Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: task.c Projeto: Barrell/wine
 *           GetDOSEnvironment     (KERNEL.131)
 * Note: the environment is allocated once, it doesn't track changes
 * made using the Win32 API. This shouldn't matter.
 * Format of a 16-bit environment block:
 * ASCIIZ   string 1 (xx=yy format)
 * ...
 * ASCIIZ   string n
 * BYTE     0
 * WORD     1
 * ASCIIZ   program name (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KRNL386.EXE)
SEGPTR WINAPI GetDOSEnvironment16(void)
    static const char ENV_program_name[] = "C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\KRNL386.EXE";
    static HGLOBAL16 handle;  /* handle to the 16 bit environment */

    if (!handle)
        DWORD size;
        LPSTR p, env;

        p = env = GetEnvironmentStringsA();
        while (*p) p += strlen(p) + 1;
        p++;  /* skip last null */
        size = (p - env) + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(ENV_program_name);
        handle = GlobalAlloc16( GMEM_FIXED, size );
        if (handle)
            WORD one = 1;
            LPSTR env16 = GlobalLock16( handle );
            memcpy( env16, env, p - env );
            memcpy( env16 + (p - env), &one, sizeof(one));
            memcpy( env16 + (p - env) + sizeof(WORD), ENV_program_name, sizeof(ENV_program_name));
            GlobalUnlock16( handle );
        FreeEnvironmentStringsA( env );
    return WOWGlobalLock16( handle );
Exemplo n.º 2
 *            EnumMetaFile   (GDI.175)
BOOL16 WINAPI EnumMetaFile16( HDC16 hdc16, HMETAFILE16 hmf,
			      MFENUMPROC16 lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lpData )
    METAHEADER *mh = MF_GetMetaHeader16(hmf);
    HANDLETABLE16 *ht;
    HDC hdc = HDC_32(hdc16);
    HGLOBAL16 hHT;
    SEGPTR spht;
    unsigned int offset = 0;
    WORD i, seg;
    HPEN hPen;
    HBRUSH hBrush;
    HFONT hFont;
    WORD args[8];
    BOOL16 result = TRUE;

    TRACE("(%p, %04x, %p, %08lx)\n", hdc, hmf, lpEnumFunc, lpData);

    if(!mh) return FALSE;

    /* save the current pen, brush and font */
    hPen = GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_PEN);
    hBrush = GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_BRUSH);
    hFont = GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_FONT);

    /* create the handle table */

		     sizeof(HANDLETABLE16) * mh->mtNoObjects);
    spht = WOWGlobalLock16(hHT);

    seg = hmf | 7;
    offset = mh->mtHeaderSize * 2;

    /* loop through metafile records */

    args[7] = hdc16;
    args[6] = SELECTOROF(spht);
    args[5] = OFFSETOF(spht);
    args[4] = seg + (HIWORD(offset) << __AHSHIFT);
    args[3] = LOWORD(offset);
    args[2] = mh->mtNoObjects;
    args[1] = HIWORD(lpData);
    args[0] = LOWORD(lpData);

    while (offset < (mh->mtSize * 2))
        DWORD ret;

	mr = (METARECORD *)((char *)mh + offset);

        WOWCallback16Ex( (DWORD)lpEnumFunc, WCB16_PASCAL, sizeof(args), args, &ret );
        if (!LOWORD(ret))
	    result = FALSE;

	offset += (mr->rdSize * 2);
        args[4] = seg + (HIWORD(offset) << __AHSHIFT);
        args[3] = LOWORD(offset);

    SelectObject(hdc, hBrush);
    SelectObject(hdc, hPen);
    SelectObject(hdc, hFont);

    ht = GlobalLock16(hHT);

    /* free objects in handle table */
    for(i = 0; i < mh->mtNoObjects; i++)
      if(*(ht->objectHandle + i) != 0)
        DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ)(ULONG_PTR)(*(ht->objectHandle + i) ));

    /* free handle table */
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 *          LockResource   (KERNEL.62)
SEGPTR WINAPI WIN16_LockResource16( HGLOBAL16 handle )
    TRACE("(%04x)\n", handle );
    /* May need to reload the resource if discarded */
    return WOWGlobalLock16( handle );