Exemplo n.º 1
 * FUNCTION: WFHardwareInit
 * RETURNS:  error code
 * PARAMS:   None
 *  NOTES:   Initializes CPU Host hardware interfaces (SPI, External Interrupt).
 *           Also resets the MRF24W.
void WFHardwareInit(void)
    UINT8  mask8;
    UINT16 mask16;
    g_MgmtReadMsgReady = FALSE;
    g_ExIntNeedsServicing = FALSE;

    RawMoveState.rawInterrupt  = 0;
    RawMoveState.waitingForRawMoveCompleteInterrupt = FALSE;   /* not waiting for RAW move complete */

    /* needed for Microchip PICTail (chip enable active low) */
    WF_SetCE_N(WF_LOW); /* set low to enable regulator */

    /* initialize the SPI interface */
    ResetPll();  // needed until PLL fix made in A2 silicon

    /* Reset the MRF24W (using SPI bus to write/read MRF24W registers */
    /* disable the interrupts gated by the 16-bit host int register */
    HostInterrupt2RegInit(WF_HOST_2_INT_MASK_ALL_INT, (UINT16)WF_INT_DISABLE);
    /* disable the interrupts gated the by main 8-bit host int register */
    /* Initialize the External Interrupt for the MRF24W allowing the MRF24W to interrupt */
    /* the Host from this point forward.                                                       */
    /* enable the following MRF24W interrupts in the INT1 8-bit register */
    mask8 = (WF_HOST_INT_MASK_FIFO_1_THRESHOLD |     /* Mgmt Rx Msg interrupt                  */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_FIFO_0_THRESHOLD |     /* Data Rx Msg interrupt                  */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_0_INT_0      |     /* RAW0 Move Complete (Data Rx) interrupt */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_1_INT_0      |     /* RAW1 Move Complete (Data Tx) interrupt */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_INT2);                 /* Interrupt 2 interrupt                  */
    HostInterruptRegInit(mask8, WF_INT_ENABLE);

    /* enable the following MRF24W interrupts in the INT2 16-bit register */
    mask16 = (WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_2_INT_0     |    /* RAW2 Move Complete (Mgmt Rx) interrupt */
              WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_3_INT_0     |    /* RAW3 Move Complete (Mgmt Tx) interrupt */
              WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_4_INT_0     |    /* RAW4 Move Complete (Scratch) interrupt */
              WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_5_INT_0     |    /* RAW5 Move Complete (Scratch) interrupt */
    HostInterrupt2RegInit(mask16, WF_INT_ENABLE);

     /* Disable PS-Poll mode */

Exemplo n.º 2
 * FUNCTION: WFHardwareInit
 * RETURNS:  error code
 * PARAMS:   None
 *  NOTES:   Initializes CPU Host hardware interfaces (SPI, External Interrupt).
 *           Also resets the MRF24WB0M.
void WFHardwareInit(void)
    g_MgmtReadMsgReady = FALSE;
    g_ExIntNeedsServicing = FALSE;

    RawMoveState.rawInterrupt  = 0;
    RawMoveState.waitingForRawMoveCompleteInterrupt = FALSE;   /* not waiting for RAW move complete */

    /* initialize the SPI interface */
    /* Reset the MRF24WB0M (using SPI bus to write/read MRF24WB0M registers */
    /* disable the interrupts gated by the 16-bit host int register */
    HostInterrupt2RegInit(WF_HOST_2_INT_MASK_ALL_INT, WF_INT_DISABLE);
    /* disable the interrupts gated the by main 8-bit host int register */
    /* Initialize the External Interrupt for the MRF24WB0M allowing the MRF24WB0M to interrupt
     * the Host from this point forward. */
    /* enable the following MRF24WB0M interrupts */
    HostInterruptRegInit((WF_HOST_INT_MASK_FIFO_1_THRESHOLD |     /* Mgmt Rx Msg interrupt        */
                          WF_HOST_INT_MASK_FIFO_0_THRESHOLD |     /* Data Rx Msg interrupt        */
                          WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_0_INT_0      |     /* RAW0 Move Complete interrupt */
                          WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_1_INT_0),          /* RAW1 Move Complete interrupt */

     /* Disable PS-Poll mode */

 * FUNCTION: WFHardwareInit
 * RETURNS:  error code
 * PARAMS:   None
 *  NOTES:   Initializes CPU Host hardware interfaces (SPI, External Interrupt).
 *           Also resets the MRF24W.
void WFHardwareInit(void)
    UINT8  mask8;
    UINT16 mask16;
    g_MgmtReadMsgReady = FALSE;
    g_ExIntNeedsServicing = FALSE;

    RawMoveState.rawInterrupt  = 0;
    RawMoveState.waitingForRawMoveCompleteInterrupt = FALSE;   /* not waiting for RAW move complete */

    /* initialize the SPI interface */
    #if defined(__Digilent_Build__)

        WF_SetRST_N(WF_LOW);            // put module into reset; should already be there.

        // we have taken out the next 3 lines as MarkW says we do not need to toggle HIB to competely reset the part.
        // WF_SetCE_N(WF_HIGH);            // disable module, turn off regulators 
        // DelayMs(200);                   // 200ms to allow decoupling caps to discharge, between the 70uF in the MRF , this can take some time.
        // WF_SetCE_N(WF_LOW);             // enable module, turn on regulators; careful this has an inrush that can drag the Power supply below min. if the MRF is not decoupled well enough.

        DelayMs(2);                     // Spec says at least 1ms to let the regulators settle, leave this here to ensure timing from board powerup.

        WF_SetRST_N(WF_HIGH);           // take module out of of reset

        DelayMs(5);                     // Per MarkW’s email, leave 5ms here before accessing the SPI port

        /* Toggle the module into and then out of hibernate */
        WF_SetCE_N(WF_HIGH); /* disable module */
        WF_SetCE_N(WF_LOW);  /* enable module  */

        /* Toggle the module into and out of reset */
        WF_SetRST_N(WF_LOW);            // put module into reset
        WF_SetRST_N(WF_HIGH);           // take module out of of reset

    /* Silicon work-around -- needed for A1 silicon to initialize PLL values correctly */

    /* Soft reset the MRF24W (using SPI bus to write/read MRF24W registers */
    /* disable the interrupts gated by the 16-bit host int register */
    HostInterrupt2RegInit(WF_HOST_2_INT_MASK_ALL_INT, (UINT16)WF_INT_DISABLE);
    /* disable the interrupts gated the by main 8-bit host int register */
    /* Initialize the External Interrupt for the MRF24W allowing the MRF24W to interrupt */
    /* the Host from this point forward.                                                       */
    /* enable the following MRF24W interrupts in the INT1 8-bit register */
    mask8 = (WF_HOST_INT_MASK_FIFO_1_THRESHOLD |     /* Mgmt Rx Msg interrupt                  */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_FIFO_0_THRESHOLD |     /* Data Rx Msg interrupt                  */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_0_INT_0      |     /* RAW0 Move Complete (Data Rx) interrupt */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_1_INT_0      |     /* RAW1 Move Complete (Data Tx) interrupt */
             WF_HOST_INT_MASK_INT2);                 /* Interrupt 2 interrupt                  */
    HostInterruptRegInit(mask8, WF_INT_ENABLE);

    /* enable the following MRF24W interrupts in the INT2 16-bit register */
    mask16 = (WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_2_INT_0     |    /* RAW2 Move Complete (Mgmt Rx) interrupt */
              WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_3_INT_0     |    /* RAW3 Move Complete (Mgmt Tx) interrupt */
              WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_4_INT_0     |    /* RAW4 Move Complete (Scratch) interrupt */
              WF_HOST_INT_MASK_RAW_5_INT_0     |    /* RAW5 Move Complete (Scratch) interrupt */
    HostInterrupt2RegInit(mask16, WF_INT_ENABLE);

     /* Disable PS-Poll mode */
