Exemplo n.º 1
// For example, mintty is terminated ‘abnormally’. It calls TerminateProcess instead of ExitProcess.
BOOL WINAPI OnTerminateProcess(HANDLE hProcess, UINT uExitCode)
	//typedef BOOL (WINAPI* OnTerminateProcess_t)(HANDLE hProcess, UINT uExitCode);
	BOOL lbRc;

	if (hProcess == GetCurrentProcess())
		wchar_t szInfo[80]; _wsprintf(szInfo, SKIPCOUNT(szInfo) L"\n\x1B[1;31;40m::TerminateProcess(%u) called\x1B[m\n", uExitCode);
		WriteProcessed2(szInfo, lstrlen(szInfo), NULL, wps_Error);

		gnDllState |= ds_OnTerminateProcess;
		// We don't need to do proper/full deinitialization,
		// because the process is to be terminated abnormally
		DoDllStop(false, ds_OnTerminateProcess);

		lbRc = F(TerminateProcess)(hProcess, uExitCode);
		lbRc = F(TerminateProcess)(hProcess, uExitCode);

	return lbRc;
Exemplo n.º 2
// May be called from "C" programs
VOID WINAPI OnExitProcess(UINT uExitCode)
	//typedef BOOL (WINAPI* OnExitProcess_t)(UINT uExitCode);

	#if 0
	if (gbIsLessProcess)
		_ASSERTE(FALSE && "Continue to ExitProcess");

	gnDllState |= ds_OnExitProcess;

	wchar_t szInfo[80]; _wsprintf(szInfo, SKIPCOUNT(szInfo) L"\n\x1B[1;31;40m::ExitProcess(%u) called\x1B[m\n", uExitCode);
	WriteProcessed2(szInfo, lstrlen(szInfo), NULL, wps_Error);

	// And terminate our threads
	DoDllStop(false, ds_OnExitProcess);

	bool bUseForceTerminate;

	// Issue 1865: Due to possible dead locks in LdrpAcquireLoaderLock() call TerminateProcess
	bUseForceTerminate = gbHookServerForcedTermination;

	// gh#272: For unknown yet reason existance of nvd3d9wrap.dll (or nvd3d9wrapx.dll on 64-bit)
	//		caused stack overflow with following calls
	//		nvd3d9wrap!GetNVDisplayW+0x174f
	//		nvd3d9wrap!GetNVDisplayW+0x174f
	//		user32!_UserClientDllInitialize+0x2ca
	//		ntdll!LdrpCallInitRoutine+0x14
	//		ntdll!LdrShutdownProcess+0x1aa
	//		ntdll!RtlExitUserProcess+0x74
	//		kernel32!ExitProcessStub+0x12
	//		CallExit!main+0x47
	if (!bUseForceTerminate && GetModuleHandle(WIN3264TEST(L"nvd3d9wrap.dll",L"nvd3d9wrapx.dll")))
		bUseForceTerminate = true;
	#endif // USE_GH_272_WORKAROUND

	bUseForceTerminate = true;

	if (bUseForceTerminate)
		//CancelSynchronousIo(GetCurrentThread()); // -- VISTA

		//HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

		F(TerminateProcess)(GetCurrentProcess(), uExitCode);
		return; // Assume not to get here

Exemplo n.º 3
/// Returns ThreadID of main thread
/// If the process was started by standard ConEmuC/ConEmuHk functions,
/// this function is called with (bUseCurrentAsMain==true) from DllMain.
/// Otherwise we must enumerate **all** processes in system, there is no
/// way to enumerate only current process threads unfortunately.
/// Also, enumerating threads may cause noticeable lags, but we can't
/// do anything with that... However, this is rare situation, and in most
/// cases main thread ID is initialized with (bUseCurrentAsMain==true).
DWORD GetMainThreadId(bool bUseCurrentAsMain)
	// Найти ID основной нити
	if (!gnHookMainThreadId)
		if (bUseCurrentAsMain)
			// Only one thread is expected at the moment
			gnHookMainThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
			DWORD dwPID = GetCurrentProcessId();

			wchar_t szInfo[160], szTail[32];
			msprintf(szInfo, countof(szInfo), L"\x1B[1;31;40m" L"*** [PID=%u %s] GetMainThreadId is using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", dwPID, gsExeName);
			wcscpy_c(szTail, L"\x1B[1;31;40m" L" ***" L"\x1B[0m" L"\n");
			WriteProcessed2(szInfo, wcslen(szInfo), NULL, wps_Error);

			// Unfortunately, dwPID is ignored in TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD
			HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, dwPID);

			if (snapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
				THREADENTRY32 module = {sizeof(THREADENTRY32)};

				if (Thread32First(snapshot, &module))
					// Don't stop enumeration on first thread, populate gStartedThreads
						if (module.th32OwnerProcessID == dwPID)
							DWORD nTID = module.th32ThreadID;

							if (!gnHookMainThreadId)
								gnHookMainThreadId = nTID;

							if (!gStartedThreads.Get(nTID, NULL))
								gStartedThreads.Set(nTID, FALSE);

					} while (Thread32Next(snapshot, &module));


			WriteProcessed2(szTail, wcslen(szTail), NULL, wps_Error);

	#ifdef _DEBUG
	char szInfo[100];
	msprintf(szInfo, countof(szInfo), "GetMainThreadId()=%u, TID=%u\n", gnHookMainThreadId, GetCurrentThreadId());

	return gnHookMainThreadId;