Exemplo n.º 1
boost::statechart::result WaitingForMPJoinAck::react(const JoinGame& msg) {
    TraceLogger(FSM) << "(HumanClientFSM) WaitingForMPJoinAck.JoinGame";

    try {
        int player_id;
        boost::uuids::uuid cookie;
        ExtractJoinAckMessageData(msg.m_message, player_id, cookie);

        if (!cookie.is_nil()) {
            try {
                std::string cookie_option = "network.server.cookie." + Client().Networking().Destination();
                GetOptionsDB().Add(cookie_option, "OPTIONS_DB_SERVER_COOKIE", boost::uuids::to_string(cookie));
            } catch(const std::exception& err) {
                WarnLogger() << "Cann't save cookie for server " << Client().Networking().Destination() << ": "
                             << err.what();
                // ignore


        return transit<MPLobby>();
    } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast& ex) {
        ErrorLogger(FSM) << "WaitingForMPJoinAck::react(const JoinGame& msg) Host id " << msg.m_message.Text() << " is not a number: " << ex.what();
        return transit<IntroMenu>();
Exemplo n.º 2
boost::statechart::result QuittingGame::react(const ShutdownServer& u) {
    TraceLogger(FSM) << "(HumanClientFSM) QuittingGame.ShutdownServer";

    if (!m_server_process) {
        ErrorLogger(FSM) << "m_server_process is nullptr";
        return discard_event();

    if (m_server_process->Empty()) {
        if (Client().Networking().IsTxConnected()) {
            WarnLogger(FSM) << "Disconnecting from server that is already killed.";
        return discard_event();

    if (Client().Networking().IsTxConnected()) {
        DebugLogger(FSM) << "Sending server shutdown message.";


    } else {
    return discard_event();
Exemplo n.º 3
void ClientApp::VerifyCheckSum(const Message& msg) {
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int> server_checksums;
    ExtractContentCheckSumMessageData(msg, server_checksums);

    auto client_checksums = CheckSumContent();

    if (server_checksums == client_checksums) {
        InfoLogger() << "Checksum received from server matches client checksum.";
    } else {
        WarnLogger() << "Checksum received from server does not match client checksum.";
        for (const auto& name_and_checksum : server_checksums) {
            const auto& name = name_and_checksum.first;
            const auto client_checksum = client_checksums[name];
            if (client_checksum != name_and_checksum.second)
                WarnLogger() << "Checksum for " << name << " on server "
                             << name_and_checksum.second << " != client "
                             << client_checksum;
Exemplo n.º 4
    start_rule_payload statistics(const boost::filesystem::path& path) {
        const lexer lexer;
        start_rule_payload all_stats;

        for (const boost::filesystem::path& file : ListScripts(path)) {
            start_rule_payload stats_;
            if (/*auto success =*/ detail::parse_file<grammar, start_rule_payload>(lexer, file, stats_)) {
                for (auto&& stat : stats_) {
                    auto maybe_inserted = all_stats.emplace(stat.first, std::move(stat.second));
                    if (!maybe_inserted.second) {
                        WarnLogger() << "Addition of second statistic with name " << maybe_inserted.first->first
                                     << " failed.  Keeping first statistic found.";

        return all_stats;
Exemplo n.º 5
std::string Planet::CardinalSuffix() const {
    std::string retval = "";
    // Early return for invalid ID
    if (ID() == INVALID_OBJECT_ID) {
        WarnLogger() << "Planet " << Name() << " has invalid ID";
        return retval;

    auto cur_system = GetSystem(SystemID());
    // Early return for no system
    if (!cur_system) {
        ErrorLogger() << "Planet " << Name() << "(" << ID()
                      << ") not assigned to a system";
        return retval;

    // Early return for unknown orbit
    if (cur_system->OrbitOfPlanet(ID()) < 0) {
        WarnLogger() << "Planet " << Name() << "(" << ID() << ") "
                     << "has no current orbit";
        return retval;

    int num_planets_lteq = 0;  // number of planets at this orbit or smaller
    int num_planets_total = 0;
    bool prior_current_planet = true;

    for (int sys_orbit : cur_system->PlanetIDsByOrbit()) {
        if (sys_orbit == INVALID_OBJECT_ID)

        // all other planets are in further orbits
        if (sys_orbit == ID()) {
            prior_current_planet = false;

        PlanetType other_planet_type = GetPlanet(sys_orbit)->Type();
        if (other_planet_type == INVALID_PLANET_TYPE)

        // only increment suffix for non-asteroid planets
        if (Type() != PT_ASTEROIDS) {
            if (other_planet_type != PT_ASTEROIDS) {
                if (prior_current_planet)
        } else {
            // unless the planet being named is an asteroid
            // then only increment suffix for asteroid planets
            if (other_planet_type == PT_ASTEROIDS) {
                if (prior_current_planet)

    // Planets are grouped into asteroids, and non-asteroids
    if (Type() != PT_ASTEROIDS) {
    } else {
        // Asteroids receive a localized prefix
        // If no other asteroids in this system, do not append an ordinal
        if (num_planets_total > 1)
            retval.append(" " + RomanNumber(num_planets_lteq));
    return retval;
Exemplo n.º 6
void OptionsDB::SetFromCommandLine(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
    //bool option_changed = false;

    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) {
        std::string current_token(args[i]);
        if (current_token.find("--") == 0) {
            std::string option_name = current_token.substr(2);

            std::map<std::string, Option>::iterator it = m_options.find(option_name);

            if (it == m_options.end() || !it->second.recognized) { // unrecognized option: may be registered later on so we'll store it for now
                // Check for more parameters (if this is the last one, assume that it is a flag).
                std::string value_str("-");
                if (i + 1 < static_cast<unsigned int>(args.size())) {
                    value_str = args[i + 1]; // copy assignment

                if (value_str.at(0) == '-') { // this is either the last parameter or the next parameter is another option, assume this one is a flag
                    m_options[option_name] = Option(static_cast<char>(0), option_name, true, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(false),
                                                    "", 0, false, true, false);
                } else { // the next parameter is the value, store it as a string to be parsed later
                    m_options[option_name] = Option(static_cast<char>(0), option_name, value_str, value_str,
                                                    "", new Validator<std::string>(), false, false, false); // don't attempt to store options that have only been specified on the command line

                WarnLogger() << "Option \"" << option_name << "\", was specified on the command line but was not recognized.  It may not be registered yet or could be a typo.";
            } else {
                Option& option = it->second;
                if (option.value.empty())
                    throw std::runtime_error("The value member of option \"--" + option.name + "\" is undefined.");

                if (!option.flag) { // non-flag
                    try {
                        // ensure a parameter exists...
                        if (i + 1 >= static_cast<unsigned int>(args.size()))
                            throw std::runtime_error("the option \"" + option.name +
                                                     "\" was specified, at the end of the list, with no parameter value.");
                        // get parameter value
                        std::string value_str(args[++i]);
                        // ensure parameter is actually a parameter, and not the next option name (which would indicate
                        // that the option was specified without a parameter value, as if it was a flag)
                        if (value_str.at(0) == '-')
                            throw std::runtime_error("the option \"" + option.name +
                                                     "\" was followed by the parameter \"" + value_str +
                                                     "\", which appears to be an option flag, not a parameter value, because it begins with a \"-\" character.");
                        m_dirty |= option.SetFromString(value_str);
                    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                        throw std::runtime_error("OptionsDB::SetFromCommandLine() : the following exception was caught when attempting to set option \"" + option.name + "\": " + e.what() + "\n\n");
                } else { // flag
                    option.value = true;

            //option_changed = true;
        } else if (current_token.find('-') == 0
                && current_token.find("-psn") != 0 // Mac OS X passes a process serial number to all applications using Carbon or Cocoa, it should be ignored here
            ) {
            std::string single_char_options = current_token.substr(1);

            if (single_char_options.size() == 0) {
                throw std::runtime_error("A \'-\' was given with no options.");
            } else {
                for (unsigned int j = 0; j < single_char_options.size(); ++j) {
                    std::map<char, std::string>::iterator short_name_it = Option::short_names.find(single_char_options[j]);

                    if (short_name_it == Option::short_names.end())
                        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Unknown option \"-") + single_char_options[j] + "\" was given.");

                    std::map<std::string, Option>::iterator name_it = m_options.find(short_name_it->second);

                    if (name_it == m_options.end())
                        throw std::runtime_error("Option \"--" + short_name_it->second + "\", abbreviated as \"-" + short_name_it->first + "\", could not be found.");

                    Option& option = name_it->second;
                    if (option.value.empty())
                        throw std::runtime_error("The value member of option \"--" + option.name + "\" is undefined.");

                    if (!option.flag) {
                        if (j < single_char_options.size() - 1)
                            throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Option \"-") + single_char_options[j] + "\" was given with no parameter.");
                            m_dirty |= option.SetFromString(args[++i]);
                    } else {
                        option.value = true;