static VOID FillAudioBuffer(WAVESTREAM *wsPtr) {

 ULONG space;
 ULONG bytesWritten = 0;        // just for tracePerf
 STREAM *streamPtr = wsPtr->streamPtr;
 AUDIOBUFFER *abPtr = &wsPtr->waPtr->ab;

 // while have process buffers and there is space in the audio buffer, write data to the audio buffer


 space = abSpace(abPtr) & ALIGN_FILL_PLAY;

 while(space && sbNotEmpty(&streamPtr->sbaProc)) {
    bytesWritten = bytesWritten + WriteAudioBuffer(wsPtr);  // bytesWritten just for tracePerf
    space = abSpace(abPtr) & ALIGN_FILL_PLAY;

 tracePerf(TRACE_FILLAUDIOBUFFER_OUT, (bytesWritten << 16) | _IF());  //

Exemplo n.º 2
VOID streamReturnBuffer(STREAM *streamPtr) {

 static SHD_REPORTINT shdri = {SHD_REPORT_INT,0,0,0,0,0};  // structure to return buffers to SHD

 STREAM_BUFFER *tsbPtr = sbPopHead(&streamPtr->sbaDone);  // was STREAM_BUFFER *tsbPtr = (PSTREAMBUFFER)qhDone.PopHead();

// !!!
//ddprintf("@streamReturnBuffer, streamPtr=%x\n",streamPtr);

 if (tsbPtr) {

    if (streamPtr->streamType & STREAM_WRITE) {

       // this is a write (playback): tell stream handler that we played all of the buffer

       shdri.ulFlag = SHD_WRITE_COMPLETE;
       shdri.ulStatus = tsbPtr->bufferSize;
    else {

       // this is a capture: tell stream hamdler how much data we wrote to the buffer

       shdri.ulFlag = SHD_READ_COMPLETE;
       shdri.ulStatus = tsbPtr->bufferCurrPos;

    shdri.hStream = streamPtr->streamH;
    shdri.pBuffer = tsbPtr->bufferPtr;

    // wavestreamGetCurrentTime() needs to access stream's parent WAVESTREAM structure --
    // this is the only case (so far) where a stream operation needs to look at what's
    // in WAVSTREAM (specifically, abPtr, needed by this get time call) -- had to add
    // this member to the STREAM structure (1-Feb-99), and set it up in streamInit(),
    // which is called by wavestreamInit() (WAVESTREAM constructor) by IoctlAudioInit()...
    // ugh, the driver docs just plain suck

    shdri.ulStreamTime = wavestreamGetCurrentTime(streamPtr->wsParentPtr);

 tracePerf(TRACE_RETBUFFER_IN, _IF());

    streamPtr->pfnSHD(&shdri);  // function call


    free(tsbPtr); // this is what lots and lots of allocations come from

// !!!


Exemplo n.º 3
IplImage* callback(IplImage* image)

    IplImage* Show1 = cvCreateImage( cvSize(640,480), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    IplImage* Show2 = cvCreateImage( cvSize(640,480), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    IplImage* ImageC1 = cvCreateImage( cvSize(640,480), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

    cvCvtColor( image, ImageC1, CV_RGB2GRAY);
   // cvFlip( ImageC1, NULL, 0);
    double *mi;
    double *md;

    mi = new double[3*3];
    md = new double[4];

    CvMat intrinsic_matrix,distortion_coeffs;


    double fc1,fc2,cc1,cc2,kc1,kc2,kc3,kc4;
  /*fc1 = 636.796592;
    fc2 = 639.002846;
    cc1 = 320.575856;
    cc2 = 238.909624;
    kc1 = 0.008447;
    kc2 = -0.072905;
    kc3 = -0.001818;
    kc4 = -0.000562; */
    fc1 = 426.331624;
    fc2 = 426.556478;
    cc1 = 365.956413;
    cc2 = 202.451300;
    kc1 = -0.422263;
    kc2 = 0.182853;
    kc3 = -0.007801;
    kc4 = 0.002509;

    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 0, 0, fc1);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 0, 1, 0);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 0, 2, cc1);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 1, 0, 0);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 1, 1, fc2);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 1, 2, cc2);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 2, 0, 0);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 2, 1, 0);
    cvmSet(&intrinsic_matrix, 2, 2, 1);

    cvmSet(&distortion_coeffs, 0, 0, kc1);
    cvmSet(&distortion_coeffs, 0, 1, kc2);
    cvmSet(&distortion_coeffs, 0, 2, kc3);
    cvmSet(&distortion_coeffs, 0, 3, kc4);
    cvUndistort2( ImageC1, Show1, &intrinsic_matrix, &distortion_coeffs);

    for (int nx=0; nx<640; nx++)
        for (int ny=0; ny<480; ny++)
          //  double x=nx-50;
          //  double y=ny-50;
            double x=nx;
            double y=ny;
            double xx=(x-cc1)/fc1;
            double yy=(y-cc2)/fc2;
            double r2=pow(xx,2)+pow(yy,2);
            double r4=pow(r2,2);
            double xxx=xx*(1+kc1*r2+kc2*r4)+2*kc3*xx*yy+kc4*(r2+2*xx*xx);
            double yyy=yy*(1+kc1*r2+kc2*r4)+2*kc4*xx*yy+kc3*(r2+2*yy*yy);
            double xxxx = xxx*fc1+cc1;
            double yyyy = yyy*fc2+cc2;
            if (xxxx>0 && xxxx<640 && yyyy>0 && yyyy<480)
                _I(Show2,nx,ny) = (int)_IF(ImageC1,xxxx,yyyy);
                _I(Show2,nx,ny) = 0;


   // cvShowImage("径向矫正1", Show1);
  //  cvShowImage("径向矫正2", Show2);
  //  cvWaitKey(1);
    cvReleaseImage( &Show1 );    
  //  cvReleaseImage( &Show2 );    
    cvReleaseImage( &ImageC1 );   
    return Show2; //选了第二种方法
