CAMLprim value stub_xenctrlext_get_boot_cpufeatures(value xch) { CAMLparam1(xch); #if defined(XENCTRL_HAS_GET_CPUFEATURES) CAMLlocal1(v); uint32_t a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; int ret; ret = xc_get_boot_cpufeatures(_H(xch), &a, &b, &c, &d, &e, &f, &g, &h); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); v = caml_alloc_tuple(8); Store_field(v, 0, caml_copy_int32(a)); Store_field(v, 1, caml_copy_int32(b)); Store_field(v, 2, caml_copy_int32(c)); Store_field(v, 3, caml_copy_int32(d)); Store_field(v, 4, caml_copy_int32(e)); Store_field(v, 5, caml_copy_int32(f)); Store_field(v, 6, caml_copy_int32(g)); Store_field(v, 7, caml_copy_int32(h)); CAMLreturn(v); #else caml_failwith("XENCTRL_HAS_GET_CPUFEATURES not defined"); #endif }
CAMLprim value stub_xenctrlext_get_runstate_info(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); #if defined(XENCTRL_HAS_GET_RUNSTATE_INFO) CAMLlocal1(result); xc_runstate_info_t info; int retval; retval = xc_get_runstate_info(_H(xch), _D(domid), &info); if (retval < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); /* Store 0 : state (int32) 1 : missed_changes (int32) 2 : state_entry_time (int64) 3-8 : times (int64s) */ result = caml_alloc_tuple(9); Store_field(result, 0, caml_copy_int32(info.state)); Store_field(result, 1, caml_copy_int32(info.missed_changes)); Store_field(result, 2, caml_copy_int64(info.state_entry_time)); Store_field(result, 3, caml_copy_int64(info.time[0])); Store_field(result, 4, caml_copy_int64(info.time[1])); Store_field(result, 5, caml_copy_int64(info.time[2])); Store_field(result, 6, caml_copy_int64(info.time[3])); Store_field(result, 7, caml_copy_int64(info.time[4])); Store_field(result, 8, caml_copy_int64(info.time[5])); CAMLreturn(result); #else caml_failwith("XENCTRL_HAS_GET_RUNSTATE_INFO not defined"); #endif }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION * HDIa_widgetRelease * DESCRIPTION * * PARAMETERS * handle [IN] * RETURNS * *****************************************************************************/ int HDIa_widgetRelease(MSF_UINT32 handle) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Local Variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ widget_header_struct *node; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Code Body */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!handle) { return 0; } if (IS_FLAG_STATIC(handle)) { return 0; } if (IS_ACCESSKEY_TYPE(handle)) { WAP_DBG_ASSERT(0); return 0; } /* * Prevent HDIa_widgetRelease the same widgets for more than one time * (Teleca code might HDIa_widgetRelease the same widget twice.) * * Note: this only reduce the chance of memory corruption, but not eliminate it. * It is possible to allocate another widget at the same memory address, which is HDIa_widgetRelease()-ed * for the previous widget. * */ if (_H(handle)->data_type == WIDGET_MAX_TYPE) { WAP_DBG_ASSERT(0); return 1; } /* a screen and window only have one parent */ if (IS_SCREEN_TYPE(handle) || IS_WINDOW_TYPE(handle)) { NO_REF(handle); } DEC_REF(handle); if (HAS_REF(handle)) { return 1; } widget_pause_paint(); // TODO: should we do this in widget_free? foreach_childs(handle, node, { if (!IS_FLAG_STATIC(node)) widget_remove_childs(_H(handle), node);} );
CAMLprim value stub_xenctrlext_domain_set_timer_mode(value xch, value id, value mode) { CAMLparam3(xch, id, mode); int ret; ret = xcext_domain_set_timer_mode(_H(xch), _D(id), Int_val(mode)); if (ret < 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_dumpcore(value handle, value domid, value file) { CAMLparam3(handle, domid, file); int r; r = xc_domain_dumpcore(_H(handle), _D(domid), String_val(file)); if (r) failwith_oss_xc(_H(handle), "xc_domain_dumpcore"); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
CAMLprim value stub_xenctrlext_domain_suppress_spurious_page_faults(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); int retval = xc_domain_suppress_spurious_page_faults(_H(xch), _D(domid)); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
CAMLprim value stub_xenctrlext_domain_set_target(value xch, value domid, value target) { CAMLparam3(xch, domid, target); int retval = xc_domain_set_target(_H(xch), _D(domid), _D(target)); if (retval) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
/* this is the slow version of resume for uncooperative domain, * the fast version is available in close source xc */ CAMLprim value stub_xc_domain_resume_slow(value handle, value domid) { CAMLparam2(handle, domid); int r; /* hard code fast to 0, we only want to expose the slow version here */ r = xc_domain_resume(_H(handle), _D(domid), 0); if (r) failwith_oss_xc(_H(handle), "xc_domain_resume"); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
CAMLprim value stub_xenctrlext_domain_get_acpi_s_state(value xch, value domid) { CAMLparam2(xch, domid); unsigned long v; int ret; ret = xc_get_hvm_param(_H(xch), _D(domid), HVM_PARAM_ACPI_S_STATE, &v); if (ret != 0) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_int(v)); }
CAMLprim value stub_xenctrlext_get_max_nr_cpus(value xch) { CAMLparam1(xch); xc_physinfo_t c_physinfo; int r; caml_enter_blocking_section(); r = xc_physinfo(_H(xch), &c_physinfo); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (r) failwith_xc(_H(xch)); CAMLreturn(Val_int(c_physinfo.max_cpu_id + 1)); }
linAccModel::linAccModel() { valid = true; type = "constAcceleration"; printf("linAccModel::init:start \n"); rowA = 2; colA = 2; Matrix _A(2,2); Matrix _B(2,1); Matrix _H(2,2); A = _A; B = _B; H = _H;;;; //discratisation with sampling rate 0.01 A(0,0) = 1; A(0,1) = 0.01; A(1,1) = 1; B(0,1) = 5e-05; B(1,0) = 0.01; H(1,1) = 1; printf("linAccModel::init:stop \n"); }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION * widget_paint_editor * DESCRIPTION * * PARAMETERS * editor [?] * size [?] * pos [?] * RETURNS * void *****************************************************************************/ void widget_paint_editor(widget_editor_struct *editor, MsfSize *size, MsfPosition *pos) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Local Variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Code Body */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (WEDITOR_CTX->current_state == FULLSCREEN_EDITOR_WANT_EXECUTE) { void *buffer; #ifdef __MMI_WCSS_INPUT_FORMAT_SUPPORT__ widget_init_input_CSS_pattern((const char *)L"*m"); #endif buffer = widget_string_content(editor->text); widget_setup_fullscreen_editor( _H(editor), buffer, editor->input_max_size + 1, editor->text_type, 0, editor->title, (const char *)L"*m"); widget_enter_fullscreen_editor(); } }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION * HDIa_widgetHasFocus * DESCRIPTION * * PARAMETERS * handle [IN] * RETURNS * *****************************************************************************/ int HDIa_widgetHasFocus(MSF_UINT32 handle) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Local Variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ widget_header_struct *node; widget_header_struct *w = _H(handle); widget_header_struct *p; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Code Body */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ while (w && w->parent) { p = w->parent; widget_get_active_childs(node, p); if (node != w) { return 0; } if (IS_SCREEN_TYPE(node)) { return 1; } w = p; } return 0; }
CAMLprim value stub_xc_hvm_build_native(value xc_handle, value domid, value mem_max_mib, value mem_start_mib, value image_name, value store_evtchn, value console_evtchn) { CAMLparam5(xc_handle, domid, mem_max_mib, mem_start_mib, image_name); CAMLxparam2(store_evtchn, console_evtchn); CAMLlocal1(result); char *image_name_c = strdup(String_val(image_name)); char *error[256]; xc_interface *xch; unsigned long store_mfn=0; unsigned long console_mfn=0; int r; struct flags f; /* The xenguest interface changed and was backported to XCP: */ #if defined(XENGUEST_HAS_HVM_BUILD_ARGS) || (__XEN_LATEST_INTERFACE_VERSION__ >= 0x00040200) struct xc_hvm_build_args args; #endif get_flags(&f, _D(domid)); xch = _H(xc_handle); configure_vcpus(xch, _D(domid), f); configure_tsc(xch, _D(domid), f); #if defined(XENGUEST_HAS_HVM_BUILD_ARGS) || (__XEN_LATEST_INTERFACE_VERSION__ >= 0x00040200) args.mem_size = (uint64_t)Int_val(mem_max_mib) << 20; args.mem_target = (uint64_t)Int_val(mem_start_mib) << 20; args.mmio_size = f.mmio_size_mib << 20; args.image_file_name = image_name_c; #endif caml_enter_blocking_section (); #if defined(XENGUEST_HAS_HVM_BUILD_ARGS) || (__XEN_LATEST_INTERFACE_VERSION__ >= 0x00040200) r = xc_hvm_build(xch, _D(domid), &args); #else r = xc_hvm_build_target_mem(xch, _D(domid), Int_val(mem_max_mib), Int_val(mem_start_mib), image_name_c); #endif caml_leave_blocking_section (); free(image_name_c); if (r) failwith_oss_xc(xch, "hvm_build"); r = hvm_build_set_params(xch, _D(domid), Int_val(store_evtchn), &store_mfn, Int_val(console_evtchn), &console_mfn, f); if (r) failwith_oss_xc(xch, "hvm_build_params"); result = caml_alloc_tuple(2); Store_field(result, 0, caml_copy_nativeint(store_mfn)); Store_field(result, 1, caml_copy_nativeint(console_mfn)); CAMLreturn(result); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_notify(value xce, value port) { if(xc_evtchn_notify(_H(xce), Int_val(port)) == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn notify failed"); return Val_unit; }
static void msf_sas_progressbar_cancel_hdlr(ctk_screen_handle scrid) { MsfWindowHandle window = HDIa_widgetCtkGetWindow(scrid); HDIc_widgetAction(_H(window)->module_id, window, 0); widget_send_update_event_to_wap(); }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION * widget_is_window_gadget_displayed * DESCRIPTION * * PARAMETERS * msfHandle [IN] * RETURNS * *****************************************************************************/ kal_bool widget_is_window_gadget_displayed(MSF_UINT32 msfHandle) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Local Variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ widget_header_struct *h; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Code Body */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (msfHandle == 0) { WAP_DBG_ASSERT(0); return KAL_FALSE; } if (IS_GADGET_TYPE(msfHandle)) { h = _H(msfHandle)->parent; } else if (IS_WINDOW_TYPE(msfHandle)) { h = _H(msfHandle); } else { WAP_DBG_ASSERT(0); return KAL_FALSE; } if (h == NULL) { return KAL_FALSE; } if (h == (widget_header_struct*) WGUI_CTX->current_window) { return KAL_TRUE; } else { return KAL_FALSE; } }
void minJerkModel::init(double _paramA, double _paramB) { paramA = _paramA; paramB = _paramB; T = _paramB; u = _paramA; double T2 = T * T; double T3 = T2 * T; a = -150.765868956161/T3; b = -84.9812819469538/T2; c = -15.9669610709384/T; rowA = 3; colA = 3; Matrix _A(3,3); Matrix _B(3,1); Matrix _H(3,3); A = _A; B = _B; H = _H;;;; //discretisation with sampling rate 0.01; if(T==1) { A(0,0) = 1.0000000; A(0,1) = 0.009986; A(0,2) = 4.741e-05; A(1,0) = -0.007148; A(1,1) = 0.995900; A(1,2) = 0.0092290; A(2,0) = -1.391000; A(2,1) = -0.79150; A(2,2) = 0.8486000; B(0,0) = 2.415e-05; B(1,0) = 0.0071480; B(2,0) = 1.391; } else if (T== 2){ A(0,0) = 1.000000000; A(0,1) = 0.009997; A(0,2) = 4.869e-05; A(1,0) = -0.0009175; A(1,1) = 0.999000; A(1,2) = 0.009608; A(2,0) = -0.18110000; A(2,1) = -0.20500; A(2,2) = 0.9223; B(0,0) = 3.079e-06; B(1,0) = 0.0009175; B(2,0) = 0.1811; } else { // unknown T // A is 0 // B is 0 } H(0,0) = 1; H(1,1) = 1; H(2,2) = 1; }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_unmask(value xce, value _port) { CAMLparam2(xce, _port); evtchn_port_t port; port = Int_val(_port); if (xc_evtchn_unmask(_H(xce), port)) caml_failwith("evtchn unmask failed"); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_bind_dom_exc_virq(value xce) { evtchn_port_or_error_t rc; rc = xc_evtchn_bind_virq(_H(xce), VIRQ_DOM_EXC); if (rc == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn bind_dom_exc_virq failed"); return Val_int(rc); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_fd(value xce) { int fd; fd = xc_evtchn_fd(_H(xce)); if (fd == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn fd failed"); return Val_int(fd); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_pending(value xce) { evtchn_port_or_error_t port; port = xc_evtchn_pending(_H(xce)); if (port == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn pending failed"); return Val_int(port); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_bind_unbound_port(value xce, value remote_domid) { evtchn_port_or_error_t rc; rc = xc_evtchn_bind_unbound_port(_H(xce), Int_val(remote_domid)); if (rc == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn bind_unbound_port failed"); return Val_int(rc); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_bind_interdomain(value xce, value domid, value remote_port) { evtchn_port_or_error_t rc; rc = xc_evtchn_bind_interdomain(_H(xce), Int_val(domid), Int_val(remote_port)); if (rc == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn bind_interdomain failed"); return Val_int(rc); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_notify(value xce, value port) { CAMLparam2(xce, port); if(xc_evtchn_notify(_H(xce), Int_val(port)) == -1) { perror("xc_evtchn_notify"); caml_failwith(strerror(errno)); } CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_notify(value xce, value port) { CAMLparam2(xce, port); int rc; rc = xc_evtchn_notify(_H(xce), Int_val(port)); if (rc == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn notify failed"); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_pending(value xce) { CAMLparam1(xce); CAMLlocal1(result); evtchn_port_or_error_t port; port = xc_evtchn_pending(_H(xce)); if (port == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn pending failed"); result = Val_int(port); CAMLreturn(result); }
void genPredModel::init(double paramA, double paramB) { rowA = 3; colA = 3; Matrix _A(3,3); Matrix _B(3,3); Matrix _H(3,3); A = _A; B = _B; H = _H;;;; }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_bind_dom_exc_virq(value xce) { CAMLparam1(xce); CAMLlocal1(port); evtchn_port_or_error_t rc; rc = xc_evtchn_bind_virq(_H(xce), VIRQ_DOM_EXC); if (rc == -1) caml_failwith("evtchn bind_dom_exc_virq failed"); port = Val_int(rc); CAMLreturn(port); }
CAMLprim value stub_eventchn_fd(value xce) { CAMLparam1(xce); int fd; fd = xc_evtchn_fd(_H(xce)); if (fd == -1) { perror("xc_evtchn_fd"); caml_failwith(strerror(errno)); } CAMLreturn(Val_int(fd)); }