Exemplo n.º 1
// Invokes a method on all installed game systems in proper order
void InvokeMethod( GameSystemFunc_t f, char const *timed /*=0*/ )
#if defined( _XBOX )
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
	char sz[ 128 ];
	NOTE_UNUSED( timed );
	int i;
	int c = s_GameSystems.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c ; ++i )
		IGameSystem *sys = s_GameSystems[i];


#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
		if ( timed )
			Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->%s():Start", sys->Name(), timed );
			XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
		if ( timed )
			Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->%s():Finish", sys->Name(), timed );
			XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
Exemplo n.º 2
// Purpose: For debugging startup times, etc.
// Input  : *fmt - 
//			... - 
void COM_TimestampedLog( char const *fmt, ... )
	static float s_LastStamp = 0.0;
	static bool s_bShouldLog = false;
	static bool s_bChecked = false;
	static bool	s_bFirstWrite = false;

	if ( !s_bChecked )
//		s_bShouldLog = ( IsX360() || CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-profile" ) ) ? true : false;
		s_bShouldLog = false;
		s_bChecked = true;
	if ( !s_bShouldLog )

	char string[1024];
	va_list argptr;
	va_start( argptr, fmt );
	_vsnprintf( string, sizeof( string ), fmt, argptr );
	va_end( argptr );

	float curStamp = Plat_FloatTime();

#if defined( _X360 )
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( curStamp, string );

	if ( IsPC() )
		if ( !s_bFirstWrite )
			unlink( "timestamped.log" );
			s_bFirstWrite = true;

		FILE* fp = fopen( "timestamped.log", "at+" );
		fprintf( fp, "%8.4f / %8.4f:  %s\n", curStamp, curStamp - s_LastStamp, string );
		fclose( fp );

	s_LastStamp = curStamp;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Invokes methods on all installed game systems
bool IGameSystem::InitAllSystems()
	int i;

		// first add any auto systems to the end
		CAutoGameSystem *pSystem = s_pSystemList;
		while ( pSystem )
			if ( s_GameSystems.Find( pSystem ) == s_GameSystems.InvalidIndex() )
				Add( pSystem );
				DevWarning( 1, "AutoGameSystem already added to game system list!!!\n" );
			pSystem = pSystem->m_pNext;
		s_pSystemList = NULL;

		CAutoGameSystemPerFrame *pSystem = s_pPerFrameSystemList;
		while ( pSystem )
			if ( s_GameSystems.Find( pSystem ) == s_GameSystems.InvalidIndex() )
				Add( pSystem );
				DevWarning( 1, "AutoGameSystem already added to game system list!!!\n" );

			pSystem = pSystem->m_pNext;
		s_pSystemList = NULL;
	// Now remember that we are initted so new CAutoGameSystems will add themselves automatically.
	s_bSystemsInitted = true;

	for ( i = 0; i < s_GameSystems.Count(); ++i )

		IGameSystem *sys = s_GameSystems[i];

#if defined( _X360 )
		char sz[128];
		Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->Init():Start", sys->Name() );
		XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
		bool valid = sys->Init();

#if defined( _X360 )
		Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s->Init():Finish", sys->Name() );
		XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
		if ( !valid )
			return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool ConCommandBaseMgr::Fixup(ConCommandBase* pConCommand)
	ConCommandBase	*pCur;
	ConCommandBase	*pPrev2;
	ConCommandBase	*pCur2;
	ConCommandBase	*pNext2;
	const char		*name;
	static int		initCount = 0;

	// xboxissue - cvars and its class hierarchy could not be made to instance per subsystem
	// without massive mangling and re-arranging, instead...
	// there is only a single chain and therefore single /init/fixup
	// missing: need to identify which subsystem
	// could pass as part of declaration in constructor, but how to hide parameter for pc
	// the accessors (aka callbacks to subsystems) to register with engine 
	// cannot be invoked as their unlink logic expect private lists
	// so this just mimics the expected end result
	// must handle early and late constructors
	// late constructors are usually function scoped static
	if (!pConCommand)
		// the caller is one-time-init 
		if (++initCount > 1)
			// the list has already been fixed
			return true;
		// the caller is a console command constructor
		if (!initCount)
			// the list has not been fixed yet 
			// no special behavior
			return false;
			// the list has already been fixed
			// the console command is a late constructor
			// add in to fixed list 
			bool hasParent = false;
			if (!pConCommand->IsCommand())
				pCur  = ConCommandBase::s_pConCommandBases;
				while (pCur)
					if (pCur->IsCommand() && !stricmp(pCur->m_pszName, pConCommand->m_pszName))
						// set its parent
						((ConVar*)pConCommand)->m_pParent = ((ConVar*)pCur)->m_pParent;
						hasParent = true;
					pCur = pCur->m_pNext;
			if (!hasParent)
				// add to head of list
				pConCommand->m_pNext = ConCommandBase::s_pConCommandBases;
				ConCommandBase::s_pConCommandBases = pConCommand;
				return true;

	if (initCount == 1)
		// iterate the cvars and set their possible proxy parents
		// skip over registered (fixed) entries
		pCur = ConCommandBase::s_pConCommandBases;
		while (pCur)
			if (!pCur->IsCommand() && !pCur->m_bRegistered)
				// iterate from the next node until end of list
				name   = pCur->m_pszName; 
				pPrev2 = pCur;		
				pCur2  = pCur->m_pNext;
				while (pCur2)
					pNext2 = pCur2->m_pNext;
					if (!pCur2->IsCommand() && !stricmp(pCur2->m_pszName, name))
						// found duplicate
						// unlink and fixup
						pCur2->m_pNext  = NULL;
						pPrev2->m_pNext = pNext2;

						// set its parent
						((ConVar*)pCur2)->m_pParent = ((ConVar*)pCur)->m_pParent;
						// no unlink, advance to next node
						pPrev2 = pCur2;

					pCur2 = pNext2;

				char const *pValue = GetCommandLineValue(name);
				if (pValue)
			pCur = pCur->m_pNext;

#if !defined( _RETAIL )
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), "xbx PublishCommands:Start" );

	PublishCommands( false );

	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), "xbx PublishCommands:Done" );

	// fixup has been performed
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
// Purpose: Only called on BSP load. Parses and spawns all the entities in the BSP.
// Input  : pMapData - Pointer to the entity data block to parse.
void MapEntity_ParseAllEntities(const char *pMapData, IMapEntityFilter *pFilter, bool bActivateEntities)

	HierarchicalSpawnMapData_t pSpawnMapData[NUM_ENT_ENTRIES];
	HierarchicalSpawn_t pSpawnList[NUM_ENT_ENTRIES];
	CUtlVector< CPointTemplate* > pPointTemplates;
	int nEntities = 0;

	char szTokenBuffer[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];

#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
	char sz[ 128 ];
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities():Start" );
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
	// Allow the tools to spawn different things
	if ( serverenginetools )
		pMapData = serverenginetools->GetEntityData( pMapData );

	//  Loop through all entities in the map data, creating each.
	for ( ; true; pMapData = MapEntity_SkipToNextEntity(pMapData, szTokenBuffer) )
		// Parse the opening brace.
		char token[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];
		pMapData = MapEntity_ParseToken( pMapData, token );

		// Check to see if we've finished or not.
		if (!pMapData)

		if (token[0] != '{')
			Error( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities: found %s when expecting {", token);

		// Parse the entity and add it to the spawn list.
		CBaseEntity *pEntity;
		const char *pCurMapData = pMapData;
		pMapData = MapEntity_ParseEntity(pEntity, pMapData, pFilter);
		if (pEntity == NULL)

		if (pEntity->IsTemplate())
			// It's a template entity. Squirrel away its keyvalue text so that we can
			// recreate the entity later via a spawner. pMapData points at the '}'
			// so we must add one to include it in the string.
			Templates_Add(pEntity, pCurMapData, (pMapData - pCurMapData) + 2);

			// Remove the template entity so that it does not show up in FindEntityXXX searches.

		// To 
		if ( dynamic_cast<CWorld*>( pEntity ) )
			VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnWorld");

			pEntity->m_iParent = NULL_STRING;	// don't allow a parent on the first entity (worldspawn)

		CNodeEnt *pNode = dynamic_cast<CNodeEnt*>(pEntity);
		if ( pNode )
			VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnTransients");

			// We overflow the max edicts on large maps that have lots of entities.
			// Nodes & Lights remove themselves immediately on Spawn(), so dispatch their
			// spawn now, to free up the slot inside this loop.
			// NOTE: This solution prevents nodes & lights from being used inside point_templates.
			// NOTE: Nodes spawn other entities (ai_hint) if they need to have a persistent presence.
			//		 To ensure keys are copied over into the new entity, we pass the mapdata into the
			//		 node spawn function.
			if ( pNode->Spawn( pCurMapData ) < 0 )

		if ( dynamic_cast<CLight*>(pEntity) )
			VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnTransients");

			// We overflow the max edicts on large maps that have lots of entities.
			// Nodes & Lights remove themselves immediately on Spawn(), so dispatch their
			// spawn now, to free up the slot inside this loop.
			// NOTE: This solution prevents nodes & lights from being used inside point_templates.
			if (DispatchSpawn(pEntity) < 0)

		// Build a list of all point_template's so we can spawn them before everything else
		CPointTemplate *pTemplate = dynamic_cast< CPointTemplate* >(pEntity);
		if ( pTemplate )
			pPointTemplates.AddToTail( pTemplate );
			// Queue up this entity for spawning
			pSpawnList[nEntities].m_pEntity = pEntity;
			pSpawnList[nEntities].m_nDepth = 0;
			pSpawnMapData[nEntities].m_pMapData = pCurMapData;
			pSpawnMapData[nEntities].m_iMapDataLength = (pMapData - pCurMapData) + 2;
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "Template Spawn:Start" );
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
	// Now loop through all our point_template entities and tell them to make templates of everything they're pointing to
	int iTemplates = pPointTemplates.Count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < iTemplates; i++ )
		VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_SpawnTemplates");
		CPointTemplate *pPointTemplate = pPointTemplates[i];

		// First, tell the Point template to Spawn
		if ( DispatchSpawn(pPointTemplate) < 0 )


		// Now go through all it's templates and turn the entities into templates
		int iNumTemplates = pPointTemplate->GetNumTemplateEntities();
		for ( int iTemplateNum = 0; iTemplateNum < iNumTemplates; iTemplateNum++ )
			// Find it in the spawn list
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = pPointTemplate->GetTemplateEntity( iTemplateNum );
			for ( int iEntNum = 0; iEntNum < nEntities; iEntNum++ )
				if ( pSpawnList[iEntNum].m_pEntity == pEntity )
					// Give the point_template the mapdata
					pPointTemplate->AddTemplate( pEntity, pSpawnMapData[iEntNum].m_pMapData, pSpawnMapData[iEntNum].m_iMapDataLength );

					if ( pPointTemplate->ShouldRemoveTemplateEntities() )
						// Remove the template entity so that it does not show up in FindEntityXXX searches.

						// Remove the entity from the spawn list
						pSpawnList[iEntNum].m_pEntity = NULL;


#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "Template Spawn:Finish" );
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );

	SpawnHierarchicalList( nEntities, pSpawnList, bActivateEntities );

#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "SpawnHierarchicalList" );
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
Exemplo n.º 6
void SpawnAllEntities( int nEntities, HierarchicalSpawn_t *pSpawnList, bool bActivateEntities )
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
	char sz[ 128 ];
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "SpawnAllEntities(%d)", nEntities );
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );

	int nEntity;
	for (nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++)
		VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_Spawn");
		CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pEntity;

		if ( pEntity )
			if (DispatchSpawn(pEntity) < 0)
				for ( int i = nEntity+1; i < nEntities; i++ )
					// this is a child object that will be deleted now
					if ( pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity && pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity->IsMarkedForDeletion() )
						pSpawnList[i].m_pEntity = NULL;
				// Spawn failed.
				// Remove the entity from the spawn list
				pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pEntity = NULL;

#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "SpawnAllEntities(%d) -activate", nEntities );
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );
	if ( bActivateEntities )
		VPROF( "MapEntity_ParseAllEntities_Activate");
		bool bAsyncAnims = mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, false );
		for (nEntity = 0; nEntity < nEntities; nEntity++)
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = pSpawnList[nEntity].m_pEntity;

			if ( pEntity )
		mdlcache->SetAsyncLoad( MDLCACHE_ANIMBLOCK, bAsyncAnims );
#if !defined( _RETAIL )
#if defined( _XBOX )
	Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "SpawnAllEntities(%d) -done activating", nEntities );
	XBX_rTimeStampLog( Plat_FloatTime(), sz );