bool SensorFile::init( const string &fileName ) { if( mInited ) return false; fs::path fullPath( getAssetPath( string( "capture/" ) + fileName )); if( ! fs::exists( fullPath )) { console() << "Unable to load captured file: " << fileName << endl; return false; } mDoc = XmlTree( loadFile( fullPath )); if( mDoc.hasChild( "PulseSensor" )) { XmlTree &xmlPulseSensor = mDoc.getChild( "PulseSensor" ); mName = xmlPulseSensor.getAttributeValue<string>( "Name" , "" ); if( xmlPulseSensor.hasChild( "Data" )) { mListXmlData = &xmlPulseSensor.getChildren(); mXmlDataActIt = mListXmlData->end(); mInited = true; mTime = getElapsedSeconds(); return true; } } console() << "Invalid captured file: " << fileName << endl; return false; }
XmlTree Aspring::toXml() { XmlTree p( "Aspring", "" ); p.push_back( getCoreXml() ); //attributes p.push_back( XmlTree( "k", toString(k) ) ); p.push_back( XmlTree( "d", toString(d) ) ); //references if(P1 != NULL && P2 != NULL){ p.push_back( XmlTree( "P1", P1->Ref ) ); p.push_back( XmlTree( "P2", P2->Ref ) ); } if(COLLIDER != NULL){ p.push_back( XmlTree( "COLLIDER", COLLIDER->Ref ) ); } //return result return p; }
void DataManager::generateXmlFile(){ XmlTree dataTree; dataTree.setTag("QLT_Genome_Data"); dataTree.push_back(XmlTree("datapath","./data/exons/")); XmlTree datas("datasets",""); for(int i=0;i<23;i++){ XmlTree dataset("dataset",""); dataset.setAttribute("id", i); dataset.push_back( XmlTree("title","Chromosome "+toString(i+1)) ); dataset.push_back( XmlTree("map","exons."+toString(i+1)+".locations") ); dataset.push_back( XmlTree("bases","exons."+toString(i+1)+".bases") ); datas.push_back( dataset ); } dataTree.push_back( datas ); DataTargetPathRef f = writeFile( getAssetPath( "QLT_Genome_Data.xml" ), true ); dataTree.write( f ); }
PlistReader::PlistReader() { XmlTree plist = XmlTree(loadResource( "RECIPES.plist" ) ); console() << "this is the tag name... " << plist.getTag() << "IS THIS A DOC ELEMENT OR WAHAT???? " << plist.isDocument() << endl; try { root = plist.getChild("plist"); } catch(XmlTree::Exception e){ console() << "darn" << endl; } //trace(root); parseRecipes(); }
WarpList Warp::readSettings( const DataSourceRef &source ) { XmlTree doc; WarpList warps; // try to load the specified xml file try { doc = XmlTree( source ); } catch( ... ) { return warps; } // check if this is a valid file bool isWarp = doc.hasChild( "warpconfig" ); if( !isWarp ) return warps; // if( isWarp ) { // get first profile XmlTree profileXml = doc.getChild( "warpconfig/profile" ); // iterate maps for( XmlTree::ConstIter child = profileXml.begin( "map" ); child != profileXml.end(); ++child ) { XmlTree warpXml = child->getChild( "warp" ); // create warp of the correct type std::string method = warpXml.getAttributeValue<std::string>( "method", "unknown" ); if( method == "bilinear" ) { WarpBilinearRef warp( new WarpBilinear() ); warp->fromXml( warpXml ); warps.push_back( warp ); } else if( method == "perspective" ) { WarpPerspectiveRef warp( new WarpPerspective() ); warp->fromXml( warpXml ); warps.push_back( warp ); } else if( method == "perspectivebilinear" ) { WarpPerspectiveBilinearRef warp( new WarpPerspectiveBilinear() ); warp->fromXml( warpXml ); warps.push_back( warp ); } } } return warps; }
void parseItem( const rapidxml::xml_node<> &node, XmlTree *parent, XmlTree *result, const XmlTree::ParseOptions &options ) { *result = XmlTree(, node.value(), parent ); for( const rapidxml::xml_node<> *item = node.first_node(); item; item = item->next_sibling() ) { XmlTree::NodeType type; switch( item->type() ) { case rapidxml::node_element: type = XmlTree::NODE_ELEMENT; break; case rapidxml::node_cdata: { if( options.getCollapseCData() ) { result->setValue( result->getValue() + item->value() ); continue; } else { type = XmlTree::NODE_CDATA; } } break; case rapidxml::node_comment: type = XmlTree::NODE_COMMENT; break; case rapidxml::node_doctype: { result->setDocType( item->value() ); continue; } case rapidxml::node_data: { if( ! options.getIgnoreDataChildren() ) type = XmlTree::NODE_DATA; else continue; } break; default: continue; } result->getChildren().push_back( unique_ptr<XmlTree>( new XmlTree ) ); parseItem( *item, result, result->getChildren().back().get(), options ); result->getChildren().back()->setNodeType( type ); } for( rapidxml::xml_attribute<> *attr = node.first_attribute(); attr; attr = attr->next_attribute() ) result->getAttributes().push_back( XmlTree::Attr( result, attr->name(), attr->value() ) ); }
void Config::save(fs::path filePath) { std::string myXmlStr( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" ); XmlTree doc(myXmlStr); XmlTree node; node.setTag("general"); for(std::vector<ConfigParam>::iterator it = mConfigParameters.begin(); it!=mConfigParameters.end(); ++it) { XmlTree pn; pn.setTag(it->name); switch(it->type) { case _NODE: doc.push_back( node ); node = XmlTree(); node.setTag(it->name); break; case _BOOL: if( *((bool*)it->param) ) { pn.setValue<int>( 1 ); } else { pn.setValue<int>( 0 ); } node.push_back( pn ); break; case _FLOAT: pn.setValue<float>( *((float*)it->param) ); node.push_back( pn ); break; case _DOUBLE: pn.setValue<double>( *((double*)it->param) ); node.push_back( pn ); break; case _INT: pn.setValue<int>( *((int*)it->param) ); node.push_back( pn ); break; case _VEC3F: pn.setAttribute<float>("x", (*((Vec3f*)it->param)).x); pn.setAttribute<float>("y", (*((Vec3f*)it->param)).y); pn.setAttribute<float>("z", (*((Vec3f*)it->param)).z); node.push_back( pn ); break; case _QUATF: pn.setAttribute<float>("w", (*((Quatf*)it->param)).w); pn.setAttribute<float>("x", (*((Quatf*)it->param)).v.x); pn.setAttribute<float>("y", (*((Quatf*)it->param)).v.y); pn.setAttribute<float>("z", (*((Quatf*)it->param)).v.z); node.push_back( pn ); break; case _COLOR: pn.setAttribute<float>("r", (*((Color*)it->param)).r); pn.setAttribute<float>("g", (*((Color*)it->param)).g); pn.setAttribute<float>("b", (*((Color*)it->param)).b); node.push_back( pn ); break; case _COLORA: pn.setAttribute<float>("r", (*((ColorA*)it->param)).r); pn.setAttribute<float>("g", (*((ColorA*)it->param)).g); pn.setAttribute<float>("b", (*((ColorA*)it->param)).b); pn.setAttribute<float>("a", (*((ColorA*)it->param)).a); node.push_back( pn ); break; case _STRING: pn.setValue<std::string>( *((std::string*)it->param) ); node.push_back( pn ); break; } } doc.push_back( node ); doc.write(writeFile(filePath)); }