// Main application entry function.
    tBoolean bRetcode;

    // Set the system clock to run at 50MHz from the PLL

    // NB: We don't call PinoutSet() in this testcase since the EM header
    // expansion board doesn't currently have an I2C ID EEPROM.  If we did
    // call PinoutSet() this would configure all the EPI pins for SDRAM and
    // we don't want to do this.
    g_eDaughterType = DAUGHTER_NONE;

    // Enable peripherals required to drive the LCD.

    // Configure SysTick for a 10Hz interrupt.
    ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / TICKS_PER_SECOND);

    // Initialize the display driver.

    // Initialize the touch screen driver.

    // Set the touch screen event handler.

    // Add the compile-time defined widgets to the widget tree.
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sHeading);

    // Initialize the status string.
    UpdateStatus(true, "Joining network...");

    // Paint the widget tree to make sure they all appear on the display.

    // Initialize the SimpliciTI BSP.

    // Set the SimpliciTI device address using the current Ethernet MAC address
    // to ensure something like uniqueness.
    bRetcode = SetSimpliciTIAddress();

    // Did we have a problem with the address?
        // Yes - make sure the display is updated then hang the app.
            // MAC address is not set so hang the app.

    // Turn both "LEDs" off.
    SetLED(1, false);
    SetLED(2, false);

    // Keep trying to join (a side effect of successful initialization) until
    // successful.  Toggle LEDS to indicate that joining has not occurred.
    while(SMPL_SUCCESS != SMPL_Init(0))

    // We have joined the network so turn on both "LEDs" to indicate this.
    SetLED(1, true);
    SetLED(2, true);
    UpdateStatus(true, "Joined network");

    // Link to the access point which is now listening for us and continue
    // processing.  This function does not return.
Exemplo n.º 2
// A simple demonstration of the features of the Stellaris Graphics Library.
    tContext sContext;
    tRectangle sRect;

    // If running on Rev A2 silicon, turn the LDO voltage up to 2.75V.  This is
    // a workaround to allow the PLL to operate reliably.

    // Set the clocking to run from the PLL.

    // Initialize the display driver.

    // Turn on the backlight.

    // Set graphics library text rendering defaults.

    // Set the string table and the default language.

    // Set the default language.

    // Initialize the graphics context.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, &g_sKitronix320x240x16_SSD2119);

    // Fill the top 26 rows of the screen with blue to create the banner.
    sRect.sXMin = 0;
    sRect.sYMin = 0;
    sRect.sXMax = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&sContext) - 1;
    sRect.sYMax = 25;
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, ClrDarkBlue);
    GrRectFill(&sContext, &sRect);

    // Put a white box around the banner.
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, ClrWhite);
    GrRectDraw(&sContext, &sRect);

    // Load the static strings from the string table.  These strings are
    // independent of the language in use but we store them in the string
    // table nonetheless since (a) we may be using codepage remapping in
    // which case it would be difficult to hardcode them into the app source
    // anyway (ASCII or ISO8859-1 text would not render properly with the
    // remapped custom font) and (b) even if we're not using codepage remapping,
    // we may have generated a custom font from the string table output and
    // we want to make sure that all glyphs required by the application are
    // present in that font.  If we hardcode some text in the application
    // source and don't put it in the string table, we run the risk of having
    // characters missing in the font.
    GrStringGet(STR_ENGLISH, g_pcEnglish, MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_LEN);
    GrStringGet(STR_DEUTSCH, g_pcDeutsch, MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_LEN);
    GrStringGet(STR_ESPANOL, g_pcEspanol, MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_LEN);
    GrStringGet(STR_ITALIANO, g_pcItaliano, MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_LEN);
    GrStringGet(STR_CHINESE, g_pcChinese, MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_LEN);
    GrStringGet(STR_KOREAN, g_pcKorean, MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_LEN);
    GrStringGet(STR_JAPANESE, g_pcJapanese, MAX_LANGUAGE_NAME_LEN);
    GrStringGet(STR_PLUS, g_pcPlus, 2);
    GrStringGet(STR_MINUS, g_pcMinus, 2);

    // Put the application name in the middle of the banner.
    GrStringGet(STR_APPNAME, g_pcBuffer, SCOMP_MAX_STRLEN);
    GrContextFontSet(&sContext, FONT_20PT);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, g_pcBuffer, -1,
                         GrContextDpyWidthGet(&sContext) / 2, 10, 0);

    // Initialize the sound driver.

    // Initialize the touch screen driver and have it route its messages to the
    // widget tree.

    // Add the title block and the previous and next buttons to the widget
    // tree.
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sPrevious);
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sTitle);
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sNext);

    // Add the first panel to the widget tree.
    g_ulPanel = 0;
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)g_psPanels);

    // Set the string for the title.
    CanvasTextSet(&g_sTitle, g_pcTitle);

    // Initialize the pointer to the button text.
    PushButtonTextSet(&g_sFirmwareUpdateBtn, g_pcUpdateButton);

    // Issue the initial paint request to the widgets.

    // Loop forever unless we receive a signal that a firmware update has been
    // requested.
        // Process any messages in the widget message queue.

    // If we drop out, a firmware update request has been made.  We call
    // WidgetMessageQueueProcess once more to ensure that any final messages
    // are processed then jump into the bootloader.

    // Wait a while for the last keyboard click sound to finish.  This is about
    // 500mS since the delay loop is 3 cycles long.
    SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet() / 6);

    // Pass control to the bootloader.

    // The boot loader should take control, so this should never be reached.
    // Just in case, loop forever.
Exemplo n.º 3
// Handles presses of the next panel button.
OnNext(tWidget *pWidget)
    // There is nothing to be done if the last panel is already being
    // displayed.
    if(g_ulPanel == (NUM_PANELS - 1))

    // Remove the current panel.
    WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psPanels + g_ulPanel));

    // Increment the panel index.

    // Add and draw the new panel.
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)(g_psPanels + g_ulPanel));
    WidgetPaint((tWidget *)(g_psPanels + g_ulPanel));

    // Set the title of this panel.
    GrStringGet(g_ulPanelNames[g_ulPanel], g_pcTitle, TITLE_MAX_SIZE);
    WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sTitle);

    // See if the previous panel was the first panel.
    if(g_ulPanel == 1)
        // Display the previous button.
        WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sPrevious);

    // See if this is the last panel.
    if(g_ulPanel == (NUM_PANELS - 1))
        // Clear the next button from the display since the last panel is being
        // displayed.
        WidgetPaint((tWidget *)&g_sNext);

    // Play the key click sound.
    SoundPlay(g_pusKeyClick, sizeof(g_pusKeyClick) / 2);
Exemplo n.º 4
// Displays the "Position Control Mode" panel.  The returned valud is the ID of
// the panel to be displayed instead of the "Position Control Mode" panel.
unsigned long
    unsigned long ulPos, ulIdx, ulDelay, ulDemo, ulTime, ulStep;

    // Read the current position mode configuration.

    // Enable position control mode.
    CANPositionModeEnable(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) * 65536) +
                          (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) * 65536) /

    // Initially, updates to the position occur immediately.
    ulDelay = 0;

    // Initially, demo mode is disabled.
    ulDemo = 0;
    ulTime = 0;
    ulStep = 0;

    // Disable the widget fill for all the widgets except the one for the
    // device ID selection.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < 7; ulIdx++)
        CanvasFillOff(g_psPositionWidgets + ulIdx);
    CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + 1);

    // Add the "Position Control Mode" panel widgets to the widget list.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
        WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)(g_psPositionWidgets + ulIdx));

    // Enable the status display.

    // Set the default cursor position to the device ID selection.
    ulPos = 1;

    // Loop forever.  This loop will be explicitly exited when the proper
    // condition is detected.
        // Print out the current device ID.
        usnprintf(g_pcIDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcIDBuffer), "%d", g_ulCurrentID);

        // Print out the current position.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionBuffer),
                      "-%d.%02d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lPosition) / 100,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lPosition) % 100);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionBuffer),
                      "%d.%02d", g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100);

        // Print out the current P coefficient.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lP < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionPBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionPBuffer),
                      "-%d.%03d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lP) / 1000,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lP) % 1000);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionPBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionPBuffer),
                      "%d.%03d", g_sPositionConfig.lP / 1000,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lP % 1000);

        // Irint out the current I coefficient.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lI < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionIBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionIBuffer),
                      "-%d.%03d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lI) / 1000,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lI) % 1000);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionIBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionIBuffer),
                      "%d.%03d", g_sPositionConfig.lI / 1000,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lI % 1000);

        // Print out the current D coefficient.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lD < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionDBuffer),
                      "-%d.%03d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lD) / 1000,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lD) % 1000);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionDBuffer),
                      "%d.%03d", g_sPositionConfig.lD / 1000,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lD % 1000);

        // Print out the current position reference source.
        usnprintf(g_pcReferenceBuffer, sizeof(g_pcReferenceBuffer), "%s",

        // Update the status display.

        // Update the display.

        // See if a serial download has begun.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SERIAL_BOOTLOADER) == 1)
            // Disable the status display.

            // Remove the "Position Control Mode" panel widgets.
            for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
                WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psPositionWidgets + ulIdx));
            CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

            // Disable position control mode.

            // Return the ID of the update panel.

        // See if demo mode is enabled.
        if(ulDemo != 0)
            // See if the current time delay has expired.
            if(ulTime < g_ulTickCount)
                // Increment to the next step, wrapping back to the beginning
                // of the sequence when the end has been reached.
                if(ulStep == (sizeof(g_plPositionDemo) /
                    ulStep = 0;

                // Set the position as directed by the next step.
                g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = g_plPositionDemo[ulStep][0];
                CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) * 65536) +
                               (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) * 65536) /
                                100), 0);

                // Set the time delay for this step.
                ulTime = g_ulTickCount + g_plPositionDemo[ulStep][1];

        // See if the up button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the top of the
            // screen and a delayed position update is not in progress.
            if((ulPos != 0) && (ulDelay == 0))
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

                // Decrement the cursor row, skipping the position row when
                // demo mode is enabled.
                if((ulPos == 2) && (ulDemo != 0))

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the up button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the down button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the bottom of the
            // screen and a delayed position update is not in progress.
            if((ulPos != 6) && (ulDelay == 0))
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

                // Increment the cursor row, skipping the position row when
                // demo mode is enabled.
                if((ulPos == 2) && (ulDemo != 0))

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the down button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the left button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // See if the device ID is being changed.
            if(ulPos == 1)
                // Only change the device ID if it is greater than one.
                if(g_ulCurrentID > 1)
                    // Exit demo mode.
                    ulDemo = 0;
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Disable position control mode for the current device ID.

                    // Decrement the device ID.
                    if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        if(g_ulCurrentID > 3)
                            CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID - 3);
                        CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID - 1);

                    // Read the configuration of the new device.

                    // Enable position control mode.
                    CANPositionModeEnable(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition /
                                            100) * 65536) +
                                          (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition %
                                             100) * 65536) / 100));

            // See if the position is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Only change the position if it is not already fully
                // negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition > -20000)
                    // Decrement the position.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition < -20000)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = -20000;

                    // Send the updated position to the motor controller if a
                    // delayed update is not in progress.
                    if(ulDelay == 0)
                        CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                        65536) +
                                       (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                         65536) / 100), 0);

            // See if the position P gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 3)
                // Only change the P gain if it is not already fully negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lP > (-32767 * 1000))
                    // Decrement the P gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lP < (-32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP = -32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new P gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionPGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lP / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lP % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position I gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 4)
                // Only change the I gain if it is not already fully negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lI > (-32767 * 1000))
                    // Decrement the I gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lI < (-32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI = -32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new I gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionIGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lI / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lI % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position D gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 5)
                // Only change the D gain if it is not already fully negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lD > (-32767 * 1000))
                    // Decrement the D gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lD < (-32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD = -32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new D gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionDGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lD / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lD % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position reference source is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 6)
                // Toggle to the other position reference source.
                g_sPositionConfig.ulPosRef ^= 1;

                // Send the position reference source to the motor controller.

            // Clear the press flag for the left button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) = 0;

        // See if the right button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // See if the device ID is being changed.
            if(ulPos == 1)
                // Only change the device ID if it is less than 63.
                if(g_ulCurrentID < 63)
                    // Exit demo mode.
                    ulDemo = 0;
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Disable position control mode for the current device ID.

                    // Increment the device ID.
                    if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        if(g_ulCurrentID < 60)
                            CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID + 3);
                        CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID + 1);

                    // Read the configuration of the new device.

                    // Enable position control mode.
                    CANPositionModeEnable(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition /
                                            100) * 65536) +
                                          (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition %
                                             100) * 65536) / 100));

            // See if the position is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Only change the position if it is not already fully
                // positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition < 20000)
                    // Increment the position.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition > 20000)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = 20000;

                    // Send the updated position to the motor controller if a
                    // delayed update is not in progress.
                    if(ulDelay == 0)
                        CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                        65536) +
                                       (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                         65536) / 100), 0);

            // See if the position P gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 3)
                // Only change the P gain if it is not already fully positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lP < (32767 * 1000))
                    // Increment the P gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lP > (32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP = 32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new P gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionPGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lP / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lP % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position I gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 4)
                // Only change the I gain if it is not already fully positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lI < (32767 * 1000))
                    // Increment the I gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lI > (32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI = 32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new I gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionIGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lI / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lI % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position D gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 5)
                // Only change the D gain if it is not already fully positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lD < (32767 * 1000))
                    // Increment the D gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lD > (32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD = 32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new D gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionDGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lD / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lD % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position reference source is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 6)
                // Toggle to the other position reference source.
                g_sPositionConfig.ulPosRef ^= 1;

                // Send the position reference source to the motor controller.

            // Clear the press flag for the right button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) = 0;

        // See if the select button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Clear the press flag for the select button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) = 0;

            // See if the cursor is on the top row of the screen.
            if(ulPos == 0)
                // Display the menu.
                ulIdx = DisplayMenu(PANEL_POSITION);

                // See if another panel was selected.
                if(ulIdx != PANEL_POSITION)
                    // Disable the status display.

                    // Remove the "Position Control Mode" panel widgets.
                    for(ulPos = 0; ulPos < NUM_WIDGETS; ulPos++)
                        WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos));
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Disable position control mode.

                    // Return the ID of the newly selected panel.

                // Since the "Position Control Mode" panel was selected from
                // the menu, move the cursor down one row.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + 1);

            // See if the cursor is on the ID selection.
            else if(ulPos == 1)
                // Toggle demo mode.
                ulDemo ^= 1;

                // See if the demo has just been disabled.
                if(ulDemo == 0)
                    // Set the output position to the current position.
                    if(g_lStatusPosition < 0)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition =
                            (((g_lStatusPosition / 65536) * 100) +
                             ((((g_lStatusPosition % 65536) * 100) - 32768) /
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition =
                            (((g_lStatusPosition / 65536) * 100) +
                             ((((g_lStatusPosition % 65536) * 100) + 32768) /
                    CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                    65536) +
                                   (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                     65536) / 100), 0);

                    // Indicate that demo mode has exited by setting the text
                    // color to white.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                // Otherwise start demo mode.
                    // Indicate that demo mode is active by setting the text
                    // color to gray.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrSelected);

                    // Start with the first step.
                    ulStep = 0;

                    // Set the position as directed by the first step.
                    g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = g_plPositionDemo[0][0];
                    CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                    65536) +
                                   (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                     65536) / 100), 0);

                    // Set the time delay for the first step.
                    ulTime = g_ulTickCount + g_plPositionDemo[0][1];

            // See if the cursor is on the position selection.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Toggle the state of the delayed update.
                ulDelay ^= 1;

                // See if a delayed update should be performed.
                if(ulDelay == 0)
                    // Send the delayed position update.
                    CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                    65536) +
                                   (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                     65536) / 100), 0);

                    // Change the text color of the position selection to white
                    // to indicate that updates will occur immediately.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);
                    // Change the text color of the position selection to black
                    // to indicate that updates will be delayed.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrBlack);
Exemplo n.º 5
// Initialize and operate the data logger.
    tContext sDisplayContext, sBufferContext;
    uint32_t ui32HibIntStatus, ui32SysClock, ui32LastTickCount;
    bool bSkipSplash;
    uint8_t ui8ButtonState, ui8ButtonChanged;
    uint_fast8_t ui8X, ui8Y;

    // Enable lazy stacking for interrupt handlers.  This allows floating-point
    // instructions to be used within interrupt handlers, but at the expense of
    // extra stack usage.

    // Set the clocking to run at 50 MHz.
    ui32SysClock = MAP_SysCtlClockGet();

    // Initialize locals.
    bSkipSplash = false;
    ui32LastTickCount = 0;

    // Initialize the data acquisition module.  This initializes the ADC
    // hardware.

    // Enable access to  the hibernate peripheral.  If the hibernate peripheral
    // was already running then this will have no effect.

    // Check to see if the hiberate module is already active and if so then
    // read the saved configuration state.  If both are okay, then proceed
    // to check and see if we are logging data using sleep mode.
    if(HibernateIsActive() && !GetSavedState(&g_sConfigState))
        // Read the status of the hibernate module.
        ui32HibIntStatus = HibernateIntStatus(1);

        // If this is a pin wake, that means the user pressed the select
        // button and we should terminate the sleep logging.  In this case
        // we will fall out of this conditional section, and go through the
        // normal startup below, but skipping the splash screen so the user
        // gets immediate response.
        if(ui32HibIntStatus & HIBERNATE_INT_PIN_WAKE)
            // Clear the interrupt flag so it is not seen again until another
            // wake.
            bSkipSplash = true;

        // Otherwise if we are waking from hibernate and it was not a pin
        // wake, then it must be from RTC match.  Check to see if we are
        // sleep logging and if so then go through an abbreviated startup
        // in order to collect the data and go back to sleep.
        else if(g_sConfigState.ui32SleepLogging &&
                (ui32HibIntStatus & HIBERNATE_INT_RTC_MATCH_0))
            // Start logger and pass the configuration.  The logger should
            // configure itself to take one sample.
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_LOGGING;

            // Enter a forever loop to run the acquisition.  This will run
            // until a new sample has been taken and stored.

            // Getting here means that a data acquisition was performed and we
            // can now go back to sleep.  Save the configuration and then
            // activate the hibernate.

            // Set wake condition on pin-wake or RTC match.  Then put the
            // processor in hibernation.
            HibernateWakeSet(HIBERNATE_WAKE_PIN | HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC);

            // Hibernating takes a finite amount of time to occur, so wait
            // here forever until hibernate activates and the processor
            // power is removed.

        // Otherwise, this was not a pin wake, and we were not sleep logging,
        // so just fall out of this conditional and go through the normal
        // startup below.
        // In this case, either the hibernate module was not already active, or
        // the saved configuration was not valid.  Initialize the configuration
        // to the default state and then go through the normal startup below.

    // Enable the Hibernate module to run.

    // The hibernate peripheral trim register must be set per silicon
    // erratum 2.1

    // Start the RTC running.  If it was already running then this will have
    // no effect.

    // In case we were sleep logging and are now finished (due to user
    // pressing select button), then disable sleep logging so it doesnt
    // try to start up again.
    g_sConfigState.ui32SleepLogging = 0;

    // Initialize the display driver.

    // Initialize the buttons driver.

    // Pass the restored state to the menu system.

    // Enable the USB peripheral

    // Configure the required pins for USB operation.

    // Erratum workaround for silicon revision A1.  VBUS must have pull-down.
    if(CLASS_IS_TM4C123 && REVISION_IS_A1)

    // Initialize the USB stack mode and pass in a mode callback.
    USBStackModeSet(0, eUSBModeOTG, ModeCallback);

    // Initialize the stack to be used with USB stick.

    // Initialize the stack to be used as a serial device.

    // Initialize the USB controller for dual mode operation with a 2ms polling
    // rate.
    USBOTGModeInit(0, 2000, g_pui8HCDPool, HCD_MEMORY_SIZE);

    // Initialize the menus module.  This module will control the user
    // interface menuing system.

    // Configure SysTick to periodically interrupt.
    g_ui32TickCount = 0;
    MAP_SysTickPeriodSet(ui32SysClock / CLOCK_RATE);

    // Initialize the display context and another context that is used
    // as an offscreen drawing buffer for display animation effect
    GrContextInit(&sDisplayContext, &g_sCFAL96x64x16);
    GrContextInit(&sBufferContext, &g_sOffscreenDisplayA);

    // Show the splash screen if we are not skipping it.  The only reason to
    // skip it is if the application was in sleep-logging mode and the user
    // just waked it up with the select button.
        const uint8_t *pui8SplashLogo = g_pui8Image_TI_Black;

        // Draw the TI logo on the display.  Use an animation effect where the
        // logo will "slide" onto the screen.  Allow select button to break
        // out of animation.
        for(ui8X = 0; ui8X < 96; ui8X++)
            if(ButtonsPoll(0, 0) & SELECT_BUTTON)
            GrImageDraw(&sDisplayContext, pui8SplashLogo, 95 - ui8X, 0);

        // Leave the logo on the screen for a long duration.  Monitor the
        // buttons so that if the user presses the select button, the logo
        // display is terminated and the application starts immediately.
        while(g_ui32TickCount < 400)
            if(ButtonsPoll(0, 0) & SELECT_BUTTON)

        // Extended splash sequence
        if(ButtonsPoll(0, 0) & UP_BUTTON)
            for(ui8X = 0; ui8X < 96; ui8X += 4)
                            g_ppui8Image_Splash[(ui8X / 4) & 3],
                            (int32_t)ui8X - 96L, 0);
                GrImageDraw(&sDisplayContext, pui8SplashLogo, ui8X, 0);
                MAP_SysCtlDelay(ui32SysClock / 12);
            MAP_SysCtlDelay(ui32SysClock / 3);
            pui8SplashLogo = g_ppui8Image_Splash[4];
            GrImageDraw(&sDisplayContext, pui8SplashLogo, 0, 0);
            MAP_SysCtlDelay(ui32SysClock / 12);

        // Draw the initial menu into the offscreen buffer.
        SlideMenuDraw(&g_sMenuWidget, &sBufferContext, 0);

        // Now, draw both the TI logo splash screen (from above) and the initial
        // menu on the screen at the same time, moving the coordinates so that
        // the logo "slides" off the display and the menu "slides" onto the
        // display.
        for(ui8Y = 0; ui8Y < 64; ui8Y++)
            GrImageDraw(&sDisplayContext, pui8SplashLogo, 0, -ui8Y);
            GrImageDraw(&sDisplayContext, g_pui8OffscreenBufA, 0, 63 - ui8Y);

    // Add the menu widget to the widget tree and send an initial paint
    // request.
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sMenuWidget);

    // Set the focus handle to the menu widget.  Any button events will be
    // sent to this widget
    g_ui32KeyFocusWidgetHandle = (uint32_t)&g_sMenuWidget;

    // Forever loop to run the application

        // Each time the timer tick occurs, process any button events.
        if(g_ui32TickCount != ui32LastTickCount)
            // Remember last tick count
            ui32LastTickCount = g_ui32TickCount;

            // Read the debounced state of the buttons.
            ui8ButtonState = ButtonsPoll(&ui8ButtonChanged, 0);

            // Pass any button presses through to the widget message
            // processing mechanism.  The widget that has the button event
            // focus (probably the menu widget) will catch these button events.
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(SELECT_BUTTON, ui8ButtonState, ui8ButtonChanged))
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(UP_BUTTON, ui8ButtonState, ui8ButtonChanged))
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(DOWN_BUTTON, ui8ButtonState, ui8ButtonChanged))
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(LEFT_BUTTON, ui8ButtonState, ui8ButtonChanged))
            if(BUTTON_PRESSED(RIGHT_BUTTON, ui8ButtonState, ui8ButtonChanged))

        // Tell the OTG library code how much time has passed in milliseconds
        // since the last call.

        // Call functions as needed to keep the host or device mode running.
        if(g_iCurrentUSBMode == eUSBModeDevice)
        else if(g_iCurrentUSBMode == eUSBModeHost)

        // If in the logging state, then call the logger run function.  This
        // keeps the data acquisition running.
        if((g_iLoggerState == eSTATE_LOGGING) ||
           (g_iLoggerState == eSTATE_VIEWING))
            if(AcquireRun() && g_sConfigState.ui32SleepLogging)
                // If sleep logging is enabled, then at this point we have
                // stored the first data item, now save the state and start
                // hibernation.  Wait for the power to be cut.
                HibernateWakeSet(HIBERNATE_WAKE_PIN | HIBERNATE_WAKE_RTC);

            // If viewing instead of logging then request a repaint to keep
            // the viewing window updated.
            if(g_iLoggerState == eSTATE_VIEWING)

        // If in the saving state, then save data from flash storage to
        // USB stick.
        if(g_iLoggerState == eSTATE_SAVING)
            // Save data from flash to USB

            // Return to idle state
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;

        // If in the erasing state, then erase the data stored in flash.
        if(g_iLoggerState == eSTATE_ERASING)
            // Save data from flash to USB

            // Return to idle state
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;

        // If in the flash reporting state, then show the report of the amount
        // of used and free flash memory.
        if(g_iLoggerState == eSTATE_FREEFLASH)
            // Report free flash space

            // Return to idle state
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;

        // If we are exiting the clock setting widget, that means that control
        // needs to be given back to the menu system.
        if(g_iLoggerState == eSTATE_CLOCKEXIT)
            // Give the button event focus back to the menu system
            g_ui32KeyFocusWidgetHandle = (uint32_t)&g_sMenuWidget;

            // Send a button event to the menu widget that means the left
            // key was pressed.  This signals the menu widget to deactivate
            // the current child widget (which was the clock setting wigdet).
            // This will cause the menu widget to slide the clock set widget
            // off the screen and resume control of the display.
            g_iLoggerState = eSTATE_IDLE;

        // Process any new messages that are in the widget queue.  This keeps
        // the user interface running.
Exemplo n.º 6
// A simple demonstration of the features of the Stellaris Graphics Library.
    tContext sContext;
    tRectangle sRect;

    // If running on Rev A2 silicon, turn the LDO voltage up to 2.75V.  This is
    // a workaround to allow the PLL to operate reliably.

    // Set the clocking to run from the PLL.

    // Initialize the display driver.

    // Turn on the backlight.

    // Initialize the graphics context.
    GrContextInit(&sContext, &g_sKitronix320x240x16_SSD2119);

    // Fill the top 24 rows of the screen with blue to create the banner.
    sRect.sXMin = 0;
    sRect.sYMin = 0;
    sRect.sXMax = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&sContext) - 1;
    sRect.sYMax = 23;
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, ClrDarkBlue);
    GrRectFill(&sContext, &sRect);

    // Put a white box around the banner.
    GrContextForegroundSet(&sContext, ClrWhite);
    GrRectDraw(&sContext, &sRect);

    // Put the application name in the middle of the banner.
    GrContextFontSet(&sContext, g_pFontCm20);
    GrStringDrawCentered(&sContext, "grlib demo", -1,
                         GrContextDpyWidthGet(&sContext) / 2, 11, 0);

    // Initialize the sound driver.

    // Initialize the touch screen driver and have it route its messages to the
    // widget tree.

    // Add the title block and the previous and next buttons to the widget
    // tree.
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sPrevious);
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sTitle);
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sNext);

    // Add the first panel to the widget tree.
    g_ulPanel = 0;
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)g_psPanels);
    CanvasTextSet(&g_sTitle, g_pcPanelNames[0]);

    // Issue the initial paint request to the widgets.

    // Loop forever unless we receive a signal that a firmware update has been
    // requested.
        // Process any messages in the widget message queue.

    // If we drop out, a firmware update request has been made.  We call
    // WidgetMessageQueueProcess once more to ensure that any final messages
    // are processed then jump into the bootloader.

    // Wait a while for the last keyboard click sound to finish.  This is about
    // 500mS since the delay loop is 3 cycles long.
    SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet() / 6);

    // Pass control to the bootloader.

    // The boot loader should take control, so this should never be reached.
    // Just in case, loop forever.