Exemplo n.º 1
 * Read config-variables from cfgfile and parse into input-structure.
 * An error is reported if the config-file reading fails, but the
 * individual variable-reads are treated as optional
XLALUserVarReadCfgfile ( const CHAR *cfgfile ) 	   /**< [in] name of config-file */
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfgfile != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( UVAR_vars.next != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "No memory allocated in UVAR_vars.next, did you register any user-variables?\n" );

  LALParsedDataFile *cfg = NULL;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseDataFile ( &cfg, cfgfile ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // step through all user-variable: read those with names from config-file
  LALUserVariable *ptr = &UVAR_vars;
  while ( (ptr=ptr->next) != NULL)
      if (ptr->name == NULL) {	// ignore name-less user-variable

      XLAL_CHECK ( (ptr->type > UVAR_TYPE_START) && (ptr->type < UVAR_TYPE_END), XLAL_EFAILED, "Invalid UVAR_TYPE '%d' outside of [%d,%d]\n", ptr->type, UVAR_TYPE_START+1, UVAR_TYPE_END-1 );

      BOOLEAN wasRead;
      CHAR *valString = NULL;       // first read the value as a string
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigSTRINGVariable ( &valString, cfg, NULL, ptr->name, &wasRead ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
      if ( wasRead ) // if successful, parse this as the desired type
          // destroy previous value, is applicable, then parse new one
          if ( UserVarTypeMap [ ptr->type ].destructor != NULL )
              UserVarTypeMap [ ptr->type ].destructor( *(char**)ptr->varp );
              *(char**)ptr->varp = NULL;
            } // if a destructor was registered
          XLAL_CHECK ( UserVarTypeMap [ ptr->type ].parser( ptr->varp, valString ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
          XLALFree (valString);
          check_and_mark_as_set ( ptr );
        } // if wasRead

    } // while ptr->next

  // ok, that should be it: check if there were more definitions we did not read
  UINT4Vector *unread = XLALConfigFileGetUnreadEntries ( cfg );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALConfigFileGetUnreadEntries() failed\n");
  if ( unread != NULL )
      XLALPrintWarning ("The following entries in config-file '%s' have not been parsed:\n", cfgfile );
      for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < unread->length; i ++ ) {
        XLALPrintWarning ("%s\n", cfg->lines->tokens[ unread->data[i] ] );
      XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( unread );

  XLALDestroyParsedDataFile ( cfg );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // XLALUserVarReadCfgfile()
Exemplo n.º 2
void XLALVPrintWarningMessage(const char *func, const char *file, int line,
                              const char *fmt, va_list ap)
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning");
    if (func && *func)
        XLALPrintWarning(" - %s", func);
    if (file && *file)
        XLALPrintWarning(" (%s:%d)", file, line);
    XLALPrintWarning(": ");
    XLALVPrintWarning(fmt, ap);
Exemplo n.º 3
    REAL4TimeSeries               *time,
    const COMPLEX8FrequencySeries *freq,
    const REAL4FFTPlan            *plan
  UINT4 j;

  if ( ! freq || ! time || ! plan )
  if ( freq->deltaF <= 0.0 )

  /* perform the transform */
  if ( XLALREAL4ReverseFFT( time->data, freq->data, plan ) == XLAL_FAILURE )

  /* adjust the units */
  if ( ! XLALUnitMultiply( &time->sampleUnits, &freq->sampleUnits, &lalHertzUnit ) )

  /* remaining fields */
  if ( freq->f0 )  /* TODO: need to figure out what to do here */
    XLALPrintWarning( "XLAL Warning - time series may have incorrect f0" );
  time->f0     = 0.0; /* FIXME: what if heterodyned data? */
  time->epoch  = freq->epoch;
  time->deltaT = 1.0 / ( freq->deltaF * time->data->length );

  /* provide the correct scaling of the result */
  for ( j = 0; j < time->data->length; ++j )
    time->data->data[j] *= freq->deltaF;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
    COMPLEX8FrequencySeries *freq,
    const REAL4TimeSeries   *time,
    const REAL4FFTPlan      *plan
  UINT4 k;

  if ( ! freq || ! time || ! plan )
  if ( time->deltaT <= 0.0 )

  /* perform the transform */
  if ( XLALREAL4ForwardFFT( freq->data, time->data, plan ) == XLAL_FAILURE )

  /* adjust the units */
  if ( ! XLALUnitMultiply( &freq->sampleUnits, &time->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit ) )

  /* remaining fields */
  if ( time->f0 )  /* TODO: need to figure out what to do here */
    XLALPrintWarning( "XLAL Warning - frequency series may have incorrect f0" );
  freq->f0     = 0.0; /* FIXME: what if heterodyned data? */
  freq->epoch  = time->epoch;
  freq->deltaF = 1.0 / ( time->deltaT * time->data->length );

  /* provide the correct scaling of the result */
  for ( k = 0; k < freq->data->length; ++k )
    freq->data->data[k] *= time->deltaT;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * \brief Serializes a \c LALInferenceVariables structure into a VOTable XML %node
 * This function takes a \c LALInferenceVariables structure and serializes it into a VOTable
 * \c PARAM %node identified by the given name. The returned \c xmlNode can then be
 * embedded into an existing %node hierarchy or turned into a full VOTable document.
 * \param vars [in] Pointer to the \c LALInferenceVariables structure to be serialized
 * \return A pointer to a \c xmlNode that holds the VOTable fragment that represents
 * the \c LALInferenceVariables structure.
 * In case of an error, a null-pointer is returned.\n
 * \b Important: the caller is responsible to free the allocated memory (when the
 * fragment isn't needed anymore) using \c xmlFreeNode. Alternatively, \c xmlFreeDoc
 * can be used later on when the returned fragment has been embedded in a XML document.
 * \sa LALInferenceVariableItem2VOTParamNode
 * \author John Veitch
xmlNodePtr XLALInferenceVariables2VOTParamNode (LALInferenceVariables *const vars)

  /* set up local variables */
  /*const char *fn = __func__;*/
  xmlNodePtr xmlChildNodeList = NULL;
  xmlNodePtr xmlChild;
  LALInferenceVariableItem *marker=vars->head;

  /* Walk through the LALInferenceVariables adding each one */
    xmlChild = (LALInferenceVariableItem2VOTParamNode(marker));
    if(!xmlChild) {
					/* clean up */
					/* if(xmlChildNodeList) xmlFreeNodeList(xmlChildNodeList); */
					XLALPrintWarning("Couldn't create PARAM node for %s\n", marker->name);
    if(!xmlChildNodeList) xmlChildNodeList=xmlChild;
    else xmlAddSibling(xmlChildNodeList,xmlChild);

Exemplo n.º 6
 * Mark the user-variable as set, check if it has been
 * set previously and issue a warning if set more than once ...
check_and_mark_as_set ( LALUserVariable *varp )
  // output warning if this variable has been set before ...
  if ( varp->was_set ) {
    XLALPrintWarning ( "User-variable '%s' was set more than once!\n", varp->name ? varp->name : "(NULL)" );

  varp->was_set = 1;

} // check_and_mark_as_set()
Exemplo n.º 7
 * \brief Serializes an array of \c LALInferenceVariables into a VOTable XML %node
 * This function takes a \c LALInferenceVariables structure and serializes it into a VOTable
 * \c RESOURCE %node identified by the given name. The returned \c xmlNode can then be
 * embedded into an existing %node hierarchy or turned into a full VOTable document.
 * A VOTable Table element is returned, with fixed variables as PARAMs and the varying ones as FIELDs.
 * \param varsArray [in] Pointer to an array of \c LALInferenceVariables structures to be serialized
 * \param N [in] Number of items in the array
 * \param tablename UNDOCUMENTED
 * \return A pointer to a \c xmlNode that holds the VOTable fragment that represents
 * the \c LALInferenceVariables array.
 * In case of an error, a null-pointer is returned.\n
 * \b Important: the caller is responsible to free the allocated memory (when the
 * fragment isn't needed anymore) using \c xmlFreeNode. Alternatively, \c xmlFreeDoc
 * can be used later on when the returned fragment has been embedded in a XML document.
 * \sa XLALCreateVOTParamNode
 * \sa XLALCreateVOTResourceNode
 * \author John Veitch
xmlNodePtr XLALInferenceVariablesArray2VOTTable(LALInferenceVariables * const *const varsArray, UINT4 N, const char *tablename)
  xmlNodePtr fieldNodeList=NULL;
  xmlNodePtr paramNodeList=NULL;
  xmlNodePtr xmlTABLEDATAnode=NULL;
  xmlNodePtr VOTtableNode=NULL;
  xmlNodePtr tmpNode=NULL;
  xmlNodePtr field_ptr,param_ptr;
  LALInferenceVariableItem *varitem=NULL;
  UINT4 Nfields=0;
  UINT4 bufsize=1024;
  int err;

	/* Sanity check input */
	if(!varsArray) {
		XLALPrintError("Received null varsArray pointer");
	if(N==0) return(NULL);

    char *field_names[varsArray[0]->dimension];

    /* Build a list of PARAM and FIELD elements */
				if(!tmpNode) {
					XLALPrintWarning ("%s: xmlAddNextSibling() failed to add field node for %s.\n", __func__, varitem->name );
				if(field_ptr) field_ptr=xmlAddNextSibling(field_ptr,tmpNode);
				else {field_ptr=tmpNode; fieldNodeList=field_ptr;}
				if(!tmpNode) {
					XLALPrintWarning ("%s: xmlAddNextSibling() failed to add param node for %s.\n", __func__, varitem->name );
				if(param_ptr) param_ptr=xmlAddNextSibling(param_ptr,tmpNode);
				else {param_ptr=tmpNode; paramNodeList=param_ptr;}
				XLALPrintWarning("Unknown param vary type");

			UINT4 row,col;
			/* create TABLEDATA node */
			if ( ( xmlTABLEDATAnode = xmlNewNode ( NULL, CAST_CONST_XMLCHAR("TABLEDATA") ))== NULL ) {
					XLALPrintError ("%s: xmlNewNode() failed to create 'TABLEDATA' node.\n", __func__ );
					err = XLAL_ENOMEM;
					goto failed;
			/* ---------- loop over data-arrays and generate each table-row */
			for ( row = 0; row < N; row ++ )
					/* create TR node */
					xmlNodePtr xmlThisRowNode = NULL;
					if ( (xmlThisRowNode = xmlNewNode ( NULL, CAST_CONST_XMLCHAR("TR") )) == NULL ) {
							XLALPrintError ("%s: xmlNewNode() failed to create new 'TR' node.\n", __func__ );
							err = XLAL_EFAILED;
							goto failed;
					if ( xmlAddChild(xmlTABLEDATAnode, xmlThisRowNode ) == NULL ) {
							XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to insert 'TR' node into 'TABLEDATA' node.\n", __func__ );
							err = XLAL_EFAILED;
							goto failed;

					/* ----- loop over columns and generate each table element */
					for ( col = 0; col < Nfields; col ++ )
							/* create TD node */
							xmlNodePtr xmlThisEntryNode = NULL;
							if ( (xmlThisEntryNode = xmlNewNode ( NULL, CAST_CONST_XMLCHAR("TD") )) == NULL ) {
									XLALPrintError ("%s: xmlNewNode() failed to create new 'TD' node.\n", __func__ );
									err = XLAL_EFAILED;
									goto failed;
							if ( xmlAddChild(xmlThisRowNode, xmlThisEntryNode ) == NULL ) {
									XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to insert 'TD' node into 'TR' node.\n", __func__ );
									err = XLAL_EFAILED;
									goto failed;

							char *valuestr=XLALCalloc(bufsize,sizeof(char));
							varitem = LALInferenceGetItem(varsArray[row],field_names[col]);
							UINT4 required_size=LALInferencePrintNVariableItem(valuestr,bufsize,varitem);

							xmlNodePtr xmlTextNode= xmlNewText (CAST_CONST_XMLCHAR(valuestr) );
							if ( xmlTextNode  == NULL ) {
									XLALPrintError("%s: xmlNewText() failed to turn text '%s' into node\n", __func__, valuestr );
									err = XLAL_EFAILED;
									goto failed;
							if ( xmlAddChild(xmlThisEntryNode, xmlTextNode ) == NULL ) {
									XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to insert text-node node into 'TD' node.\n", __func__ );
									err = XLAL_EFAILED;
									goto failed;

					} /* for col < numFields */

			} /* for row < numRows */

  /* Create a TABLE from the FIELDs, PARAMs, and TABLEDATA nodes */
  VOTtableNode= XLALCreateVOTTableNode (tablename, fieldNodeList, paramNodeList, xmlTABLEDATAnode );


      XLAL_ERROR_NULL ( err );


 * Core function for computing the ROM waveform.
 * Interpolate projection coefficient data and evaluate coefficients at desired (q, chi).
 * Construct 1D splines for amplitude and phase.
 * Compute strain waveform from amplitude and phase.
static int SEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpinCore(
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde,
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde,
  double phiRef,
  double fRef,
  double distance,
  double inclination,
  double Mtot_sec,
  double q,
  double chi,
  const REAL8Sequence *freqs_in, /* Frequency points at which to evaluate the waveform (Hz) */
  double deltaF
  /* If deltaF > 0, the frequency points given in freqs are uniformly spaced with
   * spacing deltaF. Otherwise, the frequency points are spaced non-uniformly.
   * Then we will use deltaF = 0 to create the frequency series we return. */
  /* Check output arrays */
  if(!hptilde || !hctilde)
  SEOBNRROMdata *romdata=&__lalsim_SEOBNRv1ROMSS_data;
  if(*hptilde || *hctilde) {
    XLALPrintError("(*hptilde) and (*hctilde) are supposed to be NULL, but got %p and %p",(*hptilde),(*hctilde));
  int retcode=0;

  // 'Nudge' parameter values to allowed boundary values if close by
  if (q < 1.0)    nudge(&q, 1.0, 1e-6);
  if (q > 100.0)  nudge(&q, 100.0, 1e-6);
  if (chi < -1.0) nudge(&chi, -1.0, 1e-6);
  if (chi > 0.6)  nudge(&chi, 0.6, 1e-6);

  /* If either spin > 0.6, model not available, exit */
  if ( chi < -1.0 || chi > 0.6 ) {
    XLALPrintError( "XLAL Error - %s: chi smaller than -1 or larger than 0.6!\nSEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpin is only available for spins in the range -1 <= a/M <= 0.6.\n", __func__);

  if (q > 100) {
    XLALPrintError( "XLAL Error - %s: q=%lf larger than 100!\nSEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpin is only available for q in the range 1 <= q <= 100.\n", __func__,q);

  if (q >= 20 && q <= 40 && chi < -0.75 && chi > -0.9) {
    XLALPrintWarning( "XLAL Warning - %s: q in [20,40] and chi in [-0.8]. The SEOBNRv1 model is not trustworthy in this region!\nSee Fig 15 in CQG 31 195010, 2014 for details.", __func__);

  /* Find frequency bounds */
  if (!freqs_in) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFAULT);
  double fLow  = freqs_in->data[0];
  double fHigh = freqs_in->data[freqs_in->length - 1];


  /* Convert to geometric units for frequency */
  double Mf_ROM_min = fmax(gA[0], gPhi[0]);               // lowest allowed geometric frequency for ROM
  double Mf_ROM_max = fmin(gA[nk_amp-1], gPhi[nk_phi-1]); // highest allowed geometric frequency for ROM
  double fLow_geom = fLow * Mtot_sec;
  double fHigh_geom = fHigh * Mtot_sec;
  double fRef_geom = fRef * Mtot_sec;
  double deltaF_geom = deltaF * Mtot_sec;

  // Enforce allowed geometric frequency range
  if (fLow_geom < Mf_ROM_min)
    XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EDOM, "Starting frequency Mflow=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
  if (fHigh_geom == 0)
    fHigh_geom = Mf_ROM_max;
  else if (fHigh_geom > Mf_ROM_max) {
	  XLALPrintWarning("Maximal frequency Mf_high=%g is greater than highest ROM frequency Mf_ROM_Max=%g. Using Mf_high=Mf_ROM_Max.", fHigh_geom, Mf_ROM_max);
	  fHigh_geom = Mf_ROM_max;
  else if (fHigh_geom < Mf_ROM_min)
    XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EDOM, "End frequency %g is smaller than starting frequency %g!\n", fHigh_geom, fLow_geom);
  if (fRef_geom > Mf_ROM_max) {
	  XLALPrintWarning("Reference frequency Mf_ref=%g is greater than maximal frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at maximal frequency in ROM.\n", fRef_geom, Mf_ROM_max);
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_max; // If fref > fhigh we reset fref to default value of cutoff frequency.
  if (fRef_geom < Mf_ROM_min) {
    XLALPrintWarning("Reference frequency Mf_ref=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_min;

  /* Internal storage for w.f. coefficiencts */
  SEOBNRROMdata_coeff *romdata_coeff=NULL;
  REAL8 amp_pre;

  /* Interpolate projection coefficients and evaluate them at (q,chi) */
    q,                         // Input: q-value for which projection coefficients should be evaluated
    chi,                       // Input: chi-value for which projection coefficients should be evaluated
    romdata->cvec_amp,         // Input: data for spline coefficients for amplitude
    romdata->cvec_phi,         // Input: data for spline coefficients for phase
    romdata->cvec_amp_pre,     // Input: data for spline coefficients for amplitude prefactor
    romdata_coeff->c_amp,      // Output: interpolated projection coefficients for amplitude
    romdata_coeff->c_phi,      // Output: interpolated projection coefficients for phase
    &amp_pre                   // Output: interpolated amplitude prefactor

  if(retcode!=0) {
    XLAL_ERROR(retcode, "Parameter-space interpolation failed.");

  // Compute function values of amplitude an phase on sparse frequency points by evaluating matrix vector products
  // amp_pts = B_A^T . c_A
  // phi_pts = B_phi^T . c_phi
  gsl_vector* amp_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nk_amp);
  gsl_vector* phi_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nk_phi);
  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, romdata->Bamp, romdata_coeff->c_amp, 0.0, amp_f);
  gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasTrans, 1.0, romdata->Bphi, romdata_coeff->c_phi, 0.0, phi_f);

  // Setup 1d splines in frequency
  gsl_interp_accel *acc_amp = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  gsl_spline *spline_amp = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nk_amp);
  gsl_spline_init(spline_amp, gA, gsl_vector_const_ptr(amp_f,0), nk_amp);

  gsl_interp_accel *acc_phi = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  gsl_spline *spline_phi = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nk_phi);
  gsl_spline_init(spline_phi, gPhi, gsl_vector_const_ptr(phi_f,0), nk_phi);

  size_t npts = 0;
  LIGOTimeGPS tC = {0, 0};
  UINT4 offset = 0; // Index shift between freqs and the frequency series
  REAL8Sequence *freqs = NULL;
  if (deltaF > 0)  { // freqs contains uniform frequency grid with spacing deltaF; we start at frequency 0
    /* Set up output array with size closest power of 2 */
    npts = NextPow2(fHigh_geom / deltaF_geom) + 1;
    if (fHigh_geom < fHigh * Mtot_sec) /* Resize waveform if user wants f_max larger than cutoff frequency */
      npts = NextPow2(fHigh * Mtot_sec / deltaF_geom) + 1;

    XLALGPSAdd(&tC, -1. / deltaF);  /* coalesce at t=0 */
    *hptilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hptilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, npts);
    *hctilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hctilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, npts);

    // Recreate freqs using only the lower and upper bounds
    UINT4 iStart = (UINT4) ceil(fLow_geom / deltaF_geom);
    UINT4 iStop = (UINT4) ceil(fHigh_geom / deltaF_geom);
    freqs = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence(iStop - iStart);
    if (!freqs) {
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC, "Frequency array allocation failed.");
    for (UINT4 i=iStart; i<iStop; i++)
      freqs->data[i-iStart] = i*deltaF_geom;

    offset = iStart;
  } else { // freqs contains frequencies with non-uniform spacing; we start at lowest given frequency
    npts = freqs_in->length;
    *hptilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hptilde: FD waveform", &tC, fLow, 0, &lalStrainUnit, npts);
    *hctilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hctilde: FD waveform", &tC, fLow, 0, &lalStrainUnit, npts);
    offset = 0;

    freqs = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence(freqs_in->length);
    if (!freqs) {
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC, "Frequency array allocation failed.");
    for (UINT4 i=0; i<freqs_in->length; i++)
      freqs->data[i] = freqs_in->data[i] * Mtot_sec;

  if (!(*hptilde) || !(*hctilde))
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC, "Waveform allocation failed.");
  memset((*hptilde)->data->data, 0, npts * sizeof(COMPLEX16));
  memset((*hctilde)->data->data, 0, npts * sizeof(COMPLEX16));

  XLALUnitMultiply(&(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);
  XLALUnitMultiply(&(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);

  COMPLEX16 *pdata=(*hptilde)->data->data;
  COMPLEX16 *cdata=(*hctilde)->data->data;

  REAL8 cosi = cos(inclination);
  REAL8 pcoef = 0.5*(1.0 + cosi*cosi);
  REAL8 ccoef = cosi;

  REAL8 s = 1.0/sqrt(2.0); // Scale polarization amplitude so that strain agrees with FFT of SEOBNRv1
  double Mtot = Mtot_sec / LAL_MTSUN_SI;
  double amp0 = Mtot * amp_pre * Mtot_sec * LAL_MRSUN_SI / (distance); // Correct overall amplitude to undo mass-dependent scaling used in single-spin ROM

  // Evaluate reference phase for setting phiRef correctly
  double phase_change = gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, fRef_geom, acc_phi) - 2*phiRef;

  // Assemble waveform from aplitude and phase
  for (UINT4 i=0; i<freqs->length; i++) { // loop over frequency points in sequence
    double f = freqs->data[i];
    if (f > Mf_ROM_max) continue; // We're beyond the highest allowed frequency; since freqs may not be ordered, we'll just skip the current frequency and leave zero in the buffer
    int j = i + offset; // shift index for frequency series if needed
    double A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, acc_amp);
    double phase = gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, acc_phi) - phase_change;
    COMPLEX16 htilde = s*amp0*A * cexp(I*phase);
    pdata[j] =      pcoef * htilde;
    cdata[j] = -I * ccoef * htilde;

  /* Correct phasing so we coalesce at t=0 (with the definition of the epoch=-1/deltaF above) */

  // Get SEOBNRv1 ringdown frequency for 22 mode
  double Mf_final = SEOBNRROM_Ringdown_Mf_From_Mtot_q(Mtot_sec, q, chi, chi, SEOBNRv1);

  UINT4 L = freqs->length;
  // prevent gsl interpolation errors
  if (Mf_final > freqs->data[L-1])
    Mf_final = freqs->data[L-1];
  if (Mf_final < freqs->data[0])
      XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EDOM, "f_ringdown < f_min");

  // Time correction is t(f_final) = 1/(2pi) dphi/df (f_final)
  // We compute the dimensionless time correction t/M since we use geometric units.
  REAL8 t_corr = gsl_spline_eval_deriv(spline_phi, Mf_final, acc_phi) / (2*LAL_PI);

  // Now correct phase
  for (UINT4 i=0; i<freqs->length; i++) { // loop over frequency points in sequence
    double f = freqs->data[i] - fRef_geom;
    int j = i + offset; // shift index for frequency series if needed
    pdata[j] *= cexp(-2*LAL_PI * I * f * t_corr);
    cdata[j] *= cexp(-2*LAL_PI * I * f * t_corr);



Exemplo n.º 9
 * Handle user-input and set up shop accordingly, and do all
 * consistency-checks on user-input.
XLALInitMakefakedata ( ConfigVars_t *cfg, UserVariables_t *uvar )
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfg != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'cfg'\n" );
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'uvar'\n");

  cfg->VCSInfoString = XLALGetVersionString(0);
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfg->VCSInfoString != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetVersionString(0) failed.\n" );

  // version info was requested: output then exit
  if ( uvar->version )
      printf ("%s\n", cfg->VCSInfoString );
      exit (0);

  /* if requested, log all user-input and code-versions */
  if ( uvar->logfile ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALWriteMFDlog ( uvar->logfile, cfg ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALWriteMFDlog() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );

  /* Init ephemerides */
  XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->edat = XLALInitBarycenter ( uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* check for negative fMin and Band, which would break the fMin_eff, fBand_eff calculation below */
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->fmin >= 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Invalid negative frequency fMin=%f!\n\n", uvar->fmin );
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->Band > 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Invalid non-positive frequency band Band=%f!\n\n", uvar->Band );

  // ---------- check user-input consistency ----------

  // ----- check if frames + frame channels given
  BOOLEAN have_frames  = (uvar->inFrames != NULL);
  BOOLEAN have_channels= (uvar->inFrChannels != NULL);
  XLAL_CHECK ( !(have_frames || have_channels) || (have_frames && have_channels), XLAL_EINVAL, "Need both --inFrames and --inFrChannels, or NONE\n");

  // ----- IFOs : only from one of {--IFOs, --noiseSFTs, --inFrChannels}: mutually exclusive
  BOOLEAN have_IFOs      = (uvar->IFOs != NULL);
  BOOLEAN have_noiseSFTs = (uvar->noiseSFTs != NULL);
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_frames || have_IFOs || have_noiseSFTs, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need one of --IFOs, --noiseSFTs or --inFrChannels to determine detectors\n");

  if ( have_frames ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( !have_IFOs && !have_noiseSFTs, XLAL_EINVAL, "If --inFrames given, cannot handle --IFOs or --noiseSFTs input\n");
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiLALDetector ( &(cfg->multiIFO), uvar->inFrChannels ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  } else { // !have_frames
    XLAL_CHECK ( !(have_IFOs && have_noiseSFTs), XLAL_EINVAL, "Cannot handle both --IFOs and --noiseSFTs input\n");
  if ( have_IFOs ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiLALDetector ( &(cfg->multiIFO), uvar->IFOs ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- TIMESTAMPS: either from --timestampsFiles, --startTime+duration, or --noiseSFTs
  BOOLEAN have_startTime = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->startTime );
  BOOLEAN have_duration = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->duration );
  BOOLEAN have_timestampsFiles = ( uvar->timestampsFiles != NULL );
  // need BOTH startTime+duration or none
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( have_duration && have_startTime) || !( have_duration || have_startTime ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Need BOTH {--startTime,--duration} or NONE\n");
  // at least one of {startTime,timestamps,noiseSFTs,inFrames} required
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_timestampsFiles || have_startTime || have_noiseSFTs || have_frames, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need at least one of {--timestampsFiles, --startTime+duration, --noiseSFTs, --inFrames}\n" );
  // don't allow timestamps + {startTime+duration OR noiseSFTs}
  XLAL_CHECK ( !have_timestampsFiles || !(have_startTime||have_noiseSFTs), XLAL_EINVAL, "--timestampsFiles incompatible with {--noiseSFTs or --startTime+duration}\n");
  // note, however, that we DO allow --noiseSFTs and --startTime+duration, which will act as a constraint
  // on the noise-SFTs to load in

  // don't allow --SFToverlap with either --noiseSFTs OR --timestampsFiles
  XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->SFToverlap >= 0, XLAL_EDOM );
  BOOLEAN haveOverlap = ( uvar->SFToverlap > 0 );
  XLAL_CHECK ( !haveOverlap || !( have_noiseSFTs || have_timestampsFiles ), XLAL_EINVAL, "--SFToverlap incompatible with {--noiseSFTs or --timestampsFiles}\n" );

  // now handle the 3 mutually-exclusive cases: have_noiseSFTs || have_timestampsFiles || have_startTime (only)
  if ( have_noiseSFTs )
      SFTConstraints XLAL_INIT_DECL(constraints);
      if ( have_startTime && have_duration )	 // use optional (startTime+duration) as constraints,
          LIGOTimeGPS minStartTime, maxStartTime;
          minStartTime = uvar->startTime;
          maxStartTime = uvar->startTime;
          XLALGPSAdd ( &maxStartTime, uvar->duration );
          constraints.minStartTime = &minStartTime;
          constraints.maxStartTime = &maxStartTime;
          char bufGPS1[32], bufGPS2[32];
          XLALPrintWarning ( "Only noise-SFTs between GPS [%s, %s] will be used!\n", XLALGPSToStr(bufGPS1, &minStartTime), XLALGPSToStr(bufGPS2, &maxStartTime) );
        } /* if start+duration given */
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->noiseCatalog = XLALSFTdataFind ( uvar->noiseSFTs, &constraints )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      XLAL_CHECK (  cfg->noiseCatalog->length > 0, XLAL_EINVAL, "No noise-SFTs matching (start+duration, timestamps) were found!\n" );
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiNoiseCatalogView = XLALGetMultiSFTCatalogView ( cfg->noiseCatalog )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // extract multi-timestamps from the multi-SFT-catalog view
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALTimestampsFromMultiSFTCatalogView ( cfg->multiNoiseCatalogView )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      // extract IFOs from multi-SFT catalog
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALMultiLALDetectorFromMultiSFTCatalogView ( &(cfg->multiIFO), cfg->multiNoiseCatalogView ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

    } // endif have_noiseSFTs
  else if ( have_timestampsFiles )
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles ( uvar->timestampsFiles )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->length > 0) && (cfg->multiTimestamps->data != NULL), XLAL_EINVAL, "Got empty timestamps-list from XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles()\n" );

      for ( UINT4 X=0; X < cfg->multiTimestamps->length; X ++ ) {
        cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X]->deltaT = uvar->Tsft;	// Tsft information not given by timestamps-file
    } // endif have_timestampsFiles
  else if ( have_startTime && have_duration )
      XLAL_CHECK ( ( cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALMakeMultiTimestamps ( uvar->startTime, uvar->duration, uvar->Tsft, uvar->SFToverlap, cfg->multiIFO.length )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    } // endif have_startTime

  // check if the user asked for Gaussian white noise to be produced (sqrtSn[X]!=0), otherwise leave noise-floors at 0
  if ( uvar->sqrtSX != NULL ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiNoiseFloor ( &(cfg->multiNoiseFloor), uvar->sqrtSX, cfg->multiIFO.length ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  } else {
    cfg->multiNoiseFloor.length = cfg->multiIFO.length;
    // values remain at their default sqrtSn[X] = 0;

  // if user requested time-series data from frames to be added: try to read the frames now
  if ( have_frames )
      UINT4 numDetectors = uvar->inFrChannels->length;
      XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->inFrames->length == numDetectors, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need equal number of channel names (%d) as frame specifications (%d)\n", uvar->inFrChannels->length, numDetectors );

      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->inputMultiTS = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*cfg->inputMultiTS))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
      cfg->inputMultiTS->length = numDetectors;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->inputMultiTS->data = XLALCalloc ( numDetectors, sizeof(cfg->inputMultiTS->data[0]) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
      if ( cfg->multiTimestamps == NULL )
          XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*cfg->multiTimestamps) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
          XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->data = XLALCalloc ( numDetectors, sizeof(cfg->multiTimestamps->data[0]))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
          cfg->multiTimestamps->length = numDetectors;
      for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
          LALCache *cache;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (cache = XLALCacheImport ( uvar->inFrames->data[X] )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "Failed to import cache file '%s'\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X] );
          // this is a sorted cache, so extract its time-range:
          REAL8 cache_tStart = cache->list[0].t0;
          REAL8 cache_tEnd   = cache->list[cache->length-1].t0 + cache->list[cache->length-1].dt;
          REAL8 cache_duration = (cache_tEnd - cache_tStart);
          LIGOTimeGPS ts_start;
          REAL8 ts_duration;
          // check that it's consistent with timestamps, if given, otherwise create timestamps from this
          if ( cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X] != NULL )	// FIXME: implicitly assumes timestamps are sorted, which is not guaranteed by timestamps-reading from file
              const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestampsX = cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X];
              REAL8 tStart = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &timestampsX->data[0] );
              REAL8 tEnd   = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &timestampsX->data[timestampsX->length-1]) + timestampsX->deltaT;
              XLAL_CHECK ( tStart >= cache_tStart && tEnd <= cache_tEnd, XLAL_EINVAL, "Detector X=%d: Requested timestamps-range [%.0f, %.0f]s outside of cache range [%.0f,%.0f]s\n",
                           X, tStart, tEnd, cache_tStart, cache_tEnd );
              XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &ts_start, tStart );
              ts_duration = (tEnd - tStart);
              XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &ts_start, (REAL8)cache_tStart + 1); // cache times can apparently be by rounded up or down by 1s, so shift by 1s to be safe
              ts_duration = cache_duration - 1;
              XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->multiTimestamps->data[X] = XLALMakeTimestamps ( ts_start, ts_duration, uvar->Tsft, uvar->SFToverlap ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          // ----- now open frame stream and read *all* the data within this time-range [FIXME] ----------
          LALFrStream *stream;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (stream = XLALFrStreamCacheOpen ( cache )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "Failed to open stream from cache file '%s'\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X] );
          XLALDestroyCache ( cache );

          const char *channel = uvar->inFrChannels->data[X];
          size_t limit = 0;	// unlimited read
          REAL8TimeSeries *ts;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (ts = XLALFrStreamInputREAL8TimeSeries ( stream, channel, &ts_start, ts_duration, limit )) != NULL,
                       XLAL_EFUNC, "Frame reading failed for stream created for '%s': ts_start = {%d,%d}, duration=%.0f\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X], ts_start.gpsSeconds, ts_start.gpsNanoSeconds, ts_duration );
          cfg->inputMultiTS->data[X] = ts;

          XLAL_CHECK ( XLALFrStreamClose ( stream ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "Stream closing failed for cache file '%s'\n", uvar->inFrames->data[X] );
        } // for X < numDetectors
    } // if inFrames

  // if user requested timeseries *output* to frame files, handle deprecated options
  XLAL_CHECK ( !(uvar->TDDframedir && uvar->outFrameDir), XLAL_EINVAL, "Specify only ONE of {--TDDframedir or --outFrameDir} or NONE\n");
  if ( uvar->TDDframedir ) {
    cfg->outFrameDir = uvar->TDDframedir;
  } else if ( uvar->outFrameDir ) {
    cfg->outFrameDir = uvar->outFrameDir;

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* XLALInitMakefakedata() */
Exemplo n.º 10
 * This function minimises fContact defined above using the
 * Brent method. It returns the minima with a negative sign (which then
 * becomes the maxima of the actual contact function. This can be compared
 * to 1 to check if two ellipsoids indeed overlap.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
REAL8 XLALCheckOverlapOfEllipsoids (
        const gsl_vector   *ra,
        const gsl_vector   *rb,
        fContactWorkSpace  *workSpace )
    gsl_function        F;
    INT4                min_status;
    INT4                iter = 0, max_iter = 100;
    REAL8               m = 0.6180339887;
    REAL8               a = 0.0L, b = 1.0L;
    gsl_min_fminimizer  *s = workSpace->s;

    /* Sanity check on input arguments */
    if ( !ra || !rb || !workSpace )

    if ( ra->size != rb->size || ra->size != workSpace->n )

    /* Set r_AB to be rb - ra */
    XLAL_CALLGSL( gsl_vector_memcpy( workSpace->r_AB, rb) );
    XLAL_CALLGSL( gsl_vector_sub (workSpace->r_AB, ra) );

    if ( gsl_vector_isnull( workSpace->r_AB ))
      XLALPrintWarning("Position vectors ra and rb are identical.\n");
      return 0;

    F.function = &fContact;
    F.params   = workSpace;

    XLAL_CALLGSL( min_status = gsl_min_fminimizer_set (s, &F, m, a, b) );
    if ( min_status != GSL_SUCCESS )

        XLAL_CALLGSL( min_status = gsl_min_fminimizer_iterate (s) );
        if (min_status != GSL_SUCCESS )
          if (min_status == GSL_EBADFUNC)
          else if (min_status == GSL_EZERODIV)

        m = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_minimum (s);
        a = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_lower (s);
        b = gsl_min_fminimizer_x_upper (s);

        XLAL_CALLGSL( min_status = gsl_min_test_interval (a, b, workSpace->convParam, 0.0) );
        if (min_status != GSL_CONTINUE && min_status != GSL_SUCCESS )
    while (min_status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < max_iter );
    /* End of minimization routine */

    /* Throw an error if max iterations would have been exceeded */
    if ( iter == max_iter && min_status == GSL_CONTINUE )

    return ( -(s->f_minimum) );
 * Unit test for metric functions XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric()
 * and XLALComputeDopplerFstatMetric()
 * Initially modelled afer testMetricCodes.py script:
 * Check metric codes 'getMetric' 'FstatMetric' and 'FstatMetric_v2' by
 * comparing them against each other.
 * Given that they represent 3 very different implementations of
 * metric calculations, this provides a very powerful consistency test
static int
test_XLALComputeDopplerMetrics ( void )
  int ret;
  const REAL8 tolPh = 0.01;	// 1% tolerance on phase metrics [taken from testMetricCodes.py]

  // ----- load ephemeris
  const char earthEphem[] = TEST_DATA_DIR "earth00-19-DE200.dat.gz";
  const char sunEphem[]   = TEST_DATA_DIR "sun00-19-DE200.dat.gz";
  EphemerisData *edat = XLALInitBarycenter ( earthEphem, sunEphem );
  XLAL_CHECK ( edat != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALInitBarycenter('%s','%s') failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", earthEphem, sunEphem, xlalErrno );

  // ----- set test-parameters ----------
  const LIGOTimeGPS startTimeGPS = { 792576013, 0 };
  const REAL8 Tseg = 60000;

  const REAL8 Alpha = 1.0;
  const REAL8 Delta = 0.5;
  const REAL8 Freq  = 100;
  const REAL8 f1dot = 0;// -1e-8;

  LALStringVector *detNames = XLALCreateStringVector ( "H1", "L1", "V1",  NULL );
  LALStringVector *sqrtSX   = XLALCreateStringVector ( "1.0", "0.5", "1.5", NULL );

  MultiLALDetector multiIFO;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiLALDetector ( &multiIFO, detNames ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLALDestroyStringVector ( detNames );

  MultiNoiseFloor multiNoiseFloor;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiNoiseFloor ( &multiNoiseFloor, sqrtSX, multiIFO.length ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLALDestroyStringVector ( sqrtSX );

  // prepare metric parameters for modern XLALComputeDopplerFstatMetric() and mid-old XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric()
  const PulsarAmplitudeParams Amp = { 0.03, -0.3, 0.5, 0.0 };	// h0, cosi, psi, phi0
  const PulsarDopplerParams dop = {
    .refTime  = startTimeGPS,
    .Alpha    = Alpha,
    .Delta    = Delta,
    .fkdot    = { Freq, f1dot },

  LALSegList XLAL_INIT_DECL(segList);
  ret = XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments ( &segList, startTimeGPS, 1, Tseg );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ret == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );

  const DopplerMetricParams master_pars2 = {
    .coordSys			= coordSys,
    .segmentList		= segList,
    .multiIFO			= multiIFO,
    .multiNoiseFloor		= multiNoiseFloor,
    .signalParams		= { .Amp = Amp, .Doppler = dop },
    .projectCoord		= - 1,	// -1==no projection
    .approxPhase		= 0,

  // ========== BEGINNING OF TEST CALLS ==========

  XLALPrintWarning("\n---------- ROUND 1: ephemeris-based, single-IFO phase metrics ----------\n");
    OldDopplerMetric *metric1;
    DopplerPhaseMetric *metric2P;
    REAL8 diff_2_1;

    DopplerMetricParams pars2 = master_pars2;

    pars2.multiIFO.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector
    pars2.multiNoiseFloor.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector

    // 1) compute metric using old FstatMetric code, now wrapped into XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric()
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric1 = XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric ( OLDMETRIC_TYPE_PHASE, &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    // 2) compute metric using modern UniversalDopplerMetric module: (used in lalapps_FstatMetric_v2)
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric2P = XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric ( &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

    // compare metrics against each other:
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff_2_1 = XLALCompareMetrics ( metric2P->g_ij, metric1->g_ij )) < tolPh, XLAL_ETOL, "Error(g2,g1)= %g exceeds tolerance of %g\n", diff_2_1, tolPh );
    XLALPrintWarning ("diff_2_1 = %e\n", diff_2_1 );

    XLALDestroyOldDopplerMetric ( metric1 );
    XLALDestroyDopplerPhaseMetric ( metric2P );

  XLALPrintWarning("\n---------- ROUND 2: Ptolemaic-based, single-IFO phase metrics ----------\n");
    OldDopplerMetric *metric1;
    DopplerPhaseMetric *metric2P;
    REAL8 diff_2_1;

    DopplerMetricParams pars2 = master_pars2;

    pars2.multiIFO.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector
    pars2.multiNoiseFloor.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector


    // 1) compute metric using old FstatMetric code, now wrapped into XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric()
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric1 = XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric ( OLDMETRIC_TYPE_PHASE, &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    // 2) compute metric using modern UniversalDopplerMetric module: (used in lalapps_FstatMetric_v2)
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric2P = XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric ( &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

    // compare all 3 metrics against each other:
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff_2_1 = XLALCompareMetrics ( metric2P->g_ij, metric1->g_ij )) < tolPh, XLAL_ETOL, "Error(g2,g1)= %g exceeds tolerance of %g\n", diff_2_1, tolPh );
    XLALPrintWarning ("diff_2_1 = %e\n", diff_2_1 );

    XLALDestroyOldDopplerMetric ( metric1 );
    XLALDestroyDopplerPhaseMetric ( metric2P );

  XLALPrintWarning("\n---------- ROUND 3: ephemeris-based, multi-IFO F-stat metrics ----------\n");
    OldDopplerMetric *metric1;
    DopplerFstatMetric *metric2F;
    REAL8 diff_2_1;

    DopplerMetricParams pars2 = master_pars2;

    pars2.detMotionType = DETMOTION_SPIN | DETMOTION_ORBIT;
    pars2.multiIFO      = multiIFO;	// 3 IFOs
    pars2.multiNoiseFloor = multiNoiseFloor;// 3 IFOs

    // 1) compute metric using old FstatMetric code, now wrapped into XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric()
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric1 = XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric ( OLDMETRIC_TYPE_FSTAT, &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    // 2) compute metric using modern UniversalDopplerMetric module: (used in lalapps_FstatMetric_v2)
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric2F = XLALComputeDopplerFstatMetric ( &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

    // compare both metrics against each other:
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff_2_1 = XLALCompareMetrics ( metric2F->gF_ij,   metric1->gF_ij ))   < tolPh, XLAL_ETOL, "Error(gF2,gF1)= %e exceeds tolerance of %e\n", diff_2_1, tolPh );
    XLALPrintWarning ("gF:   diff_2_1 = %e\n", diff_2_1 );
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff_2_1 = XLALCompareMetrics ( metric2F->gFav_ij, metric1->gFav_ij )) < tolPh, XLAL_ETOL, "Error(gFav2,gFav1)= %e exceeds tolerance of %e\n", diff_2_1, tolPh );
    XLALPrintWarning ("gFav: diff_2_1 = %e\n", diff_2_1 );

    XLALDestroyOldDopplerMetric ( metric1 );
    XLALDestroyDopplerFstatMetric ( metric2F );

  XLALPrintWarning("\n---------- ROUND 4: compare analytic {f,f1dot,f2dot,f3dot} phase metric vs XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric() ----------\n");
    DopplerPhaseMetric *metric2P;
    REAL8 diff_2_1;

    DopplerMetricParams pars2 = master_pars2;

    pars2.multiIFO.length  = 1;	// truncate to 1st detector
    pars2.multiNoiseFloor.length  = 1;	// truncate to 1st detector
    pars2.detMotionType   = DETMOTION_SPIN | DETMOTION_ORBIT;
    pars2.approxPhase     = 1;	// use same phase-approximation as in analytic solution to improve comparison

    pars2.coordSys = coordSys2;
    gsl_matrix* gN_ij;

    // a) compute metric at refTime = startTime
    pars2.signalParams.Doppler.refTime = startTimeGPS;
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric2P = XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric ( &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    gN_ij = NULL;
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALNaturalizeMetric ( &gN_ij, NULL, metric2P->g_ij, &pars2 ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

    REAL8 gStart_ij[] = {   1.0/3,      2.0/3,    6.0/5,    32.0/15,      \
                            2.0/3,    64.0/45,    8.0/3,  512.0/105,      \
                            6.0/5,      8.0/3,   36.0/7,     48.0/5,      \
                            32.0/15,  512.0/105, 48.0/5, 4096.0/225 };
    const gsl_matrix_view gStart = gsl_matrix_view_array ( gStart_ij, 4, 4 );

    // compare natural-units metric against analytic solution
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff_2_1 = XLALCompareMetrics ( gN_ij,   &(gStart.matrix) )) < tolPh, XLAL_ETOL,
                 "RefTime=StartTime: Error(g_ij,g_analytic)= %e exceeds tolerance of %e\n", diff_2_1, tolPh );
    XLALPrintWarning ("Analytic (refTime=startTime): diff_2_1 = %e\n", diff_2_1 );

    XLALDestroyDopplerPhaseMetric ( metric2P );
    gsl_matrix_free ( gN_ij );

    // b) compute metric at refTime = midTime
    pars2.signalParams.Doppler.refTime = startTimeGPS;
    pars2.signalParams.Doppler.refTime.gpsSeconds += Tseg / 2;

    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric2P = XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric ( &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    gN_ij = NULL;
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALNaturalizeMetric ( &gN_ij, NULL, metric2P->g_ij, &pars2 ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

    REAL8 gMid_ij[] = { 1.0/3,    0,        1.0/5,         0,       \
                        0,        4.0/45,       0,   8.0/105,       \
                        1.0/5,    0,        1.0/7,         0,       \
                        0,        8.0/105,      0,  16.0/225  };
    const gsl_matrix_view gMid = gsl_matrix_view_array ( gMid_ij, 4, 4 );

    // compare natural-units metric against analytic solution
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff_2_1 = XLALCompareMetrics ( gN_ij,   &(gMid.matrix) )) < tolPh, XLAL_ETOL,
                 "RefTime=MidTime: Error(g_ij,g_analytic)= %e exceeds tolerance of %e\n", diff_2_1, tolPh );
    XLALPrintWarning ("Analytic (refTime=midTime):   diff_2_1 = %e\n\n", diff_2_1 );

    XLALDestroyDopplerPhaseMetric ( metric2P );
    gsl_matrix_free ( gN_ij );

  XLALPrintWarning("\n---------- ROUND 5: ephemeris-based, single-IFO, segment-averaged phase metrics ----------\n");
    OldDopplerMetric *metric1;
    DopplerPhaseMetric *metric2P;
    REAL8 diff_2_1;

    DopplerMetricParams pars2 = master_pars2;

    pars2.detMotionType = DETMOTION_SPIN | DETMOTION_ORBIT;
    pars2.multiIFO.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector
    pars2.multiNoiseFloor.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector
    pars2.approxPhase = 1;

    const UINT4 Nseg = 10;
    LALSegList XLAL_INIT_DECL(NsegList);
    ret = XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments ( &NsegList, startTimeGPS, Nseg, Tseg );
    XLAL_CHECK ( ret == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
    pars2.segmentList = NsegList;

    LALSegList XLAL_INIT_DECL(segList_k);
    LALSeg segment_k;
    XLALSegListInit( &segList_k );	// prepare single-segment list containing segment k
    segList_k.arraySize = 1;
    segList_k.length = 1;
    segList_k.segs = &segment_k;

    // 1) compute metric using old FstatMetric code, now wrapped into XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric()
    metric1 = NULL;
    for (UINT4 k = 0; k < Nseg; ++k) {
      // setup 1-segment segment-list pointing k-th segment
      DopplerMetricParams pars2_k = pars2;
      pars2_k.segmentList = segList_k;
      pars2_k.segmentList.segs[0] = pars2.segmentList.segs[k];
      // XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric() does not agree numerically with UniversalDopplerMetric when using refTime != startTime
      pars2_k.signalParams.Doppler.refTime = pars2_k.segmentList.segs[0].start;

      OldDopplerMetric *metric1_k;   // per-segment coherent metric
      XLAL_CHECK ( (metric1_k = XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric ( OLDMETRIC_TYPE_PHASE, &pars2_k, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // manually correct reference time of metric1_k->g_ij; see Prix, "Frequency metric for CW searches" (2014-08-17), p. 4
      const double dt = XLALGPSDiff( &(pars2_k.signalParams.Doppler.refTime), &(pars2.signalParams.Doppler.refTime) );
      const double gFF = gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 0, 0 );
      const double gFA = gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 0, 1 );
      const double gFD = gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 0, 2 );
      const double gFf = gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 0, 3 );
      const double gAf = gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 1, 3 );
      const double gDf = gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 2, 3 );
      const double gff = gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 3, 3 );
      gsl_matrix_set( metric1_k->g_ij, 0, 3, gFf + gFF*dt ); gsl_matrix_set( metric1_k->g_ij, 3, 0, gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 0, 3 ) );
      gsl_matrix_set( metric1_k->g_ij, 1, 3, gAf + gFA*dt ); gsl_matrix_set( metric1_k->g_ij, 3, 1, gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 1, 3 ) );
      gsl_matrix_set( metric1_k->g_ij, 2, 3, gDf + gFD*dt ); gsl_matrix_set( metric1_k->g_ij, 3, 2, gsl_matrix_get( metric1_k->g_ij, 2, 3 ) );
      gsl_matrix_set( metric1_k->g_ij, 3, 3, gff + 2*gFf*dt + gFF*dt*dt );

      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALAddOldDopplerMetric ( &metric1, metric1_k ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
      XLALDestroyOldDopplerMetric ( metric1_k );
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALScaleOldDopplerMetric ( metric1, 1.0 / Nseg ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

    // 2) compute metric using modern UniversalDopplerMetric module: (used in lalapps_FstatMetric_v2)
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric2P = XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric ( &pars2, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

    GPMAT( metric1->g_ij, "%0.4e" );
    GPMAT( metric2P->g_ij, "%0.4e" );

    // compare both metrics against each other:
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff_2_1 = XLALCompareMetrics ( metric2P->g_ij, metric1->g_ij )) < tolPh, XLAL_ETOL, "Error(g2,g1)= %g exceeds tolerance of %g\n", diff_2_1, tolPh );
    XLALPrintWarning ("diff_2_1 = %e\n", diff_2_1 );

    XLALDestroyOldDopplerMetric ( metric1 );
    XLALDestroyDopplerPhaseMetric ( metric2P );

    XLALSegListClear ( &NsegList );

  XLALPrintWarning("\n---------- ROUND 6: directed binary orbital metric ----------\n");
    REAL8 Period = 68023.70496;
    REAL8 Omega = LAL_TWOPI / Period;
    REAL8 asini = 1.44;
    REAL8 tAsc = 897753994;
    REAL8 argp = 0;
    LIGOTimeGPS tP; XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &tP, tAsc + argp / Omega );

    const PulsarDopplerParams dopScoX1 = {
      .refTime  = startTimeGPS,
      .Alpha    = Alpha,
      .Delta    = Delta,
      .fkdot    = { Freq },
      .asini    = asini,
      .period   = Period,
      .tp       = tP
    REAL8 TspanScoX1 = 20 * 19 * 3600;	// 20xPorb for long-segment regime
    LALSegList XLAL_INIT_DECL(segListScoX1);
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments ( &segListScoX1, startTimeGPS, 1, TspanScoX1 ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
    REAL8 tMid = XLALGPSGetREAL8(&startTimeGPS) + 0.5 * TspanScoX1;
    REAL8 DeltaMidAsc = tMid - tAsc;
    DopplerMetricParams pars_ScoX1 = {
      .coordSys			= coordSysScoX1,
      .segmentList		= segListScoX1,
      .multiIFO			= multiIFO,
      .multiNoiseFloor		= multiNoiseFloor,
      .signalParams		= { .Amp = Amp, .Doppler = dopScoX1 },
      .projectCoord		= - 1,	// -1==no projection
      .approxPhase		= 1,
    pars_ScoX1.multiIFO.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector
    pars_ScoX1.multiNoiseFloor.length = 1;	// truncate to first detector

    // compute metric using modern UniversalDopplerMetric module: (used in lalapps_FstatMetric_v2)
    DopplerPhaseMetric *metric_ScoX1;
    XLAL_CHECK ( (metric_ScoX1 = XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric ( &pars_ScoX1, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

    // compute analytic metric computed from Eq.(47) in Leaci,Prix PRD91, 102003 (2015):
    gsl_matrix *g0_ij;
    XLAL_CHECK ( (g0_ij = gsl_matrix_calloc ( 6, 6 )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM, "Failed to gsl_calloc a 6x6 matrix\n");
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 0, 0, pow ( LAL_PI * TspanScoX1, 2 ) / 3.0 );
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 1, 1, 2.0 * pow ( LAL_PI * Freq, 2 ) );
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 2, 2, 2.0 * pow ( LAL_PI * Freq * asini * Omega, 2 ) );
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 3, 3, 0.5 * pow ( Omega, 4 ) * pow ( Freq * asini, 2 ) * ( pow ( TspanScoX1, 2 ) / 12.0 + pow ( DeltaMidAsc, 2 ) ) );
    REAL8 gPAsc = LAL_PI * pow ( Freq * asini, 2 ) * pow ( Omega, 3 ) * DeltaMidAsc;
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 2, 3, gPAsc );
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 3, 2, gPAsc );
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 4, 4, 0.5 * pow ( LAL_PI * Freq * asini, 2 ) );
    gsl_matrix_set ( g0_ij, 5, 5, 0.5 * pow ( LAL_PI * Freq * asini, 2 ) );

    GPMAT ( metric_ScoX1->g_ij, "%0.4e" );
    GPMAT ( g0_ij, "%0.4e" );

    // compare metrics against each other
    REAL8 diff, tolScoX1 = 0.05;
    XLAL_CHECK ( (diff = XLALCompareMetrics ( metric_ScoX1->g_ij, g0_ij )) < tolScoX1, XLAL_ETOL, "Error(gNum,gAn)= %g exceeds tolerance of %g\n", diff, tolScoX1 );
    XLALPrintWarning ("diff_Num_An = %e\n", diff );

    gsl_matrix_free ( g0_ij );
    XLALDestroyDopplerPhaseMetric ( metric_ScoX1 );
    XLALSegListClear ( &segListScoX1 );
 * Core function for computing the ROM waveform.
 * Evaluates projection coefficients and shifts in time and phase at desired q.
 * Construct 1D splines for amplitude and phase.
 * Compute strain waveform from amplitude and phase.
static INT4 EOBNRv2HMROMCore(
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde,
  COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde,
  REAL8 phiRef,
  REAL8 deltaF,
  REAL8 fLow,
  REAL8 fHigh,
  REAL8 fRef,
  REAL8 distance,
  REAL8 inclination,
  REAL8 Mtot_sec,
  REAL8 q)
  INT4 i;
  INT4 j;
  double tpeak22estimate = 0.;
  /* Check output arrays */
  if(!hptilde || !hctilde) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFAULT);
  if(*hptilde || *hctilde)
    XLALPrintError("(*hptilde) and (*hctilde) are supposed to be NULL, but got %p and %p\n",(*hptilde),(*hctilde));

  /* Check if the data has been set up */
  if(__lalsim_EOBNRv2HMROM_setup) {
    XLALPrintError("Error: the ROM data has not been set up\n");
  /* Set the global pointers to data */
  ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata* listdata = *__lalsim_EOBNRv2HMROM_data;
  ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_interp* listdata_interp = *__lalsim_EOBNRv2HMROM_interp;

  /* Global amplitude prefactor - includes total mass scaling, Fourier scaling, distance scaling, and undoing an additional arbitrary scaling */
  REAL8 Mtot_msol = Mtot_sec / LAL_MTSUN_SI; /* Mtot_msol and M_ROM in units of solar mass */
  REAL8 amp0 = (Mtot_msol/M_ROM) * Mtot_sec * 1.E-16 * 1.E6 * LAL_PC_SI / distance;

  /* Highest allowed geometric frequency for the first mode of listmode in the ROM - used for fRef
   * by convention, we use the first mode of listmode (presumably the 22) for phiref */
  ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata* listdata_ref = ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_GetMode(listdata, listmode[0][0], listmode[0][1]);
  EOBNRHMROMdata* data_ref = listdata_ref->data;
  REAL8 Mf_ROM_max_ref = gsl_vector_get(data_ref->freq, nbfreq-1);
  /* Convert to geometric units for frequency */
  REAL8 fLow_geom = fLow * Mtot_sec;
  REAL8 fHigh_geom = fHigh * Mtot_sec;
  REAL8 fRef_geom = fRef * Mtot_sec;
  REAL8 deltaF_geom = deltaF * Mtot_sec;

  /* Enforce allowed geometric frequency range */
  if (fLow_geom < Mf_ROM_min) { /* Enforce minimal frequency */
    XLALPrintWarning("Starting frequency Mflow=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Starting at lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
    fLow_geom = Mf_ROM_min;
  /* Default highest frequency */
  if (fHigh == 0)
    fHigh_geom = Mf_ROM_max;
  /* In case the user asks for a frequency higher than covered by the ROM, we keep it that way as we will just 0-pad the waveform (and do it anyway for some modes) */
  if (fRef_geom > Mf_ROM_max_ref || fRef_geom == 0)
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_max_ref; /* If fRef > fhigh or 0 we reset fRef to default value of cutoff frequency for the first mode of the list (presumably the 22 mode) */
  if (0 < fRef_geom && fRef_geom < Mf_ROM_min) {
    XLALPrintWarning("Reference frequency Mf_ref=%g is smaller than lowest frequency in ROM Mf=%g. Setting it to the lowest frequency in ROM.\n", fLow_geom, Mf_ROM_min);
    fRef_geom = Mf_ROM_min;
  /* Set up output array with size closest power of 2 - fHigh is the upper frequency specified by the user */
  size_t nbpt = NextPow2(fHigh_geom / deltaF_geom) + 1;

  /* Internal storage for the projection coefficients and shifts in time and phase */
  /* Initialized only once, and reused for the different modes */
  EOBNRHMROMdata_coeff *data_coeff = NULL;
  /* Create spherical harmonic frequency series that will contain the hlm's */
  SphHarmFrequencySeries** hlmsphharmfreqseries = XLALMalloc(sizeof(SphHarmFrequencySeries));
  *hlmsphharmfreqseries = NULL;

  /* GPS time definition - common to all modes */
  XLALGPSAdd(&tC, -1. / deltaF);  /* coalesce at t=0 */

  /* The phase change imposed by phiref, from the phase of the first mode in the list - to be set in the first step of the loop on the modes */
  REAL8 phase_change_ref = 0;

  /* Main loop over the modes */
  for( i=0; i<nbmode; i++ ){
    UINT4 l = listmode[i][0];
    INT4 m = listmode[i][1];

    /* Getting the relevant modes in the lists of data */
    ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata* listdata_mode = ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_GetMode(listdata, l, m);
    ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_interp* listdata_interp_mode = ListmodesEOBNRHMROMdata_interp_GetMode(listdata_interp, l, m);

    /* Evaluating the projection coefficients and shift in time and phase */
    ret |= Evaluate_Spline_Data(q, listdata_interp_mode->data_interp, data_coeff);

    /* Evaluating the unnormalized amplitude and unshifted phase vectors for the mode */
    /* Notice a change in convention: B matrices are transposed with respect to the B matrices in SEOBNRROM */
    /* amp_pts = Bamp . Camp_coeff */
    /* phi_pts = Bphi . Cphi_coeff */
    gsl_vector* amp_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nbfreq);
    gsl_vector* phi_f = gsl_vector_alloc(nbfreq);
    gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, listdata_mode->data->Bamp, data_coeff->Camp_coeff, 0.0, amp_f);
    gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1.0, listdata_mode->data->Bphi, data_coeff->Cphi_coeff, 0.0, phi_f);

    /* The downsampled frequencies for the mode - we undo the rescaling of the frequency for the 44 and 55 modes */
    gsl_vector* freq_ds = gsl_vector_alloc(nbfreq);
    gsl_vector_memcpy(freq_ds, listdata_mode->data->freq);
    if ( l==4 && m==4) gsl_vector_scale( freq_ds, 1./Scaling44(q));
    if ( l==5 && m==5) gsl_vector_scale( freq_ds, 1./Scaling55(q));

    /* Evaluating the shifts in time and phase - conditional scaling for the 44 and 55 modes */
    /* Note: the stored values of 'shifttime' correspond actually to 2pi*Deltat */
    SplineList* shifttime_splinelist = listdata_interp_mode->data_interp->shifttime_interp;
    SplineList* shiftphase_splinelist = listdata_interp_mode->data_interp->shiftphase_interp;
    REAL8 twopishifttime;
    if( l==4 && m==4) {
      twopishifttime = gsl_spline_eval(shifttime_splinelist->spline, q, shifttime_splinelist->accel) * Scaling44(q);
    else if( l==5 && m==5) {
      twopishifttime = gsl_spline_eval(shifttime_splinelist->spline, q, shifttime_splinelist->accel) * Scaling55(q);
    else {
      twopishifttime = gsl_spline_eval(shifttime_splinelist->spline, q, shifttime_splinelist->accel);
    REAL8 shiftphase = gsl_spline_eval(shiftphase_splinelist->spline, q, shiftphase_splinelist->accel);

    /* If first mode in the list, assumed to be the 22 mode, set totalshifttime and phase_change_ref */
    if( i==0 ) {
      if(l==2 && m==2) {
      /* Setup 1d cubic spline for the phase of the 22 mode */
      gsl_interp_accel* accel_phi22 = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
      gsl_spline* spline_phi22 = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbfreq);
      gsl_spline_init(spline_phi22, gsl_vector_const_ptr(freq_ds,0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(phi_f,0), nbfreq);
      /* Compute the shift in time needed to set the peak of the 22 mode roughly at t=0 */
      /* We use the SPA formula tf = -(1/2pi)*dPsi/df to estimate the correspondence between frequency and time */
      /* The frequency corresponding to the 22 peak is omega22peak/2pi, with omega22peak taken from the fit to NR in Pan&al 1106 EOBNRv2HM paper */
      double f22peak = fmin(omega22peakOfq(q)/(2*LAL_PI), Mf_ROM_max_ref); /* We ensure we evaluate the spline within its range */
      tpeak22estimate = -1./(2*LAL_PI) * gsl_spline_eval_deriv(spline_phi22, f22peak, accel_phi22);
      /* Determine the change in phase (to be propagated to all modes) required to have phi22(fRef) = 2*phiRef */
      phase_change_ref = 2*phiRef + (gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi22, fRef_geom, accel_phi22) - (twopishifttime - 2*LAL_PI*tpeak22estimate) * fRef_geom - shiftphase);

      else {
	XLALPrintError("Error: the first mode in listmode must be the 22 mode to set the changes in phase and time \n");
    /* Total shift in time, and total change in phase for this mode */
    double totaltwopishifttime = twopishifttime - 2*LAL_PI*tpeak22estimate;
    double constphaseshift = (double) m/listmode[0][1] * phase_change_ref + shiftphase;

    /* Initialize the complex series for the mode - notice that metadata used here is useless, only the one for the final output will matter */
    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries* mode = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("mode hlm", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, nbpt);
    memset(mode->data->data, 0, nbpt * sizeof(COMPLEX16));
    /* Setup 1d cubic spline for the phase and amplitude of the mode */
    gsl_interp_accel* accel_phi = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    gsl_interp_accel* accel_amp = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
    gsl_spline* spline_phi = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbfreq);
    gsl_spline* spline_amp = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, nbfreq);
    gsl_spline_init(spline_phi, gsl_vector_const_ptr(freq_ds,0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(phi_f,0), nbfreq);
    gsl_spline_init(spline_amp, gsl_vector_const_ptr(freq_ds,0), gsl_vector_const_ptr(amp_f,0), nbfreq);
    /* Interval in frequency covered by the ROM */
    REAL8 fLow_geom_mode = gsl_vector_get(freq_ds, 0);
    REAL8 fHigh_geom_mode = fmin(gsl_vector_get(freq_ds, nbfreq-1), fHigh_geom);
    /* Initialize the loop - values outside this range in j are 0 by default */
    INT4 jStart = (UINT4) ceil(fLow_geom_mode / deltaF_geom);
    INT4 jStop = (UINT4) ceil(fHigh_geom_mode / deltaF_geom);
    COMPLEX16 *modedata = mode->data->data;
    /* Mode-dependent complete amplitude prefactor */
    REAL8 amp_pre = amp0 * ModeAmpFactor( l, m, q);
    /* Loop on the frequency samples chosen to evaluate the waveform */
    /* We set apart the first and last step to avoid falling outside of the range of the splines by numerical errors */
    REAL8 f, A, phase;

    f = fmax(fLow_geom_mode, jStart*deltaF_geom);
    A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, accel_amp);
    phase = -gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, accel_phi) + totaltwopishifttime * f + constphaseshift; /* Minus sign put here, in the internals of the ROM model \Psi = -phase */
    modedata[jStart] = amp_pre * A * cexp(I*phase);

    for (j=jStart+1; j<jStop-1; j++) {
      f = j*deltaF_geom;
      A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, accel_amp);
      phase = -gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, accel_phi) + totaltwopishifttime * f + constphaseshift; /* Minus sign put here, in the internals of the ROM model \Psi = -phase */
      modedata[j] = amp_pre * A * cexp(I*phase);

    f = fmin(fHigh_geom_mode, (jStop-1)*deltaF_geom);
    A = gsl_spline_eval(spline_amp, f, accel_amp);
    phase = -gsl_spline_eval(spline_phi, f, accel_phi) + totaltwopishifttime * f + constphaseshift; /* Minus sign put here, in the internals of the ROM model \Psi = -phase */
    modedata[jStop-1] = amp_pre * A * cexp(I*phase);

    /* Add the computed mode to the SphHarmFrequencySeries structure */
    *hlmsphharmfreqseries = XLALSphHarmFrequencySeriesAddMode(*hlmsphharmfreqseries, mode, l, m);

    /* Cleanup for the mode */

  /* Cleanup of the coefficients data structure */

  /* Combining the modes for a hplus, hcross output */
  /* Initialize the complex series hplus, hcross */
  *hptilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hptilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, nbpt);
  *hctilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("hctilde: FD waveform", &tC, 0.0, deltaF, &lalStrainUnit, nbpt);

  if (!(hptilde) || !(*hctilde)) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC);
  memset((*hptilde)->data->data, 0, nbpt * sizeof(COMPLEX16));
  memset((*hctilde)->data->data, 0, nbpt * sizeof(COMPLEX16));

  XLALUnitDivide(&(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hptilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);
  XLALUnitDivide(&(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &(*hctilde)->sampleUnits, &lalSecondUnit);

  /* Adding the modes to form hplus, hcross
   * - use of a function that copies XLALSimAddMode but for Fourier domain structures */
  INT4 sym; /* sym will decide whether to add the -m mode (when equatorial symmetry is present) */
  for( i=0; i<nbmode; i++){
    INT4 l = listmode[i][0];
    INT4 m = listmode[i][1];
    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries* mode = XLALSphHarmFrequencySeriesGetMode(*hlmsphharmfreqseries, l, m);
    if ( m==0 ) sym = 0; /* We test for hypothetical m=0 modes */
    else sym = 1;
    FDAddMode( *hptilde, *hctilde, mode, inclination, 0., l, m, sym); /* The phase \Phi is set to 0 - assumes phiRef is defined as half the phase of the 22 mode h22 (or the first mode in the list), not for h = hplus-I hcross */

  /* Destroying the list of frequency series for the modes, including the COMPLEX16FrequencySeries that it contains */

  /* Additional complex conjugation of hptilde, hctilde - due to the difference in convention for the Fourier transform between LAL and the ROM internals */
  COMPLEX16* datap = (*hptilde)->data->data;
  COMPLEX16* datac = (*hctilde)->data->data;
  for ( j = 0; j < (INT4) (*hptilde)->data->length; ++j ) {
    datap[j] = conj(datap[j]);
  for ( j = 0; j < (INT4) (*hctilde)->data->length; ++j ) {
    datac[j] = conj(datac[j]);

Exemplo n.º 13
REAL8VectorSequence * XLALASCIIFileReadColumns( INT4 ncol, const char *fname )
  char line[LINE_MAX];
  REAL8VectorSequence *data;
  int nline;
  int nrow;
  int row;
  int col;
  FILE *fp;

  if ( ncol < 0 )

  /* count rows */
  nrow = XLALASCIIFileCountRows( fname );
  if ( nrow < 0 )

  /* allocate memory for data */
  /* column 0 will contain line number of input file */
  data = XLALCreateREAL8VectorSequence( nrow, ncol + 1 );
  if ( ! data )

  /* open file */
  fp = fopen( fname, "r" );
  if ( ! fp )
    XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence( data );

  nline = 0;
  row = 0;
  while ( row < nrow )
    if ( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), fp ) )
      char *p = line;
      if ( strlen( line ) >= sizeof( line ) - 1 )
        XLALPrintError( "XLAL Error - %s: line %d too long\n\tfile: %s\n", __func__, nline, fname );
        XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence( data );
        fclose( fp );
      if ( line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '%' )
      data->data[row*data->vectorLength] = nline;
      for ( col = 1; col <= ncol; ++col )
        char *endp;
        REAL8 val;
        val = strtod( p, &endp );
        if ( p == endp ) /* no conversion */
          XLALPrintError( "XLAL Error - %s: unable to parse line %d\n\tfile: %s\n", __func__, nline, fname );
          XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence( data );
          fclose( fp );
        if ( isnan( val ) )
          XLALPrintWarning( "XLAL Warning - %s: invalid data (nan) in column %d of line %d\n\tfile: %s\n", __func__, col, nline, fname );
          val = 0;
        if ( isinf( val ) )
          XLALPrintWarning( "XLAL Warning - %s: invalid data (inf) in column %d of line %d\n\tfile: %s\n", __func__, col, nline, fname );
          val = 0;
        data->data[row*data->vectorLength + col] = val;
        p = endp;
      XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence( data );

  fclose( fp );
  return data;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Single-IFO version of XLALCWMakeFakeMultiData(), handling the actual
 * work, but same input API. The 'detectorIndex' has the index of the detector
 * to be used from the multi-IFO arrays.
XLALCWMakeFakeData ( SFTVector **SFTvect,
                     REAL8TimeSeries **Tseries,
                     const PulsarParamsVector *injectionSources,
                     const CWMFDataParams *dataParams,
                     UINT4 detectorIndex,	/* index for current detector in dataParams */
                     const EphemerisData *edat
  XLAL_CHECK ( (SFTvect == NULL) || ((*SFTvect) == NULL ), XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( (Tseries == NULL) || ((*Tseries) == NULL ), XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( (SFTvect != NULL) || (Tseries != NULL), XLAL_EINVAL );

  XLAL_CHECK ( dataParams != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( detectorIndex < dataParams->multiIFO.length, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( detectorIndex < dataParams->multiNoiseFloor.length, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( detectorIndex < dataParams->multiTimestamps.length, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( (dataParams->inputMultiTS == NULL) || (detectorIndex < dataParams->inputMultiTS->length), XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( (dataParams->inputMultiTS == NULL) || (dataParams->fMin == 0 && dataParams->Band == 0), XLAL_EINVAL, "If given time-series, must have fMin=Band=0\n");

  // initial default values fMin, sampling rate from caller input or timeseries
  REAL8 fMin  = dataParams->fMin;
  REAL8 fBand = dataParams->Band;
  REAL8 fSamp = 2.0 * fBand;
  if ( dataParams->inputMultiTS != NULL )
      XLAL_CHECK ( (fMin == 0) && (fBand == 0), XLAL_EINVAL, "fMin and fBand must be 0 if input timeseries is given\n");
      const REAL8TimeSeries *ts = dataParams->inputMultiTS->data[detectorIndex];
      REAL8 dt = ts->deltaT;
      fMin = ts->f0;
      fSamp = 1.0 / dt;
      fBand = 0.5 * fSamp;

  const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps = dataParams->multiTimestamps.data[detectorIndex];
  const LALDetector *site = &dataParams->multiIFO.sites[detectorIndex];
  REAL8 Tsft = timestamps->deltaT;

  // if SFT output requested: need *effective* fMin and Band consistent with SFT bins
  if ( SFTvect )
      UINT4 firstBinEff, numBinsEff;
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALFindCoveringSFTBins ( &firstBinEff, &numBinsEff, fMin, fBand, Tsft ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

      REAL8 fBand_eff = (numBinsEff - 1.0) / Tsft;
      REAL8 fMin_eff  = firstBinEff / Tsft;
      REAL8 fMax = fMin + dataParams->Band;
      REAL8 fMax_eff = fMin_eff + fBand_eff;
      if ( (fMin_eff != fMin) || (fBand_eff != fBand ) ) {
        XLALPrintWarning("Caller asked for Band [%.16g, %.16g] Hz, effective SFT-Band produced is [%.16g, %.16g] Hz\n",
                         fMin, fMax, fMin_eff, fMax_eff );
        XLAL_CHECK ( dataParams->inputMultiTS == NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Cannot expand effective frequency band with input timeseries given. Timeseries seems inconsistent with SFTs\n");
        fMin = fMin_eff;		// (potentially) lower minimal frequency to fit SFT bins
        fBand = fBand_eff;
        fSamp = 2.0 * fBand_eff;	// (potentially) higher sampling rate required to fit SFT bins
      } // if (fMin_eff != fMin) || (fBand_eff != fBand)
    } // if SFT-output requested

  // characterize the output time-series
  UINT4 n0_fSamp = (UINT4) round ( Tsft * fSamp );

  // by construction, fSamp * Tsft = integer, but if there are gaps between SFTs,
  // then we might have to sample at higher rates in order for all SFT-boundaries to
  // fall on exact timesteps of the timeseries.
  // ie we start from fsamp0 = n0_fSamp/Tsft, and then try to find the smallest
  // n1_fSamp >= n0_fSamp, such that for fsamp1 = n1_fSamp/Tsft, for all gaps i: Dt_i * fsamp1 = int
  UINT4 n1_fSamp;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALFindSmallestValidSamplingRate ( &n1_fSamp, n0_fSamp, timestamps ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  if ( n1_fSamp != n0_fSamp )
      REAL8 fSamp1 = n1_fSamp / Tsft;	// increased sampling rate to fit all gaps
      XLALPrintWarning ( "GAPS: Initial SFT sampling frequency fSamp0= %d/%.0f = %g had to be increased to fSamp1 = %d/%.0f = %g\n",
                         n0_fSamp, Tsft, fSamp, n1_fSamp, Tsft, fSamp1 );
      XLAL_CHECK ( dataParams->inputMultiTS == NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Cannot expand effective frequency band with input timeseries given. Timeseries seems inconsistent with SFT timestamps\n");
      fSamp = fSamp1;
    } // if higher effective sampling rate required

  // ----- start-time and duration -----
  LIGOTimeGPS firstGPS = timestamps->data[0];
  REAL8 firstGPS_REAL8 = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &firstGPS );
  LIGOTimeGPS lastGPS  = timestamps->data [ timestamps->length - 1 ];
  REAL8 lastGPS_REAL8 = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &lastGPS );
  XLALGPSAdd( &lastGPS, Tsft );
  REAL8 duration = XLALGPSDiff ( &lastGPS, &firstGPS );

  // start with an empty output time-series
  REAL4TimeSeries *Tseries_sum;
    REAL8 numSteps = ceil ( fSamp * duration );
    XLAL_CHECK ( numSteps < (REAL8)LAL_UINT4_MAX, XLAL_EDOM, "Sorry, time-series of %g samples too long to fit into REAL4TimeSeries (maxLen = %g)\n", numSteps, (REAL8)LAL_UINT4_MAX );
    REAL8 dt = 1.0 / fSamp;
    REAL8 fHeterodyne = fMin;	// heterodyne signals at lower end of frequency-band
    CHAR *detPrefix = XLALGetChannelPrefix ( site->frDetector.name );
    XLAL_CHECK ( (Tseries_sum = XLALCreateREAL4TimeSeries ( detPrefix, &firstGPS, fHeterodyne, dt, &lalStrainUnit, (UINT4)numSteps )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
    memset ( Tseries_sum->data->data, 0, Tseries_sum->data->length * sizeof(Tseries_sum->data->data[0]) );
    XLALFree ( detPrefix );
  } // generate empty timeseries

  // add CW signals, if any
  UINT4 numPulsars = injectionSources ? injectionSources->length : 0;
  for ( UINT4 iInj = 0; iInj < numPulsars; iInj ++ )
      // truncate any transient-CW timeseries to the actual support of the transient signal,
      // in order to make the generation more efficient, these 'partial timeseries'
      // will then be added to the full timeseries
      const PulsarParams *pulsarParams = &( injectionSources->data[iInj] );
      UINT4 t0, t1;
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALGetTransientWindowTimespan ( &t0, &t1, pulsarParams->Transient ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // use latest possible start-time: max(t0,firstGPS), but not later than than lastGPS
      LIGOTimeGPS XLAL_INIT_DECL(signalStartGPS);
      if ( t0 <= firstGPS_REAL8 ) {
        signalStartGPS = firstGPS;
      } else if ( t0 >= lastGPS_REAL8 ) {
        signalStartGPS = lastGPS;
      else {
        signalStartGPS.gpsSeconds = t0;

      // use earliest possible end-time: min(t1,lastGPS), but not earlier than firstGPS
      if ( t1 >= lastGPS_REAL8 ) {
        signalEndGPS = lastGPS;
      } else if ( t1 <= firstGPS_REAL8 ) {
        signalEndGPS = firstGPS;
      } else {
        signalEndGPS.gpsSeconds = t1;
      REAL8 signalDuration = XLALGPSDiff ( &signalEndGPS, &signalStartGPS );
      XLAL_CHECK ( signalDuration >= 0, XLAL_EFAILED, "Something went wrong, got negative signal duration = %g\n", signalDuration );
      if ( signalDuration > 0 )	// only need to do sth if transient-window had finite overlap with output TS
          REAL4TimeSeries *Tseries_i = NULL;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (Tseries_i = XLALGenerateCWSignalTS ( pulsarParams, site, signalStartGPS, signalDuration, fSamp, fMin, edat )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

          XLAL_CHECK ( (Tseries_sum = XLALAddREAL4TimeSeries ( Tseries_sum, Tseries_i )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          XLALDestroyREAL4TimeSeries ( Tseries_i );
    } // for iInj < numSources

  /* add Gaussian noise if requested */
  REAL8 sqrtSn = dataParams->multiNoiseFloor.sqrtSn[detectorIndex];
  if ( sqrtSn > 0)
      REAL8 noiseSigma = sqrtSn * sqrt ( 0.5 * fSamp );
      INT4 randSeed = (dataParams->randSeed == 0) ? 0 : (dataParams->randSeed + detectorIndex);	// seed=0 means to use /dev/urandom, so don't touch it
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALAddGaussianNoise ( Tseries_sum, noiseSigma, randSeed ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // convert final signal+Gaussian-noise timeseries into REAL8 precision:
  REAL8TimeSeries *outTS;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (outTS = XLALConvertREAL4TimeSeriesToREAL8 ( Tseries_sum )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLALDestroyREAL4TimeSeries ( Tseries_sum );

  // add input noise time-series here if given
  if ( dataParams->inputMultiTS != NULL ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( (outTS = XLALAddREAL8TimeSeries ( outTS, dataParams->inputMultiTS->data[detectorIndex] )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // turn final timeseries into SFTs, if requested
  if ( SFTvect != NULL )
      // compute SFTs from timeseries
      SFTVector *sftVect;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (sftVect = XLALMakeSFTsFromREAL8TimeSeries ( outTS, timestamps, dataParams->SFTWindowType, dataParams->SFTWindowBeta)) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // extract effective band from this, if neccessary (ie if faster-sampled output SFTs)
      if ( n1_fSamp != n0_fSamp )
          XLAL_CHECK ( ((*SFTvect) = XLALExtractBandFromSFTVector ( sftVect, fMin, fBand )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          XLALDestroySFTVector ( sftVect );
          (*SFTvect) = sftVect;
    } // if SFTvect

  // return timeseries if requested
  if ( Tseries != NULL ) {
    (*Tseries) = outTS;
  } else {
    XLALDestroyREAL8TimeSeries ( outTS );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // XLALCWMakeFakeData()
int XLALSQTPNWaveformForInjection(CoherentGW *waveform, 
		InspiralTemplate *params, PPNParamStruc *ppnParams) {

	// Check the relevant pointers
	if( !waveform || !params || waveform->a || waveform->f
			|| waveform->phi || waveform->shift )

	// variable declaration and initialization
	UINT4 i;
	InspiralInit paramsInit;

	// Compute some parameters
	XLALInspiralInit(params, &paramsInit);
	if (xlalErrno)
	if (paramsInit.nbins == 0) {
		XLALPrintWarning("Warning! Waveform of zero length requested in %s. Returning empty waveform.\n ", __func__);
		return XLAL_SUCCESS;

	// Allocate the waveform structures.
	xlalErrno = 0;
	XLALSQTPNAllocateCoherentGW(waveform, paramsInit.nbins);

	LALSQTPNWave wave;
	wave.h = NULL;
	wave.hp = wave.hc = NULL;
	wave.waveform = waveform;
	LALSQTPNWaveformParams wave_Params;

	// filling the parameters
	XLALSQTPNFillParams(&wave_Params, params);
	if (xlalErrno)

	// calling the engine function
	if(XLALSQTPNGenerator(&wave, &wave_Params)) {
	params->fFinal = wave_Params.finalFreq;
	for (i = 0; i < wave.length; i++) {
		if (waveform->phi->data->data[i] != 0.) {
		if (i == wave.length - 1) {

		if (waveform->a != NULL) {
			waveform->f->data->length = waveform->phi->data->length 				= waveform->shift->data->length = wave.length;
			waveform->a->data->length = 2 * wave.length;
			for (i = 0; i < wave.length; i++) {
				// (PPNParamStruct)ppnParams->phi === (InspiralTemplate)params->startPhase === (SimInspiralTable)injparams/this_event->coa_phase it is set to 0 in LALSQTPNWaveformTest.c at line 83.
					= waveform->phi->data->data[i] 
					- waveform->phi->data->data[wave.length-1] 
					+ ppnParams->phi;
			waveform->a->deltaT = waveform->f->deltaT 
					= waveform->phi->deltaT
					= waveform->shift->deltaT 
					= 1. / params->tSampling;

			waveform->a->sampleUnits = lalStrainUnit;
			waveform->f->sampleUnits = lalHertzUnit;
			waveform->phi->sampleUnits = lalDimensionlessUnit;
			waveform->shift->sampleUnits = lalDimensionlessUnit;

			waveform->position = ppnParams->position;
			waveform->psi = ppnParams->psi;

			snprintf(waveform->a->name, LALNameLength,
					"STPN inspiral amplitudes");
			snprintf(waveform->f->name, LALNameLength,
					"STPN inspiral frequency");
			snprintf(waveform->phi->name, LALNameLength, 
					"STPN inspiral phase");
			snprintf(waveform->shift->name, LALNameLength,
					"STPN inspiral polshift");
		// --- fill some output ---
		ppnParams->tc = (REAL8) (wave.length - 1) / params->tSampling;
		ppnParams->length = wave.length;
			= ((REAL4) (waveform->f->data->data[wave.length - 1]
			- waveform->f->data->data[wave.length - 2])) 
			* ppnParams->deltaT;
		ppnParams->fStop = params->fFinal;
		ppnParams->termDescription = GENERATEPPNINSPIRALH_MSGEFSTOP;

		ppnParams->fStart = ppnParams->fStartIn;
	} // end phase condition

 * Wrapper similar to XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveform() for waveforms to be generated a specific freqencies.
 * Returns the waveform in the frequency domain at the frequencies of the REAL8Sequence frequencies.
int XLALSimInspiralChooseFDWaveformSequence(
    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde,     /**< FD plus polarization */
    COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde,     /**< FD cross polarization */
    REAL8 phiRef,                           /**< reference orbital phase (rad) */
    REAL8 m1,                               /**< mass of companion 1 (kg) */
    REAL8 m2,                               /**< mass of companion 2 (kg) */
    REAL8 S1x,                              /**< x-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 */
    REAL8 S1y,                              /**< y-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 */
    REAL8 S1z,                              /**< z-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 */
    REAL8 S2x,                              /**< x-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 */
    REAL8 S2y,                              /**< y-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 */
    REAL8 S2z,                              /**< z-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 */
    REAL8 f_ref,                            /**< Reference frequency (Hz) */
    REAL8 distance,                         /**< distance of source (m) */
    REAL8 inclination,                      /**< inclination of source (rad) */
    LALDict *LALpars,                       /**< LALDictionary containing non-mandatory variables/flags */
    Approximant approximant,                /**< post-Newtonian approximant to use for waveform production */
    REAL8Sequence *frequencies              /**< sequence of frequencies for which the waveform will be computed. Pass in NULL (or None in python) for standard f_min to f_max sequence. */
    int ret;
    unsigned int j;
    REAL8 pfac, cfac;
    REAL8 LNhatx, LNhaty, LNhatz;

    /* Support variables for precessing wfs*/
    REAL8 incl;
    REAL8 spin1x,spin1y,spin1z;
    REAL8 spin2x,spin2y,spin2z;

    /* Variables for IMRPhenomP and IMRPhenomPv2 */
    REAL8 chi1_l, chi2_l, chip, thetaJ, alpha0;

    /* General sanity checks that will abort
     * If non-GR approximants are added, include them in
     * XLALSimInspiralApproximantAcceptTestGRParams()
    if ( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsNonGRAreDefault(LALpars) && XLALSimInspiralApproximantAcceptTestGRParams(approximant) != LAL_SIM_INSPIRAL_TESTGR_PARAMS ) {
        XLALPrintError("XLAL Error - %s: Passed in non-NULL testGRparams for an approximant that does not use them\n", __func__);
    if (!frequencies) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFAULT);
    REAL8 f_min = frequencies->data[0];

    /* General sanity check the input parameters - only give warnings! */
    if( m1 < 0.09 * LAL_MSUN_SI )
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning - %s: Small value of m1 = %e (kg) = %e (Msun) requested...Perhaps you have a unit conversion error?\n", __func__, m1, m1/LAL_MSUN_SI);
    if( m2 < 0.09 * LAL_MSUN_SI )
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning - %s: Small value of m2 = %e (kg) = %e (Msun) requested...Perhaps you have a unit conversion error?\n", __func__, m2, m2/LAL_MSUN_SI);
    if( m1 + m2 > 1000. * LAL_MSUN_SI )
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning - %s: Large value of total mass m1+m2 = %e (kg) = %e (Msun) requested...Signal not likely to be in band of ground-based detectors.\n", __func__, m1+m2, (m1+m2)/LAL_MSUN_SI);
    if( S1x*S1x + S1y*S1y + S1z*S1z > 1.000001 )
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning - %s: S1 = (%e,%e,%e) with norm > 1 requested...Are you sure you want to violate the Kerr bound?\n", __func__, S1x, S1y, S1z);
    if( S2x*S2x + S2y*S2y + S2z*S2z > 1.000001 )
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning - %s: S2 = (%e,%e,%e) with norm > 1 requested...Are you sure you want to violate the Kerr bound?\n", __func__, S2x, S2y, S2z);
    if( f_min < 1. )
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning - %s: Small value of fmin = %e requested...Check for errors, this could create a very long waveform.\n", __func__, f_min);
    if( f_min > 40.000001 )
    XLALPrintWarning("XLAL Warning - %s: Large value of fmin = %e requested...Check for errors, the signal will start in band.\n", __func__, f_min);

    /* The non-precessing waveforms return h(f) for optimal orientation
     * (i=0, Fp=1, Fc=0; Lhat pointed toward the observer)
     * To get generic polarizations we multiply by inclination dependence
     * and note hc(f) \propto -I * hp(f)
     * Non-precessing waveforms multiply hp by pfac, hc by -I*cfac
    cfac = cos(inclination);
    pfac = 0.5 * (1. + cfac*cfac);

    REAL8 lambda1=XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupTidalLambda1(LALpars);
    REAL8 lambda2=XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupTidalLambda2(LALpars);

    switch (approximant)
        /* inspiral-only models */
        case TaylorF2:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFrameAxisIsDefault(LALpars) )
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsModesChoiceIsDefault(LALpars) )
            if( !checkTransverseSpinsZero(S1x, S1y, S2x, S2y) )

            /* Call the waveform driver routine */
            ret = XLALSimInspiralTaylorF2Core(hptilde, frequencies, phiRef,
                    m1, m2, S1z, S2z, f_ref, 0., distance, LALpars);
            if (ret == XLAL_FAILURE) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC);
            /* Produce both polarizations */
            *hctilde = XLALCreateCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries("FD hcross",
                    &((*hptilde)->epoch), (*hptilde)->f0, 0.0,
                    &((*hptilde)->sampleUnits), (*hptilde)->data->length);
            for(j = 0; j < (*hptilde)->data->length; j++) {
                (*hctilde)->data->data[j] = -I*cfac * (*hptilde)->data->data[j];
                (*hptilde)->data->data[j] *= pfac;
        /* inspiral-merger-ringdown models */
        case SEOBNRv1_ROM_EffectiveSpin:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFlagsAreDefault(LALpars) )
            if (!checkAlignedSpinsEqual(S1z, S2z))
            if( !checkTransverseSpinsZero(S1x, S1y, S2x, S2y) )
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )

            ret = XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpinFrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
                    phiRef, f_ref, distance, inclination, m1, m2, XLALSimIMRPhenomBComputeChi(m1, m2, S1z, S2z));

        case SEOBNRv1_ROM_DoubleSpin:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFlagsAreDefault(LALpars) )
            if( !checkTransverseSpinsZero(S1x, S1y, S2x, S2y) )
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )

            ret = XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv1ROMDoubleSpinFrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
                    phiRef, f_ref, distance, inclination, m1, m2, S1z, S2z);

        case SEOBNRv2_ROM_EffectiveSpin:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFlagsAreDefault(LALpars) )
            if( !checkTransverseSpinsZero(S1x, S1y, S2x, S2y) )
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )

            ret = XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMEffectiveSpinFrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
                    phiRef, f_ref, distance, inclination, m1, m2, XLALSimIMRPhenomBComputeChi(m1, m2, S1z, S2z));

        case SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFlagsAreDefault(LALpars) )
            if( !checkTransverseSpinsZero(S1x, S1y, S2x, S2y) )
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )

            ret = XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinFrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
                    phiRef, f_ref, distance, inclination, m1, m2, S1z, S2z);

        case SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin_HI:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFlagsAreDefault(LALpars) )
            if( !checkTransverseSpinsZero(S1x, S1y, S2x, S2y) )
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )

            ret = XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHIFrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
                    phiRef, f_ref, distance, inclination, m1, m2, S1z, S2z, -1);

        case Lackey_Tidal_2013_SEOBNRv2_ROM:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFlagsAreDefault(LALpars) )
            if( !checkTransverseSpinsZero(S1x, S1y, S2x, S2y) )

            ret = XLALSimIMRLackeyTidal2013FrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
                    phiRef, f_ref, distance, inclination, m1, m2, S1z, lambda2);

        case IMRPhenomP:
            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFrameAxisIsDefault(LALpars) )
                ABORT_NONDEFAULT_FRAME_AXIS(LALpars);/* Default is LAL_SIM_INSPIRAL_FRAME_AXIS_VIEW : z-axis along direction of GW propagation (line of sight). */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsModesChoiceIsDefault(LALpars) )
          /* Default is (2,2) or l=2 modes. */
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )
            LNhatx = sin(incl);
            LNhaty = 0.;
            LNhatz = cos(incl);
            /* Tranform to model parameters */
                f_ref = f_min; /* Default reference frequency is minimum frequency */
                &chi1_l, &chi2_l, &chip, &thetaJ, &alpha0,
                m1, m2, f_ref,
                LNhatx, LNhaty, LNhatz,
                spin1x, spin1y, spin1z,
                spin2x, spin2y, spin2z, IMRPhenomPv1_V);
            /* Call the waveform driver routine */
            ret = XLALSimIMRPhenomPFrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
              chi1_l, chi2_l, chip, thetaJ,
              m1, m2, distance, alpha0, phiRef, f_ref, IMRPhenomPv1_V, NULL);
            if (ret == XLAL_FAILURE) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC);

        case IMRPhenomPv2:

            /* Waveform-specific sanity checks */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsFrameAxisIsDefault(LALpars) )
                ABORT_NONDEFAULT_FRAME_AXIS(LALpars);/* Default is LAL_SIM_INSPIRAL_FRAME_AXIS_VIEW : z-axis along direction of GW propagation (line of sight). */
            if( !XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsModesChoiceIsDefault(LALpars) )
          /* Default is (2,2) or l=2 modes. */
            if( !checkTidesZero(lambda1, lambda2) )
            LNhatx = sin(incl);
            LNhaty = 0.;
            LNhatz = cos(incl);
            /* Tranform to model parameters */
	      f_ref = f_min; /* Default reference frequency is minimum frequency */
                &chi1_l, &chi2_l, &chip, &thetaJ, &alpha0,
                m1, m2, f_ref,
                LNhatx, LNhaty, LNhatz,
                spin1x, spin1y, spin1z,
                spin2x, spin2y, spin2z, IMRPhenomPv2_V);
            /* Call the waveform driver routine */
            ret = XLALSimIMRPhenomPFrequencySequence(hptilde, hctilde, frequencies,
              chi1_l, chi2_l, chip, thetaJ,
              m1, m2, distance, alpha0, phiRef, f_ref, IMRPhenomPv2_V, NULL);
            if (ret == XLAL_FAILURE) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFUNC);

            XLALPrintError("FD version of approximant not implemented in lalsimulation\n");


    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 17
/* ----- function definitions ---------- */
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  LALStatus status;
  UserInput_t uvar_s;
  UserInput_t *uvar = &uvar_s;

  INIT_MEM ( status );
  INIT_MEM ( uvar_s );

  struct tms buf;
  uvar->randSeed = times(&buf);

  // ---------- register all our user-variable ----------
  XLALregBOOLUserStruct (  help,                'h', UVAR_HELP    , "Print this help/usage message");
  XLALregINTUserStruct (   randSeed,             's', UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Specify random-number seed for reproducible noise.");

  /* read cmdline & cfgfile  */
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput ( argc, argv ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  if ( uvar->help ) {	/* if help was requested, we're done */
    exit (0);

  srand ( uvar->randSeed );

  REAL8 startTimeREAL8 	= 714180733;
  REAL8 duration 	= 180000;	/* 50 hours */
  REAL8 Tsft 		= 1800;		/* assume 30min SFTs */
  char earthEphem[] 	= TEST_DATA_DIR "earth00-19-DE200.dat.gz";
  char sunEphem[]   	= TEST_DATA_DIR "sun00-19-DE200.dat.gz";

  //REAL8 tolerance = 2e-10;	/* same algorithm, should be basically identical results */

  LIGOTimeGPS startTime, refTime;
  XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &startTime, startTimeREAL8 );
  refTime = startTime;

  // pick skyposition at random ----- */
  SkyPosition skypos;
  skypos.longitude = LAL_TWOPI * (1.0 * rand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );  // alpha uniform in [0, 2pi)
  skypos.latitude = LAL_PI_2 - acos ( 1 - 2.0 * rand()/RAND_MAX );	// sin(delta) uniform in [-1,1]

  // pick binary orbital parameters:
  // somewhat inspired by Sco-X1 parameters from S2-paper (PRD76, 082001 (2007), gr-qc/0605028)
  // but with a more extreme eccentricity, and random argp
  REAL8 argp = LAL_TWOPI * (1.0 * rand() / ( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) );	// uniform in [0, 2pi)
  BinaryOrbitParams orbit;
  XLALGPSSetREAL8 ( &orbit.tp, 731163327 ); 	// time of observed periapsis passage (in SSB)
  orbit.argp = argp;		// argument of periapsis (radians)
  orbit.asini = 1.44;           // projected, normalized orbital semi-major axis (s) */
  orbit.ecc = 1e-2;             // relatively large value, for better testing
  orbit.period = 68023;		// period (s) : about ~18.9h

  // ----- step 0: prepare test-case input for calling the BinarySSB-functions
  // setup detectors
  const char *sites[3] = { "H1", "L1", "V1" };
  UINT4 numDetectors = sizeof( sites ) / sizeof ( sites[0] );

  MultiLALDetector multiIFO;
  multiIFO.length = numDetectors;
  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      LALDetector *det = XLALGetSiteInfo ( sites[X] );
      XLAL_CHECK ( det != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetSiteInfo ('%s') failed for detector X=%d\n", sites[X], X );
      multiIFO.sites[X] = (*det);	 // struct copy
      XLALFree ( det );

  // load ephemeris
  EphemerisData *edat = XLALInitBarycenter ( earthEphem, sunEphem );
  XLAL_CHECK ( edat != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALInitBarycenter('%s','%s') failed\n", earthEphem, sunEphem );

  // setup multi-timeseries
  MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTS;

  XLAL_CHECK ( (multiTS = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*multiTS))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  XLAL_CHECK ( (multiTS->data = XLALCalloc (numDetectors, sizeof(*multiTS->data))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  multiTS->length = numDetectors;

  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      multiTS->data[X] = XLALMakeTimestamps ( startTime, duration, Tsft, 0 );
      XLAL_CHECK ( multiTS->data[X] != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALMakeTimestamps() failed.\n");
    } /* for X < numIFOs */

  // generate detector-states
  MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates = XLALGetMultiDetectorStates ( multiTS, &multiIFO, edat, 0 );
  XLAL_CHECK ( multiDetStates != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetMultiDetectorStates() failed.\n");

  // generate isolated-NS SSB times
  MultiSSBtimes *multiSSBIn = XLALGetMultiSSBtimes ( multiDetStates, skypos, refTime, SSBPREC_RELATIVISTICOPT );
  XLAL_CHECK ( multiSSBIn != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetMultiSSBtimes() failed.\n");

  // ----- step 1: compute reference-result using old LALGetMultiBinarytimes()
  MultiSSBtimes *multiBinary_ref = NULL;
  LALGetMultiBinarytimes (&status, &(multiBinary_ref), multiSSBIn, multiDetStates, &orbit, refTime );
  XLAL_CHECK ( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFAILED, "LALGetMultiBinarytimes() failed with status = %d : '%s'\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription );

  // ----- step 2: compute test-result using new XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes()
  MultiSSBtimes *multiBinary_test = NULL;
  PulsarDopplerParams doppler;
  memset(&doppler, 0, sizeof(doppler));
  doppler.tp = orbit.tp;
  doppler.argp = orbit.argp;
  doppler.asini = orbit.asini;
  doppler.ecc = orbit.ecc;
  doppler.period = orbit.period;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes ( &multiBinary_test, multiSSBIn, &doppler ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- step 3: compare results
  REAL8 err_DeltaT, err_Tdot;
  REAL8 tolerance = 1e-10;
  int ret = XLALCompareMultiSSBtimes ( &err_DeltaT, &err_Tdot, multiBinary_ref, multiBinary_test );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ret == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCompareMultiSSBtimes() failed.\n");

  XLALPrintWarning ( "INFO: err(DeltaT) = %g, err(Tdot) = %g\n", err_DeltaT, err_Tdot );

  XLAL_CHECK ( err_DeltaT < tolerance, XLAL_ETOL, "error(DeltaT) = %g exceeds tolerance of %g\n", err_DeltaT, tolerance );
  XLAL_CHECK ( err_Tdot   < tolerance, XLAL_ETOL, "error(Tdot) = %g exceeds tolerance of %g\n", err_Tdot, tolerance );

  // ---- step 4: clean-up memory
  XLALDestroyEphemerisData ( edat );
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiBinary_test );
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiBinary_ref );
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiSSBIn );
  XLALDestroyMultiTimestamps ( multiTS );
  XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries ( multiDetStates );

  // check for memory-leaks

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // main()
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Read config-variables from cfgfile and parse into input-structure.
 * An error is reported if the config-file reading fails, but the
 * individual variable-reads are treated as optional
 * If \p *should_exit is TRUE when this function returns, the
 * caller should exit immediately.
XLALUserVarReadCfgfile ( BOOLEAN *should_exit, const CHAR *cfgfile )
  XLAL_CHECK ( should_exit != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT );
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfgfile != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( UVAR_vars.next != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "No memory allocated in UVAR_vars.next, did you register any user-variables?\n" );

  *should_exit = 0;

  LALParsedDataFile *cfg = NULL;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseDataFile ( &cfg, cfgfile ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // step through all user-variable: read those with names from config-file
  LALUserVariable *ptr = &UVAR_vars;
  while ( (ptr=ptr->next) != NULL)

      XLAL_CHECK ( (ptr->type > UVAR_TYPE_START) && (ptr->type < UVAR_TYPE_END), XLAL_EFAILED, "Invalid UVAR_TYPE '%d' outside of [%d,%d]\n", ptr->type, UVAR_TYPE_START+1, UVAR_TYPE_END-1 );

      BOOLEAN wasRead;
      CHAR *valString = NULL;       // first read the value as a string
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigSTRINGVariable ( &valString, cfg, NULL, ptr->name, &wasRead ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
      if ( wasRead ) // if successful, parse this as the desired type
          // destroy previous value, is applicable, then parse new one
          if ( UserVarTypeMap [ ptr->type ].destructor != NULL )
              UserVarTypeMap [ ptr->type ].destructor( *(char**)ptr->varp );
              *(char**)ptr->varp = NULL;
            } // if a destructor was registered
          if ( UserVarTypeMap [ ptr->type ].parser( ptr->varp, valString ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
              XLALPrintError( "\n%s: could not parse value given to option " UVAR_FMT "\n\n", program_name, ptr->name );
              *should_exit = 1;
              return XLAL_SUCCESS;
          XLALFree (valString);

          switch ( ptr->was_set ) {
          case 0:    // this variable has not been set; mark as set in configuration file
            ptr->was_set = 1;
          default:   // this variable has been set before; error
            XLALUserVarCheck( should_exit, 0, "configuration option `%s' was set more than once!", ptr->name );
            return XLAL_SUCCESS;

        } // if wasRead

    } // while ptr->next

  // ok, that should be it: check if there were more definitions we did not read
  UINT4Vector *unread = XLALConfigFileGetUnreadEntries ( cfg );
  XLAL_CHECK ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALConfigFileGetUnreadEntries() failed\n");
  if ( unread != NULL )
      XLALPrintWarning ("The following entries in config-file '%s' have not been parsed:\n", cfgfile );
      for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < unread->length; i ++ ) {
        XLALPrintWarning ("%s\n", cfg->lines->tokens[ unread->data[i] ] );
      XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( unread );

  XLALDestroyParsedDataFile ( cfg );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // XLALUserVarReadCfgfile()