Exemplo n.º 1
 * ImcDisableSurebootTimer - IMC Disable Sureboot Timer.
 * @param[in] FchDataPtr Fch configuration structure pointer.
ImcDisableSurebootTimer (
  IN  VOID     *FchDataPtr
  UINT8   Msgdata;
  AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader;

  StdHeader = ((FCH_DATA_BLOCK *) FchDataPtr)->StdHeader;

  if (!(IsImcEnabled (StdHeader)) ) {
    return;                                      ///IMC is not enabled

  ImcWakeup (FchDataPtr);
  Msgdata = 0x00;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_REG0, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  Msgdata = 0x01;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_REG1, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  Msgdata = 0x00;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_REG2, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  Msgdata = 0x94;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  WaitForEcLDN9MailboxCmdAck (StdHeader);
  ImcSleep (FchDataPtr);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * ImcSleep - IMC Sleep.
 * @param[in] FchDataPtr Fch configuration structure pointer.
ImcSleep (
  IN  VOID     *FchDataPtr
  UINT8        Msgdata;
  FCH_DATA_BLOCK         *LocalCfgPtr;
  AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader;

  LocalCfgPtr = (FCH_DATA_BLOCK *) FchDataPtr;
  StdHeader = LocalCfgPtr->StdHeader;

  if (!(IsImcEnabled (StdHeader)) ) {
    return;                                                ///IMC is not enabled

  Msgdata = 0x00;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_REG0, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  Msgdata = 0xB4;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_REG1, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  Msgdata = 0x00;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_REG2, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  Msgdata = 0x96;
  WriteECmsg (MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  WaitForEcLDN9MailboxCmdAck (StdHeader);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * ImcCrashReset - IMC Crash Reset
 * @param[in] FchDataPtr Fch configuration structure pointer.
ImcCrashReset (
  IN  VOID     *FchDataPtr
  UINT8        Msgdata;
  FCH_DATA_BLOCK         *LocalCfgPtr;
  AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader;

  LocalCfgPtr = (FCH_DATA_BLOCK *) FchDataPtr;
  StdHeader = LocalCfgPtr->StdHeader;

  if (!(IsImcEnabled (StdHeader)) ) {
    return;                                                ///IMC is not enabled

  ReadECmsg (MSG_REG0, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
  if ( Msgdata != 0xfa) {
    ReadECmsg (MSG_REGA, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
    if ( Msgdata != 0x5A ) {
      ReadECmsg (MSG_REGB, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
      if ( Msgdata != 0xA5 ) {
        // Set up MSG_REGA = 0x5A and MSG_REGB = 0xA5 as a flag to indicate IMC has been
        // reset once already, this is to prevent repeating the reset forever.
        Msgdata = 0x5A;
        WriteECmsg (MSG_REGA, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
        Msgdata = 0xA5;
        WriteECmsg (MSG_REGB, AccessWidth8, &Msgdata, StdHeader);
        SoftwareDisableImc (LocalCfgPtr);
Exemplo n.º 4
void enable_imc_thermal_zone(void)
	UINT8 FunNum;
	UINT8 regs[9];
	int i;

	regs[0] = 0;
	regs[1] = 0;
	FunNum = Fun_80;
	for (i=0; i<=1; i++)
		WriteECmsg(MSG_REG0 + i, AccessWidth8, &regs[i], &StdHeader);
	WriteECmsg(MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccessWidth8, &FunNum, &StdHeader);     // function number

	for (i=2; i<=9; i++)
		ReadECmsg(MSG_REG0 + i, AccessWidth8, &regs[i], &StdHeader);

	/* enable thermal zone 0 */
	regs[2] |= 1;
	regs[0] = 0;
	regs[1] = 0;
	FunNum = Fun_81;
	for (i=0; i<=9; i++)
		WriteECmsg(MSG_REG0 + i, AccessWidth8, &regs[i], &StdHeader);
	WriteECmsg(MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccessWidth8, &FunNum, &StdHeader);     // function number
Exemplo n.º 5
;Procedure:  SBIMCFanInitializeS3
;Description:  This routine initialize IMC fan when S3 resume
;Exit:  None
;Modified:  None
SBIMCFanInitializeS3 (VOID)
    UINT8 dbPortStatus,Value80,Value82,Value83,Value84;

    getChipSysMode (&dbPortStatus);
    if ((dbPortStatus & ChipSysEcEnable) != 0) {
        Value80 = 0x98;
        Value82 = 0x00;
        Value83 = 0x02;
        Value84 = 0x00;

        // Clear MSG_REG0 to receive acknowledge byte
        WriteECmsg (MSG_REG0, AccWidthUint8, &Value82);
        // Set MSG_REG1
        //   0x02 -  Notify IMC that the system is waken from any sleep state
        WriteECmsg (MSG_REG1, AccWidthUint8, &Value83);
        // Set timeout counter value to 00 which disables watchdog timer
        WriteECmsg (MSG_REG2, AccWidthUint8, &Value84);
        // Write mailbox function number to kick off the command
        //   0x98 -  IMC System Sleep and Wake Services        
        WriteECmsg (MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccWidthUint8, &Value80);
        // Read acknowledge byte to make sure function is executed properly
        WaitForEcLDN9MailboxCmdAck ();
Exemplo n.º 6
static void ImcWakeup(void)
	u8	cmd_val = 0x96;		/* Kick off IMC Mailbox command 96 */
	u8	reg0_val = 0;;		/* clear response register */
	u8	reg1_val = 0xB5;	/* release ownership flag */

	WriteECmsg (MSG_REG0, AccWidthUint8, &reg0_val);
	WriteECmsg (MSG_REG1, AccWidthUint8, &reg1_val);
	WriteECmsg (MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccWidthUint8, &cmd_val);

Exemplo n.º 7
;Procedure:  sbECfancontrolservice
;Description:  This routine service EC fan policy
;Exit:  None
;Modified:  None
sbECfancontrolservice (
  IN     AMDSBCFG* pConfig
  UINT8 ZoneNum;
  UINT8 FunNum;
  UINT8 RegNum;
  UINT8 * CurPoint;
  UINT8 FunIndex;
  BOOLEAN IsSendEcMsg;

  CurPoint = &pConfig->Pecstruct.MSGFun81zone0MSGREG0 + MaxZone[0] * (MaxRegister[0] - MSG_REG0 + 1);
  for ( FunIndex = 1; FunIndex <= 3; FunIndex++ ) {
    FunNum = FunctionNumber[FunIndex];
    for ( ZoneNum = 0; ZoneNum < MaxZone[FunIndex]; ZoneNum++ ) {
      IsSendEcMsg = IsZoneFuncEnable (pConfig->Pecstruct.IMCFUNSupportBitMap, FunIndex, ZoneNum);
      for ( RegNum = MSG_REG0; RegNum <= MaxRegister[FunIndex]; RegNum++ ) {
        if (IsSendEcMsg) {
          WriteECmsg (RegNum, AccWidthUint8, CurPoint); //
        CurPoint += 1;
      if (IsSendEcMsg) {
        WriteECmsg (MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccWidthUint8, &FunNum); // function number
        WaitForEcLDN9MailboxCmdAck ();
  CurPoint = &pConfig->Pecstruct.MSGFun81zone0MSGREG0;
  for ( FunIndex = 0; FunIndex <= 0; FunIndex++ ) {
    FunNum = FunctionNumber[FunIndex];
    for ( ZoneNum = 0; ZoneNum < MaxZone[FunIndex]; ZoneNum++ ) {
      IsSendEcMsg = IsZoneFuncEnable (pConfig->Pecstruct.IMCFUNSupportBitMap, FunIndex, ZoneNum);
      for ( RegNum = MSG_REG0; RegNum <= MaxRegister[FunIndex]; RegNum++ ) {
        if (IsSendEcMsg) {
          WriteECmsg (RegNum, AccWidthUint8, CurPoint); //
        CurPoint += 1;
      if (IsSendEcMsg) {
        WriteECmsg (MSG_SYS_TO_IMC, AccWidthUint8, &FunNum); // function number
        WaitForEcLDN9MailboxCmdAck ();