Exemplo n.º 1
const R3Point R3Box::
ClosestPoint(const R3Point& point) const
    // Return closest point in box
    R3Point closest(point);
    if (closest.X() < XMin()) closest[RN_X] = XMin();
    else if (closest.X() > XMax()) closest[RN_X] = XMax();
    if (closest.Y() < YMin()) closest[RN_Y] = YMin();
    else if (closest.Y() > YMax()) closest[RN_Y] = YMax();
    if (closest.Z() < ZMin()) closest[RN_Z] = ZMin();
    else if (closest.Z() > ZMax()) closest[RN_Z] = ZMax();
    return closest;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Box::Contains( Box const& other ) const
    return ( XMin() <= other.XMin() &&
        XMax() >= other.XMax() &&
        YMin() <= other.YMin() &&
        YMax() >= other.YMax() );
Jet MuXboostedBTagging::Result(std::vector<Lepton> const &muons,  Jet const &jet, Jet &core) const
    // Keep track of the smallest x for any muon
    auto min_x = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); // Large enough, simple significand
    // Iterate through each muon, add it to the core, and calculate the resulting boost invariant
    auto p4_neutrino_correction = Jet {};
    for (auto const &muon : muons) {
        // Add back the muon and the neutrino
        core += 2 * muon;
        // Set a hard ceiling on subjet mass, for poor reconstruction
        auto dot = muon.Spatial().Dot(core.Spatial());
        auto min = std::min(core.Mass(), MaxSubJetMass());
        if (dot == 0_eV * eV || min == 0_eV) continue;
        auto cross = muon.Spatial().Cross(core.Spatial()).Mag();
        auto x_core = static_cast<double>(core.Energy() * cross / dot / min);
        CHECK(x_core >= 0, x_core);
        if (x_core < 0) return jet;
        // Add the neutrino to original jet IFF the muon passes the boosted test
        if (x_core <= XMax()) p4_neutrino_correction += muon;
        min_x = std::min(min_x, x_core);

    auto result = jet + p4_neutrino_correction;
    CHECK(result.Pt() > 0_eV, result.Pt());
    CHECK(!(result.Pt() != result.Pt()), result.Pt())
    CHECK(!(core.Pt() != core.Pt()), core.Pt())
    CHECK(!(min_x != min_x), min_x)
    if (result.Pt() <= 0_eV) return jet;
    result.Info().SetMuBTag(min_x, core.Pt() / result.Pt());
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Box::Merge( Box const& other )
    if( other.Empty() )
    if( Empty() )
        *this = other;

    int l = std::min(x, other.x );
    int t = std::min(y, other.y );
    int r = std::max( XMax(), other.XMax() );
    int b = std::max( YMax(), other.YMax() );

    x = l;
    y = t;
    w = (r-l)+1;
    h = (b-t)+1;