Exemplo n.º 1
/// Read setup data from a FITS file
int XLALWeaveSetupDataRead(
  FITSFile *file,
  WeaveSetupData *setup

  // Check input

  // Erase memory
  XLAL_INIT_MEM( *setup );

  // Read reference time
  XLAL_CHECK( XLALFITSHeaderReadGPSTime( file, "date-obs", &setup->ref_time ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // Read list of detector names
  XLAL_CHECK( XLALFITSHeaderReadStringVector( file, "detect", &setup->detectors ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK( setup->detectors != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT );

  // Read ephemerides
  XLAL_CHECK( XLALFITSReadEphemerisData( file, &setup->ephemerides ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK( setup->ephemerides != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT );

  // Read segment list
  XLAL_CHECK( XLALFITSReadSegmentList( file, "segments", &setup->segments ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK( setup->ephemerides != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT );

  // Read supersky metrics
  XLAL_CHECK( XLALFITSReadSuperskyMetrics( file, &setup->metrics ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK( setup->metrics != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

Exemplo n.º 2
 * Add given signal s_mu = M_mu_nu A^nu within the given transient-window
 * to multi-IFO noise-atoms.
 * RETURN: SNR^2 of the injected signal
 * and the effective AntennaPatternMatrix M_mu_nu for this signal.
XLALAddSignalToMultiFstatAtomVector ( MultiFstatAtomVector* multiAtoms,	 /**< [in/out] multi atoms vectors containing antenna-functions and possibly noise {Fa,Fb} */
                                      AntennaPatternMatrix *M_mu_nu,	 /**< [out] effective multi-IFO antenna-pattern matrix for the injected signal */
                                      const PulsarAmplitudeVect A_Mu, 	/**< [in] input canonical amplitude vector A^mu = {A1,A2,A3,A4} */
                                      transientWindow_t transientWindow, /**< [in] transient signal window */
                                      INT4 lineX	 		/**< [in] if >= 0: generate signal only for detector 'lineX': must be within 0,...(Ndet-1) */
  /* check input consistency */
  if ( !multiAtoms || !multiAtoms->data ) {
    XLALPrintError ( "%s: Invalid NULL input 'multiAtoms'\n", __func__ );
  if ( !M_mu_nu ) {
    XLALPrintError ( "%s: Invalid NULL input 'M_mu_nu'\n", __func__ );

  UINT4 numDet = multiAtoms->length;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (lineX < 0) || ((UINT4)lineX < numDet), XLAL_EINVAL, "Inconsistent input of lineX = %d, not within 0 ... Ndet-1 (= %d)\n", lineX, numDet );

  UINT4 X;
  REAL8 rho2 = 0;
  XLAL_INIT_MEM( (*M_mu_nu));

  for ( X=0; X < numDet; X ++ )
      REAL8 rho2X;
      AntennaPatternMatrix M_mu_nu_X;
      PulsarAmplitudeVect A0_Mu = {0,0,0,0};	// zero amplitude signal for simulating single-IFO line

      if ( (lineX >= 0) && ((UINT4)lineX != X) ) {
        rho2X = XLALAddSignalToFstatAtomVector ( multiAtoms->data[X], &M_mu_nu_X, A0_Mu, transientWindow );	// zero-signal injection
      else {
        rho2X = XLALAddSignalToFstatAtomVector ( multiAtoms->data[X], &M_mu_nu_X, A_Mu, transientWindow );	// actual signal injection
      XLAL_CHECK_REAL8 ( xlalErrno == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );

      rho2 += rho2X;			/* multi-IFO SNR^2 = sum_X SNR_X^2 */
      M_mu_nu->Ad += M_mu_nu_X.Ad;	/* multi-IFO M_mu_nu = sum_X M_mu_nu_X */
      M_mu_nu->Bd += M_mu_nu_X.Bd;
      M_mu_nu->Cd += M_mu_nu_X.Cd;

      M_mu_nu->Sinv_Tsft += M_mu_nu_X.Sinv_Tsft;	/* noise adds harmonically 1/S = sum_X (1/S_X) */

    } /* for X < numDet */

  /* update sub-determinant */
  M_mu_nu->Dd = M_mu_nu->Ad * M_mu_nu->Bd - SQ(M_mu_nu->Cd);

  /* return SNR^2 */
  return rho2;

} /* XLALAddSignalToMultiFstatAtomVector() */
Exemplo n.º 3
// ----- local function definitions ----------
static int
XLALComputeFstatDemod ( FstatResults* Fstats,
                        const FstatCommon *common,
                        void *method_data
  // Check input
  XLAL_CHECK(method_data != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT);

  DemodMethodData *demod = (DemodMethodData*) method_data;
  // get internal timing info
  DemodTimingInfo *ti = &(demod->timingInfo);
  REAL8 tic = 0, toc = 0;

  // Get which F-statistic quantities to compute
  const FstatQuantities whatToCompute = Fstats->whatWasComputed;

  // handy shortcuts
  BOOLEAN returnAtoms = (whatToCompute & FSTATQ_ATOMS_PER_DET);
  PulsarDopplerParams thisPoint = Fstats->doppler;
  const REAL8 fStart = thisPoint.fkdot[0];
  const MultiSFTVector *multiSFTs = demod->multiSFTs;
  const MultiNoiseWeights *multiWeights = common->multiNoiseWeights;
  const MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates = common->multiDetectorStates;

  UINT4 numDetectors = multiSFTs->length;
  XLAL_CHECK ( multiDetStates->length == numDetectors, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( multiWeights==NULL || (multiWeights->length == numDetectors), XLAL_EINVAL );
  UINT4 numSFTs = 0;
  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ ) {
    numSFTs += multiDetStates->data[X]->length;

  // initialize timing info struct
  if ( ti->collectTiming )
      XLAL_INIT_MEM ( (*ti) );
      ti->collectTiming = 1;

      ti->numDetectors = numDetectors;
      ti->numFreqBins = Fstats->numFreqBins;
      ti->numSFTs = numSFTs;

      tic = XLALGetCPUTime();

  MultiSSBtimes *multiSSB = NULL;
  MultiAMCoeffs *multiAMcoef = NULL;
  // ----- check if we have buffered SSB+AMcoef for current sky-position
  if ( (demod->prevAlpha == thisPoint.Alpha) && (demod->prevDelta == thisPoint.Delta ) &&
       (demod->prevMultiSSBtimes != NULL) && ( XLALGPSDiff(&demod->prevRefTime, &thisPoint.refTime) == 0 ) &&	// have SSB times for same reftime?
       (demod->prevMultiAMcoef != NULL)
    { // if yes ==> reuse
      multiSSB    = demod->prevMultiSSBtimes;
      multiAMcoef = demod->prevMultiAMcoef;
    { // if not, compute SSB + AMcoef for this skyposition
      SkyPosition skypos;
      skypos.longitude = thisPoint.Alpha;
      skypos.latitude  = thisPoint.Delta;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (multiSSB = XLALGetMultiSSBtimes ( multiDetStates, skypos, thisPoint.refTime, common->SSBprec )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      XLAL_CHECK ( (multiAMcoef = XLALComputeMultiAMCoeffs ( multiDetStates, multiWeights, skypos )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // store these for possible later re-use in buffer
      XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( demod->prevMultiSSBtimes );
      demod->prevMultiSSBtimes = multiSSB;
      demod->prevRefTime = thisPoint.refTime;
      XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs ( demod->prevMultiAMcoef );
      demod->prevMultiAMcoef = multiAMcoef;
      demod->prevAlpha = thisPoint.Alpha;
      demod->prevDelta = thisPoint.Delta;
    } // if could not reuse previously buffered quantites

  MultiSSBtimes *multiBinary = NULL;
  MultiSSBtimes *multiSSBTotal = NULL;
  // handle binary-orbital timing corrections, if applicable
  if ( thisPoint.asini > 0 )
      // compute binary time corrections to the SSB time delays and SSB time derivitive
      XLAL_CHECK ( XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes ( &multiBinary, multiSSB, &thisPoint ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
      multiSSBTotal = multiBinary;
      multiSSBTotal = multiSSB;

  if ( ti->collectTiming ) {
    toc = XLALGetCPUTime();
    ti->tauBary = (toc - tic);

  // ----- compute final Fstatistic-value -----
  REAL4 Ad = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Ad;
  REAL4 Bd = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Bd;
  REAL4 Cd = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Cd;
  REAL4 Ed = multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Ed;;
  REAL4 Dd_inv = 1.0 / multiAMcoef->Mmunu.Dd;

  // ---------- Compute F-stat for each frequency bin ----------
  for ( UINT4 k = 0; k < Fstats->numFreqBins; k++ )
      // Set frequency to search at
      thisPoint.fkdot[0] = fStart + k * Fstats->dFreq;

      COMPLEX8 Fa = 0;       		// complex amplitude Fa
      COMPLEX8 Fb = 0;                 // complex amplitude Fb
      MultiFstatAtomVector *multiFstatAtoms = NULL;	// per-IFO, per-SFT arrays of F-stat 'atoms', ie quantities required to compute F-stat

      // prepare return of 'FstatAtoms' if requested
      if ( returnAtoms )
          XLAL_CHECK ( (multiFstatAtoms = XLALMalloc ( sizeof(*multiFstatAtoms) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
          multiFstatAtoms->length = numDetectors;
          XLAL_CHECK ( (multiFstatAtoms->data = XLALMalloc ( numDetectors * sizeof(*multiFstatAtoms->data) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
        } // if returnAtoms

      // loop over detectors and compute all detector-specific quantities
      for ( UINT4 X=0; X < numDetectors; X ++)
          COMPLEX8 FaX, FbX;
          FstatAtomVector *FstatAtoms = NULL;
          FstatAtomVector **FstatAtoms_p = returnAtoms ? (&FstatAtoms) : NULL;

          // call XLALComputeFaFb_...() function for the user-requested hotloop variant
          XLAL_CHECK ( (demod->computefafb_func) ( &FaX, &FbX, FstatAtoms_p, multiSFTs->data[X], thisPoint.fkdot,
                                                   multiSSBTotal->data[X], multiAMcoef->data[X], demod->Dterms ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

          if ( returnAtoms ) {
            multiFstatAtoms->data[X] = FstatAtoms;     // copy pointer to IFO-specific Fstat-atoms 'contents'

          XLAL_CHECK ( isfinite(creal(FaX)) && isfinite(cimag(FaX)) && isfinite(creal(FbX)) && isfinite(cimag(FbX)), XLAL_EFPOVRFLW );

          if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB_PER_DET )
              Fstats->FaPerDet[X][k] = FaX;
              Fstats->FbPerDet[X][k] = FbX;

          // compute single-IFO F-stats, if requested
          if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_2F_PER_DET )
              REAL4 AdX = multiAMcoef->data[X]->A;
              REAL4 BdX = multiAMcoef->data[X]->B;
              REAL4 CdX = multiAMcoef->data[X]->C;
              REAL4 EdX = 0;
              REAL4 DdX_inv = 1.0 / multiAMcoef->data[X]->D;

              // compute final single-IFO F-stat
              Fstats->twoFPerDet[X][k] = XLALComputeFstatFromFaFb ( FaX, FbX, AdX, BdX, CdX, EdX, DdX_inv );

            } // if FSTATQ_2F_PER_DET

          /* Fa = sum_X Fa_X */
          Fa += FaX;

          /* Fb = sum_X Fb_X */
          Fb += FbX;

        } // for  X < numDetectors

      if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_2F )
          Fstats->twoF[k] = XLALComputeFstatFromFaFb ( Fa, Fb, Ad, Bd, Cd, Ed, Dd_inv );

      // Return multi-detector Fa & Fb
      if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB )
          Fstats->Fa[k] = Fa;
          Fstats->Fb[k] = Fb;

      // Return F-atoms per detector
      if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_ATOMS_PER_DET )
          XLALDestroyMultiFstatAtomVector ( Fstats->multiFatoms[k] );
          Fstats->multiFatoms[k] = multiFstatAtoms;

    } // for k < Fstats->numFreqBins

  // this needs to be free'ed, as it's currently not buffered
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiBinary );

  // Return amplitude modulation coefficients
  Fstats->Mmunu = demod->prevMultiAMcoef->Mmunu;

  // return per-detector antenna-pattern matrices
  for ( UINT4 X=0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Ad = multiAMcoef->data[X]->A;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Bd = multiAMcoef->data[X]->B;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Cd = multiAMcoef->data[X]->C;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Dd = multiAMcoef->data[X]->D;
      Fstats->MmunuX[X].Ed = 0;

  if ( ti->collectTiming ) {
    toc = XLALGetCPUTime();
    ti->tauTotal = (toc - tic);
    ti->tauF1NoBuf = ti->tauTotal / ( Fstats->numFreqBins * numDetectors );
    ti->tauF1Buf   = (ti->tauTotal - ti->tauBary) / ( Fstats->numFreqBins * numDetectors );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // XLALComputeFstatDemod()
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar);
  static ConfigVariables config;

  /* sft related variables */
  MultiSFTVector *inputSFTs = NULL;
  MultiPSDVector *multiPSDs = NULL;
  MultiNoiseWeights *multiWeights = NULL;
  MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTimes = NULL;
  MultiLALDetector multiDetectors;
  MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiStates = NULL;
  MultiAMCoeffs *multiCoeffs = NULL;
  SFTIndexList *sftIndices = NULL;
  SFTPairIndexList *sftPairs = NULL;
  REAL8Vector *shiftedFreqs = NULL;
  UINT4Vector *lowestBins = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *expSignalPhases = NULL;
  REAL8VectorSequence *sincList = NULL;
  PulsarDopplerParams XLAL_INIT_DECL(dopplerpos);
  PulsarDopplerParams thisBinaryTemplate, binaryTemplateSpacings;
  PulsarDopplerParams minBinaryTemplate, maxBinaryTemplate;
  SkyPosition XLAL_INIT_DECL(skyPos);
  MultiSSBtimes *multiBinaryTimes = NULL;

  INT4  k;
  UINT4 j;
  REAL8 fMin, fMax; /* min and max frequencies read from SFTs */
  REAL8 deltaF; /* frequency resolution associated with time baseline of SFTs */

  REAL8 diagff = 0; /*diagonal metric components*/
  REAL8 diagaa = 0;
  REAL8 diagTT = 0;
  REAL8 diagpp = 1;
  REAL8 ccStat = 0;
  REAL8 evSquared=0;
  REAL8 estSens=0; /*estimated sensitivity(4.13)*/
  BOOLEAN dopplerShiftFlag = TRUE;
  toplist_t *ccToplist=NULL;
  CrossCorrBinaryOutputEntry thisCandidate;
  UINT4 checksum;

  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Starting time\n"); /*for debug convenience to record calculating time*/
  /* initialize and register user variables */
  LIGOTimeGPS computingStartGPSTime, computingEndGPSTime;
  XLALGPSTimeNow (&computingStartGPSTime); /* record the rough starting GPS time*/

  if ( XLALInitUserVars( &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitUserVars() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* read user input from the command line or config file */
  if ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput ( argc, argv ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALUserVarReadAllInput() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  if (uvar.help)	/* if help was requested, then exit */
    return 0;

  CHAR *VCSInfoString = XLALGetVersionString(0);     /**<LAL + LALapps Vsersion string*/
  /*If the version information was requested, output it and exit*/
  if ( uvar.version ){
    XLAL_CHECK ( VCSInfoString != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALGetVersionString(0) failed.\n" );
    printf ("%s\n", VCSInfoString );
    exit (0);

  /* configure useful variables based on user input */
  if ( XLALInitializeConfigVars ( &config, &uvar) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitUserVars() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  deltaF = config.catalog->data[0].header.deltaF;
  REAL8 Tsft = 1.0 / deltaF;

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingF) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchF))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingF and mismatchF are both set, use spacingF %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingF);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingA) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchA))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingA and mismatchA are both set, use spacingA %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingA);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingT) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchT))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingT and mismatchT are both set, use spacingT %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingT);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingP) && XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.mismatchP))
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "spacingP and mismatchP are both set, use spacingP %.9g by default\n\n", uvar.spacingP);

  /* create the toplist */
  create_crossCorrBinary_toplist( &ccToplist, uvar.numCand);
  /* now read the data */

  /* /\* get SFT parameters so that we can initialise search frequency resolutions *\/ */
  /* /\* calculate deltaF_SFT *\/ */
  /* deltaF_SFT = catalog->data[0].header.deltaF;  /\* frequency resolution *\/ */
  /* timeBase= 1.0/deltaF_SFT; /\* sft baseline *\/ */

  /* /\* catalog is ordered in time so we can get start, end time and tObs *\/ */
  /* firstTimeStamp = catalog->data[0].header.epoch; */
  /* lastTimeStamp = catalog->data[catalog->length - 1].header.epoch; */
  /* tObs = XLALGPSDiff( &lastTimeStamp, &firstTimeStamp ) + timeBase; */

  /* /\*set pulsar reference time *\/ */
  /* if (LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar_refTime )) { */
  /*   XLALGPSSetREAL8(&refTime, uvar_refTime); */
  /* }  */
  /* else {	/\*if refTime is not set, set it to midpoint of sfts*\/ */
  /*   XLALGPSSetREAL8(&refTime, (0.5*tObs) + XLALGPSGetREAL8(&firstTimeStamp));  */
  /* } */

  /* /\* set frequency resolution defaults if not set by user *\/ */
  /* if (!(LALUserVarWasSet (&uvar_fResolution))) { */
  /*   uvar_fResolution = 1/tObs; */
  /* } */

  /* { */
  /*   /\* block for calculating frequency range to read from SFTs *\/ */
  /*   /\* user specifies freq and fdot range at reftime */
  /*      we translate this range of fdots to start and endtime and find */
  /*      the largest frequency band required to cover the  */
  /*      frequency evolution  *\/ */
  /*   PulsarSpinRange spinRange_startTime; /\**< freq and fdot range at start-time of observation *\/ */
  /*   PulsarSpinRange spinRange_endTime;   /\**< freq and fdot range at end-time of observation *\/ */
  /*   PulsarSpinRange spinRange_refTime;   /\**< freq and fdot range at the reference time *\/ */

  /*   REAL8 startTime_freqLo, startTime_freqHi, endTime_freqLo, endTime_freqHi, freqLo, freqHi; */

  /*   REAL8Vector *fdotsMin=NULL; */
  /*   REAL8Vector *fdotsMax=NULL; */

  /*   UINT4 k; */

  /*   fdotsMin = (REAL8Vector *)LALCalloc(1, sizeof(REAL8Vector)); */
  /*   fdotsMin->length = N_SPINDOWN_DERIVS; */
  /*   fdotsMin->data = (REAL8 *)LALCalloc(fdotsMin->length, sizeof(REAL8)); */

  /*   fdotsMax = (REAL8Vector *)LALCalloc(1, sizeof(REAL8Vector)); */
  /*   fdotsMax->length = N_SPINDOWN_DERIVS; */
  /*   fdotsMax->data = (REAL8 *)LALCalloc(fdotsMax->length, sizeof(REAL8)); */

  /*   XLAL_INIT_MEM(spinRange_startTime); */
  /*   XLAL_INIT_MEM(spinRange_endTime); */
  /*   XLAL_INIT_MEM(spinRange_refTime); */

  /*   spinRange_refTime.refTime = refTime; */
  /*   spinRange_refTime.fkdot[0] = uvar_f0; */
  /*   spinRange_refTime.fkdotBand[0] = uvar_fBand; */
  /* } */

  /* FIXME: need to correct fMin and fMax for Doppler shift, rngmedian bins and spindown range */
  /* this is essentially just a place holder for now */
  /* FIXME: this running median buffer is overkill, since the running median block need not be centered on the search frequency */
  REAL8 vMax = LAL_TWOPI * (uvar.orbitAsiniSec + uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand) / uvar.orbitPSec + LAL_TWOPI * LAL_REARTH_SI / (LAL_DAYSID_SI * LAL_C_SI) + LAL_TWOPI * LAL_AU_SI/(LAL_YRSID_SI * LAL_C_SI); /*calculate the maximum relative velocity in speed of light*/
  fMin = uvar.fStart * (1 - vMax) - 0.5 * uvar.rngMedBlock * deltaF;
  fMax = (uvar.fStart + uvar.fBand) * (1 + vMax) + 0.5 * uvar.rngMedBlock * deltaF;

  /* read the SFTs*/
  if ((inputSFTs = XLALLoadMultiSFTs ( config.catalog, fMin, fMax)) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALLoadMultiSFTs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* calculate the psd and normalize the SFTs */
  if (( multiPSDs =  XLALNormalizeMultiSFTVect ( inputSFTs, uvar.rngMedBlock, NULL )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALNormalizeMultiSFTVect() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* compute the noise weights for the AM coefficients */
  if (( multiWeights = XLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights ( multiPSDs, uvar.rngMedBlock, 0 )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* read the timestamps from the SFTs */
  if ((multiTimes = XLALExtractMultiTimestampsFromSFTs ( inputSFTs )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALExtractMultiTimestampsFromSFTs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* read the detector information from the SFTs */
  if ( XLALMultiLALDetectorFromMultiSFTs ( &multiDetectors, inputSFTs ) != XLAL_SUCCESS){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALMultiLALDetectorFromMultiSFTs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Find the detector state for each SFT */
  /* Offset by Tsft/2 to get midpoint as timestamp */
  if ((multiStates = XLALGetMultiDetectorStates ( multiTimes, &multiDetectors, config.edat, 0.5 * Tsft )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALGetMultiDetectorStates() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Note this is specialized to a single sky position */
  /* This might need to be moved into the config variables */
  skyPos.longitude = uvar.alphaRad;
  skyPos.latitude  = uvar.deltaRad;

  /* Calculate the AM coefficients (a,b) for each SFT */
  if ((multiCoeffs = XLALComputeMultiAMCoeffs ( multiStates, multiWeights, skyPos )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALComputeMultiAMCoeffs() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Construct the flat list of SFTs (this sort of replicates the
     catalog, but there's not an obvious way to get the information
     back) */

  if ( ( XLALCreateSFTIndexListFromMultiSFTVect( &sftIndices, inputSFTs ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateSFTIndexListFromMultiSFTVect() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* Construct the list of SFT pairs */
#define PCC_SFTPAIR_HEADER "# The length of SFT-pair list is %u #\n"
#define PCC_SFTPAIR_BODY "%u %u\n"
#define PCC_SFT_HEADER "# The length of SFT list is %u #\n"
#define PCC_SFT_BODY "%s %d %d\n"
  FILE *fp = NULL;

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.pairListInputFilename)) { /* If the user provided a list for reading, use it */
    if((sftPairs = XLALCalloc(1, sizeof(sftPairs))) == NULL){
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.pairListInputFilename, "r")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "didn't find SFT-pair list file with given input name\n");
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "can't read the length of SFT-pair list from the header\n");

    if((sftPairs->data = XLALCalloc(sftPairs->length, sizeof(*sftPairs->data)))==NULL){

    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){ /*read in  the SFT-pair list */
      if(fscanf(fp,PCC_SFTPAIR_BODY, &sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[0], &sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[1])==EOF){
	LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "The length of SFT-pair list doesn't match!");


  else { /* if not, construct the list of pairs */
    if ( ( XLALCreateSFTPairIndexList( &sftPairs, sftIndices, inputSFTs, uvar.maxLag, uvar.inclAutoCorr ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateSFTPairIndexList() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.pairListOutputFilename)) { /* Write the list of pairs to a file, if a name was provided */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.pairListOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in SFT-pair list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_SFTPAIR_HEADER, sftPairs->length ); /*output the length of SFT-pair list to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){
      fprintf(fp,PCC_SFTPAIR_BODY, sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[0], sftPairs->data[j].sftNum[1]);

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.sftListOutputFilename)) { /* Write the list of SFTs to a file for sanity-checking purposes */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.sftListOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in flat SFT list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_SFT_HEADER, sftIndices->length ); /*output the length of SFT list to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftIndices->length; j++){ /*output the SFT list */
      fprintf(fp,PCC_SFT_BODY, inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].name, inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsSeconds, inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsNanoSeconds);

  else if(XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.sftListInputFilename)){ /*do a sanity check of the order of SFTs list if the name of input SFT list is given*/
    UINT4 numofsft=0;
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.sftListInputFilename, "r")) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't read in flat SFT list \n");
    if (fscanf(fp, PCC_SFT_HEADER, &numofsft)==EOF){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "can't read in the length of SFT list from header\n");

    CHARVectorSequence *checkDet=NULL;
    if ((checkDet = XLALCreateCHARVectorSequence (numofsft, LALNameLength) ) == NULL){
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateCHARVector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
    INT4 checkGPS[numofsft], checkGPSns[numofsft];
    if(numofsft == sftIndices->length){
      for (j=0; j<numofsft; j++){
	if( fscanf(fp,PCC_SFT_BODY,&checkDet->data[j * LALNameLength], &checkGPS[j], &checkGPSns[j])==EOF){
	  LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "The length of SFT list doesn't match\n");
	if(strcmp( inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].name, &checkDet->data[j * LALNameLength] ) != 0
	   ||inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsSeconds != checkGPS[j]
	   ||inputSFTs->data[sftIndices->data[j].detInd]->data[sftIndices->data[j].sftInd].epoch.gpsNanoSeconds != checkGPSns[j] ){
	  LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "The order of SFTs has been changed, it's the end of civilization\n");
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Run for your life, the length of SFT list doesn't match");


  /* Get weighting factors for calculation of metric */
  /* note that the sigma-squared is now absorbed into the curly G
     because the AM coefficients are noise-weighted. */
  REAL8Vector *GammaAve = NULL;
  REAL8Vector *GammaCirc = NULL;
  if ( ( XLALCalculateCrossCorrGammas( &GammaAve, &GammaCirc, sftPairs, sftIndices, multiCoeffs)  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateCrossCorrGammas() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

#define PCC_GAMMA_HEADER "# The normalization Sinv_Tsft is %g #\n"
#define PCC_GAMMA_BODY "%.10g\n"
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.gammaAveOutputFilename)) { /* Write the aa+bb weight for each pair to a file, if a name was provided */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.gammaAveOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in Gamma_ave list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_HEADER, multiWeights->Sinv_Tsft); /*output the normalization factor to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){
      fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_BODY, GammaAve->data[j]);
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.gammaCircOutputFilename)) { /* Write the ab-ba weight for each pair to a file, if a name was provided */
    if((fp = fopen(uvar.gammaCircOutputFilename, "w")) == NULL) {
      LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in Gamma_circ list \n");
    fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_HEADER, multiWeights->Sinv_Tsft); /*output the normalization factor to the header*/
    for(j = 0; j < sftPairs->length; j++){
      fprintf(fp,PCC_GAMMA_BODY, GammaCirc->data[j]);

  /*initialize binary parameters structure*/
  /*fill in minbinaryOrbitParams*/
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &minBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc);
  minBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;
  minBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec;
  minBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  minBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec;
  minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] = uvar.fStart;
  /*fill in maxBinaryParams*/
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &maxBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc + uvar.orbitTimeAscBand);
  maxBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;
  maxBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec + uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand;
  maxBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  maxBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec;
  maxBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] = uvar.fStart + uvar.fBand;
  /*fill in thisBinaryTemplate*/
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &thisBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc + 0.5 * uvar.orbitTimeAscBand);
  thisBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;
  thisBinaryTemplate.asini = 0.5*(minBinaryTemplate.asini + maxBinaryTemplate.asini);
  thisBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  thisBinaryTemplate.period =0.5*(minBinaryTemplate.period + maxBinaryTemplate.period);
  thisBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0]=0.5*(minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] + maxBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0]);

  /*Get metric diagonal components, also estimate sensitivity i.e. E[rho]/(h0)^2 (4.13)*/
  if ( (XLALCalculateLMXBCrossCorrDiagMetric(&estSens, &diagff, &diagaa, &diagTT, thisBinaryTemplate, GammaAve, sftPairs, sftIndices, inputSFTs, multiWeights /*, kappaValues*/)  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateLMXBCrossCorrDiagMetric() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* spacing in frequency from diagff */ /* set spacings in new dopplerparams struct */
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingF)) /* If spacing was given by CMD line, use it, else calculate spacing by mismatch*/
    binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0] = uvar.spacingF;
    binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0] = sqrt(uvar.mismatchF / diagff);

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingA))
    binaryTemplateSpacings.asini = uvar.spacingA;
    binaryTemplateSpacings.asini = sqrt(uvar.mismatchA / diagaa);
  /* this is annoying: tp is a GPS time while we want a difference
     in time which should be just REAL8 */
  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingT))
    XLALGPSSetREAL8( &binaryTemplateSpacings.tp, uvar.spacingT);
    XLALGPSSetREAL8( &binaryTemplateSpacings.tp, sqrt(uvar.mismatchT / diagTT));

  if (XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar.spacingP))
    binaryTemplateSpacings.period = uvar.spacingP;
    binaryTemplateSpacings.period = sqrt(uvar.mismatchP / diagpp);

  /* metric elements for eccentric case not considered? */

  UINT8 fCount = 0, aCount = 0, tCount = 0 , pCount = 0;
  const UINT8 fSpacingNum = floor( uvar.fBand / binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0]);
  const UINT8 aSpacingNum = floor( uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand / binaryTemplateSpacings.asini);
  const UINT8 tSpacingNum = floor( uvar.orbitTimeAscBand / XLALGPSGetREAL8(&binaryTemplateSpacings.tp));
  const UINT8 pSpacingNum = floor( uvar.orbitPSecBand / binaryTemplateSpacings.period);

  /*reset minbinaryOrbitParams to shift the first point a factor so as to make the center of all seaching points centers at the center of searching band*/
  minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0] = uvar.fStart + 0.5 * (uvar.fBand - fSpacingNum * binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0]);
  minBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec + 0.5 * (uvar.orbitAsiniSecBand - aSpacingNum * binaryTemplateSpacings.asini);
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &minBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc + 0.5 * (uvar.orbitTimeAscBand - tSpacingNum * XLALGPSGetREAL8(&binaryTemplateSpacings.tp)));
  minBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec + 0.5 * (uvar.orbitPSecBand - pSpacingNum * binaryTemplateSpacings.period);

  /* initialize the doppler scan struct which stores the current template information */
  XLALGPSSetREAL8(&dopplerpos.refTime, config.refTime);
  dopplerpos.Alpha = uvar.alphaRad;
  dopplerpos.Delta = uvar.deltaRad;
  dopplerpos.fkdot[0] = minBinaryTemplate.fkdot[0];
  /* set all spindowns to zero */
  for (k=1; k < PULSAR_MAX_SPINS; k++)
    dopplerpos.fkdot[k] = 0.0;
  dopplerpos.asini = minBinaryTemplate.asini;
  dopplerpos.period = minBinaryTemplate.period;
  dopplerpos.tp = minBinaryTemplate.tp;
  dopplerpos.ecc = minBinaryTemplate.ecc;
  dopplerpos.argp = minBinaryTemplate.argp;

  /* now set the initial values of binary parameters */
  /*  thisBinaryTemplate.asini = uvar.orbitAsiniSec;
  thisBinaryTemplate.period = uvar.orbitPSec;
  XLALGPSSetREAL8( &thisBinaryTemplate.tp, uvar.orbitTimeAsc);
  thisBinaryTemplate.ecc = 0.0;
  thisBinaryTemplate.argp = 0.0;*/
  /* copy to dopplerpos */

  /* Calculate SSB times (can do this once since search is currently only for one sky position, and binary doppler shift is added later) */
  MultiSSBtimes *multiSSBTimes = NULL;
  if ((multiSSBTimes = XLALGetMultiSSBtimes ( multiStates, skyPos, dopplerpos.refTime, SSBPREC_RELATIVISTICOPT )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALGetMultiSSBtimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* "New" general metric computation */
  /* For now hard-code circular parameter space */

  const DopplerCoordinateSystem coordSys = {
    .dim = 4,
    .coordIDs = { DOPPLERCOORD_FREQ,

  REAL8VectorSequence *phaseDerivs = NULL;
  if ( ( XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseDerivatives ( &phaseDerivs, &thisBinaryTemplate, config.edat, sftIndices, multiSSBTimes, &coordSys )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseDerivatives() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* fill in metric and parameter offsets */
  gsl_matrix *g_ij = NULL;
  gsl_vector *eps_i = NULL;
  REAL8 sumGammaSq = 0;
  if ( ( XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseMetric ( &g_ij, &eps_i, &sumGammaSq, phaseDerivs, sftPairs, GammaAve, GammaCirc, &coordSys ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculateCrossCorrPhaseMetric() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence ( phaseDerivs );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( GammaCirc );

  if ((fp = fopen("gsldata.dat","w"))==NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in gsl matrix file");

  XLALfprintfGSLvector(fp, "%g", eps_i);
  XLALfprintfGSLmatrix(fp, "%g", g_ij);

  /* Allocate structure for binary doppler-shifting information */
  if ((multiBinaryTimes = XLALDuplicateMultiSSBtimes ( multiSSBTimes )) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALDuplicateMultiSSBtimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  UINT8 numSFTs = sftIndices->length;
  if ((shiftedFreqs = XLALCreateREAL8Vector ( numSFTs ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateREAL8Vector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  if ((lowestBins = XLALCreateUINT4Vector ( numSFTs ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateUINT4Vector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  if ((expSignalPhases = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8Vector ( numSFTs ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateREAL8Vector() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  if ((sincList = XLALCreateREAL8VectorSequence ( numSFTs, uvar.numBins ) ) == NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCreateREAL8VectorSequence() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* args should be : spacings, min and max doppler params */
  BOOLEAN firstPoint = TRUE; /* a boolean to help to search at the beginning point in parameter space, after the search it is set to be FALSE to end the loop*/
  if ( (XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes( &multiBinaryTimes, multiSSBTimes, &dopplerpos )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
  } /*Need to apply additional doppler shifting before the loop, or the first point in parameter space will be lost and return a wrong SNR when fBand!=0*/

  while ( GetNextCrossCorrTemplate(&dopplerShiftFlag, &firstPoint, &dopplerpos, &binaryTemplateSpacings, &minBinaryTemplate, &maxBinaryTemplate, &fCount, &aCount, &tCount, &pCount, fSpacingNum, aSpacingNum, tSpacingNum, pSpacingNum) == 0)
      /* do useful stuff here*/

      /* Apply additional Doppler shifting using current binary orbital parameters */
      /* Might want to be clever about checking whether we've changed the orbital parameters or only the frequency */
      if (dopplerShiftFlag == TRUE)
	  if ( (XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes( &multiBinaryTimes, multiSSBTimes, &dopplerpos )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
	    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALAddMultiBinaryTimes() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      if ( (XLALGetDopplerShiftedFrequencyInfo( shiftedFreqs, lowestBins, expSignalPhases, sincList, uvar.numBins, &dopplerpos, sftIndices, inputSFTs, multiBinaryTimes, Tsft )  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
	LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALGetDopplerShiftedFrequencyInfo() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      if ( (XLALCalculatePulsarCrossCorrStatistic( &ccStat, &evSquared, GammaAve, expSignalPhases, lowestBins, sincList, sftPairs, sftIndices, inputSFTs, multiWeights, uvar.numBins)  != XLAL_SUCCESS ) ) {
	LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalculatePulsarCrossCorrStatistic() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

      /* fill candidate struct and insert into toplist if necessary */
      thisCandidate.freq = dopplerpos.fkdot[0];
      thisCandidate.tp = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &dopplerpos.tp );
      thisCandidate.argp = dopplerpos.argp;
      thisCandidate.asini = dopplerpos.asini;
      thisCandidate.ecc = dopplerpos.ecc;
      thisCandidate.period = dopplerpos.period;
      thisCandidate.rho = ccStat;
      thisCandidate.evSquared = evSquared;
      thisCandidate.estSens = estSens;

      insert_into_crossCorrBinary_toplist(ccToplist, thisCandidate);

    } /* end while loop over templates */

  /* write candidates to file */
  sort_crossCorrBinary_toplist( ccToplist );
  /* add error checking */

  final_write_crossCorrBinary_toplist_to_file( ccToplist, uvar.toplistFilename, &checksum);

  REAL8 h0Sens = sqrt((10 / sqrt(estSens))); /*for a SNR=10 signal, the h0 we can detect*/

  XLALGPSTimeNow (&computingEndGPSTime); /*record the rough end time*/
  UINT4 computingTime = computingEndGPSTime.gpsSeconds - computingStartGPSTime.gpsSeconds;
  /* make a meta-data file*/
    if ((fp = fopen(uvar.logFilename,"w"))==NULL){
    LogPrintf ( LOG_CRITICAL, "Can't write in logfile");
    fprintf(fp, "[UserInput]\n\n");
    fprintf(fp, "%s\n", CMDInputStr);
    fprintf(fp, "[CalculatedValues]\n\n");
    fprintf(fp, "g_ff = %.9f\n", diagff );
    fprintf(fp, "g_aa = %.9f\n", diagaa );
    fprintf(fp, "g_TT = %.9f\n", diagTT );
    fprintf(fp, "FSpacing = %.9g\n", binaryTemplateSpacings.fkdot[0]);
    fprintf(fp, "ASpacing = %.9g\n", binaryTemplateSpacings.asini);
    fprintf(fp, "TSpacing = %.9g\n", XLALGPSGetREAL8(&binaryTemplateSpacings.tp));
    /* fprintf(fp, "PSpacing = %.9g\n", binaryTemplateSpacings.period );*/
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumF = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (fSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumA = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (aSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumT = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (tSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumP = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n", (pSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "TemplatenumTotal = %" LAL_UINT8_FORMAT "\n",(fSpacingNum + 1) * (aSpacingNum + 1) * (tSpacingNum + 1) * (pSpacingNum + 1));
    fprintf(fp, "Sens = %.9g\n", estSens);/*(E[rho]/h0^2)^2*/
    fprintf(fp, "h0_min_SNR10 = %.9g\n", h0Sens);/*for rho = 10 in our pipeline*/
    fprintf(fp, "startTime = %" LAL_INT4_FORMAT "\n", computingStartGPSTime.gpsSeconds );/*start time in GPS-time*/
    fprintf(fp, "endTime = %" LAL_INT4_FORMAT "\n", computingEndGPSTime.gpsSeconds );/*end time in GPS-time*/
    fprintf(fp, "computingTime = %" LAL_UINT4_FORMAT "\n", computingTime );/*total time in sec*/
    fprintf(fp, "SFTnum = %" LAL_UINT4_FORMAT "\n", sftIndices->length);/*total number of SFT*/
    fprintf(fp, "pairnum = %" LAL_UINT4_FORMAT "\n", sftPairs->length);/*total number of pair of SFT*/
    fprintf(fp, "Tsft = %.6g\n", Tsft);/*SFT duration*/
    fprintf(fp, "\n[Version]\n\n");
    fprintf(fp, "%s",  VCSInfoString);

  XLALDestroyCOMPLEX8Vector ( expSignalPhases );
  XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( lowestBins );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( shiftedFreqs );
  XLALDestroyREAL8VectorSequence ( sincList );
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiBinaryTimes );
  XLALDestroyMultiSSBtimes ( multiSSBTimes );
  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector ( GammaAve );
  XLALDestroySFTPairIndexList( sftPairs );
  XLALDestroySFTIndexList( sftIndices );
  XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs ( multiCoeffs );
  XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries ( multiStates );
  XLALDestroyMultiTimestamps ( multiTimes );
  XLALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights ( multiWeights );
  XLALDestroyMultiPSDVector ( multiPSDs );
  XLALDestroyMultiSFTVector ( inputSFTs );

  /* de-allocate memory for configuration variables */
  XLALDestroyConfigVars ( &config );

  /* de-allocate memory for user input variables */

  /* free toplist memory */

  /* check memory leaks if we forgot to de-allocate anything */

  LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "End time\n");/*for debug convenience to record calculating time*/

  return 0;

} /* main */

/* initialize and register user variables */
int XLALInitUserVars (UserInput_t *uvar)

  /* initialize with some defaults */
  uvar->help = FALSE;
  uvar->maxLag = 0.0;
  uvar->inclAutoCorr = FALSE;
  uvar->fStart = 100.0;
  uvar->fBand = 0.1;
  /* uvar->fdotStart = 0.0; */
  /* uvar->fdotBand = 0.0; */
  uvar->alphaRad = 0.0;
  uvar->deltaRad = 0.0;
  uvar->refTime = 0.0;
  uvar->rngMedBlock = 50;
  uvar->numBins = 1;

  /* zero binary orbital parameters means not a binary */
  uvar->orbitAsiniSec = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitAsiniSecBand = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitPSec = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitPSecBand = 0.0;
  uvar->orbitTimeAsc = 0;
  uvar->orbitTimeAscBand = 0;

  /*default mismatch values */
  /* set to 0.1 by default -- for no real reason */
  /* make 0.1 a macro? */
  uvar->mismatchF = 0.1;
  uvar->mismatchA = 0.1;
  uvar->mismatchT = 0.1;
  uvar->mismatchP = 0.1;

  uvar->ephemEarth = XLALStringDuplicate("earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz");
  uvar->ephemSun = XLALStringDuplicate("sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz");

  uvar->sftLocation = XLALCalloc(1, MAXFILENAMELENGTH+1);

  /* initialize number of candidates in toplist -- default is just to return the single best candidate */
  uvar->numCand = 1;
  uvar->toplistFilename = XLALStringDuplicate("toplist_crosscorr.dat");
  uvar->version = FALSE;

  /* register  user-variables */
  XLALregBOOLUserStruct  ( help, 	   'h',  UVAR_HELP, "Print this message");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( startTime,       0,  UVAR_REQUIRED, "Desired start time of analysis in GPS seconds");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( endTime,         0,  UVAR_REQUIRED, "Desired end time of analysis in GPS seconds");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( maxLag,          0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Maximum lag time in seconds between SFTs in correlation");
  XLALregBOOLUserStruct  ( inclAutoCorr,    0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Include auto-correlation terms (an SFT with itself)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fStart,          0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start frequency in Hz");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fBand,           0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Frequency band to search over in Hz ");
  /* XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fdotStart,     0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start value of spindown in Hz/s"); */
  /* XLALregREALUserStruct  ( fdotBand,      0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Band for spindown values in Hz/s"); */
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( alphaRad,        0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Right ascension for directed search (radians)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( deltaRad,        0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Declination for directed search (radians)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( refTime,         0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "SSB reference time for pulsar-parameters [Default: midPoint]");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitAsiniSec,   0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start of search band for projected semimajor axis (seconds) [0 means not a binary]");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitAsiniSecBand, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Width of search band for projected semimajor axis (seconds)");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitPSec,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Binary orbital period (seconds) [0 means not a binary]");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitPSecBand,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Band for binary orbital period (seconds) ");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitTimeAsc,    0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Start of orbital time-of-ascension band in GPS seconds");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( orbitTimeAscBand, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Width of orbital time-of-ascension band (seconds)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( ephemEarth,      0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Earth ephemeris file to use");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( ephemSun,        0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Sun ephemeris file to use");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( sftLocation,     0,  UVAR_REQUIRED, "Filename pattern for locating SFT data");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( rngMedBlock,     0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Running median block size for PSD estimation");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( numBins,         0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Number of frequency bins to include in calculation");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchF,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for frequency spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchA,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for asini spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchT,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for periapse passage time spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( mismatchP,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired mismatch for period spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingF,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired frequency spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingA,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired asini spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingT,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired periapse passage time spacing");
  XLALregREALUserStruct  ( spacingP,       0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Desired period spacing");
  XLALregINTUserStruct   ( numCand,         0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Number of candidates to keep in toplist");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( pairListInputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file from which to read list of SFT pairs");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( pairListOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write list of SFT pairs");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( sftListOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write list of SFTs (for sanity checks)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( sftListInputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to read in list of SFTs (for sanity checks)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( gammaAveOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write aa+bb weights (for e.g., false alarm estimation)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( gammaCircOutputFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Name of file to which to write ab-ba weights (for e.g., systematic error)");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( toplistFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Output filename containing candidates in toplist");
  XLALregSTRINGUserStruct( logFilename, 0,  UVAR_OPTIONAL, "Output a meta-data file for the search");
  XLALregBOOLUserStruct  ( version, 	   'V',  UVAR_SPECIAL, "Output version(VCS) information");
  if ( xlalErrno ) {
    XLALPrintError ("%s: user variable initialization failed with errno = %d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * basic initializations: set-up 'ConfigVariables'
XLALInitCode ( ConfigVariables *cfg, const UserVariables_t *uvar, const char *app_name)
  if ( !cfg || !uvar || !app_name ) {
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: illegal NULL pointer input.\n\n", __func__ );

  /* Init ephemerides */
  XLAL_CHECK ( (cfg->edat = XLALInitBarycenter ( uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- figure out which segments to use
  BOOLEAN manualSegments = XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar->duration) || XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar->startTime) || XLALUserVarWasSet(&uvar->Nseg);
  if ( manualSegments && uvar->segmentList ) {
    XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EDOM, "Can specify EITHER {--startTime, --duration, --Nseg} OR --segmentList\n");
  LIGOTimeGPS startTimeGPS;
  REAL8 duration;
  if ( uvar->segmentList == NULL )
      XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->Nseg >= 1, XLAL_EDOM, "Invalid input --Nseg=%d: number of segments must be >= 1\n", uvar->Nseg );
      XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->duration >= 1, XLAL_EDOM, "Invalid input --duration=%f: duration must be >= 1 s\n", uvar->duration );
      startTimeGPS = uvar->startTime;
      int ret = XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments ( &cfg->segmentList, startTimeGPS, uvar->Nseg, uvar->duration / uvar->Nseg );
      XLAL_CHECK ( ret == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
      duration = uvar->duration;
      LALSegList *segList = XLALReadSegmentsFromFile ( uvar->segmentList );
      XLAL_CHECK ( segList != NULL, XLAL_EIO, "XLALReadSegmentsFromFile() failed to load segment list from file '%s', xlalErrno = %d\n", uvar->segmentList, xlalErrno );
      cfg->segmentList = (*segList);	// copy *contents*
      XLALFree ( segList );
      startTimeGPS = cfg->segmentList.segs[0].start;
      UINT4 Nseg = cfg->segmentList.length;
      LIGOTimeGPS endTimeGPS = cfg->segmentList.segs[Nseg-1].end;
      duration = XLALGPSDiff( &endTimeGPS, &startTimeGPS );

  /* ----- figure out reference time */
  LIGOTimeGPS refTimeGPS;

  /* treat special values first */
  if ( uvar->refTime.gpsSeconds == 0 )		/* 0 = use startTime */
      refTimeGPS = uvar->startTime;
  else if ( !XLALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->refTime ) )	/* default = use mid-time of observation */
      refTimeGPS = startTimeGPS;
      XLALGPSAdd( &refTimeGPS, duration / 2.0 );
      refTimeGPS = uvar->refTime;

  /* ----- get parameter-space point from user-input) */
  cfg->signalParams.Amp.h0 = uvar->h0;
  cfg->signalParams.Amp.cosi = uvar->cosi;
  cfg->signalParams.Amp.psi = uvar->psi;
  cfg->signalParams.Amp.phi0 = uvar->phi0;

    PulsarDopplerParams *dop = &(cfg->signalParams.Doppler);
    dop->refTime = refTimeGPS;
    dop->Alpha    = uvar->Alpha;
    dop->Delta    = uvar->Delta;
    dop->fkdot[0] = uvar->Freq;
    dop->fkdot[1] = uvar->f1dot;
    dop->fkdot[2] = uvar->f2dot;
    dop->fkdot[3] = uvar->f3dot;
    dop->asini    = uvar->orbitasini;
    dop->period   = uvar->orbitPeriod;
    dop->tp       = uvar->orbitTp;
    dop->ecc      = uvar->orbitEcc;
    dop->argp     = uvar->orbitArgp;

  /* ----- initialize IFOs and (Multi-)DetectorStateSeries  ----- */
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiLALDetector ( &cfg->multiIFO, uvar->IFOs ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  UINT4 numDet = cfg->multiIFO.length;
  XLAL_CHECK ( numDet >= 1, XLAL_EINVAL );

  if ( uvar->sqrtSX ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( XLALParseMultiNoiseFloor ( &cfg->multiNoiseFloor, uvar->sqrtSX, numDet ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  /* ---------- translate coordinate system into internal representation ---------- */
  if ( XLALDopplerCoordinateNames2System ( &cfg->coordSys, uvar->coords ) ) {
    LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: Call to XLALDopplerCoordinateNames2System() failed. errno = %d\n\n", __func__, xlalErrno );

  /* ---------- record full 'history' up to and including this application ---------- */
    CHAR *cmdline = NULL;
    CHAR *tmp;
    size_t len = strlen ( app_name ) + 1;

    if ( (cfg->history = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*cfg->history))) == NULL ) {
      LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALCalloc(1,%zu) failed.\n\n", __func__, sizeof(*cfg->history));

    if ( (tmp = XLALMalloc ( len )) == NULL ) {
      LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALMalloc (%zu) failed.\n\n", __func__, len );
    strcpy ( tmp, app_name );
    cfg->history->app_name = tmp;

    /* get commandline describing search*/
    if ( (cmdline = XLALUserVarGetLog ( UVAR_LOGFMT_CMDLINE )) == NULL ) {
      LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALUserVarGetLog() failed with xlalErrno = %d.\n\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
    cfg->history->cmdline = cmdline;
  } /* record history */

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} /* XLALInitCode() */
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Function to step through the full template grid point by point.
 * Normal return = 0,
 * errors return -1,
 * end of scan is signalled by return = 1
XLALNextDopplerPos(PulsarDopplerParams *pos, DopplerFullScanState *scan)

  /* This traps coding errors in the calling routine. */
  if ( pos == NULL || scan == NULL ) {
  if ( scan->state == STATE_IDLE ) {
    XLALPrintError ("\nCalled XLALNextDopplerPos() on un-initialized DopplerFullScanState !\n\n");

  /* is this search finished? then return '1' */
  if (  scan->state == STATE_FINISHED )
    return 1;

  // set refTime in returned template to the refTime of the grid
  pos->refTime  = scan->spinRange.refTime;

  /* ----- step foward one template in full grid ----- */
  /* Which "class" of template grid are we dealing with: factored, or full-multidim ? */
  switch ( scan->gridType )
      /* emulate old 'factored' grids 'sky x f0dot x f1dot x f2dot x f3dot': */
    case GRID_FLAT:
    case GRID_METRIC:
      /* backwards-compatibility mode */
      nextPointInFactoredGrid ( pos, scan );

      pos->fkdot[0] = scan->thisGridPoint->entry.data[0];
      pos->Alpha    = scan->thisGridPoint->entry.data[1];
      pos->Delta    = scan->thisGridPoint->entry.data[2];
      pos->fkdot[1] = scan->thisGridPoint->entry.data[3];
      pos->fkdot[2] = scan->thisGridPoint->entry.data[4];
      pos->fkdot[3] = scan->thisGridPoint->entry.data[5];
      pos->asini = 0;   // isolated pulsar
      /* advance to next grid point */
      if ( ( scan->thisGridPoint = scan->thisGridPoint->next ) == NULL )
        scan->state = STATE_FINISHED;


/*     case GRID_METRIC_LATTICE: */
/*       if ( XLALgetCurrentDopplerPos ( pos, scan->latticeScan, COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL ) ) { */
/*      XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC ); */
/*       } */
/*       /\* advance to next point *\/ */
/*       ret = XLALadvanceLatticeIndex ( scan->latticeScan ); */
/*       if ( ret < 0 ) { */
/*      XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC ); */
/*       } */
/*       else if ( ret == 1 ) */
/*      { */
/*        XLALPrintError ( "\n\nXLALadvanceLatticeIndex(): this was the last lattice points!\n\n"); */
/*        scan->state = STATE_FINISHED; */
/*      } */
/* #if 0 */
/*       { /\* debugging *\/ */
/*      gsl_vector_int *lal_index = NULL; */
/*      XLALgetCurrentLatticeIndex ( &lal)index, scan->latticeScan ); */
/*      XLALfprintfGSLvector_int ( stderr, "%d", lal_index ); */
/*      gsl_vector_int_free ( lal_index ); */
/*       } */
/* #endif */


    case GRID_SPINDOWN_SQUARE: /* square parameter space */
    case GRID_SPINDOWN_AGEBRK: /* age-braking index parameter space */

        /* Advance to next tile */
        int retn = XLALNextLatticeTilingPoint(scan->spindownTilingItr, scan->spindownTilingPoint);
        if (retn < 0) {
          XLALPrintError("\nGRID_SPINDOWN_{SQUARE,AGEBRK}: XLALNextLatticeTilingPoint() failed\n");
          return -1;

        if (retn > 0) {

          /* Found a point */
          pos->Alpha      = gsl_vector_get(scan->spindownTilingPoint, 0);
          pos->Delta      = gsl_vector_get(scan->spindownTilingPoint, 1);
          pos->fkdot[0]   = gsl_vector_get(scan->spindownTilingPoint, 2);
          for (size_t i = 1; i < PULSAR_MAX_SPINS; ++i) {
            pos->fkdot[i] = gsl_vector_get(scan->spindownTilingPoint, i + 2);

          return 0;

        } else {

          /* No more points */
          scan->state = STATE_FINISHED;
          return 1;




      XLALPrintError("\nInvalid grid type '%d'\n\n", scan->gridType );
      xlalErrno = XLAL_EINVAL;
      return -1;
    } /* switch gridType */

  return 0;

} /* XLALNextDopplerPos() */
Exemplo n.º 7
// ---------- main ----------
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  XLAL_CHECK ( argc == 1, XLAL_EINVAL, "No input arguments allowed.\n" );

  // ----- load ephemeris
  EphemerisData *ephem;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (ephem = XLALInitBarycenter ( TEST_DATA_DIR "earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz", TEST_DATA_DIR "sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz" )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- setup injection and data parameters
  LALStringVector *detNames = NULL;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (detNames = XLALCreateStringVector ( "H1", "L1", NULL )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  UINT4 numDetectors = detNames->length;

  // generate and assume some gaussian noise floors
  MultiNoiseFloor XLAL_INIT_DECL(injectSqrtSX);
  MultiNoiseFloor XLAL_INIT_DECL(assumeSqrtSX);
  injectSqrtSX.length = numDetectors;
  assumeSqrtSX.length = numDetectors;
  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      injectSqrtSX.sqrtSn[X] = 0; // don't inject random noise to keep errors deterministic and informative (resampling differs much more on noise)
      assumeSqrtSX.sqrtSn[X] = 1.0 + 2.0*X;

  LIGOTimeGPS startTime = {711595934, 0};
  REAL8 Tspan = 20 * 3600;
  LIGOTimeGPS endTime = startTime;
  XLALGPSAdd( &endTime, Tspan );
  REAL8 Tsft = 1800;

  LIGOTimeGPS refTime = { startTime.gpsSeconds - 2.3 * Tspan, 0 };

  MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTimestamps;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiTimestamps = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*multiTimestamps))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiTimestamps->data = XLALCalloc ( numDetectors, sizeof(multiTimestamps->data[0]) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  multiTimestamps->length = numDetectors;
  LIGOTimeGPS startTimeX = startTime;
  for ( UINT4 X=0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      XLAL_CHECK ( (multiTimestamps->data[X] = XLALMakeTimestamps ( startTimeX, Tspan, Tsft, 0 ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      XLALGPSAdd ( &startTimeX, 0.5 * Tspan );	// shift start-times by 1/2 Tspan for each detector
      Tspan *= 2.0;
    } // for X < numDetectors

  // shift a few timestamps around to create gaps
  UINT4 numSFTsPerDet = multiTimestamps->data[0]->length;
  multiTimestamps->data[0]->data[numSFTsPerDet-1].gpsSeconds += 10000;
  multiTimestamps->data[0]->data[numSFTsPerDet-2].gpsSeconds += 5000;
  multiTimestamps->data[1]->data[0].gpsSeconds -= 10000;
  multiTimestamps->data[1]->data[1].gpsSeconds -=  5000;

  SFTCatalog *catalog;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (catalog = XLALMultiAddToFakeSFTCatalog ( NULL, detNames, multiTimestamps )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- CW sources to injet ----------
  REAL8 Freq = 100.0;

  PulsarParamsVector *injectSources;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (injectSources = XLALCreatePulsarParamsVector(1)) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  injectSources->data[0].Amp.h0   = 1;
  injectSources->data[0].Amp.cosi = 0.5;
  injectSources->data[0].Amp.psi  = 0.1;
  injectSources->data[0].Amp.phi0 = 1.2;

  REAL8 asini = 0; // 1.4;	// sco-X1 like
  REAL8 Period = 0; // 19 * 3600;// sco-X1 like
  REAL8 ecc = 0; // 0.1;	// much larger than ScoX1
  PulsarDopplerParams XLAL_INIT_DECL(Doppler);
  Doppler.Alpha = 0.5;
  Doppler.Delta = -0.5;
  Doppler.fkdot[0] = Freq;
  Doppler.fkdot[1] = -1e-9;
  Doppler.refTime = refTime;

  Doppler.asini = asini;
  Doppler.ecc = ecc;
  Doppler.tp = startTime;
  Doppler.period = Period;
  Doppler.argp = 0.5;

  injectSources->data[0].Doppler = Doppler;

  REAL8 dFreq = 0.1 / Tspan;		// 10x finer than native FFT resolution
  REAL8 mis = 0.5;
  REAL8 df1dot = sqrt( 720.0 * mis ) / (LAL_PI * Tspan * Tspan);	// metric (f-projected) stepsize for given mismatch mis
  REAL8 dSky = 1e4 / (Freq * Tspan);	// rough estimate of a 'metric' sky step, eg. Eq.(118) in \cite Prix07

  REAL8 dPeriod = 3600;
  UINT4 numFreqBins = 1000;

  UINT4 numf1dotPoints  = 2;
  UINT4 numSkyPoints    = 2;
  UINT4 numPeriodPoints = 2;

  PulsarSpinRange XLAL_INIT_DECL(spinRange);
  spinRange.refTime = refTime;
  memcpy ( &spinRange.fkdot, &injectSources->data[0].Doppler.fkdot, sizeof(spinRange.fkdot) );
  spinRange.fkdotBand[0] = (numFreqBins - 1)*dFreq - 10*LAL_REAL8_EPS;
  spinRange.fkdotBand[1] = (numf1dotPoints - 1)*df1dot - 10*LAL_REAL8_EPS;

  Doppler.fkdot[0] -= 0.4 * spinRange.fkdotBand[0];

  REAL8 minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCWSignalCoveringBand ( &minCoverFreq, &maxCoverFreq, &startTime, &endTime, &spinRange, asini, Period, ecc ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- setup optional Fstat arguments
  FstatOptionalArgs optionalArgs = FstatOptionalArgsDefaults;
  optionalArgs.injectSources = injectSources;
  optionalArgs.injectSqrtSX = &injectSqrtSX;
  optionalArgs.assumeSqrtSX = &assumeSqrtSX;

  // ----- prepare input data with injection for all available methods
  FstatInput *input[FMETHOD_END];
  FstatResults *results[FMETHOD_END];
  for ( UINT4 iMethod = FMETHOD_START; iMethod < FMETHOD_END; iMethod ++ )
      results[iMethod] = NULL;
      if ( !XLALFstatMethodIsAvailable(iMethod) ) {
      optionalArgs.FstatMethod = iMethod;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (input[iMethod] = XLALCreateFstatInput ( catalog, minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq, dFreq, ephem, &optionalArgs )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  FstatQuantities whatToCompute = (FSTATQ_2F | FSTATQ_FAFB);
  // ----- loop over all templates {sky, f1dot, period}
  for ( UINT4 iSky = 0; iSky < numSkyPoints; iSky ++ )
      for ( UINT4 if1dot = 0; if1dot < numf1dotPoints; if1dot ++ )
          for ( UINT4 iPeriod = 0; iPeriod < numPeriodPoints; iPeriod ++ )
              // ----- loop over all available methods and compare Fstat results
              FstatMethodType firstMethod = FMETHOD_START;
              for ( UINT4 iMethod = FMETHOD_START; iMethod < FMETHOD_END; iMethod ++ )
                  if ( !XLALFstatMethodIsAvailable(iMethod) ) {
                  if ( firstMethod == FMETHOD_START ) {	// keep track of first available method found
                    firstMethod = iMethod;

                  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALComputeFstat ( &results[iMethod], input[iMethod], &Doppler, numFreqBins, whatToCompute ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

                  if ( lalDebugLevel & LALINFOBIT )
                      FILE *fp;
                      char fname[1024]; XLAL_INIT_MEM ( fname );
                      snprintf ( fname, sizeof(fname)-1, "twoF%s-iSky%02d-if1dot%02d-iPeriod%02d.dat", XLALGetFstatMethodName(iMethod), iSky, if1dot, iPeriod );
                      XLAL_CHECK ( (fp = fopen ( fname, "wb" )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
                      for ( UINT4 k = 0; k < results[iMethod]->numFreqBins; k ++ )
                          REAL8 Freq0 = results[iMethod]->doppler.fkdot[0];
                          REAL8 Freq_k = Freq0 + k * results[iMethod]->dFreq;
                          if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB ) {
                            fprintf ( fp, "%20.16g %10.4g   %10.4g %10.4g   %10.4g %10.4g\n",
                                      Freq_k, results[iMethod]->twoF[k],
                                      crealf(results[iMethod]->Fa[k]), cimagf(results[iMethod]->Fa[k]),
                                      crealf(results[iMethod]->Fb[k]), cimagf(results[iMethod]->Fb[k])
                          } else {
                            fprintf ( fp, "%20.16g %10.4g\n",
                                      Freq_k, results[iMethod]->twoF[k] );
                        } // for k < numFreqBins
                    } // if info

                  // compare to first result
                  if ( iMethod != firstMethod )
                      XLALPrintInfo ("Comparing results between method '%s' and '%s'\n", XLALGetFstatMethodName(firstMethod), XLALGetFstatMethodName(iMethod) );
                      if ( compareFstatResults ( results[firstMethod], results[iMethod] ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
                          XLALPrintError ("Comparison between method '%s' and '%s' failed\n", XLALGetFstatMethodName(firstMethod), XLALGetFstatMethodName(iMethod) );
                          XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

                }  // for i < FMETHOD_END

              Doppler.period += dPeriod;

            } // for iPeriod < numPeriodPoints

          Doppler.fkdot[1] += df1dot;

        } // for if1dot < numf1dotPoints

      Doppler.Alpha += dSky;

    } // for iSky < numSkyPoints

  // free remaining memory
  for ( UINT4 iMethod=FMETHOD_START; iMethod < FMETHOD_END; iMethod ++ )
      if ( !XLALFstatMethodIsAvailable(iMethod) ) {
      XLALDestroyFstatInput ( input[iMethod] );
      XLALDestroyFstatResults ( results[iMethod] );
    } // for i < FMETHOD_END

  XLALDestroyPulsarParamsVector ( injectSources );
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog ( catalog );
  XLALDestroyMultiTimestamps ( multiTimestamps );
  XLALDestroyStringVector ( detNames );
  XLALDestroyEphemerisData ( ephem );


  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // main()
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Handle user-input and check its validity.
 * Load ephemeris and calculate AM-coefficients (stored globally)
Initialize (LALStatus *status, struct CommandLineArgsTag *CLA)
  EphemerisData *edat=NULL;          /* Stores earth/sun ephemeris data for barycentering */
  BarycenterInput baryinput;         /* Stores detector location and other barycentering data */
  EarthState earth;
  AMCoeffsParams *amParams;
  LIGOTimeGPS *midTS=NULL;           /* Time stamps for amplitude modulation coefficients */
  LALDetector *Detector;              /* Our detector*/
  INT4 k;


  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet ( &(CLA->nTsft) ) )
    CLA->duration = 1.0 * CLA->nTsft * CLA->Tsft;

  /* read or generate SFT timestamps */
  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet(&(CLA->timestamps)) ) 
      XLAL_CHECK_LAL ( status, ( timestamps = XLALReadTimestampsFile ( CLA->timestamps ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      if ( (CLA->nTsft > 0) && ( (UINT4)CLA->nTsft < timestamps->length ) )	/* truncate if required */
	timestamps->length = CLA->nTsft;
      CLA->nTsft = timestamps->length;
    } /* if have_timestamps */
      LIGOTimeGPS tStart;
      tStart.gpsSeconds = CLA->gpsStart;
      tStart.gpsNanoSeconds = 0;

      XLAL_CHECK_LAL ( status, ( timestamps = XLALMakeTimestamps( tStart, CLA->duration, CLA->Tsft, 0 ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      CLA->nTsft = timestamps->length;

    } /* no timestamps */

  /*---------- initialize detector ---------- */
    BOOLEAN have_IFO       = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &CLA->IFO );
    BOOLEAN have_detector  = XLALUserVarWasSet ( &CLA->detector );
    CHAR *IFO;

    if ( !have_IFO  && !have_detector ) {
      fprintf (stderr, "\nNeed to specify the detector (--IFO) !\n\n");
    if ( have_IFO )
      IFO = CLA->IFO;
      IFO = CLA->detector;

    if ( ( Detector = XLALGetSiteInfo ( IFO ) ) == NULL ) {

  /* ---------- load ephemeris-files ---------- */
    edat = XLALInitBarycenter( CLA->ephemEarth, CLA->ephemSun );
    if ( !edat ) {
      XLALPrintError("XLALInitBarycenter failed: could not load Earth ephemeris '%s' and Sun ephemeris '%s'\n", CLA->ephemEarth, CLA->ephemSun);
  } /* ephemeris-reading */

  /* ---------- calculate AM-coefficients ---------- */

  /* prepare call to barycentering routing */
  baryinput.site.location[0] = Detector->location[0]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[1] = Detector->location[1]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.site.location[2] = Detector->location[2]/LAL_C_SI;
  baryinput.alpha = CLA->Alpha;
  baryinput.delta = CLA->Delta;
  baryinput.dInv = 0.e0;

  /* amParams structure to compute a(t) and b(t) */

  /* Allocate space for amParams stucture */
  /* Here, amParams->das is the Detector and Source info */
  amParams = (AMCoeffsParams *)LALMalloc(sizeof(AMCoeffsParams));
  amParams->das = (LALDetAndSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALDetAndSource));
  amParams->das->pSource = (LALSource *)LALMalloc(sizeof(LALSource));
  /* Fill up AMCoeffsParams structure */
  amParams->baryinput = &baryinput;
  amParams->earth = &earth; 
  amParams->edat = edat;
  amParams->das->pDetector = Detector; 
  amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL;
  amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.longitude = CLA->Alpha;
  amParams->das->pSource->equatorialCoords.latitude = CLA->Delta;
  amParams->das->pSource->orientation = 0.0;

  amParams->polAngle = amParams->das->pSource->orientation ; /* These two have to be the same!!!!!!!!!*/
  /* Allocate space for AMCoeffs */
  TRY ( LALSCreateVector(status->statusPtr, &(amc.a), (UINT4)  CLA->nTsft), status);
  TRY ( LALSCreateVector(status->statusPtr, &(amc.b), (UINT4)  CLA->nTsft), status);
  /* Mid point of each SFT */
  midTS = (LIGOTimeGPS *)LALCalloc(CLA->nTsft,sizeof(LIGOTimeGPS));
  for(k=0; k < CLA->nTsft; k++)
      /* FIXME:  loss of precision; consider
      midTS[k] = timestamps->data[k];
      XLALGPSAdd(&midTS[k], 0.5*CLA->Tsft);
      REAL8 teemp=0.0;
      teemp = XLALGPSGetREAL8(&(timestamps->data[k]));
      teemp += 0.5*CLA->Tsft;
      XLALGPSSetREAL8(&(midTS[k]), teemp);
  TRY ( LALComputeAM(status->statusPtr, &amc, midTS, amParams), status);

  /* Free memory */
  XLALDestroyTimestampVector ( timestamps);




} /* ParseUserInput() */
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Function to parse a config-file-type string (or section thereof)
 * into a PulsarParams struct.
 * NOTE: The section-name is optional, and can be given as NULL,
 * in which case the top of the file (ie the "default section")
 * is used.
 * NOTE2: eventually ATNF/TEMPO2-style 'par-file' variables will also
 * be understood by this function, but we start out with a simpler version
 * that just deals with our 'CW-style' input variable for now
 * NOTE3: The config-file must be of a special "SourceParamsIO" form,
 * defining the following required and optional parameters:
 * Alpha, Delta, Freq, refTime
 * f1dot, f2dot, f3dot, f4dot, f5dot, f6dot
 * {h0, cosi} or {aPlus, aCross}, psi, phi0
 * transientWindowType, transientStartTime, transientTauDays
 * Other config-variables found in the file will ... ?? error or accept?
XLALReadPulsarParams ( PulsarParams *pulsarParams,	///< [out] pulsar parameters to fill in from config string
                       LALParsedDataFile *cfgdata,      ///< [in] pre-parsed "SourceParamsIO" config-file contents
                       const CHAR *secName		///< [in] section-name to use from config-file string (can be NULL)
  XLAL_CHECK ( pulsarParams != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK ( cfgdata != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL );

  XLAL_INIT_MEM ( (*pulsarParams) );	// wipe input struct clean

  // ---------- PulsarAmplitudeParams ----------
  // ----- h0, cosi
  REAL8 h0 = 0; BOOLEAN have_h0;
  REAL8 cosi = 0; BOOLEAN have_cosi;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &h0, cfgdata, secName, "h0", &have_h0 ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &cosi, cfgdata, secName, "cosi", &have_cosi ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  // ----- ALTERNATIVE: aPlus, aCross
  REAL8 aPlus = 0; BOOLEAN have_aPlus;
  REAL8 aCross = 0; BOOLEAN have_aCross;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &aPlus, cfgdata, secName, "aPlus", &have_aPlus ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &aCross, cfgdata, secName, "aCross", &have_aCross ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // if h0 then also need cosi, and vice-versa
  XLAL_CHECK ( (have_h0 && have_cosi) || ( !have_h0 && !have_cosi ), XLAL_EINVAL );
  // if aPlus then also need aCross, and vice-versa
  XLAL_CHECK ( (have_aPlus && have_aCross) || ( !have_aPlus && !have_aCross ), XLAL_EINVAL );
  // {h0,cosi} or {aPlus, aCross} mutually exclusive sets
  XLAL_CHECK ( ! ( have_h0 && have_aPlus ), XLAL_EINVAL );

  if ( have_aPlus )	/* translate A_{+,x} into {h_0, cosi} */
      XLAL_CHECK ( fabs ( aCross ) <= aPlus, XLAL_EDOM, "ERROR: |aCross| (= %g) must be <= aPlus (= %g).\n", fabs(aCross), aPlus );
      REAL8 disc = sqrt ( SQ(aPlus) - SQ(aCross) );
      h0 = aPlus + disc;
      if ( h0 > 0 ) {
        cosi = aCross / h0;	// avoid division by 0!
    } //if {aPlus, aCross}

  XLAL_CHECK ( h0 >= 0, XLAL_EDOM );
  pulsarParams->Amp.h0 	= h0;

  XLAL_CHECK ( (cosi >= -1) && (cosi <= 1), XLAL_EDOM );
  pulsarParams->Amp.cosi= cosi;

  // ----- psi
  REAL8 psi = 0; BOOLEAN have_psi;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &psi, cfgdata, secName, "psi", &have_psi ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Amp.psi = psi;

  // ----- phi0
  REAL8 phi0 = 0; BOOLEAN have_phi0;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &phi0, cfgdata, secName, "phi0", &have_phi0 ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Amp.phi0 = phi0;

  // ---------- PulsarDopplerParams ----------

  // ----- refTime
  LIGOTimeGPS refTime_GPS; BOOLEAN have_refTime;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigEPOCHVariable ( &refTime_GPS, cfgdata, secName, "refTime", &have_refTime ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_refTime, XLAL_EINVAL );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.refTime = refTime_GPS;

  // ----- Alpha
  REAL8 Alpha_Rad = 0; BOOLEAN have_Alpha;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigRAJVariable ( &Alpha_Rad, cfgdata, secName, "Alpha", &have_Alpha ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_Alpha, XLAL_EINVAL );

  XLAL_CHECK ( (Alpha_Rad >= 0) && (Alpha_Rad < LAL_TWOPI), XLAL_EDOM );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.Alpha = Alpha_Rad;

  // ----- Delta
  REAL8 Delta_Rad = 0; BOOLEAN have_Delta;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigDECJVariable ( &Delta_Rad, cfgdata, secName, "Delta", &have_Delta ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_Delta, XLAL_EINVAL );

  XLAL_CHECK ( (Delta_Rad >= -LAL_PI_2) && (Delta_Rad <= LAL_PI_2), XLAL_EDOM );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.Delta = Delta_Rad;

  // ----- fkdot
  // Freq
  REAL8 Freq = 0; BOOLEAN have_Freq;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &Freq, cfgdata, secName, "Freq", &have_Freq ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  XLAL_CHECK ( have_Freq, XLAL_EINVAL );

  XLAL_CHECK ( Freq > 0, XLAL_EDOM );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.fkdot[0] = Freq;

  // f1dot
  REAL8 f1dot = 0; BOOLEAN have_f1dot;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &f1dot, cfgdata, secName, "f1dot", &have_f1dot ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.fkdot[1] = f1dot;
  // f2dot
  REAL8 f2dot = 0; BOOLEAN have_f2dot;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &f2dot, cfgdata, secName, "f2dot", &have_f2dot ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.fkdot[2] = f2dot;
  // f3dot
  REAL8 f3dot = 0; BOOLEAN have_f3dot;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &f3dot, cfgdata, secName, "f3dot", &have_f3dot ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.fkdot[3] = f3dot;
  // f4dot
  REAL8 f4dot = 0; BOOLEAN have_f4dot;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &f4dot, cfgdata, secName, "f4dot", &have_f4dot ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.fkdot[4] = f4dot;
  // f5dot
  REAL8 f5dot = 0; BOOLEAN have_f5dot;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &f5dot, cfgdata, secName, "f5dot", &have_f5dot ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.fkdot[5] = f5dot;
  // f6dot
  REAL8 f6dot = 0; BOOLEAN have_f6dot;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &f6dot, cfgdata, secName, "f6dot", &have_f6dot ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  pulsarParams->Doppler.fkdot[6] = f6dot;

  // ----- orbit
  LIGOTimeGPS orbitTp; BOOLEAN have_orbitTp;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigEPOCHVariable ( &orbitTp, cfgdata, secName, "orbitTp", &have_orbitTp ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  REAL8 orbitArgp = 0; 	BOOLEAN have_orbitArgp;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &orbitArgp, cfgdata, secName, "orbitArgp", &have_orbitArgp ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  REAL8 orbitasini = 0 /* isolated pulsar */; BOOLEAN have_orbitasini;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &orbitasini, cfgdata, secName, "orbitasini", &have_orbitasini ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  REAL8 orbitEcc = 0;  	BOOLEAN have_orbitEcc;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &orbitEcc, cfgdata, secName, "orbitEcc", &have_orbitEcc ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  REAL8 orbitPeriod = 0;BOOLEAN have_orbitPeriod;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &orbitPeriod, cfgdata, secName, "orbitPeriod", &have_orbitPeriod ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  if ( have_orbitasini || have_orbitEcc || have_orbitPeriod || have_orbitArgp || have_orbitTp )
      XLAL_CHECK ( orbitasini >= 0, XLAL_EDOM );
      XLAL_CHECK ( (orbitasini == 0) || ( have_orbitEcc && have_orbitPeriod && have_orbitArgp && have_orbitTp ), XLAL_EINVAL );
      XLAL_CHECK ( (orbitEcc >= 0) && (orbitEcc <= 1), XLAL_EDOM );

      /* fill in orbital parameter structure */
      pulsarParams->Doppler.tp 		= orbitTp;
      pulsarParams->Doppler.argp 	= orbitArgp;
      pulsarParams->Doppler.asini 	= orbitasini;
      pulsarParams->Doppler.ecc 	= orbitEcc;
      pulsarParams->Doppler.period 	= orbitPeriod;

    } // if have non-trivial orbit

  // ---------- transientWindow_t ----------

  // ----- type
  char *transientWindowType = NULL; BOOLEAN have_transientWindowType;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigSTRINGVariable ( &transientWindowType, cfgdata, secName, "transientWindowType", &have_transientWindowType ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  // ----- t0
  REAL8 transientStartTime = 0; BOOLEAN have_transientStartTime;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &transientStartTime, cfgdata, secName, "transientStartTime", &have_transientStartTime ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
  // ----- tau
  REAL8 transientTauDays = 0; BOOLEAN have_transientTauDays;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALReadConfigREAL8Variable ( &transientTauDays, cfgdata, secName, "transientTauDays", &have_transientTauDays ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  int twtype = TRANSIENT_NONE;
  if ( have_transientWindowType ) {
    XLAL_CHECK ( (twtype = XLALParseTransientWindowName ( transientWindowType )) >= 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
    XLALFree ( transientWindowType );
  pulsarParams->Transient.type = twtype;

  if ( pulsarParams->Transient.type != TRANSIENT_NONE )
      XLAL_CHECK ( have_transientStartTime && have_transientTauDays, XLAL_EINVAL );
      XLAL_CHECK ( transientStartTime >= 0, XLAL_EDOM );
      XLAL_CHECK ( transientTauDays > 0, XLAL_EDOM );

      pulsarParams->Transient.t0   = (UINT4) transientStartTime;
      pulsarParams->Transient.tau  = (UINT4) ( transientTauDays * 86400 );
    } /* if transient window != none */
      XLAL_CHECK ( !(have_transientStartTime || have_transientTauDays), XLAL_EINVAL );

  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
} // XLALParsePulsarParams()