Exemplo n.º 1
WgRect WgPackList::_headerGeo() const
	if( m_bHorizontal )
		return WgRect( _windowSection().x, 0, m_header.m_width, m_size.h );
		return WgRect( 0, _windowSection().y, m_size.w, m_header.m_height );
Exemplo n.º 2
void WgPanel::_onMaskPatches( WgPatches& patches, const WgRect& geo, const WgRect& clip, WgBlendMode blendMode )
	//TODO: Don't just check IsOpaque() globally, check rect by rect.
	if( (m_bOpaque && blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_BLEND) || blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE )
		patches.Sub( WgRect(geo,clip) );
	switch( m_maskOp )
			WgRect childGeo;
			WgPanelHook * p = static_cast<WgPanelHook*>(_firstHookWithGeo( childGeo ));

				if( p->IsVisible() )
					p->_widget()->_onMaskPatches( patches, childGeo + geo.Pos(), clip, blendMode );
				p = static_cast<WgPanelHook*>(_nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p ));
			patches.Sub( WgRect(geo,clip) );
Exemplo n.º 3
WgRect WgPackList::_listCanvas() const
	if( m_bHorizontal )
		return WgRect(m_header.m_width, 0, m_size.w - m_header.m_width, m_size.h );
		return WgRect(0, m_header.m_height, m_size.w, m_size.h - m_header.m_height);	// List canvas in widgets own coordinate system.
Exemplo n.º 4
void WgStackPanel::_onRenderRequested( WgVectorHook * _pHook, const WgRect& _rect )
	WgStackHook * pHook = static_cast<WgStackHook*>(_pHook);

	if( !pHook->IsVisible() )

	// Put our rectangle into patches

	WgRect rect = _rect + pHook->_getGeo(WgRect(0,0,m_size)).Pos();

	WgPatches patches;
	patches.Add( rect );

	// Remove portions of patches that are covered by opaque upper siblings

	WgStackHook * pCover = ((WgStackHook*)pHook)->_next();
	while( pCover )
		WgRect geo = pCover->_getGeo(m_size);
		if( pCover->IsVisible() && geo.IntersectsWith( rect ) )
			pCover->_widget()->_onMaskPatches( patches, geo, WgRect(0,0,65536,65536 ), _getBlendMode() );

		pCover = pCover->_next();

	// Make request render calls

	for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect < patches.End() ; pRect++ )
		_requestRender( * pRect );
Exemplo n.º 5
WgRect WgTablePanel::GetCellGeo( int row, int column )
	if( column >= m_nColumns )
		return WgRect();							// Invalid column;

	WgRect	r( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

	// Adjust for header

	if( m_bShowHeader && m_pHeaderGfx )
		r.y += m_pHeaderGfx->Height();

	WgTableRow * pRow = m_rows.First();

	// Forward to our row
	for( int i = 0 ; i < row ; i++ )
		if( !pRow )
			return WgRect();							// Invalid row.

		if( pRow->IsVisible() )
			r.y += pRow->Height() + m_cellPadding.Height();

		pRow = pRow->Next();
	r.y += m_cellPadding.top;

	// Set cell height
	if( pRow->IsVisible() )
		r.h = pRow->Height();
		r.h = 0;

	// Go through columns, determine x-pos.

	for( int i = 0 ; i < column ; i++ )
		if( m_pColumns[i].m_bVisible )
			r.x += m_pColumns[i].m_realWidth;

	// Determine width

	r.w = m_pColumns[column].m_realWidth;
	if( column == m_nColumns-1 && r.x + r.w < m_widgetSize.w )
		r.w =  m_widgetSize.w - r.x;		// Last column stretches to end of tableview...

	// Apply padding

	r.x += m_cellPadding.left;
	r.w -= m_cellPadding.Width();

	if( r.w < 0 )
		r.w = 0;

	return r;
Exemplo n.º 6
void WgPopupLayer::_onRequestRender( const WgRect& rect, const WgPopupHook * pHook )
	// Clip our geometry and put it in a dirtyrect-list

	WgPatches patches;
	patches.Add( WgRect( rect, WgRect(0,0,m_size)) );

	// Remove portions of dirty rect that are covered by opaque upper siblings,
	// possibly filling list with many small dirty rects instead.

	WgPopupHook * pCover;

	if( pHook )
		pCover = pHook->_next();
		pCover = m_popupHooks.First();

	while( pCover )
		if( pCover->m_geo.IntersectsWith( rect ) )
			pCover->_widget()->_onMaskPatches( patches, pCover->m_geo, WgRect(0,0,65536,65536 ), _getBlendMode() );

		pCover = pCover->_next();

	// Make request render calls

	for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect < patches.End() ; pRect++ )
		_requestRender( * pRect );
Exemplo n.º 7
void WgPackList::_onMaskPatches( WgPatches& patches, const WgRect& geo, const WgRect& clip, WgBlendMode blendMode )
	if( (m_bOpaque && blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_BLEND) || blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE)
		patches.Sub( WgRect(geo,clip) );
	else if( m_bOpaqueEntries && blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_BLEND )
		if( m_bHorizontal )
			patches.Sub( WgRect( WgRect( geo.x, geo.y, WgMin(geo.w,m_contentLength), geo.h ), clip ) );
			patches.Sub( WgRect( WgRect( geo.x, geo.y, geo.w, WgMin(geo.h,m_contentLength) ), clip ) );
		WgRect childGeo;
		WgPackListHook * p = static_cast<WgPackListHook*>(_firstHookWithGeo( childGeo ));

			if( p->_isVisible() )
				p->_widget()->_onMaskPatches( patches, childGeo + geo.Pos(), clip, blendMode );
			p = static_cast<WgPackListHook*>(_nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p ));

Exemplo n.º 8
void WgPackList::_renderPatches( WgGfxDevice * pDevice, const WgRect& _canvas, const WgRect& _window, WgPatches * _pPatches )
	// We start by eliminating dirt outside our geometry

	WgPatches 	patches( _pPatches->Size() );								// TODO: Optimize by pre-allocating?

	for( const WgRect * pRect = _pPatches->Begin() ; pRect != _pPatches->End() ; pRect++ )
		if( _canvas.IntersectsWith( *pRect ) )
			patches.Push( WgRect(*pRect,_canvas) );

	// Render container itself
	for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect != patches.End() ; pRect++ )
		_onRender(pDevice, _canvas, _window, *pRect );
	// Render children

	WgRect	dirtBounds = patches.Union();
		WgRect childGeo;
		WgPackListHook * p = (WgPackListHook*)_firstHookWithGeo( childGeo );

			WgRect canvas = childGeo + _canvas.Pos();
			if( p->_isVisible() && canvas.IntersectsWith( dirtBounds ) )
				p->_widget()->_renderPatches( pDevice, canvas, canvas, &patches );
			p = (WgPackListHook*) _nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p );

	// Render header

	if( m_header.m_height != 0 )
		bool bInvertedSort = (m_sortOrder == WG_SORT_DESCENDING);
		WgRect canvas = _headerGeo() + _canvas.Pos();

		for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect != patches.End() ; pRect++ )
			_renderHeader( pDevice, canvas, *pRect, m_header.m_pSkin, &m_header.label, &m_header.icon, &m_header.arrow, m_header.m_state, true, bInvertedSort );

	// Render Lasso

	if( m_pLassoSkin && m_lassoBegin != m_lassoEnd )
		WgRect lasso( m_lassoBegin, m_lassoEnd );
		lasso += _canvas.Pos();

		for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect != patches.End() ; pRect++ )
			m_pLassoSkin->Render( pDevice, lasso, m_state, WgRect( lasso, *pRect ) );
Exemplo n.º 9
WgRoot * setupGUI( WgGfxDevice * pDevice )
	WgResDB * pDB = sdl_wglib::LoadStdGizmos( "../resources/blocks.png", WgSurfaceFactorySoft() );
	if( !pDB )
		return 0;

	WgRoot * pRoot = new WgRoot( pDevice );

	WgGizmoFlexgeo * pMainContainer = new WgGizmoFlexgeo();

	int hAnchorLeft = pMainContainer->AddAnchor( 0.f, 0.f, WgCoord(0,100) );
	int hAnchorRight = pMainContainer->AddAnchor( 1.f, 0.f, WgCoord(0,100) );


	WgGizmoStack * pPanelStack = new WgGizmoStack();
	pMainContainer->AddChild( pPanelStack, WG_NORTHWEST, hAnchorRight );

//	WgGizmo * pCheckeredBack = pDB->CloneGizmo( "bg_blue_gradient" );
	WgGizmo * pCheckeredBack = pDB->CloneGizmo( "bg_checkered_grey" );
	pMainContainer->AddChild( pCheckeredBack, hAnchorLeft, WG_SOUTHEAST );

	WgGizmo * pPanelBack = pDB->CloneGizmo( "plate" );
	pPanelStack->AddChild( pPanelBack );

	WgGizmoFill * pFill = new WgGizmoFill();
	pFill->SetColor( WgColor(255,0,0) );
	pMainContainer->AddChild( pFill, WgRect(100,100,100,100) );

	WgGizmoFill * pFill2 = new WgGizmoFill();
	pFill2->SetColor( WgColor(0,255,0) );
	pMainContainer->AddChild( pFill2, WgRect(200,100,100,100) );

	WgGizmoFill * pFill3 = new WgGizmoFill();
	pFill3->SetColor( WgColor(0,0,255) );
	pMainContainer->AddChild( pFill3, WgRect(300,100,100,100) );

	WgGizmoText * pText = new WgGizmoText();
	pText->SetTextProperties( WgBase::GetDefaultTextprop() );
	pText->SetText( "TESTING" );
	pPanelStack->AddChild( pText );

	WgGizmo * pSlider = pDB->CloneGizmo( "hslider" );
	WgStackHook * pSliderHook = pPanelStack->AddChild( pSlider );
//	pSliderHook->SetOrientation( WG_SOUTH );
	pSliderHook->SetBorder( WgBorder(0,0,81,0) );


	return pRoot;
Exemplo n.º 10
void WgPackList::_onCollectPatches( WgPatches& container, const WgRect& geo, const WgRect& clip )
	if( m_pSkin )
		container.Add( WgRect( geo, clip ) );
		if( m_bHorizontal )
			container.Add( WgRect( WgRect( geo.x, geo.y, WgMin(geo.w,m_contentLength), geo.h ), clip ) );
			container.Add( WgRect( WgRect( geo.x, geo.y, geo.w, WgMin(geo.h,m_contentLength) ), clip ) );
Exemplo n.º 11
WgRect WgCaret2::DirtyRect( WgCoord pos ) const
	switch( m_mode )
			return WgRect( pos.x, pos.y - m_glyphAscend, WgMax(1, m_glyphSize/8), m_glyphAscend + m_glyphDescend );
			return WgRect( pos.x, pos.y - m_glyphAscend, m_glyphAdvance, m_glyphAscend + m_glyphDescend );
		case WG_CARET_EOL:
			return WgRect( pos.x, pos.y - m_glyphAscend, WgMax(1, m_glyphSize/8), m_glyphAscend + m_glyphDescend );
Exemplo n.º 12
void WgMenu::_onMaskPatches( WgPatches& patches, const WgRect& geo, const WgRect& clip, WgBlendMode blendMode )
	if( (m_bOpaque && blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_BLEND) || blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_OPAQUE )
		patches.Sub( WgRect( geo, clip ) );
	else if( blendMode == WG_BLENDMODE_BLEND && m_pSkin )
		if( m_pSkin->IsOpaque() )
			patches.Sub( WgRect( geo, clip ) );
		else if( m_pSkin->IsOpaque() )
			patches.Sub( WgRect( geo, clip ) );
Exemplo n.º 13
void WgSimpleVolumeMeter::_renderHold( WgGfxDevice * pDevice, int nb, const WgRect& _rect, const WgRect& _clip )
	if( m_holdHeight == 0.f )
		return;						// Hold should not be displayed.
	int height = (int) (m_holdHeight * _rect.h);
	if( height < 1 )
		height = 1;

	WgColor c;
	int ofs = (int) ((1.f - m_hold[nb]) * _rect.h);

	if( ofs < m_sectionPixelHeight[2] )
		c = m_sectionColors[2];
		if( ofs + height > m_sectionPixelHeight[2] )
			ofs = m_sectionPixelHeight[2] - height;
	else if( ofs < m_sectionPixelHeight[2] + m_sectionPixelHeight[1] )
		c = m_sectionColors[1];
		if( ofs + height > m_sectionPixelHeight[2] + m_sectionPixelHeight[1] )
			ofs = m_sectionPixelHeight[2] + m_sectionPixelHeight[1] - height;
		c = m_sectionColors[0];

	WgRect r( _rect.x, _rect.y + ofs, _rect.w, height );
	pDevice->Fill( WgRect( r, _clip ), c );
Exemplo n.º 14
WgTab * WgTablist::_pos2Tab( int x, int y ) const
	if( x < 0 || y < 0 )
		return 0;

	bool bMovingUp = true;
	WgTab * pHit = NULL;
	WgTab * pTab = m_tabs.First();
	WgSize	sz = Size();

	while( pTab )

//			if(pTab == m_pTabSelected)
//				bMovingUp = false;

			WgSkinPtr pSrc = _tabSkin(pTab);
			bool	bHit = false;

			// Tab is hit if position is on a non-transparent (alpha != 0) pixel of the block
			// or inside tabs text-area.

			WgRect tabCanvas = WgRect(0,0,pTab->m_width,sz.h);
			WgRect tabContent;
			if( pSrc )
				tabContent = pSrc->ContentRect( tabCanvas, _tabState(*pTab) );
				tabContent = tabCanvas;

			if( m_bTabOpaqueForMouse && tabCanvas.Contains(x,y) )
				bHit = true;
			else if( tabContent.Contains( WgCoord(x,y) ) )
				bHit = true;
			else if( pSrc )
				bHit = pSrc->MarkTest( WgCoord(x,y), tabCanvas, _tabState(*pTab), m_markOpacity );

			if( bHit )
/*				// Handle overlap
					pHit = pTab;
					return pTab;

				if( pTab == m_pTabSelected )
					return pTab;
					pHit = pTab;

			x -= pTab->m_advance;
		pTab = pTab->Next();

	return pHit;
Exemplo n.º 15
WgRect WgStackHook::_getGeo( const WgRect& parentGeo ) const
	WgRect base = parentGeo - m_padding;

	if( base.w <= 0 || base.h <= 0 )
		return WgRect(0,0,0,0);

	switch( m_sizePolicy )
		case DEFAULT:
			WgSize	size = m_pWidget->PreferredSize();
			WgRect geo = WgUtil::OrigoToRect( m_origo, base, size );

			if( geo.w > base.w )
				geo.x = 0;
				geo.w = base.w;

			if( geo.h > base.h )
				geo.y = 0;
				geo.h = base.h;
			return geo;
		case STRETCH:
			return base;
		case SCALE:
			WgSize	orgSize = m_pWidget->PreferredSize();
			WgSize	size;

			float	fracX = orgSize.w / (float) base.w;
			float	fracY = orgSize.h / (float) base.h;

			if( fracX > fracY )
				size.w = base.w;
				size.h = int (orgSize.h / fracX);
				size.h = base.h;
				size.w = (int) (orgSize.w / fracY);

			return WgUtil::OrigoToRect( m_origo, base, size );
Exemplo n.º 16
void WgImage::SetImage( const WgSurfacePtr& pSurface, const WgRect& rect )
	if( pSurface != m_pSurface || rect != m_rect )
		bool bResize = false;
		if( rect.w != m_rect.w || rect.h != m_rect.h )
			bResize = true;

		m_pSurface = pSurface;

		if( pSurface )
			m_rect = WgRect( rect, WgRect(pSurface->Size()) );

		if( bResize )
Exemplo n.º 17
WgRect WgMenu::_scrollbarGeo( const WgRect& menuGeo ) const
	if( m_scrollbarHook._widget() )
		WgRect contentGeo = menuGeo - _getPadding();
		WgRect scrollbarGeo( contentGeo.x + contentGeo.w - m_scrollbarHook.m_size.w, contentGeo.y, m_scrollbarHook.m_size.w, contentGeo.h );	//TODO: Scrollbar is now hardcoded to right side.
		return scrollbarGeo;
		return WgRect();
Exemplo n.º 18
void WgCaret2::Render( WgGfxDevice * pDevice, WgCoord pos, const WgRect& clip )
	if( m_ticks < m_cycleLength / 2 )
		WgRect r = DirtyRect(pos);
		WgBlendMode oldMode = pDevice->GetBlendMode();
		pDevice->Fill( WgRect(r,clip), WgColor::black );
Exemplo n.º 19
WgBorder WgMenu::_getPadding() const
	//TODO: This is ugly and doesn't take ContentShift of various states into account.

	if( m_pSkin )
		WgRect r = m_pSkin->ContentRect( WgRect(0,0,1000,1000), WG_STATE_NORMAL );
		return WgBorder(r.x, r.y, 1000-r.w, 1000-r.h);
		return WgBorder(0);
Exemplo n.º 20
WgBorder WgMenubar::_getEntryBorder() const
	//TODO: This doesn't take ContentShift for different states into account.

	if( m_pEntrySkin )
		WgRect r = m_pEntrySkin->ContentRect( WgRect(0,0,1000,1000), WG_STATE_NORMAL );

		return WgBorder(r.x,r.y,1000-r.w,1000-r.h);
		return WgBorder(10,0,10,0);		// 10 pixels on each side as default margin. Should do something more intelligent here, like taking fonts avgSpacing into account...
Exemplo n.º 21
void * WgSDLSurface::Lock( WgAccessMode mode )
	if( m_accessMode != WG_NO_ACCESS || mode == WG_NO_ACCESS )
		return 0;


	m_accessMode = WG_READ_WRITE;

	m_pPixels = (Uint8*) m_pSurface->pixels;
	m_lockRegion = WgRect( 0, 0, m_pSurface->w, m_pSurface->h );
	return m_pSurface->pixels;
Exemplo n.º 22
WgRect WgTableHook::Geo() const
	WgTablePanel * pTable = Row()->Table();

	if( pTable )
		int row = pTable->GetRowNb( Row() );
		int column = ColumnNb();

		return pTable->GetCellGeo( row, column );
		return WgRect();
Exemplo n.º 23
void WgGfxDevice::ClipBlitHorrBar(	const WgRect& _clip, const WgSurfacePtr& _pSurf,
                                    const WgRect& _src, const WgBorder& _borders,
                                    bool _bTile, int _dx, int _dy, int _len )
    	This can be optimized by handling clipping directly instead of calling clipBlit().

    // Blit left edge

    WgRect	r( _src.x, _src.y, _borders.left, _src.h );
    ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );

    _len -= _borders.Width();			// Remove left and right edges from len.
    _dx += _borders.left;

    // Blit tiling part

    r.x += _borders.left;
    r.w = _src.w - _borders.Width();

    if( _bTile )
        while( _len > r.w )
            ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _len -= r.w;
            _dx += r.w;
        if( _len != 0 )
            r.w = _len;
            ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _dx += _len;
        ClipStretchBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, WgRect( _dx, _dy, _len, r.h ) );
        _dx += _len;

    // Blit right edge

    r.x = _src.x + _src.w - _borders.right;
    r.w = _borders.right;
    ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
Exemplo n.º 24
void WgGfxDevice::ClipBlitVertBar(	const WgRect& _clip, const WgSurfacePtr& _pSurf,
                                    const WgRect& _src, const WgBorder& _borders,
                                    bool _bTile, int _dx, int _dy, int _len )
    	This can be optimized by handling clipping directly instead of calling clipBlit().

    // Blit top edge

    WgRect	r( _src.x, _src.y, _src.w, _borders.top );
    ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );

    _len -= _borders.Height();			// Remove top and bottom edges from len.
    _dy += _borders.top;

    // Blit tiling part

    r.y += _borders.top;
    r.h = _src.h - _borders.Height();

    if( _bTile )
        while( _len > r.h )
            ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _len -= r.h;
            _dy += r.h;
        if( _len != 0 )
            r.h = _len;
            ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _dy += _len;
        ClipStretchBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, WgRect( _dx, _dy, r.w, _len ) );
        _dy += _len;

    // Blit bottom edge

    r.y = _src.y + _src.h - _borders.bottom;
    r.h = _borders.bottom;
    ClipBlit( _clip, _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
Exemplo n.º 25
void WgGfxDevice::BlitHorrBar(	const WgSurfacePtr& _pSurf, const WgRect& _src,
                                const WgBorder& _borders, bool _bTile,
                                int _dx, int _dy, int _len )
    // Blit left edge

    WgRect	r( _src.x, _src.y, _borders.left, _src.h );
    Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );

    _len -= _borders.Width();			// Remove left and right edges from len.
    _dx += _borders.left;

    // Blit tiling part

    r.x += _borders.left;
    r.w = _src.w - _borders.Width();

    if( _bTile )
        while( _len > r.w )
            Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _len -= r.w;
            _dx += r.w;
        if( _len != 0 )
            r.w = _len;
            Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _dx += _len;
        StretchBlit( _pSurf, r, WgRect( _dx, _dy, _len, r.h ) );
        _dx += _len;

    // Blit right edge

    r.x = _src.x + _src.w - _borders.right;
    r.w = _borders.right;
    Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
Exemplo n.º 26
void WgGfxDevice::BlitVertBar(	const WgSurfacePtr& _pSurf, const WgRect& _src,
                                const WgBorder& _borders, bool _bTile,
                                int _dx, int _dy, int _len )
    // Blit top edge

    WgRect	r( _src.x, _src.y, _src.w, _borders.top );
    Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );

    _len -= _borders.Height();			// Remove top and bottom borders from len.
    _dy += _borders.top;

    // Blit tiling part

    r.y += _borders.top;
    r.h = _src.h - _borders.Height();

    if( _bTile )
        while( _len > r.h )
            Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _len -= r.h;
            _dy += r.h;
        if( _len != 0 )
            r.h = _len;
            Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
            _dy += _len;
        StretchBlit( _pSurf, r, WgRect( _dx, _dy, r.w, _len ) );
        _dy += _len;

    // Blit bottom edge

    r.y = _src.y + _src.h - _borders.bottom;
    r.h = _borders.bottom;
    Blit( _pSurf, r, _dx, _dy );
Exemplo n.º 27
void WgSimpleVolumeMeter::_renderPeak( WgGfxDevice * pDevice, int nb, const WgRect& _rect, const WgRect& _clip )
	int height = (int) (m_peak[nb] * _rect.h);
	int ofs = 0;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
		if( height <= 0 )
		int sectionHeight = m_sectionPixelHeight[i];
		if( sectionHeight > height )
			sectionHeight = height;
		WgRect r( _rect.x, _rect.y + _rect.h - ofs - sectionHeight, _rect.w, sectionHeight );
		pDevice->Fill( WgRect( r, _clip ), m_sectionColors[i] );
		ofs += sectionHeight;
		height -= sectionHeight;
Exemplo n.º 28
void WgStackPanel::_onRenderRequested( WgVectorHook * _pHook )
	WgStackHook * pHook = static_cast<WgStackHook*>(_pHook);

	_onRenderRequested(pHook, pHook->_getGeo(WgRect(0,0,m_size)));
Exemplo n.º 29
void WgMenu::_onRender( WgGfxDevice * pDevice, const WgRect& canvas, const WgRect& window, const WgRect& clip )

	// Render the menu-items

	WgRect		contentRect = m_pSkin?m_pSkin->ContentRect(canvas, m_state):canvas;

	WgRect		contentClip( contentRect, clip );		// A clip rectangle for content.

	WgMenuItem * pItem = m_items.First();

	int		yPos = contentRect.y - m_contentOfs;
	int		xPosText = contentRect.x + m_iconFieldWidth;
	int		xPosIcon = contentRect.x;
	int		textFieldLen = contentRect.w - m_iconFieldWidth - m_arrowFieldWidth;

	WgPen	entryPen( pDevice, WgCoord( xPosText, yPos ), contentClip );
	WgPen	accelPen( pDevice, WgCoord( xPosText, yPos ), contentClip );

	unsigned int	item = 1;
	while( pItem )
		if( pItem->IsVisible() )
			if( pItem->GetType() == SEPARATOR )
				if( m_pSeparatorSkin )
					WgRect	dest( contentRect.x, yPos + m_sepBorder.top,
								  contentRect.w, m_pSeparatorSkin->PreferredSize().h );

					m_pSeparatorSkin->Render( pDevice, dest, m_state, contentClip );
					yPos += m_sepHeight;
				WgState	state = WG_STATE_DISABLED;

				if( ((WgMenuEntry*)pItem)->IsEnabled() )
					state = WG_STATE_NORMAL;

				if( item == m_markedItem )
					state = WG_STATE_HOVERED;

				// Render the tile for this entry

				WgRect tileDest(	contentRect.x,
									m_entryHeight );

//				WgRect tileClip( contentClip, tileDest);

				if( m_pEntrySkin )
					m_pEntrySkin->Render( pDevice, tileDest, state, contentClip );

				// Print the text (if any)

				const WgChar * pText = ((WgMenuEntry*)pItem)->GetText().Chars();
				if( pText->Glyph() != 0 )

					WgTextAttr	attr;
					WgTextTool::AddPropAttributes( attr, WgBase::GetDefaultTextprop(), state );
//					if( m_pSkin )
//						WgTextTool::SetAttrColor( attr, m_pSkin->TextColors(), mode );
					WgTextTool::AddPropAttributes( attr, m_pEntryProp, state );
					entryPen.SetAttributes( attr );
					int y = yPos + (m_entryHeight - entryPen.GetLineHeight())/2 + entryPen.GetBaseline();
					entryPen.SetPos( WgCoord( xPosText, y ) );
					pDevice->PrintLine( entryPen, attr, pText );

				// Print the accel text (if any)

				const WgChar * pAccelText = ((WgMenuEntry*)pItem)->GetAccelText().Chars();
				if( pAccelText->Glyph() != 0 )
					WgTextAttr	attr;
					WgTextTool::AddPropAttributes( attr, WgBase::GetDefaultTextprop(), state );
//					if( m_pSkin )
//						WgTextTool::SetAttrColor( attr, m_pSkin->TextColors(), mode );
					WgTextTool::AddPropAttributes( attr, m_pKeyAccelProp, state );
					accelPen.SetAttributes( attr );

					int y = yPos + (m_entryHeight - accelPen.GetLineHeight())/2 + accelPen.GetBaseline();
					int width = WgTextTool::lineWidth( attr, state, pAccelText );
					int x = xPosText + textFieldLen - width;

					accelPen.SetPos( WgCoord(x, y) );
					pDevice->PrintLine( accelPen, attr, pAccelText );

				// Show the icon/checkbox/radiobutton (if any)

				switch( pItem->GetType() )
					case ENTRY:
						WgSkinPtr pIcon = ((WgMenuEntry*)pItem)->GetIcon();
						if( pIcon )
							WgSize sz = pIcon->PreferredSize();

							if( sz.w > m_iconFieldWidth )
								sz.w = m_iconFieldWidth;
							if( sz.h > m_entryHeight )
								sz.h = m_entryHeight;

							int y = yPos + (m_entryHeight - sz.h)/2;
							int x = xPosIcon + (m_iconFieldWidth - sz.w)/2;

							pIcon->Render( pDevice, WgRect(x,y,sz), state, contentClip );

					case CHECKBOX:
						WgState checkboxState = state;

						if( ((WgMenuCheckBox*)pItem)->IsChecked() )

						if( m_pCheckBoxSkin )
							WgSize sz = m_pCheckBoxSkin->PreferredSize();

							int y = yPos + (m_entryHeight - sz.h)/2;
							int x = xPosIcon + (m_iconFieldWidth - sz.w)/2;

							m_pCheckBoxSkin->Render( pDevice, WgRect(x,y,sz), checkboxState, contentClip );
					case RADIOBUTTON:
						WgState radiobuttonState = state;

						if( ((WgMenuRadioButton*)pItem)->IsSelected() )

						if( m_pRadioButtonSkin )
							WgSize sz = m_pRadioButtonSkin->PreferredSize();

							int y = yPos + (m_entryHeight - sz.h)/2;
							int x = xPosIcon + (m_iconFieldWidth - sz.w)/2;

							m_pRadioButtonSkin->Render( pDevice, WgRect(x,y,sz), radiobuttonState, contentClip );
					case SUBMENU:
						//TODO: Show submenu arrow.

				yPos += m_entryHeight;

		pItem = pItem->Next();
Exemplo n.º 30
WgRect WgMenu::ScrollbarHook::GlobalGeo() const
	WgRect content = m_pParent->GlobalGeo() - m_pParent->_getPadding();
	return WgRect( content.x + content.w - m_size.w, content.y, m_size );