Exemplo n.º 1
int GSocket::Recv_Dgram(char *buffer, int size)
  struct sockaddr from;
  WX_SOCKLEN_T fromlen = sizeof(from);
  int ret;
  GSocketError err;

  ret = recvfrom(m_fd, buffer, size, 0, &from, &fromlen);

  if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)
    return SOCKET_ERROR;

  /* Translate a system address into a GSocket address */
  if (!m_peer)
    m_peer = GAddress_new();
    if (!m_peer)
      m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
      return -1;
  err = _GAddress_translate_from(m_peer, &from, fromlen);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    m_peer  = NULL;
    m_error = err;
    return -1;

  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: gsocket.c Projeto: EdgarTx/wx
GAddress *GSocket_GetLocal(GSocket *socket)
  GAddress *address = NULL ;
  GSocketError err;
  InetAddress loc ;

  assert(socket != NULL);

  /* try to get it from the m_local var first */
  if (socket->m_local)
    return GAddress_copy(socket->m_local);

  /* else, if the socket is initialized, try getsockname */
  if (socket->m_endpoint == kOTInvalidEndpointRef)
    socket->m_error = GSOCK_INVSOCK;
    return NULL;

/* we do not support multihoming with this code at the moment
   OTGetProtAddress will have to be used then - but we don't have a handy
   method to use right now
    InetInterfaceInfo	info;
    OTInetGetInterfaceInfo(&info, kDefaultInetInterface);
    loc.fHost = info.fAddress ;
    loc.fPort = 0 ;
   	loc.fAddressType = AF_INET ;

  /* got a valid address from getsockname, create a GAddress object */
  address = GAddress_new();
  if (address == NULL)
    socket->m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;

  err = _GAddress_translate_from(address, &loc);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    socket->m_error = err;
    return NULL;

  return address;
Exemplo n.º 3
GAddress *GSocket::GetLocal()
  GAddress *address;
  struct sockaddr addr;
  SOCKLEN_T size = sizeof(addr);
  GSocketError err;


  /* try to get it from the m_local var first */
  if (m_local)
    return GAddress_copy(m_local);

  /* else, if the socket is initialized, try getsockname */
  if (m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
    m_error = GSOCK_INVSOCK;
    return NULL;

  if (getsockname(m_fd, &addr, (SOCKLEN_T *) &size) < 0)
    m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;
    return NULL;

  /* got a valid address from getsockname, create a GAddress object */
  address = GAddress_new();
  if (address == NULL)
    m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;

  err = _GAddress_translate_from(address, &addr, size);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    m_error = err;
    return NULL;

  return address;
Exemplo n.º 4
int GSocket::Recv_Dgram(char *buffer, int size)
  struct sockaddr from;
  SOCKLEN_T fromlen = sizeof(from);
  int ret;
  GSocketError err;

  fromlen = sizeof(from);

    ret = recvfrom(m_fd, buffer, size, 0, &from, (SOCKLEN_T *) &fromlen);
  } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); /* Loop until not interrupted */

  if (ret == -1)
    return -1;

  /* Translate a system address into a GSocket address */
  if (!m_peer)
    m_peer = GAddress_new();
    if (!m_peer)
      m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
      return -1;
  err = _GAddress_translate_from(m_peer, &from, fromlen);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    m_peer  = NULL;
    m_error = err;
    return -1;

  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: gsocket.c Projeto: EdgarTx/wx
int _GSocket_Recv_Dgram(GSocket *socket, char *buffer, int size)
  int ret = -1;
#if 0
  struct sockaddr from;
  WX_SOCKLEN_T fromlen = sizeof(from);
  GSocketError err;

  fromlen = sizeof(from);

  ret = recvfrom(socket->m_endpoint, buffer, size, 0, &from, (WX_SOCKLEN_T *) &fromlen);

  if (ret == -1)
    return -1;

  /* Translate a system address into a GSocket address */
  if (!socket->m_peer)
    socket->m_peer = GAddress_new();
    if (!socket->m_peer)
      socket->m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
      return -1;
  err = _GAddress_translate_from(socket->m_peer, &from, fromlen);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    socket->m_peer  = NULL;
    socket->m_error = err;
    return -1;
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
/* GSocket_WaitConnection:
 *  Waits for an incoming client connection. Returns a pointer to
 *  a GSocket object, or NULL if there was an error, in which case
 *  the last error field will be updated for the calling GSocket.
 *  Error codes (set in the calling GSocket)
 *    GSOCK_INVSOCK    - the socket is not valid or not a server.
 *    GSOCK_TIMEDOUT   - timeout, no incoming connections.
 *    GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK - the call would block and the socket is nonblocking.
 *    GSOCK_MEMERR     - couldn't allocate memory.
 *    GSOCK_IOERR      - low-level error.
GSocket *GSocket::WaitConnection()
  struct sockaddr from;
  SOCKLEN_T fromlen = sizeof(from);
  GSocket *connection;
  GSocketError err;
  int arg = 1;


  /* If the socket has already been created, we exit immediately */
  if (m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET || !m_server)
    m_error = GSOCK_INVSOCK;
    return NULL;

  /* Create a GSocket object for the new connection */
  connection = GSocket_new();

  if (!connection)
    m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;

  /* Wait for a connection (with timeout) */
  if (Input_Timeout() == GSOCK_TIMEDOUT)
    delete connection;
    /* m_error set by _GSocket_Input_Timeout */
    return NULL;

  connection->m_fd = accept(m_fd, &from, (SOCKLEN_T *) &fromlen);

  /* Reenable CONNECTION events */

  if (connection->m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
    if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
      m_error = GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK;
      m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;

    delete connection;
    return NULL;

  /* Initialize all fields */
  connection->m_server   = false;
  connection->m_stream   = true;

  /* Setup the peer address field */
  connection->m_peer = GAddress_new();
  if (!connection->m_peer)
    delete connection;
    m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;
  err = _GAddress_translate_from(connection->m_peer, &from, fromlen);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    delete connection;
    m_error = err;
    return NULL;
#if defined(__EMX__) || defined(__VISAGECPP__)
  ioctl(connection->m_fd, FIONBIO, (char*)&arg, sizeof(arg));
  ioctl(connection->m_fd, FIONBIO, &arg);

  return connection;
Exemplo n.º 7
/* GSocket_WaitConnection:
 *  Waits for an incoming client connection. Returns a pointer to
 *  a GSocket object, or NULL if there was an error, in which case
 *  the last error field will be updated for the calling GSocket.
 *  Error codes (set in the calling GSocket)
 *    GSOCK_INVSOCK    - the socket is not valid or not a server.
 *    GSOCK_TIMEDOUT   - timeout, no incoming connections.
 *    GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK - the call would block and the socket is nonblocking.
 *    GSOCK_MEMERR     - couldn't allocate memory.
 *    GSOCK_IOERR      - low-level error.
GSocket *GSocket::WaitConnection()
  GSocket *connection;
  struct sockaddr from;
  WX_SOCKLEN_T fromlen = sizeof(from);
  GSocketError err;
  u_long arg = 1;


  /* Reenable CONNECTION events */
  m_detected &= ~GSOCK_CONNECTION_FLAG;

  /* If the socket has already been created, we exit immediately */
  if (m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET || !m_server)
    m_error = GSOCK_INVSOCK;
    return NULL;

  /* Create a GSocket object for the new connection */
  connection = GSocket_new();

  if (!connection)
    m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;

  /* Wait for a connection (with timeout) */
  if (Input_Timeout() == GSOCK_TIMEDOUT)
    delete connection;
    /* m_error set by _GSocket_Input_Timeout */
    return NULL;

  connection->m_fd = accept(m_fd, &from, &fromlen);

  if (connection->m_fd == INVALID_SOCKET)
    if (WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
      m_error = GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK;
      m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;

    delete connection;
    return NULL;

  /* Initialize all fields */
  connection->m_server   = false;
  connection->m_stream   = true;

  /* Setup the peer address field */
  connection->m_peer = GAddress_new();
  if (!connection->m_peer)
    delete connection;
    m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;
  err = _GAddress_translate_from(connection->m_peer, &from, fromlen);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    delete connection;
    m_error = err;
    return NULL;

  ioctlsocket(connection->m_fd, FIONBIO, (u_long FAR *) &arg);

  return connection;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: gsocket.c Projeto: EdgarTx/wx
/* GSocket_WaitConnection:
 *  Waits for an incoming client connection. Returns a pointer to
 *  a GSocket object, or NULL if there was an error, in which case
 *  the last error field will be updated for the calling GSocket.
 *  Error codes (set in the calling GSocket)
 *    GSOCK_INVSOCK    - the socket is not valid or not a server.
 *    GSOCK_TIMEDOUT   - timeout, no incoming connections.
 *    GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK - the call would block and the socket is nonblocking.
 *    GSOCK_MEMERR     - couldn't allocate memory.
 *    GSOCK_IOERR      - low-level error.
GSocket *GSocket_WaitConnection(GSocket *socket)
  GSocket *connection = NULL ;

  assert(socket != NULL);

  /* Reenable CONNECTION events */
  socket->m_detected &= ~GSOCK_CONNECTION_FLAG;

  /* If the socket has already been created, we exit immediately */
  if (socket->m_endpoint == kOTInvalidEndpointRef || !socket->m_server)
    socket->m_error = GSOCK_INVSOCK;
    return NULL;

  /* Create a GSocket object for the new connection */
  connection = GSocket_new();

  if (!connection)
    socket->m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;

  /* Wait for a connection (with timeout) */
  if (_GSocket_Input_Timeout(socket) == GSOCK_TIMEDOUT)
    /* socket->m_error set by _GSocket_Input_Timeout */
    return NULL;

#if 0
  connection->m_endpoint = accept(socket->m_endpoint, &from, (WX_SOCKLEN_T *) &fromlen);

  if (connection->m_endpoint == kOTInvalidEndpointRef )
    if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
      socket->m_error = GSOCK_WOULDBLOCK;
      socket->m_error = GSOCK_IOERR;

    return NULL;

  /* Initialize all fields */
  connection->m_server   = FALSE;
  connection->m_stream   = TRUE;
  connection->m_oriented = TRUE;

  /* Setup the peer address field */
  connection->m_peer = GAddress_new();
  if (!connection->m_peer)
    socket->m_error = GSOCK_MEMERR;
    return NULL;
 // TODO
 #if 0
  err = _GAddress_translate_from(connection->m_peer, &from, fromlen);
  if (err != GSOCK_NOERROR)
    socket->m_error = err;
    return NULL;

  ioctl(connection->m_endpoint, FIONBIO, &arg);

  return connection;