Exemplo n.º 1
void chlogif_send_global_accreg(const char *key, unsigned int index, intptr_t val, bool is_string) {
	int nlen = WFIFOW(login_fd, 2);
	size_t len;

	if (!chlogif_isconnected())

	len = strlen(key)+1;

	WFIFOB(login_fd, nlen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
	nlen += 1;

	safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(login_fd,nlen), key, len);
	nlen += len;

	WFIFOL(login_fd, nlen) = index;
	nlen += 4;

	if( is_string ) {
		WFIFOB(login_fd, nlen) = val ? 2 : 3;
		nlen += 1;

		if( val ) {
			char *sval = (char*)val;
			len = strlen(sval)+1;

			WFIFOB(login_fd, nlen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 254
			nlen += 1;

			safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(login_fd,nlen), sval, len);
			nlen += len;
	} else {
		WFIFOB(login_fd, nlen) = val ? 0 : 1;
		nlen += 1;

		if( val ) {
			WFIFOL(login_fd, nlen) = (int)val;
			nlen += 4;

	WFIFOW(login_fd,12) += 1;
	WFIFOW(login_fd, 2) = nlen;

	if( WFIFOW(login_fd, 2) > 60000 ) {
		int account_id = WFIFOL(login_fd,4), char_id = WFIFOL(login_fd,8);

		chlogif_upd_global_accreg(account_id, char_id); // prepare next
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Inform client that auth has failed.
 * @param sd: player session
 * @param result: nb (msg define in conf)
    0 = Unregistered ID
    1 = Incorrect Password
    2 = This ID is expired
    3 = Rejected from Server
    4 = You have been blocked by the GM Team
    5 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
    6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
    7 = Server is jammed due to over populated
    8 = No more accounts may be connected from this company
    99 = This ID has been totally erased
    100 = Login information remains at %s
    101 = Account has been locked for a hacking investigation. Please contact the GM Team for more information
    102 = This account has been temporarily prohibited from login due to a bug-related investigation
    103 = This character is being deleted. Login is temporarily unavailable for the time being
    104 = This character is being deleted. Login is temporarily unavailable for the time being
     default = Unknown Error.
static void logclif_auth_failed(struct login_session_data* sd, int result) {
	int fd = sd->fd;
	uint32 ip = session[fd]->client_addr;

	if (login_config.log_login)
		if(result >= 0 && result <= 15)
		    login_log(ip, sd->userid, result, msg_txt(result));
		else if(result >= 99 && result <= 104)
		    login_log(ip, sd->userid, result, msg_txt(result-83)); //-83 offset
		    login_log(ip, sd->userid, result, msg_txt(22)); //unknow error

	if( (result == 0 || result == 1) && login_config.dynamic_pass_failure_ban )
		ipban_log(ip); // log failed password attempt

//#if PACKETVER >= 20120000 /* not sure when this started */
	if( sd->version >= date2version(20120000) ){ /* not sure when this started */
		WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x83e;
		WFIFOL(fd,2) = result;
		if( result != 6 )
			memset(WFIFOP(fd,6), '\0', 20);
		else { // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
			struct mmo_account acc;
			AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();
			time_t unban_time = ( accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, sd->userid) ) ? acc.unban_time : 0;
			timestamp2string(WFIFOCP(fd,6), 20, unban_time, login_config.date_format);
	else {
		WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x6a;
		WFIFOB(fd,2) = (uint8)result;
		if( result != 6 )
			memset(WFIFOP(fd,3), '\0', 20);
		else { // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
			struct mmo_account acc;
			AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();
			time_t unban_time = ( accounts->load_str(accounts, &acc, sd->userid) ) ? acc.unban_time : 0;
			timestamp2string(WFIFOCP(fd,3), 20, unban_time, login_config.date_format);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Transmit account data to char_server
 * S 2717 aid.W email.40B exp_time.L group_id.B char_slot.B birthdate.11B pincode.5B pincode_change.L
 *  isvip.1B char_vip.1B max_billing.1B (tot 75)  
 * @return -1 : account not found, 1:sucess
int logchrif_send_accdata(int fd, uint32 aid) {
	struct mmo_account acc;
	time_t expiration_time = 0;
	char email[40] = "";
	int group_id = 0;
	char birthdate[10+1] = "";
	char pincode[PINCODE_LENGTH+1];
	char isvip = false;
	uint8 char_slots = MIN_CHARS, char_vip = 0, char_billing = 0;
	AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();

	if( !accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, aid) )
		return -1;
	else {
		safestrncpy(email, acc.email, sizeof(email));
		expiration_time = acc.expiration_time;
		group_id = acc.group_id;

		safestrncpy(birthdate, acc.birthdate, sizeof(birthdate));
		safestrncpy(pincode, acc.pincode, sizeof(pincode));
		char_vip = login_config.vip_sys.char_increase;
		if( acc.vip_time > time(NULL) ) {
			isvip = true;
			char_slots = login_config.char_per_account + char_vip;
		} else
			char_slots = login_config.char_per_account;
		char_billing = MAX_CHAR_BILLING; //TODO create a config for this

	WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x2717;
	WFIFOL(fd,2) = aid;
	safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,6), email, 40);
	WFIFOL(fd,46) = (uint32)expiration_time;
	WFIFOB(fd,50) = (unsigned char)group_id;
	WFIFOB(fd,51) = char_slots;
	safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,52), birthdate, 10+1);
	safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,63), pincode, 4+1 );
	WFIFOL(fd,68) = (uint32)acc.pincode_change;
	WFIFOB(fd,72) = isvip;
	WFIFOB(fd,73) = char_vip;
	WFIFOB(fd,74) = char_billing;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Transmit the result of a account_information request from map-serv, with type 1
 * @param fd : map-serv link
 * @param u_fd : player fd to send info to
 * @param acc_id : id of player found
 * @param acc_name : name of player found
void mapif_acc_info_ack(int fd, int u_fd, int acc_id, const char* acc_name){
	WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x3808;
	WFIFOL(fd,2) = u_fd;
	WFIFOL(fd,6) = acc_id;
Exemplo n.º 5
* IA 0x2720
* Get account info that asked by inter/char-server
int logchrif_parse_accinfo(int fd) {
	if( RFIFOREST(fd) < 23 )
		return 0;
	else {
		int map_fd = RFIFOL(fd, 2), u_fd = RFIFOL(fd, 6), u_aid = RFIFOL(fd, 10), account_id = RFIFOL(fd, 14);
		int8 type = RFIFOB(fd, 18);
		AccountDB* accounts = login_get_accounts_db();
		struct mmo_account acc;

		// Send back the result to char-server
		if (accounts->load_num(accounts, &acc, account_id)) {
			int len = 122 + NAME_LENGTH;
			//ShowInfo("Found account info for %d, requested by %d\n", account_id, u_aid);
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, len);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2721;
			WFIFOL(fd, 2) = map_fd;
			WFIFOL(fd, 6) = u_fd;
			WFIFOL(fd, 10) = u_aid;
			WFIFOL(fd, 14) = account_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 18) = (1<<type); // success
			WFIFOL(fd, 19) = acc.group_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 23) = acc.logincount;
			WFIFOL(fd, 27) = acc.state;
			safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd, 31), acc.email, 40);
			safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd, 71), acc.last_ip, 16);
			safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd, 87), acc.lastlogin, 24);
			safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd, 111), acc.birthdate, 11);
			safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd, 122), acc.userid, NAME_LENGTH);
			WFIFOSET(fd, len);
		else {
			//ShowInfo("Cannot found account info for %d, requested by %d\n", account_id, u_aid);
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 19);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2721;
			WFIFOL(fd, 2) = map_fd;
			WFIFOL(fd, 6) = u_fd;
			WFIFOL(fd, 10) = u_aid;
			WFIFOL(fd, 14) = account_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 18) = 0; // failed
			WFIFOSET(fd, 19);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void mapif_Mail_receiver_send( int fd, int requesting_char_id, int char_id, int class_, int base_level, const char* name ){
	WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x384e;
	WFIFOL(fd,2) = requesting_char_id;
	WFIFOL(fd,6) = char_id;
	WFIFOW(fd,10) = class_;
	WFIFOW(fd,12) = base_level;
	strncpy(WFIFOCP(fd, 14), name, NAME_LENGTH);
Exemplo n.º 7
void chlogif_pincode_notifyLoginPinUpdate( uint32 account_id, char* pin ){
	if ( chlogif_isconnected() ){
		int size = 8 + PINCODE_LENGTH+1;
		WFIFOW(login_fd,0) = 0x2738;
		WFIFOW(login_fd,2) = size;
		WFIFOL(login_fd,4) = account_id;
		strncpy( WFIFOCP(login_fd,8), pin, PINCODE_LENGTH+1 );
Exemplo n.º 8
/* extremely handy I believe it will serve other uses in the near future */
void inter_to_fd(int fd, int u_fd, int aid, char* msg, ...) {
	char msg_out[512];
	va_list ap;
	int len = 1;/* yes we start at 1 */

		len += vsnprintf(msg_out, 512, msg, ap);

	WFIFOHEAD(fd,12 + len);

	WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x3807;
	WFIFOW(fd,2) = 12 + (unsigned short)len;
	WFIFOL(fd,4) = u_fd;
	WFIFOL(fd,8) = aid;
	safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,12), msg_out, len);

	WFIFOSET(fd,12 + len);

Exemplo n.º 9
// Load account_reg from sql (type=2)
int inter_accreg_fromsql(uint32 account_id, uint32 char_id, int fd, int type)
	char* data;
	size_t len;
	unsigned int plen = 0;

	switch( type ) {
		case 3: //char reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", schema_config.char_reg_str_table, char_id) )
		case 2: //account reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", schema_config.acc_reg_str_table, account_id) )
		case 1: //account2 reg
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Char server shouldn't handle type 1 registry values (##). That is the login server's job!\n");
			return 0;
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Invalid type %d\n", type);
			return 0;

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * str type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), valLength(B), val(<valLength>) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 254
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
			plen = 16;

	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);


	switch( type ) {
		case 3: //char reg
			if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", schema_config.char_reg_num_table, char_id))
		case 2: //account reg
			if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", schema_config.acc_reg_num_table, account_id))
#if 0 // This is already checked above.
		case 1: //account2 reg
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Char server shouldn't handle type 1 registry values (##). That is the login server's work!\n");
			return 0;
#endif // 0

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * int type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), value(L) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len;/* won't be higher; the column size is 32 */
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = atoi(data);
		plen += 4;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			/* prepare follow up */
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
			/* 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent */
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0;/* var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type) */
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0;/* is int type */
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0;/* count */
			plen = 16;

	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = type;
	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
void mmo_send_global_accreg(AccountDB* self, int fd, int account_id, int char_id) {
	Sql* sql_handle = ((AccountDB_SQL*)self)->accounts;
	AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
	char* data;
	int plen = 0;
	size_t len;

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", db->global_acc_reg_str_table, account_id) )

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * str type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), valLength(B), val(<valLength>) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 254
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
			plen = 16;

	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);


	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", db->global_acc_reg_num_table, account_id) )

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * int type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), value(L) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = atoi(data);
		plen += 4;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count

			plen = 16;

	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 1;
	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);
