage for shape function at ip
		MathVector<refDim> vLocGrad[numSH];
		MathVector<refDim> locGrad;

	//	Reference Mapping
		MathMatrix<dim, refDim> JTInv;
		ReferenceMapping<ref_elem_type, dim> mapping(vCornerCoords);

	//	loop ips
		for(size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ++ip)
		//	evaluate at shapes at ip
			rTrialSpace.grads(vLocGrad, vLocIP[ip]);

		//	compute grad at ip
			VecSet(locGrad, 0.0);
			for(size_t sh = 0; sh < numSH; ++sh)
				VecScaleAppend(locGrad, u(_C_, sh), vLocGrad[sh]);

		//	compute global grad
			mapping.jacobian_transposed_inverse(JTInv, vLocIP[ip]);
			MatVecMult(vValue[ip], JTInv, locGrad);

		//	compute derivative w.r.t. to unknowns iff needed
				for(size_t sh = 0; sh < numSH; ++sh)
					MatVecMult(vvvDeriv[ip][_C_][sh], JTInv, vLocGrad[sh]);
void ConvectionDiffusionFVCR<TDomain>::
add_def_A_elem(LocalVector& d, const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[])
// 	get finite volume geometry
	static const TFVGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFVGeom>::get();

//	get conv shapes
//	const IConvectionShapes<dim>& convShape = get_updated_conv_shapes(geo);

	if(m_imDiffusion.data_given() || m_imVelocity.data_given())
	// 	loop Sub Control Volume Faces (SCVF)
		for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_scvf(); ++ip)
		// 	get current SCVF
			const typename TFVGeom::SCVF& scvf = geo.scvf(ip);

		// Diffusive Term
			//	to compute D \nabla c
				MathVector<dim> Dgrad_c, grad_c;

			// 	compute gradient and shape at ip
				VecSet(grad_c, 0.0);
				for(size_t sh = 0; sh < scvf.num_sh(); ++sh)
					VecScaleAppend(grad_c, u(_C_,sh), scvf.global_grad(sh));

			//	scale by diffusion tensor
				MatVecMult(Dgrad_c, m_imDiffusion[ip], grad_c);

			// 	Compute flux
				const number diff_flux = VecDot(Dgrad_c, scvf.normal());

			// 	Add to local defect
				d(_C_, scvf.from()) -= diff_flux;
				d(_C_, scvf.to()  ) += diff_flux;

		// Convective Term
	/*		if(m_imVelocity.data_given())
			//	sum up convective flux using convection shapes
				number conv_flux = 0.0;
				for(size_t sh = 0; sh < convShape.num_sh(); ++sh)
					conv_flux += u(_C_, sh) * convShape(ip, sh);

			//  add to local defect
				d(_C_, scvf.from()) += conv_flux;
				d(_C_, scvf.to()  ) -= conv_flux;

//	reaction rate
	// 	loop Sub Control Volumes (SCV)
		for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_scv(); ++ip)
		// 	get current SCV
			const typename TFVGeom::SCV& scv = geo.scv(ip);

		// 	get associated node
			const int co = scv.node_id();

		// 	Add to local defect
			d(_C_, co) += u(_C_, co) * m_imReactionRate[ip] * scv.volume();

//	reaction rate
	// 	loop Sub Control Volumes (SCV)
		for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_scv(); ++ip)
		// 	get current SCV
			const typename TFVGeom::SCV& scv = geo.scv(ip);

		// 	get associated node
			const int co = scv.node_id();

		// 	Add to local defect
			d(_C_, co) += m_imReaction[ip] * scv.volume();

	// handle constrained dofs, compute defect of interpolation equation
		for (size_t i=0;i<geo.num_constrained_dofs();i++){
			const typename TFVGeom::CONSTRAINED_DOF& cd = geo.constrained_dof(i);
			const size_t index = cd.index();
			number defect = u(_C_,index);
			for (size_t j=0;j<cd.num_constraining_dofs();j++)
				defect -= cd.constraining_dofs_weight(j) * u(_C_,cd.constraining_dofs_index(j));
			d(_C_,index) = defect;
void ConvectionDiffusionFE<TDomain>::
compute_err_est_A_elem(const LocalVector& u, GridObject* elem, const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[], const number& scale)
	typedef typename reference_element_traits<TElem>::reference_element_type ref_elem_type;

	err_est_type* err_est_data = dynamic_cast<err_est_type*>(this->m_spErrEstData.get());

	if (err_est_data->surface_view().get() == NULL) {UG_THROW("Error estimator has NULL surface view.");}
	MultiGrid* pErrEstGrid = (MultiGrid*) (err_est_data->surface_view()->subset_handler()->multi_grid());

//	request geometry
	static const TFEGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFEGeom>::get();


//	get the sides of the element
	//	We have to cast elem to a pointer of type SideAndElemErrEstData::elem_type
	//	for the SideAndElemErrEstData::operator() to work properly.
	//	This cannot generally be achieved by casting to TElem*, since this method is also registered for
	//	lower-dimensional types TElem, and must therefore be compilable, even if it is never EVER to be executed.
	//	The way we achieve this here, is by calling associated_elements_sorted() which has an implementation for
	//	all possible types. Whatever comes out of it is of course complete nonsense if (and only if)
	//	SideAndElemErrEstData::elem_type != TElem. To be on the safe side, we throw an error if the number of
	//	entries in the list is not as it should be.

	typename MultiGrid::traits<typename SideAndElemErrEstData<TDomain>::side_type>::secure_container side_list;
	pErrEstGrid->associated_elements_sorted(side_list, (TElem*) elem);
	if (side_list.size() != (size_t) ref_elem_type::numSides)
		UG_THROW ("Mismatch of numbers of sides in 'ConvectionDiffusionFE::compute_err_est_elem'");

// 	some help variables
	MathVector<dim> fluxDensity, gradC, normal;

	// FIXME: The computation of the gradient has to be reworked.
	// In the case of P1 shape functions, it is valid. For Q1 shape functions, however,
	// the gradient is not constant (but bilinear) on the element - and along the sides.
	// We cannot use the FVGeom here. Instead, we need to calculate the gradient in each IP!

	// calculate grad u as average (over scvf)
	VecSet(gradC, 0.0);
	for(size_t ii = 0; ii < geo.num_ip(); ++ii)
		for (size_t j=0; j<m_shapeValues.num_sh(); j++)
				VecScaleAppend(gradC, u(_C_,j), geo.global_grad(ii, j));
	VecScale(gradC, gradC, (1.0/geo.num_ip()));

// calculate flux through the sides
	size_t passedIPs = 0;
	for (size_t side=0; side < (size_t) ref_elem_type::numSides; side++)
		// normal on side
		SideNormal<ref_elem_type,dim>(normal, side, vCornerCoords);
		VecNormalize(normal, normal);

			for (size_t sip = 0; sip < err_est_data->num_side_ips(side_list[side]); sip++)
				size_t ip = passedIPs + sip;

				VecSet(fluxDensity, 0.0);

			// diffusion //
				if (m_imDiffusion.data_given())
					MatVecScaleMultAppend(fluxDensity, -1.0, m_imDiffusion[ip], gradC);

			// convection //
				if (m_imVelocity.data_given())
					number val = 0.0;
					for (size_t sh = 0; sh < m_shapeValues.num_sh(); sh++)
						val += u(_C_,sh) * m_shapeValues.shapeAtSideIP(sh,sip);

					VecScaleAppend(fluxDensity, val, m_imVelocity[ip]);

			// general flux //
				if (m_imFlux.data_given())
					VecAppend(fluxDensity, m_imFlux[ip]);

				(*err_est_data)(side_list[side],sip) += scale * VecDot(fluxDensity, normal);

			passedIPs += err_est_data->num_side_ips(side_list[side]);
		UG_CATCH_THROW("Values for the error estimator could not be assembled at every IP." << std::endl
				<< "Maybe wrong type of ErrEstData object? This implementation needs: SideAndElemErrEstData.");


	typename MultiGrid::traits<typename SideAndElemErrEstData<TDomain>::elem_type>::secure_container elem_list;
	pErrEstGrid->associated_elements_sorted(elem_list, (TElem*) elem);
	if (elem_list.size() != 1)
		UG_THROW ("Mismatch of numbers of sides in 'ConvectionDiffusionFE::compute_err_est_elem'");

		for (size_t ip = 0; ip < err_est_data->num_elem_ips(elem->reference_object_id()); ip++)
			number total = 0.0;

		// div(D*grad(c))
		// nothing to do, as c is piecewise linear and div(D*grad(c)) disappears
		// if D is diagonal and c bilinear, this should also vanish (confirm this!)

					  //      VELOCITY FIELDS SO FAR!
		// div(v*c) = div(v)*c + v*grad(c) -- gradC has been calculated above
			if (m_imVelocity.data_given())
				total += VecDot(m_imVelocity[ip], gradC);

		// nothing to do

		// reaction //
			if (m_imReactionRate.data_given())
				number val = 0.0;
				for (size_t sh = 0; sh < geo.num_sh(); sh++)
					val += u(_C_,sh) * m_shapeValues.shapeAtElemIP(sh,ip);

				total += m_imReactionRate[ip] * val;

			if (m_imReaction.data_given())
				total += m_imReaction[ip];

			(*err_est_data)(elem_list[0],ip) += scale * total;
	UG_CATCH_THROW("Values for the error estimator could not be assembled at every IP." << std::endl
			<< "Maybe wrong type of ErrEstData object? This implementation needs: SideAndElemErrEstData.");
void ConvectionDiffusionFE<TDomain>::
ex_grad(MathVector<dim> vValue[],
        const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
        number time, int si,
        const LocalVector& u,
        GridObject* elem,
        const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[],
        const MathVector<TFEGeom::dim> vLocIP[],
        const size_t nip,
        bool bDeriv,
        std::vector<std::vector<MathVector<dim> > > vvvDeriv[])
//	request geometry
	const TFEGeom& geo = GeomProvider<TFEGeom>::get(m_lfeID, m_quadOrder);

//	reference element
	typedef typename reference_element_traits<TElem>::reference_element_type

//	reference dimension
	static const int refDim = reference_element_traits<TElem>::dim;

//	reference object id
	static const ReferenceObjectID roid = ref_elem_type::REFERENCE_OBJECT_ID;

//	FE
	if(vLocIP == geo.local_ips())
	//	Loop ip
		for(size_t ip = 0; ip < geo.num_ip(); ++ip)
			VecSet(vValue[ip], 0.0);
			for(size_t sh = 0; sh < geo.num_sh(); ++sh)
				VecScaleAppend(vValue[ip], u(_C_, sh), geo.global_grad(ip, sh));

				for(size_t sh = 0; sh < geo.num_sh(); ++sh)
					vvvDeriv[ip][_C_][sh] = geo.global_grad(ip, sh);
// 	general case
	//	request for trial space
		const LocalShapeFunctionSet<refDim>& rTrialSpace
			 = LocalFiniteElementProvider::get<refDim>(roid, m_lfeID);

	//	number of shape functions
		const size_t numSH = rTrialSpace.num_sh();

	//	storage for shape function at ip
		std::vector<MathVector<refDim> > vLocGrad(numSH);
		MathVector<refDim> locGrad;

	//	Reference Mapping
		MathMatrix<dim, refDim> JTInv;
		ReferenceMapping<ref_elem_type, dim> mapping(vCornerCoords);

	//	loop ips
		for(size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ++ip)
		//	evaluate at shapes at ip
			rTrialSpace.grads(vLocGrad, vLocIP[ip]);

		//	compute grad at ip
			VecSet(locGrad, 0.0);
			for(size_t sh = 0; sh < numSH; ++sh)
				VecScaleAppend(locGrad, u(_C_, sh), vLocGrad[sh]);

		//	compute global grad
			mapping.jacobian_transposed_inverse(JTInv, vLocIP[ip]);
			MatVecMult(vValue[ip], JTInv, locGrad);

		//	compute derivative w.r.t. to unknowns iff needed
				for(size_t sh = 0; sh < numSH; ++sh)
					MatVecMult(vvvDeriv[ip][_C_][sh], JTInv, vLocGrad[sh]);
		UG_CATCH_THROW("ConvectionDiffusion::ex_grad: trial space missing.");
Exemplo n.º 9
void GradientDataExport<dim>::eval_and_deriv(MathVector<dim> vValue[],
                    const MathVector<dim> vGlobIP[],
                    number time, int si,
                    GridObject* elem,
                    const MathVector<dim> vCornerCoords[],
                    const MathVector<refDim> vLocIP[],
                    const size_t nip,
                    LocalVector* u,
                    bool bDeriv,
                    int s,
                    std::vector<std::vector<MathVector<dim> > > vvvDeriv[],
                    const MathMatrix<refDim, dim>* vJT) const
//	abbreviation for component
	static const int _C_ = 0;

//	reference object id
	const ReferenceObjectID roid = elem->reference_object_id();

//	local finite element id
	const LFEID& lfeID = this->function_group().local_finite_element_id(_C_);

//	access local vector by map

//	request for trial space
	const LocalShapeFunctionSet<refDim>& rTrialSpace
		 = LocalFiniteElementProvider::get<refDim>(roid, lfeID);

//	Reference Mapping
	MathMatrix<dim, refDim> JTInv;
	std::vector<MathMatrix<refDim, dim> > vJTtmp;
		DimReferenceMapping<refDim, dim>& map
			= ReferenceMappingProvider::get<refDim, dim>(roid, vCornerCoords);

		map.jacobian_transposed(&vJTtmp[0], vLocIP, nip);
		vJT = &vJTtmp[0];

//	storage for shape function at ip
	std::vector<MathVector<refDim> > vLocGrad;
	MathVector<refDim> locGrad;

//	loop ips
	for(size_t ip = 0; ip < nip; ++ip)
	//	evaluate at shapes at ip
		rTrialSpace.grads(vLocGrad, vLocIP[ip]);

	//	compute grad at ip
		VecSet(locGrad, 0.0);
		for(size_t sh = 0; sh < vLocGrad.size(); ++sh)
			VecScaleAppend(locGrad, (*u)(_C_, sh), vLocGrad[sh]);

		Inverse(JTInv, vJT[ip]);
		MatVecMult(vValue[ip], JTInv, locGrad);

	//	store derivative
			for(size_t sh = 0; sh < vLocGrad.size(); ++sh)
				MatVecMult(vvvDeriv[ip][_C_][sh], JTInv, vLocGrad[sh]);

	UG_CATCH_THROW("GradientDataExport: Trial space missing, Reference Object: "
				 <<roid<<", Trial Space: "<<lfeID<<", refDim="<<refDim);