static int luaopen_ltextextents (lua_State *L) { int metatable, methods; /* create methods table, & add it to the table of globals */ //hd.. luaL_openlib(L, YOUR_T, your_methods, 0); luaL_newlib(L, TextExtents_methods); lua_setglobal(L, "TextExtents"); //luaL_register(L, LUACAIRO ".TextExtents", TextExtents_methods); methods = lua_gettop(L); /* create metatable for your_t, & add it to the registry */ luaL_newmetatable(L, LUACAIRO ""); //hd.. luaL_openlib(L, 0, your_meta_methods, 0); /* fill metatable */ luaL_newlib(L, TextExtents_meta_methods); lua_setglobal(L, ""); //luaL_register(L, NULL, TextExtents_meta_methods); metatable = lua_gettop(L); lua_pushliteral(L, "__metatable"); lua_pushvalue(L, methods); /* dup methods table*/ lua_rawset(L, metatable); /* hide metatable: metatable.__metatable = methods */ lua_pushliteral(L, "__index"); lua_pushvalue(L, metatable); /* upvalue index 1 */ Xet_add(L, TextExtents_getters); /* fill metatable with getters */ lua_pushvalue(L, methods); /* upvalue index 2 */ lua_pushcclosure(L, Xet_index_handler, 2); lua_rawset(L, metatable); /* metatable.__index = index_handler */ lua_pushliteral(L, "__newindex"); lua_newtable(L); /* table for members you can set */ Xet_add(L, TextExtents_setters); /* fill with setters */ lua_pushcclosure(L, Xet_newindex_handler, 1); lua_rawset(L, metatable); /* metatable.__newindex = newindex_handler */ lua_newtable(L); lua_pushstring(L, "__call"); lua_pushcfunction(L, new_TextExtents); lua_settable(L, -3); lua_setmetatable(L, methods); lua_pop(L, 1); /* drop metatable */ //hd.. return 1; /* return methods on the stack */ //lua_pop(L, 1); //hd.. drop methods return 0; }
int registerStruct(lua_State* luaSt, const char* name, const Xet_reg_pre* getters, const Xet_reg_pre* setters, const luaL_reg* regMetaMethods, const luaL_reg* regMethods) { int metatable, methods; /* create methods table, and add it to the table of globals */ luaL_register(luaSt, name, regMethods); methods = lua_gettop(luaSt); /* create metatable for type, and add it to the registry */ luaL_newmetatable(luaSt, name); luaL_register(luaSt, NULL, regMetaMethods); /* fill metatable */ metatable = lua_gettop(luaSt); lua_pushliteral(luaSt, "__metatable"); lua_pushvalue(luaSt, methods); /* dup methods table*/ lua_rawset(luaSt, metatable); /* hide metatable: metatable.__metatable = methods */ lua_pushliteral(luaSt, "__index"); lua_pushvalue(luaSt, metatable); /* upvalue index 1 */ Xet_add(luaSt, getters); /* fill metatable with getters */ lua_pushvalue(luaSt, methods); /* upvalue index 2 */ lua_pushcclosure(luaSt, indexHandler, 2); lua_rawset(luaSt, metatable); /* metatable.__index = indexHandler */ lua_pushliteral(luaSt, "__newindex"); lua_newtable(luaSt); /* table for members you can set */ Xet_add(luaSt, setters); /* fill with setters */ lua_pushcclosure(luaSt, newIndexHandler, 1); lua_rawset(luaSt, metatable); /* metatable.__newindex = newIndexHandler */ lua_pop(luaSt, 2); /* drop metatable and methods */ return 0; }