// Parameters --------------------------------------------------------------
// HWND hwnd : window handle
// Return value ------------------------------------------------------------
// BOOL : TRUE/FALSE (success/error)
VOID endHelp(HWND hwnd, HWND hHlp) {
   if (hHlp) {
      WinAssociateHelpInstance(NULLHANDLE, hwnd);
   } /* endif */
Exemplo n.º 2
 *  Destroys the help instance
 *  Name:   DestroyHelpInstance(VOID)
 *  Purpose: Destroys the help instance for the application
 *  Usage:  Called after exit from message loop
 *  Method: Calls WinDestroyHelpInstance() to destroy the
 *       help instance
 *  Returns:
VOID DestroyHelpInstance(PAGECFG *pstCFG)
  hwndHelpInstance = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static gui_help_instance InitHelp( HWND hwnd, WPI_INST inst, char *title, char *help_lib )
    HWND        hwndHelpInstance;
    HELPINIT    help;

    help.cb = sizeof( HELPINIT );
    help.pszTutorialName = NULL;
    help.phtHelpTable = NULL;
    help.hmodHelpTableModule = 0;
    help.hmodAccelActionBarModule = 0;
    help.idAccelTable = 0;
    help.idActionBar = 0;
    help.pszHelpWindowTitle = title;
#ifdef __FLAT__
    help.fShowPanelId = CMIC_HIDE_PANEL_ID;
    help.usShowPanelId = CMIC_HIDE_PANEL_ID;
    help.pszHelpLibraryName = help_lib;
    hwndHelpInstance = WinCreateHelpInstance( inst.hab, &help );
    if( hwndHelpInstance != (HWND)NULL ) {
        if( !WinAssociateHelpInstance( hwndHelpInstance, hwnd ) ) {
            WinDestroyHelpInstance( hwndHelpInstance );
            hwndHelpInstance = NULLHANDLE;

    return( (gui_help_instance)hwndHelpInstance );
 *  Name       : HelpDestroyInstance()
 *  Description: Destroys the help instance for the application
 *  Concepts   : Called during Exit list processing
 *               Calls WinDestroyHelpInstance() to destroy the
 *               help instance
 *  API's      : WinDestroyHelpInstance
 *  Parameters : [none]
 *  Return     : [none]
VOID HelpDestroyInstance(VOID)
   if(hwndHelpInstance != 0L)
   vfHelpEnabled = FALSE;
}   /* End of HelpDestroyInstance */
Exemplo n.º 5
static void FiniHelp( gui_help_instance inst, HWND hwnd, char *file )
    if( (HWND)inst != (HWND)NULL ) {
        WinAssociateHelpInstance( (HWND)inst, NULLHANDLE );
        WinDestroyHelpInstance( (HWND)inst );
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Procedure to close a window and its message queue.                                   *
 * Req:                                                                                 *
 *      pHwndHelp ..... A pointer to HELP window handle                                 *
 *      pHab .......... A pointer to extract the anchor block of the window             *
 *      pHmq .......... A pointer to extract message queue of the window                *
 * Returns:                                                                             *
 *      TRUE/FALSE .... If called sucessfully/unsucessfully                             *
BOOL    WinCloseDown(HWND *pHwndHelp, HAB *pHab, HMQ *pHmq)
if(!*pHwndHelp)                         /* Release HELP */
if(*pHmq!=NULLHANDLE)                   /* Release handle of message queue */
if(*pHab!=NULLHANDLE)                   /* Release handle of anchor block */
                                        /* Any error during WinStartUp */
if((*pHab==NULLHANDLE) || (*pHmq==NULLHANDLE)) return(FALSE);
else return(TRUE);
HWND HlpInit(
	HWND hwnd,
	HMODULE hmod, USHORT idHelpTable,
	const CHAR *szHelpFile,
	const CHAR *szTitle
	HAB hab = WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd);
	HWND hwndHelp;
	CHAR sz[256+1];

	hinit.cb                       = sizeof(HELPINIT);
	hinit.ulReturnCode             = 0L;

	/* HELPTABLE resource handle */
	hinit.hmodHelpTableModule      = hmod;
	hinit.phtHelpTable             = (HELPTABLE *) (0xffff0000L | idHelpTable);

	/* Help window title bar */
	strcpy(sz, szTitle);
	strcat(sz, " Help");
	hinit.pszHelpWindowTitle       = sz;

	/* Not showing panel IDs */
	hinit.fShowPanelId             = CMIC_HIDE_PANEL_ID;

	/* No tutorial program */
	hinit.pszTutorialName          = NULL;

	/* Action bar is not tailored */
	hinit.hmodAccelActionBarModule = (HMODULE) NULL;
	hinit.idAccelTable             = (USHORT) NULL;
	hinit.idActionBar              = (USHORT) NULL;

	/* No default librarys */
	hinit.pszHelpLibraryName       = "";

	if ( (hwndHelp = WinCreateHelpInstance(hab, &hinit)) == (HWND) NULL )
		HlpWarning(hwnd, "Unable to create help instance");
		return ( (HWND) NULL );

	if ( WinSendMsg(hwndHelp, HM_SET_HELP_LIBRARY_NAME, MPFROMP(szHelpFile), NULL) )
		HlpWarning(hwnd, "Unable to find help libraries");
		return ( (HWND) NULL );

	return ( hwndHelp );
// Parameters --------------------------------------------------------------
// HWND hwnd : window handle
// Return value ------------------------------------------------------------
// BOOL : TRUE/FALSE (success/error)
HWND initHelp(HWND hwnd) {
   HWND hHlp;
   CHAR buf[256];
   memset(&hi, 0, sizeof(HELPINIT));
   hi.cb = sizeof(HELPINIT);
   hi.phtHelpTable = PHLPTBLFROMID(HLP_MAIN);
   hi.pszHelpWindowTitle = SZ_TITLE;
   hi.fShowPanelId = CMIC_HIDE_PANEL_ID;
   hi.pszHelpLibraryName = SZFILE_HLP;
   if (!(hHlp = WinCreateHelpInstance(WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwnd), &hi)))
      return NULLHANDLE;
   if (hi.ulReturnCode) {
      hHlp = NULLHANDLE;
   } else {
      WinAssociateHelpInstance(hHlp, hwnd);
   } /* endif */
   return hHlp;
int main( void )
    HAB     hab;
    HMQ     hmq;
    HWND    hwndHelpInstance;   /* Handle to Help window    */
    HWND    hwndDlg;            // Main dlg window
    static SWCNTRL swctl;

    freopen ("err", "w", stderr);

    assert ((hab = WinInitialize (0)) != 0);
    assert ((hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue (hab, 0)) != 0);

    // Load main application dialog
    hwndDlg = WinLoadDlg (HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_DESKTOP,
        AirTrafficControlDlg, 0, IDDLG_CNRSAMP, 0);

    swctl.hwnd = hwndDlg;
    strcpy( swctl.szSwtitle, "Air Traffic Control Container" );
    WinAddSwitchEntry( &swctl );

    hwndHelpInstance = InitializeHelp (hab, hwndDlg, IDDLG_CNRSAMP,
        (PSZ) "atccnr.HLP", (
        PSZ) "Air Traffic Control Container Help Window", 0);

    WinProcessDlg (hwndDlg);

    if (hwndHelpInstance)
        WinDestroyHelpInstance (hwndHelpInstance);

    WinDestroyWindow (hwndDlg);

    WinDestroyMsgQueue (hmq);
    WinTerminate (hab);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Shutdown                                                                 *
 *  - Cleans up and terminates ASTEROID, returning any error conditions.    *
 *  - Receives error code.                                                  *
VOID Shutdown(ULONG ulErrLevel)
    /* Stop the timer. */

    /* Destroy the help instance if it was created */
    if (hwndHelp != NULLHANDLE) {
	WinAssociateHelpInstance(NULLHANDLE, hwndFrame);

    /* Destroy Object and Frame windows. */
    if (hwndObject != NULLHANDLE)
    if (hwndFrame != NULLHANDLE)

    /* Destroy the message queue and let PM clean up. */

    /* Return error code if any. */
    DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, ulErrLevel);
VOID HlpDeinit(HWND hwndHelp)
 *  Name       : main(argc, argv)
 *  Description: Initializes the application, gets and dispatches messages
 *               for the client window on thread 1 and terminates the
 *               application when a WM_QUIT message is received.  It then
 *               saves the configuration in os2.ini, destroys all OS/2
 *               PM resources, and terminates.
 *               The following routine is the Presentation Manager program
 *               main body. The main body of a PM program is concerned with
 *               associating the application with the Presentation Manager
 *               system, creating its message queue, registering and displaying
 *               its main window, servicing its message queue during the time
 *               that the application is active, and disassociating the
 *               application from PM when the user is finished with the
 *               it. The remaining parts of this source module that are
 *               concerned with the Presentation Manager are the application's
 *               window procedures (main window procedure, child window
 *               procedures, and dialog window procedures) that process the
 *               messages associated with the application's various windows.
 *  Concepts   : - obtains anchor block handle and creates message
 *                   queue
 *               - creates the main frame window which creates the
 *                   main client window
 *               - polls the message queue via Get/Dispatch Msg loop
 *               - upon exiting the loop, exits
 *  API's      :  WinInitialize
 *                WinCreateMsgQueue
 *                WinRegisterClass
 *                WinLoadString
 *                WinCreateHelpInstance
 *                WinMessageBox
 *                WinCreateStdWindow
 *                WinQueryWindowULong
 *                WinAssociateHelpInstance
 *                WinAddSwitchEntry
 *                WinGetMsg
 *                WinDispatchMsg
 *                WinRemoveSwitchEntry
 *                WinDestroyHelpInstance
 *                WinDestroyWindow
 *                WinDestroyMsgQueue
 *                WinTerminate
 *  Parameters :  [none]
 *  Return     :  Always returns zero.  The ANSI standard requires that
 *                main be declared as an INT.
INT main(INT argc, CHAR **argv)
                                        /* Define variables by type     */
   BOOL       bOK;                      /* Boolean used for return code */
   HAB        hab;                      /* PM anchor block handle       */
   HMQ        hmq;                      /* Message queue handle         */
   QMSG       qmsg;                     /* Message from message queue   */
   ULONG      ulCtlData;                /* Standard window create flags */
   HWND       hwndFrame;                /* Frame window handle          */
   HWND       hwndClient;               /* Client area window handle    */
   HWND       hwndHelp;                 /* Help window handle           */
   PMAIN_PARM pmp;                      /* Main parameters structure    */
   SWCNTRL    swctl;                    /* Struct to add to window list */
   HSWITCH    hsw;                      /* Window list handle ret'd     */
   HELPINIT   hmi;                      /* Struct for help creation     */
   CHAR       szWork[ LEN_WORKSTRING ]; /* General use string work area */
   PSZ        pszTitle;                 /* Pointer to program title     */

   /* normal PM application startup */
   hab = WinInitialize( 0 );
   hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue( hab, 0 );

    * Register a class for my client window's behavior.
    * This class has enough extra window words to hold a pointer.
   bOK = WinRegisterClass(
                     sizeof( PMAIN_PARM ));
    * Ensure WinRegisterClass worked ok; if not, present a message box.
    * ( See pmassert.h. )
   pmassert( hab, bOK );

   /* Load program title and allocate a local copy. Use it in help creation. */
   WinLoadString( hab, (HMODULE)NULLHANDLE,
                  PROGRAM_TITLE, LEN_WORKSTRING, szWork );
   pszTitle = strdup( szWork );

   /* Create help. */
   memset( &hmi, 0, sizeof( hmi ));
   hmi.cb                 = sizeof( HELPINIT );
   hmi.phtHelpTable       = (HELPTABLE *)(0xffff0000 | ID_PRTSAMP);
   hmi.pszHelpWindowTitle = pszTitle;
   hmi.pszHelpLibraryName = HELP_FILE;
   hwndHelp = WinCreateHelpInstance( hab, &hmi );
   if( ! hwndHelp )
      WinLoadString(hab, (HMODULE)NULLHANDLE,
                    ERRMSG_NO_HELP, LEN_WORKSTRING, szWork);
      WinMessageBox( HWND_DESKTOP,

   /* done with local copy of title text */
   free( pszTitle );

   /* flags to control creation of window; use on call to WinCreateStdWindow */
                           | FCF_MINMAX | FCF_MENU | FCF_ACCELTABLE
                           | FCF_HORZSCROLL | FCF_VERTSCROLL;

   hwndFrame = WinCreateStdWindow( HWND_DESKTOP,
                                   WS_VISIBLE | FS_ICON | FS_SHELLPOSITION,
                                   NULL,    /* title text set in prtcreat.c */
                                   0,       /* client style                 */
                                   (HMODULE)NULLHANDLE,  /* resources in exe */
                                   &hwndClient  );

   pmassert( hab, hwndFrame );
   pmassert( hab, hwndClient );

   /* create.c placed pointer to main params in client's window words; get it */
   pmp = (PMAIN_PARM) WinQueryWindowULong( hwndClient, QWL_USER );
   /* store help instance handle in main parameter block */
   pmp->hwndHelp  = hwndHelp;

   bOK = WinAssociateHelpInstance( hwndHelp, hwndFrame );
   pmassert( hab, bOK );

   /* Add program to task list. */
   memset( &swctl, 0, sizeof( SWCNTRL ));
   strcpy( swctl.szSwtitle, pmp->pszTitle );
   swctl.hwnd          = hwndFrame;
   swctl.uchVisibility = SWL_VISIBLE;
   swctl.fbJump        = SWL_JUMPABLE;
   hsw = WinAddSwitchEntry( &swctl );

   /* first parameter could be a filename, so store for later use */
   if (argc > 1)
      strcpy( pmp->szArgFilename, *argv);

   /* message loop */
   while( WinGetMsg( hab, &qmsg, (HWND)NULLHANDLE, 0, 0 ))
     WinDispatchMsg( hab, &qmsg );

   /* clean up */
   WinRemoveSwitchEntry( hsw );
   WinDestroyHelpInstance( hwndHelp );
   WinDestroyWindow( hwndFrame );
   WinDestroyMsgQueue( hmq );
   WinTerminate( hab );

   DosWaitThread( &pmp->tidObjectThread, DCWW_WAIT );
   return 0;
}  /* End of main() */
Exemplo n.º 13
Helper :: ~Helper (VOID)
    if (hwndHelpInstance)
        WinDestroyHelpInstance (hwndHelpInstance);
Exemplo n.º 14
BOOL CALLBACK CDialogDlgProc (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
   int i;
   class CDialog *dlgClass;

#if defined(__OS2__)
   dlgClass = (class CDialog *)WinQueryWindowULong (hwnd, QWL_USER);
#elif defined(__NT__)
   dlgClass = (class CDialog *)GetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_USERDATA);

   if (dlgClass != NULL) {
      dlgClass->m_msg = msg;
#if defined(__OS2__)
      dlgClass->m_mp1 = mp1;
      dlgClass->m_mp2 = mp2;
#elif defined(__NT__)
      dlgClass->m_wParam = wParam;
      dlgClass->m_lParam = lParam;

      msgMap = dlgClass->GetMessageMap ();

   switch (msg) {
#if defined(__OS2__)
      case WM_INITDLG: {
         CDIALOG_DATA *cData = (CDIALOG_DATA *)mp2;
#elif defined(__NT__)
      case WM_INITDIALOG: {
         CDIALOG_DATA *cData = (CDIALOG_DATA *)lParam;

         dlgClass = cData->Dlg;
         dlgClass->m_hWnd = hwnd;
         dlgClass->lv_Selected = -1;
#if defined(__OS2__)
         WinSetWindowULong (hwnd, QWL_USER, (ULONG)dlgClass);
#elif defined(__NT__)
         SetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)dlgClass);

         dlgClass->OnInitDialog ();
#if defined(__OS2__)
#elif defined(__NT__)
         return ((BOOL)TRUE);

#if defined(__OS2__)
      case WM_CONTROL:
         for (i = 0; msgMap[i].pfn != NULL; i++) {
            if (msgMap[i].nMessage == msg) {
               if (msgMap[i].nID >= SHORT1FROMMP (mp1) && msgMap[i].nLastID <= SHORT1FROMMP (mp1)) {
                  if (msgMap[i].nCode == SHORT2FROMMP (mp1)) {
                     (dlgClass->*msgMap[i].pfn) ();
         return (0);

#if defined(__NT__)
      case WM_NOTIFY: {
         LPNMHDR pnmh = (LPNMHDR)lParam;
         NM_LISTVIEW *pnmv = (NM_LISTVIEW *)lParam;

         if (pnmh->code == NM_DBLCLK)
            dlgClass->OnOK ();
         else if (pnmh->code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED) {
            if (!(pnmv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) && (pnmv->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED))
               dlgClass->lv_Selected = -1;
            if (pnmv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED)
               dlgClass->lv_Selected = (SHORT)pnmv->iItem;
         else {
            for (i = 0; msgMap[i].pfn != NULL; i++) {
               if (msgMap[i].nMessage == msg && msgMap[i].nCode == pnmh->code) {
                  if (msgMap[i].nID >= pnmh->idFrom && msgMap[i].nLastID <= pnmh->idFrom) {
                     (dlgClass->*msgMap[i].pfn) ();
         return (0);

#if defined(__OS2__)
      case WM_CHAR:
         if (SHORT1FROMMP (mp1) & KC_VIRTUALKEY && SHORT2FROMMP (mp2) == VK_F1)
            dlgClass->OnHelp ();

      case WM_HELP:
         dlgClass->OnHelp ();
#if defined(__OS2__)
      case WM_HELP: {
         USHORT id;
         HWND hwndHelpInstance;

         id = WinQueryWindowUShort (hwnd, QWS_ID);
         hwndHelpInstance = WinQueryHelpInstance (dlgClass->owner_hWnd);
         WinSendMsg (hwndHelpInstance, HM_DISPLAY_HELP, MPFROM2SHORT (id, 0), MPFROMSHORT (HM_RESOURCEID));

      case WM_COMMAND:
#if defined(__OS2__)
         switch (SHORT1FROMMP (mp1)) {
#elif defined(__NT__)
         switch (LOWORD (wParam)) {
            case IDOK:
               dlgClass->OnOK ();
            case IDCANCEL:
               dlgClass->OnCancel ();
            case IDHELP:
               dlgClass->OnHelp ();
               for (i = 0; msgMap[i].pfn != NULL; i++) {
#if defined(__OS2__)
                  if (msgMap[i].nMessage == msg) {
                     if (msgMap[i].nID >= SHORT1FROMMP (mp1) && msgMap[i].nLastID <= SHORT1FROMMP (mp1)) {
#elif defined(__NT__)
                  if (msgMap[i].nMessage == msg && msgMap[i].nCode == HIWORD (wParam)) {
                     if (msgMap[i].nID >= LOWORD (wParam) && msgMap[i].nLastID <= LOWORD (wParam)) {
                        (dlgClass->*msgMap[i].pfn) ();
         return (0);

#if defined(__NT__)
      case WM_CLOSE:
         EndDialog (hwnd, FALSE);

         if (msgMap != NULL) {
            for (i = 0; msgMap[i].pfn != NULL; i++) {
               if (msgMap[i].nMessage == msg) {
                  (dlgClass->*msgMap[i].pfn) ();
                  return (0);

#if defined(__OS2__)
   return (WinDefDlgProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2));
#elif defined(__NT__)
   return ((BOOL)FALSE);

CDialog::CDialog (PSZ dialogTemplate, HWND p_hWnd)
   strcpy (dlgTemplate, dialogTemplate);
   owner_hWnd = p_hWnd;
   help_hWnd = NULL;
#if defined(__OS2__)
   WinSetPointer (HWND_DESKTOP, WinQuerySysPointer (HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_WAIT, FALSE));
#elif defined(__NT__)

CDialog::~CDialog ()
#if defined(__OS2__)
   if (help_hWnd != NULL)
      WinDestroyHelpInstance (help_hWnd);
#elif defined(__NT__)

VOID CDialog::Center ()
#if defined(__OS2__)
   RECTL rc;
#elif defined(__NT__)
   RECT rc;

#if defined(__OS2__)
   WinQueryWindowRect (m_hWnd, &rc);
   rc.yTop = (WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN) - (rc.yTop - rc.yBottom)) / 2;
   rc.xLeft = (WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN) - (rc.xRight - rc.xLeft)) / 2;
   WinSetWindowPos (m_hWnd, NULL, rc.xLeft, rc.yTop, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE);
#elif defined(__NT__)
   GetWindowRect (m_hWnd, &rc);
   rc.top = (GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2;
   rc.left = (GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2;
   SetWindowPos (m_hWnd, NULL, rc.left, rc.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER);

LONG CDialog::DoModal ()
   LONG ulResult = 0L;
   CDIALOG_DATA cDialog;

   cDialog.cbSize = sizeof (CDIALOG_DATA);
   cDialog.Dlg = this;

#if defined(__OS2__)
   WinSetPointer (HWND_DESKTOP, WinQuerySysPointer (HWND_DESKTOP, SPTR_ARROW, FALSE));
   ulResult = WinDlgBox (HWND_DESKTOP, owner_hWnd, CDialogDlgProc, NULLHANDLE, atoi (dlgTemplate), &cDialog);
#elif defined(__NT__)
   ulResult = DialogBoxParam (hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE (atoi (dlgTemplate)), owner_hWnd, (DLGPROC)CDialogDlgProc, (LPARAM)&cDialog);

   return (ulResult);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Windowing API replacement
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

VOID CDialog::EndDialog (USHORT Result)
#if defined(__OS2__)
   WinDismissDlg (m_hWnd, Result);
#elif defined(__NT__)
   ::EndDialog (m_hWnd, Result);

VOID CDialog::GetDlgItemText (int id, PSZ text, USHORT size)
#if defined(__OS2__)
   WinQueryDlgItemText (m_hWnd, id, size, text);
#elif defined(__NT__)
   ::GetDlgItemText (m_hWnd, id, text, size);

VOID CDialog::GetDlgItemText (int id, USHORT size, PSZ text)
#if defined(__OS2__)
   WinQueryDlgItemText (m_hWnd, id, size, text);
#elif defined(__NT__)
   ::GetDlgItemText (m_hWnd, id, text, size);