Exemplo n.º 1
static BOOLEAN
WinLdrpBindImportName(IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ModuleListHead,
                      IN PVOID DllBase,
                      IN PVOID ImageBase,
                      IN PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA ThunkData,
                      IN PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY ExportDirectory,
                      IN ULONG ExportSize,
                      IN BOOLEAN ProcessForwards,
                      IN PCSTR DirectoryPath)
    ULONG Ordinal;
    PULONG NameTable, FunctionTable;
    PUSHORT OrdinalTable;
    LONG High, Low, Middle, Result;
    ULONG Hint;
    PCHAR ExportName, ForwarderName;
    BOOLEAN Success;

    //TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName(): DllBase 0x%X, ImageBase 0x%X, ThunkData 0x%X, ExportDirectory 0x%X, ExportSize %d, ProcessForwards 0x%X\n",
    //    DllBase, ImageBase, ThunkData, ExportDirectory, ExportSize, ProcessForwards);

    /* Check passed DllBase param */
    if(DllBase == NULL)
        WARN("DllBase == NULL!\n");
        return FALSE;

    /* Convert all non-critical pointers to PA from VA */
    ThunkData = VaToPa(ThunkData);

    /* Is the reference by ordinal? */
    if (IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL(ThunkData->u1.Ordinal) && !ProcessForwards)
        /* Yes, calculate the ordinal */
        Ordinal = (ULONG)(IMAGE_ORDINAL(ThunkData->u1.Ordinal) - (UINT32)ExportDirectory->Base);
        //TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName(): Ordinal %d\n", Ordinal);
        /* It's reference by name, we have to look it up in the export directory */
        if (!ProcessForwards)
            /* AddressOfData in thunk entry will become a virtual address (from relative) */
            //TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName(): ThunkData->u1.AOD was %p\n", ThunkData->u1.AddressOfData);
            ThunkData->u1.AddressOfData =
                (ULONG_PTR)RVA(ImageBase, ThunkData->u1.AddressOfData);
            //TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName(): ThunkData->u1.AOD became %p\n", ThunkData->u1.AddressOfData);

        /* Get the import name */
        ImportData = VaToPa((PVOID)ThunkData->u1.AddressOfData);

        /* Get pointers to Name and Ordinal tables (RVA -> VA) */
        NameTable = VaToPa(RVA(DllBase, ExportDirectory->AddressOfNames));
        OrdinalTable = VaToPa(RVA(DllBase, ExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals));

        //TRACE("NameTable 0x%X, OrdinalTable 0x%X, ED->AddressOfNames 0x%X, ED->AOFO 0x%X\n",
        //    NameTable, OrdinalTable, ExportDirectory->AddressOfNames, ExportDirectory->AddressOfNameOrdinals);

        /* Get the hint, convert it to a physical pointer */
        Hint = ((PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME)VaToPa((PVOID)ThunkData->u1.AddressOfData))->Hint;
        //TRACE("HintIndex %d\n", Hint);

        /* Get the export name from the hint */
        ExportName = VaToPa(RVA(DllBase, NameTable[Hint]));

        /* If Hint is less than total number of entries in the export directory,
           and import name == export name, then we can just get it from the OrdinalTable */
        if ((Hint < ExportDirectory->NumberOfNames) &&
            (strcmp(ExportName, (PCHAR)ImportData->Name) == 0))
            Ordinal = OrdinalTable[Hint];
            //TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName(): Ordinal %d\n", Ordinal);
            /* It's not the easy way, we have to lookup import name in the name table.
               Let's use a binary search for this task. */

            //TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName() looking up the import name using binary search...\n");

            /* Low boundary is set to 0, and high boundary to the maximum index */
            Low = 0;
            High = ExportDirectory->NumberOfNames - 1;

            /* Perform a binary-search loop */
            while (High >= Low)
                /* Divide by 2 by shifting to the right once */
                Middle = (Low + High) / 2;

                /* Get the name from the name table */
                ExportName = VaToPa(RVA(DllBase, NameTable[Middle]));

                /* Compare the names */
                Result = strcmp(ExportName, (PCHAR)ImportData->Name);

                /*TRACE("Binary search: comparing Import '__', Export '%s'\n",*/
                    /*(PCHAR)VaToPa(RVA(DllBase, NameTable[Middle])));*/

                /*TRACE("TE->u1.AOD %p, fulladdr %p\n",
                    ((PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME)VaToPa(ThunkData->u1.AddressOfData))->Name );*/

                /* Depending on result of strcmp, perform different actions */
                if (Result > 0)
                    /* Adjust top boundary */
                    High = Middle - 1;
                else if (Result < 0)
                    /* Adjust bottom boundary */
                    Low = Middle + 1;
                    /* Yay, found it! */

            /* If high boundary is less than low boundary, then no result found */
            if (High < Low)
                //Print(L"Error in binary search\n");
                ERR("Did not find export '%s'!\n", (PCHAR)ImportData->Name);
                return FALSE;

            /* Everything alright, get the ordinal */
            Ordinal = OrdinalTable[Middle];

            //TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName() found Ordinal %d\n", Ordinal);

    /* Check ordinal number for validity! */
    if (Ordinal >= ExportDirectory->NumberOfFunctions)
        ERR("Ordinal number is invalid!\n");
        return FALSE;

    /* Get a pointer to the function table */
    FunctionTable = (PULONG)VaToPa(RVA(DllBase, ExportDirectory->AddressOfFunctions));

    /* Save a pointer to the function */
    ThunkData->u1.Function = (ULONG_PTR)RVA(DllBase, FunctionTable[Ordinal]);

    /* Is it a forwarder? (function pointer is within the export directory) */
    ForwarderName = (PCHAR)VaToPa((PVOID)ThunkData->u1.Function);
    if (((ULONG_PTR)ForwarderName > (ULONG_PTR)ExportDirectory) &&
        ((ULONG_PTR)ForwarderName < ((ULONG_PTR)ExportDirectory + ExportSize)))
        PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry;
        CHAR ForwardDllName[255];
        PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY RefExportDirectory;
        ULONG RefExportSize;
        TRACE("WinLdrpBindImportName(): ForwarderName %s\n", ForwarderName);

        /* Save the name of the forward dll */
        RtlCopyMemory(ForwardDllName, ForwarderName, sizeof(ForwardDllName));

        /* Strip out the symbol name */
        *strrchr(ForwardDllName,'.') = '\0';

        /* Check if the target image is already loaded */
        if (!WinLdrCheckForLoadedDll(ModuleListHead, ForwardDllName, &DataTableEntry))
            /* Check if the forward dll name has an extension */
            if (strchr(ForwardDllName, '.') == NULL)
                /* Name does not have an extension, append '.dll' */
                strcat(ForwardDllName, ".dll");

            /* Now let's try to load it! */
            Success = WinLdrpLoadAndScanReferencedDll(ModuleListHead,
            if (!Success)
                ERR("WinLdrpLoadAndScanReferencedDll() failed to load forwarder dll.\n");
                return Success;

        /* Get pointer to the export directory of loaded DLL */
        RefExportDirectory = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)

        /* Fail if it's NULL */
        if (RefExportDirectory)
            UCHAR Buffer[128];
            IMAGE_THUNK_DATA RefThunkData;
            PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME ImportByName;
            PCHAR ImportName;

            /* Get pointer to the import name */
            ImportName = strrchr(ForwarderName, '.') + 1;

            /* Create a IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME structure, pointing to the local Buffer */
            ImportByName = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME)Buffer;

            /* Fill the name with the import name */
            RtlCopyMemory(ImportByName->Name, ImportName, strlen(ImportName)+1);

            /* Set Hint to 0 */
            ImportByName->Hint = 0;

            /* And finally point ThunkData's AddressOfData to that structure */
            RefThunkData.u1.AddressOfData = (ULONG_PTR)ImportByName;

            /* And recursively call ourselves */
            Success = WinLdrpBindImportName(ModuleListHead,

            /* Fill out the ThunkData with data from RefThunkData */
            ThunkData->u1 = RefThunkData.u1;

            /* Return what we got from the recursive call */
            return Success;
            /* Fail if ExportDirectory is NULL */
            return FALSE;

    /* Success! */
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ModuleListHead,
                                IN PCCH DirectoryPath,
                                IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY ScanDTE)
    ULONG ImportTableSize;
    PCH ImportName;
    BOOLEAN Success;

    /* Get a pointer to the import table of this image */
    ImportTable = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData(VaToPa(ScanDTE->DllBase),

        UNICODE_STRING BaseName;
        BaseName.Buffer = VaToPa(ScanDTE->BaseDllName.Buffer);
        BaseName.MaximumLength = ScanDTE->BaseDllName.MaximumLength;
        BaseName.Length = ScanDTE->BaseDllName.Length;
        TRACE("WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(): %wZ ImportTable = 0x%X\n",
            &BaseName, ImportTable);

    /* If image doesn't have any import directory - just return success */
    if (ImportTable == NULL)
        return TRUE;

    /* Loop through all entries */
    for (;(ImportTable->Name != 0) && (ImportTable->FirstThunk != 0);ImportTable++)
        /* Get pointer to the name */
        ImportName = (PCH)VaToPa(RVA(ScanDTE->DllBase, ImportTable->Name));
        TRACE("WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(): Looking at %s\n", ImportName);

        /* In case we get a reference to ourselves - just skip it */
        if (WinLdrpCompareDllName(ImportName, &ScanDTE->BaseDllName))

        /* Load the DLL if it is not already loaded */
        if (!WinLdrCheckForLoadedDll(ModuleListHead, ImportName, &DataTableEntry))
            Success = WinLdrpLoadAndScanReferencedDll(ModuleListHead,
            if (!Success)
                ERR("WinLdrpLoadAndScanReferencedDll() failed\n");
                return Success;

        /* Scan its import address table */
        Success = WinLdrpScanImportAddressTable(ModuleListHead,
                                                (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)RVA(ScanDTE->DllBase, ImportTable->FirstThunk),

        if (!Success)
            ERR("WinLdrpScanImportAddressTable() failed: ImportName = '%s', DirectoryPath = '%s'\n",
                ImportName, DirectoryPath);
            return Success;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
static BOOLEAN
WinLdrLoadDeviceDriver(PLIST_ENTRY LoadOrderListHead,
                       LPCSTR BootPath,
                       PUNICODE_STRING FilePath,
                       ULONG Flags,
                       PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *DriverDTE)
    CHAR FullPath[1024];
    CHAR DriverPath[1024];
    CHAR DllName[1024];
    PCHAR DriverNamePos;
    BOOLEAN Status;
    PVOID DriverBase = NULL;

    // Separate the path to file name and directory path
    _snprintf(DriverPath, sizeof(DriverPath), "%wZ", FilePath);
    DriverNamePos = strrchr(DriverPath, '\\');
    if (DriverNamePos != NULL)
        // Copy the name
        strcpy(DllName, DriverNamePos+1);

        // Cut out the name from the path
        *(DriverNamePos+1) = 0;
        // There is no directory in the path
        strcpy(DllName, DriverPath);
        DriverPath[0] = 0;

    TRACE("DriverPath: %s, DllName: %s, LPB\n", DriverPath, DllName);

    // Check if driver is already loaded
    Status = WinLdrCheckForLoadedDll(LoadOrderListHead, DllName, DriverDTE);
    if (Status)
        // We've got the pointer to its DTE, just return success
        return TRUE;

    // It's not loaded, we have to load it
    _snprintf(FullPath, sizeof(FullPath), "%s%wZ", BootPath, FilePath);
    Status = WinLdrLoadImage(FullPath, LoaderBootDriver, &DriverBase);
    if (!Status)
        return FALSE;

    // Allocate a DTE for it
    Status = WinLdrAllocateDataTableEntry(LoadOrderListHead, DllName, DllName, DriverBase, DriverDTE);
    if (!Status)
        ERR("WinLdrAllocateDataTableEntry() failed\n");
        return FALSE;

    // Modify any flags, if needed
    (*DriverDTE)->Flags |= Flags;

    // Look for any dependencies it may have, and load them too
    sprintf(FullPath,"%s%s", BootPath, DriverPath);
    Status = WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable(LoadOrderListHead, FullPath, *DriverDTE);
    if (!Status)
        ERR("WinLdrScanImportDescriptorTable() failed for %s\n", FullPath);
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;